19 That Didn’t Mail In Their Saturday

So there was this Saturday in Ft. Mill, SC that 17 men joined 2 Q’s to have a little fun in the city park, talk about the impact F3 & others have had on us and the community, and do some crazy exercises that would make others shake their head. That Saturday was yesterday and I must say that Router and I thoroughly enjoyed this opportunity granted us by Slash.

3 years ago, Router began his journey with F3 and as he said, the life change has been great and there’s no looking back. As we all know, it’s much more about the 2nd & 3rd F’s but the magnet of the 1st F is what attracts us and propels us to that life change F3 is know for.

That said, Router lit the torch with a disclaimer and a brisk mosey around the WEP path stopping along the way for 20 SSH, 20 Moroccan Night Clubs, 10 Merkins and 10 Peter Parkers; a great opportunity to stretch the PAX out and bring them back together.

Router brought us to the middle of the grass field for the start of the Worlds Longest Lasting, Most Disputed, Loudly Criticized, Not At All Controversial, exercise in The Fort. Sorry, the Pullman got the best of me (which has nothing to do with what we did). This is where he introduced us to a modified Catch Me If You Can. However, there were no rucks, no running, no monkey humpers, just a lot of Tesh-chasing which, for me as Tesh’s partner, made for a quick rendition of this terrible idea. Partner 1 is doing inch-worm merkins while Partner 2 does 20 Flutters, 10 Merkins, 20 American Hammers and 10 Carolina Dry Docks then bear crawls to his inch-worming partner. We did this for what seemed like the entire Saturday morning but in all reality, it was about 100yds (go ahead and try it…I dare you).

Oh, that wasn’t bad enough? How about Router bringing us back to the starting point for a round of Jack friggin’ Webbs. Yup, you just read that. And yes, we went to the 10:40 mark with merkins & overhead claps.. Say hello to your Jell-O arms. Good thing none of our resident hair models were in attendance because hair-washing would’ve been a challenge later that morning.

Then Router topped it off with an explanation of his growth over the last 3yrs since joining F3. Thanks to the fellas like DD (in attendance), Santini, Senator Tressel, Assassin and others, there are hundreds of men who share a similar story to Router, each one unique and powerful in their own right.

Hand off to Maximus.

Mosey to “The Hill” and line up at the base. Identify the tree at the top, about face and reverse lunge walk all the way up the hill to the tree. At the top, drop to your six and crab walk back down.

Mosey back to the field and in true Jack friggin’ Webb fashion, take that to the legs for Lieutenant Dan’s. Just like before, we went to the 10:40 mark with squats & jumping lunges.

Lined up the cones about 30yds apart, PAX line up at one end then the explanation. WWII situps into a burpee broad jump. Repeat until you get to the other cone.

2 lines facing each other for Knee Tar Jah’s or Prisoner Lunges or whatever we’ve decided to call these things.

SSH x 21

Back to the cones. Run from cone 1 to cone 2, 20 Plank Jacks, NUR back to cone 1, 15 WWII situps, back to cone 2, 10 Plank Jacks, then NUR back to cone 1, 5 WWII situps.

PAX back together for:

SLOW Peter Parkers x 21

Flutters x 21

Squats x 21

Jail break to COT for a short set of LBCs.

So that was it. Great time I hope for all. Didn’t get a lot of miles but my body 24hrs later tells me that wasn’t needed. Remember what’s been done for you as you have the opportunity to do something positive and impactful for others.

**ONE REMINDER**: September 6 is our Annual Invergence followed by our regional Convergence September 7 back at WEP.

Until Next Time,

Router & Maximus

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The Fort 7th Anniversary Convergence – Saturday 9/7/19

PAX, after we enjoy some solid 2nd F at the Invergence on Friday night 9/6 we will also have a Convergence the following morning at the place it all began!  We’re excited that our current Nantan Maximus, weasel shaker Funhouse, and our last two Nantans Cakeboss and Pusher will be our Qs for the Convergence at The Fort (WEP) starting at 6:30am.  The other Saturday AOs will be closed to bring us all together.

