Quagmire Gut Punch

Pulled this one out of the archives from a couple years back w/ some subtle changes.  I informed the men that we may run a bit seeing that I was coming off a week of vacation and needed to detox a bit.  Here we go:

Nice 0.8 mile mosey to get things started, behind the Depot, Target, down to Kohl’s and back up Rivergate Pkwy to the Sun Trust Bank, with stops every quarter mile for some quick stretching / warm-up (1st quarter mile – wind mills x10, 2nd – mountain climbers / merkins x20, 3rd – squats x10 in cadence)

The real thang, taking up the remainder of the time:  pax will run the remaining length of Rivergate Pkwy, and stop 10 times along the way and do the exercise and rep count I tell them.  To be clear, they do the same exercise and rep count 10 times until they get to the very end, and then run back to the start.  I then change the exercise and rep count up.  Each set of 10 stops was a 0.30 mile run down, and then you had to run back so 0.60 miles were covered for each exercise.

  • 5 burpees per stop = 50 burpees + 0.6 miles
  • 10 big boy sit-ups = 100 big boys + 0.6 miles
  • 15 jump squats = 150 jump squats + 0.6 miles (this one was a d1ck move)
  • 10 merkins = 100 merkins + 0.6 miles

From there, we were out of time and headed back to CoT.  One of these days we’ll get the full weinke in with a 5 / 10 / 15 / 15 / 10 / 5 rep ladder, ending in burpees a second time.  For today, the 500 reps inclusive of the warm-up and 3.2 miles was enough.

I mentioned to the pax that when I was reading my old back blast from a couple years back, I had noted in the write-up that DaVinci was back in the gloom after 2-3 months on IR.  He had spoken to us back then about preparedness, and how we need to prepare for the unexpected, because his IR stint took its toll and he wasn’t ready for what it would do physically, emotionally, relationally, you name it.  It was fitting to read what he said 2 years ago because I had a gut punch myself a week and a half ago.  But honestly, because of this group, and the arsenal of resources we’ve built up supporting one another, I’m more prepared now than ever to pray, lean on others and power through this minor set back.

Prayers were said for Tsunami and his wife, Olaf and his 36 years, and my situation.  I really appreciate the pax who came out and gave it their all, even though some of the things I asked of you were pretty mean.  You guys all did and it and didn’t complain.  Just got to work and kept sharpening your body for when the time comes you’ll need that extra bit of gumption.  Go get it.

Cha Ching

TClap |

An Old Friend to Start the Week off Right

A last minute call from JWOW brought about an opportunity to return to a kettlebell AO that YHC had not seen in some time.  It was great so see some new faces in the gloom as well as some PAX who had been away for a bit and returned.

YHC made an early arrival to sketch out the series of exercises that awaited the arriving PAX.   Fortunately, we ended up with 12 present which made partner work administratively more feasible, given the even numbers.

Disclaimers were given to 11 of the 12 PAX as UHaul came in a little hot and hustled to join us for the Main Event.

COP – A variety of exercises were done in cadence including windmills, squats, Moroccan night clubs while holding the people’s chair, side straddle hops and a few burpees sprinkled in between as well.     A mosey to our kettle bells which were conveniently places a few yards from the pyramid of pain – which soon followed.

The pyramid was shared between partners.  While partner 1 began the exercises, partner 2 ran to the far end of the parking lot where a different exercise awaited each trip then ran back after completing the exercise, then partners switched and partner 2 picked up on the pyramid where partner 1 left off.

The pyramid – 10 goblet squats, 10 goblet squats, 20 hammer curls, 10 goblet squats, 20 hammer curls, 30 tricep extensions, 10 goblet squats, 20 hammer curls, 30 tricep extensions, 40 flutters with the bell, 10 goblet squats, 20 hammer curls, 30 tricep extensions, 40 flutters with the bell, 50 kettle bell swings.  Then complete the same in reverse – 50-40-30-20-10, 40-30-20-10, 30-20-10, 20-10, 10.

After all PAX came down the pyramid, we began working back up the pyramid with the remaining time.

The “running” exercises were 4 (and were repeated given the number of trips PAX made)

1) run, 10 burpees, run back

2) run, 10 diamond merkins, run back

3) run, 15 wide arm merkins, run back

4) run, 15 regular merkins, run back

With 90 seconds left, we moseyed with the bells back to COT for name-o-rama, announcements, prayers and praises.

