Preparedness- Are You Prepared?

Attn #HIM of the The Fort and Lake Wylie,

Preparedness is discussed in Foundation Point F5 of the the Q- Source.  As Defined Preparedness is: Getting Ready for the Expected While being Ready for The Unexpected. This is an all encompassing need to us as men.  It is valid in all parts out our lives;  Father, husband, boss, team member, Site-Q, WO Q ect.

The purpose for this pre-blast is in regards to life saving measures that Pax can take in the event of an unexpected medical emergency at home, work, or at an AO.  We have talked about it in Site-Q Meetings and at the last Invergence.

Last week HomeBrew ,a Pax from Lake Wylie, who is near and dear to our hearts, had just this type of medical emergency come crashing down on him after his 2.0 suffered a Febrile Seizure and stopped breathing.  He had no training but HAD to ACT. So he mimicked what he had seen on TV and was able to revive her before EMS was able to arrive.  Good On Ya for maintaining a cool head and doing what needed to be done.  CPR and Faith in the Sky Q is what saved her life.  I have maintained CPR/AED/First Aid certification for 6-8 years now for work.  I feel better knowing that if I am put in that sort of situation I have at minimum the base knowledge to try and keep someone alive till EMS-Fire arrive on site to take over.

Here is what HomeBrew and I are proposing.  This will be a friendly competition between The Fort and Lake Wylie regions.  From 4-1 to 4-15 every PAX from either region that completes certification or re-certifies in CPR/ AED/First Aid he and I + the Nan’tan and 1st F Q will complete 5 burpees.   The region that draws the most new or recerts will pass that number on to the “Loser”, but honestly- Who really loses in this situation? IE The Fort get 30 pax LKW gets 20 pax = LKW will do 150 burpees. The Fort will do 100. As you all know, I HATE BURPEES, but have committed to drive action across the regions.

The Certification I have been using comes from  It is Red Cross compliant and should take between 30 mins to 1 hour to complete.  It is free unless you decide to purchases the hard copy certificates.  We will require a screen shot/ picture Tweeted or slacked to both HomeBrew and myself of the completed training for a CPR/AED/First aid at the end.  It will be added to the spreadsheet we will use to document Pax completion. The certification is good for 2 years.

It is highly recommended that All Site Qs get on board with this effort, but all PAX can benefit from this training. What better way to show leadership than making sure the Pax that Post to your AO know you have that training and are ready to act in the even that someone goes down.

Please join us in this and lets Ensure we are Prepared for the unexpected. Stay tuned to TwEETAR for a message from Homebrew.


Duck Dynasty  🦆👑and HomeBrew 🏠🍺

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F3 Combine

Short and sweet…. time change the day before, pleased that 9 hard chargers showed for Quagmire despite losing an hour of sleep.

The Thang

Mosey to HD Parking Lot

  • 3 Burpees per Crosswalk


Mosey to Homegoods Parking

  • 3 Burpees per Crosswalk


F3 Combine Circuit

  • High Knees/Butt Kickers/AYG the length of two parking spots
  • Side shuffle 10 spots worth
  • Nur back two parking spots
  • Side shuffle 10 spots worth
  • Plank for Six

Repeat each of the following IC

  • Merkins
  • Mountain Climbers
  • CDD
  • Squats
  • Monkey Humpers
  • Apollo Onos
  • Flutter
  • Box Cutter
  • American Hammer
  • Burpees

Mosey to Fountain

  • 3 Burpees per Crosswalk

3 Sets of increasing reps IC:

  • Russian Dips
  • Irkins
  • Step Ups

Mosey to COT

  • 3 Burpees per Crosswalk

82 Reps of America’s Favorite Exercise

Read Your Newsletter


Honor to Serve

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In memory of 24 / 8

After hearing the news yesterday of the passing via helicopter crash of one of the GOAT’s Kobe Bryant, YHC felt the need to honor him AND the lives of the other 8 individuals with a beatdown full of 8 and 24, his jersey #s.

Standard disclaimer preceded by the following message: Friends, let us not become fearful when confronted with life’s impending expiration. Rather, let us live with a fullness and an intentionality that recognizes the value of each breath given.

Mosey for warm-o-rama:
– At each crosswalk, burpee jump shot (just a regular burpee, but instead of both hands up on the jump, it’s one hand up to drain the 3).  Accumulator burpees at each crosswalk (we did 5 crosswalks to total 21) then circle up for the last 3 = 24 burpee jump shots.
– 24 SSH in cadence
– 12 imperial walkers + 12 hillbilly walkers, in cadence = 24
– 24 single count merkins
– 24 toe touches on the curb

Mosey to distant parking lot and partner up with someone similar in speed. Not your partner, your opponent.  2 cones are 24 parking paces apart.  Partners will start at opposite ends and complete 8’s (similar to 11’s, but #Kobe).  One end is squats, the other end is merkins.  After you complete the first exercise, bear crawl to the other end. Complete that exercise then mosey back. Repeat until you flapjack and complete the 8’s.  That’s right, that’s 7x bear crawl 24 parking spaces.  Doesn’t seem like much?  #try it.  To encourage PAX, YHC reminded them that I’d rather be doing this than losing family members.  Our pain is nothing compared to their pain.

