4 Corners . . . with some “Elders”

I will keep this backblast shorter, but I will say it was a lot of fun today at the Pantheon! Thanks to Fishsticks for letting me Q.

Some Pre-work:

1 group of runners headed out to who knows where at 4:45.

Fishsticks and I did some extra ab work that I call high octane abs. It hurt.

Disclosure given. Lots and lots and lots of chatter. Completely dark. Did I mention there was lots of chatter?

Short mosey to the lighted area for a different dynamic stretching workout after some high knees and butt kickers.

Some confused minds about what we were doing since very few had done this style of warm-up before (~8 exercises). Eventually I shifted to some traditional SSHs and the crowd went wild. It was like the PAXs’ bodies woke up.

At this point I inconveniently forgot a few demos of a few of the exercises to come for the main event.

The Thang:

We broke up into 4 teams of 5 and went to each respective corner on the soccer field. Fortunately, it was not very muddy.

I’d tell you the 20 different (and difficult) exercises that we did, but  . . . that means I’d have to type them out right now and I feel lazy after a long day of work. So if you are reading this, feel free to retweet it and comment what your favorite one was even if you don’t know the name of it. We did do Tunnel of Love and People’s Carry between cones.

I had a second round prepared, but, oh well, . . . time slipped away from us. Beware of next time. Round 2 was scheduled to be harder.

COT: Main Announcements: Convergence coming up; Praises: Lutefish’s daughter rocked it; Prayer: let’s continue to pray for children going through difficult times and Badger and his family.

Thanks to everyone, including the “Elders” for their hard work today!

Lastly, I think I missed one of you on the list. So sorry. My memory can only remember 19 out of 20 without a recording. Feel free to identify yourself.

TClap |

Abs/Arms/Shoulder Work at Varsity – 3/30/18

8 Good Men joined YHC at the Varsity on this Good Friday.

Mosey around the parking lot to the black top.


  • 20 side straddle hops
  • 10 count count Moroccan night clubs
  • 10 4 count windmills
  • 15 4 count merkins
  • 20 mountain climbers
  • 10 4 count pickle pounders (not sure if that is the actual name…but it is now…thanks Jekyll)
  • 10 4 count high steps

The Thang

  • line up on the black top goal line
  • 10 Carolina dry docs every 10 yards
  • sprint back to start
  • 20 4 count flutter
  • 5 pickle pounders every 10 yards
  • sprint back to start
  • 20 4 count flutters w/ holds

Mosey across the parking lot, down the hill to the wall

  • 10 4 count wall sit toe touches
  • 5 4 count hand stand merkins
  • rinse repeat x3

Mosey to the pull up bars

  • 10 pull up/toes to bar combos (1 pull up, 1 toes to bar, x 10)
  • Captain Thors 5×20
  • 10 pull up/toes to bar combos (1 pull up, 1 toes to bar, x 10)
  • 10 Xs and Os
  • 10 chin up/knees to chest combos (1 chin up, 1 knees to chest, x10)
  • 10 4 count heels to heaven
  • 10 chin up/knees to chest combos (1 chin up, 1 knees to chest, x10)
  • 10 4 count freddie mercury
  • 5 combo ups (1 hand in pull up position, 1 hand in chin up position)
  • switch hands, 5 more

Mosey to COT

– Ginsu

TClap |

Risking it All and Going Beyond

Better conditions led to 14 PAX posting at Golden Corral for this week’s edition of BEYOND. Turnout was improved in part because Rad cancelled the ruck workout, encouraging the usual ruckers to join the fun, while he bailed and went yogging at Sea Legs instead.

After Copperfield gave the disclaimer, the 14 BEYONDers took off for a short mosey around the perimeter of the main parking lot, incorporating butt kickers, high knees, toy soldiers, toe walks, and heel walks. We then lined up at the shovel flags (we had three…I don’t know where the third came from…) and did 10 merkins at the island, jog to the next island, 10 more merkins, etc. for a total of 40 merkins. This was followed by a short mosey to the HT loading docks for some final warming up. (Note for GC Q’s – people drive like MANIACS behind HT, so keep the PAX out of the main roadway if possible.)

