AMRAP time at Varsity

7 HIM’s got to Varsity on time to get this Bad boy started. Disclaimer given at 0515 at off we went.

The Thang

Mosey towards the Band football field, circle back to pick up Sugar Daddy.

Mosey back towards that lot. Stop for a little Warmup:

SSH X 10,
Polish Mating Dance (aka Goofballs) x 10
Moroccan Night Clubs x 10
Windmills x 10
IW x 10

Head to the goal line:
walking hamstring stretch for 20 yards, butt kicks for 20 yards, jog the rest to the other goal line.
high knee pull for 20 yards, high knees for 20 yards, jog the rest
Karaoke 30 yards each direction
Side shuffle 30 yards each direction

Mosey over towards the ROTC building for 30 Minute AMRAP
5 pullups, 5 Toes to Bar (modify to knee ups if cant do toes to bar)
run down the hill
10 Bombjacks, 10 Merkins (your choice – plyo, hand clap, hand release, or regular)
run up the hill
15 LBC’s, 15 Flutters
Repeat for 30 minutes

Mosey back to flag
10 Burpees OYO
Dying Cockroach x 10
Rosalitas x 10
Peter Pointer x 10


Announcements – Deep 2.0 Halloween tomorrow, Fastest 5k, read your newsletter

Prayers/Praise – Praise for Straight ups child doing well in school, prayers for Squeaky and family issue with brother,

1. Thanks Kielbasa for the opportunity to lead this morning.
2. Really fun wearing a #beatNafo shirt to a workout at Nafo on the day of the #MilltownShowdown
3. WE are…….Fort Mill!!! Wooo!!
4. Straight up Straight up killed the AMRAP leading the way with 9 laps complete. #likeaBoss

Shanks out

TClap |

We played with blocks at Varsity. You know, like men do…

I was super proud of myself for figuring out how to make my bluetooth speaker work. Then I didn’t realize the stupid timer app won’t let you stream music while it’s on. The music has to be downloaded to your phone. So, sadly, Pax had to endure my a capella renditions of 80’s hits while we worked out. Next time, Karaoke for sure…
It’s a HIIT workout. So I decided we would do a 60-40-20 workout. 60 seconds of work (AMRAP), 10 second rest, 40 seconds of work, 10 second rest… and so on. The same exercise is performed for each set of 60-40-20. In between sets, we ran down the hill to the Elementary School and back. Which is to say, we all watched Straight Up run way ahead of us while we thought, “how do we get faster…? Oh yeah, chase that guy… but his name is Straight Up… does that mean there is no Chaser? Hey, where IS Chaser? I haven’t seen him in a while… I wonder… oh… I’m at the top of the hill, I better get to work…”

Round 1: Curls
Round 2: Overhead Press
Round 3: Squats
Round 4: Flutter with Press
Round 5: Swings
Round 6: Lunges
Round 7: Standing Straight Out Chest Press
After the last set/round, we ran to the bottom of the hill and AYGed it to the top.

I feel like there was another round in there, but it was dark, so I couldn’t see…

Helmet, out.

TClap |

A #MALTZ without Lightning


Conditions clear and 55 degree



Event Info:     A memorial workout event/salute to those who have been KIA

Because @F3TheFort our common belief is that all US KIA deserve our gratitude and tribute.

2016 Heroes:    MSGT Michael Meltz USAF – KIA 3/23/03 (Long Island, NY)

Cpl. Christopher Ebert USMC – KIA 9/17/07 (Mooresboro, NC)

Lance Cpl. Travis A. Fox – KIA 10/30/04 (Cowpens, SC)


Friday 10/6/2017 Friday 0515 Maltz Challenge


1400 A O Jones Blvd

Fort Mill, SC 29715


@F3theFort Maltz exercises are (self timed):

  1.        400 meter run (1 lap around track)
  2.        50 pull-ups (consecutive = don’t leave station until complete)
  3.        Partner carry football field
  4.        50 dips
  5.        100 push-ups
  6.        50 knees to elbows
  7.        100 Sit-ups
  8.        400 meter run (1 lap around track)

Encourage your brothers as they finish…

COT & BOM / Prayer or Praise

More info at

TClap |

Varsity – Feel the Interval

Varsity: 7 HIIT and 4 Ruckers

What sometimes starts out as easy or smooth sometimes gets tough. Like today’s beatdown….you may think its going smooth, until things get harder and you get worn out…..and we need to push through and get tough. Finish Strong PAX!!

