Big B, little b, what begins with B?

Buddies, Burpees, Bearcrawls, Bodybuilders, Booyah! Merkins and B.O.M.B.S. all start with that letter B, that’s what.

18 attended the Swamp today, half rucked, the other have joined YHC for a little schooling on the letter B.

I decided a couple weeks ago that I was going to work my way through the Exicon one letter at a time.  This was my 2nd Q since making that decision so the 8 unlucky PAX that got stuck with me and B today were thoroughly beat-down.

I gave the quick usual disclaimer an off we went.  I immediately heard grumbling about the speed so I slowed it down a bit and we did some karaoke’s and toy soldiers before circling up for a quick warm-up, which consisted of 9 Windmills and 15 Merkins (IC) followed by a couple 10 counts holding a 6″ plank.  A quick stretch and off to the 1st routine.

Routine 1:

Burpee, Bearcrawl, Booyah! Merkin…Chase

Buddy up and partner 1 does 5 burpees and then chases down his partner who is bearcrawling around the 2 roundabouts (about .25 miles).  Tags his partner and then they each do 5 Booyah! Merkins and switch/repeat until getting back to the starting point.  A real shoulder burner!

Routine 2:

For routine 2 we moseyed to the parking lot next to the fountain and did some B.O.M.B.S.  This is basically a DORA with more exercises and the suggestion to pick an exercise that matches each letter in BOMBS.

  • 50 Bodybuilders
  • 100 Overhead presses (with cinderblocks)
  • 150 Monkey Humpers
  • 200 Big-Boy sit-ups
  • 250 Smurf Jacks (suuuuuucked)

In typical DORA fashion, 1 partner does the exercise while the other (in this case) sprints to the 2nd island, bear crawls around the island, and then sprints back and picks up where his partner left off while his partner does the sprinting.

I think only  Cha-Ching, Duck Dynasty, and I finished, but that was probably because we were the odd group and we took the higher of the 2 reps.  I’m not sure if we would have made it otherwise since it came down to the last few seconds before heading back to CoP.

Everyone did awesome and pushed for the entire 45 minutes.

We made it back to CoP at exactly 6:00AM with the Ruckers about a minute behind.

Maximus announced a couple of new AO’s coming to Fort Mill, including a “Bruisers” workout for injured PAX, what a great idea.  As well as a bootcamp AO with a mandatory pre-run, sounds harsh!  In any case, not a lot of PAX spoke up with Prayers except for Maximus again so we prayed for family and everything that was on our hearts.

Thank you for the Q Cha-Ching it was a pleasure to lead these men today.  Nice work everyone!

Until next time,



TClap |

Climbing Ladders at the Golden Corral

Golden Corral – The AO that has been revived in recent months thanks to the leadership of Lutefisk.

13 men met at the Harris Teeter parking lot in the gloom on this cloudy morning.

Started with the disclaimer and we were off.

Warm Up

  • Mosey to HT doors
  • 50 YD Bear Crawl
  • Wind Mill X 10
  • Imperial Walker X 10
  • SSH X 15
  • Merkins X 10
  • Mountain Climber X 10
  • Recover and mosey behind red bowl

Once we got behind red bowl I instructed the PAX to partner up.  Size doesn’t matter but what matters is accountability and camaraderie.  Those two things have been a huge part of my success ever since I started F3.

Activity 1

  • Partner 1 50 YD Wheelbarrow
  • 10 Merkins
  • Partner 2 50 YD Wheelbarrow
  • Run back to the beginning (Elbow plank waiting on the 6)
  • Partner 1 50  YD Wheelbarrow
  • 20 Merkins
  • Partner 2 50 YD Wheelbarrow
  • Run back to the beginning (Elbow plank waiting on the 6)

Mosey from Red Bowl to Bakers Buzzin


Activity 2


7 stations.  Start at number 1 then move to number 2 and then start over.  Keep climbing the ladder.  You get the gist.

