BEYOND…The PreBlast

  • QIC: Maximus
  • When: 01/09/2018
  • Posted In: The Fort

Beyond: One definition defines this as, “Outside the understanding, limits, or reach of.”

Isn’t that the statement of what we typically try to avoid? We’re instructed to do our jobs, keep our heads down, stay in our lanes and to contribute…but don’t disrupt. What if the very thing I am contributing to isn’t benefiting anyone? What if I told you that in order to be an agent for positive change, you sometimes have to go against the grain? What if I saw injustice with my very own eyes? Would I have the courage to intervene?

Now, what if someone looked at my life and noticed an area where I could make a change or take a step forward and stretch myself to do just a little more? What if I was doing the same repetitive workout time after time? Should I expect a different result? Or what about punching the clock at work; was I always just saying “good morning” and moving on from a potential conversation with a coworker? I think you get the idea. It’s easy to stay in our lanes and go unnoticed.

But deep down inside of us there is that desire to be a disrupter, to be a change agent.

I want to…Get stronger

I want to…Be a better husband

I want to…Be a better father

I want to…Give more

I want to…Help more

I want to…Be a better leader

I want to…Be more faithful

This is where I invite you to join me in going BEYOND. Beyond our comfortable conversations, beyond our typical faith, beyond our everyday relationships and yes, beyond our normal workout. BEYOND will be designed to break us down in order to build us up better. Just like muscles, we get stronger after being torn. Does every man need a workout like this? Absolutely not. But I know there are other men like me that need something different, something really difficult, something that smacks them in the face and wakes them up to realize our blessings and how we need to do what we’re made to do.

So here are the details. BEYOND is a Black Diamond AO that will meet at existing AO’s on different days of the week. We will open with the workout at the existing AO and close with their COT. We’ll start on a Tuesday, then the following Wednesday, then the following Thursday, then the following Friday, then that next Monday, then the following Tuesday and so on. The dates are as follows:

Jan 9 (at Block Party / Walter Elisha Park), 17 (at The Coopj / Nations Ford H.S.), 25 (at a Thursday AO)

Feb 2, 5, 13, 21

March 1, 9, 12, 20, 28

I will work to build out the Q schedule 2 months in advance and will work with the scheduled Q to build the topic and let them take control. The requirements are that it has to be hard; not 200 burpees kind of hard but hard that I don’t care how strong or fit you are, you’re feeling it the next morning. There also needs to be a relevant message that is hard for some of us to stomach because it forces us to look in the mirror. It can be faith based, service based, relationship based or something different. It simply needs to be based on us getting better as men.

Thank you for this opportunity to go BEYOND in my own life and for letting me walk with you in going BEYOND, in yours.


TClap |


Its Christmas time and the word of the month is giving so I am asking if you would take moments pray about giving to help a fellow pax. Last year Stang got the Fort and the Rock pax to donate gift cards, cash and presents for me and my family.  This was huge for me and my family, with that  being said I feel the need to help a fellow pax and give back. I have been in touch with our pax of the Fort looking for someone to help out. This morning in COT it was mentioned by Destiny that a fellow pax’s son has just been diagnosed with leukemia and his wife is pregnant with twins. Then again Ginsu and Rock thrill had a tweet about it and come to find out it is an Area51  pax named Bout time his sons name is Jennings. This hits close to home and just knew this is who we need to help this year. a few

If I have never had the pleasure of posting with you in the Gloom I would like to take a second and share my story, Dec 2015 on Christmas eve my 2.5 year old daughter was diagnosed with Leukemia ALL Type B, on Christmas day she had surgery to have a port installed and her first 3 rounds of chemo. We spent Christmas in the hospital and I broke down never cried so hard in my life. I reached out to God prayed that everything will be okay and about 10 min later after the took my daughter back for surgery he answered my pray because a peace just came over me and heard the words its going to be okay.  The last 2 years have been a hard 2 years with ups and downs but also have enlightened me, allowed me to get closer to God.  It also allowed me to become apart of F3 with out the men of this group not sure where I would be mentally and physically today. I like to thank you for the push the words of encouragement.


I am asking pax to give what your heart tells you. Prayers gift cards, cash etc. I have seen what awesome pax you can be when challenged to give you all always go above and beyond.

