The under appreciated ruck & boot camp combo pack

Conditions clear and very cold…around 33 degrees at kickoff


Quick discussion on the combo workout and modify as needed

and walk off…about half had rucks…make large pile of rucks…near Office depot


Partner up

Partner 1 run .33 mile, partner 2 does exercises…and then flapjack

Round one ruck curls, ruck upright rows, ruck curls, ruck upright rows…each partner got 4 turns at running…mumblechatter stalled…it started to suck…so as a good Q, I made bad into worse…

Partner 1 run .33 with ruck (crowd pleaser) while other partner exercises…and then flapjack

Round two squats, LBC, squats, LBC

Mumblechatter quickly turned into “bitching”…

Same partner, smaller lap, flying squirrels for each

Mosey to COT area

60 seconds of flying squirrels

COT/ Prayer or praise/ BOM

14 #HIM went inside for Romans 13



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Cool Running at Laces Out

8 posted to the Fort Mill High Track looking to get a little faster despite the cooler temps.

The Thang

Warmup Mile

800 at 10k pace
400 easy
400 at 5k pace
400 easy

Rinse and repeat for 35 minutes

1/2 Mile Cooldown
Stretching/Ab work with Laces In

COT and BOM with Laces In

Announcments – Plastic Bag Collection, Bring turkeys to workouts this Saturday/11:30 meal with Paradise, Christmas Party get signed up ASAP, Thanksgiving Day Convergence next Thursday at the Ranch 0600, Joe Davis Run

Thankful for this group and what it has done for me. Get those guys out to the Convergence next Thursday that NEED F3 in their life.

Shanks out

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Pushing through Puddles at Laces In

17 men (6 for Laces Out at 0500 and 11 for Laces In at 0515) posted in the cold wet gloom this morning to get better. After a quick disclaimer with a repeated reminder to modify as necessary and not sue missionaries, YHC took 10 other PAX (10 + YHC makes 11, for those counting) for some mobility work mixed with a little bit of pain.

Warm up mosey zig-zagging through the big parking lot mixed with high knees, butt kickers, and toy soldiers before circling up for the following:

  • (Really) low (really) slow squats X 10 in cadence
  • Windmills X 10 in cadence
  • Hillbilly walkers X 10 in cadence
  • Peter Parkers X 10 in cadence

Holding plank after the Peter Parkers, we pushed back into Downward Dog to open up the calves, hamstrings, back, and shoulders, then proceeded with a little yoga series.

  • Right leg up for 1-leg downward dog
  • Keeping leg up, go to plank, drop to 6”, back to plank, back to downward dog (X 5)
  • Swing right leg forward into lunge, then come up into high lunge for thighmasters (X 10 in cadence, a real crowd pleaser)
  • Moving through plank then side plank (right arm up), flip over into back plank
  • 10 count with right leg up
  • 10 count with left leg up
  • Flipping to side plank (left arm up) then to plank, bring left leg forward into lunge for more thighmasters (X 10 in cadence)
  • Hands down, press back into downward dog with left leg up
  • Repeat downward dog/plank/6”/plank/downward dog cycle (X 5) with left leg up
  • One final downward dog

Recover and shake it out. Feeling warm and fuzzy, we took up a mosey to the band parking lot for the real fun.

The Thang

Avoiding the cars, two lines of cones were set up 60 yards apart, making a 60 yard x 30 yard rectangle. PAX were to perform suggested (since they’re all suggested, right?) exercises, complete 5 plank circles (names suggested by PAX included “breakdancer” and “pommel horse”), then run at 80% to the other set of cones. Repeat the same exercises, plank circles, and run 60 yards back, completing the lap.

