Too much work at Golden Corral

Here’s what the bootcampers did after the ruckers took off with Wild Thing.

Dynamic Warmup around parking lot

Then COP

20 SSHs – 20 MNCs – 10 Slow Cotton Pickers –

10 WA Merkins – 20 Moun Climbers – Yoga – 15 Plank Jacks

 Partner Up

 Dora 1-2-3

100 Burpees

200 Sumo Squats

300 SSHs

While other partner ran around the parking lot triangle

 To Fort Mill BBQ Lot

11s with Bear crawls

11 WA Merkins

1 Bomb jack

Run backwards to start

I had 2 other evolutions on the Weinke, but I miscalculated on how much 11s would suck with the distance and number of bear crawls.  Most of the PAX got to 11, but it hurt!

During our 10 counts I shared some quotes and insight that I’ve been gathering from my most recent reading, Jordan Peterson’s “12 Rules for Life.”  The rule I reviewed was Rule #8 : Tell the Truth – or at least Don’t Lie!

Attached are the quotes:

Tell the Truth or at least Don’t Lie

An honor to lead…



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CSPAN Returns to The Coop for flutter kick freenzy

Perfect weather and 52 degrees

disclaimer in detail because we had 2 FNGs (T-claps Paul Bunyon and Sasquatch)

and we were off

mosey around until I got tired…


Mosey around until I got tired…

Some abs and some core

Mosey around until I got tired…

partner up – 3 rounds of flutter, squats, and LBC while your partner ran the parking loop

Mosey until I got tired…

Same partner 4 rounds flutter kicks and pull-ups

Mosey until I got tired…

10 flying squirrel countdown with sets of 10 flutter kicks…

and I ran out of time…

COT/prayer or praise/BOM

welcome Llama and Puppy…weird that they were both animal names today…?

read your newsletter, and make a difference today, and my abs still don’t look Tesh…



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GC Bootcamp

4 Pax came out for BC and 4 for Rucking.
Mossied round HT after disclaimer.
Moroccan Night Clubs
Mountain Climbers

11s with dips and derkins

The Thang
Seal Jacks x 15
Plank Jacks x 15
Squats x 25
Burpees x 10
OHP x 15 w/CB
One Armed Rows x 15
Imperial walkers x 15
Mountain Climbers x 15
Merkins x 20
Freddie Mercuries x 15
Big boy situps x 10
Pax went clockwise around stations with a lap around the parking lot between each station with some good conversation in between.
Announcements /prayers
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Prepared for Rucking?

It was an honor to lead 6 High Impact Males this morning in the Ruck WO at Golden Corral. This is always a difficult Q for me because I never want to underestimate the abilities of the men I am leading.


We began the morning by circling up for a short COP to warm ourselves up and performed the following: Imperial Walkers, Low Slow Squats, Peter Parker Peters, & Merkins. We than Rucked 2×2 over to the Rite Aid where YHC had set up our workout.


The first time I ever attended a Ruck WO Zima was on Q and this is what he did. A Ruck Pyramid doing the following: 25 Burpees; 50 Merkins; 75 Ruck Swings; 100 OH Flutters; 75 Ruck Curls; 50 CDDs; & 25 Burpees. I know this sounds crazy, and trust me it was. Between each set of exercises the PAX were to run around the Rite Aid back to where we began. We then Rucked 2×2 back to the COT where I shared what is below.


Are you prepared for each day as you approach it?

I asked the PAX if they were spiritually prepared to face their maker. We better ourselves everyday physically but are we doing the same spiritually. Does what we do at F3 in the morning compare to the rest of our lives?

If we aren’t prepared, how do we lead our communities? How do we lead our M’s, our 2.0’s, our F3 brothers, our coworkers? We cannot lead unless we are prepared. We cannot lead unless we are being led. Are you being led by this world or your maker.

You have a choice to make. What will you do today to be prepared?

Luke 12:40 ‘You also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.’


Sign up for Yeti-2/24/2018.

Read your Newsletter.


Multiple prayers for sick family members.

Prayers for PAX who are suffering.

