Broke loose at Footloose

Footloose = Hill options. You don’t think so? I disagree.
28 degrees on this crisp Thursday morning in our once Mill town for 9 of us to converge at Footiest of all Looses…yeah, it doesn’t work well for this one. Anyways

Disclaimer and look we even have Crop Duster with us…yeah, he’s definitely lost.

Run to Minnow Pond AO
SSH / Butt Kickers

5 Burpees & 10 Merkins

Run up the hill to the parking lot on the right.
15 Squats & 20 Peter Parkers

Run down the hill and back up
25 Merkins & 30 LBCs

Run down the hill and over to the FM COG lot (the really nice lot)
25 Bobby Hurley’s / 20 Flutters I/C

Run up the adjacent hill and back down
15 Mountain Climbers I/C & 10 CDD I/C

Run up the adjacent hill and back down
5 Burpees

To the lot across the street, the other really nice one, for a ladder of sorts
1 Squat Jump on one end and 5 Burpees on the other with running in between
2 Squat Jumps & 4 Burpees
3 Squat Jumps & 3 Burpees
4 Squat Jumps & 2 Burpees
5 Squat Jumps & 1 Burpee

Back to COT

Thank You for entertaining me.

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Upside Down

SkyQ was stirring the Site Q’s spirit 30 days ago, suggesting he needed to loop YHC in for a New Year’s Eve Q at The Ranch.  Little did he know 12/31 happens to be my birthday, so there was no way I could pass up the invite. 12 pax posted in the damp (but not rainy) Gloom to make it official.

The Thang

Warm up yog around parking lot

Extended COP — familiar set of exercises interspersed after every two with increasing rounds of Burpees, starting with 2 and increasing by 2 each round up to 12

Mosey to the picnic tables and partner up

Partner 1 = 12 Derkins + Partner 2 = Balls to the Wall  / Flapjack (3 rounds)
Partner 1 = 12 Bombjacks + Partner 2 = People’s Chair / Flapjack (3 rounds)
Partner 1 = Donkey kicks + Partner 2 = Plank / Flapjack (3 rounds)

Mosey to soccer field and muster up

The next series will involve moving down and back across the soccer field…BUT…in recognition that 2020 was a year when “holding ground” qualifies as success, the objective is to make the trek with backwards or sideways moves (ie, Carioca, NUR, Crawl bear, Backward or sideways lunge,  side shuffle).  The only acceptable method forward is Bear Crawl)

We proceeded to move back and forth across the field and each down/back was marked with a set of Burpees declining by 2 with each series (10-8-6-4-2).  Final traverse for all pax was a Bear crawl

Circle up for Mary

Series of core exercises, capped off with Superman rendition of Happy Birthday song courtesy of JWOW and Backdraft.

Mosey home


Thank you to Ruby Slippers for the opportunity to tie off 2020 —  it was truly an honor to be in The Gloom IN PERSON with the pax to finish the strangest year any of us have experienced.

It was an upside down year given that no one could have foreseen a pandemic coming.  Or a stock market rally in the aftermath.  Or legalization of pot in some states along with criminalization of holiday family gatherings.

This upside down and backwards orientation aligns perfectly with the Gospel and sets the stage for a new approach to 2021.  I’ll pick my One Word for 2021 (Now) and review 2020 and make plans for 2021…all the things that I would typically DO in prior years.  But 2020 has taught me that NONE of these matter unless they’re connected to the will of my Creator.  Rather than focus my energies on what I’m doing, I first need to create space for what He’s doing…and then fit my part in as accompaniment ( I think that might be a musical term, Band Camp?).

Thanks to the pax who posted to help me celebrate the completion of my 54th year on the Big Ball.  And thank you to all pax of The Fort for carrying me and each other through an upside down year.


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Make it happen

21 men tackled day five of the new year at Block Party. Here’s what we did.

Warm up

  • 10 Low Slow Squats (IC)
  • 10 Hillbilly Walkers (IC)
  • 10 Moroccan Night Clubs (IC)

The Thang

The route today was .5 miles (left on Main St., left of Clebourne St., left at Founders, left on White St.).

Round 1 – Take a Lap

  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 Merkins
  • 30 LBCs
  • 40 Squats
  • 50 Calf Raises
  • 1 Lap

Round 2

  • 10 Wide Arm Merkins
  • 20 Lunges
  • 30 Flutters
  • 40 Overhead Claps
  • 50 SSHs
  • 2 Laps

Round 3

  • 10 Diamond Merkins
  • 20 Jump Squats
  • 30 Crunchy Frogs
  • 40 Alternating Shoulder Taps
  • 50 MNCs
  • 3 Laps

Total distance: 3.5 miles.


I was encouraged this morning to see so many men shunning the fartsack for a chance to better themselves physically. We covered some ground, but kept close enough that no one ran alone. I enjoyed the heck out of this morning. Today’s mumblechatter reminded me of how important the 2nd F is. Fitness without fellowship is a workout group. Fellowship and friendship takes us to the next level and makes us better men. And men need other men to keep accelerating.

