700 Club

14 Strong Men showed up at The Fire Ant for some Ruck Training.

In Preparation for next week’s GoRuck event in Wilmington – we completed a mission simulation with a TL (Team Lead) and ATL (Assistant Team Lead)

Dirty Harry and Wegmans  voluntold the roles as they are training for their first GoRuck events.

The mission was simple, but tough. Get the group (and several coupons) to a starting point, complete the 700 club workout, and get back in time for COT.

The Thang (700 Club):

100 reps each of seven exercises:

Hand Release Merkins


Overhead Press


Ruck Swings

Big Boys Sit Ups

Flutters (with Ruck Press)

This would require a pace of approximately one rep every three seconds with no time for rest.

The group completed the mission. With a reward of carrying Bonsai and Husky back in addition to the coupons.

TClap |

Can we just get along?

Life is not always how we thought nor visioned it would be. There are a lot of personal experiences YHC could pull from, but as I reflect back to our COT, who would have thought that we would have another mass shooting at a concert – less than 2 weeks after Pittsburgh’s??

*jump ahead to COT* As we circled up and voiced our praises and prayers (which I will list at the end), I mentioned the need to continue to pray for Pittsburgh and the need for all people – no matter what color, race, or religion – to just get along when one of the PAX mentioned that there was another mass shooting the night before. My heart sank. How? Why?

It doesn’t make sense. As I sat in my  aunt & uncle’s house in Pittsburgh 2 Saturday’s ago watching the local coverage of the synagogue mass shooting, seeing my aunt’s face of shock, crying, confusion, I began to realize that we may never have it the way we vision. Forgive me for harping on this, but as some know, my extended family in Pittsburgh are Jewish. It was the most surreal experience knowing that my cousin and her husband live in Squirrel Hill, 3 blocks from the synagogue (luckily that was not their synagogue) and seeing the devastation. Unfortunately, for my cousin’s husband, unfortunate news arrived late Saturday night as 2 of the deceased were extended family members of his. Sunday, they televised a local memorial service where they had clergy from all religions speak. The message: we are all one community. This, this is the vision our GOD has for us all, not what we thought we needed, bought, nor material stuff we have, but to be true good stewards of our neighbors – Love one another. Forget color, race or religion, we are all one in this community and the vision for us all should be to make peace with everyone, live in a world without hate, terror, wrongful deaths….etc….

Now that I vented (my apologies), the morning started with a nice crisp cool morning. As PAX rolled in, all eyes turned to one of the last cars pulling in; a white Accord blasting hip-hop music, the driver head bobbing to the beat (thanks for the entertainment mixxmaster Flat Tire). This definitely got the PAX fired up. Plus 2 PAX were stupid or courageous (not sure which) to don rucks. After posting in Pittsburgh 2 weeks ago at the Point State Park AO, the Q that morning broke out a WO from one of our local AOs in Lake Norman – Sharknato. Ever since then, I thought, wow this would be a good one to lead next time I Q.

So after a mossy to the band field, we circled up and did COP. Yes YHC lead off with SSH’s, so I can now omit that from any future Qs. Each PAX would do 20 merkins & run a lap around the field, 20 squats & run the lap, 20 LBCs & run the lap, and 20 V ups & run the lap. Once that cycle was done, rinse and repeat until time for COT. Halfway through the AO, Pusher did a smart audible and relocated to the student parking lot since FMHS band members started to pull in to load up for their trip to Indy for the marching band nationals. We ended 5 mins early to do 5 minutes of mary.

COT prayers: Sir Topham Hat’s brother in-law who is a member of the Pittsburgh SWAT and was one of the first responder’s who had to witness the situation first hand, Frat Boy’s daughter in her upcoming cheer leading competition,  MOAB’s need for children’s clothing for their 2 foster kids, and all the rest that I seem to have forgotten – sorry.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead this awesome group of #HIM


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Old School at the Original AO: The Fort

Couldn’t believe- were my eyes fooling me?  Funhouse and YHC on Q on the same day at the same AO at the same time.  Say it aint so muchacho!  There was a lot of chatter leading into the epic debauchery of sweatin and gruntin (do not insert bombjacks here).  17 hardnose PAX and Funhouse showed up on crispy cool morning.  40’s and a little damp from rain the night before leaving a bit of a foggy haze- perfect for the reason we call it the #gloom.  I warned of gloves as standard equipment but Captain Leatherhands told me to grow a pair, that we don’t need no stinkin gloves (really the only reference you can make to Blazing Saddles today).

