Masters week &. 9 holes of golf

WARMUP: Mosey to the millstone parking lot for various exercises with burpees sprinkled in
THE THANG:  9 holes of golf – counts always adding up to 18 – burpees at the tee box and squats at the green: 16-2, 14-4, etc. pax played par 5’s 4’s and 3’s – covered almost 3 miles on this alone. Afterwards, pax moseyed to veterans park for a pledge to honor all who serve our country.
MARY: no time – Stang thought it more important we stretch, so after 5 burpees upon getting back to WEP, we did.
ANNOUNCEMENTS:  took place
COT: 5th core principle

Thanks, Grinder, for the call out. Honored to lead where it all started. 👁

TClap |

Wellness Check on Mr Harris – and We Love You Cable Guy!!

WARMUP: None other than most excellent pre-run mumblechatter and then giving the route. The former warmed us up more than the latter.

THE THANG: We ran. Some faster than others but that does not matter as long as you are there. Route was L on Munn, L on Harris, take Harris to the end, L on Massey, L on 160 then take it to COT. Extra credit – old Kingsley loop.
Without EC – around 4 miles
With EC – about 4.9
Hills are in both versions.
Mr Harris can get in your head. He is a daunting hill. Just keep after it and DFQ. Get him out of your headspace to conquer him!

MARY: My Mom’s name. Love it.


COT: Plenty.

Special prayers towards one of our own – Cable Guy – and his family, loved ones. Today marks the one year anniversary of the way too soon passing of his much beloved son Noah. He was a great young man in many ways. We love you CG!!!

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Map down the hill, through the peach grove and to the park

THE THANG: Rucked from Kingsley to WEP with a loop around WEP and back to Kingsley. 3.25 miles round trip
ANNOUNCEMENTS: It’s in the newsletter
COT: Closed in prayer

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Inaugural Jaeger

Beautiful March weather (seriously it was a perfect day) for the 0800 launch of the Eröffnung Jäger. PAX were assured by Grinder that the routes were well marked and there were no Zima-miles. This proved to be 99.9% true (you could still get lost if you wanted to…)

The premise was solid. 4 man team (2 Ruckers, 2 Runners). Runners had longer routes and teams met at checkpoints for team exercises before they could head to the next station. The pain stations were tough. Lutefisk about killed the PAX at the first one. (Oh, that was just me?) Triple Lindy had us loading munitions. Cake Boss brought candy, but it was not a sweet treat. (Could have also been that the leg leading to Alison Park was soul crushing….) Tinsel forgot it was a CSAUP and thought he was prepping for a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs wresting match.

The finishing team results:
1.) Vuvu/Beaker (for the record you were suggested to have a 4 man team…)
2.) Cobra Kai’s crew (that included the mythical Gekko)
3.) Camp 3D’s Sugar Shady Band Bug
4.) Cornerstone’s posse
5.) Poppins’ Chimney Sweeps (seriously impressive that Badlands ran back from the final pain station to connect with his teams’ Ruckers)
6.) The Entourage around Shield
7.) Slow Jams and the Lake Ridge Wanders
8.) Lake Wylie’s Wild Thing drinking Whiskey and enjoying a Big Mac (great to see these guys from across the bridge here for the CSAUP)

Afterwards at the Print Shop, we celebrated the Dam 2 Dam fundraising effort where The Fort is sending $7,500 to Defend the Fatherless, $7,500 to Autism Strong, $7,500 to the Fort Mill Care Center, and $10,000 to the F3 the Fort endowed scholarship.

It is an honor to be part of The Fort alongside some amazing high impact men. On behalf of Grinder and the entire planning crew, this backblast is respectfully submitted by the smallest cog in the Jaeger machine—Band Camp.

For reference:
The Preblast:
YHC’s Strava tracker:

The Jaeger will hunt again next year. Send any feedback to:

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Sir Topham Hat Ran and Then Ran Away

WARMUP: Some stretched
MARY: Some stretched
ANNOUNCEMENTS: There were some
COT: It happened

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I Think We Where On A Trail

WARMUP: Was Done
THE THANG: Olaf asked me to Q several weeks ago and forgot all about it. Had he not texted me the night before I would not have shown. 0515 rolled around and we had 3 pax plus me. First time ever meeting Butter Fat, what a cool awesome dude. And he wore some Altra Lone Peaks so he was in the cool kid club already! We grabbed our rucks and sandbag and I took the boys to a trail or at least tried to find it, behind Earthfare that our humble Olaf is in process of making. I think we found parts of it. We made our way down Dave Gibson Blvd. to a trail that I’ve never been on before (Shocking I know). All in all we got around 2.5 miles while passing the sandbag back and forth throughout. Olaf underwent hand surgery so he rolled in at the end much to our surprise.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read Newsletter.

TClap |

Surprise!!! CakeBoss likes Burpees too🎂

Mosey to sidewalk by Little Caesars
11s: Burpees at bottom, Dips at top wall
3 stations on .70 loop
At each station perform 3 exercises then move to next round
Round 1: x3
5 burpees
10 Merkins
15 squats
Round 2: x3
5 Bombjacks
10 wide Arm Merkins
15 monkey humpers
Round 3: x3
5 Flying Squirrels
10 Diamond Merkins
15 one Leg squat

MARY: backdraft led quick exercise

Airborne Christmas Friday 12/16
Christmas Eve convergence
Read Newsletter

F3 and brotherhood is gift not to be take for granted
The busyness of Christmas we lose the reason of the season and that is that Sky Q sent Jesus on a rescue mission to save us from ourselves and own demise. Be grateful for his mission and love for us

TClap |

Gun & Run – Keeping It Simple

THE THANG: Ran approximately 2 to 3 miles, 7 pain stations with 30 reps of merkins, squats, and in cadence flutter kicks, and 3 reps of burpees. Totals: 200 merkins, 200 squats, 200 IC flutter kicks, 21 burpees. Finished up at the COT with isometric work for chest and arms.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Harris Park Garbage Detail, Dam to Dam Bar 10k on January 28th, FM Christmas Pary on Dec. 16h.
Closed COT with a prayer.

TClap |