Mosey to Gym entrance:

·         20 dips

·         10 derkins

·         20 SSHs

Mosey to front entrance:

·         20 dips

·         10 derkins

·         20 Step Ups

Mosey to Bank Lot

·         Ladder Program or 12 days of Christmas…..

o   Do# of Reps and add exercise each round with 100 yard run in-between

1.       Merkins

2.       Squats

3.       Leg Lifts

4.       Carolina Dry Docks

5.       Burpees

6.       Diamond Merkins

7.       Hello Dollys

8.       Box Jumps

9.       Plank Jacks

10.   Lunges

11.   Donkey Kicks

12.   Bomb Jacks

·         LBC’s

·         Planks Punches

·         Flutters

Mosey to COT

TClap |

3 Brave Souls

It was a fine start of the day to see two other PAX gathered at The Varsity.  While it was a light crowd, there was no short supply of intensity.  Conditions were perfect, PAX were eager, and we were off.

Warm Up

Mosey around the parking lot with some dynamic stretching.  Circle up.

SSH, Smurf Jack, Tuck Jumps, Monkey Humpers, and Bomb Jacks x 10 IC each, no rest in between

Squats x 20 IC

SSH, Smurf Jack, Tuck Jumps, Monkey Humpers, and Bomb Jacks x 10 IC each, no rest in between

Windmills x 20 IC

SSH, Smurf Jack, Tuck Jumps, Monkey Humpers, and Bomb Jacks x 10 each, no rest in between

Mosey to the hill for the main course stopping to grab a block along the way.

AMRAP 3 rounds of 9 minutes with 90 seconds rest in between.  Nirvana channel on Amazan was played….great songs and brought us all back the 90s and reminisced.

Round #1 – 10 Bomjacks at the bottom, bear crawl to the seond tree, run up, 10 block merkins each arm on the top

Round # 2 – 15 curls at the top, carry block, 15 presses at the middle, 15 dips at the bottom

Round # 3 – 10 Burpees and the bottom, run backwards up, 15 block swings at the top

COT – Prayers to those affected by the hurricane, families, addiction, and unspoken.

CAH work day on 9/30 at 10:30AM until complete.  Lunch will be provided.


TClap |

The Bird has landed

Well well well….Your boy Birdcage gets injured and everyone thinks hes gotten soft when he returns. Sorry boys, aint gonna happen. I’m not back to full running form however everything else works fine.

The Thang

Hi my name is, dont sue anyone, lets go.

What a better way to start than a little 1 mile ish run around NAFO at a faster than some desired pace (Kielbasa). Warm up consisted of a plank nightmare. The ten of us circled and entered the plank position. We went around counting off ten counts. About every three ten counts I barked out a different plank variation. We rotated from regular, then left, then right and after 2 minutes of planking we hurt.Next variation was not as fun. We did the same scenario with mountain climbers, peter parkers, and parker peters. Yea……2 minutes of that sucked also.

We then ran back across the AO for some wall sits down at the elementary school. We did wall sits while the line bear crawled past us….twice. Then we all did a ten count each whilst in the wall sit position. I like others to get involved….

Most had noticed we past the pull up bars as we journeyed across the AO. Well, I’m no good at pull ups but everyone seemed to want to do them so off we went. Series included 10 knees to chest and 5 negative 3 counts from the pull up position. We did 3 rounds of this.

So we seemed to be missing something, running. We ran back across the AO to the practice fields. There we did 2 rounds of partner wheelbarrows across the field width wise.

Then back to COT for a well deserved Body Destroyer. If you dont know what those are show up to my next q, if your man enough.

Thank you Kielbasa for the invite. I love qing that AO. I also like that you drank a Coors light in COT. Only a Polish guy could get away with that, or a rucker.

Birdcage out

TClap |


8 PAX show up to put in work this morning. The overcast morning kept it fairly dark the entire workout.

Disclaimer was Disclaimed.

The Thang:

We took advantage of the circle we were already in and started the warm-up.

Slow Windmill – 10

Low Slow Squat – 10

Mosey around the parking lot: Karaoke L/R –> Mosey –> Knees to Chest, Ankles to Hip –> Mosey –> Walking Lunges, Toy Soldiers –> Mosey

Circle Up

Hill Billy Walkers – 10

SSH – 25 double count

Merkins – 12 double count

Peter Parkers – 10 double count

Parker Peters – 10 double count

Honeymooner, Downward Dog, Honeymooner

Moroccan Night Club – 15 double count

Mosey to the pull-up bars and partner up:

Partner#1: 8 pull ups / Partner#2: 8 squats; 3 sets

Partner#1: 5 toes to bar / Partner#2: 5 jump squats; 3 sets

Partner#1: 5 Chin-ups / Partner#2: 5 jump squats; 3 sets

Mosey to the Wall:

People’s Chair; PAX#1 sprint to cone (approx. 30 yards out), complete 3 burpees, sprint back to wall, rotating until all PAX finish.