Save the date…more to come at the Invergence!

From The Fort Leadership Team

Maximus, Funhouse, Royale, Wegmans and Gekko

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Should I see stars in the daylight

As new pain was looming in the air, there was a quiet murmur across the 15 PAX.  Shady jumped in to provide the quick disclaimer, was on point of the 1st half of fun, and began the mosey over to the path where a drill bit warm-up ensued.  Drill bit warm-up included: SSH, merkins, squats (ghost bit got some love), windmills (with some cherry pickers), then finally toy soldiers with stretching and skipped the last drill bit (I just realized this!!)

Ran over to the small wall parking lot where we lined up to attempt sets of 10, then 9, then 8…you get it.  At the bottom we did side squat into a 180 jump side squat = 1 rep (so we did this 10x), then ran and jumped over the small brick wall where we did 10 each leg jumping lunges.  Then back down over the wall for 9, back up for 9….  We made it to about 3 before time expired for round 2.  Shady ran the PAX back to the WEP parking lot, down the back path as if you were going to Harris Street park, then stopped in front of the dreaded monster grassy hill.

A short message from Shady consisted of: do the difficult thing, push the extra 1 degree or percent for the next 30 min.  Yes it will be hard, but…get….over….it.  Then turned it over to Gandalf!

Gandalf loved the hill so much we stayed there where at the top and bottom we did the following:

  • 5 burpees
  • 10 Russian Twists + the 5 burpees
  • 15 merkins + 10 + 5…
  • 20 flutters + 15 + 10 + 5
  • 25 (I think we made it this far but here’s where I’m drawing a blank from exhaustion)

Once Gandalf had enough fun here, he took us to the playground where we partnered up and 1 partner plank walked around the playground while the other partner did 5 pull ups.  Then swap until we made it around the playground.  THEN we lined up across the field for a quick 100-200 yard jailbreak where we were lucky enough to do 30 wide arm merkins.  Since the bell had sounded, we made our way back to COT.

COT took over for the normal counting, name-o-rama, announcements, and prayers and praises.  Enjoyed getting better with everyone and special thanks to Slash for the invite and special pairing of Shady / Gandalf!


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Epic Bomb Jack Chatter

if you weren’t aware of a CSAUP called the Sweati that was occurring this morning, then you choose to post at the Fort knowing that you will also sweat. YHC knew there was somethign brewing brewing prior to the WO as Liverpool tweeted out that he was visiting and Wegmans was joining; didn’t know that half the PAX were going to be Rock Hill PAX – great to see Italian Job, Pony Tail and Reborn standing there as YHC drove in. As the PAX were preparing for the WO, the mumble chatter began and never stopped.

PAX began running the loop and stopped for IW and Windmills, then continued running and stopped for mountain climbers, hillybilly walkers, then onto the playground. It isnt a Trucker WO without pullups, so 3 rounds of 5 pullups, 10 merkins, 15 squats. Within the first round a call for bomb jacks occured, though YHC decided to bank them for later.

Ran to Pikes parking lot for 4 rounds of 2 counts of 10 wall sits, then line up at end of parking lot, run and hop over the wall, up the hill for 5 squats, ran back down for 5 diamond merkins. Repat 3 times.

Run to hill. Run up hill with 25LBCs at top 3xs. Sprint up the hill then mosey down. NUR up hill and wait on six.

Rugby sprints in Pike upper hill parking lot – placed this on weinke thinking Crab Cakes would have posted 🙁 7 or 8 rounds, can’t remember since the mumble chatter was epic and had to stop halfway for bomb jacks.

Run to Springs old complex for wall sit, dead hang off wall, 10 merkins, bear crawl to curb and lunge walk back.

Run to short wall around corner for 2 rounds of muscle ups. Run to playground for final set of 5 pullups, 10 merkins, and 15 squats.

