– Not a professional, you assume all risk

 – Stretch; front fold/squat, rotate, arm stretch upward

– Mosey to field > jog to 50, sprint; repeat NOT A BREAK, GET HEART RATE UP

– Warmup; SSH, Windmill, imperial Walker

 – The seeds of discontent will yield a legacy of damaged fruit. >> WHAT FRUIT DID THE RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR FATHER YIELD?

 20 X’s – Everything in cadence, NO OYO

 @ End zone

– Squats, IC > toy soldier to 20

– Monkey Humpers, IC > lunges to 40

– Jumping squats, single ct. > long jumps to 40

– Calf raises 3 ways, single ct. > butt kickers to 20

– Low slow Squat, IC > duck walk to end zone

– Air squared (squat w overhead clap), IC

– Jog to 50, sprint to end zone [X’s 2]

 – A father is the defining relationship in the Shortys life. If a father is loving and warm he provides a template of success for relationships in their future. >> WHAT TYPE OF FRUIT DO WE WANT OUR CHILDREN TO YIELD? NOT JUST OUR WORDS BUT OUR ACTIONS.

 – Repeat X’s 15

 – What do we as father’s have to sacrifice? i.e. jester, time, money, interests. >> FOR THOSE W OLDER KIDS, HOW ABOUT NOT LETTING THEM LEARN FROM THIER OWN FAILURES? CORNHOLE’s MESSAGE @ BLOCK PARTY

 – Repeat X’s 10

 – Repeat X’s 5


– Doing this so our kids can be free. No more virtuous act that a man can do. RETURN ON INVESTMENT. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son.”

 – Count off

– Name O’Rama

– Prayers/Praises

– Prayer


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The AKA crew Live in Concert

We’ve been blessed with some great weather this week and this morning was perfect.
Disclaimer given
Warm up
Mosey Run around the parking lot
Circle up and do:
SSH (IC 12x)
Windmill (IC 12x)
Imperial Walker (IC 12x)
Moroccan Nightclub (IC 12x)
Low Slow Squats (IC12x)
Merkin (IC 12x)
Peter Parker (IC 12x)
Plank stretches
Downward dog

Run down to the elementary school parking lot

Proceed into the Thang:
Four corner routine
Corner 1 (legs focused)
Lt Dans: squat and then two sets of standing lunges (four actual leg movements)
Monkey humpers
Around the clock lunges

Transit via bear crawl

Corner 2 (cardio focused)
Jump rope in place

Transit via crab walk

Corner 3 (upper body focused)

Transit via bear crawl

Corner 4 (core focused)
Shoulder taps

Run completely around after circuit completed end up back at cone 1, rinse/repeat.

Thang 2:
Bring Sally up/Bring Sally Down: High Plank/Low Plank routine

Run back to COT

Today was Ass Kickin’ April (AKA) turn to hit Varsity. Recommend all to take advantage of it and see the Fort’s AOs and meet other PAX.
Thoughts and Prayers:
Funhouse’s son is going on a mission trip to the DR.
Injured Pax
Safe travels to all for the spring break week

Music list:
Ramblin Gamblin Man (live) – Bob Seger
Run Like Hell (live) – Pink Floyd
Born to Run (live) – Bruce Springsteen
Sweet Home Alabama (live) – Lynyrd Skynyrd
Fire (live) – Jimi Hendrix

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8 at Varsity – Staying Dry

Why does it always have to rain on Fridays? No worries, the Badger Den has plenty of covered space. We started off with an Indian Run around the parking lot and then another lap while we took turns carrying the speakerbox. That thing isn’t light. When it was time for a handoff, we did 5 merkins. It started sprinkling. 3/4’s of the way around the lot got us to the covered walkway near the back of the school.

25 SSH to make sure we were warm.

Partner Dora – 1 pax does the exercise until the other runs to the end of the covered space and back:
100 Boxcutters
200 Moroccan Nightclubs
300 Monkey Humpers

Dark Helmet and Geronimo did a few extra because they were done before everybody else. I’m not sure who let them pair up!

Bear crawl to the end of the covered space, sprint back.

100 Merkins
200 Step-ups
300 LBCs

Big Boy Sit-ups until 5:55

At 5:55 I turned on Chumbawumba’s Tubthumping and we did 27 burpees to end the workout.