Brief COP included 10 windmills, 10 low slow squats on our toes (in relevé, if you will), then a couple yoga lunge stretches on each leg. Then partner up and jog around to the HT wall facing the six of O – O – O – O’Reilly for the Thang.

The workout sets were generally done in Stand By Your Man style, with one PAX performing the prescribed reps of some form of merkin while the other does some other exercise, then switch places until all merkin reps completed. Once done, run around oil change place and O’Reilly and back to the HT wall with your partner. Pretty simple…ish…

Let’s get going.

The original plan was to build this week’s message off of what was covered at BEYOND last week, but that had to be modified when we had only three last week and fourteen this week. So, we started with some quick catch-up. If you want a recap of last week, check out that backblast. Main point to remember for today: dig deep and determine your purpose, as this will give a filter through which to handle today’s questions.

Living with purpose inherently involves risk.

During this first set, discuss with your partner how you would define “risk.”

Set 1: Breakdancer merkins (20-16-12-8 reps each) while partner does Rockette Chair (People’s Chair with alternating leg kicks)

Plank it up for the six, then hold it while we chat (with rotation to side, reverse plank, and other side).

Risk can have a variety of definitions, but generally it is an action that exposes you or somebody else to the possibility of harm or loss. We all face risks every day, from driving to relationships. Some risks are bigger than others, but we live lives of risk. Taking risks is necessary for growth and gain, in work and in life. Without some level of risk, we won’t get better.

Risk and sacrifice are different, but related.

During this set, discuss with your partner how you would define “sacrifice.”

Set 2: Mike Tysons (15-15-15-15 reps each) while partner does BTTW (with shoulder taps for the brave).

People’s Chair for the six, then stay for the talk.

Sacrifice is the act of giving up something you want to keep in order to get or do something else (and potentially better). You could say that sacrifice is the realization of the potential loss involved in the risk. Sacrifice has an intentional, willful component to it – you choose to give something up, whether under compulsion or not. Today, most of us sacrificed more sleep to post (thanks for that!), and in doing so also took the risk of maybe getting a good workout, maybe making our day a bit rougher because our arms won’t work after, etc. Silly example for an obvious point.

Personal examples of risk and sacrifice.

During this set, discuss a current or recent example of risk or sacrifice in your life.

Set 3: Pseudo Planche merkins (15-15-15 reps each) while partner does breakdancer. It’s like the breakdancer merkin, but without the merkin, a little more jumpy, and ideally a bit faster.

Return and breathe while waiting for the six, then for the talk.

An easy example of sacrifice in my life was giving up our life in Africa to return to the US. Again, for more on this, refer to last week’s backblast. But for the risk component, there were two risks that weighed heavily on our last year in Africa and played into our decision to return. The first was our son’s health. He was premature and had some health issues that went with it. He also began having seizures while we still lived overseas. As a father, was I willing to risk his health to continue living and working in Zambia? Then, we wanted more kids, but my wife is a high-risk pregnancy, and we lived in a place where premature babies die more than they survive, and maternal mortality is high as well. These risks paired with other circumstances played into our decision to return, giving up our identities, our home, our relationships, etc.

Much of the reason for me wanting to talk about all this today stems from a conversation with Cha Ching and Olaf from several months ago. They may not remember it, but it has stuck with me ever since. We were talking about the new security training I’m helping develop for our new workers, and there are three main questions that come out of this training. These questions are what I want to leave with everybody today (with one more set thrown in for good measure).

The first two questions to consider:

How much am I willing to risk in order to achieve my purpose? (This makes more sense if you spend the time determining your purpose.)

What, if anything, would be an unnecessary level of risk or a risk that would actually hinder accomplishment of your purpose?

No need to answer the questions this time, as they take time to really work through.

