Chest Day @ The Ranch – 11/29/18

13 #HIM joined YHC at the Ranch for Chest Day. Welcome Greenspan (nomad from Winston Salem).

Mosey to the big concrete circle.


  • 30 side straddle hops
  • 5 burpees OYO
  • 8 4-count forward arm circles, 8 4-count backward arm circles
  • 5 burpees OYO
  • 20 seal jacks
  • 5 burpees OYO


Start at the top of the circle at the first of 5 speed bumps. Run around the circle, completing the indicated chest exercise at each speed bump. Do 10 incline merkins and 10 decline merkins on the benches at the top of the circle after each round. LBCs while we wait for the 6.

Exercises for each speed bump:

  • Round 1 – 10 hand release merkins (50 total)
    • 10 incline / 10 decline
  • Round 2 – 10 diamond merkins (50 total)
    • 10 incline / 10 decline
  • Round 3 – 5 burpees (25 total)
    • 10 incline / 10 decline
  • Round 4 – 10 wide arm merkins (50 total)
    • 10 incline / 10 decline
  • Round 5 – 15 dips (75 total)
    • 10 incline / 10 decline

= 350 total chest reps

Mosey back to COT for one last exercise

Captain Thors to 7 x 28


  • Announcements
    • Christmas Party
    • Skate or Die to Q The Fort
    • Mainframe to Q Alcatraz
    • Help Badgers family on Saturday
  • Prayers
    • Badgers family
  • Words on Anxiety based on a sermon at Fort Mill – put trust in God

Thanks to Jiffy for the opportunity to lead

– Ginsu

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700 Club

14 Strong Men showed up at The Fire Ant for some Ruck Training.

In Preparation for next week’s GoRuck event in Wilmington – we completed a mission simulation with a TL (Team Lead) and ATL (Assistant Team Lead)

Dirty Harry and Wegmans  voluntold the roles as they are training for their first GoRuck events.

The mission was simple, but tough. Get the group (and several coupons) to a starting point, complete the 700 club workout, and get back in time for COT.

The Thang (700 Club):

100 reps each of seven exercises:

Hand Release Merkins


Overhead Press


Ruck Swings

Big Boys Sit Ups

Flutters (with Ruck Press)

This would require a pace of approximately one rep every three seconds with no time for rest.

The group completed the mission. With a reward of carrying Bonsai and Husky back in addition to the coupons.

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Black Fallen Soldiers

Today, we had an FNG who discovered F3 on his own. No EH was required! My heart is full because we discussed two of the many African – American fallen war heroes that are rarely acknowledged in the history of our country. Both of these African – American served our country and were not given Medals of Honor until 78 years or more after their death. Today, we paid homage to these two fallen war heroes.

Henry Johnson 
On May 14, 1918 in Champagne, France, Henry Johnson (Army) received 21 wounds while fighting against a 24-man German patrol in hand-to-hand combat. Miraculously, he survived the assault for another 11 years before succumbing to complications due to the injuries he received in action on July 1, 1929. Johnson was later buried in Arlington National Cemetery. Henry Johnson, originally from Winston-Salem, North Carolina was referred to by Theodore Roosevelt Jr. (not the President, but his son) in 1919, as “one of the five bravest Americans to have served in World War I (WWI).”

When Johnson returned from France after recuperating, he was paid to share his experience in WWI as part in a touring lecture series. Over the years, there were several attempts to secure the Medal of Honor for his valor in battle, but each attempt failed for unknown reasons. In 2014, New York State Senator spearheaded a new campaign to recognize Johnson’s actions, resulting in the president posthumously (after the death) awarding Johnson the Medal of Honor in 2015.

Workout: 5 rounds of:

    • 5 Handstand Push Ups
    • 10 Pull Ups
    • 10 Jumping Squats
    • 20 Dips
    • Run to the stop sign and bear crawl back

Ruben Rivers
Ruben Rivers was an Army Staff Sergeant in the 761st Tank Battalion, a black tank battalion (aka, the “Black Panthers”), which served with distinction in Europe during World War II (WWII). When the United States entered WWII, Rivers and two of his brothers joined the military, though Rivers was the only one assigned to a combat unit. Rivers played a critical role in some of the earliest action his battalion would see. On November 8, 1944 Rivers and the 761st launched an attack on German combatants in northeastern France. The Germans got the drop on the 761st and Rivers quickly realized that following protocol would fail to give his unit the upper hand. So, “with utter disregard for his personal safety, Rivers courageously dismounted from his tank in the face of direct enemy fire, attached a cable to obstacles on the road and opened a path that permitted the combat team to proceed. His prompt action thus prevented a serious delay in the offensive action and was instrumental in the successful assault and liberation of Vic-sur-Seille, resulting in the battalion receiving its first Silver Star*.”

