Hey, carry my bell will ya?

WARMUP: 10 count of things, then 15 count of same things
THE THANG: we all swapped carrying the 25 lb bell around for fun. Did BOMBS at unity church circle. 10-15-20-25, a full Jack Webb and then a run around the block for good measure. Mr Kettlebell enjoyed the tour.

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The Texas Two Step and GI Issues Says It All

MoseyCircle Up:15 IW, 15 Peter Parker’s, 15 Parker Peters, 10 Merkins, 15 Cherry Pickers.Mosey to front of shopping center:Bear Crawl, Crab Walk and Lunge Walk between light post then jog around building.At light posts: 40 Squats, 20 Merkins, 30 Hello Dollies, 20 CDD, 30 Apollo Ohno, 40 LBC and 5 Burpees.Rinse and Repeat x3Peoples Chair with each person doing a burpee, balls to the wall and peoples chair with each person doing a bomb jack.3 minutes of Mary: X/O, box cutters, LBC, etc

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Loose feet on the street

WARMUP: Moseyed a lap around the scratchy lot, theSSH, Windmills, Cherry Pickers
THE THANG: to the bottom of the hill. 3 rounds up with exercises at the top and upon return. To the COG big lot (no chalk was used) for a starfish select a card 2.5 rounds.
MARY: having so much fun lost track of time so we didn’t see Mary.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Yep. Cool Shirts and stuff
COT: patients and patience, family illnesses, celebrate the JOYs that are in your life every day.

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2 for 3 F’s

WARMUP: Moseyed and 10 count of SSH, MNCs and Windmills X 2
THE THANG: Did 6 rounds of a 4 corners of the upper loop with Merkins/CDDs for round 1 and 4, round 2 and 5 was BigBoys and American Hammers, rounds 3 and 6 were squats and calf raises. Did a ladder of select a card of exercises, select a card of quantity.
MARY: Not today
ANNOUNCEMENTS: All the usual.
COT: Shared with Flounder some personal issues and he shared the true power of Faith and prayed us out like a HIM of all HIM’s. If you ever get a chance to do a 1:1 workout with Flounder, I highly recommend.

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Tanknation at the ballroom

WARMUP: Broga, SSH, IW, Windmills, dips, derkins, mosey
THE THANG: 10 signs with exercises on them. Each increments by 1 exercise. Do a sign then a lap. 10 ea. Merkins, big boys, squats, plank jacks, LBCs, Mtn climbers, SSH, flutters, American hammers, burpees. See yard backblast for more derails
MARY: Rebel led
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read newsletter.
COT: prayers

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Tour of the Yard

If you saw the video, Bowzer is your guy if you need a face/voice for video intro.

After committing to a pre-run, I was then a fill in Q, my tail was dragging.

Dynamic warm up, back and forth across the lot, a couple exercises, the a motion across, couple more, motion across, you get it.

Finish with the bear crawl challenge. Often times when working out with PAX at my old and broken fitness level, a bear crawl means you take a half dozen “strides” and stand up, grunting and groaning and swinging your arms around like you are loosening up. Over the last couple Q’s I called this out and gave the PAX a distance to make. If you call it out, they (I) will do it.

over to the light poles for one round of suicides

back to the school wall where we did wall sits and tons of BURPEES

on our way to the hill in front of the school we weaved in and out of the perma-cones

At the hill we did some exercises at the top and some at the bottom, super high counts, 5-10-15, than 10-20-30 at the bottom

then over to the bench, where we did the typical dips and incline merkins

Wrapping the morning up, all PAX crushed a 10 count of BALLS TO THE WALLS (my ode to Accept)

Exercises throughout were typical old guy stuff, windmills, BURPEES, shoulder taps, BURPEES, mountain climbers, monkey humpers, squat jumps, BURPEES, multiple rounds of Makhtar N’Diayes, BURPEES, stuff like that

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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Dora & the Hill

The mumble chatter was strong from the start this morning & never ceased. It helped cut the thickness of the air.

Short mosey to the FMPD parking lot for some SSH’s, Windmills, Moroccan NC’s & LSS’s

Mosey’d over to Massey St & up the hill to the parking lot.
Since we were 5-strong, split into two groups for a Dora of 100x Merkins, 200x LBCs & 300x Squats.
First group ran down & back up the hill while the 2nd group whittled away at the reps. Flapjack until all were complete.
Some Bear Crawling & Lunges over & back across the top parking lot.
Mosey over to parking lot behind Hobos for more Bear Crawls & Lunges.
Ran back to FBChurch for Mary until time.

MARY: Yes – 10x Gas Pumpers > Double-Crunch LBCs > Dynamic-Count Box Cutters > Flutters > Catalina Wine Mixers. Closed w/5x Burpees.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter. Lot’s coming up w/10yr anniversary & multiple CSAUP offerings.

COT: Praises & Prayers all around. Post next week with @Dojo on Q!

Thanks to @Small World for the opportunity to lead!

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WARMUP: First, we warmed up.
THE THANG: Then we did a lot of kettlebell stuff and ran a little.
MOSTLY, we listened to what might have been the worst playlist ever conceived. From the marginally incestuous Osmonds, to the Killers, to what was probably the biggest surprise which was Wilford Freaking Brimley. The diabeetus commercial guy you say? Yes. Beloved actor who starred in the 1985 hit movie Cocoon? Yes. He’s a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Well, he was when he was alive, yes… but please tell me THAT isn’t the thing that you find most surprising. He has albums. Of music. Where he sings. Doesn’t that shake you a little more to your core? I mean… even just a little? And to add insult to injury (and trust me, his singing was injurious), there’s not a single freaking song on his album about DIABETES TESTING SUPPLIES. Seriously, lean into your strengths, Wilford. WTF? You know diabetes supplies like no other… and yet you choose to sing about someone’s silver-haired daddy…? I’m not sure what to think anymore… I’m not sure this world was meant for me…
MARY: Once again, girls aren’t allowed. Core Principle #2.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter.
COT: Core Principle #5

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No discounts for the Coupons!

WARMUP: SSH, Cherry Pickers, Merkins, Imperial Walkers, LBCs
THE THANG: Starfish w Bombjax at the center – 3 exercises at each of the corners. Coupons were a hit !
MARY: 5 mins at end
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Blood drive, CSAUP, Bubble pancake breakfast, Final count down,

COT: Prayers for Tootie, Destiny in-laws, Health, Families

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Light Poles and Jack Webb’s

WARMUP: little mosey and then SSH, O/H Claps, MNC, MC, Imperial Walker
THE THANG: 6 light poles and treat it like suicides with an exercise at each pole. 1st pole, 10 Wide Arm Merkins, 2. 15 CDD, 3. 20 Merkins. 4. 25 Squats. 5. 30 Monkey Hunpers. 6. 35 Plank Jax.
Mosey to front of Middle School in front of Benches. Two rounds of Jack Webb. 1st round up to 5 & 20 Heels to Heaven / Big Boy Sit-ups. 2nd round up to 5& 20. Merkins/Dips. Return to basketball court for sprints. And end with some Mary.

Welcome FNG Wicked Tuna, EH’d from Colombia, SA. Yes that is South America

Thanks Fogerty for the Q stick. Great to see Beacon back out!!!!

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