Set 4: Battering rams (drop to six inches, then, using your arms and not your feet, thrust your torso forward so your hands end up between ribs and hips; 20-20-20 reps each) while partner does Monkey Humpers. For some, this proved to be a somewhat inappropriate combination of moves. #badplanning #somethingsyoucantunhear

Pressed for time, we gathered following the run around the buildings for the final point. I actually left out two full sets, but I don’t think anybody’s arms are particularly missing them (see below for what we missed).

The final question to ponder: Do I believe strongly enough in my purpose that I’m willing to sacrifice everything for it?

Simply put, are you willing to die to achieve your purpose? Fourteen years ago, my answer would have been a lot different. But now, with a wife and children, I hesitate. If I know that they will be taken care of, then I’d probably be willing to die. But what if the tables were turned? Would I be so committed to my purpose, to my faith, that I’d be willing to sacrifice my family? I’ve never been in that situation, so I don’t know. But this is a reality faced by many in other parts of the world. For some, it’s a daily reality, being faced with the possibility of losing everything for what they believe.

What would you do? Do you have a commitment to something that is so strong that you’re willing to sacrifice everything for it, even your family?

Time never seems sufficient to cover the topic, but discussion doesn’t need to end when the workout does.

We ended there and ran back to COT to meet up with the bootcampers.


  • Deacon reminded us of the opportunities in the Paradise community, with the reading program on Mondays and Wednesdays and G-Fit on Saturdays. Take a risk and make an impact in the community.

Prayers and Praises

  • Pray for those involved with the Palmetto 200 this weekend.
  • Keep praying for our wives and kids.
  • Pray for those with mental health issues and the practitioners who care for them. Specifically, pray for Copperfield’s M as she deals with some very difficult situations.
  • Bolt’s neighbor passed away last week. Pray for this man’s family and friends and others who are dealing with this loss.
  • Prayers for one of Decibel’s employee’s dad, who is in the hospital.
  • Bonsai and his wife are praying about a few things right now; prayers for wisdom and discernment as they consider some options.
  • Deacon has a friend with serious health concerns. Prayers for him as he seeks care at Mayo.
  • Praises for F3 and the impact it has had on our lives.

It was an honor to get to lead this group, and I really appreciate Maximus pushing me to do two BEYOND Qs in a row. If you haven’t had opportunity to do this yet, talk to him. Whether or not the other PAX benefit from the message you bring, your life will be changed by working through the material in preparation to lead. Definitely worth it. And I’m happy to not do it again for a while.


Missed sets

For those wondering what we missed for lack of time, the remaining sets were:

Set 5: one-arm merkins (16-12-8 reps each) while partner does bomb jacks.

Set 6: Scorpion merkins (16-12-8 reps each) while partner does jump squats.

You’re welcome.

TClap |

Just a perfect Old School Saturday @F3TheFort

6 for the preruck

2 for the prerun

conditions perfect overcast and 46 degrees


Longshanks on warm-up and he ran us to Double D Hill and we started working hard, more running around WEP with timely stops for a variety of PT, mosey to Springs Building for a peoples chair sequence followed by a mosey to Little Ceaser Park

Handoff to CSPAN

partner up with a man you don’t know

station workouts:

  1. 10 Burpees
  2. 45 Mountain Climbers
  3. 40 Squats
  4. 30 Tri-cep dips
  5. 55 LBC
  6. 20 Peter Parker and 20 Parker Peters
  7. 30 Flutters and 30 Hello Dolly
  8. 20 KB Curls and Hairburners
  9. Bear & Crab
  10. 25 Seal Jacks and 25 SSH
  11. 25 Imperial Walkers and 25 Hillbilly Walkers
  12. Tug-a-war and 10 Burpees

Finished up with a tug-a-war tournament

Mosey to COT

Prayer or Praise / BOM

Excellent Coffeerteria at Peach Stand




TClap |

3/1/18 – #Beyond – Defeating Goliath

If I’m honest, even though I’ve Q’d 100 times over the last 3 years, I was a bit intimidated this morning. Maximus has done a great job setting a high bar of expectations for #Beyond, regarding the Winkie expected from both a physical and mental standpoint. I spent more time prepping for this Q over the last few days than I have collectively for the last 5. Not sure how it turned out, but I enjoyed the opportunity.