See your site Q’s for collections and or Dark helmet , Stang, Witch hunt, Royale and Cornerstone, we want to wrap it up by 12/22/17


2 Corinthians 9:7

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Proverbs 18:16

A gift opens the way
and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.

Luke 6:38

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.


Thanks Again HIMS


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Twin Towers



Flat Tire



Frat Boy

Quack Attack

Uncle Same


Sugar Daddy


8 Pax decided to get out of bed this morning instead of fart sacking.  Flat Tire kicked us off with the disclaimer and the introduction of the Twin Tower beat down.  Longshanks also pointed out that he was the only Pax there shorter than 6ft.


With that said here is the Thang:


Mosey over to the parking lot beside the park for the warmup which someone forgot to tell Flat Tire you don’t start a warmup with merkins!



Wind Mill


Wide merkins

Hill Billy Walkers

I believe there were even merkins mixed in


Then we moseyed back over to the park and moved to the first drill bit.  At each drill bit we would add an exercise until we completed all 5 drill bits

10 merkins

20 Big Boy Sit-ups

30 Jump Squats

40 Squats

50 SSH



Next we moved over to the middle of the field and divided up into two teams.  There we ran a relay race where each person would sprint to the track and perform 10 hand release merkins and run back.

YHC was accused of cheating however I can verify my chest touched the ground each time and my hands left ground during the merkin.  Therefore I believe I met all specifications of a hand release merkin.


After this Flat Tire handed the reins to YHC (Bonsai) for the remainder of the workout.


We moseyed up to the Ann Springs building where there was a covered cat walk.  YHC was trying to plan for the rain however it wasn’t doing so during the workout, but the wienkie was set and I didn’t detour.


Last year I came up with this workout and it seemed like the Pax enjoyed it so I thought I would bring the Christmas grab bag back out.


How it works – grab 12 – 15 Christmas bows and write an exercise and number on each.  Throw them in a gift bag and have Pax take turns pulling a bow from the bag.

As a group perform the exercise and another Pax pull another bow.  Once 2 exercises are complete run a lap and then repeat until all bows are gone or time is up.


Depending on how much time you have and the number of bows you can throw them back into the bag or keep them out.  We were able to go through all 12 exercises before COT.






calf raises

bear crawls

crab walks

BTW – 30 seconds


6 inches – 30 seconds





Sign up for Joe Davis

Christmas convergence

Prayers for families, wives and stress of the holidays

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The Fort pledge to help another Pax out

Its Christmas time and the word of the month is giving so I am asking if you would take moments pray about giving to help a fellow pax. Last year Stang got the Fort and the Rock pax to donate gift cards, cash and presents for me and my family.  This was huge for me and my family, with that  being said I feel the need to help a fellow pax and give back. I have been in touch with our pax of the Fort looking for someone to help out. This morning in COT it was mentioned by Destiny that a fellow pax’s son has just been diagnosed with leukemia and his wife is pregnant with twins. Then again Ginsu and Rock thrill had a tweet about it and come to find out it is an Area51  pax named Bout time his sons name is Jennings. This hits close to home and just knew this is who we need to help this year. a few

If I have never had the pleasure of posting with you in the Gloom I would like to take a second and share my story, Dec 2015 on Christmas eve my 2.5 year old daughter was diagnosed with Leukemia ALL Type B, on Christmas day she had surgery to have a port installed and her first 3 rounds of chemo. We spent Christmas in the hospital and I broke down never cried so hard in my life. I reached out to God prayed that everything will be okay and about 10 min later after the took my daughter back for surgery he answered my pray because a peace just came over me and heard the words its going to be okay.  The last 2 years have been a hard 2 years with ups and downs but also have enlightened me, allowed me to get closer to God.  It also allowed me to become apart of F3 with out the men of this group not sure where I would be mentally and physically today. I like to thank you for the push the words of encouragement.


I am asking pax to give what your heart tells you. Prayers gift cards, cash etc. I have seen what awesome pax you can be when challenged to give you all always go above and beyond.

See your site Q’s for collections and or Dark helmet , Stang, Witch hunt, Royale and Cornerstone


2 Corinthians 9:7

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Proverbs 18:16

A gift opens the way
and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.

Luke 6:38

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.


