Rainy Block Party

@ESSO taking me away from my site to inflict some pain at WEP.  SOOO let’s mosey to a random parking lot for COP. The typical Lutefisk warm-o-rama containing windmills, imperial walkers, merkins, mtn climbers. mosey to nasty hill (you know the one). 10 squats at the top, 10 SSH at the bottom, nur up, run down. nice way to burn the legs.  mosey to the traffic lights, waiting for the signal let’s knock out 15 Makhtar N’Diayes.  On to the gravel lot for toe taps and some lot-length shuffles. Moving on to the downtown area as it starts to rain pretty hard. BTTW with peter parkers. Mosey to the building with a long undercover area. Team up, teams of 3. One partner holds a position, one exercise, the other runs the length and back. Flapjack each circuit until all have completed it once, then move to next circuit. These are not in order and that’s ok!

HOLD: Al gore, chillcut (elbow plank), BTTW, superman, wall sit w/arm flutters
EXERCISE: ssh, tempo merkin, lbc, v-up
RUN: run, run, run, bear crawl, broad jump

Mosey to COT for announcements, prayers and praises, lutefisk’s message on the f3 brotherhood being more than a workout, and prayer on the way out. Honored to lead, til next time.   AYE

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It was blessing to post with 13 #HIMs today.  We were sweating like crazy 15 minutes into the workout.  YHC has not seen WWL in months. Stang surprised us by posting at today’s boot camp instead of running the trails.  It was great to see all of the Pax in the gloom.  

The Thang:

Mosey to the curved parking lot on 160 

COP: SSH (30x), IW (20x), WM (15x), Sumo Squats (15x), MC (20x), MCs (15x), LBCs (15x) 

Mosey to the parking lot on top of the hill 

Pain Stations:

Circle up, count by 4, each group goes to a corner

Pyramid Drill: At each station/corner, do Flying Squirrels, Reverse Crunches and Donkey Kicks in increments of 5 until we hit 15 repetitions then countdown to 5 as a group. Jog to each station.

Mosey to the curved parking lot on 160

Partner up. Partner Big Boy Sit Ups (15x for 2 rounds), Partner Ski Jumps (15x), Partner Leg Lifts (15x for 2 rounds), Partner Squats (15x for 2 rounds), Pepper Grinders (15x), Scorpions(15x)

Mosey to COT


In order to have significant impact on others you must put others first. Put God first, others second and yourself third. 

We say “I am third” and even wear that saying on our clothing. How do we put ourselves third?

There are daily opportunities to be third, like opening the door for someone. Be there when someone is struggling. Serve the poor. Listen to others perspective and value it.



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Video Bootcamp

11 men showed up for the workout at WEP.  After a quick disclaimer, we began with some light stretching before we jogged up the path leading to the soccer field.  Once we reached the top, we jogged back down for some additional warm-up exercises (SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, and plank stretches).

Next, we moseyed to the playground for a modified Dora.  Once we arrived, there were two men doing pull-ups.  We asked if they would like to join..they declined and disappeared into the gloom.  It kind of felt like a scene from the movie The Outsiders.  Anyway..we began with 100 pull-ups.  Partner 1 – pull-ups;  Partner 2 – run across the field and back to switch out with Partner 1.

Once all teams were done, we ran a lap around the park and stopped near the statue.  Next exercise 200 merkins.  Partner 1 – merkins;  Partner 2 – run up to the top of the hill and back down for switch out.  The area was dark and unfortunately Offset found one of the holes and hurt his leg. Everyone did a great job making sure he was ok.  After a few minutes, he was up and back exercising with the group.

Next, we headed to the parking lot for the last part of Dora.

Exercise: 300 squats

Partner 1 – squats;  Partner 2 – run to the third lit lamppost, 5 burpees, and run back down the hill.

We finished with a shoulder shuffle around the parking circle, clockwise and counter clockwise.

Great job by all.

Thanks for the patience with the video!



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Back to Where it Began

Well wishes to Flat Tire to heal quickly from one on one with a Mountain Bike.  Heal up quickly- you’re influence is great and we look forward to seeing you back in the Gloom.

For 2 years I had no idea there were still other AOs outside of Colosseum.  But really, since Tuesday is our busiest day, getting 11 men to one spot is miracle and noteworthy.  The original AO: The Fort is proudly and strongly led by Esso.  Glad to be back.

Cars were rolling in when I arrived at 0500.  Several familiar faces and names and a few that i knew and have met but will improve on committing your names to memory.  (Sales trick: “Good to see is better than nice to meet you”)- #Cobains to Bobber and Offset.

You should have heard the whining from The Pax, (errr.. Rebel) when I muttered that there would be some grass today during the disclaimer.  It was glorious.  We took off like a bat outta hell running around WEP.

Thought for the day: “I am not who I think I am.  I am not what You think I am.  I am who I think you think I am.”

Warm ups- Dynamic/moving; no circles and watch the Q.  

  • SSH, IW, Squat; Run
  • seal jack, Hillbilly walker, Sumo squat, 3 burpee; run
  • plank jack, MC, PP, 3 burpee; run
  • Monkey Humper, nightclubs; 3 burpee

The Thang

Mosey to bottom of Stairway to heaven.

