All kinds of Grinding

– mix of SSH, Cherry pickers, Windmills, etc.
– mosey around WEP, stop at each bench and do a set of 3 exercises: 5x Burpee + 10x BigBoy + 20x MonkeyHumpers. At the end do some Mary until 6 is in.
– mosey to playground, Jack Webb: 1x Merkin + 4x Overhead Clap…all the way to 10/40
– mosey to Pikes parking lot: split PAX in 2 teams. 1 PAX is doing big tire flip to the other team while all remaining PAX do an exercise chosen by the traveler. Repeat until all PAX flipped the tire.
– mosey to COT, bring the music and do some pole grinding: Sally with squats, Big Balls with Big Boys and Thunderstruck with Burpees. Runners joined for the last part, mostly topless and sweaty, after they witnessed the Big Balls exercise.
– read your newsletter
– We all learned that grinding has multiple meanings.

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Respect Bday Q

YHC was honored to Q minnow pond on my actual 50th (RESPECT) birthday. since the theme is 50, the route was a loop with 5 pain stations with 3 exercises of 10reps (to equal 50 reps per exercise and lap). Goal was 5 laps for the gazelles.

The stations were at Main/Tom Hall, Tom Hall/Withers, Withers/Confederate, Withers/Watson, and Railroad/Main.

Unfortunately I scheduled skin cancer surgery 2 days prior without thinking about the implications. Doctor requested I not exercise for 2 weeks but I couldn’t resist. Reason why I mention this is as a Public Service Announcement: use sun screen all year long and always reapply daily to avoid skin cancer.

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1-Year Anniversary Pain Special

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Morrocon NC, Merkin, Hillbilly Walkers, Overhead Claps, Calf Raises, and Cherry Pickers
Pull ups and Stations= Round 1: Group 1 @ Pull Up Bar & Group 2 doing Burpees for 2 minutes; Round 2: Group 1 @ Pull Up Bar & Group 2 doing Squats for 1 minute; Round 3: Group 1 @ Pull Up Bar & Group 2 doing Seal Jacks for 1 minute
Tennis Courts Area= (12) Count/ Exercise for 3 Rounds and Run after each Round: Box Jumps, Derkins, I-Merkins, Dips, Shoulder Taps
Light Pole Transportation= Bear Crawl, Lunges, and Run Back to COT
Briefly talked about Q3.8 Candor
MARY: American Hammers
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Beth Shelter and Blood Drive
COT: Patience

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Bear Sightings At The Fort

WARMUP: Started off with a loop around WEP stopping at every other swing set for Moraccan Night Clubs, Mountain Climbers, 5 Burpees OYO, Cherry Pickers, and 5 more burpees OYO
THE THANG: Ran pax over to the playground area where I had some American Flags set up in different yardages. This exercise is called Charles Bronson. Start off doing an exercise at first set of flags, then sprint for about 200 feet to next flag where you then bear crawl 100 feet to the final flag. Then mosey back to first set of flags. Here’s exercises.
1.) 50 SSH
2.) 50 Hand Release Merkins
3.) 50 LBC’
4.) 50 CDD
5.) Sumo Squat
Pax made it through this with too much ease should have made higher reps next time

Round 2
Stairway To Heaven
Start at bottom of parking lot and work your way up the grass hill stopping at every light pole. There where 6 total light poles. Do first exercise then run back to start and proceed to second light pole. You had to stop at every light pole to proceed to next one. Exercise where:
1.) Heel Touches x20
2.) Burpees x 5
3.) Wide Arm Merkins x 15
4.) Feet Close Together Squats x15
5.) Overhead Claps x 20
6.) Hello Dolly x 20
Finished with some Global Warming which sucked. Which is everyone is in circle Pax stay in Al Gore while in rotating fashion each pax does 20 Monkey Humpers.
MARY: Finished up with 10 minutes of stretching.

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The Leg Day

Laces In – Leg Day
Stretch in cadence
SSH 15
Cherry Pickers 15
Imperial Walkers 15
Hill Billy Walkers 15
Calf stretch
Groin stretch

Heartbreak Dora 3-2-1
300 Squats
200 lunges (2 is 1)
100 calf raises

Run to parking lot (5 laps)
10 SSH
10 jump squats
10 toy soldiers

10 leg ups
10 flutter kicks
10 scissor kicks

Run to bench
20 step ups
Or high knees in place

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Where’s the breeze?