Run to COT

The humidity was ridiculous, it turned into a sweati v2 but the mumble chatter with Liverpool and the Rock Hill PAX was nothing we have seen at The Fort in a LONG time!! It was impossible to remember all the great one-liners from movies and songs stated…..Thanks for crossing the river and stateline to post. As always, it was a blast!

TClap |

Mountain trip to Dupont State Forest on August 3rd with Trail Running, Rucking and Biking options – there will be a 2nd F afterwords

3rd F

Alright we are 2 years ago we did a mountain trip to Roan Mtn. it was one of the best trips I have made with my fellow F3 brothers. After 10-16 miles we went to Daniel Boone Inn to refuel.

With this in mind I wanted to continue to do this hopefully every year. So on August 3rd we are going to do another mountain trip. This time it will be Trail Running, Biking and Rucking options.

Our destination will be DuPont State Forest. We will leave from the Newport Walmart at 6 am it is a 2 1/2 hr trip. we will either go to the Hooker Falls Access or the Lake Imaging Access. For runners we will try and get 12-18 miles in for Mountain bikers Vuvuzela has about 20-30 mile rout lined up.


2nd F

Afterwords will will go to Daddy D’s and refuel.


Make sure you bring water and something for energy do not come unprepared you will regret it. I did exactly that last time. This will be an unforgettable trip that we will try and do every year. we need to clown car to get there since there are no rental vans available.

Reach out to me if you have any questions.  I have attached links below.

Dupont State Forest Trail Map-1



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We have reached the halfway point of Q Source covering #GetRight and #LiveRight. There is clear acceleration from the Pax of the Fort and Lake Wylie. To celebrate this momentum and continue through #LeadRight and #LeaveRight, we will host a Qvergence on August 3, 2019.



Time: 6:30 – 7:30 AM

Location: Pantheon (Tega Cay Elementary School)

Type: Bootcamp



Q Source

Time: 7:45 – 8:30

Location: Grace Presbyterian Church (adjacent to Golden Corral)

Q: Jedi, Twister, Royale, Change Order and Pusher

Topic: Q3.4 Vision

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Pillars of Pantheon – PreBlast


We’ve all joined F3 for various reasons; however the common theme is acceleration in each of the 3 F’s.  In the spirit of QSource, 43Feet, Roundtable and others we are launching a new and insightful discussion:  Pillars of Pantheon.

Pillars of Pantheon will be a quick two minute interview with the Pantheon Q of the Day to expand on these questions:

> Tell us about your own EH experience and induction into F3?

> How has F3 helped you accelerate your 3 F’s?

> What is one idea that you will spearhead to take F3 into the future?

The Pillars of Pantheon discussion will occur after COT and the Gloom Crue in attendance are welcomed to listen in and discuss with that day’s Q post recording.  The intent is to strengthen our 2nd F, tighten our Shield-lock and of course, sharpen each other.



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The Coop take 2

Humid 75 degree morning. Fort Mill, SC Nation Ford High School or better known at 0515 as The Coop.
See and recognize about 10 guys. we have the normal gloom what ups.
0514 rolls around DOAH says hey hope you don’t mind I’ve got a videographer with me. Doing some spotlight piece on wellness for his CO-OP. I say whatever you need to show up is good with me. I give a terrible disclaimer and were off.
Mosey around parking lot with some dynamic stretching here and there.
Circle up warm ups- SSH, Merkins, 6 inch hold, flutter, windmill, peter parkers, mtn. climbers.
Mosey to pull up bars. series of pull ups and merkins
Out to road. Bear crawl down the hill.
Go to the wall. Balls to wall while we work our way down the Pax so everyone broad jumps. Hurry up this hurts.
Mosey to basketball court. partner up 100 merkins, 150 squats, 200 big boy sit-ups. you and your partner hold each other accountable.
a couple guys had to leave early so 10 burpee buyout.
if you and your partner finished early start doing burpees until all finished.
At this point I hope the video guy knows how to fix the sound we had a lot of moaning and complaining.
all finished here up the hill for one last set pullups and then a little burpee buy out also.
praise for Dark Helmet sister, prayers for bounty hunters friends who had pregnancy issue. Marriages, travel.

