Warm and Wild

A few Ruckers and a few Bootcampers for a nice one

Warm-up included a short run about .3 of a mile



Diamond Merkins

Seal Jacks



Slow Squats

Mosey around back and partner up

One man BTTW while the other runs and does 1 Burpee, Flapjack. all the way up to 10. on even numbers it was wall sits, odd numbers it was BTTW

Keep your partner and mosey to the cones

at each cone do 10 partner hand slap merkins fo 3 cones and return doing 10 big boy situps partner hand slap

Repeat this time do 5 Diamond Merkins hand slap and 10 Squats on the way back hand slaps

Mosey to a curb and do 15 Dips, 15Derkins, 15 LBC’s 15 Mac Tar Djai (Excuse the spelling error) Repeat 3 times

Mosey to COT area for a little Mary then COT

Great workout and glad to be back! Hopefully everyone got their money’s worth!!

TClap |

Sprinting in the Corral

The day started with 4 PAX for extra credit, Dark Helmet, Mainframe, Cake Boss and YHC. We did some hill repeats behind the apartment complex.

We headed back to the Harris Teeter parking lot and the crowd was anxious to get started, 7 ruckers went their way led by Mainframe and 11 bootcampers joined me for the following:

MOSEY and Warm Up:

Moroccan night clubs
Low slow squat
Low slow merkin

MOSEY to Green Olive parking lot for the real thing, going across the parking lot (approx 30 yards) back and forth with different methods of transportation:

10 burpees
Duck walk
15 wide arm merkins
20 squats
Bear crawl
25 curb dip
30 flutters
Lunge walk
25 merkin
20 shoulder taps
Crab walk
15 CDD
10 diamond merkin

clearly some PAX sprint way faster than a couple of whiny yoggers.

Next up and lot of chatter for this one:

Captain Thor

Rinse and repeat parking lot circuit with a twist:

10 burpees
Duck walk
15 wide arm merkins
20 squats
Bear crawl
25 curb dip
30 flutters
Lunge walk
25 merkin
20 shoulder taps
Crab walk
15 CDD
10 diamond merkin

With less than 7 minutes to spare we added some more ab lab:
50 lbcs
10 big boy
50 lbcs

Back to COT to meet with the ruckers and one runner (Twister)

Marriage strengthening Book study at bagel boat after Poopdeck/tugboat for the next 9 weeks every Thursday at 6:15 ish
FOR MEN ONLY is based on how to understand women and will help to understand our M’s and be better husbands contact Homebrew for more info.

Ruck Flag handoff to mainframe due to Routers’ injury, prayers for him and all injured pax.


Thanks Lutefisk for the opportunity to lead.

Tinsel OUT!

TClap |

Blue Light Special

Nine men showed up this chilly morning expecting a mosey around the Harris Teeter parking lot.  Little did they know that I coordinated with Bobber to converge with the Coliseum Pax at Walmart.  After a quick disclaimer, I gave the Pax a general idea of what was in store.  We would be running, 1.3 miles to be exact.  Halfway there, Senator Tressell guessed we were on our way to Walmart.

We ran at a good pace and arrived before the Coliseum Pax.  We had enough time to circle up for some exercises (in cadence):


Imperial Walkers

Moraccan Night Clubs

Hillbilly Walkers


The Coliseum Pax arrived and we exchanged high fives and fish pumps.  Tesh was in his usually 20 degree shirtless attire.  Bobber called out the next set of exercises, Will Chamberlians. 100 sets of each exercise, running between the light poles:

LBCs, Flutters, American Hammers, Freddie Mercury.

We finished up with inch worm merkins and broad jump burpees between the two parking rows.

Our group headed back to HT for COT.

Great work everyone!

TClap |

PRE-BLAST: The Brotherhood of the Traveling Pants (AKA: #BTP)

Willpower is only the trigger to get a person started on a positive habit (#Brick). In order to maintain and continue #Bricklaying, a person needs to change the mental and physical environment in which they live, so that the habit can develop the “muscle memory” needed to go the distance. My #DRP list is lengthening, as is my ability to have #IMPACT in the men around me, and the following is intended to continue to put me on the right trajectory.

For the year of 2020, my word is “GO”.  In an effort to continue to #Accelerate my 1stF, and beginning on 1/6/20, I am instituting (for myself and anyone who wants to join me) an EC (Extra Credit) 15 minutes (of Boot Camp or running, or maybe even Broga) prior to every 45 minute workout. I will tweet and Slack the location with the hashtag #BTP the day before for those who wish to join me. (It’s a way to “trap” myself into an accelerating habit…)

For example, Monday I usually hit Honey Badger which is an hour workout. There would not necessarily be an EC prior to this (though there could be). Tuesday, I will be at Golden Corral. At 0500, I will begin an EC portion of the workout for those that want to join. It will launch from the same AO, and will be back at the AO in time for the 0515 normal start of the Post.