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#218in18 Kick-off Convergence BackBlast

76 PAX (including 4 FNGs) met in the gloom at Harris Teeter this morning to kick the year off the right way.

Group 1 – Jedi

Start with 60 seconds of plank tutorial, then a fairly lame attempt to explain the exercise “routine” for the upper body station. The routine, to be done in increasing AMRAP style:
· Incline Merkins
· Low Country Crab Boil (One leg, one hand dips)
· 90° Turn clockwise
· Staggered/Uneven Break Dancer Merkins (Left hand on curb)
· Staggered/Uneven Carolina Dry Docks (Left hand on curb)
· 90° Turn clockwise
· Pseudo Planche Merkins
· Donkey Kicks
· 90° Turn clockwise
· Staggered/Uneven Break Dancer Merkins (Right hand on curb)
· Staggered/Uneven Carolina Dry Docks (Right hand on curb)
· 90° Turn to starting position

Start with 10 reps for each exercise, then add 2 reps each round after that (10, 12, 14, 16, …). Only the elite few made it past the round of 12.

Group 2 – Peabody

An absolute honor to lead a convergence and had so much fun working with all the guys. Here’s the fun of the cardio Q.

SPRINT Relays!!!  

3 team

60 Yard sprint

Team members are doing Seal Jacks, side straddle hops, or flutters while teammate runs.

Winning team selects penalty exercise for 2 losing teams. (Unknown is losing team has to do the penalty exercise too but only half the reps).

Rinse and repeat the sprint relay races once teams are mixed up.

Mary to follow:

  • 50 LBCs
  • 25 Flutters
  • 10 Freddie Mercury’s

Lists of fun to hear the encouragement of other Pax and see the competition bring out the most in guys.  Saw lots of guys really push hard to win for their team.

Group 3 – Jekyll

Motley Crue and 80’s hairband soundtrack

  • COP: SSH, IW, Squat
  • 5 Burpee OYO, 4 OYO, 3 OYO
  • Lt Dan: squat and jumping , 1:4 ration
    • 1 squat: 4 jumping lunge, 2 squat: 8 Jumping lunge…10 squat: 40 jumping lunge
  • 5 burpee OYO
  • Calf Raises 25 each: Straight, Toes Out, Toes In
  • Donkey Kicks


Welcome FNGs Iron City, Humps, Hillary, and Juliet

Prayers by CakeBoss for leadership.

– Ginsu

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GC – RUCK – Teamwork – DFQ – Embrace the Suck

Man I hope you guys read the whole way through this, because I left truly inspired by the PAX that Embraced the Suck with me today.

8 Ruckers joined up on a “warm” morning at GC.  It was 31 or something which felt like summer compared to the 9 we have been seeing.  We split into two groups as some guys are recovering and test driving their rucks.  So 4 went on their way rucking through Tega Cay and 4 stayed with me to continue with the workout.

The Thang:

Skip the pleasantries and do a quick double time run around the parking lot of Harris Teeter to get the blood flowing.

Get into Listening Position (LP) (for those of you that haven’t embraced it yet, its rucks overhead anytime we are getting directions or discussions are occurring).

In LP we talked about the plan for today and that the goal will be teamwork, that as Q my goal is to inspire leaders among everyone, not to micro manage every part of the workout.  I told them before we loaded up that we are a team and will compete as a team.

If you know me you also know I Ruck Heavy, so we loaded up.

120 lbs of Sandbags – Two 2×3’s running through the handles to make a makeshift litter

93lb Sandbag – (My personal Favorite)

Big Tire – 35″ tire off my truck

The directions stated to try and do a low carry of the litter but if it got to be too much discuss it and switch to shoulder carry.  I also told them I won’t be calling out switches so its up to the team.

