Cones and brick

Great morning to pick up a co Q with 1st F stud.  Perfect #gloom conditions with fog/haze, dew, chilly but mild tempts.  Shorts and long sleeves  was the uniform.  YHC brought FNG now known as Delta- Great obscure reference to the hospital name of an actress that played an interior decorator on tv- Designing women.    Welcome Delta!

I covered the mission of F3 and proudly disclaimed.  off we went for a little yog and some pain for a warm o rama

The Thang: go to my trunk and grab two bricks

Cones set at 20, 40, 60, 80 , 100

Warm up laps


100 yard sprints:  Sprint in between each set.

10 brick merkins & 10 brick presses

20 brick merkins & 20 brick presses after sprint.

30 brick merkins & 30 brick presses

8- 80 yard sprints:  Sprint in between each set

10 brick goblet squats IC & 10 peter parkers IC.

20 brick goblet squats IC & 20 peter parkers IC-

30 brick goblet squats IC & 30 peter parkers

6- 60 yard sprints:  sprint in between each set

10 Carolina dry docks IC & 10 Overhead brick claps IC

20 Carolina dry docks IC & 20 Overhead brick claps IC

30 Carolina dry docks IC & 30 Overhead brick claps IC

Hand off to Cha Ching

Speed ladder pre mini BOP (all sprints):

  • 10 yds all out, 10 sec rest (10 yds back)
  • 20 yds, 20 sec rest (20 yds back)
  • 30 yds, 30 sec rest (30 yds back)
  • 50 yds, 30 sec rest (50 back)
  • Then down the ladder again (30/30, 20/20, 10/10) and ending on back pedal 30 yds and sprint forward 30 yds
  • Post mini BOP – 3 min of Quadzilla (run downhill back pedal uphill as many times as you can).

Naked Man Moleskin:

Great effort and group this morning.  Lots of hard work and laughs.  Straight Up is a beast and lead the way in 1st F.  Cha Ching, and Deflate Gate werent far behind.  Delta did a great job and was welcomed right away.

TClap |


19 High Impact Men posted for a moderate workout in the misty gloom today. Smuggler made a strong come back, kotter style. Stang lead the second stretch-o-rama which made the Pax grunt like they were in a birthing center. Asphalt came to  COT and blessed us with his powerful testimony.

The Thang:

Strech-o-rama for warm-up

COP: SSH (10x), IW (10x), HBW (20x), Sumo Squats (15x), MC (20x), Jumping Lunges (10x), Swimmers (10x) Freddie Mercuries (15x),

Toy Soldiers, Shuffle Left, Shuffle Right, Back Pedals, Karaoke Left, Karaoke Right, Power Skips

Dips (15x), Extreme CCDs (10x) and LBCs (20x)

Decline Merkins (15x), Extreme CCDs (10x), and Flutters(20x)

Incline Merkins (15x), Extreme CCDs (10x), Heels to Heaven (20x)

Wall Merkins, People’s Chair (3x)

Partner Drills: One partner runs to the light post and back while the other does the following until the team does a total of 100 Merkins, 200 Monkey Humpers, 300 Flutters.

Strech-o-rama for cool down


God is in control. Type A people, like myself, struggle to understand that reality. Reality became very clear when the Colombia Mission Team and I were stranded in Miami right before Irma hit.

I brainstormed solutions to “control” the situation like:

– Get another flight to escape the hurricane (reality check: the airport was closing).

– Take a train (reality check: the train station was closed).

– Find a hotel for shelter (reality check: all local hotels were closed).

We prayed and then escaped the storm by driving in what the media claimed would be 15 mile/hour traffic.

God was in control and His plan was far greater than ours. Instead of 12 men going to Colombia, he sent 17 of us to Florida to help hurricane survivors. Instead of serving 1 organization in Columbia, we served 5 organizations in Florida. Instead of engaging a few donors to raise money for the mission trip, He engaged over 1K people in our church/community to collect supplies for the hurricane survivors in Florida. Instead bringing a few supplies to Colombia (less than the 50 lbs limit), He had us bring over 10K lbs of supplies to  people who needed it in Florida.

I’m glad that God is in control. His plans are far greater than what we can imagine.



TClap |

G Fit

Great evening at G-Fit.  Got there early and got a game of Bball going with the kids.  Was thanked by a Paradise adult for all we do.

About 30 gathered for some fitness- we mosied around the park before circling up for SSH, Squats, Merkins and burpees.

Over at the basketball court  we lined up on the short side for bear crawls, crab walks, lunge walks.  Lined up again.  P1 ran around the playground.  P2 did merkins, squats, LBCs

after we played Red light/Green Light- we split off into group of Football and basketball or the rest of the evening.

Great Stuff!

TClap |

The Fort – Choosing to Get Better

This Q started out marvelously with Nomad welcoming Bubba Gump to his first workout.  Apparently this must have been his first in a while, because he wasn’t in the database to tag him in the PAX…  Nomad wrote up the workout and then emailed it to me because he is now on a retreat for church trying to corral high school boys.  Prayers for Nomad.

Here is what he wrote:

Another hot and sticky morning at The Fort. Many had the freedom to choose, and 18 PAX chose to post and get better

Q: Nomad

Still the Novice Q, YNC referenced the weinke often was checked multiple times. Mumblechatter of more stretching needed, attempts at messing up the count were heard. Pain was endured.