Thanks Again HIMS




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Post party at WEP

It was the day after the Fort Christmas party so time to work off that extra trip down the buffet line. Mainframe leading off with Cha-Ching cleaning up.

  • Mosey around park stopping at each drill-bit. At each bit do 3-4 exercises with each bit ending in squats.
  • After lap around park head down trail toward big hill. Blimps were the call. Do one exercise at one end of trail then run to other end for next exercise. Each time we passed the middle it was 5 bomb-jacks. B=Burpees, L=Lunges, I=Imperial Squat Walkers, M=Merkins, P=Plank Jacks, S=Squats.
  • Mosey back to park and circle up for legs and abs: In squat calf raises, Mtn climbers, in squat heels out, freddie mercs, smurf jacks, flutters, jump squats, dying cockroaches, finish with some monkey humpers.
  • Tag out to Cha-ching. Over to light posts for some extended stairways to heaven.
    • 1st set – jog between lights, 3 burpees at each light
    • 2nd set – jog between lights, kraken burpee at each light
    • 3rd set – backward job between lights, 5 big boy situps at each light
    • 4th set – bear crawl between lights, 5 jump squats at each light
    • 5th set – partner push up the entire hill – terrible, most ended up switching so no second helping
  • Mosey down to park and keep partner. Set 1 runs 3 tree suicides while other groups do exercise running set call. I remember monkey humpers, smurf jacks, and junk-yard dogs. I think we did at least 2 others.

Thankfully time was up and everyone had worked off the night prior. Thanks for the opportunity Bonsai! Always an honor to help lead.


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Dealer’s Choice, Daniel & the Lion’s Den and talk of Bad Weather/Bad Gear

The Thang

YHC decided to post a poll on the Twitter to decide whether we’d revisit the “12 Days of Christmas” delivered by Anchorman earlier this week at Ballroom OR have a “Dealer’s Choice” workout, where each PAX Q’s an exercise of his choice.  The “Dealer’s Choice” won in a landslide.

Mosey to front parking lot for warm-up

SSH x 10

Cherry Pickers x 10

Low Slow Squat x 10

Moroccan Nightclub x 10

Peter Parker x 10

Imperial Walkers x 10

Shoulder Taps x 10

Explain  the process to PAX:  Count off and each PAX leads an exercise of his choosing.  Can be single count, cadence count, stay in the circle or a Mosey (Gilmore and Deep Dish!).

We had 14 there and went through each PAX once, getting through the 10th guy on the second time around.

Not an all-inclusive list, but the workout contained (mostly x 10):



Grave Diggers

Low Slow Squats

Catalina Wine Mixers

Some kind of crazy Burpee

Monkey Humpers


X’ & O’s

Hello Dolly


Diamond Merkins

Slow Merkins

Indian Run

Run to the Stairs


Wall Sit

Bomb Jacks

Naked Moleskin:

This was a little  different for most of us and, quite frankly, turned out better than I’d anticipated.  Each PAX was able to call the exercise and lead the count; kind of like a very light version of Q school.

Throughout the workout, and especially in COT, several PAX shared testimony and/or words of encouragement and food for thought. Popper shared a great testimony about his thoughts on Daniel & the Lions Den.  We are all surrounded by the “Lions” of life.  Although difficult, we should always try to keep our focus on Christ. Rather than get bogged down in trying to fight or figure out what to do about the Lion’s, give it to Him, have faith.

Several years ago, Santini said something like “There’s no bad weather, only bad gear”.  I don’t know if that’s a life mantra of his or if he was just saying it off the cuff. Either way, it has clearly been imprinted upon me. For years, I felt like he meant it literally. Recently, I have realized that it’s really about life. Our “gear” is what gives us cover in the “bad weather” of life. All too often, we find ourselves claiming “bad weather” when we really just don’t have the right “gear”.  We must prepare our hearts and have faith, which will sustain us in the bad weather. This is an active pursuit. One that must be acknowledged and actively practiced.

Sacrifice.  We were reminded by HeeHaw of the sacrifice that was made by 1,177 heroes on the USS Arizona on December 7, 1941. And another 1,226 that consisted of Navy personnel, Marines, Army and civilian. May we never forget or take for granted the sacrifices of so many, then, now and in the future.