6 light poles, rotate through groups until all have done

RD 1

  • Group 1: 5 merkins at each light, run back
  • Group 2: Flutters
  • Group 3: LBC

RD 2

  • Group 1: 5 CDD at each light, run back
  • Group 2: Lunge
  • Group 3: Squat

Mosey to Hill for Jacobs Ladder (7).  Once again proves to be great equalizer of men.  loads of huffin and puffin

  • Bottom: Donkey Kicks
  • Top: Bombjacks

6 minutes of Mary

Jail break to Shovel Flag.


We talked about the Thought for day.  What does being a leader mean?  “People will follow you, so lead wisely”  growing up we often sought titles.  Heck, some of us do now.  Team captain, shift manager, Crew Leader, director, boss…  Are you putting in the work to fulfill that title or is it a name only?  Is that what you are seeking.  Conversely, what if your title went away?  what if your title that demanded respect went away? would you still take initiative, encourage, lead others?

Be the leader that regardless of status, operates like one.  Seek to serve instead of being served.

*update 8:57am

Had a meaningful conversation with my Whetstone “stone” recently.  I was going through all of the great things and areas where I was accelerating.  Detail after detail.  Family, M, kids, Parenting successes, work and leadership successes.  We celebrated that together.


“What are your struggles?”, he said.

Boom.  There had been one area that has been in my blind spot and I have not had a grip on so we discussed and laid out a plan of correction.  The point is, Its easy to feel good about your score card/record when you’re 6-1 on the season.  I’m winning, I’m having a good season.  But its the struggle that takes real candor to address.  Special shout to my Whetstone and Shieldlocks.



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Block Party Steps and Bits

8 PAX took the DRP and made their way to WEP for some fun!  During the course of the workout YHC dropped some F3 hacks. Ranged from having a towel and extra shirt in your car for after posting, to being prepared with a Wienke to make writing BackBlasts easier, to giving this thing called F3 away. Disclaimer and we were on our way.

The Thang

Mosey to side parking lot for COP

SSH X 30, Merkins X 10, Squats X 20, Windmills X 10, Mountain Climbers X 20, Peter Parker X 20, SSH X 30

Mosey to courtyard and get some ledge

Right leg step ups X 20, Decline Merkins X 10, Dips X 10.

Left leg step ups X 20, Decline Merkins X 10, Dips X 10.

Rinse and Repeat but cut in half.

Rinse and repeat but cut that one in half (round up).

Mosey back to WEP for Drill Bits

At first drill bit: 1 Burpee, 2 Merkins, 3 Squat Jumps, 4 Plank Jacks, 5 Squats

At second drill bit: 2 Burpees, 4 Merkins, 6 Squat Jumps, 8 Plank Jacks, 10 Squats

At third drill bit: 3 Burpees, 6 Merkins, 9 Squat Jumps, 12 Plank Jacks, 15 Squats

At fourth drill bit: 4 Burpees, 8 Merkins, 12 Squat Jumps, 16 Plank Jacks, 20 Squats

At fifth drill bit: 54 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 Squat Jumps, 20 Plank Jacks, 25 Squats

Then a mosey to eat up about 3 minutes an try to get to 2 miles…. didn’t make it…



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Rejecting Passivity at the Block Party

Seven men rejected passivity by showing up and making themselves better during the humid 45 minutes.  My favorite group size to work out with is 5-8 guys and we were right in that sweet spot!

The Message:

In life we can tend to see weakness and fallacy in others better than we can in ourselves.  When I look for passivity in my own life it his hard to cast stones at others about passivity in their lives.   The bible says that we should count it all joy when we meet trials and it test our faith because it produces steadfastness and we should let steadfastness have it’s full effect on us making us perfect and complete.  When it comes to rejecting passivity try these two things…

  • Surrounding yourself with people that will make you better
  • Limit passive activities like video games, TV, social media… and replace with activities that engage those around you.

The Thang

Mosey up the way with a variety of butt kickers, high knees, karaoke and side shuffles.

Rugby Sprints warm up with dealers choice

Jacobs latter (1-7)

  • Wall pull ups (7)
  • Bear crawl to the curb at other end of parking lot
  • Burpees (1)

Mosey to court yard with wall and partner up. 2 rounds each while partner runs loop around parking lot

  • Step ups/ box jumps
  • Dips

Mosey back for about a minute and a half of Mary

Thank you for the opportunity to lead!

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Q on Cue

A strong group of 17 PAX appeared in the midst of a cool late-august gloom.

