Quagmire Suicide Medley

Imperial walkers x 20
Burpees x 10
Hill Billy walkers x 20
Windmills x 10
Left legged Burpees x 10
Merkins x 10
Peter Parkers x 15
Right legged Burpees x 10
Low slow squats x 10
Moroccan night clubs x 20
The Thang
Pax mosied over to the old BAM parking lot and set up for suicide pyramids.
1.  1st cone (seal Jacks x10), 2nd cone + 1st cone (seal jacks x10 + planks Jacks x10), 3rd, 2nd + 1st cones (seal jacks x10 + planks Jacks x10 + bomb jacksx10), 2nd cone + 1st cone (planks Jack’s x10, bomb Jack’s x10), 1st cone (bomb Jacks)
2.  Crab walk to 1st cone and back (30 crab cakes), crab walk to 2nd cone and back (30 dips)
3.  Same as round 1 with squats/sumo squats/jump squats
4.  Same as round 2 but bear crawls and diamond/regular merkins x 15
Mosied back for 5 min of Mary before COT
Thanks Jedi for the opportunity to lead.
TClap |

I’ll take a number 5 meal, and make it a large (Farva)

A fairly chilly morning is upon us at the Abyss. Pre-workout mumble chatter included asking where the large crowds were. Perhaps PAX are preparing for a rucking event or this P200 thing coming up. Perhaps some injuries. Also Tesla asked who is on Q and I regretfully informed him it was me. YHC provides a brief disclaimer (no FNGs) and lets them know he had friends in from out of state all week and weekend. We had too many fast food lunches which was inspiration to lead the “combo meal” workout.

Mosey to back of the school for Warm-O-Rama:
-Peter Parker Peter x20
– Low Slow Toe Squats x10
– Smurf Jacks x10
– Flutter Kicks w/Simultaneous Arm Flutters x20
– Hello Dolly and Flutter Kick x20
– Hold Al Gore and Calf Raises x10

“Are you warm?”

Mosey toward front of school, stop at the wall:
– People’s Chair and Arm Flutters x20 (IC)
– BTTW with 10 Double Count Shoulder Taps (reminder to modify as needed) (OYO)

Mosey to front of school for the thang – Four Corners with Middle Pain Station:
– Start in the middle, burpee broad jump to corner one for Air Chair + Air Claps x15
– Burpee broad jump to middle for 5 Body Bag Builders (ten count burpee with a plank jack and a mountain climber after the merkin portion of the burpee).
– Burpee broad jump to corner two for Low Slow Jump Squats x10
– Burpee broad jump to middle for 5 Body Bag Builders
– Burpee broad jump to corner three for Superman + Moroccan Night Clubs x15
– Burpee broad jump to middle for 5 Body Bag Builders
– Burpee broad jump to corner four for CDD + Donkey Kicks x10
– Burpee broad jump to middle for 5 Body Bag Builders
– Enough burpee broad jumps. Duck Walk to corner one for Derkin + Shoulder Tap x10
– Duck walk to middle for 3 Body Bag Builders
– Duck walk to corner two for Dying Cockroach + Flutter Kicks x20
– Duck walk to middle for 3 Body Bag Builders
– Duck walk to corner three for Australian Snow Angles x10 (in superman pose)
– Duck walk to middle for 3 Body Bag Builders
– Duck walk to corner four for American Hammer + LBC x20

10 counts provided by Copyright and Royale

And now for the finisher of the shoulders, partner up, face each other with 8 parking spaces between. Each starts at one end and meets the other in the middle. While PAX 1 crab walks, PAX 2 bear crawls. Where they meet they do 20 merkins and head back in the same manner. Flapjack method of transport. When they meet again, 20 werkins. Flapjack method of transport. When they meet again, 20 diamond merkins. Flapjack method of transport. When they meet again, 20 ranger merkins.

At this point we are all smoked with 5 mins remaining. Ab Lounge to finish, each PAX got in an ab exercise which brings us to 0600 on the dot.

COT for announcements and prayers/praises which included Wild Thing entering the phase of building a new house, Mile High and his family, and one other that I cannot recall.

I’m going to be feeling this one tomorrow, but it is a distinct honor to be among such great #HIM, aye?!

TClap |

Being Vulnerable is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength

P.S.A attendance is highly recommended. March 27th mark your calendars. F3 St. Louis very own Miyagi and Aerobie has brought light to a sensitive subject that’s right Suicide-mental health awareness. A subject we try and avoid talking about at all or till it’s to late. YHC will be on Q at the Panethon if you can’t make it to the west side of town Stang is on Q at Tomahawk and will also discussing the subject.