A little more than a week later, Rivers’ tank led the way as the battalion advanced towards German positions. When his group came under heavy fire, Rivers located a German anti-tank unit and, with one other tank, moved to fire on the area and cover the retreat. In the process, Rivers was fully exposed and as he was ordered back to cover, the Germans quickly concentrated their fire on his tank, killing Rivers instantly.

Sgt. Rivers received the Medal of Honor for his heroic actions posthumously, but tragically not until nearly 78 years after his death in 1997.

Workout: 5 rounds of:

    • At each 5 yard line, to the 25th yard line of the following
    • 5 Burpees
    • 5 Bomb Jacks
    • Crab walk back



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BEYOND Badger – Passivity

Maximus offered me the opportunity to lead a BEYOND workout, and it only felt right to do it at The Badger… He told me to pick the topic and I got to work. I wanted to take it a step further since it was a BEYOND Badger… so instead of one long grueling workout, I chose a few. Makes sense, right?

My topic was Passive Leadership. Something I struggle with constantly. No matter how “great” I feel I am doing as a leader, I tend to slow down and mentally rest. I let my life lead itself and when I’m not behind the steering wheel, the wheels fall off.

Apathy/Indifference – feeling indifferent or lacking emotion
Passivity – accepting what happens without active response or resistance

Poor leadership has many faces… but passivity in my opinion is a main root of the issue.

COP (All Workouts Derived from the Exicon!)
11 of each for (Observed) Veteran’s Day
Sun Gods (Arm Circles)
Moroccan Night Clubs
Hairy Rockettes (Reverse Windmill, Toes reach up to hands)
Tappy Taps
Carolina Dry Docks
Peter Parkers
Calf Raises
Low Slow Squat

Al Gore’s in a circle while I talked.

Ephesians 5:25 – Husbands love your wives as Christ loves the church.

I made a vow at the time I proposed to my wife that I wouldn’t be the typical American male who is distant from his family and doesn’t love or support them if their needs aren’t being met. I was on fire at that point in my life, leading and loving like God designed me to do. I felt unstoppable at accomplishing a love that no man had ever felt. Then I started to get in the way…

The great part about the Honey Badger is we get to honor men who didn’t lead passively.

We finished the warm up and moseyed over to the badger den’s infamous pull up bars.

Ryan – Firefighter Hero WOD
5 Rds
7 Muscle UPS or Pull UPS/DIPS
21 Burpees

LBC’s while we waited for the group to finish. Gotta keep adding to the November count!

Drop down to Al Gore to keep the conversation going.

Somewhere along the way… I lost sight of my vow and decided that I wanted to pursue my own fulfillment over my wife’s. It ended up as you’d imagine. We fell away from each other while trying to conceive. I couldn’t think about her pain during the two years we tried, all I could think about was myself and how ready or not ready I was. We reached a point of pursuing fertility treatment – and by we I mean she decided and I didn’t really give any input. We were at the decision point to take hormone shots. Without consulting her or even thinking of her feelings, I backed out and decided for us to let it happen naturally. Needless to say I broke a lot of trust and I reaped the fruit of passive leadership. It was a hard fought battle to regain the trust I broke, but we made it back. All because I led apathetically.

Can you imagine how giving our all, all the time could have an impact? Would you rather be consistently good or inconsistently great?

Mosey to the track to take part in hero workout number two.

2 Rds
800 m run forward
400 m run backward

Pick up the six and run with him to the end. The guys planked while we did so.

We ran short so couldn’t do our third hero WOD, but I’m pretty sure everybody was okay with that. We moseyed back to COT for my message to come to a close.

Drop into Al Gore once more to finish the conversation.

I took the difficult time and raw relationship to heart, and was really helped by God and a few good men at my Church in MD. We conceived our daughter and that really helped bring us out of the pit. I vowed not to let our family growth become a wedge and would do my best to lead my wife through whatever comes next. That doesn’t mean I’ve been without issue. Things are constantly changing, and I have to remain in the lead for my wife and children’s sake. If I fail, their chances of failing increase exponentially. I need to keep my head up and lead in a way that will bear the right fruit for all.

