Bord of Pain OG

Run to back of school mixed in a few butt kickers, toy soldiers and high knees

OG Board of pain with a twist. No one has ever and dare I say will never complete the board in 45 mins. With that being said, I cut all reps in half except for calf raises. With the at being said, no one finished, but Tesh was a couple exercises away.

50 burpees
150 calf raises
50 ski abs
50 merkins
50 squats
100 LBCs
50 CDD
50 American Hammers
50 Mac Tar Jai
50 Jump squats
50 Mtn climbers
100 shoulder press
50 Mary Catherine
100 hello dolly
50 wide arm merkins
50 squat jacks
50 nippler
50 burpees


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Next Play!

My SL bro had the Q stick for Soul2Sole this morning so we planned a mini convergence the night before…

WARMUP: Dynamic warmup including some mosey, some toy soldiers, high knees, and butt kickers

Then met with the Soul2Sole crew at entrance to football stadium and circled up for SSH, WM, IW, MNC, LSS all IC.

THE THANG: S2S brought their rucks and sandbags to the party so we utilized them in a mini-DORA.

5 groups of 3 PAX
50 burpees – while 2 of the PAX did overhead rifle carry up the hill with sandbag/ruck
100 squats – while 2 of the PAX did farmers carry up the hill with sandbag/ruck
150 merkins – while 2 of the PAX did bear hug carry up the hill with sandbag/ruck

arranged into 3 groups of 5 PAX and rotated throwing the sandbag up and down the hill

S2S left back to Kingsley about 540 so I had 20 minutes left

Headed for the steep hill that leads to the handicap parking/entrance to the football field

mosey to bottom – crawl bear to the top – bunny hops to the bottom – 20 LBC IC – sprint to the top – bear crawl to the bottom – NUR to the top – 20 flutters IC

mosey back toward COT with a few stops:
1. curb work including calf raises, dips, and curb taps all IC
2. parking lot work including walking lunges, reverse walking lunges, burpee broad jumps
3. Wall work including wall sits with MNC, and toe taps

MARY: about 30 seconds of plank moves including left and right arms to sky, 6in, and honeymooner

ANNOUNCEMENTS: survey, convergence sept 28, IronPAX

COT: yup

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Kindley Run

THE THANG: Route. Run to new Kingsley down to Sunbelt Parking lot back up accross 160 to run the Old Kingsley loop and back to new Kingsley. Most of the runners stayed doing loops and the new Kingsley. Special guess ran with me (Denver, my Dog :walking-the-dog:)

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DH is not a bad example

WARMUP: SSH, Moroccan Night Clubs, Windmills, Low slow squats, Cherry Pickers
THE THANG: mosey to stage at WEP
100 – LBCs
Run a loop
90 – squats
Run a loop
80 – merkens
Run a loop
70 – flutters
Run a loop
60 – lunges
Run a loop
50 – big boys
Run a loop
40 – Freddy Mercury’s
Run a lap
30 – Burpees
Run a lap
20 – dry DOCKS
10 – diamond merkens
Run back to cot
COT: what happens in COT stays in COT

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Back to School

11 studs went back to school at The Coach’s Box for 12 rounds of 12 exercises. Here’s what we did.

Warm Up
– 12 Low Slow Squats (IC)
– 12 Imperial Walkers (IC)
– 12 Moroccan Night Clubs (IC)
– 12 Mountain Climbers (IC)
Mosey around the band practice lot

– 1st Grade: 12 Merkins
– 2nd Grade: 12 Merkins, 12 Squats
– 3rd Grade: 12 Merkins, 12 Squats, 12 LBCs
– 4th Grade: 12 Merkins, 12 Squats, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins
– 5th Grade: 12 Merkins, 12 Squats, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins, 12 Calf Raises
– 6th Grade: 12 Merkins, 12 Squats, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins, 12 Calf Raises, 12 American Hammers
– 7th Grade: 12 Merkins, 12 Squats, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins, 12 Calf Raises, 12 American Hammers, 12 Diamond Merkins
– 8th Grade: 12 Merkins, 12 Squats, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins, 12 Calf Raises, 12 American Hammers, 12 Diamond Merkins, 12 Lunges
– 9th Grade: 12 Merkins, 12 Squats, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins, 12 Calf Raises, 12 American Hammers, 12 Diamond Merkins, 12 Lunges, 12 Freddies
– 10th Grade: 12 Merkins, 12 Squats, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins, 12 Calf Raises, 12 American Hammers, 12 Diamond Merkins, 12 Lunges, 12 Freddies, 12 Ranger Merkins
– 11th Grade: 12 Merkins, 12 Squats, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins, 12 Calf Raises, 12 American Hammers, 12 Diamond Merkins, 12 Lunges, 12 Freddies, 12 Ranger Merkins, 12 Jump Squats
– 12th Grade: 12 Merkins, 12 Squats, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins, 12 Calf Raises, 12 American Hammers, 12 Diamond Merkins, 12 Lunges, 12 Freddies, 12 Ranger Merkins, 12 Jump Squats, 12 Boxcutters

