4 Quarters plus some Overtime at the Hive

12 Pax arrived at the Hive for a kettle bell beatdown by YHC and a VQ from Cyclops. Funny how this happened…Cyclops has been a The Fort regular for some time most notably at the running AOs. In the last year, he has been posting to more of the bootcamps and KB workouts as well. YHC has noticed and voluntold him to join for a VQ at the Hive.

Planning the Hive with Cyclops brought back so many great memories from when I first posted at The Fort back in 2012. When given my first opportunity to Q a workout, I honestly could not sleep the night before. I actually still have that problem today. It is honor to lead the men of The Fort and I am humbled by the opportunity. YHC could feel that same vibe from Cyclops and he did not disappoint.

The Thang

Mosey to FMHS football parking lot (YHC on Q)

Toy Soldiers followed by lunges followed by karaoke followed by Wojos




CDD (Cyclops favorite)

Mtn Climbers


Mosey back to the KBs

A brief story about leadership and what it means to lead (I suggest tuning into the 43 Feet podcast for further guidance)

Handoff to Cyclops

4 Quarters each round of KBs including 4/8/12/16/20 reps

1st Quarter

Hammer Curls and Skull Crushers

Extra Credit – 50 LBCs

2nd Quarter

Bent Rows and Chest Presses

EC – 30 Shoulder Taps

3rd Quarter

KB swings and shoulder presses

EC – 30 Box cutters

Clean/Presses and Goblet Squats

EC – 30 Hello Dollies


5 Cone Suicides



  • Read the newsletter
  • Congrats to those who completed the Sweati
  • Prayers for BTB

Cyclops and Pusher were here 7/16/18

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Lots of balls at the Swamp!

Short notice Q for the swamp bootcamp this morning could very well be my last before I move to Everett Washington. A lot of Ruckers, only 5 of us for the boot camp.



mosy to target balls for the main event:

one armed merkin each arm and a regular merkin at each ball, running between each

15 squats and bear crawl to each ball

5 burpees and lunge to each ball

10 monkey humpers and crabwalk to each ball

last thing we did I beleive is a variation of belching, sprint to each ball and drop to 6 inches, sprint forward and repeat when Q says go. That one actually was pretty intense.

Kept things simple but painful.

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Baseball in the Bermuda Triangle

Some mysteries are never resolved.  We may never understand why things seem to go missing here, but we do know… they have Baseball!

All kidding aside, it was another muggy morning and 8 PAX were present for YHC’s Q at the Bermuda Triangle.  When the site Q (Homebrew) informed me he was still on I.R. and asked me to Q, I was eager to help out and already had a good idea of what I wanted to do since I’ve posted here a couple times prior.

After a quick disclaimer, we took a mosey around the track, it’s not an official “track” like you would have around a football field, but I’ll bet it is about 1/4 mile around this gravel filled trail that leads around a couple of baseball fields, a playground, and a lot of green space.  Everything a Q needs to give the PAX what they paid for, which included some butt-kickers, high-knees, karaoke’s (both sides), NUR, and some toy soldiers before circling up in the grassy field for Warm-a-rama where we did the following exercises in cadence:

  • SSH x15
  • Windmills x10
  • Imperial Squat Walker x10
  • Elbow Plank (had a couple of PAX call a 10 count while holding)
  • Peter Parker x10 (while still in elbow plank)
  • Merkins x5
  • Finished up with the honeymooner and downward dog to stretch it out and recover

As mentioned before, this site has some easily accessible baseball diamonds, so I felt like utilizing one of them.  Basically, we did “The Cycle”, which consisted of a bear crawl to 1st base, 5 burpees, crawl bear back (reverse bear crawl) to home plate, bear crawl around 1st and stop at 2nd base, perform 10 burpees, we repeated this until we stopped at all the bases including home plate, where we did 20 burpees and a crawl bear all the way back around the diamond.  I had Peg do Lt. Dan’s around the bases while his shoulder heals, some of the other PAX followed suit as  well before the end, all the PAX finished and did great!

