
Low slow squat
Cherry Pickers
Moroccan Night Clubs
Peter Parker’s
Hillbilly Walkers

Count off in groups of 3
# of reps – 15
Do workout #1 together to start
Run down to loop and back
Do workout #1, #2 together
Run down to loop and back
Add new exercise after each run
Do exercises I. Cadence as team of 3
1. Merkins
2. Bobby Hurley
3. Flutters (DC)
4. Burpees
5. Lunge jumps (DC)
6. V-ups

Plank for 6
15x Mtn Climbers

COT: prayers: parents and kids. Dads are learning they can’t effectively parent by yelling at their 2.0s. Have grace, understanding, and know when to listen and keep your mouth shut. Praises: Keep trying new approaches with 2.0s, ask how you can help them. Let them know when you make mistakes.

Serenity Prayer:
“God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Cubbie out

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Jeyklls Terrible Idea from Years past

The Thang:
Finish each exercise before moving on to the next. In between, complete a recovery run. Normally, distance is 1/4 mile.

§Burpees – 100
§ Calf Raises – 150 (50 regular, 50 toes pointed in, 50 toes pointed out)
§ Ski Abs – 100
§ Merkins – 100
§ Deep Squats – 100
§ LBCs – 200 (beaker – 200)
Carolina dry docks – 100 (Cheddar, Shady, Funhouse, NASA – 100)
§ American Hammers –100 (yard sale – 100)
§Mac Tar Jai– 100 (Double D – 12, Bonsai – 35, Happy Hour – 40, Imagineer and Cohiba – 100)
§ Jump Squats – 100 – (Fish Sticks – 80)
§ Mountain Climbers – 100
§ Shoulder Raises – 200
§ Mary Catherines – 100
§ Hello Dolly – 200
§ Wide Arm Merkins – 100
§ Squat Jacks – 100
§ Nippler– 100
§ Burpees – 100

Shout out to the originator, Jekyll. He started this many years ago. Each week during the month of June, he would q this workout at Laces. Pax would show each week trying to get better each week. So it was fitting to do as a 10 year celebration

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4 corners and back to basics

WARMUP: SSH, Wind Mills, Burpees
THE THANG: 4 Corners around the whole Harris Teeter parking lot.
Every corner had 4 exercises, 1 per lap + the exercises from the lap before.
Station 1 (Cardio)
20 SSH
20 HBW
20 IW
10 Burpees  
Station 2 (Legs)
20 Squats
20 BH
20 CR
20 Lunges.
Station 3 (Abs)
20 LBCs
20 AH
20 BBS
20 Rosalitas
Station 4 (Chess)
20 Merkins
20 Dimond Merkins
20 WA Merkins
20 Shoulder taps.

MARY: total of 2.6 miles for every one a lot of sweet. Place stink in some places.

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Wally World

WARMUP: none… Just go
THE THANG: Run to Wally World via 160 left on stone crest until hit Model A. Then do BASS which consists of 5 burpees, 20 American hammers, 10 squats and 10 SSHs. Run back to COT do exercises again and repeat back to Wally World. Just a little over 4mi.
MARY: optional
ANNOUNCEMENTS: trash pickup Christmas party
COT: marriages, 2.0s

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2 mi at conversational 12 min pace?!?!

Yardsale had planned for us running 2 mi at 12 min conversational pace. Thankfully for 38 and myself Yardsale had a last minute concentrica need. Cubbie tried to drag us thru anyway but 38 and I rebelled. Good talks for the second half. Realizing that maybe good talking is near impossible with a workout. Continuing our talking at lunch.

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4 Season of a Man’s Life

Run to the hill by the football stadium. Stopped at each light pole for 8 HR Merkins. Once at the top we planked for the 6. 40 merkins total.

Continued to mosey past the church and armory. Entered back into the high school by the gym where we circled up.

With an impending birthday I have been reflecting a lot on where I am during my life. One such message that resonated with me is the idea that a man’s life is divided up into seasons. As a result the theme for today was the 4 seasons of a man’s life. I tried to mirror the workout with the nature of each season.

Season 1. : Spring Age 0-20. Theme is Identity.

This stage of a man’s life a man determines who he is, what skills he has, and what are his limitations.

SSH IC x10
Seal Jacks ICx10
Plan Jacks IC x10
Mountain Climber x10.

Did 2 rounds at 10 reps IC then 1 round of 20 IC to get to 40 IC reps in total for each exercise.

Ran to the next corner of the big parking lot for Summer

Season 2 : Summer Age 20-40 Theme is Learning and Growing

This stage of mans life is perfecting your skill set, and distinguishing your expertise for the good of society. How do you prioritize the things in your life (work v life balance). How do you establish family and your role in the community.

10 HR Merkins IC
10 Squats
10 Merkins IC
10 Lunges OYO

Repeated this 4 times to get to 40 reps of each exercise.