On this morning, we are going to take on the subject of the Goliaths in our lives. Goliaths, for today, at least, are the problems or vices that are difficult, persistent, seemingly insurmountable, and constantly taunt us. These problems can be any number of things, from alcohol to drugs, vanity to materialism.

Today, however, we are going to focus on one that is common amongst most men. A vice that we do not like to talk about because it makes us uncomfortable in groups. A problem that is becoming increasingly pervasive amongst adults, but especially amongst our youth. Today, we are going to discuss PORNOGRAPHY. **shudder**

We’ll do that while getting a decent workout in as well.

Mosey around the parking lot and then to the football field.


  • 20 side straddle hops
  • 10 double count windmills
  • 20 double count mountain climbers

Let’s get to THE THANG

  • Mosey to the endzone and plank it up

Introduce the topic, share some statistics about this Goliath that are staggering:

  • porn is a $97 Billion industry
  • 35% of all downloads are porn related
  • 25% of all internet searches are porn related

Break plank, back to the workout

  • Sprint to the 50 yard line, bear crawl the remaining 50
  • Plank it up & share more stats

More on this Goliath:

  • 40M regularly visit sites
  • 70% of men (18-34) visit monthly
  • 4.6M hours of porn watched on 1 site in 2016
  • porn usage increases marital infidelity by 300%

Back to the workout

  • Sprint to the 50 yard line, bear crawl the remaining 50
  • Plank it up & share more stats

More on this Goliath…its getting worse:

  • 64% of young (13-24) watch weekly
  • 67% of young believe it is acceptable

Back to the workout

  • Sprint 100 yards to other goal line
  • Plank it up & share more stats
  • Captain Thors to 8×32

More on this Goliath…this time amongst Christians:

  • 37% of Christian pastors say it is a current struggle
  • 47% of Christian families say it is a problem in their home
  • Most popular day for porn is Sunday, the Sabbath

Back to the workout

  • Sprint 100 yards to the other goal line
  • Indian Gator Walk – 100 yards (line up Indian Run style, but Gator Walk instead…this sucked)
  • Plank it up to continue discussions

Back to Goliath…it’s serious issue to our Creator and should be to us as well

Matthew 5:28 – but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Back to the workout

  • Indian Gator Walk – 100 yards
  • Plank it up to continue discussions

Mosey to the pull up bars…have something special planned

  • 10 toes to bar/pull up combos (1 TTB, 1 PU, repeats 10 times)
  • On the wall

Back to Goliath…good news is he is already defeated

1 Corinthians 15:57 – For sin is the sting that results in death, and the law gives sin its power. 57 But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Back to the beat down

  • 10 toes to bar/pull up combos (1 TTB, 1 PU, repeats 10 times)
  • On the wall

Back to Goliath…though he’s defeated, he’s still a threat

From Goliath Must Fall (Giglio): Jesus has already overcome the enemy. However, as we read in 1 Peter 5:8, the devil still “prowls around . . . looking for someone to devour.” In many ways, he is like a snake with its head cut off. When you kill a snake, you have to be sure to bury its head, because even after death the serpent holds a lethal dose of venom in its fangs. If you step on a dead snake’s head, you can still get poisoned. In the same way, even though Jesus broke the power of Satan at the cross, he can still inject his deadly poison into our lives. He is dead but still deadly.