The exercises were:

  • Lap 1: broad jump with 5 yard side shuffle, back and forth for 30 yards
  • Lap 2: 2 Carolina dry docks, then flip over and do 2 double-count crab cakes, moving laterally 30 yards
  • Lap 3: lunge walk for 30 yards with 5 jump squats completed every 10 yards along the way
  • Lap 4: bear crawl for 30 yards with 10 LBCs completed every 10 yards along the way

Lacking time to complete lap 5, we ended with 20 burpees OYO and a mosey back to COT to meet up with Laces Out.


  • Bonsai needs a sub Q for Saturday at Alcatraz, and encouraged the PAX to go to the Fort at WEP anyway because Olive will be there.
  • Thanksgiving convergence coming up on Thanksgiving.
  • Bring frozen turkeys when you post on the 18th.
  • Beacon is collecting plastic bags to make beds.
  • Christmas party December 1.
  • “We should really have something like a newsletter that contains all these announcements and goes out at the beginning of the week. That would be really nice.”

Praise and Prayer

  • CSPAN noted that 30% of posted PAX were missionaries, which is a praise and a good reminder to pray for missionaries, their ministries, and their families.
  • Prayers for Trucker’s family as they deal with two losses in the family.
  • Veteran’s Day is Saturday (following Marine Corps birthday on Friday). Praises and prayers for those who have or are serving (and good reminder to reach out to and thank veterans in your life).
  • Prayers for families and relationships

This may not have been the most difficult workout ever, but I had fun. I try to incorporate some different skills into all of my Qs to change up from the norm and improve flexibility and mobility and hopefully prevent chronic injury. We may look ridiculous, but you’ll thank me later.

And as always, it’s an honor to get to Q surrounded by a great group of men. Thanks to Lil E for the opportunity, and nice to see Chinito Grande making a cameo during a brief trip Stateside for meetings.

Until next time.


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Campus Tour

10 joined YHC for a tour of the campus, while 5 others showed up a little earlier and ran in circles.

The Thang

Brief Mosey over to the smooth pavement for COP and the following exercises:

SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Merkins, Mtn Climbers, Squats, Peter Parkers, Parker Peters, Sumo Squats.

Mosey around to the front of the school for some ascending curb crawl. Perform 1 derkin, bear crawl to other side and do 2 derkins, bear crawl back for 3 derkins. Continue until you get to 11.

A couple quick sets of abs to catch our breath and mosey to the side of the school for 3 rounds of people’s donkey balls. Each round was 20 sec wall sit, 10 donkey kicks oyo, 10 sec balls to wall.

Mosey to the big hill at the front school entrance. Round of 7s. We did burpees at the bottom and squats at the top

We began our mosey back towards COT, but before we made it stopped in the big parking lot. Lined up on curb and sprinted the 25ish yards to the first light pole. Repeato about 5 more times.

Finish mosey back to start point for a few mins of Mary before meeting up with the LacesOut crew. Really great work from all involved.




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(un)Official Fast 5 Training

A little Fast5 training today with perfect 45F temps – great track weather!

1mile Warmup

Active Stretches x50 , jog x50 – Toy Soliders, Knee-to-Chest, Butt-Kickers, Duck walk in and out

400 x 2 – Run straights, Easy curves

1,000 (2.5 laps) – simulated race-pace for Fast5

400 Recover

Stairs Up and Down x3


Rinse & Repeat Set above x2 – tried to maintain or improve 1,000 race-pace each of the 3 times


Mile Warm-down




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The real gloom at WEP

What a great Saturday morning. I got out to the AO a little early cause I hadn’t been out to WEP in a very long time. The air was thick with fog, it was dark, it was downright scary  – the perfect type type of gloom that we love to work with.

Men  start showing up about eight minutes before launch, by the time we were ready to go we had a total of 19 PAX ready to get after it . Nomad  brought 3 FNG’s from his youth group and they were excited to figure out what was in store for them this morning.  I bet they felt differently after words.

Maximus were starting us off today so he gave the long disclaimer for new friends and off we went .