  • 1st cone 10 Burpees (run to 2nd cone)
  • 2nd cone 20 Hand Slap Merkins (Bear Crawl to 3rd cone)
  • 3rd cone 30 Carolina Dry Docks  (Crab Walk to 4th cone)
  • 4th cone 40 Squats (run to 5th cone)
  • 5th cone 50 Flutters SC (Bear Crawl to 6th cone)
  • 6th cone 60 LBCS (Crab Walk to the 7th cone)
  • 7th cone 70 Shoulder taps (Run backwards to the 1st cone)

All the Pax completed 5 out of 6 rounds and one group was halfway done with the final round before we had to mosey back to COT (Fishsticks was waiting for us).  We got in just under 3 miles and around 600 calories burnt.  Excellent push by the PAX.  There was very little mumble chatter towards the end coupled with some moaning and groaning.  Big win for the QIC.

FINAL NUMBERS (Including warm ups)

  • 50 Burpees
  • 140 Merkins
  • 120 CDDS
  • 120 Squats
  • 100 Flutters
  • 60 LBC’s
  • Several Miles
  • The last group can add 10 burpees, 20 Merkins and 30 CDDs to their total

Announcements were covered.

Prayers were said for Change Order’s mother, Pothole’s truck and safe travels for Fishsticks   and his family.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead Lutefisk!

Mile High out


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Escape From McDowell Nature Preserve

So I have been doing more running than usual lately in preparation for the Ragnar and on a  hot muggy July 3 I decided to bring the rest of the PAX along for some of my training, much to the chagrin of some of my F3 brothers. Disclaimer was given and we were off to the back basketball courts where we circled up for…

COP-SSHx20/Reach to Sky/Touch Toes/Down Dog/Honeymooner/merkinsx10/Down Dog/Honeymooner/Touch Toes/Reach to Sky/Sun Gods x11 fwd/rvrse. Circle Burp-High Knees while each PAX calls down and we all do a Burpee on the down.

Main Event

We ran to the back of the McDowell Nature Preserve where there is a lake and a circular parking lot. The run is about a mile back with a bunch of hills and there were a few PAX who were not exactly happy bout that. Sorry not sorry. Once we did get to the lake parking lot we Burpee Broad jumped around in a circle which was another crowd pleaser. At this point we were all around 50 or so Burpees which is another training goal of mine as I prepare for a Spartan Race(50 Burpees a day/100 if I do not post). We then had to escape the preserve. As most of us were winded I had us start back by lunge walking up hill to catch our breath, then we bear crawled for a bit before running back to COT.

We still had a few minutes before COT. Thank you Royale for leading some Flutter Kicks until the 6 was in.  We finished off with a few Sprints until the end.

Thoughts And Prayers

Leading a mostly running workout is a challenge as everyone is not in running shape and there was some separation. Overall it worked, but just barely. Prayers for travel, disease, losing loved ones, dealing with family and a big praise for ‘Merica on its 243 birthday since the Deceleration Of Independence from Britain in 1776. Thanks also to Jiminy Cricket and Crux from F3 Lake Norman for coming out. Peace!

TClap |

Keep it Simple

This will probably be the easiest backblast I ever write and it just goes to show, sometimes SIMPLER equals HARDER.

Got the text Sunday following church that we needed a substi-Q for Quagmire and I felt like I really wanted to just run Monday, but miss when I don’t do the boot camps, so what better way than to combine the two.

Let’s get to it:

Dynamic warm-up consisted of a quick mosey to Best Buy where we then lined up and did:

  • power skips half way down the building and then jogged to the end of petsmart
  • side shuffle half way, flip, side shuffle rest of the way
  • karaoke half way, switch, the same
  • back pedaled half way down then jogged to the end end

Did a quick 20 merkins, 20 big boys, 20 peter parker planks (on elbows) and 20 diamond merkins and then we started the real thang.

