Should I see stars in the daylight

As new pain was looming in the air, there was a quiet murmur across the 15 PAX.  Shady jumped in to provide the quick disclaimer, was on point of the 1st half of fun, and began the mosey over to the path where a drill bit warm-up ensued.  Drill bit warm-up included: SSH, merkins, squats (ghost bit got some love), windmills (with some cherry pickers), then finally toy soldiers with stretching and skipped the last drill bit (I just realized this!!)

Ran over to the small wall parking lot where we lined up to attempt sets of 10, then 9, then 8…you get it.  At the bottom we did side squat into a 180 jump side squat = 1 rep (so we did this 10x), then ran and jumped over the small brick wall where we did 10 each leg jumping lunges.  Then back down over the wall for 9, back up for 9….  We made it to about 3 before time expired for round 2.  Shady ran the PAX back to the WEP parking lot, down the back path as if you were going to Harris Street park, then stopped in front of the dreaded monster grassy hill.

A short message from Shady consisted of: do the difficult thing, push the extra 1 degree or percent for the next 30 min.  Yes it will be hard, but…get….over….it.  Then turned it over to Gandalf!

Gandalf loved the hill so much we stayed there where at the top and bottom we did the following:

  • 5 burpees
  • 10 Russian Twists + the 5 burpees
  • 15 merkins + 10 + 5…
  • 20 flutters + 15 + 10 + 5
  • 25 (I think we made it this far but here’s where I’m drawing a blank from exhaustion)

Once Gandalf had enough fun here, he took us to the playground where we partnered up and 1 partner plank walked around the playground while the other partner did 5 pull ups.  Then swap until we made it around the playground.  THEN we lined up across the field for a quick 100-200 yard jailbreak where we were lucky enough to do 30 wide arm merkins.  Since the bell had sounded, we made our way back to COT.

COT took over for the normal counting, name-o-rama, announcements, and prayers and praises.  Enjoyed getting better with everyone and special thanks to Slash for the invite and special pairing of Shady / Gandalf!


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Joint Operation Command – The JOC – time for revival and invigoration of leadership!

34 Men at the JOC

Was so cool to see two regions come together as originally planned for The JOC. Kenyan has been working hard to attract the PAX from both regions to this awesome AO and today it happened.

I want to thank Kenyan for the opportunity to Q and I am humbled for the call. I want to thank Pusher and DOuble D for accepting the invite to Co-Q with me and making the 3 headed monster complete. The compliants about it being a moderate site were outstanding…..Thank you! I want to thank all the PAX for posting this morning and you all have choices and I don’t take it lightly that you chose to post at The JOC. T-clapps to Lake Wylie PAX for posting and making the trek….much appreciated. Way to go FNG Steve – aka Bluto for posting. That was no easy task for 1st Timer and you did awesome!!

The Thang:

Cake Boss intro and disclaimer and them off to Soccer field lot

  • COP
    • Plank
    • Merkins
    • SIde Straddle HOps
    • LBCs
    • Plank
    • Wide Arm Merkins
    • Imperial Walkers
    • Freddy Murcurys
    • Plank
    • Peter Parkers
    • Moracan Night CLubs
    • Squats
    • Hello Dollys
    • Plank
    • Parker Peters
  • Mosey to end of lot
    • High Knees half way then mosey to end
    • BUtt kickers half way then mosey to end

Hand off to Pusher

  • 5 Burpees
  • Mosey 100 yards or so
  • 4 Burpees
  • Mosey 100 yards or so
  • 3 burpees
  • Mosey 100 yards or so
  • 2 burpees
  • Mosey 100 yards or so
  • 1 burpees
  • I think we did exercises after running but who knows…..people we dying and I pulled my hip flexor, but it was all getting us better!!!

Hand off to Double D

  • 6 Burpees
  • Bearcrawl/backward bearcrawl at each light change
  • 7 Burpees
  • lunge/backward lunge at each light change
  • 8 burpees
  • Mosey
  • 9 burpees
  • Sprint
  • 10 burpees
  • Again  we did exercises after running but who knows…i was seeing the Saints in the clouds


Great time was had by all. Kenyan has solid Q list of guys to pull into the JOC Q rotation. Read your newsletters!!

Steve FNG – Bluto owns or runs the Amor Artis brewery on main street n Ft Mill. Go hit him up but more importantly……get him to post and get better each day!

TClap |


11 showed for THE   YARD this past Saturday.

4 elected a pre-run.  3 for a 10K:  White Lighting, Harry Carry and Cake Boss with one for a  5K: Twister

Disclaimer was provided with the admonition that part of the “moderate” is that THE YARD  is only :50 long.  So, off to the THANG:

Warm up – SSH, Plank Work, Lunges and very slow and low squats!!

