Ad-lib at the Chupacabra

My apologies for the tardiness; that happens when priorities are out of whack. I also apologize if I missed a tagging of another PAX member…also a side-effect of not doing things on time.

Lutefisk took the bootcampers off and I took the small contingent of us Ruckers for a very brief mosey to our warmup spot…sans rucks.

Moroccan Night Clubs




Side Straddle Hops (all part of one’s normal warmup fare)

We’ll call this portion the Merkin-wave: Starting in the plank, 1 man will do a Merkin and return to the plank, the man to his left will do it, and so on down the line. We did this twice.

Next up is to do this with 3 Merkins…same series.

Line up at the bottom of the parking lot w/ rucks on.

Lunge walk up the hill then crawl bear back down.

Reverse lunge up the hill then bear crawl back down.

In Router’s absence, it was time for an abbreviated version of the Robbie Miller WOD, AMRAP style for 18mins:

  1. (6) 30′ Shuttle Runs
  2. (6) Burpees
  3. (6) Mountain Climbers
  4. (6) Ruck Get-ups

Mosey back to COT where Lutefisk took over.


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FTW – Forget The Winkie

I had prepared a coin flip workout 5 weeks ago where we flipped a coin to see if we would use the right hand side or left hand side of the winkie for each exercise.  This week was to be the “other” side that didn’t get selected.  After seeing no FNG’s and giving a disclaimer, the ruckers (led by Maximus) took off and so did we.  Since our numbers were low (good luck p200-ers), Mile High suggested I ditch the winkie and see what happens.  So knowing nothing about what to do, I found us a nice little parking area to get warmed up.

– 15 x imperial walkers
– 15 x hillbilly walkers
– 10 x tempo merkins
– 10 count 6″ plank hold
– Back up for a 10 count: right hand and right foot high
– Flapjack
– 15 x LBC
– 10 Crunchy Frogs, OYO

Mosey to the wall hall between HD and Target:
– Hands on the wall, 10 x shoulder taps, dc
– Run to opposite wall, feet on wall, 10 x shoulder taps, dc, run back
– Wall sit, add on, one PAX at a time as follows:
(PAX 1) –> run to other wall, 10 x derkins, run back
(PAX 2) –> same, add 10 x SSH after the derkins
(PAX 3) –> same, add bear crawl instead of run to other wall
(PAX 4) –> same, add high knees instead of run back
(PAX 5) –> same, add 10 x merkins
Now reverse, so PAX 1 does them all, PAX 2 removes first exercise, PAX 3 removes first and second, and so on.  If you’re confused, just stop trying to figure it out.  It was so that we all ended up doing the same amount of work.

Mosey to water fountain for the thang:
YHC has either a 1 or 2 behind his back. Get it right, do the exercise and run a lap without the islands. Get it wrong, the lap is with the islands. YHC calls out the PAX one by one to guess, and they also get to call the exercise. First up, (1) #wrong 5 burpees + long lap. Second up (1) #wrong 15LBCs but HOLD UP.  We’re going to add on again.  5 burpees plus 15 LBCs + long lap.  Third (2) #correct 5 burpees + 15 LBCs + 10 double count heel touches + short lap. Fourth (1) #wrong 5 burpees + 15 LBCs + 10 DC heel touches + 7 merkins + long lap.  Last (2) #correct 5 burpees + 15 LBCs + 10 DC heel touches + 7 merkins + 30 dips + short lap.

Mosey to Office Max parking lot close to COT. Shuffle back and forth for about 15 parking lot lines. Jailbreak to COT.

All in all we hit 2 miles and did some great exercises and got to build on each other’s ideas.  Not a bad start to a Friday considering there was no plan.  Sometimes, no plans are the best plans.  I had a blast being able to lead for a moment today.  Mainframe had to take off to more bigly importanter things but we ended with a strong COT.  Announcements included a F3/crossfit event at WEP and operation sweettooth. TAP’s to the P200 PAX and all racers for health and safety.

