Being Vulnerable is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength

P.S.A attendance is highly recommended. March 27th mark your calendars. F3 St. Louis very own Miyagi and Aerobie has brought light to a sensitive subject that’s right Suicide-mental health awareness. A subject we try and avoid talking about at all or till it’s to late. YHC will be on Q at the Panethon if you can’t make it to the west side of town Stang is on Q at Tomahawk and will also discussing the subject.

I am encouraging you to step up and share your experience. Whether it be about yourself or family member or even a friend. YHC will testify how this subject has effected my life. Please remember what we talk about in COT stays in COT it’s okay to be vulnerable. We are stronger together rather than alone.

Don’t be ashamed of your story it will inspire others. Author Unknown

“You don’t have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you.”

”I hide all my scars with an I’m fine.”

The bravest thing I ever did was continuing my life when I wanted to die. – Juliette Lewis

The world is a better place with you in it.

Suicide doesn’t end the chances of life getting worse, it eliminates the possibility of it ever getting any better. – unknown

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Barney Fife’s Burpee Ball Beatdown at The Ballroom

I’m having serious football withdrawals and wanted to try something new, so on a very cold morning, I decided we would toss the pigskin around……in the dark. I’m very grateful for the patience of all 12 PAX that came out, I’m sure they thought I was nuts for wanting to play ball in the dark.


After a quick disclaimer, we moseyed over to the other parking lot and circled up for a little stretching. (toe touches, elbow lifts, leg stretches) and then:

  • 15 Hillbillies
  • 15 Cherry Pickers
  • 20 Windmills
  • 25 Side Straddle Hops
  • 30 Moroccan Night Clubs

Moseyed around the school to the bridge where we circled up again for:

  • 15 Merkins
  • 30 Flutters
  • 15 Diamond Merkins
  • 30 Dying Cockroaches
  • 15 Box Cutters

Moseyed our way onto the football field and formed two lines of PAX on the goal line. We all took turns running out to the 10-yard line and trying to catch the ball….in the total, pitch black darkness. If the ball was dropped, for any reason, everyone dropped and did 5 burpees. (It was amazing to see how quickly everyone’s passing and catching skills improved….DRAMATICALLY.) After throwing and catching the ball each PAX ran to the back of the line and began jogging in place while waiting for their next turn. After approximately 40 burpees we switched over to monkey humpers when a pass was dropped. After another 40 monkey humpers, we moseyed back up the hill to the main parking lot and circled up for a round of mary.


We finished up with announcements, prayer requests, praises and thanking God for allowing us to enjoy another beautiful morning with our F3 brothers.

Thank you Short Sale for the opportunity to lead!!!

Barney Fife

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Tinsel Utensils at the Fort

A great morning to Q at the Fort, great temperature to start the weekend right, rain held up but ground was soggy so I decided to stay on the path after the warm up. After a quick disclaimer, we moseyed for about 1/4 of a mile for a quick warm up:


Moroccan night clubs

Low Slow Squats

Mountain Climbers

Low Slow Merkin

Arm circles

After the warm up we run the path up hill to the first tree and on the way back down we combined toy soldiers, butt kickers and high knees. Rinse and repeat. By the time we were coming up the hill the second time Bonsai glanced to the parking lot behind the top of the hill by the gazebo and saw the props so he knew what was coming.

The thang:

I had setup 4 stations with different props and exercises on each, the plan was to finish a full 4 station circuit within 22 minutes and we did, after completion of a station you had to run around the parking lot and continue to the next one. stations were setup as follow:


30 LBC’s

30 Rosalitas

30 Sledgehammer swings (15 each side)

40 Heel Touches SC

40 Dying Roach SC

20 slam ball to ground with 20# ball


10 burpees

10  Tire flips

20  Monkey Humpers

20 lunges SC

30 low squat (touch the ground with hand)

50 calf raises


10 diamond merkins

15 wide arm merkins

20 regular merkins

30 battle rope wave SC

40 Shoulder taps

40 plank jack



10 man makers

15 biceps curls

20 bent over row

25 overhead press

30 triceps extension

40 shoulder shrug

A full circuit was completed in 21:45, everyone pushed hard so we were able to stay in track.

Next we collected all cindys and went to the bottom of the parking lot, exercise consisted on pushing cindy bear crawl style to the middle of the parking lot, we did this last year at one of Maximus’ BC and there was a lot of mumble chatter about it so I thought it was a great idea to include it,  rinse and repeat now going back to the start line. we went back up the parking lot but this time pushing cindy hair burner style.

