011 Ruck PT at Fire Ant

Lucky me, after the weekend of the GoRuck Selection Facebook Live event I get to Q the Fire Ant.  I felt privileged to be the first.  If you don’t know what the GoRuck Selection is just check out Go Ruck on Facebook.  This event goes 48+ hours of some of the worse PT, ruck marches, and extra weight carries you can imagine.  If you’ve done a GoRuck Tough, it like that on steroids for 2 straight days!  And it’s led by 7-10 of GoRuck’s best cadres.  Completion % is > 2%.  And you get to watch this live on Facebook!  It’s crazy, if you want to check it out, video replays are on their FB page.

So we had 14 PAX ready to test their will on the ruck, including Sasquatch and Wegmans who borrowed rucks to join us, as well as Tinsel for his 1st ruck workout! I had asked all the regular ruckers to bring their sandbags and they did not disappoint.  It’s amazing how the numbers work out sometimes.  14 guys + me /  7 sandbags of extra weight = perfect fit!  (Spiderman later ragged me for clip boarding for like 4 minutes…he was right) After Dark Helmet’s Q school disclaimer we lined up 2×2 with a sandbag between each man and started the long march.

We moseyed over to the church parking lot north of the shopping center talking about the GoRuck Selection and Doug – the only man to finish the 48 hour Selection this year.  About half of the ruckers watched some of the Selection on Facebook Live at some point this weekend.  Many of them were yelling at their devices “DFQ 011!!!!!” at least a few times…

When we arrived I told them about our goal today.  In honor of 011s Selection completion we had 11 ruck exercises and we would complete 11 reps for each.  These were some of my favorite PT items the cadres had 011 go through countless times during Selection!

  1. 8 count Burpees with ruck on
  2. Ruck Curls
  3. Squat Thrusters
  4. Flutters with ruck press
  5. Overhead ruck press
  6. Ruck sandbag toss (in the grass)
  7. Ruck Swings
  8. Man Makers
  9. Tricep Extensions
  10. Overhead Ruck Hold with Lunges
  11. Ruck sandbag Bear-hug Carry for 110 yards

This PT was brutal and allowed for plenty of mubblechatter.  We completed the full rotation twice before we were almost out of time.

Once complete, we lined back up in 2×2 formation.  Each man had a sandbag between them.  This time we would rotate the bags between partners on our route back to COT.  We took the long way and each man carried a bag twice.

Back to COT right on time – Dark Helmet and his 6 PAX not so much.  We did flutters while we waiting for their LATE return.

COT with Nameorama – announcements – prayers – BOM

An Honor to Lead




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16 got Brenton’d at the Honey Badger

16 brave little badgers got their man card punched this morning at the best AO in The Fort Region – The Honey Badger.

This AO is always a little bit harder, and a little bit longer than the rest. If you fight badger on Monday, and start your week like a hero – the rest of the week is a little bit easier.

This week we honored Officer Timothy Brenton.  Brenton, husband and father of two, was killed in the line of duty on October 31, 2009

The Brenton workout calls for five rounds of bear crawls (100 ft) standing broad jumps (100 ft) with 3 burpees after every five jumps. We modified this slightly to bear crawls of 100 yards, and broad jumps of 100 yards with 3 burpees every 10 yards. We also added a 400 meter run in between sets.

This is the second time the Brenton has made it to the Honey Badger – both times it was modified to 100 yards. So we are adopting this as the new standard.

Prayers to all effected by Hurricane Florence

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Lack of control

This thing got started with a quick gathering to listen in to the disclaimer before we began the 45 min of activities planned.  Short mosey from COT over to the band practice practice field for a warm up.

Warm up included:

  • 40 SSH, 2 burpees
  • 30 shoulder press, 2 burpees
  • 25 Moroccan night club, 2 burpees
  • 8 windmill, 2 burpees
  • 15 squats, 2 burpees
  • 10 hillbilly walkers, 2 burpees
  • quick leg stretches, honeymooners, and downward dog – then we took off to the next spot

Mosey’d over to the smaller parking lot in front of the school with the loop in front of the main entrance where YHC scooped up a parking cone and dropped it off about 80-100 yards from the front of the school.  Next piece of fun ensued was as follows:

  • 50% run from main entrance to cone, followed up by 5 burpees
  • 50% run back to main entrance, followed by 10 bench step up’s each leg, and then 20 dips
  • Then repeat the above for round 2
  • 75% run from main entrance to cone, followed up by 5 burpees
  • 75% run back to main entrance, followed by 15 bench step up’s each leg, and then 25 dips
  • Repeat the above @ 75%
  • 100% / all you got run from main entrance to cone, followed up by 5 burpees
  • 100% / all you got run back to main entrance, followed by 20 bench step up’s each leg, and then 30 dips
  • Repeat the above @ 100%

In-between the 50-75% round and 75-100% round, YHC provided some words on “control”.  While some of us are more controlling than others, we all have our control issues somewhere in our lives.  Whether that be at home with the M and 2.0s, at work with co-workers or just the company in general, or trying to control and plan for a hurricane.  In the end, we can only control ourselves, how we act, what words we use and choices we make, if we want to push ourselves during a workout, etc.  When something like a hurricane comes along and we have no control, we can comfort our M’s and our 2.0s, but it’s really in God’s hands and we need to put our trust in Him.