With a little less than 20 minutes to spare, I took a quick count of the PAX and since we had an even number, decided to partner up for Catch-Me-If-You-Can.  I really like doing this, especially if you have a nice yard to play in, which we did, so it was the perfect fit.  The basic structure was that PAX-A would do a small number of an exercise while PAX-B NUR’d down the field at speed.  When PAX-A finished, he would sprint to catch PAX-B, tag him, and they would do more of the exercise together, and then we would travel back a way of my choosing. Here is what we did:

  • 5 squats, tag partner, 15 more squats, bunny hop back and then repeat once switching partners.
  • 6 shoulder taps, tag partner, 20 more shoulder taps, crab walk back, swap partner and repeat.
  • 10 flutters, tag partner, 40 more flutters, sprint back, swap & repeat.
  • 4 Makhtar N’Diayes, tag partner, 15 more Makhtar N’Diayes, mosey back, rinse & repeato.

With about 5 minutes to spare, the PAX were looking pretty smoked, so I decided to let them choose either 1 more set or circle up for Ablab, not surprisingly they quickly chose Ablab.  We circled up and I called on several PAX to pick an Ab exercise  and call it out in cadence.  We ended up doing some boxcutters, big boy sit-ups, freddies, hold plank, and 1 more that I’m forgetting.

We circled up for CoT, which consisted of the usual name-a-rama, announcements, praises, prayers.

  • Sweati tomorrow!
  • Prayers for Homebrew’s return/healing

Even though mumble chatter was low, we had a great time this morning. Thank you Homebrew for the opportunity to Q.

Until next time,


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The Honey Badger with Schmalls and CSPAN


Hot thick and extra humid (extremely poor conditions)



shirts optional

hero review

workout review (slightly modified WOD)

  • Run 800 meters
  • 50 burpees
  • 40 pull-ups
  • 30 one-legged squat (each leg)
  • 20 squats
  • 10 handstand pushups
  • Run 800 meters
  • Repeato

COT / Prayer or Praise / BOM


U.S. Marine Corps Staff Sergeant Justin E. Schmalstieg, 28, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, assigned to the 1st Explosive Ordnance Disposal Company, 7th Engineer Support Battalion, 1st Marine Logistics Group, I Marine Expeditionary Force, based in Camp Pendleton, California, died on December 15, 2010 while conducting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan. He is survived by his wife Ann Schneider, parents John and Deborah Gilkey, and brother John.

The “Schmalls” Hero WOD was first posted on crossfit.com as the workout of the day for Tuesday, April 23, 2013 (130423).


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What is a minute really?

What is a minute?  It’s not very long, and they go by SO fast!  Today we had 14 PAX and we learned how short/long a minute can be!

Started with a disclaimer, and then a mosey down to the parking area past the Empire Pizza strip.


  • 25 SSH’s in cadence
  • 10 Windmills in cadence
  • 25 Mor. Nite Club’s in cadence
  • 25 Overhead Hand Claps in cadence

And then we got right into it.  We were not going to do much running, in fact at this point we had done exactly half of the running we were going to take on this morning.  Instead I utilized a bit of technology (having some of the standard technological issues) to setup a solid 34 minute workout in minute increments.   We did two rounds, with a 2 minute break between rounds.  The list below are the exercises we did for a minute (30 second breaks in between).

Didn’t look like too much on paper, but we got our sweat on for sure, even without the running!

  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Merkins
  • LBC’s
  • Calf Raises
  • Squats
  • Dips
  • Plank
  • American Hammers
  • Wide Arm Merkins
  • Flutter Kicks (the final round of flutters was performed at COT).

It’s been a busy summer, but I enjoyed being able to take the opportunity to Q the workout today.

COT:  Prayers

  • Bob The Builder’s recovery
  • Popper’s recovery
  • Traveling mercies for those heading out of town over the upcoming holiday

Thanks for the opportunity…




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2 Year Anniversary of The Abyss

Today we celebrated 2 years of the Abyss.  When the shovel flag was planted 6/29/20016 by Dark Helmet the Abyss was merely an idea that “if we build it….they will post.”  And post the PAX did!  Over the past year and half it has been an honor to be the Site Q of this versatile AO and I appreciate all the PAX who have come out and led a workout.

