Honoring Three The Honey Badger Way

Monday’s are great days for The Fort. There are a lot of great ways to start off your work week. The Honey Badger is an exception. I love what is being done there in honoring a fallen hero. If you have never been, please put it on your to-do list, get out there, and get after it.

12 men came out to hit Monday morning with all they got. As Q I was a bit anxious to try and fit in three hero workouts to honor three men who gave it all they had. After a brief disclaimer, no FNGs, then off we went. A quick mosey around most of the student parking lot with some side shuffles and butt kickers mixed in. Then back to the starting point for COP:

  • SSH x 20
  • WM x 20
  • IW x 20
  • MNC x 20

Then off to the area along the road near the USMC ROTC building’s beloved pullup bars where YHC had some cinderblocks waiting. Each men grabbed 2 and we started the first workout:

#1 the “Kevin”
In honor of PFC Kevin Ebbert, US Navy, died November 24, 2012

3 rounds of the following:
* 32 deadlifts >> Substituted 32 double count flutter w cindy press
* 32 hanging hip touches (or 32 seconds of knee up hanging)
* Running farmers carry w 2 cindies ~75yd and back
>> Afterwards during a brief rest I noted to the PAX that Kevin died only days after Thanksgiving. Don’t take anything for granted for we never know when our last day will be. Be Thankful for the blessings we have, including time.

PAX were nice enough to load the cindies back in my truck. Then mosey off to the football field, line up near the goal line for the next workout:

#2 the “Brenton”
In honor of Officer Timothy Brenton, Seattle PD (former US Army), died October 3, 2009

5 rounds of the following:
* 100ft bear crawl >> to the 40yd line ended up being 120ft
* 100ft standing broad jump return to starting point
* Every 5 jumps do 3 burpees
>> The Brenton is a popular Badger workout….to some. A brief discussion on not taking life for granted again. Brenton survived through a lot in the military, only to be gunned down in a surprise attack while sitting in his patrol car.

No change in locale for the trifecta. The football field and track is a wonderful asset to the Badger Den. We had some time left to crank out as much as possible of the third planned workout:

#3 the “Loredo”
In honor of SSgt Edwardo Loredo, US Army, died June 24, 2010

6 rounds of the following:
* 24 LSS
* 24 merkins
* 24 walking lunges
* Run 400m (one lap)

Man did everyone crank out the work!! Got after it good!!

We got back right at 6 for the COT, Announcements, P&P.

  • Read The Fort newsletter. Get involved.
  • SIGN UP FOR THE FORT CHRISTMAS PARTY!! It is THE place to BE!! Be there!
  • Convergence on Thanksgiving Thursday. Check Twittersphere for info.
  • CAH Guidance this weekend, Saturday 11/24, 4pm start. Rock Hill’s Roxanne on Q. Be there for the kids who do not have family to spend the holiday with.
  • Kids print Bandaids for Cornerstone’s initiative
  • Please donate to my Disney Marathon fundraiser for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
  • Praises for Straight Up’s and NASA’s 2.0’s running their first 5K and Spartan events.
  • Prayers for Punch List’s M who is VERY pregnant and getting close to due date.
  • Prayers for Lutefisk losing his Mom.
  • Prayers for injured PAX
  • Prayers unsaid
    >> My apologies if I missed others that were mentioned.

Not much said during the workout other than reminding the PAX that this is the week of the Thanksgiving holiday. Be Thankful for all the blessings we have been bestowed with by Him. Be the family that others may not be able to be with (such as the kids at CAH Guidance). Make it a memorable weekend, but remember those who are no longer with us or those who are less fortunate.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead,

TClap |

Tomahawk – Metal that Beavis and Butthead would be proud of!!

We had 6 PAC and YHC at Tomahawk for a gloomy morning but we did not let it dampen our mood. We cranked the Viking Metal (look it up, it exists) and kicked the day off right!