Clear as mud? Good. Ask me your questions. Otherwise, check your Twitter/Slack and #Accelerate with me.

Helmet, out.

TClap |

Be A Helper

Had a total of 7 men show up to end the year. I originally thought I wanted to do a partner workout till I reflected on the sermon of this past Sunday. It was set around looking for “The Helpers.” With that in mind I decided to do a workout that made everyone better together and focused on a no OYO.

So we all set out to four stations around Golden Corral and conducted a warm up at these 4 locations for a visual. We did one round of warm ups at each location with Side Straddle hops, Wind mills, Mericans, Cherry Pickers, Imperial/Hillbilly Walkers, and stuff.

So once the guys knew of the locations there was an exercise written at each Station. Between each station the mode of transportation was a brisk mosey. Station 1 exercise was a 50 double count of Flutter Kicks. Station 2 was a double count of Dying Cockroaches. Station 3 was a 50 count of LBC’s. Station 4 was a 25 count of The Claw (BRUTAL!!!).

We hit each station twice and then I gave the men a message/challenge for the new year. With all the challenges that we face we a lot of times only look at the bad things in life and push aside the positives. I opened up a little about my past of abuse, running away, and other struggles I faced growing up and informed them of “The Helpers” I had on my side to assist me in becoming a better person. To guide me away from the hardships of life to lift me up rather than leaving me in the gutter. I explained to them I don’t look at my past as something bad but something good, because of “The Helpers”. There was a lot more verbiage but the challenge I left the guys with was look out there and rather than bypassing it be That Helper. Be someone that gets into that Shield Lock. Or lifts someone up from the gutter.

After that we hit the Stations one more time. We were able to put in about 2.2 miles and about 500 reps of nothing but ab workout. These guys killed it and we did it together.

TClap |

Olaf coupon buffet at Golden corral

My knee was still recovering so minimal running was on the buffet. Luckily I have more than enough coupons to entertain the PAX crammed into my garage so the couponmobile was loaded down and sitting low rolling into the coral.

Short mosey after disclaim was disclaimed over to a warmup a Rama. It’s been too long since the actual workout so I’m going to list some of the staples I usually go for along with a few I remember.
Lots of SSH to start. I remember a comment about my knee must not hurt to do SSH so I made sure to add a couple 20-30 once the mumble chatter started for good measure.
Then a magnificent Peter Parker followed by Parker Peter screw up by YHC.
Then it wouldn’t be a snowman Q without a full circle of hump.
A little longer mosey to the church parking lot across the street where the coupons were organized into a painful sequence starting with picking up something awful and awkward and ending with battle rope AKA hose tug.

Oh and don’t forget the timer to rotate obstacles being the pull-up dead hang as the center attraction.

Everyone got better except DoaH and Spiderman who chatted the whole time like two schoolgirls at summer camp. Anyways it’s always an “interesting” time and muscles you don’t normally use were sore for days following.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead Lutefisk.

Until next time stay frosty my friends.


TClap |

The Force To Bring Us Back In


WHO: All PAX (Rucks Required)

WHAT: Burnout recovery workout

WHERE: FireAnt (same location as Golden Corral): Tega Cay Harris Teeter

WHEN: 0515 New Years Eve (Tuesday, December 31)

WHY: This one is simple. Read the below.


Sometimes we need some difficult, smack-you-in-the-face, force to get us out of the rut we’ve been living in.

Sometimes we need some difficult, smack-you-in-the-face, force to bring us back into something we’ve walked away from. Are you spent or burned out? Life has a gift for loading us up and ultimately, weighing us down. As men, it can cause retreat. It’s time to break free from that on our last day of 2019.

Come join your brothers for that difficult, smack-you-in-the-face, 45min workout at FireAnt on New Years Eve (Tues, Dec 31) at 0515 and I’ll make a run at freeing you from the burnout.

This world NEEDS YOU ENGAGED. The rings of you concentrica need you engaged. Work, community, friends, family, shorties, wife, GOD…it’s time to bring you back in.

Make no mistake, I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL and you are doing this entirely at your own risk. My words are only ideas of things to do and I recommend you take the necessary precautions which start by reading F3’s disclaimer found on the following web site.

F3 disclaimer & notice found here…https://f3nation.com/disclaimer-and-notice/

What to bring:

  1. Yourself
  2. EH a buddy or Kotter, someone who could be in this stage right now.
  3. Ruck with GoRuck minimum weight requirements: 30lbs of weight in your ruck if you weigh 150lbs or more. 20lbs of weight in your ruck if you weigh 149lbs or less.
  4. Sandbags of any weight. (No other coupons needed)
  5. Gloves
  6. A determination to get some work done and a desire to reengage.

See you then.