It was time for some mary so we invited Captain Thor and Superman again, superman was the resting exercise after the 5th captain Thor exercise (5 BBSU 20 AH) then we completed the full CT circuit to 10 BBSU and 40 AH, lots of mumble chatter again here.

with 8 minutes to spare we moseyed to the playground for some pullups and toes to bar, 2 rounds of 6 each.

With only a couple of minutes to spare we moseyed back to COT.

We finished up with announcements, prayers and praises; all injured PAX were included in our prayers.

Thank you Bonsai for the opportunity to lead and help some HIM get better.

Tinsel out..

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Travis Manion Ruck WOD 4/27

PAX, we are teaming with CrossFit and Ruck Clubs across the country to honor Travis Manion (USMC), killed in Iraq while saving his wounded teammates.  Today, his legacy lives on in the words he spoke before leaving for his final deployment.  “If Not Me, Then Who…”

Support his Foundation by doing the Manion WOD on April 27, 2019 at Walter Elisha Park starting at 6:30am.  They have created our own ticket to register with under: F3 Fort Mill/Lake Wylie Ruckers.  Cost is $35.00

The Manion WOD w/Ruck is:

-400 meter run

-29 Ruck Squats w/#40 sandbag

-7 Rounds

Sign up here:

Note:  Due to order time on patches, if you want a patch the day of the event, you need to register by Mon, March 4th.  Otherwise, your patch will be mailed after completion of the event.

-Cobra Kai

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40 Day Challenge 2019

Ok PAX……time to get challenged and ready for summer.

For the next 40 days its time to be uncomfortable.

This is simple and to the point and you will get better so its all worth it.

Starting 3/6/19 and Ending 4/14/19 ——->>>>>40 Days

  • 1st F  Challenge = 40 Merkins every day
    • Not including workout merkins
    • can mix and match (Wide, Regular, Diamonds)
    • Get them in!!!
  • 2nd F Challenge = Work on Concentrica weekly
    • M – show some love
    • shorties – spend some time
    • PAX – attend 2ndF lunch or coffee
  • 3rd F Challenge = Serve 1 time at one of the following within 40 days
    • Saturday Gfit – contact Deacon
    • Saturday Guidance (CAH) – Contact Chicken Hawk
    • Monday or Wednesday Paradise Reading Center – Contact Crab Cakes

Email me me and tell me you are in and I will hold you accountable.

Prefer to see you and shieldlock sign up together


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WEP for some 45’s and an almost Merlot

11 PAX showed up with no fear of what was supposed to be a wet morning. Lucky for us, after a quick sprinkle during the disclaimer, mother nature held out for us.

The DOHA and I were teaming up for this one and I knew ahead of time that he was very eager to include cinder blocks into the rotation.

Mosey up the hill to the end of the parking lot away from the” house.”

45 was my target rep number (Presidents) and the PAX were so excited to participate:

45 SSH- fluctuating cadence to fast

45 Imperial Walkers

45 Moroccan night clubs

45 Seal Jacks

At the great request by DH, over the to the curb for some calf raises (15 reg, 15 out, 15 in)

Mosey to bank drive through area. Partner up

A little round of Dora. Started out as 100, 200, 300 but had to modify because of time.

Partner One-

100 knee jump slaps

150 merkins

200 flutter kicks

LBC’s waiting on the Six

Partner Two- runs around the Bank

Mosey back to last parking lot to the wall for some wall sits. PAX were to remain in sit position, while each PAX steps out to sidewalk for 3 burpees.

Once completed, we headed back to COT area to pick up the cinder blocks.

Hand off to DH

Mosey with CB up the hill and to guess where, the same parking lot we were just at!

DH had us all line up right where the wall sit area was for COP with the CB’s. Before starting, DH shared a message about PAX asking for help when they need it, and emphasized there would be no judgement. Many PAX are out there struggling (maybe on IR) and continue to face their challenges alone.

The Thang

One PAX would bear crawl the entire hallway to the end where the entrance to the building was (est 100 yds).

Other PAX would complete instructed exercise until the PAX returned.







(I Probably forgot one or two here)

Rinse and repeat

It is worth noting that after DH returned from his bear crawl, the PAX noticed him standing in the corner as if in “timeout.”  In fact, he was taking his own timeout to avoid a potential Merlot splash. Nice recovery DH.