The balance was something like this:

  • Run a 1/3 of a mile, then do 10 bomb jacks, 15 burpees and 20 pulsating jump squats (half squat, full squat into jump squat = 1), then run another 1/3 mile and do the same 3 exercises / reps and keep doing it until time lol.  We did 4 of those back to back and then took a break to do the following:
  • Partner up at the Verizon by Target – partner 1 runs to rack room shoes (about 1/4 of a mile down) and back while partner 2 does non stop x-crunches (thank you ab app).  The jog was longer than I thought.  1/2 a mile kind of sucked right there.  Sorry not sorry.  65 x-crunches later we switched and partner 2 jogs.
  • From there, we went back to the every 1/3 mile do the 10/15/20 bomb jacks/burpees/pulsating/jump squats until we got back closer to COT.

Ended w/ an all out sprint the length of pet smart / office depot / best buy back to COT.  Props to Pot Hole for saving some in the tank and blowing by everybody.

Final #’s – 3 miles ran, 60 bomb jacks, 90 burpees, 120 pulsating jump squats and about 50-70 x crunches per person.  Not a bad day for a Monday.  Heard heart rates were excessively high which is always a good sign.  Thanks for hanging in there fellas – had a great time leading the pax.  Until next time.

Cha Ching

TClap |


12 attended the Poopdeck this morning and came ready to work.  I gave the usual disclaimer  and then informed the PAX that it has been awhile since I’ve been on the Exicon and decided to work my way through the whole thing.  Today of course, were exercises that began with A.  So we took off for a fast mosey along the “backside” of the Poopdeck.  Along the way we did some side steps, NUR, and Toy Soldiers before circling up for a quick warm up back at the starting point.

The Warm-up consisted of “ATM’s” so we held plank and performed the next 3 exercises in cadence.

  1. Alternating Shoulder Taps
  2. Tempo Merkins
  3. Merkins

Our next stop was at the front of the parking lot on the road between the Bowl n’ Bounce and Gas Station for some Ascending Curb Crawls w/Absolutions. I chose this spot specifically because there was some grassy area just past the curb that saved our elbows.

Starting at one side of the street/curb we would bear crawl across and perform 1 Absolution.  Bear Crawl back for 2 Absolution and continue onward until we reached 9 Absolution.

From there another fast mosey to the nice parking lot and a quick stop on the side building wall for some Ascending Testicles.  15/45/ degree Derkins in plank position with feet on the wall.  I didin’t make the PAX go full BTTW because there was quite a bit of grumbling.  OH YEAH!  The cat lady was spotted here as well so 5 Burpees for all!

Off to the main course for some A.L.A.R.M.S.  The Exicon says they are kinda like B.O.M.B.S. (which are kinda like Dora’s) so I planned this to be a partner routine, but had a backup plan if the PAX were odd numbered.

I had some cones set out to at the starting line and then another set 10 yards out and another set about 30 yards out from the starting line.

For the routine 1 partner would perform the exercise while the other PAX would Crab Walk to the 1st cone (10 yards) and then Apple Turnover and Bear Crawl to the 2nd set of cones (about 20 yards), and then finally sprint “AYG” to the finish (which was a tree about 30 yards out from the last set of cones).  Mosey back and switch.

The Exercises were:

  • Angle Grinders (50) – These were new and fun.  Start in plank, then go to downward dog, touch hand to opposite knee, back to plank and Merkin, then repeat with other knee, that’s ONE.
  • Lunges (100) – 2x Count
  • Alternating Shoulder Taps (200) – 2x Count
  • Russian Twists (300) – Single count (because time was running low).
  • M – This was the “Movement” by the other PAX not doing the exercise.

After finishing up we slowly moseyed back to COT and had enough time for some Hello Dolly’s and Freddy Mercury’s.

Today was a lot of fun and I think I’m going to enjoy working my way through the Exicon, there are a lot of great ideas in there and it has grown SO much since the last time I’ve looked at it.

COT – Consisted of the usual, Praises for Baby Snowball, and PAX travelling on vacations with their families.  Not many spoke up today so Prayers all around for the ones that were left unsaid.  Also, the YETI is coming sometime in July……..

Thanks for the Q Peg, it was a lot of fun and you were missed!

Until next time,


TClap |

Webs at Bermuda Triangle for anniversary celebrations

First time out at the Bermuda Triangle, longer drive than usual but it was totally worth it, good to see new faces out in the gloom.

