The Seesaw


YHC took the pax to the top of Massey where State Farm delivered the COP. YHC finished a few exercises including mandatory SSHs the moseyed to stops along the way to WEP with burpees at every stop.


The Seesaw is the hills between the new improved parking lot at WEP. Partnered up for bombjacks and lunges to 8.

Hit the stage for partner ab work.

Nur back and forth up the hill.

Finished with wall sits and burpees.

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We got route options

WARMUP: pre-stretching OYO
THE THANG: ran 1 big loop. Route was down 160 to White street, all the way to Kanawha up to Spratt, then down Harris alllll the way (hills included) to Munn and back to COT.

Some PAX cut over before Kanawha, some PAX added in extra down by Sam Smith or old Kingsley…but all PAX came back soaked with sweat and up 1-0.
MARY: nada
ANNOUNCEMENTS: lots in your newsletter!
COT: ✅

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Takin’ it back old school because I’m an old fool

WARMUP: we ran up the hill on Massey into the big parking lot to circle up. Started with some SSH and stopped pretty quick to get in cadence. 5 burpee penalty. Started over with SSH in cadence…stopped again to get in cadence. 3 burpee penalty. Started again and stayed in cadence for the most part. Moved on to sumo squats, merkins, shoulder taps, up and down dog, and finished with some back stretching.
THE THANG: From the parking lot, we ran down the grass hill over to the small lot with the wall that used to have nails sticking out (we didn’t find any of those). We did 7s here with burpees at the bottom, jump the wall, and donkey kicks at the top.

Finished here and had a short run over to the “step up” wall. Before we left the parking lot, we were reminded we have one mouth and 2 ears and if we’re thinking of our responses before someone else is done speaking, are we truly listening??

Made it to the step up wall where we did 11s. Steps up were both legs (bad idea here) and we did decline ranger merkins for the other half of our 11s (10+1, 9+2…1+10).

Left here with the plan to go to LBJ church and with 15 min left, we Omaha’s back to the big parking lot. Dora was the plan and previous site Q Bobber suggested running up and down the big hill…so we did. Partner up and Dora was: 100 diamond merkins, 200 jump squats, 300 flutters 2 count…which no one made it to flutters.
MARY: 5 min to spare we ran back to COT for MARY. Both Jackelope and State Farm got a chance to call cadence and crushed it!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: lots! Check out the newsletter! Dam to dam is coming so look for Sept 1 sign up!
COT: welcomed Stiletto who was visiting Maximus from TX, and Wegmans has 13 weeks to perfect his smoking craft as he takes care of that new baby!

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3.5mi-4mi of leg sweeping

WARMUP: Walk 20ft, circle up and do some SSH followed by 5 Burpees. That’s all you get.
THE THANG: Run the Earth Fare lot then 20 Merkins.
Run to the bottom of the hill before the GHES entrance. 10 Carolina Dry Docks, 10 Wide Arm Merkins, 10 Diamond Merkins.
Grab a partner and push each other until the finish.
Run to the first light pole heading up the back road. NUR to the next light pole, run 2 light poles, NUR 1, run 2, etc all the way up to the top. Recovery run with your partner back to the start.
Do a set of American Hammers.
Repeat the round heading up and down the hill then Grave Diggers and other Mary exercises.
Run the lap around the basketball lot, burpees, then grab the 6.
Final instructions: Run back to the bottom of the hill in front of the school, do the CDD, W.A.M. and Diamonds.
Run back to the stop sign for 20 Merkins, run the parking lot and do more Merkins.
MARY: Scattered throughout the workout.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: You know what to do.

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Only a little lost

WARMUP: SSH, IW, HW, Shoulder Taps, slow merkins

mosey around until I got lost.
Stop along the way for:
10 Merkins
9 squats
8 LBCs
7 Carolina Dry Docks
6 Jump Squats
5 American Hammers
4 Hand Release merkins
3 Jump Lunges
2 Flutters
1 Burpee
Did the full set each stop. I think we stopped around 6 times.

I ran to what used to be an event center to do another round and was informed it’s now a private residence. Better to be dissuaded by your friends than run off by someone wielding a shotgun.

We got a little far afield today. 3 total miles. Unintentional message of the day: How do you respond when your leader is clearly lost?

Planned message: you’ve done something challenging today. Don’t shy away from other challenges as they face you. You may need to press forward and persevere, or you may need to hold back and assess. Both decisions require different kinds of toughness.

Thanks Radar for the call to lead outside the my home region. Was great to be in Belmont this morning.

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Clydesdales Run is what we Do!!

We ran 3.5 mile – 4.5 miles. Jackson St down to Harris up the trail to WEP. Head back or loop to main St and then back.
COT: prayers lifted.

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Over when we say it is!


Moseying around stopping to build the following sequence. Added an exercise at each stop:

1 burpee
2 bomb jacks
3 jump squats
4 jump lunges
5 Bobby Hurley
6 split squats
8 squats
9 monkey humpers
10 Bulgarian split squats

Paused for Dick Webbs got to 5
15 total pull-ups
60 total merkins

Bearpees also to 4.5

Flutters and flexibility to 0600

It ain’t over till we say it’s over!

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Zipper takes no mercy


THE THANG: Zipper: 3.2-3.8 miles of neighborhood hate. 10 merkins and 10 squats at every cross street between Spring and Unity. If the reps dont kill you the hills will. Always a #crowdpleaser and you are better (albeit #smoked) after.

MacGuyver was the #King today- no surprise. B.O.B was up there and Grout was in top 3 or 5? #triplehate Bash Brothers: State Farm and Jackalope came back to swim at the pond for the second week in a row. Also great to see their dads. Keep your eye on Cousin Eddie. He’s rising fast!

MARY: Dont understand

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Brew Ruck tonight, Final Countdown
CSAUP 9/10

COT: Praise and Prayers for State Farm and Jackalope who will be making their way to the Citadel in a few weeks. Prayers for marriages, our children.

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Partner Work Up The Hill

Mosey around “pick up” line to back parking lot.
Moroccan Night Club
Slow Low Squat
Peter Parker’s
Downward Dog
Honey Mooner
Wide Arm Merkins

Mosey over to the “Hill”
Asked all PAX to grab a partner
Partner work from light pole to light pole. Partner 1 began “movement” while partner 2 ran to next light pole and back. When they returned they switched and Partner 2 began “movement” while Partner 1 ran to light pole and back. Continue to switch until pair reaches light pole.
“Movements”: Bear Crawl, Lunge Walk, Crab Walk, Burpee Broad Jumps, Crawl Bear, NUR, Karaoke x2
Once we reached the top we reversed down the hill. We went as a group and stopped when 1st PAX reached the next light pole.
A couple of minutes to close out the workout.
Read your Newsletter. Ruck with Pothole for charity.
Prayers for children and safe travels.

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Just go.

WARMUP: SSH 20, low slow squats 10, 5 burpees…go time
THE THANG: Being DR all last week and no working out, aside from eating and drinking, made this a bit more sucky than it needed to be but the only way to jump in is with both feet. So running with push-ups got the call.

Here’s what we got: every .25 miles = 25 merkins. After mile 1 and mile 1.75 (which is top of the hill in the back of the school), we waited for the six doing flutters.

Simple but effective. Total mileage was between 3-3.5. Some of us (🙋‍♂️) owe a few more merkins as form started to suffer or time to get back was creeping up.
MARY: More flutters and American hammers.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Final countdown CSAUP, QSource on Tuesday Baxter SBUX, be there!
COT: Change Order and his family, kids going off to camps, travel

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