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Call a Kotter Today

It was an honor for Walker and I to head across the River on this cool and cloudy gloom to lead 6 of The Fort’s Finest HIM who decided on this day they would not allow the Fartsack to overtake them. Thank you Smuggler for the opportunity. Thank you to the men of The Fort to allow us to visit you this weekend.


YHC led the warmup with the following in cadence: Side Straddle Hops, Imperial Walkers, Low Slow Squats, Merkins, Peter Parker Peters. We then took a quick mosey over to the wall in front of the Tennis Center for what was to commence below.


Once we arrived at the wall we went through 2 rounds of Irkins, Dips, Step-Ups, and Derkins all in cadence. We then headed back to Runde Park for some curls, Tricep Extensions, Squats w/block overhead, Bent Over Rows, & Lunges (All with the Paving Blocks in the parking lot). YHC then handed over the Q-Stick to Walker for the following:

We began with the infamous Starfish workout. 25 Body Squats at the center each time we returned, and 25 Merkins, 25 Diamond Merkins, 25 Wide Arm Merkins, & 26 Staggered Merkins.

Then Walker led us in some core work with a lot of Flutters and One Legged Flutters (each leg). Then we circled up for for some cardio doing the Original Burpee (no push up, no jump, and hands touch the ground before you thrust your feet). We were 20-seconds on and 10-seconds off for I think 20 times.

We then did a round of 7’s with Merkins at one end and Jump Squats at the other. Walker had about 3 minutes left and we finished with more flutters & Merkins (WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED).

Great work to all HIMs who showed up this morning. Thank you again.


This was not mentioned at the  COT, but I want to remind all PAX of the Fort to stick to the challenge given by Maximus at the Christmas Convergence. Take some time TODAY and call a former FNG whom you haven’t seen in a while and get them back out into the gloom. We all fail at this so let’s make it a point. One man a week is all you need to do. Aye!


Convergence & Invergence-March 8-Baxter HT and The Shack.

Joe Davis Run-March 9.

Operation Sweet Tooth Run-March 30 in Tega Cay beginning at Runde Park.


Prayers and praises were mentioned and were lifted up by Walker.

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10 Accelerating Together

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Alcatraz – Cake and the Ripper

It is GROUNDHOG Day and all I could think about was repeats. Repeating the same exercise for 60 mins would be rough. Shoot GInsu did Plank at The Ranch for 45 mins once…..but I was not going to subject myself or the PAX to that mental tourture. Instead, we had Cable Guy and his GI issues. the were in full force , especially in the squats. Anyway, cable guy and I flipped a coin on who would go first and I got the first half……so away we went

  • Mosey all the way around the park and came back to pick up Lutefisk and Mile HIgh for COP
    • Plank Series
  • Mosey to other side of bball fields
    • Merkins
    • Imperial Walkers
    • Hillbilly Walkers
    • Squats
  • Mosey to short steep hill by the firehouse
    • Time for DOP (Dice of Pain)
      • Roll the Dice, run to bottom of hill, perform exercise, run back up hill
    • Merkins
    • Squats
    • Lunges
    • Frog Hops
    • LBCs
    • ????
    • Burpees
  • Mosey to Playgroung and hand off to Cable Guy
    • Fishstix tagged out and we picked up Jekyll at COT

Cable Guy lined us up for some suicide repeats

  1. Burpees
  2. Merkins
  3. Bombjacks
  4. ??????
  5. Suicides touch every line up to 12 lines

Mosey to middle of lot for Mary

  • Protractors
  • Flutters
  • dying cockroaches
  • Pretzel Crunches


8 PAX came to Alcatraz today and 4 hit up  Qsource after. It was a great day of fellowship and something to be said for smaller groups pushing each other. Mile High inspired me as each time he was called for a 10 count, he had us do something during the 10 count……disruption!!  Made us all better and t-clapps brother for the dedication to get your King in order!