Mosey back to Best Buy wall for 24 seconds BTTW, 24 dips (ouch), and 8 jump shot burpees.  Repeato.  YHC then reminds PAX of a famous quote: we’re not guaranteed tomorrow.  While true, we’re also not guaranteed the rest of today.  So what are we going to do about that?  Hop into plank to go around the circle and mention something they’re grateful for and/or something they’re going to do different TODAY to make an impact.  Unfortunately, 38 felt the need to grace us with his inner smells.  Fairly certain he ate something that was not real food the night before… I digress.

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PRE-BLAST: The Brotherhood of the Traveling Pants (AKA: #BTP)

Willpower is only the trigger to get a person started on a positive habit (#Brick). In order to maintain and continue #Bricklaying, a person needs to change the mental and physical environment in which they live, so that the habit can develop the “muscle memory” needed to go the distance. My #DRP list is lengthening, as is my ability to have #IMPACT in the men around me, and the following is intended to continue to put me on the right trajectory.

For the year of 2020, my word is “GO”.  In an effort to continue to #Accelerate my 1stF, and beginning on 1/6/20, I am instituting (for myself and anyone who wants to join me) an EC (Extra Credit) 15 minutes (of Boot Camp or running, or maybe even Broga) prior to every 45 minute workout. I will tweet and Slack the location with the hashtag #BTP the day before for those who wish to join me. (It’s a way to “trap” myself into an accelerating habit…)

For example, Monday I usually hit Honey Badger which is an hour workout. There would not necessarily be an EC prior to this (though there could be). Tuesday, I will be at Golden Corral. At 0500, I will begin an EC portion of the workout for those that want to join. It will launch from the same AO, and will be back at the AO in time for the 0515 normal start of the Post.

Clear as mud? Good. Ask me your questions. Otherwise, check your Twitter/Slack and #Accelerate with me.

Helmet, out.

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4 big boy corners

Upon arrival, Darkest of All was already in 2020 form with the newly coined “traveling pants” extra credit.  A handful of brave (stupid) souls joined him for a 3-4 warmup prior to 0515.  As 0515 quickly approached, 10 was the number that came to play for what was an extremely warm late December morning.  Quick disclaimer and a short mosey over to the neighboring parking lot for some warm ups.  Started out with SSH, windmills, merkins, low slow squat, parker peters, then some stretching…yes, stretching.  Quad stretches followed by some shoulder and arm stretching.  Now that warming up was out of the way, YHC quickly mapped out where the 4 corners were going to take place.

Corner 1 – Old Navy; Corner 2 – Ulta; Corner 3 – Home Depot; Corner 4 – Best Buy / COT…this made for a 1.5 mile loop around the grounds we call Quagmire.  At each corner, the following exercises we performed:

  • 10 bomb jacks
  • 20 diamonds
  • 30 CDD
  • 40 jump squats
  • 50 flutters

Oh ya, the goal was to get to the corners via bear crawl….j/k, that would just be insane (please don’t anyone do this or Jedi may complain a little bit).  We used our legs and ran, but the goal was to run quickly.  Jedi and Cha Ching were the pacesetters while the rest of us mortals made sure we could still see them.

Once all had completed the one loop and all the exercises, making it around again with exercises in 15 min was not going to be worth the price of admission.  So we moved the 4 corners into closer range and proximity.  In the bigger Best Buy parking lot, we did a mini-4 corners but with a center starfish idea.  In each corner we did the merkin exercises with the center being 5 burpees (go do the corner, come back to the middle, repeat until all corners complete).

  • 20 wide arm
  • 20 diamond
  • 20 ranger
  • 20 partner derkins

With 7 or so minutes remaining, we did the same concept / idea but in MARY style.  In the center was 5 LBC.

  • 10 flutters
  • 10 hello dolly
  • 10 rosalita
  • 10 American hammers

Wrapped it up at 0600 and headed over to COT for name-o-rama, announcements and prayers and praises.  YHC didn’t bring any words of wisdom (like I have any…lol) today as this was a non-talking, mimimal mumblechatter, no-10 count kind of morning.  Yes, there was the occasional Jedi rib shot and DH “encouragement”, but pretty calm given the constant go.  Prayers go out to Milehigh who is nursing a knee injury.  Thanks for the call to lead, always appreciate it!