I think Funhouse disclaimed.  I know he has a “mustache”.  Into the Gloom once more-

The Thang

Center of the field, in the grass and no complaining.

Warm O Rama:   50 cadence count SSH, some Mountain Climbers, IWs, and eventually 6 count burpees in cadence.  Where do we put the emphasis when its more than a 4 count anyway.

To the hill for Jacob’s ladder (1-7)  Flying squirrels and Carolina Dry Docks.

Over to Soccer field but gate locked.  No matter.  10 minute Merkins- 10 merkins every minute for 10 minutes.  Challenging toward end except for push up/pull up king @trucker.  ‘shanks was on a table and we took a deep dive in to number of children and whether the red headed ones were truly ours- Aye: We are all God’s children men.

hand off to YHC- 5 burpees OYO then follow me.

A few PAX made believe they were William Wallace and Bravehearted their way down the hill and across the foggy field to the tree line.  Plank for #six.  YHC discussed WOM: Vulnerability.  More on that later.

Partner up (I preselected ‘Shanks because I am glutton for punishment).  Partner Carry across field.  P1 plank, P2 ski jump over legs.  Flapjack Partner Carry across field.  Flapjack Plank/Ski Jump.  Repeato twice more.  As CSPAN says- “Excellent choice”  Lot of honest woofing out there.  Old school and everybody was stronger and better.

Tunnell of love- 18 PAX plank, 1 army crawls through.  Several had rucks on durning this and throughout workout.  Good on ya, men.  Our line was an “S” at ENDEX but it got done.  never mind the kindness of the planking PAX that drop their hips when you pass through.  “love taps”?

Lt. Dan.: Evil twin brother of Jack Webb.  Squat and Jump lunges/Mary Catherine’s.  Ratio 1-4.  Finished at 10-40.  Lot of chatter through this one.  Still have difficulty moving today.   Sunshine, oh sunshine.  Kept his Welch’s Grape Juice down but it looked iffy rounds 7-10.  WWL with ruck and getting each knee dirty in perfect form.

Mosyed home with a few Pearls on a String stations to close out.

Naked man Moleskin

Heckuva beatdown today.  Knew it was going to be fun.  Maximus had a good summation tweet: This is type of morning that keeps PAX engaged and coming back.  It was hard, insightful, inspirational, and comical…all at the same time.”  AYE!

Couple of call outs- Longshanks is a beast.  I bonked 8/10 of way through last leg of partner carries.  He picked me up like he was going for gold at #spartan.  Aye, Captain Leatherhands.  Pusher had an interesting matchup with Quack attack for the carries, and DH took WWL AND his Ruck across the finish line.  Good work boys.  A few men saved their knees and modified the Lt. Dan’s.  Always smart to know your body- not trying to get hurt just better.  Well done.  ‘Shanks may have been the #king of Jacob’s ladder too.  Sale boys were great partners, toughed it out and yet somehow both kept smiling on their handsomely #triplehate faces.

A word on Vunerability (shared with the men):

Society pushes men away from being vulnerable and say that among many things -it shows weakness.  I can only think back to what a missing element of life our previous generations, perhaps and specifically our fathers had.  Is your father a sharer?  Grandfather?  Consider all the life they have lived and how much loneliness they could have endured.

F3 has provided many tools for the men who seek the truth every morning in the gloom.  At the top of the list is the opportunity to be vulnerable and learning to be vulnerable during our workouts, our COTs, our shield locks, and our whetstone relationships.  Its here you find out you’re not alone and there are other men who have or who are experiencing what you are.  There is strength in that.  There is confidence in that.  There are solutions in that.  There is trust in that.

Lastly, and arguably the most important: develop a vulnerable relationship with your creator.  Be a seeker.  Truthful, humble.  I have found the most freeing I can ever be is to be transparent and vulnerable, ready and willing to give myself over to understanding, empathy and learning.