Thanks for having me out to Q Punchlist.

TClap |

Blockparty- Just work

Blockparty- WEP- The original home F3thefort.
Always great to Q anywhere but especially fun to come home to where you were introduced to this crazy group of HIMS.
THe tweet that went out this week was simple I was not trying to take you from your normal post site but I did promise if you came here you would have to put in real work.
Lets start- Disclaimer by fast mosey to small parking lot outside of park area.
Circle up for warmups. 15-20 of each of the following
SSH, Mtn. Climbers, flutter kicks, Merkins, windmills
Mosey to building with knee walls- 15 box jumps, 15 dips, 15 derkins- 3 sets drop 5 each time.
Plank while Q discusses discernment and the need for accountablitiy.
Mosey to wall- chair sits while everyone broad jumps past the line.
Next plank with feet up on wall while pax bear crawl past.
Hold Al Gore while pax lunge walks past.
Mosey to flag pole- Pledge of Allegiance.
Hill time- 11s- 1 at bottom 10 at top. 2/9 etc. merkin at bottom Big boy situp at top.
Mosey to COT.
Announcements, Prayers, Praises.
Backdraft out.

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Move get out the way!

YHC Pulled up to find Bolts Van door open, he was setting up an array of coupons and cones.

Soon there was 11 Pax, I did a brief disclaimer since there was no FNG’s and we moseyed to warm up little did I know an FNG pulled up. So, Kaiser and another Pax picked up the FNG.  We AL Gore and planked till the Pax caught up with us.


Warm Up

20-Imperial Walkers

20-Wind Mills

40-Moroccan Night Clubs



The Thang

20 – Hand release Merkins

30 – Low Slow Squats

Stretching – Downward Dog, Honeymooner, Back to Downward Dog



20 – CDD

20 – Lunges



20 – Dying Cockroaches

30 – Monkey Humpers



Mike Tyson Squats with a deck of cards YHC handed out 2 decks each person takes 10 cards. We line up and lay all 10 cards in front of us. They way these squats are done follows- Squat pick up first card walk to 2nd card Squat drop the first card, squat pick up the first card, squat pick up the 2nd card. So forth and so on till you get to the 10th card. Totaling 100 Squats. It is said that mike Tyson use to do these in his prison cell with all 52 cards

10 Shoulder plank Taps


Bolts take the reigns

We mosey to the hill where several cones with coupons we set up. The sprinter on the 2nd cone acts as a timer for all Pax in motion to turn around and head back.


1st cone – One Pax does Plank Jacks while the other does worm pull with the 140lb Worm that bolt created.

2nd cone – One Pax does jumping lunges in place with 2 x 25lb sand bags. With the other Pax sprinting to the top of the hill where the cones are

3rd cone – One Pax does bent over butterflies with 2 x 25lb sand bags. With the other Pax bear crawling up the hill.

4th cone – One Pax does Side straddle. With the other Basket Carry 25lb sandbag up the hill.

5th cone – One Pax does American Hammers. With the other Pax Broad Jumps up the hill.

6th cone – One Pax does Bomb Jacks. With the other Pax Overhead Carry up the hill with 30lb sand bag.

7th cone – One Pax does Squat ball (30lb) throws (we had a complication where the ball busted open) So we preformed Squat overhead press with the open ball. With the other Pax Crab walking up the hill.

We then proceeded to Indian run around the Park. When we got back, we picked up the coupons and carried back to the vehicle. Note: The worm sucks even with 2 of us toting it.


Announcements, Prayer and praises, Named FNG Lockdown.


Thanks for the opportunity to Lead.




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