The PAX were given the option of using a Cindy (cinder block) or a rock for the balance of the workout.  Five PAX elected a Cindy – excellent choice.

Mosey to hill (gentle slope) at entrance of  FMMS.  Here the PAX executed a Jacob’s Ladder of 10 (not 7) with Bomb Jacks and Jump Squats carrying their “coupon”up and down the gentle slope.

Next, mosey to parking lot to south of FMMS and execute a two rounds of:

  1. 20 curls
  2. 20 prone presses
  3. 20 skull crushers or rows

Mosey back to the gentle slope at entrance

2nd Jacob’s Ladder of 7 with Merkins and Squats with three rungs achieved before moseying back to COT for a bit of ab work.

The MOLESKIN: why the burden – besides enhancing the workout, the extra weight represents the burdens that we all carry around with us – let’s loosen those by giving them up to our Lord!!



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Gemini Birthday Bash

The Thang:

Mosey to the parking lot near the tennis courts

COP: Hillbilly Walkers(20x), Imperial Walkers (15x), 1 min of 7 burpees and 33 SSH, 3x

Mosey to the band’s practice parking lot

Jack Webb Style with Crackin Burpees for the 1 and Bobby Hurley for the 4 with 3-4 partners for encouragement

Bomb Jacks (100x), Overhead Claps (200x), Merkins (100x), Big Boy Sit Ups (100x), Squats (200x)


On this glorious day, we followed our own advice of not “going it alone.” So we decided to lock shields to celebrate the 40th birthday of two Geminis that were born two days apart. We are humbled and honored by the love and support of our F3 brothers for our birthday bash. We can’t thank you enough.

As we turn 40 years old, we understand that we are progressing into the next season of life. Age 0 to 20 is the spring season where we identify who we are. Age 20 to 40 is the summer season where we learn and grow. Age 40 to 60 is the fall season where we influence others. Age 60+ is the winter season where we share wisdom with others.

What season of life are you in? Own it. Celebrate life and your season daily.


Deacon & Shady

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Like a Tapas Restaurant ?

Long Shanks and Spud did not even break a sweat, and I was spent.

Appearances by Jonah Hill and Matt Foley … and so it goes …

Mosey to Empire Pizza parking lot
Dynamic warm-up back and forth across the lot …
butt kickers, high knees, squat walkers, toy soldier, karaoke R, karaoke L, windmill walkers, knees to chest, soccer knees out, soccer knees in, bear crawl, power skip, 50%, 75%, 100%, Jonah Hill (3 broad jumps then 3 merkins x 7 times)

Circle Up
overhead claps x 25, LBCs x 15 LS squat x 15, travolta x 10, Mor NC x 25, dying cockroach x 15, stationary lunge x 15 each, shoulder tap x 10, overhead claps x 25, freddie x 15, monkey humpers x 15, mahktar n’diayes x 10, Mor NC x 25, HR merkins x 10, imp walker x 15, donkey kick x 10, over head claps x 25, heels to heaven x 10, hillbilly walker x 15, carolina DD x 10, Matt Foley (animated squats/dying cockroach, 1/4, 2/8, 3/12, 4/16, 5/20)

Modified Suicides
round 1: bear crawl to first stop, 5 burpees, bear crawl, 5 burpees, 10 merkins, bear crawl, 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 donkey kicks
round 2: 5 bombjacks, 5 bombjacks, 10 double shoulder taps, 5 bombjacks, 10 double shoulder taps, 15 jum squats

Circle Up
richard simmons x 15, LBC x 15, weed pullers x 15, SSH x 10

Thanks for the opportunity to lead Hootie!

Looks like we made it,
Barry Manilow

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Dancin’ at the Ballroom with the topic of Mentorship

10 bootcampers and 2 runners for a total of 12 got out of the fart sack to get better.  This morning all three Fs were in action to get better.  This morning we focused the conversation on one area which included the theme of mentorship. Discussion included:
  • Recognition that we have something to offer and we have to resist the idea that we don’t or we don’t have time.
  • Quickbooks suggest a great read “As Iron Sharpens Iron” which is a book split between the mentors and menthe’s perspective
  • We recognized the mentors show up and don’t have to be there which makes them special (unlike a parent that is always there… from a child’s perspective
Before we launched we did a little stretching… Broga Style
Mosey up the parking lot a few meters and lined up in three lines for some back and forth with run, power skip, side shuffle while the line is doing squats, mountain climbers, SSH.
Mosey to Football field to celebrate the the 28th day of the month.
  • 5 yard increments 1,2,3…reps up to 28
  • Bear crawl between 5s all the way down the field and back
  • Exercises CDDs, Squats, Seal Claps
  • Run after each cycle back to end zone and back
Mosey to wall for wall work
5 min of MARY
It was an honor to lead
TClap |

That was a lot of sit-ups

My 2nd of 3 Q’s in 3 days. Always a pleasure to Q The Swamp!  Now that I am Ruck free and with no big race on the schedule I’m free to just do regular old Bootcamps. My favorite workouts combine a good amount of running(big surprise) with a bunch of other stuff so that is what we did today and  was glad to have a bunch of guys to share it with.