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How heavy is a Bonsai tree?

As I was preparing for the Q at Fire Ant I was excited and had everything planned out. However apparently the one thing I didn’t plan for was my inability to set the alarm for the correct time. I woke up at 4:55 and pretty much ran out of the house with all my gear in my hands. I was able to get to the AO with a few minutes to spare, but my head wasn’t in it. It didn’t take long for the Pax to notice as I completely forgot to count in cadence for the first exercise. After a couple exercises I was able to get my head right and lead. Apologize to the Pax for my mistake. Thanks for bearing with me as I proceeded to Q. In the end I believe it was a good workout, but definitely started out rocky.

We started the workout off with a homemade litter/gurney/stretcher (whatever you want to call it). However thanks to Spider Man I decided to place 230 lbs (my weight) of sandbags on this litter because he mentioned he was able to hold all the weight of a Bonsai in one hand. 4 Pax jumped on the litter while the rest of the Pax grabbed the cinder blocks and moved around toward the back of the school.

Dropped gear and began the warmup

Windmill – helps when you count in cadence so the Pax know how fast to go
LBCs – after getting poked by the Pax I figured I would make sure they rolled on the wet ground

The Thang:
Pax counted off in 4’s since we didn’t have enough blocks for everyone. Each group took an exercise and work through all 4.

Round 1:
5 man makers
10 merkins
Farmer Carry down stairs and back up
20 LBCs

Bear crawl 40 yds
Crawl bear 40 yds

Pick up litter and cinderblocks and move

Round 2:
5 man makers
10 V-ups
15 Curls
20 Shoulder pulls

Pick up gear and move (Rotate as needed)

Round 3:
5 man makers
10 – can’t remember, but it was not fun
15 Squat Thrusters
20 Ruck Swings

Arrived at COT with 1 minute remaining so we finished off with 5 more man makers

The intent of this workout was to get Pax to work on their grip strength by carrying heavy stuff with their hands. I have found that carrying items where I need to leverage grip strength is a weak point of mine. My grip tends to give out much quicker than other areas. The only way to get better at something is to continue to work on it.

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Puketoberfest Week 3

Some have asked me what Puketoberfest is really about. Obviously I jokingly say that if you can’t tell by the name you should think about it again. However my desire for it really is to pick a list of Qs that would push the paxs a little harder than usual. With being able to pair them together it should make for a really good workout. Plus typically during the month of October you get to enjoy nice cool temps so it makes it a little easier for pax to push harder than it does when it is 80 degrees at 7 am with 95% humidity. In setting this up I didn’t actually expect anyone to puke, but wanted pax to push hard enough that they might think they could.

The Thang:

YHC gave the disclaimer for the 3rd week of Puketoberfest.

Moseyed over to the parking lot across from the memorial.

Sasquatch lead the group in a few minutes of broga

As promised Geronimo lead the group in the Goofball and Wegmans did the Pumpkin Spice (not doing that again)

After all of that we quickly went into our first round of exercises

Start at the parking lot – jump over the wall and go toward the building

Do 5 donkey kicks

Come back down to the parking lot and do 1 burpee.

Rinse and repeat until you reach 1 donkey kick and 5 burpees. +-1 for each.


Then we moved over to the grass hill where we bear crawled up the hill to find cinderblocks waiting for us. Pax partnered up and we did the following:


Pax 1 – Overhead carry block to next row of parking spaces and run back to Pax 2

While waiting on Pax 1 – Pax 2 is doing Mike Tyson Merkins


Pax 2 will then run to block and pick it up and overhead carry to the next row. Then run back. Keep doing this until team has moved the block all the way across the parking lot and back to the beginning.


Next exercise thanks to Sasquatch for bringing it up as a “good idea” next time someone does a cinderblock workout.

Partners get in plank position with both having one hand on the block. Work together to move the plank 15ft while doing a merkin after each time the block is moved.


Next set of exercises:

Squats with block – partner did LBCs until finished

Thrusters with block – partner did American Hammers until finished


Handed over to Trucker for the next 30 mins:


Quadzilla 5s: run down road, 1 squat, run up backwards, 5 merkins, rinse repeat just like 7s

Line up end parking lot, suicides to each light.