Quick mosey back to COT (with the Laces Out PAX “stretching”) for some Mary, name-o-rama, announcements, prayers / praises, and ball of man.  Also knocked out 42 burpees in total for #1000September !

Good stuff – looking forward to next time!


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Stop the Sprints already. The Coop

Mosey to football field 400 meters around track dynamic movements.
Mosey 400 meters around track at your pace (U vs. U)
Line up on the side lines count off by 2s
While P1 does exercise P2 sprints sideline to sideline.
E1- squats, merkins, American hammers
E2- bomb jacks, CDDs, flutter kicks
E3- jumping lunges, overhead presses, rosalitta
E4- squat to calf raise, hand release merkins, box cutters
Move to goal line- Lunge walk to five yard line do 1 burpee keep going to other end zone 1 burpee every 5 yards.
At other end 13 burpees OYO.
Bear crawl to the 50 yard line.
Mosey to benches 15 dips while partner planks, 10 dips, 5 dips.
Run 400 meters.
Mosey to pull up bars 5,4,3,2,1 while partner does Balls to wall.

Remember People willing to give all for you. Give you family and friends the best of you.

Prayers- Jobs, families, those in hurricanes path

Announcements- Invergence, reading in Paradise community

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No ___ Collusion Here!

Youts brought the pain on his V-warmup!  After an assist on the disclaimer, we immediately moved into Low Slow Squats and Mountain Climbers.  A quick story about a sinking ship and a husband and wife…the husband gets in the lifeboat and sends the wife back to the ship to die – what?  is this a joke?  where’s the punchline? wait….here it comes…”let’s mosey”….well, we weren’t expecting that.

Mosey the parking lot for a bit and then circle up for SSH, windmills, Moroccan night clubs, planks, downward dog, honeymooner, and peter parker.  Move right into some burpees – sprint – bigboy sit ups – sprint – flutter kick – sprint – and merkins – sprint.  So much for a V-warmup.  This dude needs to be on his VQ!  I think we now know that all of that work was to get our attention – for the end of the story….the husband isn’t a “class A” jerk afterall…the wife has a terminal illness and he needs to stay alive for the kids.  Wow…we really should not judge, especially when we don’t know the whole story.

We also shouldn’t abandon our plans when the going gets tough – or in this case when the warm-up Q led almost the exact same workout as the Q?  How did that happen – collusion?  I’ve never even met Youts before, let alone skated (err – I mean worked out) with him.  After contemplating an impromptu-Q, I offered up the main course that I had originally planned.

So, there was an ask in the pre-blast for SkateOrDie to do the McTwist or something like it.  I opted for a version of the McNasty (and apparently Youts had the same idea and paved the way)…

We mosey’d to the asphalt marching band football field and got into the plank position.  I provided some instructions for the exercise and off we went.  The group of 14 was divided into groups of 3 (two groups had 4).  PAX 1 (extra PAX shadowed), PAX 2, and PAX 3.

    • PAX 1 will perform ab exercises (1) Heels to heaven, (2) Flutter, (3) Freddy Mercury, (4) American hammer, (5) LBC during each of the fives times through the circuit
    • PAX 2 will sprint to the opposite end of the field and relieve PAX 3 (taking over burpees)
    • PAX 3 will sprint to the opposite end of the field and relieve PAX 1 (taking over abs)
    • PAX 1 will sprint to the opposite end of the field and relieve PAX 2 (taking over burpees)
    • Rinse and Repeat until everyone has complete each station and the ab exercises 5 times

Upon completion, the group mosey’d to the pull-up bars and broke into 3 person groups; PAX 1 3 legit pull-ups, PAX 2 provided assistance as needed, PAX 3 wall sit; rinse and repeat 3 times with pull-ups and 2 more times with chin-ups.

Mosey and bear-crawl back to COT for 2 minutes of Mary.

Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama, Annoucements, Prayers/Praises, BOM

As always, I appreciate the opportunity to lead.

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Labor Day Hero VQ!

First time… nervous… big stage at Honey Badger… I was cornered by Dark Helmet last Monday to lead. And by cornered I mean he casually asked if I would lead, and I said yes. I can say I didn’t get much sleep out of fear for sleeping in and missing the opportunity. Welp, I made it and so did 12 other PAX.

The clock struck 5:00, and we were off.