YHC asked the PAX to consider:

  1. What are you sacrificing (that you should not be) ?  Is there an area of your life being neglected?
  2. What are you currently making sacrifices for (could be something good. could be something not so good)?  Are your “priorities” showing up in how you spend your time & resources?
  3. What should you be sacrificing for? Which areas need your attention?

Prayers for many PAX, as they face day to day grind of life, relationships with family, family members in poor health, marriages, kids, leaders of our great country, MASH as he recovers from knee surgery and Newman’s son. Praises for the PAX.  Iron Sharpens Iron isn’t just something that looks cool on a t-shirt!  Remember, for Iron to Sharpen Iron, it must be strong & tough. For you to sharpen another, you must be strong. Strong in your faith, strong in your actions.

As always, I am humbled to lead a group of such incredibly High Impact Men. I am already looking forward to the next opportunity! Aye!


TClap |

Modify “only” if Necessary

11 men converged on the Abyss to experience an opportunity to push their limits (and legs).  After the initial “surprise” that there was a Q change due to sickness the mumble chatter began on why staying bed that morning may have been a better option.

A short disclaimer and “sermon” was given about why we get up at 4:30 to exercise and how it is our choice how we leave the workout.  Better than when we arrived…. or the same.  I reminded the men that they always had the choice to modify but that to use it “only” when necessary not just because it is an option.

Warm up (typical stretches and shenanigans)

Pavement Hill Work

  • Lunges to top (mosey down)
  • Basketball shuffle
  • One direction halfway- Switch other half
  • High knees and butt kickers on way down
  • Reverse lunges halfway- sprint second half
  • High knees and Butt Kickers on way down
  • Sprint to top and do 3 Burpees
  • Mosey down

Move over to Parking lot

Bear Crawls to each goal (4)

  • 1st goal- 20 squats
  • 2nd goal- 20 LBCs
  • 3rd goal- 5 Burpees

Broad Jump to each goal (3)

  • 1st goal- 10 merkins
  • 2nd goal- 10 wide merkins
  • 3rd goal- 10 diamond merkins

Over to benches

  • 30 dips
  • 10 steps ups each leg

Grassy Hill


  • Jump lunges/merkins
  • Go up hill (backwards)
  • Finish with 50 Merkins and final accent up hill to COT.

Every man pushed themselves and  finished strong.  May struggle with stairs and sitting on the throne for a couple of days but left stronger than they arrived.

Shared announcements and Prayers.

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OG Launch at The Fort

13 pax posted at The Fort on a cool fall morning for the launch of Bonzai’s month of #OG Qs.  Decibel and YHC were honored to kick things off.  No FNGs on this morning, so with little delay we launched following a brief intro and Disclaimer.

The Thang (DD leading)

Warm up jog along the path, past the playground and to the grassy area along 160 by the WEP sign.

COP – IWs, SSH, Windmills, Merkins, Monkey humpers, Mtn climber, Peter Parkers, 10 burpees OYO

Line up even with the sign facing the street

Karaoke to first tree and back

Side shuffle to first tree and back

Run to far end of park near houses (4 trees away), accelerating pace at each tree.

Muster along the path facing with challenge to take the hill — bear crawl as far as possible toward hill on opposite end of field.  When gassed, rise and do 20 squats, then continue bear crawl, repeating as necessary until reaching bottom of hill.  Bear crawl to top of hill then do 10 burpees.  Run down hill and plank at the bottom.

Time for good old Jacobs Ladder — 7 burpees at top, 1 monkey humper at bottom.

Handoff to Decibel

Mosey to path at past statues at bottom of hill leading to soccer field…yes, more hills.

Run to top of hill, do 5 Three Merkin Burpees, run back to bottom, LBCs
(Repeat for total of 4 cycles changing ab moves at bottom each time and with last two series going all the way to gazebo)

Throw in some more abs and work at the bottom.

Mosey to playground for a partner series of runs around playground & exercises — Pull ups, dips, derkins, CDDs, LBCs (I think…YHC began to blackout at this point in the workout).

Circle up for some ab lab — some Boats & Canoes, Russian Hammers, & God knows what else (YHC gasping for air at this point).

Run home



It was great to be among the pax for a 60-minute boot camp…what was probably my first since end of September.  And, yes,  I felt every bit of it during the workout, afterward and on Sunday and Monday.  I put the Twitter call out for #Sally on Fri night, but Decibel claimed that #Sally is not #OG vintage.  So instead he pummeled the pax with hills and Three Merkin Burpees.  Never thought I would say I missed #Sally.