Back to the beat down

  • 20 heels to heaven, cadence
  • 10 chin ups, OYO
  • 20 LBCs, cadence
  • 10 chin ups, OYO

Back to Goliath…every man deals with this temptation, but God gives us the strength we need…if we ask

1 Corinthians 10:13 – No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it.

Back to the beat down

  • 5 pull ups
  • 10 toes to bar

Mosey towards COT

  • 20 boats & canoes


My goal for this workout was to make everyone physically and mentally uncomfortable. This topic is very uncomfortable to many, but needs to be dealt with head on as it is an issue that is becoming more and more pervasive in our culture. Our young people are growing up in a world where pornography is more acceptable than ever and more immersive than ever. If we expect it to get better, we have to openly discuss and encourage the resistance to this temptation and teach our 2.0s how to resist it as well.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead, Maximus. Until next time…

– Ginsu

TClap |

The Big Event – Shovel Flag Handoff

So the hype has been great, and the STRONG showing this morning proved it has value!  26 HIM’s all came out on what was a pretty cold 48 degree March morning (that WIND).

This was not an ordinary workout.  Barry Manilow was handing over the shovel flag to YHC, as I was stepping into the role of Site Q for Slow Burn.  Barry started the workout for the first half, and then we handed off the Q to me for the last half.

I’ll do my best to get Barry’s portion right:

Mosey all the way down to the far side of Lowes and circle up for the following:

  • OH Hand Claps 10x
  • Moroccan Nightclubs 10x
  • LBC 10x
  • Imperial Walker 10x
  • Travolta 10x
  • Dying Cockroach 10x
  • Hillbilly Walker 10x
  • HR Merkins 15x

Mosey to the Triangle Lot

  • Moroccan Nightclubs 10x
  • OH Hand Claps 10x
  • Grave Digger 7×2
  • Squat 10x
  • Mak Tai Jai 10x
  • Knee Tai Jai 10x
  • Calf Raise Regular 10x
  • Calf Raise Toes Out 10x
  • Calf Raise Toes In 10x

Mosey back to the side of Lowes

  • Wall Sit with Pop Out Burpees
  • Bear Crawl/Toy Soldier to the second island and back
  • Wall Sit with Pop Out Burpees

The official Q Handoff….Barry Manilow Done, Smithers is up…

Mosey back to the Triangle Lot for 4 corners, circle up and count off in 4’s

Three different rounds at each corner station.  Finish one round and rotate to the next corner.  Once returning to where you started, perform the next round’s exercises.  The Rounds looked like this:

Round 1:

  • Corner 1 (CORE) – 30 LBC’s in Cadence
  • Corner 2 (UPPER) – 20 Carolina Dry Docks in Cadence
  • Corner 3 (CARDIO) – 30 SSH’s in Cadence
  • Corner 4 (LOWER) – 20 Low Slow Squats in Cadence

Round 2:

  • Corner 1 (CORE) – 15 Flutters in Cadence
  • Corner 2 (UPPER) – 15 Shoulder Taps in Cadence
  • Corner 3 (CARDIO) – 15 Peter Parker’s in Cadence
  • Corner 4 (LOWER) – 15 Calf Raises in Cadence

Round 3:

  • Corner 1 (CORE) – 15 Wheezy Jefferson’s in Cadence
  • Corner 2 (UPPER) – 30 OH Hand Claps in Cadence
  • Corner 3 (CARDIO) – 15 Imperial Walker’s in Cadence
  • Corner 4 (LOWER) – 15 Jump Squats OYO

Mosey back to COT

Countoff (26), Name-O-Rama, Announcements, Prayers, and the Shovel Flag Handoff!

I’m really looking forward to this opportunity as Site Q for Slow Burn.  I will do my best to keep the Q schedule full and diverse, remember it’s a moderate site, but challenge us to push it just a bit more than comfortable (and beyond).


TClap |

Exten(d)uating Circumstances at Beyond Pantheon

The Beyond workouts initiated by Maximus at the start of this year are meant to test the PAX physically with black diamond-esque workouts, along with “extending” the Q in personal ways that may not occur at a standard workout. I jumped at this opportunity when presented and I recommend it to others to consider doing the same.

My Beyond topic was not going to be easy for me, and not known by many PAX. But I truly felt the need to use Beyond as a step moving forward and I have faith in support of the PAX. While my backblast is a little delayed, it is not for lack of thinking about how I was to write it up. I had already done a lot of thinking about it for weeks leading up to my Q.

