Bing was in town. It was a real good time.

Bing probably has a much more interesting version of all this, but suffice it to say, it was a good time. I went first half and Bing ended the hour. It’s not going to be a great backblast, but it will capture the fact that there were men there and what their names were. That’s gotta count for something…

We did.

We lifted some stuff. Then Bing made us do a lot of Bear Crawling and something called a “Pit of Misery”. Hateful stuff…

No chicks.

Read your newsletter.

The 5th Core Principle.

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Massey Street x 6

WARMUP: SSH’s waiting for a few late comers

THE THANG: Run Massey street, 35 Merkins, run back, 25 bomb jacks / repeat, Wide arms, Bobby Hurleys / repeat, hand release, jumping lunges

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Test Taking Anxieties

Pledge of Allegiance right at 05:16 ( a little late due to mumblechatter)
WARMUP: Quick warmup right in the parking lot. All double count.
15 SSH
10 WM
15 IW
15 MNC
Then off to the corner of Main and Confederate to start the Thang.
THE THANG: The APFT – Army Physical Fitness Test
2 mile run
2 min of Merkins, AMRAP
2 min of big boy situps, AMRAP
Form matters or else it is not a rep.

Starting at the corner of Main and Confederate, the loop for the run was 4 laps of
– Down Main
– L on Academy
– L on Withers
– L on Confederate
– Back to corner on Main – that’s about .47 mi. Repeat 4X.
– 4th lap ended about halfway down Academy to make it an even 2 miles.

Everyone crushed it! Cubbie was king on the run, just below 8min pace. Tesh absolutely killed the merkins. Cubbie was also king on BBSUs.

Since the APFT calculator’s final scoring is based on age, the younger you are, the harder it is to pass, Tesh barely failed, but IMO he crushed it. That’s just fuel for next time.

I plan on Q-ing the APFT once a quarter to track progress.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read the newsletter. Get involved!

COT: The holiday season is a time for family, friends, and joy. Not everyone may have that in their lives right now. If you see or know someone in that situation, consider being the one that brings joy into their lives during the holidays.

Also, the holiday seasons – Thanksgiving and Christmas namely – are a time when most people open their hearts, and wallets, and give more than usual. That’s a blessing for sure, and I am not taking that for granted, but imagine how much better this world would be if everyone would do that all year around. We should not need the holiday season to encourage that from others, we should be living in love every day, just like He did.


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Smokin Deck of Cards

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Morrocon NC and Strawberry Pickers
Phase 1: 100 Swings OYO
Phase 2: Deck the Cards – 3 Rounds using the exercise on the brown paper bag per the attached picture.
MARY: She didn’t show up
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Prayers and Praises

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Dedicated to Bass

WARMUP: We gathered with a lot of F3 years under our belt. It was cold so we needed to warm up our old bones. Bass wore every particle of clothing he owed, Eddie started a new fashion trend wearing a winter hat and a ball cap on top. Old Bay was in awe with this new look, he’s been wearing 2 hats since.

We ran over to the basketball court for some warmups: SSH, windmills, cherry pickers, low slow squats, merkins, Parker Peters and I think that was it.
THE THANG: We ran back to our cars, to drop off Pusher’s hat because he was drawing too much attention from FiA, and stayed in the main parking lot.

3 sets of exercises, 20 reps:
1. Merkins
2. Squats
3. Shoulder taps (in cadence)

Lap around the parking lot, rinse and repeat, and another lap.

Ran to the back of the school by the little foot bridge for another set of 3.
1. Lunges
2. American hammers (double count)
3. Calf raises (20 in, reg, out)

Ran back up the hill and back, rinse and repeat, the ran back up the hill with a sprint.

Ran over the bridge and behind the track because I’d never been there before. Another set of 3.
1. CDD
2. Plank jacks (in cadence)
3. Seal jacks (in cadence)

Kept running behind track to the other parking lot for a rinse and repeat. Bass decided to do a lot of CDD so the shoulders got toasty.

For all the above exercises, we all rotated calling cadence…because it’s good practice and YHC didn’t have to count the entire time.

Ran back to COT.
MARY: Airborne special, which was horrible, and then some stretching.
COT: did it while sitting on the ground

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Bearded Wonder Takes On The Pond

NASA asked me to Q Minnow Pond about a month ago and I accepted forgetting that I had Lake Haigler 12 hour 2 days afterwards. The plan was to take the Minnows to the trails and get some miles there but that will have to wait for another time to do that. It had rained the night before and there were a lot of leaves on the trails. Didn’t want someone to do a Superman like Dark Helmet did last time I Q’d here.

Took the fellas to Harris Street Park and as Strava describes it Harris Street Hell Hills. It’s almost a mile to the park from Veterans Park so keep that in mind for future Q’s.

