The Hive 2018:39 (Shovel Flag hand off)

10 HIM gathered in the gloom for a split Q and passing of the shovel flag.

Tesh began:

SSH x25
Windmill x10
Imperial Walker x10
Lap around the parking lot (counterclockwise…)

5 Kettlebell burpees
10 Snatches (5 each arm)
3 reps of this

Partnered up and Lined up facing the stadium:
Farmer carry both bells while partner planks & shoulder taps
Repeat with partner doing overhead claps instead of planking

Switch Q to BandCamp:

Bear Crawl towards the stadium until we ran out of pavement
Al Gore for the 6 and then Al Gore+Moroccan Night Clubs x10
Honeymooner–>Downdog rinse and repeat
Bear Crawl back to our bells. Moved to the wall outside the gym.

5 burpees
10 Overhead chest presses
10 Reverse Lunges w/ kettlebell held at the beltline
Reverse Lunge w/ single arm press and hold for 10 count
NAMED EXERCISE: The Solo Tesh: (standing)
– single-arm overhead press the kettlebell and hold for 10 seconds
– return kettlebell to clean position and hold for 10 seconds
We did 3 reps on each arm
20 Goblet Squats
10 Overhead chest presses

Wall Sit with bell intermittently held over our heads during storytime. Rinse and repeat.

Flutter x15
Superman x10
Peter Parker x10
LBC x10


In honor of Tesh’s two years of steady leadership at #TheHive, this workout drew some from his first post at The Hive: Q-ed by Geronimo.

The Solo Tesh comes from a workout Tesh lead when he was the only PAX to post that morning. Looking at the dates and this tweet, it appears that there may have been multiple solo posts for Tesh at The Hive. One aspect of his leadership that I appreciate and respect is how quietly he leads. He leads by example with little desire for fanfare . It was this solo-post tweet that got YHC to attend his first kettlebell workout: Tesh’s model encouraged me at The Hive at all. I’m grateful for Tesh’s work and honored to carry the shovel flag for #TheHive (and if necessary post in the gloom solo……ah February…..).

During storytime on the wall sits, I referenced the Poverty Simulation some of the PAX are putting on 10/13/18 at FBC in Fort Mill. I did not grow up in poverty, and specifically remembering my dad saying that folks could just work harder and would be successful. That was because my old man had worked hard and he was successful. But he also had a lot of advantages that allowed his hard work to pay dividends. Not everyone is so lucky. In my teaching, I see students that struggle with much more than the nuts and bolts of course work and assignments. The outside influences of poverty on college students is especially troubling. Consider a student that takes on debt to attend school to better themselves but is forced out of school after 3 years to work because their family needs the income. They have all the debt of a college degree with none of the job prospects. Understanding someone’s lived experience is a powerful tool. Hopefully PAX will take advantage of it.

Band Camp dismissed.

TClap |

Prepare for a White Out

YHC was called off the bench to deliver the game winning pain. There was no weinke just some ideas floating in YHC mind in what to do…not a good way to lead, Wasn’t sure if any PAX would show up as well since competing with Reborn’s Beyond workout, just knew Bonsai HC earlier in the week.

Knowing that the annual Penn State White Out is three days away, what other way to deliver some pain at the Ranch then to do some crowd favorite waves!

Mossy to student drop off at Springfield MS for COP:

Windmills, IW, merkins, squats and one other just cant remember

First wave was the elbow plan burpee wave. PAX lined up in a line in elbow plank. First PAX did 2 burpees while rest of PAX stayed in plank. Once first PAX was done, down to plan and next PAX does 2 burpees, and so on. did 3 straight rounds. If we had more PAX it would have visually looked like a wave within a stadium.

Individual Dora 1-2-3: 50 merkins, 100 LBCs, 100 squats. Between each one, run the drop off loop.

finish at the driveway behind school and lunge walk up hill to first school entrance.

Mossy to Elem School drop off/front door. 20 step ups, 5 burpees, repeat twice.

Mossy to…..playground!

Elbow Plank Pull-up wave (crowd favorite). Plank with 5 pull ups per PAX, repeat 3x’s.

