Recess at Block Party

WARMUP: 10 Burpees OYO then grab bricks from DD’s truck and mosey to bank parking lot

THE THANG: Pax moseyed from bank to WEP and back to bank with a partner and two bricks for each pair of pax. One partner had the bricks and they were traded back and forth between partners after each exercise throughout the workout. We did all sorts of fun stuff, including:

Wide arm merkins
Seal jacks
Moroccan Nightclubs
Peter Parkers
Parker Peters
Plank jacks
American Hammers
Man makers
Pull ups (for Trucker)
Bear crawls
Crawl bears
Lap around the playground
Overhead presses
Boxer punches

MARY: Rebel finished off the pax with a bit of Mary in the lot

ANNOUNCEMENTS: QSource on Tue at Baxter Starbucks, Coffeeteria on Wed at Kingsley

COT: Great to have Cousin Eddie out for his 2nd post after FNG status last week. T-claps to Rebel for helping him launch well and to Cousin Eddie for giving Rebel some added purpose!

The workout today was inspired by Sprockets from F3Boone, who led a brick based workout 2 weeks ago. The intent today was to break out of our routine and to create an extra push and some accountability with a partner.

After 10yrs+ posting in The Gloom, I still find it tough to roll out of bed at 0430 most mornings. It’s easier than it once was but it’s NEVER easy! I know that I’ll get better if I post, but I’m also susceptible to the voice in my head saying “you need some sleep” or “you can still exercise on your own at 0600”. Either or both might be true on any given day, and when I’m focused on ME, then the odds of me giving into that voice are high. The key to rising early and posting with you, my brothers, is when I can focus outside of me and instead see YOU. I know how much I’ve needed you over the years, which reminds me that there are many mornings when you need someone else beside you in the Gloom. Making that choice to be that someone is always the extra push I need to get out the door. When I can surrender my self, my ego, my petty simple desires…that’s when I find that something extra — another gear, a purpose, inspiration, the Holy Spirit…whatever you call it for yourself. Surrender…give your morning for your brother…it’s a small sacrifice with a HUGE payoff.

Thanks to Kermit for the honor of leading the pax this morning!

Keep Posting!!!

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We got free wifi

– brief mosey, some SSH, IW and WM
– Dora: 100 pushup / 200 squats / 300 MonkeyHumpers (crowd pleaser) while partner runs around playground
– Jack Webb: Push-up and overhead claps, starting with 1-4 finish with 10-40
– 4-corners with mosey in-between
– corner 1: cindy’s: 10x overhead press + 10x swing
– corner 2: 60# sandbag squats + throw + low slow regular squats
– corner 3: 10x diamond merkin + 10x donkey kicks
– corner 4: 5x burpee + bearcrawl up the hill + 1 min horse riders hold (crowd pleaser as well)
– finish up with a good 10 min of core workout of various styles
– read your newsletter

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Burning at ROF

Broga with Up/down dog
20 SSH in cadence
15 Moroccan night clubs IC
10 cherry pickers IC
Moseyed over to The center of the parking lot and did Burpee suicides – adding a burpee at every other parking spot and at the beginning Kaiser said we got in 42 burpees
Then moseyed over to the back side of the school to get Cindy’s. Started with 10 curls OYO. Walked over to the grass area in front of the school and did Murder bunnies between 2 points (it was about 100 ft – felt like 100 yds)
Did 10 curls OYO then went back to the start, did 10 squat presses. Had a couple 10 counts and got back to it with murder bunnies again. 10 Curls OYO at when done, another couple 10 counts to catch our breath and then the final leg with 10 squat presses to finish.

Since we still had almost 15 minutes left we did a quick Dora with:
100 merkins
200 hello Dollies
300 squats
Ran to next light post/median and back

Headed back to COT and finished with some flutters.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 Dads on Saturdays in June at 0900 and mens shelter/dinner on the first Thursday of the month
COT: prayers/praises lifted up

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Mr. Hugh Midity

I recently asked Badlands for a Q At Sweep The Leg. He gave me June 13th and I accepted the assignment forgetting that was the Monday after a week at the beach. Vacation is rough on the body. But all in all it turned out fairly well. Ran one of my fastest miles 7:42 pace that morning and it all went quickly  downhill from there. Noticed a fairly large gathering for my Q which was obvious since I’m a celebrity in F3. Noticeably missing was Bobber.

The Thang

Told everyone what the plan was at 5:14. Which was, run to Berkshire Heights meet at the stop sign. Go clockwise around Berkshire stopping at every stop sign and doing 5 Hand-release Merkins, 5 X and O, 5 Jump Squats. There are 6 stop signs all the way around and one big hill the last 1/4 mile. The next loop add 5 more reps to same exercises for 10 of each. Everyone got over 2 loops some pushed for 3. Finished with 3.35 miles the others got 4. Thanks Badlands for the Q I enjoyed hearing the complaining  from the Pax.
Last thing men. Let’s show the world what a real man looks like. Be kind to strangers even if they think differently than you. Hold the door for a lady as she exits the store. Open the car door for your wife. Go buy her womanly things without bitching about it. Say your kids prayers at night while tucking them in. Push the buggy back inside the grocery store. Love you guys more than you will ever know.


Prayers for Decibel son Noah and his recovery



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Kotter Q + Broga


15 minutes of Broga led by Sasquatch


3 (or 4) laps of Quadzilla by the pull up bars.

