- QIC: Decibel, Senator Tressel, Cyclops, Change Order, Trucker and Jiffy
- When: 05/21/2019
- Pax: Albany, Avalanche, Backdraft, Band Camp, Bass-o-matic, Beignet, Bonsai, Breakfast Club, C-Squae, Cake Boss, Change Order, Chicken Hawk, Cobra Chi, Copyright, Corn Hole, Cornerstone, Cyclops, DaVinci, DD, Deacon, Decibel, Dirty Harry, Duck Dynasty, Esso, Falcon Crest, Fire Marshall Bill, Fish Sticks, Flat Tire, Frat boy, Geico, Geronimo, Ginsu, Half Shell, J-Wow, Jedi, Jesse, Jeter, Jiffy, locks, Longshanks, Lutafisk, Mainframe, Man of Steel, Manifold, Maximus, McGyver, Mile, Nasa, Pot Hole, Rain Delay, Red Card, River Rat, Rock Thrill, Senator Tressel, Shady, Skate or Die, Slap Shot, Slash, Smokey, Snmap Hood, Spiderman, Stang, STH, Sugar Bug, Tardy, Tebow, Tinsel, Trucker, Twister, Uber, Uhaul, Uncle Sam, Vuvuzela, Weazer, Wegmans, Wrangler, WWL, Zima
- Posted In: Golden Corral
Thank you to our QICs of the Badger Convergence. For those that were close with Badger and his family who was in attendance it was a blessing to see 78 strong come out in his honor.
Cyclop’s Portion of Badger Convergence
The W/O: The sets follow the dates of every March madness trip I took with badger and the 71-64 significance is the final score of the Kentucky-Wisconsin game in 2015 (our first trip) when badger’s badgers knocked off unbeaten Kentucky in the final 4. I heard a bit about that. 😎
3 – burpees
19 – merkins
20 – squats
15 – LBCs
64 second – wall sit (people’s chair): reflect in silence on how we leave no doubt as badger did.
3 – burpees
17 – LBC’s
20 – flutters
16 – burpees
DORA partner up – 71 burpees. Partner 1 runs to semi trailer and back while partner 2 does burpees then switch off and repeat until 71 is reached
3 – burpees
16 – squats
20 – lunges
17 – flutters
71 seconds – balls to the wall
Reflect on leaving no doubt and what that means for each of us – then mosey to COT.
Change Order’s Portion of Badger Convergence
18 merkins
48 Lbc
4 burpees
9 merkins
11 side startle hops
20 freely mercury
07 merkins
39 Lbc
Run a lap in between each
Jiffy’s Portion of Badger Convergence
Headed over to the side of Parking Lot…
I shared the Pax my background with Badger – I joined F3 because of him. F3 has had a meaningful impact on my life and I owe that to Badger. I shared with the Pax how quickly things turned for Badger and encouraged them (and myself) to make sure we are using our time and resources very intentionally.
The workout
I had cones setup and the Pax did the following sequences:
- Lunge Walk to each cone and stop and do 10 jump squats, run back
- Bear crawl to each cone and stop and 10 merkins
- 20 LBC’s in cadence
- Sequence of 10 merkins, 10 plan jacks, 10 merkins, 10 plank jacks, 10 merkins, 10 plank jacks
- Lunge Walk to each cone and stop and do 5 bomb jacks, run back
- Bear crawl to each cone and stop and 10 carolina dry docks
- 20 American Hammers in cadence
- Sequence of 10 merkins, 10 shoulder taps, 10 merkins, 10 shoulder taps, 10 merkins, 10 shoulder taps
- Lunge Walk to each cone and stop and do 10 monkey humpers bomb jacks, run back
- Bear crawl to each cone and stop and 10 dips
- 20 flutters in cadence
- Sequence of 10 merkins, 10 side shoulder punches, 10 merkins, 10 shoulder punches, 10 merkins, 10 shoulder punches
We then ran to the side and between a couple of islands did a Jacobs Ladder with Bomb Jacks on one side and Burpees on the other with a total of 6.
Great job by the Pax pushing each other and picking up the 6 at the end.
We headed back to the group at the end for COT. It was an honor to serve especially in honor of Badger.
Trucker’s portion of Badger Convergence
Ran behind 9 rounds. Badger would have been 40 this year. So honored him with 40/4 workout. Each PAX had to do 4 rounds of 4 exercises of 40 reps with a run from 9 rounds to end of parking lot.
Then over to Red Bowl wall for 40 leg raises. Wall sits with 2 burpees each down the line. Repeat with 4 scorpion merkins.
Missy to oil change store. 4 PAX lined up 20 yards away while the other took 4 car tires and flipped tires to partner, return back to start. Each PAX then grabbed a tire nd did 40 shoulder presses.
Mossy to COT
Senator Tressels Portion of Badger Convergence
After COP, mosey to the inclined driveway by the apartment complex on Tega Cay Drive. I gathered the group and told them that Matt was my neighbor and friend. Our families spent time together and that Matt was active in an adult men’s soccer league. Matt’s fight with cancer was very short and that he was gone way too soon.
On to the workout:
Jacob’s ladder, 1-7, with burpees at the top of the hill. Plank when you are finished.
Walk to the grass area in front of the apartment gym and circle up for Jack Webb’s (10/40).
Freddie Mercs x 20, and Hello Dolly x 20, all in cadence.
End with 90 seconds of the body destroyer. As the Pax laid still and quiet, I told them to think about how much they have, how lucky they are, and that every day is a gift.
Mosey back to the Harris Teeter lot for COT
Decibels Portion of Badger Convergence
Heals to Heaven x25
LBCs X39
During the workout we keep 3 soccer balls moving at all time to honor Badger’s love for soccer.
It is hard to believe that it has been a year since Badger went to be in heaven. I was blessed to spend time with him prior to his passing. We talked about him being saved and how important that was to him. He let me know that his M was a big reason he was saved but also seeing my families reaction to losing our daughter and son and our dependence on God at that time. I am saying this to let you know as Christians people watch our actions and want to make sure our actions match our words. I encourage every Christian brother in F3 to live out your faith and in times of need lean on God just like Badger did in his time.
My M and I received a letter from Badger. In that letter he mentioned F3 and the support he and his family received after the diagnosis. I remember him just being in awe of all the people that were praying for him. He was so touched by this community that he asked that I make sure that his boys get involved in F3. It was such a blessing to have Jeter and all the his relatives experience the convergence. To have 78 men in our community support Badger was an emotional journey for all of us that knew him. I had several members of his family let me know how much they appreciated the convergence and the support for Badger. Thank you to each man that showed up!
Badger was a man I respected to the utmost. He was not a guy that sought attention or glory, but he was always there when you needed him. He loved his family and was a loyal friend. I am still in awe of how he bravely prepared to walk into heaven. It was so comforting to know he was going to see Jesus. He told me many times that he would take care of our babies (Elizabeth Grace and Garrett) until we met up with him. Badger was a great Father and I know he is having a blast with my kids in heaven.
Let us all take this time to pour into, support, love on and encourage our F3 brothers. Then take that momentum and turn it to our families. Then take that momentum and pour it out on the least and the lost in our community. Badger knew that God had a purpose for him and that purpose was to spread the word of God’s Grace and Love. Let’s make that happen for him.