10 Windmills IC

Started with 11’s – pull ups and feelings on guardrail

Then went down to tennis courts where weights had been laid out at concrete bleachers. 8 stations consisting of
45lb steps ups – 10 each leg
20 flutters
25lb Front Raises – 10 reps
20 Hello Dollys
45lb bent over rows – 10 reps
25lb squats – 20 reps
25lb curls – 10 reps
25lb – tricep ext – 10 reps

Almost finished 3 circuits before running back to COT.

On the run back, stopped at last 4 light poles for 5 Imperial squat Walkers.

Shoulder Taps, Box Cutters and Dying Cockroaches.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Coffeeteria this morning, convergence on the 4th, blood drive on 7/14.

COT: Stays in COT… except happy anniversary to Battle Bot and M!

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Sandbag Games

WARMUP: Slick mosey around the parking lot followed by some SSH, Good Mornings and a few Merkings.
THE THANG: I borrowed, or stole, this workout from Steak Knives in Cape Fear while we did a version of this workout as extra credit prior to a running AO. Everyone hear had a sand bag between 40lbs-60lbs.
(50) Sand bag Getups (think a Turkish getup) without ruck on.
(50) Sand bag ground to shoulders (and toss it over your shoulder) while wearing ruck.
(50) Sand bag squats while wearing ruck
(50) Sand bag clean & throws (same as a sand bag toss) while wearing ruck.
We were on a 2min timer so every 2mins, you had to do 5 burpees. After 2 rounds, we changed the count to 3 burpees.
Box Cutters with ruck overhead
LBCs with ruck overhead
Flutters with ruck overhead
American Hammers – slick
Standing side-bends with ruck in hand
Series of planking with rucks on
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Newsletter, Independence Day convergence at NAFO, give blood, Men’s Shelter
COT: You had to be there.

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PAX on a String

We had 9 Him (3 Runners and 7 Bootcampers) at The Fort this morning for PAX on a string! What is PAX on a string you may ask? 🤔🤯 Let’s find out.


20 Side Straddle Hops
10 Cherry Pickers
10 Windmills 
10 Little Arm Circles
10 Merkins 
Down Dog/Honeymooners 
10 Dying Cockroaches 

The Thang

PAX on a String – I happen to have a battle rope in my car like I am sure most people do 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️, so the idea was to keep the PAX together and engaged. Everywhere we moseyed we all had to carry the battle rope together. First stop was the Church about a half mile down the road.

Once we got to the church we setup the battle rope where each PAX got a chance to use the rope. The timer was the rest of the group running stairs. Every 3 sets of the stairs, one the PAX would rotate to the rope. After everyone got a shot at the ropes we switched to dragon walking up the stairs same rotating fashion with the rope. 

We moseyed about another half mile down the road to the next church, PAX on a String style, for a little Dora action.

Partner 1
100 Merkins 
200 Squats 
300 V-Ups

Partner 2 
Run around the playground 

Each time you finished an exercise we did a battle rope partner pull across the parking lot hill.

Half way through the V-Ups we moseyed another half mile towards one of the Pike parking lots, PAX on a String style of course, to finish up the V-Ups.

We headed back to COT for some Mary and announcements/prayer/praises. 


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Running with Burpees

WARMUP: PAX were disclaimed.  That is all.
THE THANG: 3.5 Mile route with 10 burpees every 1/4 mile. X marked the burpee spots. Speedy PAX got 4 miles and change. Us mere mortals did not.
MARY: 4 minutes of stretching with Stang
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Were announced
COT: Prayers and praises were offered

YHC is grateful for a tremendous group of HIM to help in acceleration and staying on the right path. The cooler temps and lower humidity was a blessing to start the week. Thanks to Badlands for the Q spot. It is always a privilege to lead.


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We got free wifi

– brief mosey, some SSH, IW and WM
– Dora: 100 pushup / 200 squats / 300 MonkeyHumpers (crowd pleaser) while partner runs around playground
– Jack Webb: Push-up and overhead claps, starting with 1-4 finish with 10-40
– 4-corners with mosey in-between
– corner 1: cindy’s: 10x overhead press + 10x swing
– corner 2: 60# sandbag squats + throw + low slow regular squats
– corner 3: 10x diamond merkin + 10x donkey kicks
– corner 4: 5x burpee + bearcrawl up the hill + 1 min horse riders hold (crowd pleaser as well)
– finish up with a good 10 min of core workout of various styles
– read your newsletter

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