Slow mosey around parking lot

  • Shuffles
  • High Knees
  • Butt Kickers
  • Lunge Walks
  • Side Lunges
  • Mosey some more
  • Imperial Wakers
  • Hill Billy Walkers
  • Mosey
  • Bear Crawl
  • Squats
  • Bear Crawl
  • Moroccan Night Club
  • Bear Crawl
  • Squats

Grab Bells as get in Car Pool Line by school

  • Do exercise and then run 40yard, backward run back

R/L Curl
Concentration curl
Tri extention
Skull crushers
R/L Curl

  • Do exercise and then bear crawl 20 yards

KB Swing
Shoulder press
Upright row
Bent row
Lat raises

  • Do exercise and then run to wall and do 15 dips, run back

Right leg
Squat figure 8
Left leg

  • Do exercise and then 5 pull ups on pillars

Flutter kick
Russian twist
V up
Hello dolly

The music was jamming and the men were working hard. Lots of encouragement and fellowship as well. Spoke about vulnerability and how it makes it grow and get stronger like building muscle. Men like to be private and just fix things, but sometimes that little bit of vulnerability and humility can be the answer to some trials and storms in our lives. Open up to your Shield-lock or Whetstone and grow from it!

Prayers for Punch-list awaiting new baby and Polaroid’s wife on career moves and Pinup on career decisions.

Humble and Honored men and KEEP ROCKIN!!

Cake Boss!!

TClap |

BEYOND Badger – Passivity

Maximus offered me the opportunity to lead a BEYOND workout, and it only felt right to do it at The Badger… He told me to pick the topic and I got to work. I wanted to take it a step further since it was a BEYOND Badger… so instead of one long grueling workout, I chose a few. Makes sense, right?

My topic was Passive Leadership. Something I struggle with constantly. No matter how “great” I feel I am doing as a leader, I tend to slow down and mentally rest. I let my life lead itself and when I’m not behind the steering wheel, the wheels fall off.

Apathy/Indifference – feeling indifferent or lacking emotion
Passivity – accepting what happens without active response or resistance

Poor leadership has many faces… but passivity in my opinion is a main root of the issue.

COP (All Workouts Derived from the Exicon!)
11 of each for (Observed) Veteran’s Day
Sun Gods (Arm Circles)
Moroccan Night Clubs
Hairy Rockettes (Reverse Windmill, Toes reach up to hands)
Tappy Taps
Carolina Dry Docks
Peter Parkers
Calf Raises
Low Slow Squat

Al Gore’s in a circle while I talked.

Ephesians 5:25 – Husbands love your wives as Christ loves the church.

I made a vow at the time I proposed to my wife that I wouldn’t be the typical American male who is distant from his family and doesn’t love or support them if their needs aren’t being met. I was on fire at that point in my life, leading and loving like God designed me to do. I felt unstoppable at accomplishing a love that no man had ever felt. Then I started to get in the way…

The great part about the Honey Badger is we get to honor men who didn’t lead passively.

We finished the warm up and moseyed over to the badger den’s infamous pull up bars.

Ryan – Firefighter Hero WOD
5 Rds
7 Muscle UPS or Pull UPS/DIPS
21 Burpees

LBC’s while we waited for the group to finish. Gotta keep adding to the November count!

Drop down to Al Gore to keep the conversation going.

Somewhere along the way… I lost sight of my vow and decided that I wanted to pursue my own fulfillment over my wife’s. It ended up as you’d imagine. We fell away from each other while trying to conceive. I couldn’t think about her pain during the two years we tried, all I could think about was myself and how ready or not ready I was. We reached a point of pursuing fertility treatment – and by we I mean she decided and I didn’t really give any input. We were at the decision point to take hormone shots. Without consulting her or even thinking of her feelings, I backed out and decided for us to let it happen naturally. Needless to say I broke a lot of trust and I reaped the fruit of passive leadership. It was a hard fought battle to regain the trust I broke, but we made it back. All because I led apathetically.

Can you imagine how giving our all, all the time could have an impact? Would you rather be consistently good or inconsistently great?

Mosey to the track to take part in hero workout number two.

2 Rds
800 m run forward
400 m run backward

Pick up the six and run with him to the end. The guys planked while we did so.

We ran short so couldn’t do our third hero WOD, but I’m pretty sure everybody was okay with that. We moseyed back to COT for my message to come to a close.

Drop into Al Gore once more to finish the conversation.