Q got to the AO with seconds to spare due to an emergency bathroom visit at a 24 hr Harris Teeter in route.

Once disclaimers were given and the 5 F3 Principles given (due to FNG) we were off.

Quick mosey around the front half of the AO to allow all stragallers to exit their vehichles (ehem…Wildthing) and then to a warm-up circle.


  • Windmill
  • Weed Pickers
  • Moroccan Night Club
  • Slow Low Squat
  • Plank (a few Broga moves)
  • Merkins
  • Stretch with knees to chest

The Thang

I told the PAX that I wanted to highlight a few of the “features” of the AO during the workout so we started with the Flag pole.

  • Bear Crawl around circle in front of school

Mosey to very back hill of the AO for a series of hill exercises

  • Lunge walk–Sprint to top
  • Broad Jump–Sprint to top
  • Basketball shuffle Flip half way

Mosey to the Basketball court for some Suicides

First Suicide–

all four goals and back


  • Start with 10 Squats
  • 2nd Goal–10 Merkins
  • 4th Goal–5 Burpees

Mosey into “wet and muddy” field

  • Elbow Plank position with Peter Parker’s
  • Jack Webs (everyone’s favorites)

Mosey to “the hill”

  • Finished strong with 5 sprints up the hill

Mosey to COT.

Everyone pushed themselves and got better for it…includding FNG who was off to the side threatening to Merlot.

Once Namorama was finished we welcomed FNG Oompa Loompa!

Announcements and Prayers

Thanks again for all the PAX who came out today to celebrate this AO.  We had 24 there and we have set the goal for 30 next year!


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Shovelflag handoff @ The Coop

Thank you for the 24 guys that came out to The Coop this morning for the shovel flag handoff to YHC from Sugarbug. I decided to give the FBI PFT test as the workout.

We moseyed to the field and did a chicken wing approved warmup. We warmed up until he gave the clearance to proceed.

FBI PFT is as follows:

Max situps in 1 minute

300m sprint

Max pushups

1.5 mile run

Pull-ups (optional) we didn’t have enough time for these.

Out of the 25 PAX that posted only 7 passed unofficially.

Dark Helmet



Skate or Die

Harry Carry

Caddy Shack


Some guys were close, but the sprint and run is where most guys got caught . Welcome FNG Easy Button!

My first order of business as new Site Q is to move the congregation point to the good asphalt so when we do Mary, we don’t feel like we are laying on broken glass.

Thanks to sugarbug for the peaceful transition and thank you for all your leadership!


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Hero’s don’t get a say in “tough”

Start your week right began with a quick mosey around the parking lot with some:  SSH x40, Cherry pickers x10, moroccan night clubs x30, mountain climbers x20, peter parker x5, parker peter x5, downward dog x2, honeymooner x2, imperial walker x10.

We then gathered ourselves to pay tribute to the real Hero of the day, Sr. Airman Mark Forester, aka “Jag 28”.

We honored him by doing the following:

800M run

28 kettlebell swings

28 pull ups

28 kettlebell clean and jerks

28 pull ups

800M run

Since honey badger doesn’t care and we had 30 minutes remaining, we then honored Gunny Sgt Justin Schmallstieg, aka Schmalls.  The honoring was as follows:

800M run

50 burpees

40 pull ups

30 one legged squats

20 kettlebell swings

10 handstand / balls to the wall pushups

800M run

(this was mixed up as needed OYO)

We finished right at 0600, name-o-rama, prayers, praises, and passed the book to the next week Q.  Had a great time with these HIMs, left it all out there, and looking forward to joining again for weeks to come!

Aye!  Shady

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Honeybadger 2018.21

So the Honeybadger does not even have a Category from WordPress yet.  The Comz department gets a demerit…

So this week’s WOD was brought to you by Army Staff Sergeant Joshua Whitaker.


