Monotony is a Choice

16 energetic pax posted to the 4th installment of Minnow Pond.  All veterans, all had been warned in advance of need to warm up. So Disclaimed was super short and then it was game on.

The Thang

Run to playground at WEP.  First to arrive start doing Burpees until Six shows up.

Extended plank sequence while YHC delivers instructions.

Pax run one .6 mile lap around WEP on path at crisp pace. When pax arrive back to playground:
Pull ups x10
Derkins x20
Gorilla squats x30

Rinse & repeat lap/exercise sequence AMRAP for remainer of workout.

Short stint of Mary at playground while Six finishes final lap.

Run back home



Great effort by the pax, pushing themselves and pushing each other.  Total laps ranged from 3 to 5, depending on pace.  Total of 3.5-ish miles plus 50 pull-ups, 100 Derkins & 150 Squats for those who maxed out at 5 laps.  No one left without needing to wring out his shirt.

Shady’s mission at MP is to push the pax, both in terms of pain and pace.  Objective with today’s Weinke was to make sure pax of any running pace could participate without the Six falling behind or leaders catching too much of a break.  Seems like it worked.

Running laps and doing the same three exercises can become stale…kinda like many parts of daily life.  Sometimes it might be the work routine, other times it might be family life or exercise or church or anything.  I don’t deal well in maintenance situations or situations that become routine.  When I’m stuck in those places without much ability to change, I can be tempted to make poor choices to escape the mundane or to “spice” things up.  Jester can draw a bead on me quite easily at these times.  BUT, there’s ALWAYS a #choice.  And the first choice is how you see the situation.  Seeing it as “monotony” is a choice.  Someone else might see the work routine with envy, because they want a job.  Someone may see the family routine as a dream, because they live alone or can’t have children.  Someone may see exercise doldrums as a joy, because they’re injured or disabled.  So, when routine starts to weigh on your spirits, remember that you have a choice to see the routine in ways other than drudgery. And maybe a different choice will help keep the Jester at bay.

Thanks to Shady for opportunity to lead.  Looking forward to many more mornings at MP!

TClap |

Burning Down The Colosseum

Gladly accepted the Q request from Jekyll a month ago for an AO i had never posted to.  He told me the Qs really bring the pain. Visited the week prior to get the lay of the land and he was not joking. With that I couldn’t slack off. 26 PAX 3 FNG got after it in the Gloom this morning. Really dig these MONSTER number  Workouts.

Here’s how it went down.

Mosey up to second Left turn to Parking spaces.

Bone the Fish.

3 Shuffle Right 3 Shuffle Left 3 Karaoke 1-1-1–Really crazy to do this with these numbers.


SSHx15 MNCx15  Hillbilly Walkers x 15

Imperial Walkersx15 Dips x 15

The Thang

9 exercise stations 20 reps per. Except #1. Thanks Pothole! Mode of travel listed at each station for return to middle. All returns to middle do 5 burpees- Mosey to next station

Station 1- Abs 30 American Hammers Ct 1 side- Sprint to light pole/cone 5 Low Slow Sprint to next station

Station 2- Legs 20 Block Squats – Bear Crawl to Center

Station 3- Arms 20 Wide Arm Merkins– Bear Crawl to Center

Station 4- Abs 20 10 Peter Parkers/ 10 Parker Peters- Bear Crawl to Center

Station 5-Combo Al Gore w/bricks  10 Lateral Raise 10 Lateral Row = 20 reps Sprint to cone – 5 merkins Sprint to next station

Station 6- Arms 20 GTOs Ground to Overhead- Crawl Bear to center—–Really how does a Pax break a cinderblock in half????

Station 7-Abs 20 War Hammers combo WWII sit-up 1x American hammer- Crawl Bear to Center

Station 8- Legs 20 Monkey Humpers  Wheel Barrow to center and switch after burpees to station 9

Station 9- Pass the Ruck- Stand Back to back and pass back and forth in circular motion 20x  Mosey to center.