Today marks my 2nd anniversary with F3 Nation and it’s also the first anniversary of the Bermuda Triangle AO, TCLAPS to Homebrew for leading this AO during this year so what better way but to combine the celebrations; 15 PAX decided to get better and were ready to start the party at 0500, some where disappointed to know that no utensils were in the menu but later found out that it was better that I left the utensils out.

After a short disclaimer, we moseyed to the front of the school for the warm up in cadence:


Moroccan Night Clubs

Low slow squats

Low slow merkins

I’ve been nursing a pulled hamstring all week so I decided to keep the running part to a minimum; I had 4 cards in my pocket with predetermined webs, we circled up on a “grassy” area, even though most of it was dirt with patches of grass, time to start our webs series, first web LEGS:

1 Knee Tar Jie – 4 squats, progressive to 10 KTJ and 40 squats (55 KTJ and 220 squats total)

Some questions arose when the second card was pulled out of my pocket but you don’t get up at 4 am to to the easy thing, second web CHEST/SHOULDERS:

1 Worst Merkin Ever (wide, regular, diamond) – 4 Carolina Dry Docks, progressive to 10 WME – 40 CDD, after the 8th WME I decided to switch the 9th and 10th round to regular merkins only and the CDD stayed the same. Flux was a champ and decided to do WME on the 9th and 10th as well so some of us joined him in the action. (+-150 merkins and 220 CDD)

we moseyed back to the soccer field for a softer grassy area and on the way there the site Q asked me about the legendary Captain Thor web, well, that was our third web ABS:

Captain Thor
1 Big Boy Sit Up – 4 American Hammersogressive to 10 BBSU and 40 AH (55 BBSU and 220 AH total)

With about 7 minutes left in the clock, I pulled my last card for the fourth web series CARDIO:

1 burpee – 4 goof balls, progressive to 10 burpees – 40 GB (most of us finished the 8th round for 36 burpees and 144 GB) I learned about goof balls last weekend at Hog and Coyote and this exercise really gets your heart pumping,  yes you guessed, you look like a goof ball!!

My plan was to include all groups of muscles into one workout and we did it, great job pushing yourselves out of the comfort zone gentlemen!!

We finished with announcements about Q School at Bermuda Triangle, we included our injured AX, families and kids on our prayers.

Thank you Homebrew for the opportunity to lead!!

Tinsel out…


TClap |

Quagmire- Where it all Started

14 plus an FNG  in the warm and muggy Gloom at Quagmire. This AO is where I posted for my first time back on 2-18-19. Bones’ Eh’d me for 12 full months before I gathered the gumption to get after it. Lutefisk had the Q for a coin flip beatdown. Couple of the regular Pax picked me up in the deep 6 for the next 3 weeks while I got my legs under me.  Will be eternally great full to those guys for keeping me going day after day.

Quick Disjointed disclaimer at 0515 and off we go on a quick mosey across the AO to the Tuesday Morning parking lot.


20 SSH

20 imperial walkers

20 Hillbilly Walkers — At this point Cornhole did me a solid and advised the PAX we did have an FNG in the mix. Need to work on my Openers/ disclaimers and such- Thanks Cornhole.

20 fast and slow Windmills-Based on the Mumble Chatter the Pax like very slow windmills- I like to keep the pace up.

20 Weed pickers

15 Flutter kicks

Roll to Plank for 30 seconds then into 3 rotations of Downward Dog and honeymooners.

Mosey to Target for the fun

The Thang

Red Ball Workout with Suicides. Side Note- Had the Weinke all ready to roll last night when I stopped to cook supper and my son deleted the entire thing. So who knows what the comparison between what we did and what I had on paper would have actually looked like.

Rep Counts 10-20-30


Ball 1: Burpees–Run to ball 3.

Ball 3: BombJacks- Suicide back to Ball 2 up to Ball 4.

Ball 4: Squats- Suicide back to Ball 3 up to ball 5.

Ball 5: Werkins- Suicide back to Ball 4 up to Ball 6.

Ball 6: Merkins- Suicide Back to Ball 5 up to ball 7.