I recently read, “You can’t get wet reading about the ocean.” I found it appropriate for the first week of the year as people begin making resolutions. This is the time of year people make resolutions for a “new year and a new you.” They make promises to get in shape, to make more money, to read more, or basically become a better version of themselves. However, come mid-February, the gyms are empty, the books haven’t been cracked, and work status quo and malaise has settled in.

Resolutions fail because change requires effort. Change takes a dream, willpower, consistency, and guard rails. It’s gradual. It’s difficult. But it’s worth it!

You must take action if you want improvement. Take the first step even if it feels strange or others say its stupid. Growth can only happen if you move forward. So dream it, want it, do it, do it again, and have someone to keep you accountable. Positive habits require consistent effort. Make it happen and have friends to keep you in line. Then bask in the glory in accomplishing your goals.


Italian Job

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Minnow Pond 12.17.2020

The promo:

The route:

10 stops along the way
5 burpees/10 merkins/15 squats each time

16 PAX. It was hard. Had to average 10min/mile with the exercises to finish at COT by 0600. We did.

Strava Stats:

Today was a workout where I tried harder because I was on Q. Being a leader isn’t just about exhorting acceleration in others or the group; it also forces you to accelerate individually. That was pretty evident to me this morning from my heart rate monitor. All the guys that came out today pushed me to be better. When you’re a follower, are you following in a way that is helping your leaders be better?

Band Camp dismissed

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Laces IN 12.03.20

It was a cold morning, a bit warmer than yesterday but not much.  Ten men braved the cold weather most bundled up in their winter gear.  After the disclaimer, we made our way over to the band parking lot.

We began warm-ups with a different twist.  Cadence exercises (SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Plank Stretches) in the end zone, jog to the other end zone for the next exercise.  Next, we did a series of exercises at each 10 yard mark between the end zones.

Movement                                            Exercise

Lunge walk                                         Squat (10)

Bear Crawl                                          Merkin (5)

             Crab Walk                                           LBCs (10)

NUR (Run Backwards)                   Flutters (10)

Backwards Bear Crawl                  Carolina Dry Docks (5)


After we completed the main event, I had a little fun with the Pax asking a few of them to guess a number between 1 – 10.  A wrong guess, required burpees.  Similar to the Casino that Clark and Cousin Eddie went to in Vegas Vacation, there was no right answer.  We ended up with 20 burpees.

We headed back to COT, sprinting between the light poles in the main parking lot.

Great job..I appreciate the crowd on a cold morning.




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QSchool @ Colosseum

Esso >>
Open normal, mosey, circle up and then reiterate what you did

  • T minus warning
  • Look for guys you haven’t seen, introduce yourself
  • Ask if there are any FNG’s
  • Disclaimer 1) not a professional, 2) modify the exercise if need be but do something
  • Take control, be a leader, after this is about building leadership characteristics and guiding other men. THEY WILL FOLLOW YOU UNTIL YOU GIVE THEM A REASON NOT TO

Who has never Q’d?
Cadence counting – we do this for consistency

  • Next exercise is…
  • Starting position… move…
  • In cadence… exercise

Begin calling on pax, they choose exercise, mix in moseys

Gears >>

⁃ Weinke prep:
– at least the night before
– write it down, even if you don’t use it
– try to plan for about 20% more than you think you’ll need (mental math)
– go with your strengths, but honor the site theme. If you can’t Q it, don’t do it
– simple routine – Wall Worms
– focus areas on repeat
– lbc
– Flutter
– dying cockroach
– box cutter
– repeat x 2

⁃ Form exemplification
– you are responsible for allowing and even encouraging Good form.
– fast merkins vs slow Merkins
– fast Freddy vs slow Freddy

⁃ Scaleability – size of pax, ability of pax
– know your Pax
– pearls on a string
– Squats
– flying squirrels
– Mountain Climbers
– Burpees

⁃ COT routine
– phone /video Evidence
– count
– name-o-rama
– FNG naming

– announcements (newsletter)
– prayer /praise

⁃ follow up
– BB, counts

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Laced Up Tight

31 degrees at Laces In? Sure, I’ll take it. I gave the PAX a heads-up, shown below…

At the risk of potential “over-hyping,” here are a number of things to consider for Laces In:

  1. Minow Pond will be converging with us.
  2. AKA will be converging with us.
  3. Looks to be the coldest morning of the week.
  4. Gloves highly recommended.
  5. If you want to stretch or warm up, show up early.
  6. Wheels up 0515 and it’ll be GO-TIME.
  7. You’ll be warm by 0525.
  8. If you’re prone to FOMO, then you should post.

The 12 of us arrived, commented about the cool temps and all the men in tights, were disclaimed and we took off for a lap around part of the gym lot.