Rinse and Repeat

All PAX completed roughly 1.5 rounds. From the mumble chatter throughout the #Beatdown it appeared to be successful.

Return to COT to name the FNGs and hand off the Shovel flag.

Thanks Again for the Opportunity to lead.

Good Luck Hardwood and Great work Jekyll. Will see me more regularly at the Colosseum.

Duck Out!

TClap |

Extortion 17 – CPO Mills

Fourteen men came out Honey Badger for a Hero-based workout.

Short Mosey
SSH (IC 12x)
Windmill (IC 12x)
Imperial Walker (IC 12x)
Cherry pickers (IC 12x)
Low Slow Squats (IC12x)
Merkin (IC 12x)
Peter Parker (IC 12x)
Plank stretches
Downward dog
Run to ROTC building,
Read Extortion 17 page 152 of Hero book, text is copied at end of BB.

Thang 1 Honoring Extortion 17
Pax count off by three’s and report to their station.
Each station has three exercises; Pax do exercise for 1 minute, then get a 8 second rest/transition. Go through all three and then repeat that cycle one more time (used a timer app on the cell phone to prompt transitions).
Station 1 (6 mins)
1 Curls, block
2 squats, block
3 KB swings, block

Station 2 (6 min)
2 dips
3 American Hammers

Station 3 (6 min)
1 Knees to chest
2 Mtn Climbers
3 Low plank

After first six-minute set, all pax run to parking spot #31 (approx. 950’ one way)
Do 17 burpees
Run back to ROTC building
Pax rotate to next station

After second six-minute set, all pax run to parking spot 17
Bear Crawl to spot 31
Do 6 burpees
All Run back to ROTC building
Pax rotate to next station

After completion of third set: pax wall sit. Read CPO Stephen Matt Mills bio (was on Extortion 17), text is copied at end of BB.

Thang 2 Honoring CPO Mills
Wall sit and all pax hand over 15 lb slam ball. Back and forth for 6 loops.
Short mosey run
Do global warming routine for a few rounds.  End with 8 burpees OYO.

Then 5 min of mary.

Fini, COT

I last Q’d Honey Badger in May and honored Extortion 17 back then, with a secondary Thang honoring SCPO Kraig Vickers (also on Extortion 17).

Today’s routine was slightly confusing for the first round, but all pax got the hang of it for the remainder.

Had an FNG, last name spinner and he got “Fidget” as his nickname. I forgot to reiterate the five core principles of F3 for the FNG…should have done that at the beginning of the workout.

Prayers for school starting peacefully and with patience.

Extortion 17

On August 6, 2011, a U.S. Army CH-47D Chinook helicopter approached a landing zone in Afghanistan 40 miles southwest of Kabul. The helicopter, call sign Extortion 17, was on a mission to reinforce American and coalition special operations troops. Insurgents fired at the Chinook, severed one of its rear rotor blades, and brought it crashing to the ground. All 38 onboard perished instantly in the single greatest moment of sacrifice for Americans in the war in Afghanistan. Those killed were some of the U.S.’s most highly trained and battle-honed commandos.  31 US service personnel, one canine, and 7 Afghans were on the flight.

CPO Stephen “Matt” Mills
Chief Petty Officer Stephen Matthew “Matt” Mills, was born Oct. 25, 1975 in Austin, Texas.
Shortly after his high school graduation, Matt enlisted and reported to the Great Lakes Naval Training center in Illinois in January 1997. Upon completion of basic training he was stationed aboard the USS KINCAID and served for three years.
Very early on, Matt knew he wanted to be wanted to be Navy SEAL and in June 2000 he entered Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training.
Upon completion, the Navy commissioned Matt Mills as a SEAL reporting to SEAL team Three on Sept. 11, 2001. Mills later completed the process that it takes to become a member of the elite Team 6.
Matt Mills completed numerous deployments around the world in support of the Global War on Terror and was a highly decorated combat veteran, having served in Iraq and Afghanistan and earned numerous awards including:
Two Bronze Stars Medal with Valor
Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal with Valor
Presidential Unit Citation
Purple Heart

Chief Mills was an avid hunter and enjoyed anything outdoors. Matt is survived by his widow Keri, sons Cash and Bryce, daughter Zoe, his parents Steve and Cheryl, and siblings Michael and Ashley.