Ephesians 5:33a – However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself

A few thoughts…
My life and how fast things change… my daughter will be four in five days. How did that happen? How did I blink and she get this old? Where did I fail? Where did I succeed? How does apathy/passivity cause you to miss things?

A lot of the things that take my focus away have nothing to do with my family. Work, friends, social media, keeping up with sports, golf, hobbies, drinking beer, music, news and politics. Some things take my family time away that are very productive. Church, volunteering at church, F3, working out. Some may have a positive impact on my family life but most of the time take away from my time with my family.

What’s more important?

End with LBCs x 16 IC until the clock struck 6:00.

19 PAX showed up. Welcome FNG BACONATOR!

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How heavy is a Bonsai tree?

As I was preparing for the Q at Fire Ant I was excited and had everything planned out. However apparently the one thing I didn’t plan for was my inability to set the alarm for the correct time. I woke up at 4:55 and pretty much ran out of the house with all my gear in my hands. I was able to get to the AO with a few minutes to spare, but my head wasn’t in it. It didn’t take long for the Pax to notice as I completely forgot to count in cadence for the first exercise. After a couple exercises I was able to get my head right and lead. Apologize to the Pax for my mistake. Thanks for bearing with me as I proceeded to Q. In the end I believe it was a good workout, but definitely started out rocky.

We started the workout off with a homemade litter/gurney/stretcher (whatever you want to call it). However thanks to Spider Man I decided to place 230 lbs (my weight) of sandbags on this litter because he mentioned he was able to hold all the weight of a Bonsai in one hand. 4 Pax jumped on the litter while the rest of the Pax grabbed the cinder blocks and moved around toward the back of the school.

Dropped gear and began the warmup

Windmill – helps when you count in cadence so the Pax know how fast to go
LBCs – after getting poked by the Pax I figured I would make sure they rolled on the wet ground

The Thang:
Pax counted off in 4’s since we didn’t have enough blocks for everyone. Each group took an exercise and work through all 4.

Round 1:
5 man makers
10 merkins
Farmer Carry down stairs and back up
20 LBCs

Bear crawl 40 yds
Crawl bear 40 yds

Pick up litter and cinderblocks and move

Round 2:
5 man makers
10 V-ups
15 Curls
20 Shoulder pulls

Pick up gear and move (Rotate as needed)

Round 3:
5 man makers
10 – can’t remember, but it was not fun
15 Squat Thrusters
20 Ruck Swings

Arrived at COT with 1 minute remaining so we finished off with 5 more man makers

The intent of this workout was to get Pax to work on their grip strength by carrying heavy stuff with their hands. I have found that carrying items where I need to leverage grip strength is a weak point of mine. My grip tends to give out much quicker than other areas. The only way to get better at something is to continue to work on it.

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Tour around the Ranch

Warm up:
Moseyed over to the Middle School. During the run we did high knees, butt kickers and karaoke.

Broga for a few minutes

Then we moved over to the side of the school where we did three rounds of the following exercises.
5 Flying Squirels
bear crawl up the hill
20 LBCs
30 sec Wall Sit

Repeat 2 more times and switched out the movement up the hill to backward bear crawl and then forward crab walk.

Continued to move around the side of the school over by the football field where we ran a series of sprints (50%, 50%, 75%, 75%, 95%)

Then moved over to the playground on the backside of the elementary school
Split the pax up into 3 groups for 5 rounds

Group 1 – Pull ups
Group 2 – Swerkin Crunch – merkin and crunch on a swing
Group 3 – Run loop

Groups would start at 1 worked up to 5 adding one for each round of exercises for stations 1 and 2 and then run loop. Pax were told to stay with your group to encourage each other and to help those who may have needed the extra encouragement.

Got back to COT in time for the Airborne Specials (hip exercises)

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Rule 12(b)(6)

Blame it on a second time Q.  The workout probably had more cardio than intended.