Run to the next corner of the parking lot for Fall

Season 3 : Fall Age 40-60 Theme is Influence

Key questions for this stage Have I achieved what I wanted to, can my mistakes be redeemed, and how to avoid having a mid-life crisis. Another key thing is to think about how you can influence the next generation. Particularly your family and close friends.

For this round of exercises I did a Tabata format

40 seconds on 20 seconds off.

Catalina Wine Mixers
HR Merkins

With time running out we ran to COT for the last season.

Season 4: Winter Theme is Investment.

At this stage you should have composure maturity and insight. You don’t see others as competition but as an opportunity to mentor and invest in the next generation. The greatest danger at this stage is for a man to believe he can no longer contribute. Of course in F3 we know this to be a lie. We have HIM’s all throughout the Fort as examples of what it is to be mentors, champions and examples.

The exercises at this stage were:

40 BBS
40 LBC’s IC
40 4-ct Flutter Kicks IC
40 American Hammers IC

With 8 seconds left I ended the workout…….with 5 more burpees OYO.

Honored to spend this day and this morning with the men of F3, members of my shieldlock and at Laces IN one of my favorite AO”s.

Until next time…..

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11s on the pre-10yr anniversary workout

Cherry Pickers
Moroccan Night Clubs
Imperial Walkers
Peter Parker’s

Mosey to spot: shuffle L/R, karaoke L/R, Toy Soliders, Nur, Bear Crawl

Start 10s

End 1
Jump Squats
American Hammers


COT: Slow Jams had good family time on vacay. Shower Curtain is back home but still needs support. How can we cook meals, or stop
By to encourage.

I am struggling with my youngest. Our personalities are very similar and when two people who are “right” start arguing, it does not end well. On top of reading many books, I am realizing I cannot pray enough here. I ended with the Serenity Prayer.

“God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” Amen and God Bless.

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Some of everything

WARMUP: none
THE THANG: three fathers WOD, vacuum cleaners until fail, 4-corners ladder (5,10,15,20 reps at each corner) with 8ish exercises. Pax used sidewalk chalk to initial their completion of each round
MARY: motivators from 6 down
ANNOUNCEMENTS: final countdown, 9/11 convergence
COT: prayers for school teachers & students, and grateful hearts

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no gears required

WARMUP: small mosey, 20 SSH, 10 imperial walkers, 10 cherry pickers, 10 good mornings, 10 low slow squat
THE THANG: starting by the bike rack do 12 BBSU, run past the front entrance to the intersection at the side of the school, 12 kick through merkins, back to the bike racks, 11, 10,… you get it
any who finish starts at 1 burpee and works their way up. Fishstix and Minuteman got to one burpee before time was up
MARY: 60 seconds left on the clock, Minuteman called a 10 count superman with a ripcord pull. Stix called a body destroyer to run out the last few seconds
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 10 year stuff is coming, ready the newsletter

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Snakes and Arrows

A group of 7 met at FMHS for the last Laces In workout of August 2022. Here is what they did:

The Thang:

After a brief disclaimer around the shovel flag, we moseyed around the parking lot and ended up in the grassy field by the football stadium for COP

All in Cadence:

SSH x 25, windmill x 15, IW x 25, merkin x 10, LBC x 25, flutter x 25, hello dolly x 25, jumping lunge x 15, squat x 20, Moroccan nightclub x 40 while walking back to parking lot.

Line up at the lot next to a row of empty parking spaces. One by one, shuffle across the parking lot space line, do one burpee at the end of the line, advance to the next line, shuffle across, do one burpee at the end of the line, etc., continue through about 10 spaces. Rinse and repeat with bomb jacks.

Mosey back to the grassy field for modified Jack Webb. In place of merkins/overhead claps, we did V-ups and Freddie Mercuries (1:4 ratio). We did 5, took a short break and completed, 6, 7, an 8 before stopping. Man that was hard! Recover and mosey to the shed across the lot.

Assume People’s chair against the shed. Hold, and one by one, each guy does 3 burpees.

BTTW hold, while one by one down the line, each member of the Pax does a 10 count

Rinse and repeat above.

Line up for an Indian run across the lot to the entrance of parking lot (up/down the hill) and back to the shovel flag.


I have been posting very intermittently lately due to a shoulder injury, and had not Q’d a workout since January of this year. I didn’t feel like I had my ‘A’ game out there today, but I felt I gave the guys their money’s worth. After 10 years, it’s still a blast to get together in the morning, Q a workout, and lead the fine men of F3. I’m looking forward to the next 10 years. Snakes and Arrows is another Rush reference. RIP Neil Peart


Read your newsletter. Lot’s going on for The Fort 10 year anniversary

Prayers for our brother Shower Curtain, ST’s friend Joe (cancer) and co-worker Justin (Covid)

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