TClap |

Site vs Site

Well the Site vs Site was CRAZY good thanks to some excellent leadership on both sides of the workout. 0500 launch, 6 Q’s (3 from fire ant, 3 from golden corral) took 10 minutes each. Lutefisk forgot how to flip a coin but managed to have it land in favor of fire ant going first.  The first fire ant Q was Router who took us through a ruck run/pain station. Next up was golden corral’s first Q Mile High who took us on a sprint-fest in the back of HT with some wall work on the legs. Fire ant Q #2 was Cha Ching who put us through some nasty ruck reps.  Golden corral put Bones in charge of some repeating leg work by the green olive – some funky squat jumps that didn’t feel good.  Spiderman finished the fire ant lineup with a terrible idea of bear crawl/crawl bear for what seemed like eternity while the partner did reps with the ruck.  Lutefisk finished it up with the final golden corral Q by starting, and staying, in the plank position for the duration of his 10 minutes.  Dark Helmet notable threw in the towel and to make himself feel better he poked the Q.  I will not forget.  Welcome FNG Thigh Master (not Jane Fonda) but he’s from New York so evidently it’s OK to drop F-bombs whenever and wherever.  All in all 30 PAX came out for a nasty beatdown that was surely a crowd pleaser.  It was an honor to be a part of it and special thank you to the Q’s for stepping up and all of you ruckers for bringing us some extra gear to use.

Final tally of the votes: Fire Ant 15, Golden Corral 11, Tie 3, Bonsai = disqualified for his answer

TClap |

8 Extra Pounds

Twelve of Fort Mill’s finest met at the Harris Teeter on a perfect late fall morning.  While two set off for a ruck workout, the other 10 joined YHC and here is what they did:

Take a big loop around the HT parking lot and meet up at the white VW near the back of the lot.  Everyone pick up two bricks and mosey to the Green Olive Grille for COP:

Circle up and drop your bricks for SSH x 25 and 10 windmills.  Pick up your bricks and everyone in cadence for:  merkin x 10, squat x 15, imperial walker x 20, jump squat x 10, LBC x 20, hello dolly x 20, American hammer x 20 , diamond merkin x 10, Morrocan nightclub x 20.

Mosey to the back of the main parking lot, put your bricks into a pile, and then mosey to the front of Harris Teeter (about 50 yds).   Form two groups of 5.   The first group runs to the pile, picks up a brick, and runs back to the start point.  The second group does the same.  Rinse and repeat and until all the bricks are moved.   Once all the bricks are moved, repeat with two bricks per person and move the bricks to the start point (full disclosure – this was not how this was supposed to go!)

Mosey back to Green Olive grille and circle up for Jack Webb  (1:4).   We got to 7 merkins and 28 overheads with bricks before YHC’s form started to fail.

ABLAB with bricks:

Flying flutter x 20, V-up x 10, Superman hold x 3, X’s and O’s x 10.  Close with the body destroyer.


I’ve been away from this AO for a while and it was good to see many new faces this morning.  What perfect weather for a boot camp!  Dark Helmut and Olaf provided the usual chatter  – thank you, gentlemen.    It was a pleasure to lead the Pax today and I hope you enjoyed the workout.

Announcements, Prayers, Praises:

Read your newsletter:   Saturday convergence at The Fort, Thanksgiving convergence, Xmas party all coming up.

Prayers for:  Kenyan and his family, a family member with recurring cancer, Olaf on his Spartan race.



TClap |

Keep It Together

15 PAX checked the weather report this morning and found that the pending rain storm was fiction.

The Thang

Mosey around the HT lot to the back side of the auto supply store for COP.

  • IW
  • Windmills
  • Potato Pickers
  • Monkey Humpers
  • Hillbilly Walkers

Mosey up to lot beside Walgreens for “The Rollercoaster”.  Simple routine for the PAX:

  • 30 Second Exercise
  • Lap Around the Lot (Walgreens and Jersey Mike’s)
  • 60 Second Exercise
  • Lap Around the Lot
  • 90 Second Exercise
  • Lap Around the Lot
  • 60 Second Exercise
  • Lap Around the Lot

Then we repeat… basically so it looks something like this:

90   #   #   #   #
60  # # # # # # # #
30 #   #   #   #   #
Exercise Duration
BTTW 00:00:30
Flutter 00:01:00
LBC 00:01:30
Squats 00:01:00
Burpees 00:00:30
American Hammer 00:01:00
SSH 00:01:30
Merkins 00:01:00
Bombjacks 00:00:30
Peter Parker 00:01:00
MNC 00:01:30
Parker Peter 00:01:00
Mountain Climber 00:00:30

Mosey back to COT for around 2 minutes of Mary.


The goal of today’s workout was to have all the PAX pushing together.  Often when we get into “routines”, we have some pax finish and others who do not.  Today’s goal was to keep it all together, so instead of reps, we essentially did AMRAP for time.



  • Nessie next weekend
  • Sometime in November will be a convergence with a panel about life lessons from the recent HTL.
  • Read your Newsletter

Prayers up for Marriages, Kids, and Sickness and Suffering.


Honor To Serve.

TClap |