Ended with big boys situps, 6″ Moroccan nightclubs (lay on back, feet 6″off ground while doing MC), 5 burpees, and 5 more pull ups.

Mossy to COT, and since we had a few minutes to spare, run around the drop off circle.

Thanks Jiffy for bringing in the back up Q, it’s always fun to Q at the Ranch due to the number of places/things you can do.

Prayers: Bonsai and M in guiding their 2.0, Trucker’s M for going back to Grad School and patience within the house, Peabody’s M’s birthday, and colleague of Truckers in Raleigh who was just diagnosed with a brain tumor.


TClap |

011 Ruck PT at Fire Ant

Lucky me, after the weekend of the GoRuck Selection Facebook Live event I get to Q the Fire Ant.  I felt privileged to be the first.  If you don’t know what the GoRuck Selection is just check out Go Ruck on Facebook.  This event goes 48+ hours of some of the worse PT, ruck marches, and extra weight carries you can imagine.  If you’ve done a GoRuck Tough, it like that on steroids for 2 straight days!  And it’s led by 7-10 of GoRuck’s best cadres.  Completion % is > 2%.  And you get to watch this live on Facebook!  It’s crazy, if you want to check it out, video replays are on their FB page.

So we had 14 PAX ready to test their will on the ruck, including Sasquatch and Wegmans who borrowed rucks to join us, as well as Tinsel for his 1st ruck workout! I had asked all the regular ruckers to bring their sandbags and they did not disappoint.  It’s amazing how the numbers work out sometimes.  14 guys + me /  7 sandbags of extra weight = perfect fit!  (Spiderman later ragged me for clip boarding for like 4 minutes…he was right) After Dark Helmet’s Q school disclaimer we lined up 2×2 with a sandbag between each man and started the long march.

We moseyed over to the church parking lot north of the shopping center talking about the GoRuck Selection and Doug – the only man to finish the 48 hour Selection this year.  About half of the ruckers watched some of the Selection on Facebook Live at some point this weekend.  Many of them were yelling at their devices “DFQ 011!!!!!” at least a few times…

When we arrived I told them about our goal today.  In honor of 011s Selection completion we had 11 ruck exercises and we would complete 11 reps for each.  These were some of my favorite PT items the cadres had 011 go through countless times during Selection!

  1. 8 count Burpees with ruck on
  2. Ruck Curls
  3. Squat Thrusters
  4. Flutters with ruck press
  5. Overhead ruck press
  6. Ruck sandbag toss (in the grass)
  7. Ruck Swings
  8. Man Makers
  9. Tricep Extensions
  10. Overhead Ruck Hold with Lunges
  11. Ruck sandbag Bear-hug Carry for 110 yards

This PT was brutal and allowed for plenty of mubblechatter.  We completed the full rotation twice before we were almost out of time.

Once complete, we lined back up in 2×2 formation.  Each man had a sandbag between them.  This time we would rotate the bags between partners on our route back to COT.  We took the long way and each man carried a bag twice.

Back to COT right on time – Dark Helmet and his 6 PAX not so much.  We did flutters while we waiting for their LATE return.

COT with Nameorama – announcements – prayers – BOM

An Honor to Lead




TClap |

Always Ready

Maximus at a “Moderate?” I mean, c’mon, Slow Burn isn’t always moderate. That said, I appreciate the opportunity to Q no matter the AO so thank you Smithers for thinking of me. I tried to honor the AO by pushing the PAX and keeping everyone together.

So here it is:

Warm up jog to the lot next to Lowe’s for a warm-up circle of:

SSH (Only for Trucker), Imperial walkers, Wide-Arm Merkins, Donkey Kicks and 10 Burpees (more to come)

Line up shoulder to shoulder on the wall in the peoples’ chair position

Starting at one end, we’d lunge walk to the other end of the peoples’ chair wall.

Next series, PAX line up shoulder to shoulder in a plank position with their feet on the all. Starting at one end, the PAX would bear crawl to the other end.