NMM:  Part of YHC’s motivation for F3 and what it stands for is knowing that there are others who post, accelerate and lead by example.  These #HIM inspire and motivate YHC.  Together, we support and encourage one another as we deal with the flux life often brings.  Shared suffering, in any form, is always better than going through it alone.  Whether we are dealing with loss, depression, anxiety, etc.  We all need one another for support as we navigate the lives we are called to lead.   As leaders, be present for those who count on you.  By increasing our durability, we become more resilient in times of challenge.   How are you increasing your durability to answer that call?  Every morning YHC posts serves as a reminder of why we do it – to live third, to increase our resiliency and to constantly improve our preparation to withstand the flux.

Thanks to JWOW for the opportunity to get the week off to a great start in the company of accelerating #HIMs and in pursuit of continually getting right.

Until next time,




TClap |

Are You Returning (Mind and Body) to F3?

During this pandemic and unique period of time in all of our lives I have stayed away from F3 workouts. Honestly it has been a struggle. We are a high-risk family and we’ve had to make some tough decisions. I definitely have missed F3.

Basically I returned to workout groups around a week ago to Minnow Pond and could not finish as injuries set in again. I have fought hard this week to attend a morning workout as much as possible and work around the injuries.

As many of us have been wrapped up in our living quarters a larger percentage of time than pre-coronavirus season, the use of WORDS has been on my mind and heart a lot. We all know that what comes out of your mouth matters . . . but it really, really, really matters  . . . in all relationships you have.

So I’m writing my first ever F3 (Faith) Preblast. I have had the privilege of being a part of F3 The Fort’s Chicken-N-Wisdom on Friday mornings from 6:30-7:10 a.m. on Zoom for several weeks now. It is a warm and inviting group of solid men seeking to grow in their faith led by Atticus.

I want to challenge you over at least the next two weeks to attend my facilitation of a Chicken-N-Wisdom study and discussion on WORDS. I write this because I truly do think that if you put in the time, thought and pray about what you can take away from these two Fridays (7/31/2020 and 8/7) when you join us that you will be blessed – just like you are blessed when you put in the time, thought and energy into getting better physically and mentally through Fitness workouts.

No preparation is needed for these weeks. Just bring an open mind and heart . . . and be on time. You are welcome to read the Bible’s book of James 3:1-12 for context.

I strongly encourage you to alter your Friday workout morning plans at least on 7/31 and 8/7 (finish early or start early or rest your body one day if you went 4 days in a row) or maybe a step further and even consider making it a habit by joining us weekly. We loo forward to seeing you at 6:30 am Friday, 7/31. On Twitter, DM @JonF3Atticus for the password to:

Join Zoom Meeting us04web.zoom.us/j/977229857?pw… Meeting ID: 977 229 857

So if you have read this far answer this question: Are You Returning to F3? Which part? What are you missing out on? F1, F2 or F3?

Are You Returning via

Fitness (like me recently overcoming injuries, fear, laziness, the love of eating, . . . well the list goes on)


Fellowship (ya get that with Fitness mornings and Faith mornings at a minimum)


Faith (like Chicken-N-Wisdom and other groups)?

It’s your decision. Don’t hold back. Get off the couch and out of the bed. Make a commitment. Come join us at Chicken-N-Wisdom 6:30 am 7/31.

The Straight Up! commitment to F3TheFort: I will aim over 7/25-8/16 to participate in as many F3 morning workouts that my body, abilities and M allow (to get back at it) and Chkn-N-Wisdoms. Hold me accountable and call me out if you don’t see me.

Straight Up!

TClap |


38 Special reached out to YHC to take the Q at Pantheon.  6 #HIM gathered – 1 of whom was a FNG (Welcome Primanti Brothers) and it seemed 11’s were as good as anything to welcome him to the gloom. After Gekko and Spud departed for a jog and some brogan,  4 PAX sauntered off for a tour of Tega Cay Elementary School’s parking lots and bus loops. Here’s what happened:

COP – All exercises were D/C and in cadence: Windmills X 10, Cherry Pickers X 10,  5 burpees OYO, Imperial Walkers X10, 5 burpees OYO, low slow squat X 10, hold last rep to people’s chair and perform the following while holding the people’s chair: Moroccan Night Clubs X 10, Shoulder taps X 10 and Air presses X 10, recover to standing position for, yes, 5 more.  Then we moseyed behind the school, around the East side of the building to the front corner for the first round of 11’s:

Main Event – Round 1

10 burpees, run to the first pillar in front of the main school entrance, 1 squat, run back to the corner.  9 burpees, run to first pillar, 2 squats, run back to corner, etc. etc. etc. until burpess became 1 and squats became 10.  PAX were sweaty, Change Order gave a 10 count and off we moseyed around the front loop of the school to the section nearest Tega Cay Drive. More 11’s were in store.

