11-18-22: It’s that time………AGAIN!!!

It’s that time of year.  Begin clearing the calendar, getting your hall pass, whatever you need to do to gain concentric approval, do it.  Here are the details of The Fort’s ultimate 2nd F event:

The Event – BBQ & if you’re so inclined, Bourbon & Beers

The Date: 11-10-23

The Time: 1800 – 2100

The Place: 631 Quicksilver Trail – Reserve at Gold Hill Clubhouse

The Ante: $50 (or whatever you feel called to contribute) and a bottle of bourbon to share with the PAX for those who are partaking in libations.

The Cause – Scholarships for graduating Fort Mill HS Seniors

The Why – It bears repeating that to those whom much is given, much is expected.  This presents an opportunity to give back and pour opportunity into the generation who will follow us.

Other details –   Wegmans will be fresh off his marathon and ready to load up with the rest of us.  Anticipate tremendous BBQ, beans and sides.  Bring your appetites.  There may also be a few designated drivers on hand who will be happy to provide PAX a lift home for a nominal additional donation to the cause – something to consider.  The rumor is that cigars may be on hand as well for those who may have an interest (but you do you).

YHC is always honored and thankful for the support of the HIMs in this region and I am confident November 10th’s gathering will prove no different as we move into a time of year whose focus is on giving thanks for all our blessings.

Let’s have a wonderful time and be a generous asset to our community in the process.  Look forward to seeing you there.



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10 Year Convergence

Ten year celebration came to a close this morning with a convergence at WEP. 12 men came earlier for a run to support Operation Sweet Tooth. 84 men attended the main event with three great HIM leading the workout: CSPAN, Maximum, and WWL. No warm-ups this morning. CSPAN took his group around the block with various stops along the way. Seven reps of Flying Squirrels, Merkins, and Sit-ups. WWL had playtime at the playground. Burpees and Pull-ups along with running fast around the playground. Did I mention Power Skips? Maximum had a simple plan. Run backwards up the hill many times and destroy your abs with American Hammers.
We closed the chapter on the first 10 years.
Monday begin the next.
The future is bright.
How will you contribute to the next 10 years?
Make an impact.

TClap |

The Final Countdown

The day finally arrived for our CSAUP, The FInal Countdown. The rainy weather was not ideal, but it helped keep the temperature and humidity down for ideal running conditions. 67 men participated in the event. Most groups participated in the relay. Ruckers and trail runners fought the elements and got their work done to.
Relay details:   The first Pax will run 3 miles and return to the starting point.  The 1st and 2nd Pax will run 3 miles and return to the starting point. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd runner will run the final 3 miles.  Each route will be unique.  If you get lost, just run 3 miles and return back to the park.

Total miles:  3+3+3 = 10 F3 math   (Runner 1 – 9 miles, Runner 2 – 6 miles, Runner 3 – 3 miles)

Inspiring stuff this morning. River Rat’s 2.0s ran the course like it was a lap around the track. Lots of guys ran distances they have never run before.
We’ve got a good pool of runners for the upcoming Dam to Dam Relay.

Great job by everyone this morning!

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The non-runners running

SSH x10, IW x10, HWx10, Moroccan Night Clubs x10, Windmills x10

A 4-Corners workout
Station 1 – KB curls x25
Station 2 – Squats x25
Station 3 – Mountain Climbers (2ct)
Station 4 – Lunges x10 (2ct)
Do a lap around the 4 corners then back to station 1
Repeat 10x

10 year is in full swing.

TClap |

Old School Fort Workout

WARMUP: Drill bit warmup: Mosey around the park’s path, stopping every 1/10 of a mile to do 10 merkins, 15 squats and 20 ab exercises.  Hit 5 drill bits before moseying to back parking lot of Springs Global.
THE THANG: In parking lot: 10 merkins, lunge walk to opposite curb then 25 calf raises.  Rinse and repeat two more times.  Mosey to courtyard in front of Pike building.  5 derkins, 10 step ups, 15 calf raises in rip stick squat position.  Mosey to grassy hill across from veterans park.  NUR to the flat part of hill then do 10 merkins, run to the top of the hill and do 10 more merkins before running down the hill.  Rinse and repeat.  Mosey back to parking lot at Pike.  10 muscle ups followed by 1 minute of wall sits.  Mosey back to COT for Jack Webs and Hip exercises.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: all ao’s closed on Monday.  Meet at NAFO at 6:00 for 9/11 workout.

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12 Cones and Chalk

AWarm Up

Mosey + Stretching

Church parking lot:

  • 6 cones for legs, 20 ct.+ modes of transport; length of lot
  • Lap
  • 6 cones for chest and core, 20 ct. + bear crawls; length of lot
  • Lap
  • 6 cones for legs, 15 ct.+ modes of transport; length of lot
  • Lap
  • 6 cones for chest and core, 15 ct. + bear crawls; length of lot
  • Prison break to COT
TClap |

Club 813

An awesome group of 30+ men came out to “Club 813”…celebrating the birthdays of Harry Carry, Fogerty, and Grassy Knoll!
HarryCarry started with a short mosey run.
SSH (20x I/C)
Windmills (8x I/C)
Imperial Walkers (15x I/C)
Moroccan Nightclubs (12x I/C)
Low slow squats (10x I/C)
Big Arm Circles (7 forward, 7 backwards)
Peter Parkers (10x I/C)
Plank Stretches (Downward dog, upward dog)

Short mosey run

Fish tracks routine:
Pax do the transportation and stop when instructed and do the exercise called.
Toy soldiers…stop and do Bobby Hurleys, repeat
Bear crawl…stop and do mountain climbers, repeat
Lunge walk…stop and do squats, repeat
Crab walk…stop and do pickle pointers (no repeat)

Hand off to Grassy Knoll:
Motivators from ten.
Jack Webb routine: One big boy sit up and four American Hammers, went to 11 bigboys to hit Grassy’s 44 years of age.

Hand off to Fogerty:
Elevens routine: 10 merkins at top of the hill, one bomb jack at the bottom, and proceed from there.

Run back to COT
Lastly, Badlands was inducted into Club 813.

TClap |

Roller Coaster

SSH, Cherry Picker, IW
The Roller Coaster: modified suicide: baseline and 5 stations up the hill. Each station has a number of increase repetitions: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 which PAX need to accomplish. At the same time there is a 5 min timer running. When timer hits, PAX stop where they are and have a “break” of 1 min where they need to complete at least 10x Burpees. After the 1 min break has elapsed, PAX continue with the suicides. After reaching the last cone (50x reps), PAX start over with a new exercise. There were 4 exercises in total: 1. Low Squats 2. MC (count 1:1) 3. Plank Jacks 4. LBC.
After Roller Coaster was done, mosey over to playground for a Jack Webb: start with 1x Merkin & 4x overhead claps all the way up to 10x Merkin and 40x OH claps. Mosey to COT
there was enough time for a 5 min mary at the end with focus on core.
CHANGE is coming to The Fort…look out for and participate in the upcoming poll here on slack this weekend!
COT was held and properly closed.

TClap |