Great effort by all the pax to endure a tough workout.   I am quite certain my oxygen deprived brain that morning and #Respect level memory missed some portion of Decibel’s Weinke from three weeks ago.  Trust me, I felt like it was Fall 2012 all over again given my recent absence due to personal and business travels.

Hanging tough throughout were three inspirational pax — Little John (War Daddy at 68 yo), Zildjian, a relatively recent arrival who I met for the first time and Mile High, a long timer who I saw back in the gloom for first time after some time out on IR for a while.  Well done, brothers!

Shout out to Senator Tressell whose status on IR kept him from leading at The Fort this month.  He and his #OG leadership were sincerely missed.

Thanks Decibel for a great co-Q and for his continued energetic leadership among the pax some 5 years into this adventure.

Finally, thanks to Bonzai for the invite and for his leadership of The Fort AO.  You are keeping it strong, as it should always be!


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Just Say Yes

9 strong men gathered for the latest edition of Block Party.

The Thang

Here is how it went down-

No FNGs today, so standard disclaimer was given and off we went into the gloom.

Mosey the long way to FFCU parking lot via Ardrey to McCammon. YHC has been to this AO many times to post and is very familiar with the homeowner with the small, but LOUD dog and her adoration for us at 5:15 AM. No desire to talk to the police today, so we went the LONG way. Plank up for the 6 to arrive.

Warm Up-all IC

Windmill x 19, Imperial Walker x 7, Merkin x 7, Low Slow Squat x 7

The PAX seemed eager to get to work, so we did.

Line up at the end of the parking lot for The Escalator. Jump Squats and Merkins. Run across parking lot for 1 Jump Squat, then back across for 2 Merkins. then across for  3 Jump Squats and back for 4 Merkins. Originally planned to do this to 20, but audibled to 10 so as not to miss the other fun stuff planned. Plank up till everyone finishes. Recover. CSPAN excelled at this!

Mosey towards the flags downtown by way of the big field by FFCU. Pit stop there and PAX line up in  plank side by side with enough space between that we can all take a turn doing box jumps over each PAX legs all the way down the line. Once everyone completes this,  all transition to  high plank while everyone crawls through for the tunnel of  love. Recover.

Mosey to the flag and say the Pledge of Allegiance in unison. Thank CSPAN and Hee Haw for their service. YHC is thankful for freedom and feels every day should be Veteran’s Day.

Mosey across street to brick steps at the millstone downtown. All together for the first circuit. 7 Hand Release burpees, Run up steps, run sidewalk to swings and do 19 calf raises. Run to short brick wall by playground for 19 dips, 19 derkins and 7 step ups per leg. Run to playground parking lot and bear crawl across the lot. Run down sidewalk back around to the brick steps.

Round 2 is U vs. U. All you got and then plank up to wait for the 6 when finished.

Running low on time, so let’s do 7 more hand release burpees and mosey back.

Gather up for some Mary at the parking lot near 160 and Audrey.

LBCs x 20 IC, Flutters IC x 20, Hello Dolly x 20

Mosey back and bell rang as we pulled in.

COT and a great take out by Chicken Hawk.


It was a great morning and YHC was honored to get the call up from DD. Everyone was getting after it and that is what we post for, to get stronger and better. We covered  2.25 miles.

Most exercises today were in sets of 7 or 19. During the warm up, YHC explained the reason for this. Recently, I posted a pre-blast for The Joe Davis Run for Recovery and I wanted to explain why YHC and my family feel passionately about this cause. 1 in 7 American will face Addiction. We had 9 in the circle. It could affect one of us. Also, 1 American dies of an opioid related overdose every 19 minutes. That is at least 2 lives lost while we worked out. Think about that. Addiction is a big issue and this is why we run the Joe Davis Run for Recovery.

