The Coop take 2

Humid 75 degree morning. Fort Mill, SC Nation Ford High School or better known at 0515 as The Coop.
See and recognize about 10 guys. we have the normal gloom what ups.
0514 rolls around DOAH says hey hope you don’t mind I’ve got a videographer with me. Doing some spotlight piece on wellness for his CO-OP. I say whatever you need to show up is good with me. I give a terrible disclaimer and were off.
Mosey around parking lot with some dynamic stretching here and there.
Circle up warm ups- SSH, Merkins, 6 inch hold, flutter, windmill, peter parkers, mtn. climbers.
Mosey to pull up bars. series of pull ups and merkins
Out to road. Bear crawl down the hill.
Go to the wall. Balls to wall while we work our way down the Pax so everyone broad jumps. Hurry up this hurts.
Mosey to basketball court. partner up 100 merkins, 150 squats, 200 big boy sit-ups. you and your partner hold each other accountable.
a couple guys had to leave early so 10 burpee buyout.
if you and your partner finished early start doing burpees until all finished.
At this point I hope the video guy knows how to fix the sound we had a lot of moaning and complaining.
all finished here up the hill for one last set pullups and then a little burpee buy out also.
praise for Dark Helmet sister, prayers for bounty hunters friends who had pregnancy issue. Marriages, travel.

Thanks for having me out to Q Punchlist.

TClap |

Climbing Ladders at the Golden Corral

Golden Corral – The AO that has been revived in recent months thanks to the leadership of Lutefisk.

13 men met at the Harris Teeter parking lot in the gloom on this cloudy morning.

Started with the disclaimer and we were off.

Warm Up

  • Mosey to HT doors
  • 50 YD Bear Crawl
  • Wind Mill X 10
  • Imperial Walker X 10
  • SSH X 15
  • Merkins X 10
  • Mountain Climber X 10
  • Recover and mosey behind red bowl

Once we got behind red bowl I instructed the PAX to partner up.  Size doesn’t matter but what matters is accountability and camaraderie.  Those two things have been a huge part of my success ever since I started F3.

Activity 1

  • Partner 1 50 YD Wheelbarrow
  • 10 Merkins
  • Partner 2 50 YD Wheelbarrow
  • Run back to the beginning (Elbow plank waiting on the 6)
  • Partner 1 50  YD Wheelbarrow
  • 20 Merkins
  • Partner 2 50 YD Wheelbarrow
  • Run back to the beginning (Elbow plank waiting on the 6)

Mosey from Red Bowl to Bakers Buzzin


Activity 2


7 stations.  Start at number 1 then move to number 2 and then start over.  Keep climbing the ladder.  You get the gist.

  • 1st cone 10 Burpees (run to 2nd cone)
  • 2nd cone 20 Hand Slap Merkins (Bear Crawl to 3rd cone)
  • 3rd cone 30 Carolina Dry Docks  (Crab Walk to 4th cone)
  • 4th cone 40 Squats (run to 5th cone)
  • 5th cone 50 Flutters SC (Bear Crawl to 6th cone)
  • 6th cone 60 LBCS (Crab Walk to the 7th cone)
  • 7th cone 70 Shoulder taps (Run backwards to the 1st cone)

All the Pax completed 5 out of 6 rounds and one group was halfway done with the final round before we had to mosey back to COT (Fishsticks was waiting for us).  We got in just under 3 miles and around 600 calories burnt.  Excellent push by the PAX.  There was very little mumble chatter towards the end coupled with some moaning and groaning.  Big win for the QIC.

FINAL NUMBERS (Including warm ups)

  • 50 Burpees
  • 140 Merkins
  • 120 CDDS
  • 120 Squats
  • 100 Flutters
  • 60 LBC’s
  • Several Miles
  • The last group can add 10 burpees, 20 Merkins and 30 CDDs to their total

Announcements were covered.

Prayers were said for Change Order’s mother, Pothole’s truck and safe travels for Fishsticks   and his family.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead Lutefisk!

Mile High out


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Making Bad Things Better

Most of my Q’s in recent months have been ruck focused.  As I started thinking about what we would do on Wednesday, I realized that one of my last bootcamp Q was likely when Wegman’s held the QvQ event at The Coop in October 2018.  That was a fun Q but there were elements of it that I wish I had done a little different.  So why not take this opportunity to implement a few tweaks.