Ball 7: Diamond Merkins- Suicide back to ball 6 up to Ball 8.

Ball 8: Big Boy Situps- Suicide back to Ball 7 up to ball 9.

Ball 9: LBCs- Suicide back to Ball 8 up to Ball 10.

Ball 10: Box Cutters- Mosey back to Start

Rinse and repeat  increasing as stated 10-20-30

Was shooting for 3 rounds. Most got in 2.5ish.  2-3 HIM completed all 3 rounds like the beasts they are. All accelerated. Non partner work but lots of guys picked each other up and worked together to make it happen.

Long Mosey back for COT right on time.

FNG- Jason Holland- LT. Colonel in the US Army now known in the Gloom as Cloggs.


Newsletter- Sweati upcoming.

Prayers- Cloggs is taking his new command of the MEPs Facility in Chicago and traveling back today.

Sick/injured and traveling PAX.

Thanks Jedi for allowing me to lead where I got my start.

Duck Out


TClap |

If Wilt Chamberlain met Nicole (well he probably did)

It was cool morning and 11 showed up for my Q at the Abyss. I gave a brief but full disclaimer. We did a fast mosey, because they don’t always have to be slow (I picked this up from a Backblast where Duck Dynasty “Cobain’d” for a fast mosey and Maximus said that they are fine and not really intended to be slow but they have evolved into being slow). We circled up for COP in the grass because only snowflakes circle up on the clean smooth asphalt and I ain’t no Snowflake (poor grammar intended).

COP was basically a modified Worse Merkin Ever Routine (hats off to Whitesnake who caught on after we departed the workout).
30 SSH in Cadence followed by 15 Ranger Merkins in Cadence (correct Merkins) – Royale said something about liking that I do 15 instead of 10 (or at least that is what i heard).
30 Seal Jacks in Cadence followed by 15 Werkins in Cadence
15 Smurf Jacks in Cadence followed by 10 Diamond Merkins
(O’Reilly does not like my COP’s, he would prefer Windmills or something like that, but see above – I ain’t no Snowflake) Kidding……Windmills are ok to do also.

We then took a long run around the school and then regrouped at the Monkey Bars where we performed a “Nicole”
(Nicole is one of the girls of Cross-fit. Set a timer for 20 minutes. Pax will complete AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) of the following: Run 400m; Pull-ups AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) Mix up the pull-ups, chin-ups etc. as you see fit.; Repeato until the timer sounds.)

We still had time so we then started and almost completed the “Wilt Chamberalin”
(Space cones 100 ft apart. Length of basketball court. Line up at first cone do 100 lbc’s then run to second cone do 100 squats back to first do 100 flutter kicks(each leg) then end back at second to finish off with 100 lunges(50 each leg). Nice ab and lower body routine. Named for Wilts NBA record 100 pt game.) Copyright got called out by a couple guys (O’Reilly) for bailing on the Lunges and jumping ship or “Turncoat” as O’Reilly kidded around saying should be his new F3 name. But O’Reilly did not realize that Copyright did like 500 Weighted Lunges the prior day.

I then asked if anyone wanted to say their reps and 1 Pax (Flux) stated he did like 100 Pull ups and like 6 Miles and I told him that I researched what “Nicole” averaged and he was almost as good as her. Of course I added to what ever Flux told me and tried to make him feel less of a man. I did no such research of course. Well it was approximately 12:30 and it apparently was in his head and he called BS on my research. I didn’t think it would have taken till 12:30 though.

Finished up with a COT a couple prayer request (Joie heading to Guatemala, Whitesnake has a friend in a dark place in life, and a couple others I am sorry I forgot them but I know now more than ever that the Lord heard them!!!!!!! I also had an unspoken one that is really heavy on my heart right now and engulfing my mind with fear so if you are ready this please include my M in your prayers.

Thanks Copyright for the chance to lead such a good group of men.