BTTW; 20 push-ups when finished

Mosey to Band Field:

Line up on Goal Line and follow the PAX in front of you in a single file line.

Every time we got to a side line the PAX: Low side shuffled on the side-lines for 10 yards

After 10 yards on the sideline, we ran the width of the field. Runs (distance: the width of the field) included: Karaoke Left, Karaoke, Right, Run Backwards, Run Forwards, Side Shuffle Left, Side Shuffle Right.

Line up on the 50 yard line:

Every 10 yards: 10 Bomb Jacks

25 Merkins (single count)

10 Burpees

25 Merkins

10 Squats

2 x 50 yard sprints

Body Destroyers (Crowd Pleaser!)


Mosey back to COT.





Kielbasa – There were at least 10 name changes throughout this workout for Kielbasa (mostly from Sauerkraut and Birdcage). Even though he was working through some injuries, he put in great effort.

Socrates – Today was Socrates first day back since my VQ. He put in great effort and got stronger and better. Great to see you in The Gloom again, Brother!

Wegmans– Wait for it…wait for it…There is a Then/Now situation happening with Wegmans.  It is great to see him working towards his fitness goals.

Geronimo – This man is a beast. His planking while waiting for the six turned into plank jacks (and then it turned into plank jacks for the other PAX!). Thanks Geronimo for keeping me company at the front as we moseyed from location to location within the AO.

PITTS – Can we get this HIM a VQ?! He’s more than ready (ask anyone who posted at The Coop this past Wednesday, when he lead an off the cuff warm-up like a seasoned pro). A regular at The Coop and Varsity…we’re lucky to have this HIM.

Sauerkraut – After the disclaimer, Sauerkraut request we do Body Destroyers, immediately. It wasn’t until the end of the workout (since I didn’t know, or want to know what a Body Destroyer was) that YHC finally took him up on his offer. Crowd pleaser, for sure (be sure to ask him for the details)! Awesome mumble chatter from this HIM.

Birdcage – It’s be great having Birdcage posting back at Varsity regularly. The mumble chatter is always good without this HIM.


It was an honor to Q for these PAX. Thank you, Kielbasa for the opportunity.




TClap |

Kielbasa’s Week of GIFs

Quick BB while on vacation in WNY but this was a week where Kielbasa posted a few disturbing GIFs announcing that YHC was not n Q.  Some I liked, some I just could not will myself to hit the love button. I am not sure what he searches, but I am sure that most content filters would block it…searches must be in another language.

Harry Carry pulled up out of the darkness in a prerun, pax circling and wondering who was Q, Red Wing asking if the workout was going to be easy, I asked him to determine at the end of the BC….I knew the answer, but wanted to surprise him.

Disclaimer was disclaimed and we were off.

Mosey to Sugar Creek parking lot for COP warm up.

main course  3 rounds by 9  minutes of AMRAP.

1 – 10 merkins, bear crawl, 15 squats, crab walk

2 – 5 Burpees, broad jump, 15 monkey humpers , karoke

3 – mosey to bottom of the hill.  15 squat jumps, run backwards up hill, 5 pull-ups, run down hill

6 minutes of pax led Mary



writing this on iPad and many auto corrects but had me thinking about how our brotherhood helps keep us on auto correct.  Lean on your fellow pax, they are there to help, we need to ask or even show interest to help one another.  We are not in the alone.  Thanks for the push men!


Always honored to lead and push another.



TClap |

It’s not the Heat, it’s the Humidity…

  • QIC: Sugarbug
  • When: 6/40/2017
  • Pax: Kielbasa, MP, Crawdaddy, Pitts, Skate or Die, Novocaine, Sasquatch, Wegmans, Hoser, Sherlock
  • Posted In: Varsity

11 PAX braved the thick humid morning at Varsity to join YHC for some intervals with the kind lady on my iPhone app and her never ending encouragement… at least this time more than one song played so we didn’t have to listen to 40 minutes of Soundgardens “Jesus Christ Pose”, so that was an immediate improvement from my last interval Q…

The disclaimer was disclaimed and we began with a mosey around the parking lot with some high knees, butt kickers and toy soldiers and then circled up to complete the warm up in cadence: 20 SSH, 20 Moroccan Night Clubs, 10 Peter Parker, 10 Parker Peter, 10 Windmill.  We then mosey over to the band parking lot for the fun to begin