Back to COT for some Mary

Heels to heaven


Hello Dolly



Joe Davis


Prayers and Praises



PAX on IR- reach out them

Thanks for the opportunity!

Frat Boy (and DH)

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Quagmire After the Superbowl

The Superbowl is an “unofficial” American holiday filled with chicken, chips, pizza, and beer.  It is hardly the ideal ‘prep’ food for a great workout.  Nevertheless 4 brave men meet in the gloom to work off our hangovers and prep for the week ahead.

After the typical disclaimer including a warning not to stand downwind of the Q (due to recent dietary choices) we were off with a mosey.

Long mosey around Home Depot…in front Target….to the (now vacant) Books a Million.


  • Windmills
  • Weed Pickers
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Slow Squat
  • Merkins
  • Downward Dog
  • Side Straddle Hops

Mosey over by the fountain

Round one 

  • 10 Squats
  • Bear crawl across parking lot
  • 3 Burpees
  • Lunge walk back
  • 10 Merkins
  • (REPEAT 5 x’s)

Finish with Flutters (20 cadence)

Round Two

  • Broad Jump Across
  • 20 Dips on curb
  • Side Shuffle back (Flip halfway)
  • 15 Durkins
  • (REPEAT 5 x’s)

Finish with Freddie Mercuries (10 cadence)

Round Three

  • 10/leg Step up on benches at fountain
  • Run 1/2 lap
  • (REPEAT 3 x’s)

Mosey to “grassy” area Mattress Store

  • Jack Web’s

Mosey to Office Max

Wall sits

  • 1 minute (x3)
  • Sit while others run top of parking lot and back (x1)

Plank (hold while others run to top of parking lot and back) (x1)


Jedi asked for much needed family rest after busy couple of months.  I need prayer for new Team member at office.

As always….thankful for the ability to wake up and exercise and the opportunity to lead.

~ Bones

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The Fort – We are on a “Journey” and looking for “Hook Ups”.

18 men came to The Fort for an extremely hyped beat down by YHC on the twitter machine. Ginsu is off of the machine so I had to hype it up even more. I think everyone got their money’s worth and here is what happened.

Standing right in the parking lot:

Seal Jacks
Wind Mills
Imperial Walkers

3 lines at stairway to heaven
Run/lunges every other pole

Mosey to Hill

Back to stairway to heaven
1-suicide 4 poles
2-sumo squats
-calf raises
-Backward lunges

As we were working out, I asked the men about getting extremely good hook ups. No we were not talking dates or “women”, but events and special treatment. I heard things like Masters Tickets and Playing Augusta and Meet and Greet with front row tickets at concerts. YHC was able to be on the track at the Daytona 500 right next to the drivers…..was totally wild. Point is we felt special and privileged.  I told the men that the best hook up available to every single one of us is when JESUS escorts us through to heaven. All of us will have our day in front of the big guy and the invite to all of us from Jesus today is, are you with me or against me?? Does he know you? I’d be happy to discuss with anyone about this hookup because it happens on this side of eternity…..not at the ticket window!

Hand off to Ginsu

Ginsu focused on the Journey and taking in everything along the way. The good and bad builds us into the men we are. The choices we make and lessons learn can make all the difference.

Mosey to Springs building and find wall
-People’s chair
-Muscle Ups-10counts with hold

Mosey to parking lot
-Broad jump Burpees 3 islands (50yards), Run back

-bear crawl 4 step then Merkin, 3 islands (50yards), Run back

Mosey to playground
2-run lap
3 rounds


Thanks Bonsai for the Q

We carried a piece of wood the whole workout called The 6 as a reminder of servant leadership and that by picking up the 6 we are developing future leaders.

Qsource LDP led by Old Bay after COT

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Keep Moving to Get THROUGH It

15 pax shook off fears of rain & cold to post to The Fort, seeking a jump start to the MLK weekend.  All veterans this morning so Anchorman checked the Disclaimer box in brief fashion and then offered a preview with comments about avoiding the pit of “getting stuck” and embracing the opportunity sharpen yourself by “going  through it.”  Oh yeah, he also made a reference to 100 burpees coming over the next 60 mins.