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Rust Removal

8 HIM decided to shake off some Thanksgiving Holiday Rust at Quagmire.  After observing a missing flag due to a notably absent site Q (cough cough, Mile High, cough cough), disclaimers were given, 5 core principles of the workout were spoken by the PAX in proper order.  Off we moseyed.  Here’s what happened:

COP – 1)  SSH x 20, 5 burpees  2) Imperial Walkers x 15, 5 burpees  3) low slow squat x 15, 5 burpees, 4) merkins x 10, 5 burpees  5) hillbilly walkers x 15, 5 burpees

Moseyed to Target for Partner DORA – 1,2,3,4.  Having 8 led to even numbers and pairing off evenly.

100 – Jumping lunges (crowd favorite)

200 – Squats

300 – LBC’s

400 – Clave Raises

A 10 count was given, 5 more burpees were done (just because) and off we moseyed to the fountain for some 30 on 30 on 30

At the fountain – 30 dips, 30 derkins, 30 step ups.  Time to mosey to the Marshalls lot

Partners were found again for a quick DORA 1 – 100 merkins while partners ran 40(ish) yard sprints – 20 down and 20 back.   5 burpees were done (to be consistent) and we moved on.

Mosey again to COT for a few minutes of Mary:  American Hammers x 21, Box Cutters x 20 and some protractor work to keep people sharp on their geometry.  COT brought things to a close.

Announcements – Read your newsletter, XMas Party this Friday at Baxter Mushroom Pool Clubhouse, Convergence and Clave Boos 5K/10K on Christmas Eve at Colosseum.

Prayers and Praises were offered.

YHC is admittedly not a regular at Quagmire.  Monday was a great experience and my thanks goes out to Mile High (despite his absence) for the opportunity to Q and to get better around some very high impact men.  It was a honor to post this morning and start December off right.  The message to us all was to remember why we are here – for others first, ourselves last.   For it is true that when we are right, we can be right for others to make the impact we are called to bring as leaders.




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“OCBAL” at Quagmire

PAX: Mile High, DaVinci, Bones, Slap Shot, Wrangler, Cha Ching, Copywriter, Gears, Pothole, Grout, Deacon, Half Shell


12 HIMs gathered at Quagmire for their DRP and to help create a calorie deficit as part of Thanksgiving week preparations.  In putting together the plan, YHC asked his three boys (ages 4 – 7) what they thought we should do for a warmup.  It provided some insights into exactly what they think we do when we post.  As I explained when we circled-up, it was a heavy dose of favorites with a “dash of random”.  And our warmup began, in three parts:

Part One:

  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 SSHs
  • 10 Burpees – OYO
  • Mosey to the fountain

Part Two:

  • 10 Merkins
  • Partner wheelbarrows from the fountain to the stop sign.  Swap at the end, switch partners and wheelbarrow back to the fountain.  (Small dash of random, larger dose of pain)
  • Both partners then run one half lap around the traffic circle back to the fountain.
  • Rinse and repeat including the fountain run

Part Three:

  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 SSHs

After the warmup we moseyed over to the Target parking lot.  No red balls of pain but instead, we stopped in one corner of the parking lot for a brief explanation.  At our starting point we were to do two sets of exercises (one on the ground and one standing up) in a ladder format up to 10  (1,1, 2,2, 3,3, 4,4…. etc.) followed by a lap, a very big lap, around all four corners of the parking lot until we reached the starting point again.  YHC wasn’t sure exactly what to call it so I referred to it as a “four corners” which DaVinci later appropriately renamed “The OCBAL”.  (More on that later)  And we began:

  • Set #1: Merkins & Squats followed by a lap
  • Set #2: LBCs & Side Straddle Hops followed by a lap
  • Set #3: Carolina Dry Docks & Imperial Walker Squats followed by a lap
  • Set #3: Plank Jacks & Monkey Humpers followed by a lap

We ended up doing 55 reps of each exercise and by the time we returned to COT we had put in over 2.5 miles of fun.  There was good mumble chatter along the way and one or two comments about Quagmire becoming a “running AO”.

As I mentioned, YHC incorrectly said that the workout we were doing was going to be a “four corners”.  It certainly wasn’t a traditional four corners.  We did multiple exercises and counted up rather than a single countdown exercise.  Oh… and we ran… a lot for a bootcamp AO.  DaVinci nailed it when he coined the new term “OCBAL”.  One Corner followed by a Big Ass Lap.  OCBAL… submitting soon for official exercise routine status.

Announcements included the Thanksgiving Day convergence, sign-ups for the Holiday party and the always popular “read your newsletter”.  Prayers included ailing coworkers and friends, safe holiday travels and patience with family.  Thanks for the honor to lead.