I took the difficult time and raw relationship to heart, and was really helped by God and a few good men at my Church in MD. We conceived our daughter and that really helped bring us out of the pit. I vowed not to let our family growth become a wedge and would do my best to lead my wife through whatever comes next. That doesn’t mean I’ve been without issue. Things are constantly changing, and I have to remain in the lead for my wife and children’s sake. If I fail, their chances of failing increase exponentially. I need to keep my head up and lead in a way that will bear the right fruit for all.

Ephesians 5:33a – However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself

A few thoughts…
My life and how fast things change… my daughter will be four in five days. How did that happen? How did I blink and she get this old? Where did I fail? Where did I succeed? How does apathy/passivity cause you to miss things?

A lot of the things that take my focus away have nothing to do with my family. Work, friends, social media, keeping up with sports, golf, hobbies, drinking beer, music, news and politics. Some things take my family time away that are very productive. Church, volunteering at church, F3, working out. Some may have a positive impact on my family life but most of the time take away from my time with my family.

What’s more important?

End with LBCs x 16 IC until the clock struck 6:00.

19 PAX showed up. Welcome FNG BACONATOR!

TClap |

Encouragement at The Arsenal

The Arsenal Q 10/25 – Sorry this one is late, I was on vacation and lost track of it…

5:00 Pre-Run

Fire Hazard


Punch List

Soft Pretzel

5:30 Workout

Fire Hazard


One Niner

Punch List


Slow Pitch

Soft Pretzel

Cobbler asked me to Q at The Arsenal what feels like forever ago. I liked the idea of “crossing the borders” from The Fort to Indian Land. It also helped that this is the closest AO to my house… so there’s that. The opportunity rose and I met it. Plus it’s a very versatile AO with many options. 

Rewind to 10/25:

Four PAX up for the pre-run at 5:00. Seven PAX showed up to increase their self esteem by way of “positive talk” for the main event. The clock struck 5:30 and we moseyed down to the football fields. 

We stopped for COP on the practice field for a little warming up. It consisted of:

Al Gores

SSH x 29

Merkins x 10

Moroccan Night Clubs x 23

Tappy Taps x 10

During the Al Gores I asked the group what kind of leadership skills they’ve gained from being part of F3. Hilarity ensued.

“I’ve been voluntold to do everything, so I’ve learned how to voluntell people what to do really well.”

“Fire Hazard has really built up my self esteem over the years.”

“I’ve gotten really good at mumble chatter.”

This came up later… but a great technique to speed up a group if runners involved getting in front of them and dropping a bomb of sorts to “encourage” a faster pace.

So we got some good laughs, it was a good quick discussion. We finished off the COP and moseyed over to the football field.

Football Field Circuit

Partner Workout

Each Partner Wheel Barrows every other 10 yards, both partners complete workouts equal to yard marker on the field that you land. Start at one end zone and work toward the other.

Endzone – Burpee Broad Jumps x 7

10 – Donkey Kicks

20 – Hand Release Merkins

30 – Jump Lunges (each leg)

40 – Air Squats

50 – LBCs

40 – Air Squats

30 – Jump Lunges (each leg)

20 – Hand Release Merkins

10 – Donkey Kicks

Endzone – Burpee Broad Jumps x 7

Out, Lap around the track.

Pick Up the six who may or may not have splashed merlot over the fence. Remixed the workout to add a little more pain. 

All Together

Bear Crawls every 25 yards, stop for a workout

25 Yards 

15 Bomb Jacks

25 Yards

15 Jump Squats

25 Yards

15 Bomb Jacks

25 Yards

15 Jump Squats

End with some Jack Webs to burn the shoulders – made it to 6 Push Ups & 24 Claps

Mosey up to parking lot

Duck Duck Goose Abs x 2 (Lay in a circle and hold legs at 90°, each PAX takes turns running around the circle throwing legs down, hold at 6” until next PAX gets up).

Hillbilly walkers for obliques x 10

Pistol Crunches x 10 each leg

Overall it was a tough workout with 7 HIM answering the call. The field was wet and made for some discomfort. In the words of Geronimo… get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Thanks for the opportunity to lead and sorry about the late backblast… Disney was calling my name! 