TClap |

Caution: The Minnow Pond may contain hills

Man, that sucked…I mean, that was awesome. Pardon me as oxygen is still hard to come by this morning. It was in the 70’s with 4,000% humidy, we averaged 7:45/mi for 3.25ish miles, did some low-rep exercises along the way and I tried really hard to keep the merlot in the tank. Jedi was disappointed we didn’t hit every single hill in Fort Mill but Dirty Harry enjoyed the gun shop hill repeats.

For further detail that is both short on eloquence & wit, see below…

Disclaimer & welcome to Pet Sounds from the sun-blotting region of CARPEX…YOOOOOOOOOO

Took off out of the parking lot for an estimated .5mi loop around Main St, ending up back at the lot for:


Jump Squats

Carolina Dry Docks


Jump Squats

Wide-Arm Merkins

Moroccan Night Clubs

Jump Squats

Diamond Merkins

Made our way to the base of the gun shop hill (Massey St)

Run up the hill to the Church then back down to the base of the hill. Repeat 2 more times for 3 total round trips then mosey to the steps by the stop light.

50 Calf Raises then a lengthy explanation of how to get to our next destination: Harris Street Park by way of Spratt St then Harris St.

At the Park’s parking  lot: Dips, Mountain Climbers, Peter Parkers, Merkins

This is where it began to look much better on paper. It was very simple, run up Jackson St to Hwy 160. You see, the problem with this single-road route is that it consists of roughly a 3/4mi gradual uphill climb that in the gloom, gives you the mirage of never ending. Right about that .5mi mark is where Punch List almost witnessed the splash, but hey, I’m the Q, I can’t splash. So I started walking then met the PAX at the stop sign where I see Shady is already leading the next exercise…show-off. #gazelle

Once we collected the 6, we made our way back to the AO for 5min of Mary.

And at this point, I’ll thank Shady for the chance to Q the Minnow Pond, thank the Lord I didn’t die, ask the PAX to consider pushing themselves at something a little different, and spend part of the day looking for oxygen.


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Inaugural swimming (or running) with the fishes

8 dipped their toes in the unknown waters mostly unsure and anxious of where this ride was going to take them so hats off for the trust and willingness to try something “new”.  As the PAX did some stretching while we waited for 0515 (good work on the stretching!), some mumblechatter started to arise, but was quickly snuffed out.

Headlamps and reflective gear were encouraged and these HIMs were prepared…as you’d expect when you read the royalty who’s who that was in attendance. While there was a brief disclaimer, we wasted no time and took off into uncharted waters aside from the weinke YHC had scribbled together previously and had it locked away in my head (no time to carry around paper and read in the dark).

From the veterans parking lot / COT, we mosey’d up to the park where there are stairs and stopped at the first set of benches for a “warm up” which consisted of 20 dips and 20 derkins; rinse and repeat (FYI, stretching and any real warm up can be done prior to 0515….#JustSayin).  Once complete with the 2 rounds, we took off for the “Sweet Baby Jesus” church for some partner work.

Upon arrival at the church, we partnered up where partner 1 ran around the church, then up and down the 3 sections of the stairs while partner 2 did flutters.  Once partner 1 completed their set, there were plank hand slaps for a count of 10 (and in some cases double counts, again, #JustSayin and probably unclear instructions from YHC #MyBad).  Once hand slaps were done, partner 1 and 2 swapped and ran and fluttered.  We did this for 3 complete rounds.  And there may have been an Omaha in there for a quick Elvis trip….no names will be disclosed but luckily the nearest bathrooms were on the path of our next stop.