  • SSH x30
  • Merkins x10
  • Wind Mill x10
  • Mountain Climber x10
  • Imperial Walker x10

Mosey to the bottom of the hill by the pull up bars.

Activity 1:  Spider-Man merkins & pull-ups. 5 sets of trees

  • Run to first tree. Complete 2 Spider-Man merkins. Then run to the pull up bars and complete 2 pull ups. Run back down the hill.
  • Run to the first tree. Complete 2 Spider-Man merkins. Run to the second tree. Complete 4 Spider-Man merkins. Run to the pull up bars and complete 4 pull ups. Run back down the hill.
  • Continue the series through the fifth set of trees (10 Spider-Man merkins and 10 pull ups)

Mosey to the football field

Activity 2:  Cross the football field width wise down the yard lines. 5 burpees at each sideline

We did a version of this during the QvQ but I felt that version was ackward.  This one worked much better.

  • Partner carry 10 & 20
  • Bear crawl 30
  • Sprint 40
  • Crab walk 50
  • Reverse Sprint 40
  • Crawl bear 30
  • Wheel barrow 20 & 10

Everyone pushed themselves, the heat and humidity made sure of that!  Great starting the day with such a strong group!

Prayers for safety to all those traveling this week and rememberance of patience and what really matters as we spend time with family and friends.

Thank you Punch List for the opportunity!!


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A Return To The Corral Which Is Golden

Man, it’s been a long time. It’s been a long time since coming to the Golden Corral, or as it was often referred, the Buffet of Pain but it’s also been too long since my last post. No better way to knock the rust off than by saying yes to Lutefisk’s (just rolls off the tongue) invite and Qing Golden Corral yesterday. Trying not to lower the bar that has been established, I had to ensure the Weinke was full of all your favorite buffet options. After all, we’re not mailing this one in.

24 (23 really since Fish Sticks joined us at the end after getting his brisk miles) other hard-chargers, including feisty “Shin-Guard” joined me at 0515 to review the disclaimer and conduct a little warm up jog around the parking lot, ending up at the top, furthest from HT.


Wind Mills, Jump Squats, Merkins, Diamond Merkins, Side-Straddle Hops, Carolina Dry Docks

Line up facing the Teeter. Run down to the store and Nur back to our starting point. REPEAT.

2 PAX at a time, run 1/2 way to Teeter then run back. We’d get through all 24 of us but the catch is that while you’re not running, you’re doing your best Flying Squirrels. See CSPAN, we still love you.

Reminder of 2 points (which is hard to stay accountable to when you don’t post for a while):

  1. C.O.T. Integrity – Don’t be a hypocrite. Be the same man outside the C.O.T. as you are inside it.
  2. Kotters – Bring ’em back. They’ll fight you but they want to be back AND we want them back.

More details were shared but you had to be there.

The Entree: 10 reps of 10 exercises and we’re cycling through 10 times (lofty desire). After each round, we’d run 1 set of 2-tiered suicides.

10 exercises were:

Burpees, Wide-Arm Merkins, Jump Squats, Mak Tar Jai’s, Knee Tar Jai’s (modified at the sight of bloodied knees to just doubling the yet to-be mentioned Jumping Lunges), Dips, Peter Parkers, Parker Peters, Jumping Lunges, Carolina Dry Docks.

We made it through 4 rounds.

HEY, welcome to Fish Sticks.

Until Next Time,


TClap |

Honoring Jose Nisperos

This was my first Q at a Hero Workout. I was nervous… I asked my 2.0, Eat Mor Chikin, to read a Hero story out of the book. He chose some real bad ass Heroes, but we didn’t see any Asian Americans. I did some research and learned that out of the 3,520+ Medal of Honor recipients, 33 were Asian Americans. I decided to honor Jose Nisperos, the first Asian American to receive the Medal of Honor, who received it for his actions in the Philippine–American War.