Punch List out. 

TClap |

Block Party – Smoothing the Stones

Today at the Block Party I was ready to have a namesake beatdown with Cinder Blocks and all the fun of them. So the wienke was made and the plan was to utilize the blocks at Honey Badger Central or Den or the Coop or whatever they are calling NAFO these days. At 0430 I left to go get the blocks and find there are no blocks to be found. It seems the FMSD has taken our blocks away……again!!

After quick conversation with the Darkest of Helmets I had to call….Omaha…..Omaha!!! Was not too bad to change some of the exercise moves and YHC was ready to roll.

15 PAX arrived and I was excited for the turnout at WEP. Its an original AO and one of our best and so love to see the PAX still coming. We had 13 bootcamp and 3 runners for Pathfinder and at 0515 away we all went.

Mosey up the Stairway to Heaven

  • Al Gore
  • Merkins (Stealth)

Mosey along path

  • Al Gore
  • Merkins (Stealth)
  • Low Slow Squat

Mosey along path

  • Al Gore
  • Merkins (Stealth)
  • Low Slow Squat
  • Windmills

Mosey along path

  • Al Gore
  • Merkins (Stealth)
  • Low Slow Squat
  • Imperial Walkers

The Main event

List of 10 exercises, 100 reps cumulative with Partner

Partner  1 runs around Playground, Partner 2 exercise move…..working the list

  • Squats
  • Merkins
  • Lunge (50 each leg)
  • Swing Crunches
  • Pullups
  • Step ups (100 each leg)
  • Dips
  • Toe Taps
  • Derkins
  • Leg Raises

Nice work by all the PAX. FNG, Liquidate, did great and fun was had by all!!

I talked to the men about David and Goliath and when David chose 5 smooth stones there was a reason. Smooth stones would fly straight and accurate versus those with edges and odd shape. The stones were smooth from being in the water and rubbing against each other over years and smoothing each other out. We as men need each other to help us shoot straight and face our Goliath. By surrounding ourselves with PAX that want to get better and live for something bigger than ourselves, we will all get smoothed out and be able to fly straight and stay on path. Get those trusted advisers in your life and GET BETTER!

Cake Boss

TClap |

Double Booked? Nope, Double Beatdown.

Through no fault of anyone that I’m aware, the original Q for the Hive was double booked. Since I know that guy, the PAX probably got off easy with me filling in. Or maybe not.

Disclaimer was disclaimed (didn’t notice that Punch List had brought an FNG, so I guess my extra extended disclaimers are good for something. Also gave the disclaimer that since this is a gear workout, there would not be much running.

Some other things that have slipped my mind…

The Thang
Slow mosey to the bleachers by the tennis courts with KBs in hand. Everything today was in groups of 3 exercises repeated 3 times normally increasing each round separated by 10 KB swings and 10 Prone presses

10 KB swings, 10 Prone presses
Single-Leg DL each side 8-12-16
Curls each side 6-8-10 IC
Back extensions (heels on the bleachers, justifier to the sky) 8-12-16 IC
10 KB swings, 10 Prone presses
Tri-extensions 8-10-9-ish IC
Plank row each side 8-12-16
Squats 8-12-16
10 KB swings, 10 Prone presses
Derkins x 10 IC
American Hammers x 10 IC
Derkins x 10 IC
Flutter Press x 20 IC
10 KB swings, 10 Prone presses

Extra slow mosey 70 feet back.


I may have gotten some of the listed exercises or a few of the counts wrong when I was writing this down finally, but it’s basically all correct. I’m pretty sure if you were to go through this routine, it would be a pretty good beat down even if I missed a few things.

So here’s my thoughts lately about doing gear workouts. If it’s a gear workout, I’m pretty much going to stick with that and not too much running around. I’m pretty simple like that. Find a thing that works and stick with it. My basic KB workouts will be variants of what we did in this one. I figured out this little routine and it works for me. It seems to be a pretty good workout for everyone else too, usually.

F3 is like that for me. When I found out what this thing was all about and started posting, it was something that really just worked for me. I’m not trying to make it into something complicated, I’m just looking for that physical and mental push before the sun even comes up. Every day that I’m out there in the gloom with a bunch of like minded guys focused on accomplishing a single thing at a time, I get energized. If I’m the guy leading, good, but if not, that’s good too.