Later on, YHC also took a moment to explain in COT that, as leaders, we need to understand that what we say and do influences others. Ideally, in a positive way. YHC doesn’t get to spend as much time with Double D as I would like, but a couple of years ago, at a Coop workout, he really impacted me by encouraging the PAX to “just say yes.” We all have a lot of responsibility in our lives, but are we missing the good stuff because our default answer is “no?” Since that day, it has stuck in my head and impacted my thought  process.  Whether it is our kids asking us to read to them after a long day at work or our wife asking us to watch a “chick flick,” let’s try to find a way to “say yes” and live 3rd. I gave a personal example of me being out of work  2 years ago for a short period and my wife asking if we should go ahead and take our kids to Disney World with the money we saved versus waiting. Timing and finances didn’t not seem optimal, but I “just said Yes.” It was one of the funnest trips we have ever taken and won’t ever be forgotten. What a blessing that came from what was a suboptimal situation. Be warned though, “saying yes” will take you out of your comfort zone! Not a bad thing.


Bags for Beds

Bags for Beds

Turkey Drive

Paradise Turkey Giveaway


Christmas Party

Pre-Blast: 2017 F3 The Fort Christmas Party

Joe Davis Run for Recovery

2018 Joe Davis Run for Recovery


CSPAN noted hat this is all in the newsletter and we should read it!

Thanks for the opportunity to Q, DD!

Honor to lead,



TClap |

2018 Joe Davis Run for Recovery


The 6th Annual Joe Davis Run for Recovery

When- 01/06/2018 at 8:00 AM.

Where-Walter Elisha Park in Fort Mill, SC

Please join my family again this year as we celebrate my younger brother Joe’s life and continue our efforts to #breakthestigma associated with Addiction. All proceeds of this event go to benefit Keystone, York County’s authority on substance abuse and their unwavering efforts to help those fighting Addiction in York County. This event is family-friendly and will offer a 1 mile Fun Run, a 5k Walk/Run and a 10k Walk/Run. Ruckers welcome! It focuses on HOPE!


Because my brother Joe died on October 4th, 2009, of an accidental drug overdose, at the age of 28 with most of his life still ahead of him.  That is tragic. Joe struggled with Addiction from the age of 12, but had gotten sober in conjunction with turning his life over to Jesus Christ in October of 2007.  In the end, though, this battle was one that proved too strong for him to fight alone, unfortunately. Our family was unaware of Keystone as a resource for Joe to get help until after it was too late.  So, in the wake of his death, we felt a call to serve  and we decided to take action to get the word out. With my sister and I both being involved in running, we felt a race was a great way to not only get the word out about Keystone as a path to Health, Hope and Healing, but also to bring awareness to what our family already knew was becoming a serious problem in our society now.

This is an issue we need to face head-on. it affects and is affecting more people in our community than you realize. Think about these realities-

  • More than 21 Million Americans struggle with Addiction. That is more than the number of people battling all cancers combined.
  • According to the Surgeon General, Addiction will affect 1 in 7 Americans.
  • Drug overdoses are the leading cause of death among Americans under 50 years old.
  • Drug overdose deaths eclipsed 64,000 in America in 2016. Up 19% from 2015. Every 19 minutes an American dies from opioid or heroin overdose.


Last year, F3, FiA and their family members accounted for at least  275 of our almost 1000 participants! If you are unable to run or walk, we can always use volunteers and there is also a Sleep In option to support the cause from afar. To date, we have successfully raised more than $125,000 for Keystone to fight the awful disease called Addiction. These funds are primarily used to support the Men Under Construction program.

In appreciation for the continued support of F3 and our sisters of FiA, we have arranged for a $5 discount code, F3FIA, that will apply to whatever the current price is for the 5k or 10k races at time of registration, for as long as online registration is open.  It will not stack on top of any other discounts, however. Please help spread the word at COTs!

Register HERE.

Final Thoughts-

Joe spent a lot of his adult life as a lonely man. I firmly believe F3 could have helped change his course. While this event does benefit Keystone from a financial aspect, it is also allows for an incredible opportunity to let our communtity know what F3 and FiA are all about, so let’s take advantage of that. Wear your gear, let’s get the F3 flags and tents up, bring the business cards and let’s EH some folks while we fight Addiction. Aye?

I am especially excited for this year’s race as we will be hosting Speed for Need to kick off 2018. If you know of someone who would like to ride or you would like to push in the 5k, please reach out to myself or Dark Helmet. Check it out this amazing effort that goes hand-in hand with ours at Speed for Need!

With gratitude,

Rock Thrill


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