First round 1,2,3 merkins.

Round 2: 5,10,15 squats,

round 3: 5,10,15 merkins.

Round 4: 3,6,9 SSH.

In between rounds were flutters.

Round 4 we ran backwards.  


Ran to springs building 2 rounds of people chairs and 10 merkins. COT

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Lazy Dora

12 Pax posted to Fire Ant tossed on their rucks and got a little stronger today.

With Fire Ant moving to a new location in two weeks I took the opportunity to move us 2 by 2 around the back of Harris Teeter to enjoy the wonderful aroma emitting from the dumpsters.

Rucks off for the usual warmup – SSH, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Mountain Climbers.

The Thang

Partner Up for Lazy Dora.  Each team of two will do 100 merkins, 200 Flutters and 300 Squats.

For the merkins, partner 1 will do 10 merkins, while partner 2 planks.  Switch at 10 and Partner 2 will do 10 merkins while partner 1 planks.  Continue alternating until you reach 100.

For the flutters, partner 1 will 20 flutters (double count) while partner two will hold six inches.  Switch at 20 and partner 2 will do flutters while partner 1 holds six inches.  Continue alternating until you reach 200.

For the squats, partner 1 will do 25 squats while partner 2 does an Al Gore. Switch at 25 and partner 2 will do 25 squats while partner 1 does Al Gore.  Continue alternating until you reach 300.

Once all are complete move 2 by 2 to the parking lot in front of Bubbles and Bows and line up on the island for 7s.  Complete 6 ruck swings and bear crawl across the parking lot to other island.  Do 1 man-maker.  Lunge walk back to other island for 5 ruck swings.  Bear crawl back for 2 man-makers.  Continue this until you have gotten to 1 ruck swing and 6 man-makers.

Ended just in time for COT with Golden Corral.


Fast 5k and F3 soccer – 10/27

Christmas Party – 12/1

Check WWL’s pre-blast for the custom ruck event coming to The Fort 5/4/2019.  Options for a Heavy, Tough, and Light.  Get signed up.

TClap |

Arrows Are Never a Good Idea

12 #HIM decided to NOT take the Daily Blue Pill and posted to The Colosseum to be entertained by YHC on Q.  It was a very quiet crowd so #mumblechatter was at a low level but the #effort was at a high level as we pushed forward through what #life throws our way.  Side Note:  Jekyll decided to go yogging (soft J) which is apparently running for an extended period of time.

The Thang:

Dynamic Warm Up

High Knees, Butt Kickers, Toy Soldiers, Slide Left, Slide Right, Karaokes Left, Karaokes Right, Flamingos, World Wide Leaders (Power Skips #registered), Long Strides.

Warmup Complete!

Slow Mosey to the Arrows.

Now before YHC even explained my idea (which looked good on paper) a comment from the peanut gallery turned out to be true in the end “arrows are never a good idea”.  We decided to forge ahead anyway – because in the end – we don’t really have any other option (both at a post and in life – more to come on that in a bit).

So here was the different Phases of a Burpee Deconstructed:

Phase 1:     3 Squats at every arrow

Phase 2:     3 Froggers at every arrow

Phase 3:     3 Merkins at every arrow

Phase 4:     3 Bombjacks at every arrow

Now the Pax saw this next Phase coming up Broadway in a cab.  But #life is kinda like that in a way – you see something you do not want to do but have to tackle it anyway.

Phase 5:   Reconstructed Burpees at every arrow

Now the Pax may have not seen the next phase coming.  But #life is kinda like that in a way – sometimes you think it can’t get any worse and then something blindsides you at a low point.  We tackle it anyway because what is the alternative?!?!?

Phase 6:     Bearcrawl back to start (about 125 yards judging by Google Maps)

Crowd Pleaser!  All Pax dug deep to finish that one.

Next up?  Jacobs Ladder with MORE Reconstructed Burpees.

Then Mosey to start for 6MOM.


Great work by all Pax!  Appreciate humoring YHC on the arrows.  Appreciate the opportunity to lead.  Appreciate the #encouragement from the brother on  my left and the brother on my right.  Appreciate F3 The Fort for everything it has done to make me a better person.