Half Shell



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Shoulder Work at Quagmire

13 men arrived at Quagmire Monday morning.  After a quick disclaimer and some leg stretches, we ran over to Kohls.


SSH x 25

Imperial Walker x 15

Windmill x 10

Plank Stretches

Next, we began the meat of the workout.  We partnered up for burpee broad jumps.  Partner 1 started with the burpees while Partner 2 ran to the end of the parking lot near Ulta and back to Partner 1 to switch out. The total distance was around 320 yards (20 less than the Bills had in total offense).

I took a few minutes to talk about my grandfather who served in the Navy. He was someone I greatly admired growing up.  He had a strong work ethic and never let his age define him.  When he was in his eighties, he asked my brother and I to come to his house to help him dig a trench.  When we arrived, he was already actively digging the hole himself.  He was a loving and caring husband, father and friend. He passed away at the age of 99, less than six month from the century mark.

Back to the workout, we began a shoulder shuffle from Ulta back to Kohls.  I issued a challenge to push go as far as the pain would allow.  Once exhausted, get up, run to the next store front, and return to the back of the shuffle line.  Cha Ching and Slapshot killed it, they shuffled the full distance 320 yards without a break!

Once complete, we ran back to COT.


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(Pre-Blast) Metro Monday at Quagmire – Happy Birthday Mile High

Here’s what we’re going to do tomorrow AM, for those that see this and care at all:

.5-ish mile loop
Move fast – for real

6 stops/exercises around the loop – 20 reps of everything
Flux and Two Ferns try and do actual reps as best you can.

Goal is 6 loops

  1. Corner by McDonald’s = Ranger Merkins
  2. Brick pad 1 = Squats
  3. Corner by CVS = Flutter Kicks – 4count like a man, please
  4. PARTNER CARRY across in front of Old Navy to brick pad
    1. Curb Alpert – 4 count
  5. Next brick pad = Double Leg Lifts
  6. Corner by wine shop/zoe’s = Burpees

Doubtful there will be time left, but if there is, we’ll do some Mary…

The idea is to run the weakness out of ourselves… Yes, you read this correctly. Come warm. No warm up tomorrow.

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Hurpee Outbreak at the Quagmire

F3 grows through “addition by division”, this is a true statement and it’s a great thing to be a part of.  The downside is you simply don’t get a chance to get out to some of your original stomping grounds as often as you would like since there are so many choices closer to your home. Long story short, it was great to be out here and lead the other 11 men that showed for the Quagmire this morning.  I love the opportunities I get that brings me to these places (hint hint).

I’ve been working through the Exicon for most of my Q’s lately, it has been a nice change of pace to experience some of the craziness that our PAX have come up with across the nation.  So for better or worse, I give it a shot and see how it goes.  Today was the letter “H”.

We started with a mosey around the back of Best Buy which I guess isn’t normal because I heard some grumblings, but we did some shuffles and toy soldiers along the way and then quickly circled up for a round of Windmills in cadence.

1st routine was a timed “HIIT” exercise.  We only had what ever time we had left after we finished the below exercises to recover.

  • 5 “Hurpees” (Hand-Release Burpee)
  • 10 Hillbilly Squats (IC)
  • 15 Hello Dolly’s (IC)
  • 1 Minute timed x 6 Rounds

We then mosey’d to the parking lot behind the fountain (near the stairs).

2nd routine, which admittedly took longer than I wanted, was “Hindenburg Blimps”, though I ended up cutting the S off the Blimps so we did a “Hindenburg Blimp”.

Hindenburg Blimps are like 4 corners combined with Blimps so I took the parking lot islands and divided them up into 4 corners and we would run/sprint the long sides and bear crawl around the short sides of the islands.

  • Round 1 – 10 Bombjacks x4
  • Round 2 – 20 Lunges x4
  • Round 3 – 30 Incline Merkins x4
  • Round 4 – 40 Monkey Humpers x4
  • Round 5 – 50 Plank Jacks x4

3rd routine, we stayed in the same area and did some “Heartbreak Dora’s”.  Normally we would do this on a hill, but I thought the stairs would substitute nicely.  So we partnered up and did the following while the other PAX would run a normal lap around the parking lot islands and then up and down the stairs before tagging his partner and swapping.

  • 100 Hurpees
  • 200 Big Boy Sit-ups
  • 300 Squats

Nobody was able to get through the final routine, but that was more on me for having too much planned. I think about half of us were working on Squats by the time we finished up and mosey’d back to CoT.


  • Nessie on 10/26!
  • Prayers for Lutefisk and his father battling cancer and Duck Dynasty’s sister who is having complications with her pregnancy.

Thanks for getting me out here Mile High!  I always enjoy it.

Until next time,





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