We made our way to the YMCA field

Big issue! – We didn’t stay as a team and Mainframe and I made it there about a minute ahead of the other two.  So punishment was instituted – 10 Ruck Burpees

I set up a relay course of sorts

4 Stations

Station 1 – Drag that big tire to the fence and back, sprint to tag the next guy (He is the clock)

Station 2 – Deadlift the 90lb

Station 3  – Toss the 60lb

Station 4 – Users Choice – I saw fireman flips, rows, curls, squats it was cool

The first rotation took 3:02 so we got in LP and discussed why we Ruck – Looks Badass, Wanted to Push Ourselves – Variety – 2nd F – A challenge.  So with that I asked the TEAM how can we improve on the time.  Everyone through up some ideas and then Shakespeare threw down an ambitious goal of getting the time down to 2:15 we weren’t sure but we embraced it.  We decided on a punishment of 1 Burpee for every second over 2:15.  Well guess what we got it in 2:02!  We came back and got in LP and talked about the power of teamwork and coming together and what we were able to accomplish.

We took a lap around the Y field doing alternate carrys of our Rucks – Farmer Carry – Switch Hands – Bear Hug – Over Head – Again we came together as a TEAM where I started to get ahead of some people and Mainframe gave me a quick shout to slow it down a bit and we finished as a TEAM!!!!

Tired and hurting we came back to do one more rotation on my relay race.  We got in LP and discussed all those reasons we Ruck again and even though were tired we are here to better each other and if we got 2:02 the last time why would we ever go slower again.  So we set the same goal of beating 2:02.  I felt slower, I hurt worse, but as a TEAM we embraced the suck worked together and when we sprinted back to the tire we couldn’t believe we were faster and got 1:58!!!!

We were hurting but got back in LP and discussed that it took 8ish minutes to walk there and that we need to speed that up and how can we do it.  Deacon came through with some ideas and the team called out switches like clockwork.  We got back to my truck in 5 minutes!!!!

Joined up with Boot Campers and the other Ruckers to finish off the morning.


Man I left so inspired by this Ruck today.  When we started we were a group of guys doing a workout.  When we returned we were a team that came together and really pushed through the pain to embrace the suck and lift up our fellow man.  Shakespeare and Mainframe who are new to Rucking were rockstars and the leadership everyone offered was amazing.  I mean where else other than F3 can you walk away with all this.  Big props to all those guys that got out today and I truly enjoyed myself and had a uplifting and encouraging morning to help me carry those same themes to the rest of my day.

Thanks Guys,


TClap |

Final Shopping Days at the Swamp

After setting up some fun cones I made it to the AO to see the large group of PAX ready for the day. We had a special guest return of Jerry Lewis back on leave from his military training. Great to have him out! We also got an FNG that several men EH’d from our monthly 2nd F beer social.  He received the name “Wingman”for the old barhopping days with your boys…

With an FNG I gave a long disclaimer and the ruckers started on their way out…the campers followed me.

Mosey down the streets with a run and dynamic warmup.

Made it to COP where we completed to following:

24 SSHs

24 MNCs

19 Squats

11 Windmills (by now the mumble chatter has  started on my sporadic stops)

12 Merkins

11 Ski Abs (I was just being lazy, no other  rhyme to my counts)

Mosey over to the Rivergate Fountain for some speed shopping!

I set up 8 cones in front of eight different stores around the area, or goal was to split into groups of four  and make our speedy stops at the shop and do the two exercises listed at that stop.  Once you completed the two exercises your group ran around the large circle and moved to the next store in front of your previous cone.

The  exercises at each cone consisted of :

#1 25 Carolina Dry docks

#1 20 burpees

#2 40 LBCs

#2 40 Squats

#3 20 bombjacks

#3 30  moroccan night clubs

#4 20 merkins

#4 25  squat jumps

#5 30  Freddie mercury’s

#5 20  wide arm Merkins

#6 40  Side straddle hops

#6 30 Ski Abs

#7 20  dying cockroaches (my fav)

#7 20 diamond Merkins

#8 25  Imperial walkers

#8 40  calf raises

Most of these exercises were in double counts – and in cadence.  The laps were long and the reps were high!  Everyone broke a good sweat and we ran out of time for our last 4 extra shop stops of the day…  so we  trucked it back to COT two minutes late.  Each group completed all eight stops!

At COT I got to share the story of my recent experience with my nine-year-old son. Seems the kids at school have been telling him that Santa is not real so he came home and ask my wife the truth about Santa Claus. Luckily for me she was prepared and had a wonderful two page note that she shared with him about the spirit of Santa and giving and God during Christmas.  I shared that note with the PAX.