Main Event – Round 2

10 hand release merkins, run 2 light poles, 1 bomb jack run back to the starting light pole, etc. etc. etc. etc. Until hand release merkins was 1 and bomb jacks were 10.

Near the close of round 2, YHC was planking and had my form corrected by a passing runner.  Lesson – correction can come from anywhere – accept it graciously and as a means of improvement.  For the record, Fishsticks claimed we were in Down Dog position.

All PAX finished strong and we moseyed to COT, 2.6 miles later, to find Gekko and Spud.  A quick circle up led to some ab work consisting of the protractor at varying degrees and some boxcutters to take us to 0600.


Blood drive on 7-28 at Forest Hill Church.  Check the newsletter for details and direct questions to Rebel.

Sweati – August 15 – Run and Ruck options available.  Questions?  Get with Backdraft.

Prayers were offered up for Cash and his battle as well as for our school administrators, teachers and support staff who are preparing for the upcoming year. May all of us be supportive of their efforts and move through this transition with our M’s and 2.0’s with grace and understanding.

Thankful for all of you and appreciate 38 Special providing YHC the opportunity to Q.  It is always a privilege.

Until Next Time,


TClap |

Snowman suicide at Sweep The Leg

YHC was late to the party placing cones for the beatdown so my man Gears lead the charge from StartEx. YHC was rolling up as the PAX were rolling out so I quickly parked and jail broke it towards the elementary school parking lot untied shoes and all.

Disclaimer was quickly disclaimed, thank you Maximus for providing cues as YHC struggled to be able to talk and tie shoes at the same time.
The Snowman Suicide was on tap for the unsuspecting PAX and boy was it going to be a doozy.

During this trying time, everyone is dealing with something and I wanted to remind everyone that Life is a team sport. And developed a beatdown that allows every single guy an opportunity to jockey for the top spot. This allows for the man out front to be continually pushed so that no one gets to take a break, no matter their individual fitness level.

Just as with anything in life, we are going to have setbacks, and we must remember that during these setbacks we must focus on the path forward and learn from the experience. It is also during these times that we must share that experience with our fellow PAX and those close to us; To allow them to learn without having to make the same mistakes for themselves.
The details:
Ten cones are placed along the route from the Elementary school teacher parking lot through the carpool dropoff lane over to the bus lot all the way around to Dam road.
Each cone has an exercise written on it. Every exercise will be performed 10 times.
This is a suicide workout but not just any suicide. It’s a slinky suicide of life so you go up 3 cones then back 2. Meaning that everyone will start by performing the exercise listed at cone#1 then the PAX will sprint past three cones to cone#4 to perform the exercise before coming back two cones to cone#2 to complete the exercise.
Then run to cone#5 to do the exercise, then back to perform the exercise listed on cone#3 and so on and so forth all the way up to cone#10.
So each time the guy in the lead is making progress by one cone but it’s taking him a lot of effort and having to backtrack a ton.

Here comes the kicker:
The kicker is that when the man in first-place finishes the exercise after coming back to cone #2 he then yells “Charge or Onward” and starts to run towards cone#5. Every person that he passes that are still on their way back to cone#2 skips the exercise at cone#2 and joins the leaders heading to cone#5. The leader has already cleared the path and is now lighting the way towards the next cone/challenge of life. Everyone can learn from the leaders experience and head towards the next challenge together. COVID SIDE NOTE: When I say together let me clarify that the distance between cones was large enough that social distancing was easy to maintain along the route (a full-sized road with no traffic) and ample hills to naturally separate the PAX. It is an extremely difficult process that allows every PAX to pick each other up and challenge themself to get better.