Final count: 144 Merkins, 132 Squats, 120 LBCs, 108 Wide Arm Merkins, 96 Calf Raises, 84 American Hammers, 72 Diamond Merkins, 60 Lunges, 48 Freddies, 36 Ranger Merkins, 24 Jump Squats, 12 Box Cutters, and .84 miles

Throughout the workout, we stopped and talked about our favorite teachers throughout school. We talked about what made them great and how they shaped who we are today. Some leaders set the example for what you want to become, while others set the example of what to avoid. We have the same opportunity daily with our children. We should strive to be the best example possible. Keep pushing yourself for betterment and your children will see the example they should follow.


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Brilliant Fashion

THE THANG: munn to left on Harris, left on Jackson, left on 160 and back to cot. Add in more of needed
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter

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Keep Going

WARMUP: 100yds down the field: Toy Soldier x 20yds, Lunge Walk x 20yds, Duck Walk x 20yds, Right Shuffle x 20yds, Left Shuffle x 20yds
THE THANG: 1. Mosey the long way to pull up bars–come back for 6 OR LBCs–5 & dime (5 pull ups, 10 merkins);
2. Mosey the long way to ticket booth at stadium–pick up 6 OR LBCs;
3. Mosey up the hill to the road and back down to the field entrance, Bear Crawl back up the drive–pick up 6 OR Flutter;
4. Mosey to band lot–pick up 6 OR Flutter;
5. Up/Downs and sprint across the field x 4
6. 100yds down the field 20yds at a time x 4: Chosen from the following: Lunge Walk, Toy Solder, Bear Crawl, Duck Walk, Karaoke (right & left), NUR, Reverse Lunge Walk, Sprint 50 with 25 Merkins x 2, Frog Jump

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Club 813

What a way to start my 50th birthday.
Short mosey run
Warmup: SSH (12xI/C); windmills; Imperial Walkers; Low Slow Sqts; big arm circles; peter parkers; parker petes; plank stretches
–mosey Run to awesome parking lot across from First Baptist Ft Mill– Thang 1: Burpee relays, Start at baseline.
Run to cone 1, do 5 burpees, run back to start
Run to cone 2, do 5 burpees, run back to start
Run to cone 3, do 5 burpees, run back to start
–mosey Run to Ft Mill Church of God–
Thang 2: leg lift loop dora: Partner 1 runs loop, other does leg lifts (we held onto the fence) cumulative to a 125 leg lifts
–mosey run back to nice parking lot
Thang 3: Mtn climber relays: Start at baseline.
Run to cone 1, do 15 mtn climbers, run back to start
Run to cone 2, do 15 mtn climbers, run back to start
Run to cone 3, do 15 mtn climbers, run back to start
–mosey run to the Print Shop—
Thang 4: Pull up dora (there was a lot of pax)
Partner 1 does pullups while partner 2 runs to front of Print Shop and back
Continue to 75 cumulative…later reduced to 50
–Run to shovel flag–
Badlands led the Mary
I am truly grateful for being a part of F3. Special thanks to Deacon for the constant persuasion to get me out to try this F3 thing 8 years ago.

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Miss Deborah’s Wetness

WARMUP: MNC, SSH, Imp. Squat Walkers, mosey to Gym entrance
THE THANG: deck O’Cards. A-10 (OYO):
Hearts= LBC
Diamonds= air Squats
Spades= Box Cutters
Clubs= CDD

Face Cards (IC)
Jacks= Mike Tyson x 10
Queens= Lt. Dan x 5
Kings= Merkin-jacks x 15
Joker= 5x Kraken Burpees

every 10 cards, mosey to Light end of parking lot & back
@ 0550, Alternating 10 toy soldier, 10 high knee, 10 butt kicker to get back to COT
MARY: Headspins (High sit-outs w/ 2 sec. Pause)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: T & H, Road Cleanup
COT: Back to school, supporting our M’s, others as well

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Miss Deborah’s Wetness

WARMUP: MNC, SSH, Imp. Squat Walkers, mosey to Gym entrance
THE THANG: deck O’Cards. A-10 (OYO):
Hearts= LBC
Diamonds= air Squats
Spades= Box Cutters
Clubs= CDD

Face Cards (IC)
Jacks= Mike Tyson x 10
Queens= Lt. Dan x 5
Kings= Merkin-jacks x 15
Joker= 5x Kraken Burpees

every 10 cards, mosey to Light end of parking lot & back
@ 0550, Alternating 10 toy soldier, 10 high knee, 10 butt kicker to get back to COT
MARY: Headspins (High sit-outs w/ 2 sec. Pause)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: T & H, Road Cleanup
COT: Back to school, supporting our M’s, others as well

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