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20 pax made it out to the golden corral for some bootcamp, ruck, and run.  Rad had a good showing for what looked like a heavy ruck.

A proper disclaimer was made (thanks to dark helmet’s Q school) and we mosied around HT for cop.
SSH x 25
Morracan Night Clubs x 20
Imperial Walkers x 20
Low slow squats x 15
Merkins x 15
Peter Parkers x 25
Windmills x 15
The thang
Mosied over to the front of HT and bear crawled/crab walked to the first cone for four cotners, breaking it up with 10 merkins and 20 LBCs.
Four Corners (three rounds)
1st cone with Cindy – OHP x 25/ Bent over rows x 25/ Curls and tricep extrnsions x 25. Nomad got angry and smashed a block.
2nd cone – Burpees x 10/ Burpees x 10/ Kracken Burpees x 10
3rd cone – Squat jumps x 20/ Lunges x 20/ sumo squats x 20
4th cone – Seal jacks x 30/ Plank jacks x 30 / Bomb jacks x 30
Finished with wall sits with everyone doing one more kracken burpee down the line, and a failed attempt at BTTW by YHC who ate pavement, and finally 10 minutes of Mary led by all nine PAX.
As usual, read your newsletter.   Upcoming Icebreaker in York, the Rooster in Rock Hill, and light and heavy rucks.  2nd F at fort mill BBQ at noon.
Prayers and praises.
Thanks Decibel for the opportunity
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Red Ball 1000 Challenge

Quick disclaimer – No FNG’s

Rucker’s went North.  Boot Campers headed south.

Warm up mosey to Target Red Balls – Stopped in route for a quick COP.  Lots of mumble chatter.  I let them have there fun, I knew it wouldn’t last.

10 red balls, different exercise at each one.
Run to 1st ball perform exercise, run back to start.
Run to 1st ball perform exercise, Run to 2nd ball, run back to start.
Continue this until you make it through all 10 balls or time runs out.
Breakdown of exercises and cumulative total based on number of rounds completed.

Rounds 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Exercise Reps
1-Burpee’s 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
2-LBC’s 20 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
3-Merkins 20 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
4-Squats 20 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
5-Freddy Mercury’s 20 20 40 60 80 100 120
6-SSH 30 30 60 90 120 150
7-Hello Dollies 20 20 40 60 80
8-Monkey Humpers 10 10 20 30
9-Carolina Dry Docks 15 15 30
10-Bomb Jacks 10 10
Total Reps 10 40 90 160 250 370 510 660 825 1000

Everyone was really excited until they saw that the first cone was burpee’s.  After a much longer than need explanation we are off.  Solid performance by all.  T-Claps to Bones and Wolverine for completing all stations.

We passed the Rucker’s on the way back to the COT.  All I heard was this thing sucks.  I’m sure they were referencing one or several of the coupons that RAD carries with him everywhere he goes.


Christmas Party – Things to bring
CAH – 36″ or larger Duffle Bag, Alarm Clock, Umbrella
Operation Sweet Tooth – Toy any age – Unwrapped
Regal Manor clubhouse
Deep AO – Change of Time to 7AM – Pusher and Double D on Q
WEP – Main Frame on Q


Challenges in country – Falls from Grace – me Culture
Logan – struggles of being a teenager
Wild Thing – Prayers for M.  Struggles with sleeping
Casey – Still very pregnant
Gears – Podiatrist appointment

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F3 The Fort Thanksgiving Convergence 2017