Jog around the back of Lowe’s heading toward the ever-changing car repair shop. The interesting thing here is that while finishing the jog, I heard a conversation between Chicken Hawk and Wide-Right where the latter mentioned he hasn’t Q’d yet and was interested in getting on a Q schedule. So, I did an about face, confirmed what I thought I heard and gave him the opportunity as soon as we circled up in the repair lot. After a brief mention to the PAX regarding the Q change for the next several minutes, I think he led us in the following:

LBC’s, Mountain Climbers, 10 Burpees Dips, Derkins Peter Parkers, Parker Peters, SSH and 5 Burpees…he then handed it back to me.

Now, jog to the large lot on the other side and circle up:

Flutter kicks w/ a press

Box Cutters then reverse box cutters

A short 3-tier suicide series with jump squats as you return to the starting line.

So that was in; we keep the group together, encourage the chatter and give a man his opportunity to lead us. Just another day in THE FORT.

Leave no man behind but leave no man as you found him.


TClap |

Lack of control

This thing got started with a quick gathering to listen in to the disclaimer before we began the 45 min of activities planned.  Short mosey from COT over to the band practice practice field for a warm up.

Warm up included:

  • 40 SSH, 2 burpees
  • 30 shoulder press, 2 burpees
  • 25 Moroccan night club, 2 burpees
  • 8 windmill, 2 burpees
  • 15 squats, 2 burpees
  • 10 hillbilly walkers, 2 burpees
  • quick leg stretches, honeymooners, and downward dog – then we took off to the next spot

Mosey’d over to the smaller parking lot in front of the school with the loop in front of the main entrance where YHC scooped up a parking cone and dropped it off about 80-100 yards from the front of the school.  Next piece of fun ensued was as follows:

  • 50% run from main entrance to cone, followed up by 5 burpees
  • 50% run back to main entrance, followed by 10 bench step up’s each leg, and then 20 dips
  • Then repeat the above for round 2
  • 75% run from main entrance to cone, followed up by 5 burpees
  • 75% run back to main entrance, followed by 15 bench step up’s each leg, and then 25 dips
  • Repeat the above @ 75%
  • 100% / all you got run from main entrance to cone, followed up by 5 burpees
  • 100% / all you got run back to main entrance, followed by 20 bench step up’s each leg, and then 30 dips
  • Repeat the above @ 100%

In-between the 50-75% round and 75-100% round, YHC provided some words on “control”.  While some of us are more controlling than others, we all have our control issues somewhere in our lives.  Whether that be at home with the M and 2.0s, at work with co-workers or just the company in general, or trying to control and plan for a hurricane.  In the end, we can only control ourselves, how we act, what words we use and choices we make, if we want to push ourselves during a workout, etc.  When something like a hurricane comes along and we have no control, we can comfort our M’s and our 2.0s, but it’s really in God’s hands and we need to put our trust in Him.

Quick mosey back to COT (with the Laces Out PAX “stretching”) for some Mary, name-o-rama, announcements, prayers / praises, and ball of man.  Also knocked out 42 burpees in total for #1000September !

Good stuff – looking forward to next time!


TClap |

Give Yourself Permission

9  pax posted to the land of the free and the home of the brave in Fort Mill, SC (aka Walter Elisha Park aka WEP aka The Fort) for a snot-woggler of a morning.  Of course, all men are welcome at F3 AOs and none are left behind.  But, when I took note of the pax present (no FNGs and all wily veterans), I knew we were in for some real pain.  This was not a crew that modifies, and my co-Q (Copay) certainly was going to dole it out.  My mission of the morning was to keep the pax present and encourage them through the barrage.  For the record, a brief Disclaimer was proclaimed.  Then I put forth a short command — “Give yourself permission to be here and only here for the next 60 minutes…let go of everything else that might be occupying your mind.”  All pax confirmed they had permission to proceed, and then the fun began.

The Thang

Double D in the lead

Mosey up hill out the parking lot with right turn down Ardrey St

Series of Karaoke, High knees, Butt kicks, To Soldiers

Take paved trail at first intersection back into the Springs parking lot and work our way through the lot to the building with periods of Lunge walks, Broad jumps, Bear crawl, Backwards lunge walk, Crawl bear, Crab walk.