9 showed up at the usual AO and we prepared to mosey when Dark Helmet snuck up quietly right at 0500 to move us since there were a few band buses parked there with people sleeping. Dirty Harry was all about being loud and waking them up and I had already chalked up the road with my workout, but we moved away to let the band sleep. As we ran towards the front of the school, I was happy to see General made it out. So we had a total of 11. I gave a quick disclaimer and reminded the Pax of F3’s Mission to plant, grow, serve. We started off with a mosey doing butt kicks, high knees, carioca, and NUR (backwards run).

Warm-up: SSH, Low Slow Squat, Hill Billy, Neck Roll

Plank Hold while I read to the Pax about Jose Nisperos.

The Thang: 33’s

Start with one rep of each exercise and run 0.1 mile. Increase number of reps by one, then run back 0.1 mile and continue exercises. Keep increasing reps until 33. We were on a slight incline which added to the challenge.

Exercise for time:

  • Squat
  • LBC
  • Merkin
  • Superman
  • Squat Jump

There was quite a bit of mumble chatter in the beginning with the lower reps. That soon changed after we hit the higher reps. Going back and forth gave us the opportunity to encourage each other. Loved the hand slaps and motivating words being yelled out. Dirty Harry mentioned the distance was more than 0.10 miles. Not my fault, I had it all planned out near the AO and measured perfectly. Oh well, life will always throw you a curve ball. Learn to adapt.

With 5 mins remaining, we found a wall for some arm raises and B2W. I added a twist to the B2W by making the Pax lift one foot off the wall.


Announcements: F3 Dads on Saturdays at 9am

Dirty Harry reminded us to not be complacent with ourselves and friends. It was deep, thank you.

Prayers: Keep our brothers who are unable to post in our thoughts and prayers.

It was an honor to lead such a great group of men. Chicken Hawk up next to Q on Q 6/24/19!

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June Birthday Q at Laces In – Act 2

Shady and Deacon kicked off June at Laces In with a dual Q that left little time (if any) for mumble chatter (thanks Kraken Burpees).  YHC called his own number today to keep the birthday Q theme going and the number 45 was the goal with each exercise…..well mostly.

After it was declared there were no FNGs and disclaimers were voiced and assumption of risk delegated to all gathered, we moseyed off….sort of.

Many PAX were expecting a longer run to COP (which was later delivered) but before doing so, PAX stopped at the flag, recited the pledge of allegiance and gave tribute to all who serve that we may have the privileges our freedoms grant us.  After those few moments of thanks and gratitude….we were off past the Hive lot, the band lot all the way to the 21 hill for a little COP.

Morrocan Night clubs X 23 (I/C) – Mumble chatter volume 5/10

Windmills (Trucker approved) X 12 (I/C) – Mumble chatter volume 7/10

Imperial Walkers X 12 (I/C) – Mumble chatter volume 8/10

5 burpees OYO – mumble chatter volume 1/10

Mosey briskly to the main event: 45’s – mumble chatter volume: inaudible

YHC led PAX back to the band lot where cones suddenly appeared.  The prior mosey intentionally (YHC’s 2019 word) went away from the cones in the hopes PAX did not see them – mostly successful (I think).  Upon finding the cones in 4 corner format with one cone in the middle, YHC called out 10’s at each of the four cones (adding up to 45 for each exercise) – consisting of the following:

Cone #1 – 9 BB Sit ups, Lunge Walk to center cone, 1 merkin, run back to cone #1; 8 big boy sit ups, Lunge Walk to center cone, 2 merkins, run back to Cone #1, continue sequence until reaching 1 big boy sit up, lunge walk to center, 9 merkins and run back to cone #1

Cone #2 – 9 burpees, run to middle cone, 1 squat, Lieutenant Dans back to Cone #2, 8 burpees, run to middle cone, 2 squats, Lieutenant Dans back to Cone #2, continue sequence until 1 burpee and 9 squats were done.  Move to:

Cone #3:  9 Carolina Dry Docks, run to middle cone, 1 merkin, run back to cone #3, 8 CDD’s, run to middle cone, 2 merkins, run back to cone #3, continue sequence until 1 CDD and 9 merkins were done.  Lastly: Cone #4:

Cone #4: 9 flutter kicks each leg, lunge walk to middle cone, 1 heels to heaven, run back to cone #4, 8 flutter kicks each leg, lunge walk to middle cone, 2 heels to heaven, run back to cone #4 , continue until…..well you get the idea.