G3L – Get Right, Live Right, Lead Right, Leave Right

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11 at Alcatraz

Eleven men rose to meet the day at Alcatraz with temperatures slightly better than forecasted.  Most came in cars or trucks; Funhouse and Judge Judy ran in from Northern Tega Cay, and Cable Guy emerged from the woods.  The following is my recollection of the events of the morning; I apologize for any unintentional errors, which I will attribute to the lack of oxygen during these events, and the fact that neither Q prepared nor followed a written weinke.

Trucker issued a disclaimer of sorts and got straight to work with some warm-ups and a brief mosey. Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly Walkers, Windmills, Morrocan Nightclubs, perhaps more.

Mosey ended at the top of the hill where  a round of Merkins was initiated, but got cut short by an approaching car.

To the bottom of the hill for a Quadzilla – backward run up the hill, 10 Merkins at the top, Mosey down and do 15 LBC’s at the bottom.  A few rounds of this with a forward run up as a variant.

Mosey back to the playground (passing McGuyver, who was out on a solo run) and split into 3’s for 3 rounds of: Step-ups (15), Derkins (15), and Pull-ups (10), before handing of to Smuggler.

Mosey to the small field wall for some People’s Chair while taking turns in a 30 yard Bear Crawl, Crab Walk, Bear Crawl, and Mosey.

Then on to an Ascending BTTW. Starting at horizontal, and working up one block at a time with a 10 count at each block until all PAX are vertical.

Mosey to the fence and back, before repeating one round of the People’s Chair.

On to the large field backstop for Elevens with 10 Squats at the bottom and 1 Bomb Jack at the top.  Repeat, reducing Squats by one and increasing Bomb Jacks by one on each trip until reaching 1 Squat and 10 Bomb Jacks.

A few rounds of 20 Dips and 10 Merkins on the backstop wall.

Back to the parking lot for 4 minutes of Mary, with some interesting yet painful ab and hip work. (PSA, Bolt is more flexible than most of the PAX).


Alcatraz will host a virtual run site for those unable to attend the 2nd Annual Christina Latini Memorial 8K in Huntersville on 3/30/19.  Register online for this race. If you can’t do it in Huntersville, register for the virtual race and run from Alcatraz.  Virtual Run will be held concurrent with the boot camp.

Sign up for the Yeti.

Post at the Paradise Workouts. We need men to help support this mission while some of the regulars are committed to youth basketball leagues.

Prayers for a family struggling with the loss of a parent, and those recovering from illness.

Thank you, as always, for the opportunity to lead.

Smuggler and Trucker

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The 2018 Fort Clave Boss 5k & Christmas Convergence

0545 – Arrive at Palisades Elementary School AKA The Abyss where Bear Grylis is tailgating like its the Summer Concert tour and he’s at FORT-A_PALOOZA.

Ruckers and Runners were gathering and getting ready for a full morning of all 3 F’s. The Pre-Ruck led by Bonsai (as Worldwide Leader was MIA) got together and away they went.

YHC gathered all of the Clave Boss 5k runners and gave the instructions for the course. Signs were posted however it was still difficult for some to follow (Royale, Funhouse and some others) and they got 3.5mi surprise.

0605 – The 4th Annual Clave Boss 5k launched and 32 runners hit the hills of Palisades. This year we awarded Bundt Cakes to the first runner at various paces.

  1. MacGyver flew in at 20:47 6:60/mi and then went back to encourage other runners – True #HIM
  2. Sharkbait came in at 24:43 7.88/mi
  3. Islander rolled in at 27:10 8.74/mi
  4. Twister with a 31:25 10.08/mi
  5. Smuggler wrapped it up with a solid 34:11 11:00/mi

Appreciate all the participants. Next Year’s 5th Annual will be a special event for sure!!