Started off with s nice mosey warm-up with some dynamic warm-ups of butt kicks, high knees, shuffles and some karaoke.

Circle up in the HD parking lot for COP consisting of SSH, IW, Carolina Dry Dock, Peter Parker, Mountain Climbers, then a series of Downward dog to Honeymooner. Back on our feet for Windmills, Apollo Ono(look out for the car), and just for fun some Monkey Humpers.

Mosey to the bike racks at HD for the main thing. Partner up for a nice BOMBS routine. One partner does the exercise the other does a lap around Home Depot.  There  were some complaints that the lap was a little long even though I assured them it was only about 1/4 mile  I was accused of measuring Zima miles.

50 Burpees, 100 Overhead claps, 150 Merkins, 200 Big Boy Sit-ups(crowd favorite), 250 Supine Pull-Ups(only because I hate squats and I needed an S).  We did not make through all the pull-ups, headed back to COT for a few minutes of Mary, ending with a Body Destroyer.

Announcements – Convergence 5/24, Honor Badger at Golden Corral 5/21 wear Red, Read your newsletter

Praises for Lutifisk daughter, Dungaree’s 1 year anniversary, prayers for kids cancer relapse.

Challenged the PAX to take the role as the leader in their home.  We are called to lead, do not be a passive bystander or even worse do not take or accept the role as another child in the house.  Be the man/leader you are called to be.

Thanks as always for the opportunity to lead this great group!!



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#LacesIn. 0515. It Pays To Be A Winner.

We played a little bit of “It pays to be a winner” this AM at Laces In in honor of GoRuck Team Selection which starts today.
If you aren’t familiar, this is a common phrase spoken in Selection, and it’s a great tool they use to get into guys heads to make guys feel pressure and push themselves.

Here’s what it looked like… The Thang:

We moseyed to the back parking lot behind the baseball field (the Band Practice Lot) for a little warm up. Some Mountain Climbers, Windmills, SSH… the usual fare.

Then we moseyed to the front of the school for some CDDs, lunges, and flutters. Spiderman made a comment at one point about losing guys because of the pace. I thought about that… With a crowd as large as we had this am, I wanted to get a sense of where their heads were. Who’s pushing, who’s trailing, who’s struggling…? Am I struggling? Am I trailing? Can anyone even really know these things…?

Anyhow, then we moseyed back the lot from whence we had just come, where we began every Pax’s favorite game show: “It Pays to Be a Winner” (at this point, the Pax didn’t know we were playing). We lined up at one end of the lot and got underway.

Round 1: Bear Crawl to the other end. Alchemy won this round. Because he’s 17. And quite fit. Since he won, he got to choose the method by which we traveled back to the other end. He chose Bear Crawl. He was disqualified from choosing anymore. Because he’s 17. And quite fit.

Round 2. Bear Crawl to the other end. Alchemy won again. Shock. So his prize was that he got to pick who chose the next method. He chose Moab. I don’t remember what he chose, but it was no fun.

We continued to play a few more rounds with Pax choosing sprints, Bernie Sanders (Nur, Backwards Run, whatever you want to call it), Power Skips, and finally Broad Jumps. J-WOW won that round and so he got to set the pace back to the bottom of the hill by the stadium (the driveway in). We made a stop at one point to let everyone catch up and did an exercise there… No recollection what it was… anyway, we finished our mosey to the bottom of the hill and partnered up. SIZE ALWAYS MATTERS. #TWSS

Bonsai won the sprint to the bottom of the hill, despite my best efforts to cheat, and so he picked the partner method of travel to the top of the hill. He chose wheelbarrow. Because he hates happiness. Funhouse and Jekyll tried to cheat to get ahead and despite my best efforts to pull them back and make it “fair” (which meant making them go back to the start so I could cheat instead), they still won. So we moseyed back to the bottom of the hill and since they were the winners, they chose the method of travel to the top of the hill. They chose Partner Carries. Because they hate Bonsai.