I see that carried out into our community, getting a bunch of like minded guys focused on accomplishing a single thing at a time. Sometimes that’s reading to kids after school. Sometimes it’s handing out turkeys. Sometimes it’s just running all day and night with a bunch of smelly guys. Sometimes it’s surrounding someone who is suffering physically or emotionally. For me that all starts in the gloom, many days of the week, surrounded by my Brothers…






TClap |

Block Party Beast Beatdown

YHC was excited to get the reminder of my pending Q at Block Party. You see, it’s been a bit since I’ve Q’d and I haven’t been as committed to my First F as I should. Would I be dying trying to call cadence? What exercises should we do? Would anybody even show up? After a restless night of sleep, I got up, picked up my boy Atticus, and cruised to the spot where it all started in The Fort…WEP! One of my questions was answered right away as cars started rolling in the parking lot. And they kept coming. Seeing all the PAX (18 in total!) definitely humbled me and got my Qdrenaline flowing. After a quick disclaimer, we took off.


Mosey to the first mile marker with some high knees and butt kickers thrown in. Plank series at the marker, flip to crab for some dips (crab dip?), and back for more planks. Merkins and then back to moseying.

We stopped at each marker and did more stuff including but not limited to squats, LBC’s, wide arm merkins, mountain climbers, Peter Parkers, etc.

After completing the circle, we headed over to the brick wall at the UC Synergetic visitor parking lot on 160. Everybody grabbed a seat on the wall and watched while the guy on the end burpee broad jumped his way to the other end of the group and took a seat. Everybody got a turn and great fun was had critiquing form and jumping ability.
Next up was a bear crawl race up the big grassy hill to the main parking lot. While catching our breath, YHC talked about the word of the month, Encouragement. I shared that Barnabus was one of my favorite men of the Bible. Acts 4:36 tells us his name means “son of encouragement”. That’s exactly what he was during his missionary journeys with Paul. I want to be an encourager and our kids certainly need that from us. Some of the best words you can say to your kids: You got what it takes! I believe in you! The challenge to encourage someone that day was issued.
Next up was the meat of the workout, THE BEAST.
The Beast = 6 stations, 6 exercises at each station, 6 rounds. After each round, plank up and wait for the 6.
1st round – jumping lunges
2 – Freddy Mercury
3 – Low Country Crabs
4 – American Hammers
5 – Flutter Kicks? I can’t really remember?
6 – Burpees (crowd pleaser)
A quick look at the watch indicated 3 minutes till 6 so jailbreak to COT

We had a lot. Christmas Party, upcoming workout, CAH volunteer opportunities, etc. As they say, read your newsletter
Prayers and praises were shared and Chicken Hawk closed up out.
Thanks Shady for giving me the opportunity to Q! I needed the kick in the pants to get back out there and I loved every minute of it.
Flat Tire

TClap |

Reunion Tour @ The Tomahawk

If we go back to Summer 2017… I was EH’d to The Tomahawk by Dark Helmet and Bird Cage. It happened while helping Sharknado move in just down the street. My interest was peaked, so I gave it a try. It was awesome, but it was PAINFUL. CSPAN brought it heavy and it was in that moment I knew F3 was legit. What had me most aghast was the fact that guys two decades older than I were lapping me in a work out that I deemed “up my alley.” On top of that, these men had a bond I haven’t had since moving to the area, and they do their best to follow God. I wanted to be hooked, but work was just too much at the time to HC to F3. Also… Skate or Die was there too.

Fast forward to Summer 2018, I changed positions in my company and was excited to join my now brothers in the gloom. Been posting a bunch, and am super happy to be a part of this high impact community. Polaroid offered me the opportunity to lead at my original AO, and I couldn’t turn it down. Additionally… what other AO has loud music every week?! 

I was just finishing prep of the AO when J Cruise pulled up in his vintage Land Cruiser. I’m sure that thing looks awfully nice in the sunlight. Kielbasa and Skate or Die right behind him. The clock struck 5:15, and I said the disclaimer. We took a short mosey while Pin Up and Small World rolled in. Then we circled up.


