Figure 8s on the Minnow Pond

WARMUP: The first lap behind the pacer (YHC) served as the warmup with three stops for exercises along the way.

THE THANG: The route today was a figure eight on the map — out the lot up to Skipper for a right turn at the Pharmacy (fka bank) down 160 to a right turn on Main street, down hill to a left turn on Railroad Ave left turn at Print Shop across the connector to Munroe White down the hill to Academy back to Main Street and Memorial Park.

Each time pax get to Print Shop it’s 10x Perfect Merkins (= Hand release Merkin with Shoulder tap at the top)

Each time pax get to Pharmacy lot it’s 20x Squats + 30x Plank jacks.

All pax got at least 3 laps for 3.3+ miles each.

MARY: Rebel led some Mary as the pax reconvened at the lot.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Whetstone revival at Hanging with Stang today (if you’re reading this you either made it or didn’t), Beers for Beetus, read your newsletter

COT: Pax pushed hard today, esp after lap 1 during which there was much mumblechatter. It’s cold out but not too cold for these HIMs!

Tesla and Shady were kings — crushed it, nowhere in sight!

16 pax owned Main St Fort Mill during first lap…should’ve had a camera recording the scene for a hype vid

Themes of Grace, Disgrace, Expectations and Shame running across my radar in recent days/weeks. Stirring interview with Marcus Mumford included his living for a long time “under layers and layers of shame.” Reflections on that article and his recent songs continue to draw me deeper. Check it out and reflect on your own experience —

Thanks for the invite Jekyll! Missed you!

Always an honor, pax! Thanks for pushing yourself and me today!

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Rucking with a Ripple

WARMUP: walk to corner and wait for Stang
Carrying the 6 plus ruck sacks we hit 2.5mi through Baxter and back to COT
MARY: n/a
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read newsletter
COT: Olaf took half the PAZ to uncharted territory at end and so hopefully nobody got lost or bit by coyote 👍🏻👏🏻🐆

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WARMUP: Ran downtown loop, planked at Drug Store and stretched
THE THANG: : Pike’s 10 Derkins, 10 dips, run to wall. Repeatx3. Run to Postoffice, Plank. Run to cross street that is shaped like a semi circle. 10 merkins at top, 20 LBCs at bottom, 10 merkins at top. Repeato untill 5:55- run back to COT. Leaders got 4miles

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Ian Spawned Off A Sharknado As It Left Tega Cay

WARMUP: Moraccian Nightclubs, Overhead Claps, Peter Parkers, Hill Billy Walkers, Cherry Pickers and Sumo Squats all in reps from 7 – 10.

THE THANG: Today seemed like a appropriate time to bring back out a workout that is a real ass kicker that I haven’t done in awhile. It’s called Sharknado. The running part is meant to be done in a relatively flat parking lot but since Alcatraz is where real men post I figured we needed to throw some Tega Cay hills in the mix. We started on a street in a neighborhood but after several dogs started barking at us running back and forth on the hill we decided to Omaha over to a even steeper hill with less houses. Here’s how Sharknado goes

Start with 10 burpees followed by a run up the hill and back.
Next 20 Hand Release Merkins run up and back
20 Big Boy Sit Ups run up and back
20 Monkey Humpers run up and back
20 Scorpion Dry Docks run up and back

Goal is try to make it through 5 rounds. 2 achieved 5 rounds the others completed 4 rounds and some change.
This workout sucks and will test even the fittest of Pax. Total of 2.5 miles of hills.

MARY: We returned to COT for 10 minutes of stretching which we found out Fishstix needs much more of in his life. There was much moaning and groaning for this segment of my Q.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bourbon Tasting, Skeet Shoot and Golf Tournament are all coming up for D2D fundraiser.
COT: Prayers for some Pax injured while running Bourbon Chase this weekend and their safe return home. Prayers for Pax in Florida and others we don’t know that got devastated from Ian. Let us be a huge support for them.
Thanks again for the Q stick fellas. Time for a nap.

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What Goes Down Must Come Up

THE THANG: No Q. Stang took the lead and decided we should run for the Harvest Point hills. First half was mostly downhill. Second half was mostly uphill. Stang made a pit stop before the finish to destroy a QT bathroom. HA HA!!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Alot going on. Read your newsletter and get involved.
COT: September is prostate cancer awareness month. It is not as advertised as breast cancer awareness month, but it kills just as many men. Get checked out.