  1. Run a bit
  2. Circle up for some (a) side straddle hops, (b) windmills, (c) squat kicks, and (d) seal jacks
  3. Run a bit more and work in some (a) high knees, (b) butt kickers ,and (c) crossovers, left and right
  4. Run a bit more to “the arrows” (at this point, the pax grew suspicious and began murmuring about the running)

The Thing, Part 1:

  1. At each of 7 or 8 arrows, 5 mirkins, with running between arrows and running back to the beginning
  2. At each of 7 or 8 arrows, 10 squats, with running between arrows and running back to the beginning
  3. At each of 7 or 8 arrows, 5 Carolina dry docks, with running between arrows and running back to the beginning
  4. At each of 7 or 8 arrows, 10 jump knee tucks, with running between arrows and running back to the beginning

The Thing, Part 2:

  1. Run to the benches at the car line (at this point, a pax who shall not be named admitted he wished he had a hat like Q’s, with an “F” for Florida on it)
  2. 10 tricep dips on the benches
  3. Run a lap
  4. 10 steps ups on the benches, with each leg
  5. Run a lap
  6. Rinse and repeat once


  1. Q’s chosen ab exercise
  2. Next pax’s chosen ab exercise (additional complaining happened here)
  3. 7 more of those

The Thing, Part 3 (unplanned but added due to more murmuring about “I want my full 45 minutes”)

  1. Bear crawl a little bit
  2. Shuffle/move your body sideways on your hands in a plank-like position using the curb for support to get back to where you started the bear crawl*

*this may not be the official name for this exercise


Q’s favorite part of the day, where we remembered who we are, whose we are, and what matters most.

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the BLIMPS Casino

13 PAX and ideal weather conditions on hand.

Mosey run to front of middle school
Warm up:
SSH (IC 12x)
Imperial Walker (IC 12x)
Windmill (IC 12x)
Moroccan Nightclub (IC 12x)
LSS (IC 12x)
Merkin (IC 12x)
Peter Parker (IC 12x)
Plank stretches
Run to back side of elementary school
For a portion of this run: Railroad Ties routine: PAX low plank and person at back of line runs/jumps over them. Cycle through like an indian run.

At back of the middle school:
Thang 1: Blackjacks
start w/ 1 Merkin
run to other side do 20 LBC’s
Run back and do 2 Merkins
run to other side do 19 LBC’s
procced until 20 merkins and 1 LBC
The casino closed this blackjack table a bit early (at ten mins) to accommodate other events. Most Pax got to 15 merkins. Recommend doing Elevens (not 21’s) next time.

Run to next pain station (short distance)
Thang 2: BLIMPS (Cones spaced 15-20 yds apart)
Start at cone 1- B for burpee, do 5 of them
Run to cone 1 – L for lunge, do 10 each leg
Run to cone 2 – I for Imperial Walkers, do 15
Run to cone 3 – M for Merkins, do 20
Run to cone 4 – P for Peter Parkers do 25 (modification)
Run to cone 5 – S for Squats, do 30
rinse and repeat until time is called
Run to COT area

Thang 3: plank routine
Sally gets up/down (Moby song)
Start with low plank
High plank on the “up”
Low plank on the “down”
Thiry-one changes during the 3:22 duration of the song.


Announcements: Fast 5k on 10/27; CAH charity event this Saturday 10/20.
Prayers for healing of loved ones and guidance to the healers in charge of their care.

Great words of encouragement shared amongst all PAX. Don’t forget these timely favorites:
“A word of encouragement during a failure is worth more than an hour of praise after success”
“Fall seven times, stand up eight”

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Block Party Beast Beatdown

YHC was excited to get the reminder of my pending Q at Block Party. You see, it’s been a bit since I’ve Q’d and I haven’t been as committed to my First F as I should. Would I be dying trying to call cadence? What exercises should we do? Would anybody even show up? After a restless night of sleep, I got up, picked up my boy Atticus, and cruised to the spot where it all started in The Fort…WEP! One of my questions was answered right away as cars started rolling in the parking lot. And they kept coming. Seeing all the PAX (18 in total!) definitely humbled me and got my Qdrenaline flowing. After a quick disclaimer, we took off.


Mosey to the first mile marker with some high knees and butt kickers thrown in. Plank series at the marker, flip to crab for some dips (crab dip?), and back for more planks. Merkins and then back to moseying.

We stopped at each marker and did more stuff including but not limited to squats, LBC’s, wide arm merkins, mountain climbers, Peter Parkers, etc.

