Blown tire = Bullpen

Lets just put this out there.  I was HURTIN.  The Murph did me in like no one’s business.  Shoulders, arms, no extension.  The bed was calling.  Obligation as a PAX and as a site Q made my decision for me.  Have to do the hard thing.  Reborn has been on schedule for months and I got a call at 4:30 saying his tire had blown.  No problem.

Pulling into The Coloseeum there were already a large group of men gathering waiting.  With nothing prepared, I decided shared leadership was the key today.

Maximus: COP

Jekyll: 16s on the track.  Carolina Dry Docks and Jumping Lunges at each corner of track.  15/1, 14/2, 13/3….1/15.

Dungaree: Wall Muscle ups, BTTW

MacGuyver: Wall sits into merkins back into Wall sits (#crowdpleaser)

Gekko: Street lights.  AYG to next to pole 2, mosey to pole 3, AYG to pole 4. repeato until 10th pole

Walker: Cant remember but probably Merkins

Jekyll: Mary

all were completely smoked.  Always great to have the high energy and expectation from Walker.  He really drives me to be better and do better.  Unwavering principled man.

We finished up and met up with Ruckers and Pathfinders.


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Tempo Run at Tempo

We ran the Carowoods loop, 5.25 miles. Nice course for a tempo run – it is  mostly flat so you can open it up so to speak and maintain a good pace throughout. Spud and Decibel joined us for COT. After so much rucking it felt good to stretch the legs out with my running mates. Thanks Gekko for the opportunity to lead.


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Burpees at the Ballroom?

This was my 4th Q in 6 days so I am running short on ideas, and never knowing what a moderate workout is supposed to be I struggled to build the winke, but no worries I came up with something fun and it was good to see all the Pax show up and ready to work.

Warm up mosey around the parking lot and then back to circle up for some COP.  SSH, Hillbilly Walkers, Low Slow Squat, Windmill, Potato Pickers, Mountain Climbers, Peter Parker, CDD, mixed in some Downward Dog and Honeymooner.

Mosey a little to the bottom of a little hill for a round of 11s – 10 Burpees at the bottom of the hill with 1 set Jumping Lunge with a Bear Crawl up the hill.  Apparently this was a lot of Burpees for Ballroom.  Oh well live & learn.

Activity 2 was another round of 11s, no hill this time just on curb to another.  10 LBCs  Bear crawl, lunge walk, Crab walk, or what ever, 1 Mike Tyson  and so on and so on…. Let it be know that those Mike Tysons start to hurt around 6 or 7.  Finished up with a few minutes of Mary. Great work by all.

Announcements – Convergence on the 24th,  Badger work-out, next Tuesday, read your newsletter.  Prayers  for students and teachers, families.


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Respectable Q at Alcatraz

A beautiful morning at Alcatraz and the Pax began to gather for a beatdown by 2 respectable Qs with YHC and Bolt.  Circle up disclaimer was given and YHC took the 1st half and lead the group out on a warm up mosey.

COP – SSH, Hillbilly walker, Low Slow Squat, Mountain Climber, CDD, Peter Parkers, Downward to Honeymooner(x3) – Mosey to the Pull up bars

At the Pull up bars I shared how we would spend the rest of my allotted time- A few rounds of Cindy Round 1 – run to the bottom of the terrible hill then back to the pull-up bars for  5 pull-ups, 10 Merkins, 15 Dips, 20 4 count flutters.  Round 2 – Run around the park same workout. Round 3 back to the bottom of the hill and same workout.  After 3 rounds we were all sufficiently smoked and ready for Bolt to take over.

Bolt had mercy on us and we walked  back to the parking lot where he gave his instructions.  4 stations around the park Station 1 paver curls and 5 Burpees, Station 2 Jump Squats and 5 Burpees, Station 3 Bombjacks 5 Burpees, Station 4 10 Burpees, sprint back to Station 1.  Rinse and Repeat.  With the remaining time we circled up for some interesting and challenging ab work as only Bolt could bring.

To COT – Prayers requested and given.  A great morning, and a great group of PAX

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That was a lot of sit-ups

My 2nd of 3 Q’s in 3 days. Always a pleasure to Q The Swamp!  Now that I am Ruck free and with no big race on the schedule I’m free to just do regular old Bootcamps. My favorite workouts combine a good amount of running(big surprise) with a bunch of other stuff so that is what we did today and  was glad to have a bunch of guys to share it with.

Started off with s nice mosey warm-up with some dynamic warm-ups of butt kicks, high knees, shuffles and some karaoke.

Circle up in the HD parking lot for COP consisting of SSH, IW, Carolina Dry Dock, Peter Parker, Mountain Climbers, then a series of Downward dog to Honeymooner. Back on our feet for Windmills, Apollo Ono(look out for the car), and just for fun some Monkey Humpers.