The Thang

Run to front parking lot between WEP and Springs

COP — SSH, Burpees x10, IWs, Merkins, Flutter kicks, Burpees x10 (count=20), Morrocan night clubs, Overhead claps, Morrocan night clubs

Run to Pike’s front lot

People’s chair, Burpees x10 (count=30), people’s chair

Run to bottom of Massey St hill

1 Burpee at bottom, run to top, 2 Burpees, continue down and back up adding 1 Burpee on each end until 10 Burpees at the top. Result: 55 total Burpees (count=85)

Handoff to DD

Mosey to memorial park

Makhtar N’Dyae

Knee-tar N’Dyae

Mosey to parking lot grass

Tunnel of love

Mosey to Pike’s front lot

People’s chair on wall / Donkey kicks x10 on wall
Rinse & repeat

Bear crawl across lot / crawl bear back
Rinse & repeat

Mosey to Springs side lot

Plank it up shoulder to shoulder for bunny hops through the pax to the end of the parking lot.

Freddy Mercury / Hello dollies

Move to wall

Wall pull-ups x10

Sprint to curb and back

Wall pull-ups x10

Mosey back to WEP

Burpees x10 (count =95)

Box cutter


4 Minutes of Burpees



We had a great morning at WEP with a lively group of mostly veteran pax.   Cool and damp, but no rain until COT.  Thank you to all the pax present, to Bonsai for the invite to Q and to Anchorman for sharing the lead in High Impact fashion.

T-claps to X-Ray and Slash for consistency in their first 30 days since their initial post at The Fort. And t-claps to Esso for their EHs and encouragement.

The theme for the day was about not getting stuck when facing adversity and instead going THROUGH it.  Anchorman referred to an article by Jalen Hurts (Alabama QB transferring to Oklahoma) where he describes his faith through the experience of the January 2018 National Championship game and the following season in Fall 2018.   Hurts said, “This isn’t something you’re stuck in,” I’d tell myself. “This is something you’re going through.” And one thing I can promise you is that I’m better off for having gone through it. Everything I dealt with at Bama: I’m stronger for it. I’m wiser. I’m a better man.” You can read the article here.

Anchorman didn’t waste any time delivering extended pain during the opening COP with his shoulder series of Moroccan night clubs and overhead claps…drawing much mumblechatter.  The move over to Massey Street triggered even stronger mumblechatter.  The pax rose to the challenge despite the grumbles.  They got THROUGH it.

The suspense of reaching the 100 burpee mark carried us through the final 30 mins of the workout.  With about 6 mins left, we chinned up close to the bar, reaching the 95 mark.  Anyone who expected YHC to stop at 100 surely won’t make that mistake again.  Everyone lost count of their total during the 4 mins of burpees wrap-up.  But they all got THROUGH it.

We paused after the Tunnel of Love to reflect on a tragic example of getting stuck instead of getting through it.  I learned last week about a 53-yr old Chicago father of four who committed suicide.  His name is Tim.  Tim was a year ahead of me at ND in the late 1980s, and we lived in the same dorm for three years.  I don’t recall having any contact with Tim after he graduated in 1988.  But, certain of my classmates from the Chicago area did have contact with Tim.  In fact, some lived nearby, attended the same church, had kids in the same schools and the same sports leagues.  Looked at in some ways, Tim appeared successful — professional career in the financial sector, home in a sought-after suburb, four kids, private schools, etc.  At the same time, Tim battled alcoholism…maybe all those achievements weren’t truly fulfilling for him…maybe he was stuck…maybe he wasn’t getting through it…maybe he couldn’t get through it, at least not without help, not without a partner, not without a group.  The most chilling comment in many emails I read about Tim and his situation was when the email sender said “…then I lost touch with him.”  The challenge this week is to consider someone you know who’s facing tough circumstances, someone at risk of getting stuck and reach out to that person.  If you’re in the unfortunate place of being stuck or at risk of being stuck, identify someone who can help you start moving.  That’s the essential action to getting THROUGH it.   If you need two names, put Anchorman and Double D on your list.



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The Colosseum

Mosey to get heart pumping, circle up for warm ups 10 of each of the following SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly walkers, Mtn. Climbers, Cherry pickers.
Mosey to side of school bear crawl halfway down breezeway get to benches 10 dips in cadence, 10 box jumps, 10 derkins
rinse and repeat x 2.
Mosey to basketball court four corners 10 merkins lunge walk to next corner 10 squats get all four corners.
Mosey to wall. Peoples chair while we work through the pax with each person bear crawling to the end. flip flop for balls to wall.
Mosey to light poles. split into 2 groups. group 1 run to light pole and back while group two does burpees. rotate through the following exercises. burpees, flutter kicks, bomb jacks, lbc’s, ssh’s.
Mosey back to COT do 16 American hammers.
Announcements read your newsletter.
Prayers and praises

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