After completing the circle, we headed over to the brick wall at the UC Synergetic visitor parking lot on 160. Everybody grabbed a seat on the wall and watched while the guy on the end burpee broad jumped his way to the other end of the group and took a seat. Everybody got a turn and great fun was had critiquing form and jumping ability.
Next up was a bear crawl race up the big grassy hill to the main parking lot. While catching our breath, YHC talked about the word of the month, Encouragement. I shared that Barnabus was one of my favorite men of the Bible. Acts 4:36 tells us his name means “son of encouragement”. That’s exactly what he was during his missionary journeys with Paul. I want to be an encourager and our kids certainly need that from us. Some of the best words you can say to your kids: You got what it takes! I believe in you! The challenge to encourage someone that day was issued.
Next up was the meat of the workout, THE BEAST.
The Beast = 6 stations, 6 exercises at each station, 6 rounds. After each round, plank up and wait for the 6.
1st round – jumping lunges
2 – Freddy Mercury
3 – Low Country Crabs
4 – American Hammers
5 – Flutter Kicks? I can’t really remember?
6 – Burpees (crowd pleaser)
A quick look at the watch indicated 3 minutes till 6 so jailbreak to COT

We had a lot. Christmas Party, upcoming workout, CAH volunteer opportunities, etc. As they say, read your newsletter
Prayers and praises were shared and Chicken Hawk closed up out.
Thanks Shady for giving me the opportunity to Q! I needed the kick in the pants to get back out there and I loved every minute of it.
Flat Tire

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The Fort 6 year Anniversary – Making Getting Better a Priority!

September 29, 2012 the landscape of Fort Mill changed dramatically. Some men from north of the border grabbed the attention of a few men south of the boarder and said we may have something for you. Double D, Santini, Senator Tressel, World Wide Leader, Red Banjo, Assassin, Peach and maybe others made the commitment to come to a “workout” on that Saturday morning. It was very skeptical, but I am sure each of them will say it changed their lives.

Here we are 6 years later, meeting in the same park with more than 200 regular participants (800+ over the years) at 37 workouts across The Fort/Lake Wylie area. Thank you to those that gave it away and thank you to those that said yes!! I think it is safe to say, IT’S MORE THAN A WORKOUT!!!

Today we recognize the 6 years with 6 Qs leading a beat down in 1st F style. On September 21st, Jekyll led us in our Invergence, which reminds us of the 3rdF and that there is something bigger than ourselves. Serving, Praying and Worshiping together happened then. On this day, we are getting better physically and having some fellowship with 70 of our PAX,

Format was a rapid fire approach where each Q has 10mins to lay it on the PAX. Old Bay would keep time and blow the air horn (maybe tweet the horn??), and then the next Q jumps in.

YHC asked for FNGS, (none) and explained the plan of attack, and then the Horn Sounded

The Thang:

  • Wegmans for COP
    • Mosey down path out to grass
    • Circle up and some traditional and not so traditional exercise moves.
    • We did notice another “Boot camp” group in the gloom. T-clapps to them, however also saw 2 holding clip boards…..not F3!!
    • Horm Blows
  • Funhouse on Q
    • Mosey to the hill for Jacobs ladder
      • Burpees
      • Squats
      • Some mary to fill time
      • Horn Blows
  • Jwow on Q
    • Mosey to top of hill for partner work
    • step ups/lunge walk up and down hill
    • squat jumps/lunge walk up and down hill
    • Plank hand slap with partner
    • Horn Blow
  • Twister on Q
    • Mosey to tree line
    • Army Crawl to tree /SSHs
    • Sprint to tree/Merkins
    • Army Crawl to Tree/SSHs
    • Sprint to tree/merkins
    • 2 rounds
    • Run Path until Horm
    • Horn Blows
  • FLUX on Q
    • Mosey back to hill
    • 6s – do following 6 times
      • bear crawl up hill
      • diamond merkins
      • bear crawl back down hill
      • Some filler in there of something aweful
      • Horn Blows
  • Assassin On Q
    • Mosey to play grownd
      • Dips
      • Derkins
      • Burpees
      • multiple rounds with running around the playground until…..
      • Horn Blows

The PAX was dripping wet from rolling in grass but also from the humid beat down that just occurred. Thanks to all the Qs for bringing it and having fun out there.

I brought up to the PAX “WHY”? Why F3 versus the many other options we have even outside of fitness and self help books. Why do we get up early and why do we do CSAUPS and why do we attend 3rdF and give away our time at various community organizations???

Pockets, Spud and Assassin all shared their Why. Thank you! I’m sure there were many more that would undoubtedly impactful.

I mentioned my why was straightforward for me. I want to continue to challenge myself physically, surround myself with like minded guys heading in the same direction and reach more guys for Sky Q and HIS purpose. I feel F3 has positively impacted my life in all 3 Fs and why would I not give it away??

See you in the GLOOM!

Cake Boss

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