70 Men came today to burn calories so they can eat whatever they want the rest of the day. Ok, maybe that was my reasoning, but most came because the know in order to get better, even in being Gratful, it is best when being challenged by your brothers. We all came to get better and realize this great thing we have called F3 and give thanks!
Santini Opening with warm up both physically and mentally with some leadership principles
Split off into the various groups!
4 went for for a Run
  • Drile (F3-Wapner)
    Mozy to the front of SFES, high knees, toy soldiers, Butt kickers, and Knees to chest.
    Mozy to front of SFMS, circled up…Side straddle hop, Merkins, Cherry Pickers, and Moroccan Nightclub
    Mozy to SFMS bus loop …high knees, toy soldiers, Butt kickers, and Knees to chest.
    Circled up.. Flutter Kicks and Low Slow Squats, America Hammer and Low Slow Squats, Merkins and Windmills, mountain climbers and windmills
    Mozy to back of SFES, circled up…Peter Parker’s and Side Straddle Hop, Plank and windmill, shoulder taps and Low Slow Squats, LBCs and Moroccan Nightclub
    Then rinse and repeated the above sequence…before joining the other groups at COT
    Lil E—Bootcamp Q
    Mosey to the parking lot in the rear of school and circle up. SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Squats
  • The thang
    • 10 cones set up in a line spaced about 10 paces apart. Each cone had an exercise and rep count on them. Do exercises on the first cone and run a lap of the parking lot. Once you complete the lap do the first cone and the second cone and then run a lap. Repeat this adding the next cone until all 10 are complete. Here were the exercises in order from first to last:
    • Burpees x 10
    • Bombjacks x 10
    • LBCs x 25
    • Merkins x 20
    • Jump Squats x 10
    • Flutter kicks x 40
    • CDDs x 20
    • Lunges x 20
    • Mtn Climbers x 20
    • Monkey Humpers x 20

Majority of the pax finished in the Lunges lap with a few speedsters out in front on the mtn climbers. Mosey back to the front of the school for some Freddy Mercury’s and Rosalitas.

After that met up with the Moderate and Black diamond groups for COT.

Everyone put out great effort today and really pushed themselves.


Witch Hunt—Black Diamond Q

Not even a trip to the hospital the night before with a pregnant wife could keep me away from this Thanksgiving workout. Shout out to Royale and Cha Ching for stepping up to help me out. Luckily I made it and we put in work.
We stared by counting off by 4 creating 4 teams.
Each team will compete to complete as many burpees as possible in 2-minutes with a catch. You can only do 10 at a time before you most complete 20 reps of ab exercise. 2 rounds:
1.) Burpees with LBCs (Somehow Bounce House was able to do 50 burpees. That dude is not human.)
2.) Burpees with Knee Tuck with crunchy frogs
Winners plank while losers perform 10 Kraken Burpees.
Blood was flowing so we moseyed to the hill by the middle school for some broken down burpees. Catch was that we had 20 minutes for everyone to complete. If everyone doesnt finish within the time then group does 25 Burpees.
Here was the setup:
Run Hill 10 times. (1 Hill Run = Up & Down)

5 Squat Jumps
5  Plank w\ Shoulder Taps
5 Merkins
5 Froggers
5 Squat Jumps

Run Hill 8 times.

10 Squat Jumps
10 Plank w\ Shoulder Taps
10 Merkins
10 Froggers
10 Squat jumps

Run Hill 6 times.

15 Squat Jumps
15 Plank w\ Shoulder Taps
15 Merkins
15 Froggers
15 Squat jumps

Run Hill 4 time.

20 Squat Jumps
20 Plank w\ Shoulder Taps
20 Merkins
20 Froggers
20 Squat jumps

Run Hill 2 time

25 Squat Jumps
25 Plank w\ Shoulder Taps
25 Merkins
25 Froggers
25 Squat jumps

With some great teamwork by the Pax everyone completed within the 20 minutes so no penalty was given.

I attempted to have Backdraft give us a 10-count however  he responded “There are no 10 counts during the Black Diamond.” So no 10 count and a quick mosey back to the parking lot for the 10 Minute 100 Burpee Challenge:

Complete 10 1-minute rounds of burpees in the following set scheme. Any time left over in the round is yours for rest. (typically PAX finish the set between 25 and 40 seconds)

Rd1- 8

Rd2- 9

Rd3- 10

Rd4- 11





Rd9- 9

Rd10- 8

Total – 100

Amazing work by all the Pax. I didn’t pull any punches with this setup for the Black Diamond and the Pax took it on without hesitation. We all survived and are better for it.

Thanks to Ginsu and Cake Boss for the opportunity to lead.

Pusher with closing remarks and finding #Victory 

Prayers & Praises

Thank you F3 The Fort

Cake Boss

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