COP — Al Gore, SSH, IWs, HWs, Merkins, CDDs, Bombjacks

Mosey to UCSynergetic back lot

Pull-ups on the walkway railing + 10 Bombjacks OYO
Rinse and repeat

Mosey partway down grassy hill toward Hwy 160 and then a permission slip check was made before handoff to Copay

Copay in the lead

Build a burpee X5

Mosey to bottom of gun shop hill.

50X Side Straddle Hops

All out Sprint to top Side squats left/right and lunges down

All out Sprint to top Side squats left/right and lunges half way

Lunges and side squats left and right back up

Message Give permission and your “will” will take you further than you want, especially when it’s about doing His will

Mosey to parking lot across from gun shop


CDD Donkey Kicks X12

Mountain climber merkins X12

Standing push up jump squats X20

Run back to parking lot
Rinse and repeat

Build a burpee X5

Handoff to Double D for the finish

Mosey to UC Synergetic parking lot along Hwy 160

Plank on curb facing short brick wall

Derkins + sprint to wall + backward sprint back to the curb
Rinse & repeat for 3 cycles total

Mosey to grassy area along Hwy 160 in front of Springs bldg

Freddy Mercurys

Flutter kicks

People’s chair against wall

Balls to the Wall

People’s chair

Mosey back to WEP

Mahktar N’Dyiae


Naked Man Moleskin

Well, it’s Monday afternoon, more than 48 hrs since the beatdown, and My lower body is still sore.  The soreness started Sat afternoon.  A 15 mile run on Sunday and a 5 mile run plus burpees on Monday have yet to relieve the soreness.  Copay really put it on us!

It looked as though we had an in-game EH when Copay was leading us through his first round of Build-a-burpee.  An enthusiastic fellow in his 20s/30s driving a black car w/NY plates parked on the street near the gun shop and got out of his car to ask “Is this the class?”  Of course, we said yes, waved him into the parking lot and continued the burpees until he parked and walked back over.  Suddenly, he didn’t look so excited.  He was looking for the “gun shop class” and the idea of Copay and burpees had him shaking in his boots.  We invited him back to WEP for 9/15.  We’ve got one week to work up one heckuva name.

We covered new territory around the buildings for some pax.  The pull ups on the walkway railings were new to some.  The wall along Hwy 160 was new to others.  Both of these, plus all the other spots demonstrate what an awesome AO WEP continues to be, despite 6 years of downPAINments!

The message for the workout was geared around being PRESENT and INTENTIONAL.  I came upon the phrase “I gave myself permission…” in 2-3 conversations last week and it stuck with me.  Sometimes it takes a bit of a mental device to force us to realize that (a) everything is a choice and (b) the only actions we can make choices about are those in the here and now.  Giving yourself permission to be present to do something specific and intentional is a powerful way of exercising our freedom to choose.  Copay took the “permission” idea to an even greater level with his inspiring words about “giving permission to God to do His will through me now” (only way more powerful coming out of his mouth).

Lots to think about and lots of laundry after this one.

Thanks to Bonsai for the Q opportunity and to the pax for leaving it all out there!

TClap |

10 bootcampers appeared in the gloom 15 minutes after 7 runners took off for parts unknown in the greater Fort Mill area.

Began with a disclaimer followed by a short mosey to the band practice parking lot for a predictable count warm-up:

Squat x10
Windmill x10
Cherry Picker x10
Imperial Walker x10
Hillbilly Walker x10

With a call for “on me,” YHC sprinted erratically and planked up waiting on the PAX. Once all the PAX had planked up, the call for “on me” was immediately repeated and followed by another erratic sprint. Repeated this sequence a few times until the mumble chatter began.

Planked up and discussed how we respond when our expectations (mosey–>circle up–>cadence exercises, etc.) are challenged or directly defied.