The workout side of my Beyond was going to be tough and I’m sure the PAX who planned on posting knew a little extra running was coming.

As PAX were arriving, I advised to get their stretching in as we would be jumping right into the workout. A couple PAX arrived expecting Pantheon but were nudged into Beyond for a total of 12. Disclaimer given especially to modify as needed…but to try and push yourself.

I planned to speak in 3 parts during the workout about my spirituality, starting with my background (past), followed by my current status (present) and finishing with how I hoped to move forward (future)…hopefully with direct PAX help.

Before beginning the workout, I asked the PAX to keep an open mind and not to take anything personally. I needed them to bear with me as I knew only one way to speak on this topic and that was to be straightforward about my life experiences and observations. But as I get older, I see my mortality (and possible salvation) at hand.

I first told of my past as it pertained to religion. I was not raised in a religious family. I went to church a couple times, sometimes with my grandparents. Of course I was around Christianity my whole life, but I had no formal education. I told the PAX what I learned of religion as a child amounted to what I saw on tv…the Jim Bakers, the Benny Hinns, etc.  And what I was remember was a lot of asking for money and reading stories like those of older people giving away their life savings to guys like them. In college, I had some discussions with two brothers of the previous partying-type who had recently found God. So, my background is more logical and scientific without faith, or a faith ‘base’.

(I am sure this backblast may miss some things I talked about at Beyond, but possibly add a few things, too)

We moseyed around the school parking lot loop to the start of the straightaway for some “Burpee Miles”.  Our burpee miles were shortened for the .3 mile loop and consisted of 15 burpees, immediate sprint the straightaway cone to cone about :30,  jog around the loop back to the first cone. Rinse and repeat for 3 laps.

We went back for the 6 and crossed to the field for a break while I covered my “present” (or near present) within the last couple years.  A few years back, I used to have lunch meetings with a friend to discuss his Christianity and my spirituality. He always referred to me as a seeker. Some of the best discussions we had was coming at it from the point of view of Jesus as a man on earth. He loved everyone no matter the skin color or religious belief. He treated everyone equally. He had empathy for all men. He believed in good behavior by men.  I have taken this to heart and apply it to experiences in life, social issues, political issues, etc. Very simply…what would Jesus do? What would Jesus say?  Are people around me acting in a manner that Jesus would support?

I told the PAX that in quiet moments, I talk to God almost every day…even if I don’t have him defined by a book or even if I don’t know if I believe!  I ask questions, I ask for forgiveness for myself and I apologize for a lot of bad behavior that I see in the real world. I thank F3 because I know that without the opportunities that F3 has afforded me in this area,  especially seeing the positive things that faith offers, I would be nowhere near the seeking point I am now. While the F1 and F2 are of course important, its the 3rd F that is most consequential for all of us.

Our field work consisted of a continuous cycle through of exercises individually while each PAX put on a 40# ruck sack and carried a 30# sand bag overhead while crossing the soccer field and back. The exercises were, 25 each:

  • bombjacks
  • clap merkins
  • jump lunges left and right
  • plank jacks
  • squat jumps
  • reverse merkins
  • squat calf raises (a Tesh special)
  • plank shoulder taps

Much to the PAX dismay, we had time for 2 more burpee laps but with the burpees reduced to 10.

In COT, I addressed my “future” and how I move forward from here. I asked the PAX present, as I am asking any PAX reading this now, to reach out to me to discuss their faith….as of this writing a couple already have.  I need to reach out to Whetstone and continue pursuing in various ways. I will add here that while reading verses is ok, relating your personal belief system to me and how it applies in the real world is what I feel I need to hear. Tell me how you came to believe and about the positive ways your faith affects your life.  I see a lot of negativity in the real world, and our past history, and these things weigh on me heavily.  But be warned, if you take on this challenge that I present, there will be hard hitting questions and topics that I am not addressing here.

But I will continue seeking and ask for your help in the journey.


Forgive me as there was more at COT but I waited too long for this backblast.