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10 Year Convergence

Ten year celebration came to a close this morning with a convergence at WEP. 12 men came earlier for a run to support Operation Sweet Tooth. 84 men attended the main event with three great HIM leading the workout: CSPAN, Maximum, and WWL. No warm-ups this morning. CSPAN took his group around the block with various stops along the way. Seven reps of Flying Squirrels, Merkins, and Sit-ups. WWL had playtime at the playground. Burpees and Pull-ups along with running fast around the playground. Did I mention Power Skips? Maximum had a simple plan. Run backwards up the hill many times and destroy your abs with American Hammers.
We closed the chapter on the first 10 years.
Monday begin the next.
The future is bright.
How will you contribute to the next 10 years?
Make an impact.

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Miles and Smiles

WARMUP: No Warmup….we got right to it
THE THANG: We started our journey from Kingsley and took Munn road to Fort Mill High School…walked through the school grounds stopping along the way for 20 SQUATS and 20 Ruck curls…we rucked 3.1 miles
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence on 9/17
COT: Prayers and Praises

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Pole Dancing At The Yard

WARMUP: Mosey Pax to back parking lot. We did 10 Seal Jacks, 10 Plank Jacks, 10 Windmills, Moraccian Nightclubs, Over head claps, and 7 Merkins.
THE THANG: After the warmup I told the Pax to meet me at the road leading out to Springfield Pkwy. This was the start of the pole work we put in. Along the road there are 14 lights that I put exercises at each one. You start at the first light pole then you proceed to next pole after doing your reps at each. To continue down the road you have to start back at the beginning and work through all the previous poles before continuing to the next one. Here’s the list of the exercises and order they where in at the light posts:
Hand Release Merkins
Big Boy Sit Ups
Sumo Squats
Diamond Merkins
X’s and O’s
Carolina Dry Docks
Monkey Humpers
Wide Arm Merkins
American Hammer
Lt. Dans
Regular Merkins
Freddy Mercury
Jump Squats
Everyone’s favorite Kraken Burpees
10 Reps for all stations

It was a tough workout that Uhaul complained about the whole time saying it wasn’t original. Harry Carey, Tesh and Peabody where kings. All Pax got at least 2 miles in.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 The Fort 10 year anniversary this week and the next.
COT: Prayers for Tater’s daughter. Thanks Fogerty and Bitcoin for the Q. Sorry I’m terrible at writing Backblasts.

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Begin with the end in mind

Goofballs at variable cadence
Low slow squat
GTFO – we have work to do

sprint up the big hill

Mozey on the trail to Harris Street Park w/pain stations:
20 high knees
20 flutters
20 diamond merkins
20 overhead claps
20 jump squats
20 bomb jacks
Some would call this trail “off road” including YHC, but there were some other, wronger opinions expressed by some in the group

at Harris Street Park
Basketball court:
Burpee broad jumps down and back

10 each leg Bulgarian split squats
20 dips

10 derkins
10 pullups

Rinse, repeat, and roll back up the trail of pain to COT…
…But wait, we made one last stop at the big hill.

Today’s lesson is: begin with the end in mind. We began with hill sprints, and ended with hill sprints to drive the lesson home.

The end of the workout when you are tired is where the real growth happens. We got some today.

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Graceful sandbag

WARMUP: while we waited for the site Q, who had given a heads up he was “coming in hot”, we did a few SSH, cherry pickers, low slow squats, and merkins with hands on our rucks.
THE THANG: Started out by getting in a single file line based on height, then moved into side by side formation where the snake was still based on height (if that makes sense).

The mission, with a 40 lb sandbag, was to transfer the sandbag while in stride every .25 miles from shortest to tallest Pax. Path was to WEP, do the loop, and head back in under 1 hour…this meant for sub 20 min miles, and thanks to our site Q coming in hot, he challenged us to push limits to 15 min miles where we probably landed somewhere around 15-17 min miles.

A quick lesson on how to “gracefully” transition the sandbag while standing, and while in motion, we’re given before we took one step and while we were in formation.

Very good results on speed and transitions and a few lessons learned. Made our time hack, didn’t get hit by cars, and no one died.

Successful mission.
MARY: nada
ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter is packed, pushed 10 year
COT: shower curtain was on our hearts, kids going to school, and patience as parents

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