The Thang (see  photo w/ working thoughts as well)

Burpees, Merkins, LBCs, Squats, Carolina Dry Docks, American Hammers, Mountain Climbers, People’s Chair+Moroccan Night Club

As the exercises became predictable in count and repetition, YHC challenged the PAX to notice if the consistency and expectation made the workout any easier. How does our response change knowing or not knowing every detail of what lies in the 43 feet ahead? How is that response helpful, hurtful, instructive, or destructive.

Added 5 more burpees at COT for what was initially suggested as hitting 60 burpees. Upon further review it was only 45. #1000burpees in September for Double D’s fundraiser supporting Let Me Run.


This workout was inspired by a backblast from Lake Norman: in an effort to keep the PAX together and create  opportunities for as much 2nd F and 1st F. Personally I find it amazing in my own life that I’ll show up at 5:15am and do whatever the Q (F3 makes no representations with regard to the skill level of workout leaders) has in mind (or makes up in that moment) without a problem. But if something goes awry during my workday or home life, my emotions and specifically my patience seems immediately depleted. As we work to grow and train physically, it is important to remember the DRP (Daily Red Pill: The Q’s daily Commitment to Accelerate his Fitness, Fellowship and Faith) includes our spiritual, emotional and mental health as well.

If any PAX know the Professor in Lake Norman, please relay to him YHC’s appreciation of his Back Blast.


Invergence 9/21
Additional runner need for relay: see Hasselhoff

Band Camp dismissed

TClap |

Suffering in Silence

18 assembled this morning for some bells (6) and #Beyond (12). YHC decided to change things up slightly. We did the Name-a-Rama first. Read on to see why.


You’ll also note that I’m posting the Naked Man Moleskin before the workout. Sometimes the message is more important than the workout. Today was one of those days. #Beyond is designed to take you out of your comfort zone and push buttons we would rather leave untouched. Today’s discussion was on depression.

Some facts:

  • There are 123 suicides in America every day
  • The highest suicide rate is adult males between the ages of 40 and 54
  • White males accounted for 7 out of every 10 suicides in 2016

These sobering statistics spoke to me because our PAX fit right in the sweet spot of these ranges. The average age this morning was 44 – right in the thick of these numbers. Depression effects men in different ways. This group is sandwiched in between the traditional silent, strong fathers who went to work and provided for their families and the more progressive, open generations of their sons who share parenting duties and aren’t always the breadwinners of the household. Many men never mastered either of these roles and now feel lost. We’ve married capable women who take care of everything from the children to the social agenda, leaving men to feel a void of purpose. Around this age, men look around at their neighbors and ask, “why am I not as successful as my neighbor?” Outside of our homes, we are lonely. We’ve lost track of our college buddies and only connect with our co-workers on a water cooler level. We feel like we haven’t accomplished enough. For all intents and purposes, men in their mid-40s often feel neutered – unable to provide the ways their dads did and unwilling or unprepared to be Mr. Mom to their older children. To make matters worse, a job loss or divorce often leads these men into a downward spiral of addiction and despair. Chances are, you’ve felt this way or know someone who does. It becomes our responsibility to reach out to these men and invite them into a brotherhood of love. Medical professionals recommend a few steps to battle depression. I added number 5:

  1. Seek social support
  2. Support your health (get enough sleep, control stress, and go outside)
  3. Exercise
  4. Eat Healthy
  5. Give your concerns to God

All of these are incorporated into what we do each morning at F3. Social support comes in the form of other men who are battling or have battled this demon themselves. To me, its finding blades and stones to sharpen each other. It’s the second F – Fellowship. Doctors recommend finding outlets to blow off steam, exercising and getting outside. How else better than exercising outside in the elements pushing past pain with your brothers in the Gloom? This is the first F – Fitness. Finally, acknowledging that there is a higher being that loves you and wants what is best for you. Rather than telling God how big your problems are, tell your problem how big your God is. This is the third F – Faith.