TClap |

We got our 28+ at The Colosseum

We had a total of 28 guys in The Fort region post yesterday (Monday, Feb 26) amidst the rain so I threw out the challenge of getting 28 men out to the Colosseum this AM. With some help from Jeckyll, Pusher, Ginsu, Cha Ching and a few others, we got that done. The PAX made it even better when that was just the boot camp number as we totaled 31 with our 3 runners included.

I can not even begin to tell you how humbled I was to see headlight after headlight roll in and to have 27 other guys run around this AO at 0515 with me. As Assassin mentioned in COT, we do in fact know how special it is to be blessed with the opportunity to be out with the PAX on just another Tuesday morning. To see some faces out there that I haven’t seen in quite a while was great. With the chatter that ensued, I knew I had better bring it.

So after our disclaimer and the departure of the Pathfinder runners, us boot campers jogged to end of the back parking lot. We counted off to our number of 27  at the time and dropped down for a 2min plank followed by a 2min reverse plank. Well 90 seconds into that latter plank, we had a masked ninja run up to join us for our lucky number 28. That ninja also goes by the name STRAIGHT UP  and man, it was good to have him join us.

1/2 of 28 equals 14 Burpees so that is what we did followed by 28reps of the following:

Dying Cockroach, Boats & Canoes, Jumping Lunges, Jump Squats, X&O’s, American Hammers, Monkey Humpers and Squat Calf-Raises

We partnered up for:

Partner 1: Run to the 1st speed bump and back
Partner 2: Diamond Merkins then flap jack

Partner 1. Run to the 3rd speed bump and back

Partner 2: Merkins then flap jack

Partner 1: Run to the gate that was no longer in existence

Partner 2: Carolina Dry Docks or some ab work then flap jack

Bring it back to the GHMS side of the bus parking lot and circle up for some coupon work.

Begin with the 30lb Ruck and 35lb Kettle Bell on opposite sides of the circle. When the coupon came to you, 10 bicep curls of your choosing while the rest of the PAX cycled through Freddy Mercury, Rosalitas and Flutter Kicks.


Announcements: Read that Sunday email containing your F3 Newsletter. New AO launching from Regent Park. Includes (br)yoga, run and coffeeteria  (contact Cake Boss or Sasquatch) every Friday. Don’t forget about the drive for 218 FNG’s. Reading center opportunity (service).

Prayers/Praises: Flat Tire’s new promotion, Straight Up’s wife is feeling better and S.U. is back with us. Cornerstone’s daughter Emma had her last chemo pill last night and will be ringing the bell soon. Ginsu’s daughter took her first steps yesterday. Jeckyll’s son is now a Boy Scout and Jeckyll has now handed over the leadership. Prayers for Mr. Clean and his desire to be out in the gloom. Prayers for Squeaky for what he is facing right now. Praises for reconnecting with my daughter.

Thank you again for coming out in the gloom.


TClap |

Beyond 2018.07

This morning was a good day for some positive influence.  There were two options this morning, but everyone decided to try something a little harder and go Beyond.

Mosey to the basketball parking lot for some warmup.
SSHx50, Hillbilly walkers x20, Typewriter merkins x10 (I wasn’t the only one!)

Mosey to the paved path behind the half wall.  I went over the word of the month, anxiety.  I used to have extremely high anxiety with a life of distraction.  I would become anxious about anything and everything, so to get by, I had to constantly keep my mind off of things.  One day, I decided to put all my focus on my anxiety.  Everything I feared, I would think about constantly until I was tired of thinking about it.  I would fight the beast until somebody won.  The main one was, does God exist?  You have to figure this out for yourself.  The answer is going to be yes or no, but what that answer means is going to be different for everyone.  So figure it out, come to a conclusion, and make it your assumption from that point going forward.  When you doubt again, remember the time you came to the conclusion (even if you don’t know why) and move on.