Prayers and Praises: Health, Brothers on IR, Unspoken


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Being Vulnerable is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength

P.S.A attendance is highly recommended. March 27th mark your calendars. F3 St. Louis very own Miyagi and Aerobie has brought light to a sensitive subject that’s right Suicide-mental health awareness. A subject we try and avoid talking about at all or till it’s to late. YHC will be on Q at the Panethon if you can’t make it to the west side of town Stang is on Q at Tomahawk and will also discussing the subject.

I am encouraging you to step up and share your experience. Whether it be about yourself or family member or even a friend. YHC will testify how this subject has effected my life. Please remember what we talk about in COT stays in COT it’s okay to be vulnerable. We are stronger together rather than alone.

Don’t be ashamed of your story it will inspire others. Author Unknown

“You don’t have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you.”

”I hide all my scars with an I’m fine.”

The bravest thing I ever did was continuing my life when I wanted to die. – Juliette Lewis

The world is a better place with you in it.

Suicide doesn’t end the chances of life getting worse, it eliminates the possibility of it ever getting any better. – unknown

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If it was sunny and 70 it would be called JV

Trying to keep some momentum on this Gloomy Friday, so I’ll knock out the backblast the same way 7 diligent men knocked out everything I threw at them this morning.

The Thang

The rain stopped long enough for the 15 minutes we took to mosey around NAFO HS.
1st stop
Merkins x10 IC
OH claps x15 IC
Repeat x 2

2nd Stop
Alternating step ups x 30 IC
Monkey Humpers x 15 IC
Repeat x2

3rd Stop
Suicides ~10m, 20m, 30m
Reverso Suicides ~30m, 20m, 10m

Final Stop-Main Event

Teams of 3 and 4
Station 1 = Wall ball
Station 2= Double leg dot drills
Station 3=Alternating pole dodging run drills (guess you had to be there) to the end of the awning
Runner was the timer and rotated to the wall ball
Run this rotation for 15 min

Station 1 = Wall Ball OH Squats (Sumo squats for a challenge)
Station 2= Single leg dot drills
Station 3= Nur (backward run) to the end of the awning
Runner was the timer again and rotated to OH Squats.
Run this rotation for 10 min

Open body rockers x 20 OYO
Flutter kicks x 20 IC
Freddy mercury x 20 IC

Thanks for the opportunity. I haven’t been the most diligent on the weekdays lately and getting out this Friday was the kick in the pants that I’ve been needing. Thanks also to everyone who posted to Varsity. It wasn’t easy, but everyone gave it their best.

Harry Carey’s Grandmother in law leaving the homestead for assisted living.
Skate or Die’s friend who’s son’s cancer came out of remission.

Geronimo! out


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7 PAX joined YHC on this cool 30 degree morning for a tour of #NAFO.

NAFO has a large AO. We explored a good part of it.

Disclaimer – Disclaimed.

Mosey – Dynamic stretches; Karaoke left/right

COP: 45 SSH; in cadence

10 Widmills; in cadence

Mosey–> bear crawls ~25 yrds

Mosey–> 10 merkins; in cadence / Peter Parker / Parker Peter / Downward dog / Honeymooner

Mosey–> COP; hold plank while one PAX does a lap around the Round-About.

Mosey–> Lung walk to light post, bear crawl to next light post. Turn Around – Crawl Bear, broad jump back to starting point

Form 2 Teams:

~25 yard wind springs (loosing team 10 burpees / winning team: 10 flying squirrels)

~25 yard bear crawls (loosing team 10 burpees / winning team: 10 flying squirrels)

~25 yard wheel barrows; switch partners half way (loosing team 10 burpees / winning team: 10 flying squirrels)

Mosey to back of school:

Cinder-block work: 3 sets of 12 overhead press / 15 bicep curls

Mosey to chairs: 2 set of 20 box jumps / 20 dips

Mosey to COT –> ~3 min of Mary


Thank you Harry Carry for the opportunity. I love this AO!



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Sally vs. Roxanne

Nine men braved the gloom to settle the question of which challenge is better: Sally or Roxanne.

Began with a warm up:
Short mosey run
Pull ups (5 oyo)
SSH (IC 12x)
Moroccan Nightclub (IC 12x)
Windmill (IC 12x)
Peter Parker (IC 12x)
Plank stretches
Pull ups (5 oyo)
Run to the high school for the below.