I realized that the reason F3 is growing is because it is the answer to the question we never knew we had. It is the antidote to society’s poison of depression. We all struggle, from project managers to pastors. We all battle life. Why not surround yourself with guys who can build the 3 Fs right beside you? Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 says it best: “Two are better than one because they have good return for their labor. If either of them falls down, the other can help them up. But pity anyone who falls and has no other to help them up. Also if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”

Interpret those three strands however you wish. I like to think of them as me, God, and my brothers. That dream team can win any fight. Grab your shield and suit up, we’ve got a battle to wage.

The Thang

  • Mosey to the front of the church
  • Hold the Plank for the duration of Disturbed “Sound of Silence”
    • Listen to the lyrics. Acknowledge that many men battle depression in silence. We weren’t made to fight alone.

Mosey to the upper parking lot

  • 1 Minute of Squats
  • 40 SSHs (IC)
  • 10 Prison Cell Pushups
  • 40 Imperial Walkers (IC)

Mosey to the front of the church

  • 1 Minute of LBCs
  • 1 Minute of Flutters
  • 1 Minute of Rosalitas
  • 1 Minute of Freddie Mercuries

Mosey to the side lot

  • 1 Minute of Mountain Climbers
  • 1 Minute of Alternating Shoulder Taps
  • 1 Minute of Ski Abs
  • 10 Burpees

Mosey to the upper parking lot

  • 40 Overhead Claps (IC)
  • 35 MNCs (IC)
  • 40 Little Baby Arm Circles (IC)
  • 45 Overhead Press (IC)

Mosey to the front of the church

  • 1 Minute of Box Jumps
  • 1 Minute of Irkins
  • 1 Minute Dips
  • 1 Minute of Merkins

Mosey back to COT

  • Butterfly Stretch
  • Left Leg out Stretch
  • Right Leg out Stretch
  • 10 LBCs (IC)
  • 10 Pretzel Crunch Left (IC)
  • 10 Pretzel Crunch Right (IC)
  • 10 Pretzel Stick Crunch Left (IC)
  • 10 Pretzel Stick Crunch Right (IC)

-Italian Job

TClap |

The mid-40’s Dynamic Duo Q

Thanks to Smuggler for letting two crazy mid-40’s team up like never before into the Dynamic Duo. Lots of fun and wetness out there in the gloom. We focused today on encouraging one another and pushing through (the pain). Over 50% of this workout was aimed at strengthening your core with some endurance training to finish things off.  Speaking for Old Bay and myself – we had a blast (and this was no easy workout)! We hung around for some “coffeeteria” as well afterwards. I counted the total number of burpees and it was between 65-72 depending on what you went for. Special thanks to Wild Thing for making the trip to Tega Cay and demonstrating superb burpee form.



Jog – 1 Min

High Knees – 30 Seconds

Butt Kickers – 30 Seconds

Toy Soldiers – 30 Seconds

Lateral Shuffles – 30 Seconds (each side)

Lateral Lunges – 10 (5 each side)

Low semi-slow Squats – 12

Alternating Forward Lunges  – 10 (5 each side)- We rotated our torsos towards the side of the leg that is in front for each movement.

Low diamond Merkins – 15 single set

Single Leg Toe touches with other leg going back – 10 (5 each side)

Peter Pointers – 10

Rolling Crucifix – 5X each side

Table Twists – 5X each side



I talked about the Nasty 7s that I had done with Sasquatch before and at an impromptu Q at The Ranch, but decided not to do them because of wetness from the night before so I gave the option. Most decided to do a jog to each corner in the basketball court and 4 burpees at each corner. Total was 20 here. I will have to formally teach the Nasty 7 at another time.

Stacked Feet/Staggered Hands Merkin (switch every 4) – 60 secs

Banana Rolls – 120 secs – Did with coupon for 60 of those secs

Leaning Crescent Lunges with coupon – 1 min with and 1 min without

Sphinx Merkin – 60 secs max reps

Bow to Boat – 120 secs – I was nice and we did not do with a coupon 

Side Lunge and raise coupon to put on the imaginary “shelf” – 45 secs each direction