Balls2wall shoulder taps x10, Muscle ups x10 w/ a 20 sec 6inches hold within the set. (3 rounds)

Mosey to rock pit paste the gate of the school.  I ask if anyone had seen “Fight Club”.  I love this movie because it shows the most basic problems of Sad Clown Syndrome, even though it pursues completely destructive pathways to fix the problem.  One scene Tyler asks “How much can you know about yourself if you’ve never been in a fight?”  I love this self-analysis of learning oneself, but I don’t care about fighting.  Instead, I asked myself “How much can you know about yourself if you’ve never been hungry?” I explain to the PAX that for the past week (Sat-Fri) I did a strict water fast for a week.  I had always wanted to know what it was like physically, emotionally, and spiritually, but had always been afraid because of anxiety of losing weight (irrational fear of being the guy that’s too skinny).  There are about a dozen reasons why I did it, but one was to face a fear.

Find a pet rock for…
Clockwork deadlifts:
I call out a time, you lunge in that direction, set the rock down, reset, lunge out, pick rock up, repeat

Clockwork deadlift
Al Gore calf raises x20 (w/ pet rock)
Clockwork deadlift
Jump squat (w/ pet rock)
Clockwork deadlift
Russian twist (w/ pet rock)
Clockwork deadlift
Al Gore calf raises x20 (w/ pet rock)
Jump squat (w/ pet rock)

This exercise to help you remember how to lift a load in awkard positions so hopefully you don’t teak your back one day picking up a grocery back off the floor behind you.

Mosey back for 6MOM
Freddy Merc x50
Flutter (good form, hollow body) x20
Dying cockroach x50

And that’s the game…  Loved leading this morning.  Go Beyond!!!

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Creative Misery at the Rock

When Smuggler organized this Q combo, he must’ve known a lot of PAX were looking for that Saturday morning push. After some banter back and forth between the WEP Q’s and us Alcatraz Q’s, we were pleasantly surprised to see car after car after car roll into Runde Park this Saturday morning. The weather was warm and the PAX were primed with the early mumble chatter. With the typical “don’t hurt yourself and don’t sue if you do hurt yourself” disclaimer, we took a very abbreviated (10yd) mosey to the right side of the parking lot (a slight teaser for what was coming).

Jog to the other end of the lot and back then repeat.

Walking lunges 1/2 way down then high knees to the end. Same thing on the way back to the start.

Windmills & deadlifts to warm up the legs a little more then mosey to the top of “THE HILL”

PAX squat for 20sec then jog to the base of the hill followed by an all-out sprint back to the top of the hill and squat for the six.

Repeat for a 40sec squat hold then the jog down/sprint up and squat for the six.

Repeat for a 60sec squat hold then the jog down/sprint up and squat for the six.

Find some curb and 50 calf raises each leg.

Mosey to the field for a circle up.

This was when I think they really lost my mind…Lt. Dan’s (1 squat and 4 jumping lunges (2ea side counts as 4)) and we went to 8:32 before handing it off Tesh!!

With Tesh on Q, you just had a feeling this was going to get bad.

With the PAX in a very long plank:

5 Merkins

10 Mountain Climbers

5 Merkins

10 Peter Parkers

5 Merkins

Various Tesh-approved CORE exercises

Mosey to the fence line:

Merkin-Turtle crawl (can’t explain…you had to be there)

10 Merkins

Bear Crawl 50yds

More Tesh-approved CORE exercises

10 Bombjacks x 3 rounds

Mosey to the playground and split into 4 groups

Rotate through 5 pull-ups & 10 dips. For those waiting, hold the Al Gore pose.

Yet more Tesh-approved CORE exercises

Repeat the above 2 lines

Closed it out with 6min of Mary which couldn’t end fast enough.

Announcements: Yeti (Newsletter), Reading in Paradise

Prayer Requests: Praise for Palmer family, Cornerstone’s family, continued prayers for the Family & Friends affected by the recent tragedy’s our community has experienced, our officers, job transitions, marriages.

I’m sure Smuggler will get a little verbal backlash on this but hey, it made us better and everyone crushed it.

Maximus & Tesh

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