It was a nice quick jog and then circle up to do several exercises that I can’t recall individually – but Maximus pushed us to get nice and warmed up.

the Thang

Partner up

partner 1 pull ups AMRAP while partner 2 runs around the playground  perimeter.

Repeat three times

After that we will circle up in the playground dirt and did several of the exercises which included toe touches, LBCs, flutter kicks and chopsticks. Maybe an elbow plank in there as well.

Maximus then turned it over to Royale

Mosey into the grass circled up and picked new partners

Lazy Dora

No running, consists  of the following exercises that are rotated between the two partners until you get to the combined number .

100 merkins

10 each while other partner planks

200 Squats

25 each while other partner holds low squat

300  American hammers single count

30 each  while partner holds 6 inches

This evolution was terrible so I gave the guys a break after it was done and read from Discipline Equals Freedom, a section called “application of discipline ”  from Jocko Willink’s most recent book. I shared his video about the book above.  It’s one of my favorite short motivational videos on YouTube!

The next evolution involved a nice little hill for 11’s

Run up the top the hill- do 10 bomb jacks – run back down – one plank jack until you reverse the cycle down to one Bomb Jack and 10 plank jacks.

Next we moseyed halfway around the park on the running track until we came close to the front road and entrance to the park.

We formed two lines and partnered up with the person right across from you in line- sat down and did two minutes each of big boy sit ups many as you can.

finally spent the last two minutes doing as many as you can burpees – real crowd pleaser

COT with FNG naming, Gomer, Ghost Rider and Chop Block.

Announcements prayers and praises

It was an honor to lead,

Royale & Maximus

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The Big Spoon

With the temp hovering right at about 40 degrees, the PAX were reluctant to leave the warmth of the vehicles. One by one they emerged, ready to get better together.

  • Windmill – slow – 10 I.C.
  • Sitting Squat stretch 10 count
  • shoulder stretches
  • Mountain Climbers – 20 I.C.
  • Little Baby Arm Circles – 30 I.C.
  • SSH – 25 I.C.

Mosey to the parking lot with the football field painted on it

The Thang
  • Bear crawl to the 25 yard line. Stopping every 5 yards to do merkins, increasing by 5. (5, 10, 15, 20,25)
  • Crab walk back, stopping to do LBC’s every 5 with an increment of 10. (10,20,30,40,50)
  • 10 count
  • Suicides to the 50 yard line, every 10 yards. (10,20,30,40,50yds)
  • Circle up and asked several PAX to name everyone present. We had success so 10 burpees were done OYO in celebration.

Mosey to the bottom of the hill near the football stadium

  • Partner up for DORA. Partner runs to 4th light pole up  hill while other partner does exercise.
    • 100 Dips
    • 200 Monkey Humpers
    • 300 Flutters
  • 10 count and a brief word about “control”. Seceding our control to the one who is really in control.
  • Run to the top of the hill
  • 20 Calf raises
  • 20 Calf raises toes in
  • 20 Calf raises toes out

Mosey to COT for some Mary

  • Dying cockroaches – 20 I.C.
  • Superman + announcements
  • Honeymoon/Downward dog stretch
  • Boats and Canoes until time

Great work today gentleman. It’s an honor to lead.

-River Rat

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Build-a-burp Workshop

19 pax made it out to the golden corral for some bootcamp, ruck, and run.  Big showing from lake wylie thanks to Jedi.