Grab a spot at the bars for 10 rounds EMOM of:
5 Pull Ups
10 Merkins
15 Squats

The minutes got shorter with each round…

Rinse and Repeat a/ 3 (or 4) laps of Quadzilla


Flutters, Penguins, American Hammers, Protractor, Rosalitas, 1 min low plank hold

During the plank, YHC gave a quick speech on how to get “Murph Ready” with a little bit of work each day. This lesson can be applied to anything in life.


F3 Dads is happening tomorrow at WEP at 9:30
Bethel Men’s Shelter is moving to the first Thursday of every month.


Prayers for the way we love our lives – we could be gone in an instant without knowing.
Prayers for Mrs. Sasquatch starting a new job next week.
Prayers for Sharknado’s baby growing in his M’s womb.

PL out.

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Surviving Hero’s Fallen Hero

WARMUP: Quick disclosure, then moseyed to the pull-up bars for a Trucker approved warm-up: Windmills, Tappy Taps, SSH, & OCs – in between each set of exercises PAX started with 1 burpee + 1 pullup – graduated to 5 reps of each.
THE THANG: PAX held plank position while we read about the Heroes we were about to honor: Retired Army General Barry McCaffrey and his fallen hero Captain Dave Ragin.
We carried our Cindys down the hill, starting at the first tree on the right we lunged walk with Cindy to the next tree. At this time, the PAX performed 21 reps each of: Merkins on Cindy, Curls w/ Cindy, and OH Presses w/ Cindy. Once this series of exercises was complete, the PAX, leaving Cindy behind, jog to the pull-bars to perform 7 pull-ups and 7 ToesToBar . Pax then jogged back down the hill to pick up Cindy and lunge walk to the next tree. Continued this routine for a total of 6 stops. Upon completion the PAX were asked to conduct MARY until the 6 was in.
On to the next phase, Jack Webb series I like to call Manly Swings. JWs are 2 exercises with a 1:4 ratio and the routine is typically completed at 10:40. The first exercise was ManMakers w/ Cindy and the 2nd was KB Swings w/ Cindy. We stayed together and completed it right as time was up!!!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Mens’ Shelter, F3 Dads, Shank’s send off Q tour.
COT: Everyone was asked to give a praise and then prayers were lifted up!

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Plank, Airbornes, Cindy Pyramid

* prolonged plank and updog<>downdog warm-up, airbornes, Cindy Pyramid= 5 Manmakers, 10 hops over Cindy, 15 swings, 20″ wallsits, 25 heelraises, 30 squats (all with Cindy), mosey to 🛑, NUR back, drop the squats on the next set, drop squats and HRs on next set, drop squats HRs and wallsits next set – finish with 10′ broga.

slash held a dookie in the whole workout!

too many pax not getting broga!!!

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“No Misogi Today”

WARMUP: Short Mosey / Butt Kickers / Toy Soldiers (15) Side Straddle Hop, (10) Windmill, (10) Imperial Walkers, (10) Cherry Pickers, (10) Moroccan Night Clubs
Finished the warmups with a wall sit while the PAX did 2 burpees each. (3 sets)
Round #1:
1. Burpees: AMRAP (1:00 Min EA) then 1/4 Mile Run
2. Merkins: AMRAP (1:00 Min EA) then 1/4 Mile Run
3. Dips: AMRAP (1:00 Min EA) then 1/4 Mile Run
4. Squats: AMRAP (1:00 Min EA) then 1/4 Mile Run
5. Lunges: AMRAP (1:00 Min EA) then 1/4 Mile Run
6. Flutters: AMRAP (1:00 Min EA) then 1/4 Mile Run

Round #2: *Beat Your Reps from Round #1 shortened run and pushed harder*
1. Burpees: AMRAP (1:00 Min EA) then 1/8 Mile Run
2. Merkins: AMRAP (1:00 Min EA) then 1/8 Mile Run
3. Dips: AMRAP (1:00 Min EA) then 1/8 Mile Run
4. Squats: AMRAP (1:00 Min EA) then 1/8 Mile Run
5. Lunges: AMRAP (1:00 Min EA) then 1/8 Mile Run
6. Flutters: AMRAP (1:00 Min EA) then 1/8 Mile Run

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Prayers for Vuvu’s son and thankful for JWOW & Gears Anniversary’s
Message: Push hard but take the time to slow down and enjoy what you have! Great book from Gears!

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Shield Lock Brothers Take On 6 Of The Finest Pax At The Fort, 2 Scared Pax Ran Trails

Cheddah led us for the first half

Warm up – cherry pickers, windmills, imperial walkers, mountain climbers

Balls 2 wall/wall sits for 2 rounds

Run to the hill in front of Pike

Jacobs Ladder
Start with 10-Hand release merkins Bear crawl up the hill then 1-big boy sits ups, Crawl bear back down. the mode of transportation changed from bear crawls/crawl bears, lunges/reverse lunges, run/nur

YHC took over after 30min

Run to the wall across from veterans park

10 Muscle up

Catch me if you can Indian run with 2 burpees to each stop

First stop the top of hill by Fortmill church of God

5 Kraken burpees
5 Lunge lunge Squat

Second stop Hill st and unity st near the cemetery

5 Kraken burpees
5 Lunge lunge Squat
10 Merkins Hold at the bottom
10 Worst worst LBC

Third stop WEP at HWY 160

5 Kraken burpees
5 Lunge lunge Squat
10 Merkins Hold at the bottom
10 Worst worst LBC


Read your news letter.

Grinder Thanks for the opportunity for us to lead

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