Here is the list of exercises
#1: Mack Tar Jighs
#2: Suicide Squats
#3: SSH
#4: Bomb Jacks
#5: ChaCha Merkins
#6: Bobby Hurleys
#7: Hand Release Merkins
#8: Jump Squats
#9: CDD
#10: Burpees

I try to hit all of the 3S2T in all of my Q’s and I feel this one delivered. The speed, strength, and stamina were definitely worked on and the constant switchbacks and hills really focused on the mental and physical toughness aspects. The look on guy’s faces during the beatdown showed the struggle but the encouragement was strong.

I think we made it through the burpees then back down to the Cone # 4 before having to jail brake all the way back to COT.
Great work was put in by all and I think the leaders got in over 4.6 miles and who knows how many exercises.
Count-A-Rama, Name-A-Rama, Announcements and Prayers and Praises before a circle of man.

It was a pleasure to witness the longest shooting star I have ever seen with you gents.

Thank you to Gears for the opportunity to lead these great HIM.
Stay Frosty My Friends!

TClap |

Q-School at The Hive

13 in the gloom for a KB edition of Q school. We split the Q four ways with all #TheHive Site-Qs.

there was dynamic stretching… And there was a playlist


Core: Instruction on how to perform a more effective Peter Parker that stretches your hips and taxes your core.

Your core muscles are exercised to a greater extent when combined in a muscle chain with whole body movements or statics. Asymmetric lifts require you to maintain a solid core in order to maintain control through the movement. PSA, don’t do targeted ab exercises then full body movements. If your abs are tired, your body will recruit other muscles to compensate, and injuries are much more likely to happen.

Next is Jack Webbs but with 1 Snatch x 2 Overhead Squats (per arm) up to 5.

Break after sets 2 and 4:
1st break: Plank exercises, southern gentlemen (single arm merkin if you got it), northern aggressor (single arm merkin). Typewriter merkins.
2nd break: Hammer toe – In plank with feet shoulder width apart, draw a box with your right foot, tapping each corner (up, out, down, back) 4count x10 each leg

Last is the single leg deadlift. Remember, left leg is more balanced to hold the weight in your left hand.

Include some balance exercises in a workout to improve the performance of your central nervous system. It will also help you recruit more muscle cells when you want to go heavy…

Band Camp
Advisory about Kettlebell workouts.
Guys choose to show up to a KB AO for lots of reasons. Be mindful of these reasons when planning a workout. Often PAX wanting less mileage (injury, heavy running that week, etc.) will choose a KB AO. If you integrate running, choose a lap or area that is easy to modify. If you do a lap, it’s simple enough for PAX modify by cutting the lap short or altering the route.

We did a lap around the parking lot stopping in on the 3rd turn.

Suggestion about planning a message into the way you structure the workout. Being ready for the unexpected, like thinking there will be a continued plank exercise but the Q says follow me and gets up running backward the loop you started.

Some talk of counting in cadence and the procedure

  • Next exercise is:
  • Exercise positions–>MOVE
  • In cadence
  • 1, 2, 3, __

Scalp has never Qed (the man is super-fit…Site Qs get this guy on the schedule!). He came in and called some merkins.

Some manmakers to finish out

Discussion of Qing with an FNG present and how the naming works. Sometimes naming is a huge part of what helps a guy come back or prevents him from ever posting again. It isn’t often about the name itself, but the process. Be willing to lean on the guy who EHed a FNG before COT about name ideas.


Slapshot got his Laces In shovel flag back in a burpee race with Tesh, himself, and YHC.
Tesh uses a modified wide-leg burpee which may cause the Louisville PAX some grief, but he is undeniable in speed and determination. Shady-level “fun” was had!

Thanks to Esso for stringing this Q-school together.

-Band Camp dismissed

TClap |

Snake Pit – Back and Open for Business

A few weeks ago, YHC was asked to Q at the Snake Pit.  The timing of dates was ironic given that  YHC was lucky enough to have the Q spot at the launch last October.   So the re-opening was set and PAX showed to support an accelerating site.

YHC chalked out the weinke the day before but mother nature washed it out overnight.  Thankfully an early arrival allowed time to re-chalk the “fun” PAX would have early that morning.