I am encouraging you to step up and share your experience. Whether it be about yourself or family member or even a friend. YHC will testify how this subject has effected my life. Please remember what we talk about in COT stays in COT it’s okay to be vulnerable. We are stronger together rather than alone.

Don’t be ashamed of your story it will inspire others. Author Unknown

“You don’t have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you.”

”I hide all my scars with an I’m fine.”

The bravest thing I ever did was continuing my life when I wanted to die. – Juliette Lewis

The world is a better place with you in it.

Suicide doesn’t end the chances of life getting worse, it eliminates the possibility of it ever getting any better. – unknown

TClap |

Tinsel’s Birthday month pain fest starts at the swamp

I had the opportunity to sub for Sasquatch, we had 4 bootcampers, 4 ruckers and 6 runners.

I kindly asked the ruckers to join the BC but they declined the invitation to our pain fest.

After a quick disclaimer, Mile High, Cha Ching, Copyright and YHC moseyed for about 1/3 of a mile and did the warm up:

Side straddle hops, windmills, moroccan night clubs,  low slow squats and some cherry pickers.

Following the warm up we moseyed to the stairs next to the back of Just Fresh where some props had been dropped earlier, we started the following with a run up and down the stairs after completion of one circuit:

8 Carolina Dry Docks

8 man makers w/block or weights

8 sledgehammer swing each side

8 worst merkin ever W-R-D

8 touch ground squat

8 biceps curls w/block or weights

8 shoulder tap each side

2 tire flips

After 3 circuits we took a “break” and run around the block were Omega sports used to be to comeback to the stairs and props for 2 more rounds of pain.

With 3 minutes in we found a grassy area for some superhero workout: supermans and the famous Captain Thor, lots of mumble chatter here, one PAX commented that it was the hardest mary he has ever donebut never gave up.

With two minutes to spare we run back to COT to meet the runners and ruckers.

We finished up with announcements, prayers and praises.

Great work by everyone!!

Tinsel out… until the next day


TClap |

Preparedness and other life skills @ Quagmire

7 was the number for life lessons on preparedness by YHC.
The disclaimer was disclaimed and we were off for a short mosey after a brief intro on what it means to be prepared.
Circle up for some COP:
Morocan Night Clubs, Burpees, Suicide squats, windmills, a circle of merkins, a circle of humpers.

Discuss what being prepared during a workout means and asked PAX who had some form of emergency contact information on them in case of an emergency. 4 PAX had nothing so it was determined that the penalty was 10 merkins each, split into two sets cause YHC sadly can’t bang out 40 straight at the moment. A short plug for ROADID was given and then we were off for some more fun.
Mosey over behind smoothie store for some bearcrawl races. Half lap race each team finishing when the last member crosses the finish line. Those sucked plenty so we capped it at one full lap and mosey to find snowman’s truck full of goodies.
The truck was found and to nobody’s surprise there were heavy things inside that YHC asked the PAX to pick up and carry around. LIFE training on preparedness really kicked into full effect now.
Half of the PAXs planked up facing the other half while a ruck was placed in between each pair. Once YHC yelled out “go” the PAX on one side would jump up grab ruck and take off full sprint towards the end of Home Depot while the other PAX would perform 5 merkins then sprint to catch PAX carrying Rucks. This was a life lesson in kidnapping prevention. PAX had a lot of kids total so we did that a few times alternating the chaser and chase-E.
More lessons on preparedness with a discussion on who has emergency responder training? A scenario was created where three logs located in the back of the snowmobile represented fellow PAX that have suffered some life-threatening injury while participating in the beatdown. Challenged the PAX to respond as if real life situation and tested situational awareness of the group. PAX determined given the proximity of the injured logs it was probably best to carry each over to the emergency department on the other side of Rivergate shopping center since nobody except YHC had a phone and I refused to let anyone use mine as a penalty for being unprepared. Made it to the stoplight before stopping to reflect on what would have been the best plan for care in a real emergency. The consensus was that every situation is different and the more you can be prepared and think through the terrible situations beforehand the better prepared you can be to react. Dropped logs off at the snowmobile and humped it back to COT. Two minutes late but PAX was dragging after rucking those logs and kid snatching.