0700 – Preruck has returned, Clave Boss has wrapped up and now more cars have entered the parking lot with PAX gathering all around. It was time to launch the convergence. YHC ask if there were FNGs, and we had 4 in attendance, gave the disclaimer. YHC then gave RUCK crew green light to jet with a 0750 COT. The remaining 75 or so PAX had YHC and Maximus for the next 50minutes

The Thang:

Mosey parking lot….20 SSHs, Go to other end of lot, Merkins, go to other end of lot for squats, back to other end of parking lot for LBCs

Line up in 6 lines, each line goes to a cone and each cone has exercise on it

  1. Merkins
    1. Bearcrawl
  2. Leg Lifts
    1. Lunge walk
  3. Wide Arm Merkins
    1. Run
  4. Donkey Kicks
    1. Bearcrawl
  5. Spider-man Merkins
    1. Lunge walk
  6. Sumo Squats
    1. Run

3 rounds of above, 5 reps, then 10 reps, then 15 reps

The mumble chatter was classic and the fellowship as always enjoyable

Handoff to Maximus

Mosey to back of School and line up in 6 lines for Pain Platoon

  1. Santini led squat routine that is always a crowd pleaser
    1. Burpees
  2. Pusher led Lunges
    1. Burpees
  3. Double D led Mc-tar-Ny ??
    1. Burpees
  4. Bubba Gump led SSHs
    1. Burpees
  5. 4 lines – turn to face one another – then Seal Team Sit ups–always a big crowd pleaser

Mosey to front of school for COT:

Plank while waiting on RUCK crew and 6 inches with Walker…..always fun!!

  • 93 was the count with 4 FNGs
    • Bo Knows
    • Ferris
    • Gaylord
    • Doubtfire


  • We Switzered to gather around and listing to Mr. Clean give a message and challenge to the PAX
    • I’m honored to speak with you today;
      Tomorrow (Christmas night) is the 1 year anniversary of me and the kids finding Cindy (my wife) unconscious. She was immediately put on life support
      Cindy died 3 days later from complications of MS and an addiction to alcohol
      I thought our life was on cruise control. I was being non -purposeful and non intentional. Being a single parent and grieving thru the tragic death of a spouse has been unreal.A few things I have learned from this that I would like to share.

      1. I have a much deeper awareness of emotional health. I have been humbled. Being humble creates avenue for change and growth. My question to you is…are you vulnerable and humble enough to let brothers in to help you?? Are you humble enough to ask for him if you are escaping reality w addictions? Alcohol, porn, etc
      2. I have a more real relationship w Christ.At a time when I doubted Christ care for me and my children and his desire to help our family Christ stepped in and answered a very exact prayer request. If you have doubts about Christ, speak to me please. I would love to share with you what He alone has done.
      3. I am thankful for the suffering. It has brought our family closer together. Even though I and the kids are miss Cindy everyday, we have so much to be thankful. I am thankful for the life that we had w Cindy. I am thankful that she is suffering no more. I am thankful that Cindy is made as new. Most importantly, am thankful for the birth of Christ. He gives us HOPE for a better day.
    • My Challenge to you is Love Deeper and Speak Sweeter. — too often people speak disrespectfully of their spouses and children and parents. Words matter and we all need to choose them wisely. We need to hold each other accountable and “get our heads out of our asses” as you never know when that person will be taken from you.

YHC can’t thank Mr Clean enough for this message and his friendship. over the last 2 years we have grown together to be better Christ followers, better husbands and fathers. He is such a great leader and I’m blessed to have him in my life.

If you need someone like this in your life, reach out to me and we’ll get you set up as there are a boatload of HIMs in the PAX


It was time for some major announcements in leadership. YHC has led as NANTAN for The Fort region for about 15months. Prior to that I was Weasel Shaker and prior to that 3rdF Q and in-between Site Qs of Ranch, Ballroom, Crossroads,, ChicknWizdim, and led CSAUP teams at P200, Kiawah and others.