Off to Harris Street park we went, which was very well lit on the way down and a good amount of side street.  We met at the basketball court for 2 quick rounds of 25 merkins and 50 LBCs.  After the 2 rounds, we headed towards the path to get to WEP.  This path was not well lit, actually about as pitch black as it gets, so the head lamps were a must have.  This path went on and on…and on until we finally took the hard left towards the WEP parking lot.  As we got to the first drill bit, we planked and fluttered while we waited for the six.  Six arrived and we started clockwise around track to the first drillbit for 5 burpees.  Second drillbit, 5 burpees….third drillbit, 5 burpees.

Left the park and headed towards the Founders bank where we did the clockwise loop down Clebourne Street towards Main Street and down the Main Street hill where we stopped just over the railroad tracks.  With 5 minutes remaining, we had time to run up the hill and do 20 LBCs and 20 merkins.  Then back down the hill to COT.

Numbered off, name-o-rama, announcements and prayers and praises were had.  Dark Helmet on Q for next week, and please remember to bring headlamps and/or reflective gear for future reference.


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Should I see stars in the daylight

As new pain was looming in the air, there was a quiet murmur across the 15 PAX.  Shady jumped in to provide the quick disclaimer, was on point of the 1st half of fun, and began the mosey over to the path where a drill bit warm-up ensued.  Drill bit warm-up included: SSH, merkins, squats (ghost bit got some love), windmills (with some cherry pickers), then finally toy soldiers with stretching and skipped the last drill bit (I just realized this!!)

Ran over to the small wall parking lot where we lined up to attempt sets of 10, then 9, then 8…you get it.  At the bottom we did side squat into a 180 jump side squat = 1 rep (so we did this 10x), then ran and jumped over the small brick wall where we did 10 each leg jumping lunges.  Then back down over the wall for 9, back up for 9….  We made it to about 3 before time expired for round 2.  Shady ran the PAX back to the WEP parking lot, down the back path as if you were going to Harris Street park, then stopped in front of the dreaded monster grassy hill.

A short message from Shady consisted of: do the difficult thing, push the extra 1 degree or percent for the next 30 min.  Yes it will be hard, but…get….over….it.  Then turned it over to Gandalf!

Gandalf loved the hill so much we stayed there where at the top and bottom we did the following:

  • 5 burpees
  • 10 Russian Twists + the 5 burpees
  • 15 merkins + 10 + 5…
  • 20 flutters + 15 + 10 + 5
  • 25 (I think we made it this far but here’s where I’m drawing a blank from exhaustion)

Once Gandalf had enough fun here, he took us to the playground where we partnered up and 1 partner plank walked around the playground while the other partner did 5 pull ups.  Then swap until we made it around the playground.  THEN we lined up across the field for a quick 100-200 yard jailbreak where we were lucky enough to do 30 wide arm merkins.  Since the bell had sounded, we made our way back to COT.

COT took over for the normal counting, name-o-rama, announcements, and prayers and praises.  Enjoyed getting better with everyone and special thanks to Slash for the invite and special pairing of Shady / Gandalf!


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So…you want to do pyramids and running. We can do that

16 gathered for a quick disclaimer on the beautiful Friday morning, and even more beautiful new pavement.  We took off for a quick mosey and circled up for some warm-up which consisted of: SSH, slow windmill, superman Moroccan night clubs, imperial walkers, merkins and stretching.  Stretching with some downward dogs, honeymooners and then some laying on our backs with some pulling of the knees to chest, and knee over side to stretch our backs.

Once the crew was warmed up we made our way over to the pull up bars where the following unfolded…very quickly.

  • 10 chin ups
  • 20 diamonds
  • 30 1 legged squats (15/leg)
  • 40 carolina dry docks
  • 50 LBC
  • 40 CDD
  • 30 1 leggged
  • 20 diamonds
  • 10 chin ups

Sounds not so bad but we added running between each exercise from the pull up bars down to the cross walk by the football field entrance.