Prison Cell Burpee (boy these were fun!)- 60 secs

Side Hip Raise – 30 secs each side

High Plank to 6 inches Run (this one really stunk)- 60 secs

Superman Banana – 60 secs

Yellow rope hoppers – 60 secs

Hillbilly Walkers – 30 secs

Imperial Walkers – 30 secs

300 Secs of Abs:

Upper Circle LBCs – 30 secs each direction; 5 sec rest between each

Twisting Pistons – 30 secs

Alligator Walks  (on forearms) 60 secs;

Canoe Crunch – 30 secs

Slow LBC and Twist (Crunch and Twist) – 60 secs

Regular Plank to the end – 60 secs

Immediate transition into my partner in crime’s Q, the infamous Old Bay:

1) Bent ladder with Morning Wood on the field and Burpees at the entrance to the parking lot. Run between a burpee and the field was backwards and a side shuffle left/right to a distant cone where Morning Wood (Turkish getup) occurred and repeat. This was taxing!

2) Catch-me-if-you-can on path around fields. Exercise was Merkins/Butt-kickers.

3) 7 extra burpees

4) SSH – 15

COT: Key items: Prayers for the Ms and praise for Delta’s great news.

TClap |

Hills, Arms, Suicides and Hills

Sir Topham Hat and I were pretty excited to take on Alcatraz together. A couple or “runners” who really “enjoy” hills? What could possibly go wrong? A warning was sent on the Twitter machine that this would be hill intensive, so I was pleased to see 11 Pax show in addition to YHC and STH. It was a bit of an Alcatraz reunion of sorts with some familiar faces. We knew we needed to bring it.

STH on Q

  • Warm up jog with side shuffles, butt kickers and high knees
  • Mosey to the play area
  • Amrap pull-ups (unassisted), 20CDD – 3 Times
  • Mosey to Parking Lot
  • COP: SSHx20, cherry pickers x 10, Mountin Climbers x 20, Peter Parker’s x 10, 6” twice
  • Mosey to Upper Hill for Jacobs ladder
  • 7 burps and 1 bombjack at top.  Made it 4 rounds
  • Al Gore to squats (which prompted some colorful comments. Just do an Al Gore while doing squats and it’ll become clear immediately.
  • Mosey to Wooden wall.  7 count incline merkins in cadence, flip to dips 7 count in cadence.  Flap jack 4 times #smokefest
  • Handoff to Zima

Zima on Q

  • Mosey to Parking Lot
  • 25 SSH IC
  • 17 Something I can’t remember IC (I blame it on being light-headed)
  • Mosey to Middle of Parking Lot for Suicide Burpees (5 burpees at baseline each time running to 3 increasing suicide targets)
  • Walk 20 yards back for 10 hand release merkins at baseline with 4 suicide series targets
  • Walk 20 yards back for 7 bombjacks at baseline and 5 suicide series targets
  • Go to field for 4 corners
  • Corner 1 20 Monkey Humpers IC
  • Corner 2 20 Walking Lunges IC
  • Corner 3 20 Monkey Humpers IC
  • Corner 4 15 LS Squats IC
  • Run to short steep lower hill for 5 Min Quadzilla (insert copious amounts of complaining herre)
  • Mosey back to parking lot for 5 mins Pax Choice Mary
  • Finish with double 10 count body destroyer

All in all it was a pretty good smokefest. Everyone pushed their limits

NMM (here are our notes)

  • STH is super fit but bailed for Zima Q (cited family commitments)
  • Fish Sticks = #King #WarDaddy
  • Great mumblechatter this AM
  • Maximus is a beast and smiles through the entire workout like “Is that all you got?” Yes Max, it is.
  • Highlight of the morning was Dark Helmet’s commentary on STH’s Al Gore Squats #graphic #hilarious
  • A couple of Pax almost got laid out by a Buck (Deer) that didn’t see them and then shot off across the street
  • Quadzilla is still a crowd pleaser (esp. when you add a minute)
  • For all the comments about being out of shape, Gears seemed to be towards the head of the pack
  • Glad to see half the team of “Beauty and the Beasts” support us

Prayer, Praises, Announcements

BOM on Zima

Thanks for the opportunity to lead Smuggler! Keep me in the rotation.

Zima Out!

TClap |