Monday morning Bells

WARMUP: Basic Warmup: disclaimer , short mosey, SSH, windmills, hillbilly walkers, MNCs, Mountain Climbers, Merkins
THE THANG: Walk to opposite parking lot. 20 each of Swings, Upward Rows, Curls, Tricep Extensions, and Bell Merkins, then a short loop. 3 rounds.
Transferred the KBs to the other side of the lot for another set of exercises. 20 each of Am Hammers, Flutters, Skull Crushers, Chest Press, and Goblet Squats.
Only 2 rounds completed due to time.
On your six bell pass back to starting point.
Walk back to COT.
2O each of Pass Through Lunges, Dead Lifts, Overhead Press, Figure 8s.
Ended at 0600.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas party, Thanksgiving Convergence 2023z
COT:Yes. Lots to be grateful for, lots to pray about.

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2022 Thanksgiving Day Convergence

Warmup: SSH (I/C 15x), Windmills (I/C 10x). Imperial walkers (I/C 15x), Moroccan Nightclubs (I/C 10x), Mountain Climbers (I/C 15x), right arm high, left arm high
Ruckers dismissed with Olaf. Pax count off by threes; pax split up and will rotate between
Partner up for a Jack Webb. Mode of transportation is a partner push across the field (crowd pleaser).
1 Big Boy Sit-Up – Partner 1 pushes partner 2 across the field
4 Merkins – Partner 2 pushed partner 1 across the field
The goal was to get to 10 Big Boy Sit-Ups and 40 Merkins.

Grout Q:
1. 5 EA Burpee
2. 10 EA LBC
3. 15 EA CDD
4. 20 EA Lunges
5. 25 EA American Hammers
6. 30 EA Shoulder Taps
7. 35 EA Flutters
8. 40 EA Mountain Climbers
9. 45 EA Squats
Run to top of hill and back.
Complete # 1 thru # 8 and run to top of hill Ann’s back.
Continue dropping the last exercise.

HarryCarry Q:
At the middle school’s loop, start at the bottom of the loop and do exercise noted (listed below). Run to the short brick wall at other end of loop, jump the wall, continue running up the loop. Stop at flag poles and do Bobby Hurleys (15 oyo). The proceed to run back to bottom of the loop; do the noted exercise there and repeat with the run/wall jump/run/bobby’s etc.
Smurf jacks (20 OYO)
Squats (20 OYO)
Monkey Humpers (20 OYO)
Lunges (20 OYO)
Lunges (10 each leg OYO)
Sumo Squats (20 OYO)
At 07:25 Pax reconvened at field.
Six-count burpees (I/C 6x)
End. COT

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Footloose Marketing at Clydesdales

WARMUP: The Q warmed up with a few laps in the LPL parking lot. Olaf warmed up out and about.
THE THANG: The pax were given the route out to the Footloose AO and back. (as the site Q, never miss an opportunity to put the AO on the Pax’s mind). Modifiable from 3+ miles – add or subtract as necessary. 11 men launched and passed in front of my M on her way to work at the red light at the Peach Stand.
11 men arrived back safely!
This is not a DeepFake. This is an ACTUAL Real backblast from Clydesdales.
MARY: nah, not today.
COT: marriages.

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Negative Splits

THE THANG: Half mile segments, targeting negative splits from 8:45 down 15 seconds per segment to 7:30. 3 min pain stations between segments:


Peter Parker
Parker Peter

Monkey Humpers
HB Squats

Box Cutter
Grave Digger

Mountain Climbers

Hello Dolly
Body Destroyer

Read your newsletter

Prayers for Kielbasa’s Son & Anchorman’s Daughter

Honor to Serve

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Running in circles with push ups

Started with the pledge at 0514

WARMUP: ran up to the post office.  Circled up for 10 SSHs and 10 Cherry Pickers IC