For a quick “10 count” of sorts, the team received the following message: what are you doing today that makes you better where you’re being intentional?  It doesn’t have to be something big, but it can be you physically, mentally, helping your 2.0 practice a sport, unload the dishwasher when you’re not asked to do it….

Off we went to the next area of fun what had been deemed for the run over, “the teacher’s smoking lounge / aka the outside eating area outside the cafeteria” where there are picnic tables to use!

  • 20 step ups, each leg
  • 20 derkins
  • 20 dips
  • 10 burpees
  • 10 bomb jacks
  • Repeat the 20s above (there was an extra set of bomb jacks in here too b/c someone had to say the un-sayable)
  • 5 burpees
  • 5 bomb jacks
  • 10 burpees
  • 10 bombjacks

90 seconds to spare and we headed back to COT for all COT things!  Appreciate the invite as always from Harry Caray and appreciated all the mumblechatter and push!


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Mountain trip to Dupont State Forest on August 3rd with Trail Running, Rucking and Biking options – there will be a 2nd F afterwords

3rd F

Alright we are 2 years ago we did a mountain trip to Roan Mtn. it was one of the best trips I have made with my fellow F3 brothers. After 10-16 miles we went to Daniel Boone Inn to refuel.

With this in mind I wanted to continue to do this hopefully every year. So on August 3rd we are going to do another mountain trip. This time it will be Trail Running, Biking and Rucking options.

Our destination will be DuPont State Forest. We will leave from the Newport Walmart at 6 am it is a 2 1/2 hr trip. we will either go to the Hooker Falls Access or the Lake Imaging Access. For runners we will try and get 12-18 miles in for Mountain bikers Vuvuzela has about 20-30 mile rout lined up.


2nd F

Afterwords will will go to Daddy D’s and refuel.


Make sure you bring water and something for energy do not come unprepared you will regret it. I did exactly that last time. This will be an unforgettable trip that we will try and do every year. we need to clown car to get there since there are no rental vans available.

Reach out to me if you have any questions.  I have attached links below.

Dupont State Forest Trail Map-1

TClap |

TIREsome fun at Golden Corral

Gave disclaimer a few minutes early even though Dark Helmet tried to delay the start.

Moseyed over to O ‘Riley’s Auto Parts for the warm up:
Wind mill
Honeymooner / Downward Dog
Hand release merkins
More Honeymooner / Downward Dog
Mountain Climber
Even more Honeymooner / Downward Dog

Then moved to the hill behind Quick Lube
Sprint to top of hill and jog back down
20 LBCs at bottom (repeat 4 times)

Next Pax ventured over to the field adjacent the Gold Hill YMCA.  Every time I drive by this area I am always intrigued by the tires that are sitting out there and no one seems to use them.  So I decided that we would put them to use.  Honestly I wasn’t expecting 15 guys to show up so I had to improvise on what to do until I could come up with something worse.

– had Pax split up in 4 groups (3 tires – 1 big tractor tire and 2 large truck tires)

– 3 Teams took turn rolling the tire down to the other end of the field and back will team 4 did merkins until the teams with the tires got to the end of the field and then squats until the teams returned.

– Team 4 took its turn with the tractor tire and other 3 teams did the merkins and squats

After that I came up with the bad idea that we would all line up in two lines shoulder to shoulder and lift the tractor tire overhead and pass it down the line.  Once it passed by you move to the end of the line.  We kept this going for about 30 + yards before someone almost dropped it on their head.

To finish out the workout we partnered up for a DORA
100 Burpees
200 merkins
300 squats

Needless to say doing a DORA like this at the end of the workout is a smoker.  Everyone was able to finish the merkins and then it was time to head back for COT where we arrived a few minutes early and knocked out about half the squats and a round of Mary.

It was an honor to lead and I appreciate the Pax patience as I adlibbed some of the workout trying to account for numbers.

TClap |