The winners this time were the come from behind, dark horse team of Zima and Dirty Harry. Turns out Harry runs faster under weight. Which confirms our suspicion that he’s not actually from this planet. One more trip up running backwards and that was pretty much it for us…

The party bus came, saw, and spread the love…


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Did Not Learn from Quagmire’s Terrible Idea

A complete disclaimer was verbalized this time

Moseyed to somewhere in the massive school parking lot – High knees, butt-kickers, Toy Soldiers and Hip stretch thing a ma bobs.

Circled up for IW, HW, Morrocan NC, Plank/Down dog/Honeymooner, low slow squats, various stretches and slow/old-man/windmills.

Moseyed to the back toward the school where the bad ideas were repeated from yesterday – probably as a result of being a slug for sometime. We did several rounds of 7’s between the curbs,  interrupted by planks  Rd 1 – Mode: Bearcrawl, Peter Parkers and Parker Peters. Rd 2 – Mode: Lungewalk, Calf-raises and Squats. Rd 3 – Mode: Hop, Monkey-humpers and Bomb Jacks.
Moseyed to the back of the school for People’s chair and Donkey Webbs. After the previous bad ideas Donkey Webbs were still a bad idea. We stopped early.

Moseyed to benches on the side of the school – with several rounds of step – ups, dips, werkins and derkins. Slow-moseyed 10 ft. for a good round of Mary. We closed with somemore stretching before slow-moseyed the final 10 ft. to the COT.

COT: Prayers for families, and health issues. Praises for safe travels and M’s.  Praises for work and wedding anniversaries.
The word for May is mentorship. We saw examples this morning – young men, mentored by fathers and friends holding friends accountable. Pastor Tony Evans has a quote – “We are born male, but we choose to be men”. Maxim #3 in “Mansfield’s Book of Manly Men”: is “Manly Men, build Manly men.”
Thank you Short Sale  for getting me out of bed with the opportunity to Q. It is always an honor. Tater.

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Form Matters…And So Does A Belly Button

I put the pre-blast out a few days ago saying this edition of Slow Burn would be a bit different. No speed work this time, it’s all about good form and controlling the core. The core is essential to balance, stability and strength. You don’t need to do 1000 LBC’s, its different than that. We welcomed a man that was an FNG but is now known as Body Glove (San Diego transplant) which is an EH from Router. We disclaimed and explained F3 then got into why today would be different.

So, why does the title include “belly button.” Here’s why…

  1. Not worried about speed today because for today’s workout, if you go fast you’re likely doing it wrong. We’re going to focus on form and the education of good (or better) form.
  2.  A (long) statement on the importance of your CORE. Using F3’s 5 CORE principles as a foundation for the importance of a strong core, I explained the benefits of having a strong(er) physical core.

Warm Up jog to the long wall on the opposite side of Lowe’s and create some space between you and your chair-sitting neighbor. The explanation of “Tighten Your Core” is to try to move your belly button back to your spine while tucking it down into your pelvis. If you’re not used to this, it feels unnatural until your core strengthens then you realize the stability and strength benefits. So whenever we’d say Core or Tighten Your Core or Tighten Up, this is what we’re meaning…Tuck It In.

While TIGHT and in the people’s chair, we did Overhead Claps

Then fall forward into a plank with your hands on the parking space stops for Slow Mountain Climbers aiming to get your knees up to your elbows.

Back to sitting against the wall and doing Moroccan Night Clubs.

Back to the Slow Mountain Climbers.

Run to the car mechanic’s lot for a little more core/form explanation and having Walker in attendance was awesome. Talk about applicable Pro-Tips, he nailed it.

COP for 12ct exercises: 4 down, 4 hold at the bottom, 4 up

12ct Merkins, 12ct Planking Calf Raise (4 up to toes extended, 4 squeeze in that position, 4 coming back to starting position), 12ct Sumo Squats

Mak Tar Jah’s

Peter Parkers (slow, knees up as far as you can)


Parker Peters (slow, knees as close to opposite elbow as you can)

8ct Burpees: My biggest learning of the day was that for a true burpee, you squat down first then pop into the plank. Don’t bend at the waist and essentially fall down to the plank. Look out for my next Q for a lesson on this…thank you Walker.

Minnesota Mike Tysons: Why Minnesota? No good reason other than that is what they called them in MN when I was there earlier this week. Explanation, get in a plank with your toes on the ground and the soles of your feet against a curb or wall (curb in our case today). Squat back against the curb like you’re getting ready to shoot out of a cannon, return back to the plank position, then perform a controlled merkin. That is 1.

A few slow lunges…COT.

Be intentional on your form, don’t go through the motions. You’re only hurting yourself and those around you. Welcome Body Glove!! Thanks Hootie.

Until Next Time,


TClap |