Two Ferns

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Speed & Stamina Tested at Crow’s Nest

Fourteen joined YHC in the damp and steamy gloom at Crow’s Nest.   Happy to see and FNG among the usual Pax, YHC gave the disclaimer (push yourself but modify as necessary, etc.)  Here is how it went down:

Warm – o – rama

Indian run passing a 10lb medicine ball from front to back, about 3/4 of a mile toward the back of the school.  From there we circled up for some warm up work:

  • 10 windmills IC
  • 15 Imperial walkers IC
  • 12 Hillbilly walkers IC
  • 20 Mountain climbers IC
  • Downward dog and honeymooner for a moment or two
  • 10 diamond merkins IC

The Thang Part I

Pax proceed to a series of 8 cones set up 10 yards apart, with intermediate cones running parallel in between about 5 yards away:

  • diagonal shuffle in a line, 100 yards
  • diagonal run, in a line 100 yards
  • alternating lunge walk & bear crawl, with 5 jump squats or 5 merkins a each cone, 80 yards
  • Gassers (formerly called suicides) at the tall cones, with all you got on the last 80 yards up the slight incline

By this time, everyone seemed to be warmed up so on to:

The Thang Part II

Pax partnered up to knock off the list below; partner one began the exercises while partner two ran a loop around the parking lot, about 75 yards.  Most of us made it through the merkins before Omaha with 7 minutes left, (Awesome Wolverine Fist art work courtesy of the M).

The Thang Part III

  • Wall sit passing the 10lb medicine ball while pax alternated doing 3 super duper all you got reach for the stars jump squats.  I think we did this twice?
  • Mosey back to COT for a set of American Hammers


We welcomed Chop Block’s big brother, the FNG forever to be know as Mogul for his Real Estate and the ventures.   Hog and Coyote – Olaf (R) looking for a partner to run & bike with.  Prayers for Qbert this week as he counsels kids at church youth camp; prayers for a local family that lost dad too soon to and unexpected heart attack.  Praise for our FNG and for the great initial response to possible Lake Wylie FIA!.  Absolutely an honor to be part of the Pax & to lead a workout.

Aye, Wolverine



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Badger 1 year Convergence

Thank you to our QICs of the Badger Convergence.  For those that were close with Badger and his family who was in attendance it was a blessing to see 78 strong come out in his honor.

Cyclop’s Portion of Badger Convergence

The W/O: The sets follow the dates of every March madness trip I took with badger and the 71-64 significance is the final score of the Kentucky-Wisconsin game in 2015 (our first trip) when badger’s badgers knocked off unbeaten Kentucky in the final 4.  I heard a bit about that. 😎

3 – burpees
19 – merkins
20 – squats
15 – LBCs

64 second – wall sit (people’s chair):  reflect in silence on how we leave no doubt as badger did.

3 – burpees
17 – LBC’s
20 – flutters
16 – burpees

DORA partner up – 71 burpees.  Partner 1 runs to semi trailer and back while partner 2 does burpees then switch off and repeat until 71 is reached

3 – burpees
16 – squats
20 – lunges
17 – flutters

71 seconds – balls to the wall

Reflect on leaving no doubt and what that means for each of us – then mosey to COT.


Change Order’s Portion of Badger Convergence

18 merkins
48 Lbc
4 burpees
9 merkins
11 side startle hops
20 freely mercury
07 merkins
39 Lbc
Run a lap in between each

Jiffy’s Portion of Badger Convergence

Headed over to the side of Parking Lot…


I shared the Pax my background with Badger – I joined F3 because of him.  F3 has had a meaningful impact on my life and I owe that to Badger.  I shared with the Pax how quickly things turned for Badger and encouraged them (and myself) to make sure we are using our time and resources very intentionally.