Tappy Taps x 10 (These may be a regularly occurring thing… be warned.)


Shoulder Taps x 10

Parker Peters x 10

SSH x 25

Al Gore Night Clubs x 20

Groucho Walks x 10

Heart rates were up, so we headed toward the main entrance to partake of the Octagon! I had nine workouts, eight surrounding one. The plan was to start at random locations, and once you complete your station you rotate counterclockwise. After each outer workout you would cycle to the middle for something that my shoulders are now feeling much more than I did this morning… figure 8’s with the kettlebell between your legs. Woof.

Figure 8 x 30

Solo Tesh x 3 Each Arm (this, too, should also be a thing)

Figure 8 x 30

Goblet Squats x 30

Figure 8 x 30

Skull Crushers x 20

Figure 8 x 30

Lunge Walks x 15 each leg, holding weight in one arm out and back

Figure 8 x 30

Bent Over Rows x 15 each arm

Figure 8 x 30

KB Swing x 20

Figure 8 x 30

Curls x 20

Figure 8 x 30

Calf Raises x 50

Figure 8 x 30

Repeat as Time Permits

We made it about 1.4 times around.

Mosey to wall

People’s Chair w/ Pass the Dutchie – down and back four times x 2 with the heaviest weight of the day. 


Crunchy Frog x 11

Flutter w/Weight x 20

Hello Dolly’s w/Weight x 20

LBC’s x 30

Plank until time was up

I asked the men what they liked most about F3 while we planked, and got some good answers.




Its the closest thing to my military experience

The leadership cultivation and how it drives men ahead

Honestly, (aside from the military experience) I aligned with each answer. This community and these HIM continue to inspire me. 

Headed back to COT. Counted off six PAX for an Eminem and Toby MAC filled morning of fun. Thanks to Small World for bringing the tunes.

Announcements – 

Fast5 coming October 27. Plenty of chatter on Twitter regarding the details. 

Ragnar this weekend! 

Prayers and Praises –

Pray for our brothers on IR

Pray for F3Alpha for their loss of Darth Visor yesterday morning

EDIT: Pray for Sharknado’s family – his M’s father was Darth Visor

Both of these losses were sudden and unexpected, so keep that in your mind as you go throughout your day/week. We are but a breath. 

Pray for Fort Mill and the school district as the Zoning decision is made. Pray for cool heads on all sides and the best decision to be made.

Thank you Polaroid for the opportunity to lead. It was fun running Q at the AO where I first posted. Looking forward to next time. 

Punch List out.



TClap |

The Fort 6 year Anniversary – Making Getting Better a Priority!

September 29, 2012 the landscape of Fort Mill changed dramatically. Some men from north of the border grabbed the attention of a few men south of the boarder and said we may have something for you. Double D, Santini, Senator Tressel, World Wide Leader, Red Banjo, Assassin, Peach and maybe others made the commitment to come to a “workout” on that Saturday morning. It was very skeptical, but I am sure each of them will say it changed their lives.

Here we are 6 years later, meeting in the same park with more than 200 regular participants (800+ over the years) at 37 workouts across The Fort/Lake Wylie area. Thank you to those that gave it away and thank you to those that said yes!! I think it is safe to say, IT’S MORE THAN A WORKOUT!!!

Today we recognize the 6 years with 6 Qs leading a beat down in 1st F style. On September 21st, Jekyll led us in our Invergence, which reminds us of the 3rdF and that there is something bigger than ourselves. Serving, Praying and Worshiping together happened then. On this day, we are getting better physically and having some fellowship with 70 of our PAX,

Format was a rapid fire approach where each Q has 10mins to lay it on the PAX. Old Bay would keep time and blow the air horn (maybe tweet the horn??), and then the next Q jumps in.