YHC had to call time at 5:57 – Straight Up was the king well into the sequence at cone #4, if not completed.  Many PAX had things to say about the number of lunge walks.  I don’t know why.

A run from the band lot back to the flag reconnected us with 3 Laces Out runners for COT

Announcements – Hog and Coyote this Saturday in Rock Hill. Straight Up leading a trail run at Crowders on 6-22, Read your newsletter, Spend father’s day with your M’s and 2.0’s – the golf course will always be there.

Prayers were lifted up for Gilligan’s recovery from surgery, High Stick’s daughter’s recovery, Trucker’s M and her upcoming interview and for all unspoken prayers held in the silence of the hearts of PAX.

NMM – The HIMs YHC has had an opportunity to be around over the past 6 months have truly helped personal acceleration and intentionality in my life.  Our greatest gift to one another is the ability to sharpen others and help transfer the habits that impact all of us leading lives of intentionally and virtue in all that we do. Here’s to another great year ahead for YHC and my sincere thanks to all the PAX who have helped shape and sharpen YHC.  Your work is appreciated beyond words.  Thank you brothers! I am 45, thankful and better because of all of you.



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Move get out the way!

YHC Pulled up to find Bolts Van door open, he was setting up an array of coupons and cones.

Soon there was 11 Pax, I did a brief disclaimer since there was no FNG’s and we moseyed to warm up little did I know an FNG pulled up. So, Kaiser and another Pax picked up the FNG.  We AL Gore and planked till the Pax caught up with us.


Warm Up

20-Imperial Walkers

20-Wind Mills

40-Moroccan Night Clubs



The Thang

20 – Hand release Merkins

30 – Low Slow Squats

Stretching – Downward Dog, Honeymooner, Back to Downward Dog



20 – CDD

20 – Lunges



20 – Dying Cockroaches

30 – Monkey Humpers



Mike Tyson Squats with a deck of cards YHC handed out 2 decks each person takes 10 cards. We line up and lay all 10 cards in front of us. They way these squats are done follows- Squat pick up first card walk to 2nd card Squat drop the first card, squat pick up the first card, squat pick up the 2nd card. So forth and so on till you get to the 10th card. Totaling 100 Squats. It is said that mike Tyson use to do these in his prison cell with all 52 cards

10 Shoulder plank Taps


Bolts take the reigns

We mosey to the hill where several cones with coupons we set up. The sprinter on the 2nd cone acts as a timer for all Pax in motion to turn around and head back.


1st cone – One Pax does Plank Jacks while the other does worm pull with the 140lb Worm that bolt created.

2nd cone – One Pax does jumping lunges in place with 2 x 25lb sand bags. With the other Pax sprinting to the top of the hill where the cones are

3rd cone – One Pax does bent over butterflies with 2 x 25lb sand bags. With the other Pax bear crawling up the hill.

4th cone – One Pax does Side straddle. With the other Basket Carry 25lb sandbag up the hill.

5th cone – One Pax does American Hammers. With the other Pax Broad Jumps up the hill.

6th cone – One Pax does Bomb Jacks. With the other Pax Overhead Carry up the hill with 30lb sand bag.

7th cone – One Pax does Squat ball (30lb) throws (we had a complication where the ball busted open) So we preformed Squat overhead press with the open ball. With the other Pax Crab walking up the hill.

We then proceeded to Indian run around the Park. When we got back, we picked up the coupons and carried back to the vehicle. Note: The worm sucks even with 2 of us toting it.


Announcements, Prayer and praises, Named FNG Lockdown.


Thanks for the opportunity to Lead.




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Gemini Birthday Bash

The Thang:

Mosey to the parking lot near the tennis courts

COP: Hillbilly Walkers(20x), Imperial Walkers (15x), 1 min of 7 burpees and 33 SSH, 3x

Mosey to the band’s practice parking lot

Jack Webb Style with Crackin Burpees for the 1 and Bobby Hurley for the 4 with 3-4 partners for encouragement

Bomb Jacks (100x), Overhead Claps (200x), Merkins (100x), Big Boy Sit Ups (100x), Squats (200x)


On this glorious day, we followed our own advice of not “going it alone.” So we decided to lock shields to celebrate the 40th birthday of two Geminis that were born two days apart. We are humbled and honored by the love and support of our F3 brothers for our birthday bash. We can’t thank you enough.