The workout


I had cones setup and the Pax did the following sequences:

  • Lunge Walk to each cone and stop and do 10 jump squats, run back
  • Bear crawl to each cone and stop and 10 merkins
  • 20 LBC’s in cadence
  • Sequence of 10 merkins, 10 plan jacks, 10 merkins, 10 plank jacks, 10 merkins, 10 plank jacks


  • Lunge Walk to each cone and stop and do 5 bomb jacks, run back
  • Bear crawl to each cone and stop and 10 carolina dry docks
  • 20 American Hammers in cadence
  • Sequence of 10 merkins, 10 shoulder taps, 10 merkins, 10 shoulder taps, 10 merkins, 10 shoulder taps


  • Lunge Walk to each cone and stop and do 10 monkey humpers bomb jacks, run back
  • Bear crawl to each cone and stop and 10 dips
  • 20 flutters in cadence
  • Sequence of 10 merkins, 10 side shoulder punches, 10 merkins, 10 shoulder punches, 10 merkins, 10 shoulder punches


  • Straight suicide



We then ran to the side and between a couple of islands did a Jacobs Ladder with Bomb Jacks on one side and Burpees on the other with a total of 6.


Great job by the Pax pushing each other and picking up the 6 at the end.


We headed back to the group at the end for COT.  It was an honor to serve especially in honor of Badger.


Trucker’s portion of Badger Convergence

Ran behind 9 rounds. Badger would have been 40 this year. So honored him with 40/4 workout. Each PAX had to do 4 rounds of 4 exercises of 40 reps with a run from 9 rounds to end of parking lot.

Then over to Red Bowl wall for 40 leg raises. Wall sits with 2 burpees each down the line. Repeat with 4 scorpion merkins.

Missy to oil change store. 4 PAX lined up 20 yards away while the other took 4 car tires and flipped tires to partner, return back to start. Each PAX then grabbed a tire nd did 40 shoulder presses.

Mossy to COT


Senator Tressels Portion of Badger Convergence

After COP, mosey to the inclined driveway by the apartment complex on Tega Cay Drive.  I gathered the group and told them that Matt was my neighbor and friend.  Our families spent time together and that Matt was active in an adult men’s soccer league.  Matt’s fight with cancer was very short and that he was gone way too soon.


On to the workout:


Jacob’s ladder, 1-7, with burpees at the top of the hill.  Plank when you are finished.


Walk to the grass area in front of the apartment gym and circle up for  Jack Webb’s (10/40).


Freddie Mercs x 20, and Hello Dolly x 20, all in cadence.


End with 90 seconds of the body destroyer.  As the Pax laid still and quiet,  I told them to think about how much they have, how lucky they are, and that every day is a gift.


Mosey  back to the Harris Teeter lot for COT




Decibels Portion of Badger Convergence






Heals to Heaven x25





LBCs  X39



During the workout we keep 3 soccer balls moving at all time to honor Badger’s love for soccer. 

It is hard to believe that it has been a year since Badger went to be in heaven.  I was blessed to spend time with him prior to his passing.  We talked about him being saved and how important that was to him.  He let me know that his M was a big reason he was saved but also seeing my families reaction to losing our daughter and son and our dependence on God at that time.  I am saying this to let you know as Christians people watch our actions and want to make sure our actions match our words.  I encourage every Christian brother in F3 to live out your faith and in times of need lean on God just like Badger did in his time. 

My M and I received a letter from Badger.  In that letter he mentioned F3 and the support he and his family received after the diagnosis.  I remember him just being in awe of all the people that were praying for him.  He was so touched by this community that he asked that I make sure that his boys get involved in F3.  It was such a blessing to have Jeter and all the his relatives experience the convergence.  To have 78 men in our community support Badger was an emotional journey for all of us that knew him.  I had several members of his family let me know how much they appreciated the convergence and the support for Badger.  Thank you to each man that showed up!

Badger was a man I respected to the utmost.  He was not a guy that sought attention or glory, but he was always there when you needed him.  He loved his family and was a loyal friend.  I am still in awe of how he bravely prepared to walk into heaven.  It was so comforting to know he was going to see Jesus.  He told me many times that he would take care of our babies (Elizabeth Grace and Garrett) until we met up with him.  Badger was a great Father and I know he is having a blast with my kids in heaven. 

Let us all take this time to pour into, support, love on and encourage our F3 brothers. Then take that momentum and turn it to our families.  Then take that momentum and pour it out on the least and the lost in our community.  Badger knew that God had a purpose for him and that purpose was to spread the word of God’s Grace and Love.  Let’s make that happen for him.



TClap |