YHC #encouraged the Pax to take that step forward into service.  It may feel uncomfortable, you may not think you are making an impact, you may be afraid to put yourself out there.  The answer is to take the step and keep taking that step forward.  You will eventually have an impact.  Otherwise we will be on the sideline and that is not where F3 is designed to keep us.  F3 wants us out in our community being a leader.  Aye!

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YHC knew it was going to be hard to compete against Maximus and GInsu at the Coop for a QvsQ, but I figured there would be some hearty PAX willing to step up and post; the rain though didn’t help. It didn’t matter, 3 PAX held each other accountable for a little of this and a little of that. YHC had some terrible ideas lined up (like running the stairs 5 times for a jacobs ladder) and bringing out the basketball for a little hoop challenge, however the rain required YHC to audible the weinke – and create one on the fly.

COP included windmills (shocker), Side Straddle Hops (even more shocking), slow squats, merkins, Moroccan nightclubs, Imperial Walkers.

Line up at end of pillars, bear crawl to each pillar and do 5 squats….there must have been 16 pillars…nice burn to start things off. Lunge walk to every other pillar and complete 10 LBCs. Run the big drop off loop.

Peoples chair, flutters, run the loop

Peoples chair, flutters with legs over curb, and heels to heaven, run the loop

Mossy to benches for 15 step ups, 10 erkins, 10 derkins

Run the loop, and finish with 20 merkins

Thanks Fishsticks for the opportunity. Thanks Wegmans for scheduling the QvsQ at the coop 🙂

Prayers to Never Never’s M, those traveling, and for patience in the home. Solid WO by the PAX!


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The Fort 6 year Anniversary – Making Getting Better a Priority!

September 29, 2012 the landscape of Fort Mill changed dramatically. Some men from north of the border grabbed the attention of a few men south of the boarder and said we may have something for you. Double D, Santini, Senator Tressel, World Wide Leader, Red Banjo, Assassin, Peach and maybe others made the commitment to come to a “workout” on that Saturday morning. It was very skeptical, but I am sure each of them will say it changed their lives.

Here we are 6 years later, meeting in the same park with more than 200 regular participants (800+ over the years) at 37 workouts across The Fort/Lake Wylie area. Thank you to those that gave it away and thank you to those that said yes!! I think it is safe to say, IT’S MORE THAN A WORKOUT!!!

Today we recognize the 6 years with 6 Qs leading a beat down in 1st F style. On September 21st, Jekyll led us in our Invergence, which reminds us of the 3rdF and that there is something bigger than ourselves. Serving, Praying and Worshiping together happened then. On this day, we are getting better physically and having some fellowship with 70 of our PAX,

Format was a rapid fire approach where each Q has 10mins to lay it on the PAX. Old Bay would keep time and blow the air horn (maybe tweet the horn??), and then the next Q jumps in.

YHC asked for FNGS, (none) and explained the plan of attack, and then the Horn Sounded

The Thang:

  • Wegmans for COP
    • Mosey down path out to grass
    • Circle up and some traditional and not so traditional exercise moves.
    • We did notice another “Boot camp” group in the gloom. T-clapps to them, however also saw 2 holding clip boards…..not F3!!
    • Horm Blows
  • Funhouse on Q
    • Mosey to the hill for Jacobs ladder
      • Burpees
      • Squats
      • Some mary to fill time
      • Horn Blows
  • Jwow on Q
    • Mosey to top of hill for partner work
    • step ups/lunge walk up and down hill
    • squat jumps/lunge walk up and down hill
    • Plank hand slap with partner
    • Horn Blow
  • Twister on Q
    • Mosey to tree line
    • Army Crawl to tree /SSHs
    • Sprint to tree/Merkins
    • Army Crawl to Tree/SSHs
    • Sprint to tree/merkins
    • 2 rounds
    • Run Path until Horm
    • Horn Blows
  • FLUX on Q
    • Mosey back to hill
    • 6s – do following 6 times
      • bear crawl up hill
      • diamond merkins
      • bear crawl back down hill
      • Some filler in there of something aweful
      • Horn Blows
  • Assassin On Q
    • Mosey to play grownd
      • Dips
      • Derkins
      • Burpees
      • multiple rounds with running around the playground until…..
      • Horn Blows

The PAX was dripping wet from rolling in grass but also from the humid beat down that just occurred. Thanks to all the Qs for bringing it and having fun out there.