16 #HIM arrived ready to go with copious amounts of mumble chatter – something YHC sorely missed.  It was great to be back out in the gloom and at familiar sites.   After disclaimers were given, confirmation took place that no FNG’s were present (there were not) and the 5 core principles of F3 workouts were announced, off we moseyed without the bells.  Here’s what followed:

Mosey down the hill to the bus loop.  Upon arrival PAX began to circle until a JWOW sighting took place.  Fashionably late, he picked up the pace to join us and was met half way back up the hill.  We circled (or ovaled) up for the following IC:

Imperial Walkers x 15, 6 burpees OYO, Hillbilly Walkers X 15, 5 burpees OYO, Low slow squats x 12 with a hold to the people’s chair on the 12th rep.  While in the people’s chair, PAX completed the following IC:  10 Moroccan Night clubs, 10  shoulder taps, 10 air presses.  Legs were good and warm for what was to follow.  We moseyed back up the hill to our kettle bells and saunterd off to the base of the parking lot hill for a Partner Pyramid.  The pyramid was launched on the football field at the launch of the Snake Pit.  It seemed appropriate to bring it back out for the re-launch.  So we did.

Main Event:  Everyone was able to partner up evenly and began working up the pyramid then back down.  Exercises were 10, 10-20, 10-20-30, 10-20-30-40, 10-20-30-40-50, 50-40-30-20-10, 40-30-20-10, 30-20-10, 20-10, 10.  10 – goblet squats, 20 – hammer curls, 30 – tricep extensions, 40 – American hammers with the bell, 50 – kettle bell swings.  Partners alternated between working the pyramid and doing a 100 (ish) yard shuttle run to the top of the hill into the fire lane where work awaited arriving PAX before returning down the hill.  Partner 1 ran to the fire lane at the top of hill and did 10 burpees on trip one before coming back down to pick up where partner 2 left off on the pyramid, trip 2 was run, 10 hand release merkins, return. Trip 3 was run, 10 squats, return. Trip 4 was run, 10 diamond merkins, return.  Back to run, 10 burpees, return for trip 5 and so on.

PAX finished up the pyramid by moving to Al Gore as the 6 came in.  From there, we moseyed with the bells at 0557 to COT.  Time for an ab exercise or two until 0600 was upon us.

Flutters with the press x 15 plus a 30 second body destroyer to soak in the humidity was all time would allow.

Announcements were made for the 7-11 convergence as well as the discussion on race relations being held this Saturday, 6-13 at the Amphitheatre in Kingsley.  Prayers and praises were offered up for Polaroid’s daughter, for Cash, for YHC’s Dad and for 3D’s M.

NMM – Proximity matters.  If there’s one thing YHC has missed (and I suspect others have as well) during this pandemic, it’s the ability to look another PAX in the eye and to push one another to improvements we would likely never attain on our own.  Get proximate.  Engage with a shield lock and the accountability drives you to a much better place than without it.  Thank you, brothers.  And to 3D for the opportunity to Q again and re-launch the Snake Pit.

It was a honor to post with all of you.

Until next time:




TClap |

BROGA and 2.9 Miles

4 Pax got a little better this morning.  It is easy to accelerate with Sasquatch on location!

Sasquatch pulled double duty this morning.  Not only did he drop off Wegmans at Charlotte Douglas before his RPG BROGA session at 515am, he fielded a phone call mid-run from his brother and didn’t miss a beat!

RPG delivers again! Come out for a change of pace, and start your weekend with some much needed BROGA! SYITG!


TClap |


Three pax came out to for an OTB workout. Conditions were slick, cool but damp.

Seal jacks (12X I/C)
Windmills (10X I/C)
Imperial Walkers (10X I/C)
Moroccan N/C (10X I/C)
Low Slow Squats (10X I/C)
Peter Parkers (10X I/C)
Downward Dogs/Upwards Dogs

Thang 1.0: Seven of Diamonds
Four corners with approx. 225 feet between each corner (900’ complete loop). Do exercise noted below at each corner and run to next corner.
7x Burpees
14x Merkins
21x SSH
28x Squats
21x Bobby Hurleys
14x Dips
7x Carolina Dry Docks
Total distance covered was approx. 1.2 miles.

Thang 1.1: Burpee round up
Do seven burpees to end workout with 35 burpees each man.

Mary 15x I/C (just a few minutes left to squeeze this in)
American Hammers

Fini, COT
Positivity: kids last week of school
Prayers: for our country dealing with covid and strife in Minneapolis.

Although a small attendance workout (Massey crew may have gotten lost inbound) it provided good shield lock time. Also noted: Looking forward to the schools ‘opening’ up their grounds to resume official A/O’s.

TClap |