A disclaimer was made and the bootcampers mosied around HT for cop.
Morracan Night Clubs x 20
Imperial Walkers x 19
Windmills x 13
Low slow squats x 16
Merkins x 11
LBCs x 15
Parker Peters x 15
(Reps are guestimates… no rhyme or reason to #s)
Bodybuilder burpees x 10 OYO (multiple demos requested, still no consensus on order of plank jack/merkin)
The thang
Mosied over to the fountain for some deconstructed bodybuilder burpees in pairs.
1st pax bear crawled to cone, ran to the hill to circle, and then crab walked back to the start from cone.
2nd pax did x16 of the following followed by LBCs until relieved by 1st pax:
Leg thrusts
Plank Jacks
Leg thrusts
Bodybuilder burpees
(mumblechattter included complaints of lack of visible cones)
Finished just in time and booked it over to HT for COT with a push from Davinci.
Christmas party
Probably missing something…. read your newsletter
Prayers and praises
Sick, injured, and traveling family.
Thanks Decibel for the opportunity
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4 boot campers and 6 runners posted at Laces In/Out this morning. The cool temperature was perfect for a hideous beat down. We did hill work because was today’s message was focused on overcoming inertia.

The Thang:

COP: SSH (30x), IW (20x), WM (15x), Sumo Squats (15x), MC (20x), Peter Parkers (15x) and Freddie Mercuries(15x)

Mosey to the hill near the stadium to add inertia and do the following exercises.

  1. 100 Yard Dash
  2. Jumping Squats (2x)
  3. Big Boy Sit Ups (3x)
  4. Pepper Grinders (4x)
  5. Burpees (5x)
  6. LBCs (6x)
  7. Sumo Squats (7x)
  8. Heels to Heaven (8x)
  9. Dips (9x)
  10. Calf raises (10x)
  11. Merkins (11x)
  12. Penguins (12x)

Ruby runs with the following exercises: Flutters (15x), Rosalettas (15x), Swimmers (15x), Calf Raises (30x).


Why do we sometimes struggle to answer God’s calling and purpose for our lives? Does our own inertia stop us?

Paul initially was filled with hesitation when he was called to God’s mission field. In the Acts of the Apostles 22, Jesus needed to encourage Paul to overcome his inertia. He kept telling Paul “Go,” “Get up,” “What are you waiting for?”

Paul eventually pushed through his inertia and fulfilled his mission. Paul’s story is a great illustration of how it’s sometimes tough to start your mission but you must finish strong. Answer when God calls on you to fulfill His mission.



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Have you seen my Baseball?

6 Veteran PAX joined YHC on a humid a.m. @ Laces In to take on the compound of FMHS as we know it!

Brief Disclaimer with no FNG’s so we Moseyed:

COP- A solid running loop around the large parking lot led us back to under the lights for some dynamic exercises to warm-up. Didn’t need too much as our bodies were already feeling the humidity. (Is this really October?)

IW’s, WM’s, HW’s, LSS’s, Honey Mooner stretch, MH’s, Plank Jacks. All followed by some leg stretches as the PAX were not aware we’d be getting a little running in!  #Trucker would’ve been pleased as we held off on the SSH’s! (For Now)

The Thang:

Mosey over to the Band practice parking lot to meet our friend DORA 1-2-3.


Partner running from Light Pole to Light Pole across parking lot about 100+ yards-

100 Moroccan Night Clubs

200 Squats

300 SSH’s  which the PAX grumbled ‘there they are’.

Since the Award Winning FMHS Band wasn’t practicing this early we took advantage of the space and re-booted another DORA 1-2-3 into a round of Abs Lab.

50yards this time with-

50 Flutters

100 LBC

150 American Hammers

With time on the clock we Moseyed over to another parking lot that had a perfect resemblance to a baseball field. With MLB playoffs in full swing and the Yanks taking down the Tribe the night prior we played our own game of baseball. Stayed as a TEAM unit and ran the bases. @ each base was an exercise.

1st base- 10 Burpees

2nd base- 20 CDD’s

3rd base- 30 Dips

Home plate- steal and sprint to home with 40 calf raises.

Mosey towards COT and finished time with Abs circle.


Met up with Maximus & Mcguyver from Laces Out (who got a solid 6 miles in)


Joe Davis 5k


California Wild Fires

October Breast Cancer Awareness

F3 and what it has done for PAX (personal growth)

Staying safe on the roads during running/training for the upcoming races.

Wheezer Out-

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