Complete three rounds for time of:
40 pound Dumbbell snatch, 21 reps, right arm
21 L Pull-ups
40 pound Dumbbell snatch, 21 reps, left arm
21 L Pull-ups

This is a LOT of pulling.  These are both total body moves emphasizing the back and some shoulders…  I tried to break it up with some core/legs/pushes between rounds.  My instructions were to do this with a partner  and get assistance for pull-ups.

End with a quarter mile run then 6MOM.

I seem to get random questions every now and again about what I do or eat.  I look for the hardest thing I can do, and do that.  I don’t try to make it through it, while distracting myself from the discomfort.  I concentrate on it.  The human body is meant to be uncomfortable, because that is when growth happens.  Muscles tear and get bigger, your lungs burn and your cardio gets better, you hold your breath and your oxygen efficiencies increase, you stretch muscles and increase range of motion, you freeze yourself and your circulation increases, you get hungry and your HGH goes up (burning fat and protecting lean muscle)… and all of these produce adrenaline and endorphins, which helps you enjoy all aspects of life.  So don’t look for comfort.  Don’t covet comfort.  It is a thief, stealing life from you.  Get out and move.  Commit to each rep of each exercise.  Respect the next rep.
Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.
AKA, lip service gets you no where.  AKA, I can tell what kind of tree you are by the fruit you bear.  Do the hard stuff.

Welcome Schwinn!  Please come back to another workout.

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SUNDAY Tega Cay Veterans Memorial Day Weekend 5k 6:00 PM

PAX, you are invited to a celebration and remembrance of our veterans in the Tega Cay Veterans Memorial Day Weekend 5k on SUNDAY AT 6:00 pm.  This is NOT a morning race!

Proceeds from the race benefit the Fisher House. The Fisher House Foundation builds comfort homes where military & veterans families can stay free of charge, while a loved one is in the hospital.

Approximately 30 minutes before the race, there will be a Circle of Remembrance of veterans where names of those lost will be read, presented by Wear Blue: Run to Rembember. You are invited to be part of this remembrance by reading your lost military member’s name. More info soon.

This is nice race in Tega Cay and with around 150 participants. The course has been changed to a be flatter than previous years, but with some challenges. There has been an excellent prize drawing after the race with many outstanding gift certificates given away. The race is part of a celebration held in Tega Cay.

Video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7qOUhi5jDw&feature=youtu.be

“We conduct a Circle of Remembrance before every wear blue: run to remember and will use the same guidelines for the Circle prior to our race.  About 30 minutes before the race starts we will gather all who want to participate in a large circle and I’ll briefly explain the purpose and the process.  We will first read off the names of the 12 Service members who were killed on May 27th over the past 15 years.  Then we will go around the circle and give everyone the opportunity to tell us who they are honoring and want us to remember on Memorial Day. 

I know a number of the F3 guys are planning to run the TCVA 5k race and many have military service.  Many others know someone (friend, family member, etc) who served honorably and is no longer with us that they want to likewise honor on Memorial Day.  A number of men from F3 have run with us on Memorial Day and are already familiar with the Circle of Remembrance.  I ask you to encourage as many of the F3 folks as possible to participate in the Circle of Remembrance prior to our race next weekend.  I believe it will be a poignant reminder of what Memorial Day is really all about.  – Todd Purhrmann, Director”

For more information about wear blue: run to remember, visit their website at http://www.wearblueruntoremember.org

Earn your dog tags and support Fisher House! More info below. Contact Ray Haile 803-372-7852 for more details or to get involved.  Aye! Bolt


Website:  https://tcva5k.racesonline.com/home

Fisher House:  https://www.fisherhouse.org/  

  • Families served: More than 30,000 in 2017
  • Daily capacity: 1,000+ families
  • Families served: More than 335,000 since inception
  • Number of lodging days offered: Over 8 million
  • 12,000 students have received $24,000,000 in scholarship awards
  • Over 70,000  airline tickets provided by Hero Miles to service members and their families, worth nearly $105 million



  • COURSE is flatter than previous years and does not run straight up Tega Cay Drive.
  • LIVE MUSIC AFTER THE RACE: Provided by Sonic Rewind
  • LOCATION: Glennon Center (Golf Club), 15087 Molokai Drive, Tega Cay, SC 29708
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