Mosey to the bike racks at HD for the main thing. Partner up for a nice BOMBS routine. One partner does the exercise the other does a lap around Home Depot.  There  were some complaints that the lap was a little long even though I assured them it was only about 1/4 mile  I was accused of measuring Zima miles.

50 Burpees, 100 Overhead claps, 150 Merkins, 200 Big Boy Sit-ups(crowd favorite), 250 Supine Pull-Ups(only because I hate squats and I needed an S).  We did not make through all the pull-ups, headed back to COT for a few minutes of Mary, ending with a Body Destroyer.

Announcements – Convergence 5/24, Honor Badger at Golden Corral 5/21 wear Red, Read your newsletter

Praises for Lutifisk daughter, Dungaree’s 1 year anniversary, prayers for kids cancer relapse.

Challenged the PAX to take the role as the leader in their home.  We are called to lead, do not be a passive bystander or even worse do not take or accept the role as another child in the house.  Be the man/leader you are called to be.

Thanks as always for the opportunity to lead this great group!!



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Just a Mere Tune-Up

How in the world did I get the honor of Qing one of the most popular ruck workouts of the year? I don’t know but I didn’t want to disappoint. Usually, that last comment means it’s time to absolutely BRING IT. But the trick this AM was to find that balance of bringing it but not killing it since we’re dangerously close to being short on GRH/GRT/GRL PAX.

Alright, I’ve got my head right, Weinke written and little sleep. Yup, par for the course so let’s roll. 24 brothers joined me at the Fire Ant this morning which for those who’ve not attended, is building quite the strong brotherhood. Again, here’s my plug to try rucking for a month and see if you set the ruck down.

After we disclaimed and talked about the upcoming event this weekend, we made our way to the sidewalk to get in two lines with rucks opened on the ground for a mock inspection. Once complete, zip up, ruck up and fall into 2 lines for a ruck lap around the loop.

Once the lap was complete, stay in 2 lines and lay the rucks on the ground on the outside of the lines. In formation, Side-Straddle Hops, Imperial Walkers, Sumo Squats & Moroccan Night Clubs. Now for a little BEEP BEEP, I’M A JEEP!!

In formation, drop to a squat, hold the ruck out front and duck walk for a bit. Then some ruck curls. Then, drop to a squat, hold the ruck out front and reverse duck walk for a bit back to the starting point. Guess what? More ruck curls.

Now, rotate 90deg so you’re facing the outside, away from the other line for shoulder presses, upright rows and bent over rows. Then a nice set of flutters WITH the needed presses.

Line up on the left side of the 2 long straight-aways for an exercise with the ruck, leave your ruck and run to the far end, do an exercise then run back to your ruck. Here’s the set list:

10 Ruck Thrusters, leave the ruck and run to the other end

5 8ct Burpees then run back

20 Ruck Curls (great on paper), leave the ruck and run to the other end

10 8ct Burpees then run back

Back in our 2 lines of formation for:

12ct Merkins…sans Ruck

Flutters w/ the Press

LBC’s w/ the Rucks up

Box Cutters w/ the Rucks up

More Beep Beep, I’m a Jeep stuff


See, not so bad. Just another Tuesday in The Fort.




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Mental Health Awareness at the Pantheon

Mosey around the side of the school.

quick word about what mental health means to you

Warm up
15 – Windmills
15 – Imperial Walkers
20 – Moroccan Nightclubs
10 cherry pickers

5 burpees OYO

30 count people’s chair  with arm flutters
Balls to the wall 10 count

30 count people’s chair with
Balls to the wall 10 count
30 count people’s chair
Balls to the wall 10 count

5 burpees OYO

Mosey to the back of the School

discuss that there is more to mental health than depression

20 Merkins
20 CDD
20 Hand Release Merkins

5 burpees OYO

Lunge walk half way down flip to LT. Dan’s

5 burpees

mosey to the side of the school

Plank shoulder taps
Seal Team Sit-ups

20 American Hammers

Mosey to the front of the School

Global warming with 30 Monkey Humpers each Pax one at a time while Every one held al-gore, imagine 25 pax  = sore legs

Maximus Shared his struggles  and YHC spoke about my struggles in the past due.

It was awesome to hear so many Pax open up and being vulnerable. T-Claps to all that attended this is not a easy subject to discuss.

Prayers sent up for those that are struggling and have struggled with this topic.



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When I was driving to The Swamp and saw the rain coming in sideways, I thought “well it may just be Cha-Ching and me at the AO today.” I was surprised to see 18 Pax in attendance. The rain did not scare them away. To ensure they weren’t scared, we started the workout with Box Cutters in the largest puddle. Jedi loved it (kidding). That was the soggiest workout in my seven years with F3. However, it sure was fun. Would I do it all again? YES!

Mosey to the Cold Stone’s parking lot.

COP: SSH (20x), IW (20x), WM (15x), Sumo Squats (15x), MC (20x) and Box Cutters (15x)

Mosey to Bath & Body Works parking lot.