Warm-up: String of Pearls
Jog – 0.6mi around WEP
SSH x20
Windmill x15
Squats x 15

Moroccan Night Club x25
World War 1 Sit-ups – 15 OYO
Railroad Tracks – 2 lines of 9 x2 rounds

Fishstick’s Ladder up the hill by COT
UP – Exercise 1 x10, Exercise 2 x 5
Down – Recover jog
Backwards Crabwalk/LBC (10)
Bearcrawl/Carolina Dry Dock
Partner wheelbarrow Up once for each partner

Q: Tesh

Tesh took over, and jealous comments of shoulders and abs were spoken of Tesh. Pain was dispensed.

Wall shoulder dips
Partner up
Oblique box jumps x25 each side
LBC x25
Shoulder tap x15 – balls, merkin, plank
Line up – lunge hold – jailbreak
Merkin typewriter x10
Al gore (tree hug)
Arm lifts
Calf lifts
Oblique box jumps x25 each side
LBC x25
Crunches 4-points (both knees) x15
Shoulder tap x10- balls, merkin, plank

Prayers and Praises
Flat tire’s Mom
Nomad Gauntlet youth group with church
Red eye – New York mission field
Pusher – marriages

Bubba Gump returns from injury (actually was scheduled to Q)
Tesh’s shoulders and abs in a tanktop
Pusher talking USC attendance vs Clemson expectations

I enjoyed all the flack I got, keep up the chatter.  I hope everyone else enjoyed the typewriter merkins, oblique box jumps, and wall dips.  Cause I know I did.

T-claps to Nomad for under-promising and over-delivering!

TClap |

14 pax posted to Alcatraz to get an early start to the weekend…well, 13 plus Pusher who posted as Bullwinkle was taking the crew out of the parking lot.  All veteran pax today, so limited Disclaimer and Bullwinkle (working his 2nd Q in 3 days) launched.

The Thang

Warm-up run to the cul de sac and back to the parking lot

COP — SSH, Prisoner Squat, Hillbilly Walker, Moroccan Night Club, Windmill

Mosey to the cones on the ball field

Bear crawl to first cone, Karaoke to the 2nd cone, Crabwalk to the 3rd cone, run to the 4th cone
(rinse & repeat for 4 total cycles)

Mosey back to parking lot and grab  coupon

Lunge walk across parking lot with coupon over head
LBCs x20 with coupon
(rinse & repeat back to other side of parking lot)

Squat x15 with coupon
Rows x25 with coupon
(rinse & repeat)

Return coupons

Handoff to Double D

Mtn Climber x20

Plank sequence

Mosey to home plate on ball field

Run to 1B 5 Merkins
Run to 2B 10 Merkins
Run to 3B 15 Merkins
Run home 20 Merkins
(Rinse & repeat 3 more cycles with Monkey humpers, CDDs & Freddie Mercurys)

Mosey to cones & partner up

Burpee cycle (split the aggregate number in whatever work for each pair)
Cone 1 = 5 burpees each (10 total)
Cone 2 = 10 burpees each (20 total)
Cone 3 = 15 burpees each (30 total)
Cone 4 = 20 burpees each (40 total)


Hello dollies x10

Flutter x 10

Penguin walk x10

Mosey home


Naked man moleskin

ST ran into some scheduling challenges midweek and reached out for some help.  Since I’ve missed out on 1 (and maybe 2) Qs at Alcatraz over the winter/spring, I was happy to have the chance to be back in TC.  Inclusion of what was possibly  VQ with Bullwinkle was an extra teat.  Turns out Bullwinkle crushed his VQ at Footloose on Thursday, so he was more than ready to put some pain on the pax today.  Well done, brother!

Lots of mumble chatter among this group, led of course by Pusher and Change Order.  It certainly kept things lively throughout.

#Freedom is the theme for July.  We spent some time reflecting on the notions of Freedom FROM and Freedom TO.  The idea was to consider what obstacles are standing in the way of us seeing the beauty and abundance of the life that is around us everyday, but that we often miss among the busyness of our days and the negative messages from our culture/media.  Perhaps I need freedom from social media (Twitter, Facebook), TV/media, friends/colleagues who are bad influences, etc.  What might it be for  you that stands in the way of seeing the gift of a new day and the life associated with it?  What parts of your life do you want to be freed to choose to see or to live into as you move ahead?

Thanks to ST for the invite to Q.  Always an honor to be with the pax of Alcatraz!


TClap |

Golden Corral , buffet of choices

It was a humid July morning at 18 HIM met for a assortment of pain.  12 choose YHC for BC and 4 WhatDid ruck beat down.  Zima and MacGivor went for a sweat fest run.  The 12 boot campers went off with me.

20 SSH

  1. 20IW

20 Moroccan Nightclubs

run 100% across parking lot, 10 bombjacks

Set up for a Rock Hill Wakkers Starfish (Change Order new what was coming):

100 merkins

100 LBC

100  Squats

50 Pike Presses, between each stations 10 burpies

Next up a Merkin Wave for 7 rounds . Crowd pleaser.

Jack Webb

Sprint back across parking lot for 10 more bombjacks.

series of Wall Sits including each PAx doing Bear Crawls.

finish up with another set of merkin wave.

.Annoucements, praises and prayers.

read your newsletter.

Always an honor to lead.






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