I brought up to the PAX “WHY”? Why F3 versus the many other options we have even outside of fitness and self help books. Why do we get up early and why do we do CSAUPS and why do we attend 3rdF and give away our time at various community organizations???

Pockets, Spud and Assassin all shared their Why. Thank you! I’m sure there were many more that would undoubtedly impactful.

I mentioned my why was straightforward for me. I want to continue to challenge myself physically, surround myself with like minded guys heading in the same direction and reach more guys for Sky Q and HIS purpose. I feel F3 has positively impacted my life in all 3 Fs and why would I not give it away??

See you in the GLOOM!

Cake Boss

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A little movin’ & rollin’ with Florence

I’ve been chompin’ at the bit to Q this new official Ruck AO, the Fire Ant, and this morning was the perfect time. Over the last few years, it’s developed a standard consistent with harder AO’s and I was not about to drop the ball today.

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to post up at my folk’s house in Wilmington, NC where they recently had Hurricane Florence followed by 1-2 tornadoes pass through. It’s always different seeing storm aftermath in person; the images, the smells, the sounds of cleanup and water pumps getting rid of standing water. I’m not quite sure how I was going to be impacted but I knew it wasn’t going to be easy. After all, neighbors are still unable to get in their houses. Perspective teaches me I need to keep my mouth shut and stay hydrated as I chip in to do a small part. After tree #4 came down and got hauled off, I had a revelation. What if I cut this next tree into the perfect lengths that would compliment my upcoming Fire Ant Q? Couple that with a previously-prepared Weinke and there you have it, we were set.

With a truck bed holding (8) 40-50lb logs, 18 of us converged on the Golden Corral/Fire Ant parking lot at HT. After Change Order laid down the disclaimer, us 12 Ruckers moved over for our warm-up jog around the lot.

After that, we kept the rucks on the ground and did our warm up:

Wind Mills

Moroccan Night Clubs

10 Forward & Reverse Arm Circles

Slow Squats


Grab a partner and meet at the rucks.

Catch me if you can with your partner and 3 Hand-Release Merkins. We went around the big loop once then a smaller loop after that for 2 loops total.

Head over to grab the logs. A brief explanation on where they came from and how they’d be used. We had to move both the rucks and the log and we’d work as a team to do it, looking to relieve the men with the logs.

Line up 2×2 with logs in the front. If you had a log, carry it overhead at the front and the rest of us would look to relive you en route. We made our way to the start of the Harris Teeter wall.

Lunge walk with a log press the length of the wall.

Bear crawl while rolling the log back to the starting position.

2×2 in formation with logs overhead to the 9-round parking lot & circle up.

If you have a log, hold it at 90 degrees and if you don’t hold your Ruck at 90 degrees. Each PAX does 3 curls going around the circle. If you’re not curling, you’re holding at 90.

On your back with legs straight and feet at 6″. Doing a log or ruck press for quite a few reps.

Get in 1 line, shoulder to shoulder. Seal team sit-ups with the rucks on front and keeping your head off the ground.

Same formation, flutter kicks with heads off the ground.

Back in 2×2 formation with logs overhead and offering relief, we made our way back to the original starting position. But before we finished, we got back in the seal-team line, on our backs and did bicycles with the rucks on front, both forward and reverse.

And so…that was it.

Announcements: Fire Ant AO moving to TCES in 3wks. Follow Spiderman for further details. Sign up for Paradise Reading Center: check with Copay and Deacon.

Prayers/Praises: Safety for all the PAX doing races (Bourbon Chase, CLT Marathon, Ragnar, Rucks), wedding anniversaries, Prayers for Half-Shell’s buddy who lost his son recently in a very sad event. We do not understand but we need to have faith in our Creator that he’ll somehow have something positive come from this. Prayers for his family and for all the scouts injured, those who witnessed and for their families.

Enjoy your day & make an impact.


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