NMM: Thanks to the guys for accepting me for the idiot I am. Well at least giving me the respect to humor me while I am the Q and go along with my stupid absurd plans for a workout. They are always a little bit weird but never boring and I am grateful for the opportunity to lead.

Thanks for the opportunity JEDI.

Until the snow melts from all my warm hugs….

TClap |

Zero G

8 men rolled into the Abyss on a comfortable 50 degree morning for a different type of Q.  We started with a mosey to the back basketball courts.

COP-30xSSH/Touch Toes-Down Dog-Honeymooner/Nancy Kerrigan’s left leg out-fwd sun gods/TT-DD-Honey/Nancy’s Right Leg out-reverse sun gods/TT-DD-Honey/Abe Vigoda Windmill x10/TT-DD-Honey/5 Burpees

We then grabbed some wall.  In Balls To The Wall position we did in cadence-

Peter Parker x10/5 Burpees OYO(recovery)/Parker Peter x10/5 Burpees OYO/Shoulder Taps x10/3 Burpees OYO

We then moseyed over to the playground and did 11’s-10 zero G merkins(hands and feet leave the ground) and 1 pull up till we got to 1 zero G merkin and 10 pull ups

Round 2 was 10 zero G squats(jump squats) and 1 Hanging Leg Raise till we got to 1 zero G squat and 10 Hanging Leg Raises

We then grabbed more wall.  People’s Chair with left leg raised while each Pax on the ends did 5 Burpees, then we did the other leg same number of Burpees.

Then from the BTTW position we did Plank Jacks in cadence x10 and Mountain Climbers x10

The Pax then moseyed back to COT where we did a Wave of Zero G merkins starting at 1 and finishing at 10 and capped it off with 10 Big Boy Sit ups, Boat to Canoe and Oblique crunches.

Prayers and praises to sick and injured Pax, our families and to Children’s Attention Home.

Special thanks to Copyright for the opportunity to lead.  Peace.  

TClap |

Bear of a Time

The weather report was absolutely miserable, mid-30’s and pouring down raining, so we were all pleasantly surprised that it was rain free for the duration of the 45-minute workout and the morning felt great because of it.

We had a newer guy there I had never met before, Duck Dynasty, so I gave a disclaimer and told everyone to glove up and off we went.

Fast mosey with some Toy Soldiers along the way and some shuffles followed by a quick lap around the track before circling up for a quick CoP.

  • Windmills x8
  • SSH  x25
  • Peter Parker x15
  • Downward Dog/Honeymooner stretch
  • Tempo Merkins x10
  • MNC x20

I did this workout last time I Q’d the Abyss and we didn’t quite get through it, I was hopeful that with the colder weather and a faster CoP we would have just enough time and I was right.

1st Routine – Paula’s up & down the hill/road at the back of the school

6 cones placed about 30 paces apart going up the hill each with an “up” exercise and “down” exercise on them.  We would move 2 cones forward and 1 cone back until reaching the top.  Our method of movement was always via Bear Crawls 2 cones forward and Crawl Bears 1 cone back.  Once we reached the top/cone 6 we started over and performed the “down” exercise on the cone, which were the same exercises in reverse order.

  • Cone 1 – True Americans/Absolution x 10
  • Cone 2 – Donkey Kicks/Diamond Merkins x10
  • Cone 3 – Squats x30 /Groiners x10
  • Cone 4 – Groiners/Squats x30
  • Cone 5 – Diamond Merkins/Donkey Kicks x10
  • Cone 6 – Absolution/True Americans

A few of us finished this up, Jedi out in front followed by YHC, Cha Ching, and Wolverine.  Most of the rest of the PAX were about to finish up or maybe a cone or 2 back when I told everyone to finish up their exercise and bear crawl back to cone 1 and finish up to keep things moving along.

Last time we did the next routine on the grassy hill, but due to the weather, we kept it on the road for better traction.

2nd Routine – Burpback Mountain

Partner up and split 120 total burpees.  1 PAX NUR’s up the hill all the way to the top and mosey’s back down while his partner is doing as many Burpees as possible then switching etc, until 120 Burpees are accumulated.

Once we finished this we mosey’d back to CoT and had a couple minutes to spare.  I called out 20 Flutters IC and Cha Ching followed with 15 Crunchy Frogs.  That’s it, circle up.


Yeti is almost here and read your newsletter!  Continued prayers for this group of men and the ability to come out every morning together.  We also lifted up Prayers for some friends of Jedi’s family whose father committed suicide and Emma, Cornerstones daughter, who hasn’t been feeling well and pray her cancer stays away.