As we turn 40 years old, we understand that we are progressing into the next season of life. Age 0 to 20 is the spring season where we identify who we are. Age 20 to 40 is the summer season where we learn and grow. Age 40 to 60 is the fall season where we influence others. Age 60+ is the winter season where we share wisdom with others.

What season of life are you in? Own it. Celebrate life and your season daily.


Deacon & Shady

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Leg Day at The Hive – Friday, May 17th

12 men joined YHC at the Hive to make a baker’s dozen of PAX ready for a kettlebell beatdown.


  • mosey around the parking lot
  • 25 side straddle hops
  • 5 burpees OYO
  • 11 windmills
  • 5 burpees OYO
  • 10 peter parkers
  • 10 parker peters
  • 10 4 count mountain climbers
  • mosey back to bells

The Thang

Pax lined up on one side of the parking lot. Will do a series of 4 exercises, run at 75% speed to the other side of the lot for another series of exercises, then sprint back to start to rinse and repeat.

First set 

  • Side 1
    • 10 single arm thrusters – each arm
    • 10 overhead lunges – each leg
    • 10 goblet squats
    • 10 kettlebell swings
  • Side 2
    • 10 big boy sit ups
    • 10 burpees

Rinse & repeat x 3

Second set

  • Side 1
    • 10 snatches – each arm
    • 10 sumo high pulls
    • 10 single arm rows – each arm
    • 10 overhead press
  • Side 2
    • 10 big boy sit ups
    • 10 burpees

Rinse & repeat x 3

Extra credit

  • 25 LBCs
  • Captain Thor to 3×12


  • Convergence


  • marriages
  • churches
  • personal issues
  • travel
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Challenged to “Bring It”

A few months ago, Dark Helmet and I were challenged to “bring it” to The Deep. I’m not sure how I got roped into the conversation as I no longer provide the top-tier workouts I used to. You see, it’s not because I’ve gotten soft (well, maybe a little), it’s more due to the physical acceleration of the PAX, which is evident when I cross the water and see the brothers in Lake Wylie. My workouts aren’t as hard as they used to be for some.

That said, I’ve become known for 2 things: the deck of cards and cinder blocks. I couldn’t disappoint the fellas. Dark Helmet on the other hand, is known for many things (not including many leather-bound books, rich mahogany, a perfect quaff or starbuck-y hands). And, with these many things, he brought his level of creative, pain-inducing exercises to the first half of the morning’s Q.

Once DH signed a few autographs, gave a very clear disclaimer, he took off for the warm up mosey. Then did a few warm-up-type exercises which included all the regulars and plenty of chatter.

Grab a partner and since when does size not matter…in Wheelbarrow racing?

You and your partner will alternate wheelbarrow’ing around the circle which I swear, grew as we were encircling it.

Next, grab the cinder blocks from Maximus’ truck for a little DORA activity.

Partner 1 (P1) would run around the main lot while Partner 2 (P2) would do the exercise then flapjack for:

200 Bicep Curls

300 Overhead Press

400 Bent-Over Rows (modified the count for timing and inserted chest press)

Hand off to Maximus for more partner work

P1: Ski Abs

P2: Toe Taps on the block (25ea side)


P1: Burpee Broad Jump ~50yds & NUR back

P2: Mountain Climbers with your hands on the block


P1: Beep Beep I’m a Jeep for 25yds & Lunge Walk back

P2: Bomb Jacks


Now with both partners at one end and the block at the other:

P1: Sprint to the block, 10 Man Makers with the block, Sprint Back

P2: Flutters from the V-up position

Next up, partner big-boy sit-ups while passing the block back and forth

I can’t fully recall if we did a few 8ct burpees to finish it off but it’d be a lot cooler if we did…so let’s assume we did.

Hey PAX, wherever you call home, go somewhere different. Organize a clown car with a few other locals and go see a different AO on a Saturday and attend their Q-Source. You never know what you’ll learn. Dark Helmet and I appreciate the opportunity to put ourselves through misery in the spirit of Qing for a great group of F3’s finest PAX.

Until Next Time.


TClap |