It was time to hand over the keys to this well oiled machine to a new leader. A man I’ve watched grow and lead in all 3 F’s and lead well. First got to know him well on the 2014 BRR 9 man team. I was asked to attend Colombia mission with with him in 2015 that he led. Have Qd many times with him and attended a retreat in Boone with him in 2017 and saw his heart for God, Family and the PAX of The Fort. In 2018 he led BEYOND and pushed men to not only dig deep physically but to stretch themselves emotionally and spiritually. This sealed it for me that this man understood leadership and that men needed to be Freed to Lead.

MAXIMUS is the new NANTAN of The Fort!

I personally am excited for this next chapter and look forward to more men being Freed to Lead by his example and inspiration. With this change, some other leaders have stepped up as well.

  • Weasel Shaker = Funhouse
  • 1stFQ = Royale
  • 2ndFQ = Wegmans
  • 3rdFQ = Gecko

I personally want to thank Old Bay for years of leadership and more importantly friendship. I true HIM who makes so much happen behind the scenes that there is no way The FORT would be where it is today without him.

Also, want to thank Anchorman for 2nd F Q during my time as Nantan, as well as all his leadership at Footloose, encouraging guys to push themselves and the many great ideas and ways to challenge the PAX. Appreciate you brother!

BOM – Gecko had great words to close out this convergence. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus and all of the Holidays, I pray we find JOY in everything and not take anything for granted. I appreciate all the PAX and my brothers of THE GLOOM.

Cake Boss

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Pantheon vs. Alcatraz January Commitment Challenge

As we all develop our word for 2019, I would ask you to consider commitment.  As each new year turns we all make resolutions to change things in our lives to help our family, employer, and community.  However, most tend to lose sight of their new year resolutions in mid January and fall back into old habits.  This challenge is to help overcome that.

What? The Pantheon challenges Alcatraz to an average attendance competition in the month of January, 2019!

Where? The Pantheon bootcamp ( 5:15am very Wednesday at Tega Cay Elementary starting 1/2, 1/9, 1/16, and 1/23 ) and The Alcatraz bootcamp ( 6:30am every Saturday in historical Tega Cay at Runde Park starting on 1/5, 1/12, 1/19, and 1/26 ).

How? We’ll tally attendance as usual across the above stated 4 dates at each AO and average them out.  All are welcome…newbies, kotters, respectables, sons and of course EH an FNG.  Aye!

The Stakes? The losing AO and associated Q’s for stated dates have to facilitate that workout in Q vs. Q fashion and then host coffeteria and bagels at the winners next AO wearing pink tutu’s!  Other bad ideas will be evaluated!

Why? Don’t ask why, ask why not!  But more seriously, we’re trying to bolster attendance at key Tega Cay AO’s and because we all want to get better! CSAUP!

Merry Christmas and Happy 2019!

-Bear Grylls and Smuggler

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300 and more at Alcatraz

Two of the Fort Mill famous Run and Gun Musketeers led Saturday’s Alcatraz workout.  One, Mainframe, has been a solid, regular poster and another, Bolt, has been fartsacking too much and turning into a Kotter Q (only posting when Q’ing). Bolt arrived early to lay out his goodies.

Solid plan in hand from both. Mainframe led out testing everyone’s stamina.

Started with a lap around park then back to parking lot for normal starters – Windmills, Hillbilly Walkers, SSHs, Merkins, Mountain Climbers, and MNCs.

Warm-ups done, onto the “300”. Pretty simple concept, 10 exercises, 30 reps each. The focus was on legs and abs. The plan was to run suicides after every 2 exercises. 3 line suicide with 10 seal jacks at each line.

Exercises for the 300 were: Smurf Jacks, Flutters, Bomb Jacks, Tiny Os (15 each way), Plank Jacks, Big Boy Sit-ups, Jump Squats, Box Cutters, Monkey Humpers, & Hello Dollies. We had to skip the suicides between the last set in order to stay in the :30 time window. (It’s amazing how we get used to 20 reps on most exercises… so pushing past for another 10 can really bring about the mumble-chatter).