THE THANG: Partnered up and each PAX was supposed to split up and run in opposite directions until they met back up (ran toward Leroy Street).  When they met up the team would do 50 Merkins.  Each pax would then continue to run back toward the post office.  When meeting there they would do 50 LBCs.  PAX would keep running to meeting spot on Leroy Street and do 50 Dry Docks, then 50 Hello Dollies at the post office.
Rinse and repeat until 0555 and headed back to COT for a little broga until 0600

ANNOUNCEMENTS: read newsletter
COT: prayers for those affected by hurricane

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Turkish Bapstismal Getup


yes….SSH for the stragglers to start, then a few of the standards: IW, Burpees, Shoulder Tap, Yoga, Slingshot, Halos, slight moseys, windmills with the bell low and high (not a crowd pleaser)
Dan John’s Humane Burppee – look it up. It’s good stuff
Series of 5 reps with some moseys occasionally
– Cleans
– Racked Reverse Lunge
– Single Leg Deadlift
– Racked Bulgarian Split Squat
– Single Arm overhead press

The fun bit was a table of Dixie water cups set up. We did Turkish Getups with the water cups in our hands. Then Turkish Getups with the water cup resting on our knuckles. Good times. A few guys got wet; all of us were challenged

Finished with burpee snatches and pigeon lunge

Virtual Sweet Tooth run tomorrow 5am
10 year convergence tomorrow 6:30am
10 year hang at the Print Shop tomorrow at 5pm

Prayers for Grout’s sister and her four children on the loss of her husband

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Swing it like it’s hot

Side Straddle Hop
Produce Pickers
Hillbilly Walkers
Moroccan Nightclubs
Imperial Walkers

Curls x2 sets
Triceps x2 sets

Kettlebell Touch x2 sets
Deadlift x2 sets

Squats x2 sets
Swings x2 sets
Lawnmower Pull (Right & Left) x2 sets each

Chest Press

Around the Body
Around the Leg – Number 8

Freddie Mercury
Elbow Plank

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Upcoming activities reminders also in newsletter

COT: Prayers for health for family and friends dealing with medical issues.

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The Final Countdown

The day finally arrived for our CSAUP, The FInal Countdown. The rainy weather was not ideal, but it helped keep the temperature and humidity down for ideal running conditions. 67 men participated in the event. Most groups participated in the relay. Ruckers and trail runners fought the elements and got their work done to.
Relay details:   The first Pax will run 3 miles and return to the starting point.  The 1st and 2nd Pax will run 3 miles and return to the starting point. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd runner will run the final 3 miles.  Each route will be unique.  If you get lost, just run 3 miles and return back to the park.

Total miles:  3+3+3 = 10 F3 math   (Runner 1 – 9 miles, Runner 2 – 6 miles, Runner 3 – 3 miles)

Inspiring stuff this morning. River Rat’s 2.0s ran the course like it was a lap around the track. Lots of guys ran distances they have never run before.
We’ve got a good pool of runners for the upcoming Dam to Dam Relay.

Great job by everyone this morning!

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Bell repeats

WARMUP: Mosey for a short lap then circle up for SSHs, Windmills, Low slow squats, Merkins, and Hillbilly Walkers.
THE THANG: I’m a big fan of simple yet difficult. So I stole some things from rucking and repurposed them.
First thing was 15 min AMRAP of the following 3 things:
15-High pulls, 15-Swings, and 15-Overhead squats.
Not going to lie, I thought we were close to time and then looked at watch and it said 7 minutes. Finished up then moved over to far parking lot.
Buy-in=4 line suicide with 5 bombjacks at each line
8 rounds of the following:
5 Burpees
8 Curls
8 Triceps
8 Mountain Climbers
8 Merkins w/bell pull thru
We got through about 5 rounds before time was running short. So finished up with run across lot for 10 bombjacks then grab the bells and head back to COT.
Finished with 10 bell overhead big boys and 10 flutters.

I definitely don’t do kettlebell workouts enough. I need to do a better job of working it into my rotation. I also need to be better prepared. I thought Uhual would bring some music but he didn’t show this morning. So the PAX made up for it in mumblechatter. I appreciate all the PAX coming out this morning and Battle-bot for the Q opportunity.

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