Thanks for the Q Copyright, I can’t wait to come back, I love this AO.

Until next time,


TClap |

The Quagmire Coin Flip

FNG in the huddle so YHC disclaimed a proper disclaimer.  As the clock struck 0515, it appeared two vehicles were coming in hot.  We took a Capri Lap.  Pickup another FNG and Cable Guy.  The rain decided to make an appearance so YHC #ModifiedAsNeeded and moseyed the warmup under the Home Depot pickup spot.  Covered and dry!

Warm Up:
Since we picked up an undisclosed FNG, plank for another disclosure. Informed FNG’s that we often respond “AYE” in affirmation.  On each “aye,” do a merkin.  YHC felt the urge to discuss choices.  Some we make, some are made for us (insert a couple of aye’s).  Next, OYO 5 “aye’s.”  Recover.
Bring out the coin toss.  For today, the coin will determine the workout, which includes warmups, how we travel from one location to the next, and the thang’s. In the air, guess heads or tails.  Correct = 18 reps of said warm up (Feb 18th).  Incorrect = 28 reps (# days in Feb).  I have two columns with an exercise on each side (heads/tails). I also have the Q here on Friday.  So whichever side doesn’t get picked, we do the opposite on Friday.  Guaranteed 100% different workout!
1 – Tails. 18 windmills
2 – Heads. 18 shoulder taps
3 – Heads. 18 toe squats
4 – Heads. 28 groiners
5 – Heads (see a trend yet?). 28 peter parker
6 – Heads. 28 monkey humpers
7 – Heads. 10 burpees with tuck jump at the top
8 – Heads (seriously). 18 LBC’s

Mosey to the wall behind Home Depot – it pretty much quit raining now – for the thang:
On the back of the paper I filled in for Heads or Tails, a corresponding thang item was determined.
1 – wall work – 10 derkins (wall was slippery.  oops)
2 – wall work – 10 BTTW mountain climbers
3 – travel time – AYG to the fountain
4 – bat wings (18x forward arm circles, 18x reverse arm circles, 18x seal jacks, 18x overhead claps, 18x Moroccan nigh clubs)
5 – travel time – crab walk to parking lot across the way
6 – lut. dan’s – 1:4 work way up to 10:40 (squats and lunges)
7 – travel time – duck walk back to fountain
8 – partner up for black jack (always adds to 21, partner a = 1 merkin then plank while partner b = 20 lbc’s. flapjack. then partner a = 2 merkins then plank while partner b = 19 lbc’s.  Continue until smoked.  Time for COT anyway.

See you Friday for the other side of the coin.

TClap |

Legs on fire

This was my first Q of the year and the first one since the Christmas season brake I had to take and due to a scheduling mistake on my end I ended up with back to back Q’s which I loved so I can focus on different muscle groups each day.

Monday and Tuesday WO were brutal on upper body at Honey Badger Anniversary with Cheddah and Fire ant with Deacon so I decided to focus on legs and abs, noting else, PAX were in for a surprise as I usually bring my props but my shoulders, chest and arms needed a brake.

We had no FNG’s and a quick disclaimer was given while moseying around the parking lot followed by the warm up:



Low Slow Squats

Mountain climber

Peter Parker




A “simple” routine to be repeated 7 times for a total of 49 reps of each of the following, a lap around the parking lot was completed after each circuit:


7 dying roach DC


7 rosalitas

7 squat jumps

7 flutters DC

7 monkey humpers 

7 circuits were completed with about 16 minutes to spare, great push by all the PAX with lots of mumble chatter about burning legs. We moseyed to a “comfy” grass area and had a visit of my favorite web exercise Captain Thor (1 big boy sit up followed by 4 american hammers, all the way to 10 BBSU and 40 AH) abs were burning by then so we had to go back to legs and found a wall for some people’s chair, everyone will hold position while PAX starting from the left end will perform 3 burpees, legs were on fire so the best thing to do was to rinse and repeat for a total of 2 wall circuits.

With about 5 minutes left on the clock we went back to the parking lot for some sprints, jog one way and sprint at 100% on the way back X 4,  some more mumble chatter then but everyone gave their all.

The lucky runners that missed leg day joined us at the end for announcements, prayers and praises at COT.

Thank you copyright for the opportunity to lead.

Tinsel out.. till the next day

TClap |