Thang 1: 10 exercise routine: exercise for 32 seconds, rest/transition for 10 seconds
1. Imperial Walkers
2. Dips
3. LBCs
4. Jump Squats
5. windmills
6. American Hammers
7. Step ups
8. OH claps
9. Flutters
10. Calf raises

Thang 2: Sally Plank Routine (low plank-high plank) Song: Flower by Moby

Thang 3: Repeat above 10 exercise routine

Thang 4: Roxanne push up routine Song: Roxanne by the Police

Thang 5: Repeat 10 exercise routine

Short Mary round
Run to COT

Official poll results: Sally was preferred over Roxanne. it was close though.

Prayers/Praises: All went well for DirtyHarry’s daughter at the hospital. Kaiser for new role at work, while running own business.
Also: Prayers for all law enforcement, first responders and medical professionals.

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The Cornerstone – Challenge ( One Year Long )

To all the Pax of F3 Nation

Are you prepared to challenge your self for 2019? I am challenging all Pax’s to join me for 2019 we will take on one exercise for January (merkins single count) 100 reps every day. Then in February we will add another exercise which will be done every day on top of the 100 merkins and so on and so on. We will increase by adding one exercise each month.  These exercises will be above and beyond when you post. So by the end of the year there will be 12 exercises that need to be done everyday at the reps set.

Do you accept the challenge? Do you want to get better?

I will set the next month exercise and reps the week before to keep you on your toes

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Two PAX were blessed with 50 degrees and a light breeze.
Start with a Mosey run in Parking lot
Side shuffles
High knees
butt kickers
Toy soldiers

To pull up bars:
Five pull ups OYO

Circle up for Warm up
SSH (IC 12x)
Windmill (IC 12x)
Imperial Walker (IC 12x)
Moroccan Nightclub (IC 12x)
Low Slow Squats (IC12x)
Merkin (IC 12x)
Peter Parker (IC 12x)
Plank stretches
Downward dog

Thang 1: Partner run / deck routine
Run forward down hill
Run backward up the hill
First PAX gets a card from the F3 workout deck (which will be the exercise)
Second PAX gets a card (which will be the count for the above exercise)

Then another short Mosey run: To a curb

Thang 2: Plank Dominoes
Plank up on the curb, PAX spaced apart
All start with left arm high
PAX #1 does 5 merkins, ends in regular plank
Continue down the line until finished
Then all right arm high and last PAX begins the 3 merkins, end in reg plank

Recovery walk to a wall

Thang 3: World’s Worst Lottery
All PAX wall sit
One PAX at a time picks a card (F3 workout deck) and does that exercise
All other PAX are still doing wall sits, waiting and critiquing
(Joker/aces would mean all PAX do 10 burpees)

Mosey run to COT area

small group, only two PAX, but we covered a lot of ground in good conversation. From the theme of the month (vulnerability), to family histories (or what we thought the history was), to the ferocity of WWII, to the Olympics, and that new Bohemian Rhapsody movie.
Honored to be part of the F3 tribe.

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Charter Band-aids for Little Warriors – PreBlast

As most of the PAX in the Fort and Rock regions knows my 5 year old daughter (Emma) is a leukemia survivor. We still make a trip every 4 weeks to get blood drawn to check her counts at Levine Children’s Hospital. We also stepped up and raised money last year (Christmas time) for a fellow brother bout-time out of Area 51 son Jennings who has leukemia also.

It has come to my attention that the budgets have been cut in some of the pediatric departments and the first thing to go is usually the character band aids. You say how important is to have these band-aids? Well as far as the cancer kids go every time the have their PORT’s (Port is a small medical appliance that is installed beneath the skin. A catheter connects the port to a vein) which for some kids is traumatic they get a band-aid over it. For others that are done with treatment such as my daughter Emma has to go back for the next 21 years to get checked (mainly blood counts). This not always easy for instance this past Wednesday she was poked 3 times. Well at the end the band aid can put a smile on a child’s face. This also goes for those kiddos that have to constantly get blood work done not just cancer kids.

So what I am challenging you to do is every week you go grocery shopping buy at least one box or more of character band-aids girls or boys. Also Spread the word in every COT. I will tweet out what AO’s I will be at and if anyone wants to step up and help me collect that would be awesome.

I also challenge others in different regions to pull together and do the same thing. My goal is to gather as much as possible and split it between Levine Children’s Hospital and Novant Health Hemby Children’s Hospital (St. Jude Affiliate Clinic) before Christmas.

Let a simple act of kindness put a smile on a little fighters face.

AYE. Lets do this.

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