YHC asked for FNGS, (none) and explained the plan of attack, and then the Horn Sounded

The Thang:

  • Wegmans for COP
    • Mosey down path out to grass
    • Circle up and some traditional and not so traditional exercise moves.
    • We did notice another “Boot camp” group in the gloom. T-clapps to them, however also saw 2 holding clip boards…..not F3!!
    • Horm Blows
  • Funhouse on Q
    • Mosey to the hill for Jacobs ladder
      • Burpees
      • Squats
      • Some mary to fill time
      • Horn Blows
  • Jwow on Q
    • Mosey to top of hill for partner work
    • step ups/lunge walk up and down hill
    • squat jumps/lunge walk up and down hill
    • Plank hand slap with partner
    • Horn Blow
  • Twister on Q
    • Mosey to tree line
    • Army Crawl to tree /SSHs
    • Sprint to tree/Merkins
    • Army Crawl to Tree/SSHs
    • Sprint to tree/merkins
    • 2 rounds
    • Run Path until Horm
    • Horn Blows
  • FLUX on Q
    • Mosey back to hill
    • 6s – do following 6 times
      • bear crawl up hill
      • diamond merkins
      • bear crawl back down hill
      • Some filler in there of something aweful
      • Horn Blows
  • Assassin On Q
    • Mosey to play grownd
      • Dips
      • Derkins
      • Burpees
      • multiple rounds with running around the playground until…..
      • Horn Blows

The PAX was dripping wet from rolling in grass but also from the humid beat down that just occurred. Thanks to all the Qs for bringing it and having fun out there.

I brought up to the PAX “WHY”? Why F3 versus the many other options we have even outside of fitness and self help books. Why do we get up early and why do we do CSAUPS and why do we attend 3rdF and give away our time at various community organizations???

Pockets, Spud and Assassin all shared their Why. Thank you! I’m sure there were many more that would undoubtedly impactful.

I mentioned my why was straightforward for me. I want to continue to challenge myself physically, surround myself with like minded guys heading in the same direction and reach more guys for Sky Q and HIS purpose. I feel F3 has positively impacted my life in all 3 Fs and why would I not give it away??

See you in the GLOOM!

Cake Boss

TClap |

“Tappy Taps? Did you make that up?”

‘Twas a glorious morning at NaFo, and 14 PAX rose to the occasion, including some from surrounding regions (Aye!). A lot of new PAX I’ve never met as well, perhaps a glimpse into how large this community really is. Had a moment to think how much of an impact this community has had on these men, and the impact it will have on many more. The clock struck 5:15 and we began.

Disclaimer to start it off, then we headed out for our warm up.

Mosey 1/8 Mile

Moroccan Night Clubs x 25
Tap-py Taps x 10 (Look it up! It’s a thing on F3Nation.)
Plank Position
Peter Parkers x 15
Mountain Climbers x 15
Alternating Shoulder Taps x 15


Mosey to the Pull Up Bars for our Weinke Of The Day

Descending Rounds of 30 – 25 – 20 – 15 – 10 – 5


Mixed in with 10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2

Pull Ups

Plank in wait for the 6 each round you finish and then we start the next round together. The best part about this weinke… it gets easier every round.

Ran back to our original spot for a little Mary
In & Outs (Boat/Canoe I was told) x 6… messed up my inflection there and someone caught me!
Six Inches x 1 Minute



Convergence at Walter Elisha Park Saturday – 7:00AM.
Pre Ruck – 6:15, Pre Run – 6:30. Both launching from Panera @ Kingsley.

Poverty Simulation is coming.

ABH (Always Be Headlocking!)

SpeedforNEED this weekend in Ballantyne – Isabella Santos 5K.

5K/10K Race and Fun Run

Pray that Gods will be revealed to me and I accept it.
Praise for Drop Thrill having a job for a year!
Pray for Sugar Bugs parents on Pawley’s Island – The rivers are rising and the water is about 5’ from their house
Pray for those affected by Florence, those still dealing with flooding, and those who lost everything trying to recover.

Thank you Wegmans for the opportunity to lead 13 men in this gloom we love so much.

For fun… Notable MumbleChatter for the day:

As I laid out the Weinke: “Gee, Punch List… this is kind of Honey Badger-esque…”

“Kielbasa can you demonstrate a polish burpee for me?”
“I’m going to do 30 Polish Burpees… *waits two seconds* DONE!”

“I’m going to do my max number of pull ups over here… (20 yards away from the bars).”



Punch List Out.

TClap |