The Thang:

Started with 1 minute action 20 seconds rest and then rinse and repeated with 30 seconds action and 20 seconds rest

1. Merkins

2. Squats

3. LBC’s

4. Donkey Kick

5. Dips

6. Mountain Climbers

7. SSH

8. Nolan Ryan’s

9. Box Cutter

10. Plank Jack

11. Lunges

12. High Knees

13. Dry Docks

14. Bobby Hurleys

15. American Hammers

Then we mosey back to COT for announcements and prayer

Things I learned from this Q

1. 1 minute seems a lot longer while in the middle of the exercise then it did in the kitchen the night before

2. I now have a firm understanding of if Rage Against the Machine what’s to do what you tell them

3. If you have to sit and wait for your car at the dealership after your Q you have more time for the quick BB

It was fun! Thanks for letting me lead!

TClap |


  • QIC: Harry Caray and Senator Tressel
  • Pax: Chicken Wing, Wegmans, Sasquatch, What Did, Sugarbug, Crawdaddy, Straight Up
  • Posted In: Varsity

Nine men joined together today at Nation Ford High School on a fine spring morning for another edition of Varsity.  After a couple of Pax got a jump start with their Burpees, we were disclaimed properly and off we went.  Here is what we did:

The Thang:

Harry Caray at Q:

Warm up mosey with high knees, butt kickers, side shuffles, Karaokes and toy soldiers.  Mosey down to the elementary school lot for COP:

All in cadence:

SSH x 20, Imperial Walker x 15, Low slow squat x 15 (not so slow!), windmill x 15, merkin x 15/mountain climber x 15/peter parker x 15, plank stretch (no break in between).

Burpee x 10 (OYO), crab cakes x 15, Morrocan nightclub x 15

Hand off to Senator Tressel

Mosey back to the high school.  Stop by the white Passat and pick up two bricks.   Head out about 40 yards, drop your bricks and return to the start.  Line up.  One by one, sprint to the brickpile, pick up a brick and sprint back.  Those who are waiting to run do burpees until each member of the Pax has retrieved a brick.  After everyone has retrieved a brick, repeat the cycle to obtain the other brick.  We substituted LBC’s for burpees the second round..

Mosey with your bricks to the drive in front of the football stadium and circle up.

jack Webb (1:4, with a brick in each hand – crowd pleaser)

Stay in the circle for ABLAB:

Flying Hello Dolly x 20, Lounger x 20, Crunch press x 20, X’s and O’s x 7 (audibile!)

Line up and do an indian run back to COT

Naked Man Moleskin

This morning, as I pulled into the parking lot, Crawdaddy and What Did were already getting some burpees in before the workout.  This June burpee challenge stuff is serious business.   They must have not thought we were going to do any today, or they wanted to bank some extras before the weekend indulgences.

Harry Caray (Twitterless as of this writing) made this Q debut this morning and did a fine job warming up the group.  (Q school still recommended for all new Q’s, of course).  This was also my VQ at NAFO despite being an F3 member for almost 5 years.  I don’t make it out to NAFO that often, but started making Varsity a semi-regular stop the last several months.  I really like the high intensity’ workouts put on here.  I had the bricks in my trunk from yesterdays Q at Laces-In,  so I thought I would break them out one more time before hauling them back to my backyard.

Between Harry Cary and YHC,  we did 60-70 today by my estimate (the aforementioned Pax topped that, of course).  Jack Webb’s with the bricks were challenging and we made it to 10 today. A Fort Mill police cruiser came through just after set 9 and we had to take an unscheduled break.  I’d be lying if I said I was not happy to see them and get a little extra rest before that last set.  Based on moans and groans of the pax heard around that time, I believe I was not the only one.  As I write this, my neck and whole upper body is pretty darn sore and hope I lived up to the high bar set by the regular Q’s at Varsity.

It’s always a pleasure and a privilege to lead a strong group, and I look forward to my next visit to this fine AO.  Thanks for the opportunity, Skate or Die!


Bowling Tournament (Gutters and Gringos)  for Columbia Mission Trip – June 10, $100 for 4 man teams.  Let’s bowl!

Hog and Coyote and Catawba Tubing trip for CAH on June 17

Paradise workouts at 9 each Saturday.  Reach out to those less fortunate and GET INVOLVED!

Read the newsletter!

Prayers for F3 brother Slaughter with blood clots, and other injured Pax.  Chicken Wing recounted a good message from Cake Boss about the burdens we all carry.  Be conscious of your burdens and let God carry them for you.


TClap |