Circle Up:
20 x Fast-Paced SSH
10 Burpees
Another lap but this time, just a bit shorter
Line up at one end of the parking lot and bear crawl to the other end of the lot.
Sprint 1/2 way back, 10 Burpees, Sprint the rest of the way

Mosey over to the circle by the stadium:
20 Bomb Jacks
30 Flutter Kicks I/C
Run up the hill to the stop sign and back down
40 Jump Squats
40 Merkins I/C
Run up the hill and back down
10 Burpees

Mosey back to the gym parking lot.

Line up on the line for 2-Tier Grounded Suicides:
Bear crawl out 20 yards, crawl bear back. Bear crawl out 40yds, crawl bear back
10 Wide-Arm Merkins
Crab walk out 20yds, walk crab back. Crab walk out 40yds, walk crab back.
10 Wide-Arm Merkins
10 Burpees

30 American Hammers I/C
20 Flutter Kicks I/C

COT: There are very heavy prayers on the hearts & minds of our PAX. Remember, do not walk alone.

Thank You, Slapshot


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Minnow Power

Seven pax arrived at Minnow Pond on a 62° perfect morning.

Pledge and launch/run to stop “A” which is the small parking lot on Ardrey St. between WEP and the Springs building.

Here the routine is described: board of pain with pairs of exercises. Pax need to do a total of 100 of the pair and can split it up any way they want (i.e. 15 Merkins and 85 squats). Also known as pick your poison.

Then run to stop “B” which is the big parking lot behind Pike. Get there via: Ardrey to Harris to Massey. Distance is 0.7 miles. There’s a board there too. Same deal, pick your poison to the total of 100 reps.

Rinse/repeat run the same route; back/forth between “A” and “B”.

Stop “A” exercises:
Dips/Monkey Humpers
SSH/American Hammers
Stop “B” exercises:
CCD/Bobby Hurley’s
Shoulder Taps/Freddie Mercuries
Calf Raises/ LBC’s

Collected everybody at stop “B” and had cut the last pair of exercises (Calf raises/LBCs) just a tad short since it was 5:59.
Total of 4 miles according to my outdated fitbit.
Fini, COT
Praises for good days and children working on the talents God has given them.

route for Minnow Pond 10/22/20

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Doing Time at Laces In

Nine men turned themselves in to the Federal prison of Fort Mill (at Laces In).

Mosey Run (Toy soldiers, Butt Kickers, High Knees)
Warm up:
SSH (IC 12x)
Windmill (IC 12x)
Imperial Walker (IC 12x)
Moroccan Nightclub (IC 12x)
Low Slow Squats (IC12x)
Peter Parker (IC 12x)
Plank stretches
Downward dogs

Thang 1 Prison Yard Burpees
Playlist (below) begins.  Four cones in a square pattern, each about 45 feet apart (this is your prison yard). The convicts do: Ten burpees at cone 1, then bear crawl to cone 2. Nine burpees at cone 2, bear crawl to cone 3. Eight burpees at cone 3, bear crawl to cone 4. Seven burpees at cone 4, bear crawl to cone 1. Keep bearcrawling around and continue in similar manner 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, ending with 1 burpee. Sum is 55 burpees this round.
When done: flutter kicks for the six

Short mosey run

Thang 2 Bench work
Convicts get a parole hearing and approach the bench(es) at the school entrance.
20 incline merkins
20 Dips
20 step ups, 10 ea leg
20 decline merkins
20 butt touch squats
20 calf raises

Parole was denied, all pax go to back to prison
Short mosey run

Thang 3 More Prison Yard Burpees
Start at the first cone again but begin with 6 burpees and transportation is lunge walk between the cones. Thus doing 6,5,4,3,2,1 burpees. Sum of 21 this round, and 76 burpees total.

Short mosey run

Thang 3 Global Warming (A.K.A. “Chain Gang”)
Did: bobby hurleys,, LBC, Freddie mercuries, gas pumpers, amer hammers, merkins

Thang 4 Sally routine 
Moby’s “Flower”, we did leg lifts: bring Sally up= legs up; bring Sally down= 6 inch leg hold.
Song is about 3:30, I think about 23 ups/downs.  No prison reference here, unless you don’t care for the song.


Hendrix “All Along the Watchtower”
Johnny Cash, “Folsom Prison Blues”
The Clash “I fought the Law”
Inner Circle “Bad Boys”
Thin Lizzy, “Jailbreak”
Elvis Presley, “Jailhouse Rock”
Green Day “Longview” (prison/jail themed songs kinda ran out)
Jane’s Addiction “Mountain Song”
Foo Fighters “Everlong”

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Double Dora

On this brisk morning at The Coliseum we started with a short mosey to the track….

We warmed up with some Baby arm circles, windmills, Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly Walkers and some stretching






100 SSH



Mumblechatter was high when we got to the shoulder  taps.

We ended early enough to have a little Mary at COT.

STRAIGHT UP asked if we could go around and everyone say something positive going on in their life.

Thank you Hardwood for letting me lead these fine men .

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