Bolt took over with sandbag mania , duct tape wonders at 4 of 6 stations. Pairs went to each station and did work during a time frame of about 2 minutes. The actual time was determined by the pair of PAX either carrying sandbags down the parking lot with burpee stops and/or the pair of PAX working and dragging the 140# Worm sandbag across the field and back. (trust me, that sucked). After each performance, met in the middle for some ab work, then broke out back to the stations.

The 6 stations were: sandbag carry with at least 3 burpee stops, sandbag American hammers, playground hang (as long as you can), 10# sandbag each hand or cinderblock burpees, Worm drag, Balls to the Wall.

Implementing individual stations, it should be noted, has it’s positives and negatives. It can offer some creativity. It allows for PAX to workout at their own pace. If paired, builds comraderie. But the Q has to be aware that he is no longer “directly leading”.  PAX may not push at the stations as much as if the Q was leading. Q’s should make sure they are mixing up their Q’s over time.

As a write this BB, I can tell you I am really sore in the thighs and lower back. Pushing up the rep count will do that and should be done periodically. Mixing in something unusual like a 140# Worm pull will definitely work new muscles.

Thanks to PAX for their effort. Had some good mumblechatter. It was highly unusual, but this Alcatraz stayed in the parking lot for the full hour. I’m pretty sure that won’t happen again. It was great meeting again some new PAX. Keep posting and Q!!! Thanks to PAX for helping Bolt cleanup.


Decibel requesting support with the breakdown of Badger’s business. This is what F3 is all about. Support your brothers, do what you can.

Cornerstone still collecting bandaids for the Children’s Home. Xmas party was same today, now happened, and looked like a very good time. Join Bolt in Paradise every Saturday 3:00 pm to workout and interact with the kids of the community. Volunteer at the afterschool tutoring and homework at Bethlehem Baptist every Monday and Wednesday 3:00 pm.

Bolt spoke of his fartsacking  and thanks Jekyl for the kind words about his involvement in the Paradise community. PAX, always speak up about your brothers and the good things they do.

Mainframe took us out. PAX met at DD for some F2.


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Great morning in TC- 12 men farted outside of the sack.- wait.  Unsacked the fart…wait.  Got out of bed in 26 degrees to take the DRP and get better.  It was old school good old times.

Had the stairs in mind today but not enough light- another time Pantheonians.

After a couple of PLLs(parking lot laps), we headed to field.


  • SSH, IW, Squat, Moroccan night club, with 2 burpees in between.
  • Kareoke, Toy soldiers,  70%, 80%, 90% runs across field

The Thang: Dora 123

  • 100 Mac Tar N Jai
  • 200 Sumo Squat
  • 300 Freddy mercury

Merkin Clock: # of merkins = position on the clock.  total 78.

Close with some MAry: Box cutters and Dying Cockroaches

Naked Man Moleskin

Everybody rocked the #king today as we did all cadence and partner PT today.  Great work by Pax in picking up the #6 during Dora.  that’s what its all about men.  Leave no man behind.  Good grass work today- no one complained.  Funhouse spouted some nuggets on durability.  More accurately- dura-freakin-bility.  Posting in adverse conditions better prepare you to succeed especially when handling hardships or challenges.  Do the hard thing men.  take the DRP.  A few words on changing your mindset by swapping the words “have to” for “get to”.  This simple little trick will help you really appreciate all your have and move towards gratitude.


  • Bear Grylls taking over as Pantheon site Q- AYE!  Great work Fishsticks and looking forward to Bear Grylls leadership.
  • Bear Grylls Rucking again in honor of cousin who committed suicide from PTSD serving to tours overseas.  He will cover 125 miles and has a goal of raising $2200.  He will tweet out details so you can read more and donate/support.  #WYH
  • Christmas party Saturday
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