Circle up, count by 4, each group goes to a corner

Pyramid Drill: At each station/corner, do Burpees, LBCs, Jumping Squats in increments of 5 until we hit 15 repetitions then countdown to 5 as a group. Jog to each station.

Mosey to the Penn Station Subs’ parking lot.

Partner up. Partner Wheel Barrels to each side of the parking lot (2x), Partner Carries (2x), Partner Big Boy Sit Ups (15x for 2 rounds), Partner Ski Jumps (15x), Partners Push Ups (15x for 2 rounds), Partner Leg Lifts (15x for 2 rounds)     

Mosey to the parking lot behind Just Fresh

COP: LBCs (20x), Superman (10 second counts), Pepper Grinders (15x), Merkins (40x)


Wisdom starts with a respect for God. Read the B.I.B.L.E. (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) for insight regarding what you ought to do. Don’t seek counsel from people who only tell you what you want to hear. Our wants and desires often lean toward our sinful nature.

The best counsel comes from wise men who tell you what you ought to hear. They challenge you to do and be better. You’ll want to ignore their advice that may inconvenience to your selfish motives. However, instead of dismissing what you don’t want to hear, lean in.

Also, be that man who helps others understand what they ought to do from a righteous and moral perspective.

#Wisdom #ISI #OughtTo



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Hilly Stonecrest


Summary of Route:

  • Run down Tega Cay Drive towards Hubert Graham Pkwy
  • Right on Hubert Graham Pkwy
  • Right on Stonecrest Blvd
  • Turn around at Dam Road
  • Left on Calming way, out and back
  • Left on Stonecrest Blvd
  • Left on Placid Ct, out and back
  • Left on Stonecrest Blvd
  • Left on Reliance Ct, out and back
  • Left on Stonecrest Blvd, back to Trailhead Park

Total miles:  5.02

Elevation Gain:  455 ft

Pax Approval Rating:  Five Stars




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Survive and Advance

Lutefisk was put on the IR this week and YHC felt called to respond to his call for a substitute Q at Golden Corral. Disclaimers were delivered to a crowd of 14 HIMs – Gekko took a 5-mile ish mosey in preparation for this weekend’s long training run (aka P200). The remaining PAX moseyed off for a March Madness themed workout with many reps.

COT – all I/C (note the counts and their march madness like numbers)
Moroccan Night clubs x Sweet 16
Arm circles forward and backward x Sweet 16
SSH x 32 (just because…..)
Windmills x Sweet 16
Mountain Climbers X Sweet 16
Merkins D/C X Elite 8
Honeymooners, planks, salutations to the right and left with a few 6-inch holds dome for 10 counts of varying length

Mosey to the Brackets. Disclaimer – Like the NCAA’s – some brackets are more difficult than others. Regardless of the challenge, the mission is the same – survive and advance. All exercises were completed twice (or until YHC called time)- the first round was descending down the list and the second was ascending up the list – 64-32-16-8-4-2-2-4-8-16-32-64.

Bracket #1 – East region
64- Squats
32 – Shoulder taps
16- Dips
8- Burpees
4 – Hello Dollys
2 – Dying Cockroach

Bracket #2 – West region
64- Squats
32 – Clave raises – 32 inner, 32 outer and 32 middle: 96 total – just because………
16- Burpees
8- Lunge walks (per leg)
4 – Dying Cockraoch
2 – LBC’s

Bracket #3 – Midwest region
64- Flutters (single count)
32 – Merkins (single count)
16- Burpees
8- Boxcutters
4 – Flying squirrels (just for C-SPAN)
2 – Burpees

Bracket #4 – South region
64 – LBC’s
32 – Dying Cockroaches (Single count)
16- Walking Lunges (per leg)
8- Burpees
12 – Clave Raises – 4 inner, 4 outer and 4 middle
2 – LBC’s

The last round finished at 5:58 – just in time to hustle back to COT, but jailbreak did not need to be called.


Operation Sweettooth 8k in Huntersville 3-30-19.  Support Olive.  VIrtual run from Alcatraz at 6:30 AM the same day.   Questions – Change Order

Paradise Reading Center Monday & Wednesdays – Bethlehem Baptist Church 4:00 PM – great way to fill the 3rd F – Questions – Crabcakes and Copay

Read your newsletter

Prayers:   One year to the week of Badger’s diagnosis and 10 months this Thursday since he went to be with Sky Q.  Lift up his M and 2.0’s

It is an honor to be a part of such a terrific group of HIMs who are committed to accelerating.  I was glad to come out of the bullpen for this Q.  And to those considering stepping up to Q for the first time (or not), to steal a phrase from Nike – just do it.  In the COT, thanks was given for our group of F3.  Our ability to push one another past our comfort zones and get comfortable with discomfort is a privilege that should be treated as a blessing – let’s accept it as such and see it for the springboard of growth it is meant to serve.



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