We did hill repeats each way with 10 hand release merkins at the middle, 10 monkey Humpers at top of one side Harris Street and 10 Sumo Squats at Harris/21 Hill. Most got close to 4 miles total.

Had a group of guys carrying around fancy book bags filled with styrofoam peanuts and a few had actual weights in them. Maximus,Rebound,Dark Helmet,Farmers Only,Spider-Man, Crystal Lake, Wooden Leg and Anchorman all rucked I’ll let you decide who had peanuts and who had weight.


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Turn rain on 0515, turn rain off 0600’ish

WARMUP: Gathered before 0515 and no rain. 0515 hits and the rain begins. Why create an environment that makes things a little easier?

Disclaimer given and we took off on a little mosey to the corner of the parking lot.

Circled up for SSH, windmills, cherry pickers, low slow squats, merkins, Peter Parker.
THE THANG: Ran to the oil change place that has the little wall in the back. Once we got to the wall, direction was given. 10-20-30 was the idea.
– 10 step ups, run around building
– 10 diamond derkins, run around building
– 20 step ups, run
– 20 regular derkins, run
– 30 step ups, run
– 30 wide arm derkins, run

Run through the smell gauntlet and all the way through to the apartments with the round about at the bottom of the hill. 10-20-30 again but no running.

Alternating between CDD and lunges, do 10 of each, then 20, then 30.

Last we did 7s at the bottom of the hill to the fire station entrance. NUR up the hill, regular run to the bottom. Bottom of hill was bomb jacks, at the Fire station was 4 count flutters.
MARY: Plank hold with some plank stretches
ANNOUNCEMENTS: yes, newsletter
COT: of course

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Failure is fine

WARMUP: Gathered with our sandbags and left those for a quick mosey after a quick disclaimer. Came back for SSH, windmills, low slow squats, merkins, cherry pickers.
THE THANG: Came back to our sandbags and took our carabiners and clipped the ends to each other. Put them on our shoulders and then walked VERY close to each other. Alternating shoulders as needed but honestly, this lasted about 200 yards before the Q realized this wasn’t shaping up as it was in his head. Along the way we did curls and then curls and overhead presses.

We then unclipped and did 10 manmakers. We then took our bags to the tiered area and partnered up at the bottom. 1 partner with a 40 and 1 with a 60.

Partner 1 took both sandbags to the top and partner 2 stayed at the bottom doing pushups. Once partner 1 got back, there was a flip flop. Rinsed and repeated this.

Did this again with dips (just 1 round) and finished with flutters but for flutters it was a farmer carry.

Headed back towards COT but stopped at the curb for another idea…that didn’t pan out. With 2 sandbags removed, each pax laid down with a sandbag held in a press and then passed it down the line (last 2 guys had no bag yet) and then the first 1 guy that passed the bag ran to the other end in an Indian run style plan. Again, idea was ok but execution wasn’t great.

Moral of the story today – have a plan, execute plan, adjust plan, move forward.
MARY: we spared a few min
COT: complete

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To the Light Pole, To The Wall

Short mosey, found Bonsai, did some warm uppy things
Mosey to the half wall.
Mosey to the wall:
– 8 burpees at the parking spaces
– Over the wall
– 1 Donkey Kick
– Over the wall
– Continue the series 7/2, 6/3, etc.

Mosey to the light poles:
Obtain a rock. Everyone apparently expected judgement, because everyone grabbed an acceptably large rock to start.

– 10 Bentover Rows with your rock
– 10 curl and directly into an OH Press with your rock
– Run to the first light pole – 5 merkins
– Run back to the rocks and complete the exercises again.
– Run to the first pole – 5 merkins, run to the second pole 5 merkins
– Run back to the rocks.
– Keep going based on time available. I think we got to pole 6
We had 5 minutes and went around the circle calling exercises until time ran out.

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Iron Mike made me late

WARMUP: When you stay up late to watch Tyson, you sleep too long and then the site Q takes over. When you hear others stayed up to watch as well, you don’t have any excuses.

Thanks to JCruise for stepping in to get things started!

Disclaimer was given and we did a few warmup exercises before we got going: windmills, low slow squat, merkins, and cherry pickers.
THE THANG: Pearls on a string with a tour of campus. Started with 10 and then added 20 to the 10, and so on at each stop.
1. 10 bomb jacks
2. 20 Diamond merkins
3. 30 hammers (single count)
4. 40 squats
5. 50 flutters (double count)
6. 60 calf raises (3 different ways)

The tour took us to one entrance, then down a trail path, couple light poles, and all over. It was great and fun conversation.
MARY: quick round the horn call out of exercises
COT: CSPAN style!

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