– Mosey to Springs parking lot
– Carioca one direction
– Carioca the other
– Mosey to the lot blocked off by the chain
Warm Up:
– SSH (until I heard grumbling)
– Windmill (slowly, until I felt better about life)
– Cherry Picker (stopped corrected some form)
– Cherry Picker with better form
– Merkin x12 (cause you were expecting 10)
– Shoulder Taps
– Mountain Climbers
– Downdog –> Honeymooner, repeat
– added a little runners lunge with some twisting (because yoga)
– sprinkled in a burpee

– Mosey to Pike Electric front lot
– two burpees
– Circled up – Howling Monkeys
– Dirty Hookups on the wall
– Howling Monkeys
– Dirty Hookups
– Threw in 10 burpees because no PAX could quickly identify where in the bible the store of David and Goliath is located (1st Samuel)
– Threw in 20 bomb jacks for a “That’s what she said” about David being small……..not that kind of group.
– Mosey to MillStone
– Wall sit for the 6
– Mosey to Millstone playground
– Happy Jacks x4
– Divided up in to 4 groups at each little hill:
– Start at the top of the hill
– Standing forward bend (aka: touch your toes)
– Inch-worm down into merkin position
– 10 Derkins
– Inch-wormed back
– Bear Crawl to the next hill
– (total of just 40 derkins)
– COP on the little neglected concrete slab there
– Tammy Wynettes for a while (most groups hit 3 reps)
– Mosey back to COT with some stops to let everyone catch up
– Wallsit at Millstone
– Sprint up Massey Hill
– BTTW at Springs Corporate


David and Goliath is a story about faith, but may also be a story about a smaller more agile advisory taking on a big, lumbering giant. This begins to sound like a “lizard” vs a “bullfrog” from the Q-source. Just like David, we sometimes need the faith to trust a lizard or believe that as a lizard we can succeed.

– 9/6 Invergence
– 9/7 Convergence

A privileged to lead.

-Band Camp Dismissed

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Running, Hills, Sand Bags…Complete

No glitz, just guts. (Similar to the writing of this BB.) That’s all we needed today to get some mileage, some drill bits, some hills and a couple of sand bag exercises. Now for the evidence it actually happened this morning at Block Party:

Long mosey to the Massey St hill and back to the upper corner of WEP.

Warm Up exercises consisting of things like Wind Mills, Squats, Merkins and Mountain Climbers

Explanation of the Drill Bit Tour: The path around WEP has these white posts. In our world, we call them Drill Bits and at each of of these Drill Bits, you’ll perform the following exercises:

20 American Hammers (20 ea side)

10 Lunges (10 ea side)

20 Dips

We then made our way to the base of the big grass hill for an explanation of the first sand bag exercise:

With your partner, you will suitcase carry either the 80lb or 60lb sand bag up to the top of the hill and back down. While the partner teams are waiting for their turn on the bag, the PAX did:

10 Burpees, 20 Jump Squats, 30 4-ct Flutters

The next sand bag exercise was for you and your partner to bear crawl-drag the bag out to a tree about 20yds away. Meanwhile, the PAX did the following:

10 Flying Squirrels, 10 Peter Parkers, 10 Parker Peters

Then, as a group, we NUR’d up the hill and Jogged down the hill for 4mins.



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Field of muggy dreams

12 boot campers in total for a humid, gloomy morning.

Warm Up
Mosey run
SSH (IC 13x)
Windmill (IC 13x)
Imperial Walker (IC 13x)
Low Slow Squats (IC13x)
Merkins (IC 13X)
Peter Parker (IC 13x)
Plank stretches
Downward dog

Thang 1: Field of Dreams (modified)
Count off by fours. 1’s to first base, 2’s to second base, 3’s to third base, 4’s to home plate.
Home plate: do 15 burpees then run to first base.
First base: do AMRAP of: Monkey humpers until relieved by home plate group
Second base: do AMRAP of: Incline Merkins until relieved
Third base: do AMRAP: LBC until relieved.
Repeat, and on subsequent “runs”do these:
First base: Imp walkers, Squats,
Second base: dips, step ups
Third base: Flutters, Mtn climbers,
We got two complete runs in.

Thang 2:
Merkins (IC 13X)
Sally routine, doing Leg lifts (two ruckers joined in for this)

Fini, COT

This was my 45th birthday and the first time I got to do a true birthday Q.  Truly a blessing to have another year in the books.  Looking forward to another year to try raise my family as God would have us to do.  AMDG!

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Mountain trip to Dupont State Forest on August 3rd with Trail Running, Rucking and Biking options – there will be a 2nd F afterwords

3rd F

Alright we are 2 years ago we did a mountain trip to Roan Mtn. it was one of the best trips I have made with my fellow F3 brothers. After 10-16 miles we went to Daniel Boone Inn to refuel.

With this in mind I wanted to continue to do this hopefully every year. So on August 3rd we are going to do another mountain trip. This time it will be Trail Running, Biking and Rucking options.

Our destination will be DuPont State Forest. We will leave from the Newport Walmart at 6 am it is a 2 1/2 hr trip. we will either go to the Hooker Falls Access or the Lake Imaging Access. For runners we will try and get 12-18 miles in for Mountain bikers Vuvuzela has about 20-30 mile rout lined up.


2nd F

Afterwords will will go to Daddy D’s and refuel.


Make sure you bring water and something for energy do not come unprepared you will regret it. I did exactly that last time. This will be an unforgettable trip that we will try and do every year. we need to clown car to get there since there are no rental vans available.

Reach out to me if you have any questions.  I have attached links below.

Dupont State Forest Trail Map-1



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