Warm Up

MOSEY 600 Yards
SSH x 30
Windmill x 15
Moroccan Night Clubs x 20
Low Slow Squat x 15
Mountain Climbers x 21

The Thang:

Hero WOD in tribute to Petty Officer Second Class Danny Dietz of the Navy SEALs – Posthumous Navy Cross Recipient

Jun 28, 2005. Operation Red Wings. A mission inserting four Navy SEALs into the Afghan Mountains in an attempt to eliminate a Taliban threat. Outnumbered once they were compromised, they descended the hills in search of cover.

Dietz was hit multiple times in his torso yet continued to fight on. He was finally killed when hit in the head.

Dietz was the first of the group to be killed, followed by Murphy, then Axelson. Marcus Luttrell was able to escape to a village where he was cared for until they could send word to a local marine base.

Danny Dietz was KIA during Operation Red Wings alongside Lt. Michael Murphy, Petty Officer Second Class Matthew Axelson, and 16 other Special Forces who were shot down in a Chinook Helicopter while attempting an extraction. This took place in a mountainous region of Afghanistan and was an attempt to quell a Taliban threat. Though the mission was deemed one of the greatest losses in Special Forces history, it paved the way for more success in the war on terror in the Middle East. It is because of missions like these that we are able to enjoy the freedoms we sometimes take for granted; if it weren’t for these brave men we wouldn’t have what we have today. I hope that today we honored their sacrifice through our small amount of pain.

10 Rounds

200M Run
5 Pull-Ups
10 KB Swings
15 Goblet Squats
20 Merkins

Since it was my VQ (and I obviously didn’t realize the kind of animals I’d be working with), we finished a liiiiittle bit earlier than anticipated. About 20 minutes. Whoops! Needless to say we jumped into some Mary.

LBCs (Led by Dark Helmet because I was too busy lagging behind in my WOD)
Rosalitas (Also led by Dark Helmet)
Flutter Kicks
Hello Dolly’s
Heels to the Heavens

We got up for a nicely paced 400M run, then headed back to the hill near the pull up bars for some timely Quadzillas! New to me, not to the group. They were welcomed with groans.

We circled back to the COT to do some last second Weighted Flutter Kicks. Phew! We made it! First VQ complete. Nerves relieved.

Number off (13), Name-a-Rama, announcements, praise/prayers.

Spiderman is celebrating 13 years of marriage today (Sep 3rd), good on you!

Invergence is coming 9/21/18 at Rush Pavilion, 5:30PM. DON’T bring a box of fried chicken. Apparently some people don’t like chicken.

PAX who showed up.

Harry Carry
Dark Helmet
Long Shanks
Dirty Harry
Punch List

A few animals stayed around for a 6:30 Maltz Challenge as well as some #HIM from other AO’s. Needless to say, it was a sweaty morning filled with camaraderie and pain.

Thanks to all for giving me the opportunity to lead in the company of leaders! Looking forward to next time.

Punch List out.

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BB for #Beyond at the #Ranch – 8-23-18

17 PAX joined YHC for something different at the Beyond edition of The Ranch. In the spirit of Beyond, I wanted to try something that would push the PAX beyond their comfort zone. Something that would require some mental toughness, perseverance, and grit.

Inspired by this video from SealFit Academy, I thought we would test the mental veracity of our PAX with a 45 minute plank.

Here are the rules:

  • Hold plank (in various forms called by the Q – regular, elbow, left arm high, right arm high, honeymooner, downward dog) for the full 45 minutes of the workout, starting immediately at 5:15, ending at 6:00.
  • If plank was exited, PAX would have to do 5 burpees as a penalty and join back in the plank. This became 5 hand release burpees for the second half of the workout.
  • Q would read an inspiring quote re: mental toughness & perseverance every 2 minutes throughout the workout.
  • PAX were encouraged to partner up at the beginning of the workout and rely on each other to push through the pain.


  1. “Mental toughness is spartanism with qualities of sacrifice, self-denial, dedication. It is fearlessness, and it is love.” ―Vince Lombardi
  2. “Concentration and mental toughness are the margins of victory.” ―Bill Russell
  3. “Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” ―Thomas Jefferson
  4. “It’s when the discomfort strikes that they realize a strong mind is the most powerful weapon of all.” ―Chrissie Wellington
  5. “Throw away all weakness. Tell your body that it is strong, tell your mind that it is strong and have unbounded faith and hope in yourself.” ―Swami Vivekananda
  6. “Strong minds suffer without complaining; weak minds complain without suffering.” ―Lettie Cowman
  7. “Strength does not come from physical capacity, it comes from indomitable will.” ―Mahatma Gandhi
  8. “Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don’t so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head.” ―Joe Henderson
  9. “Make sure your worst enemy doesn’t live between your own two ears.” ―Laird Hamilton
  10. “You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” ―Marcus Aurelius
  11. “Champions aren’t made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them―a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have the skill, and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill.” ―Muhammad Ali
  12. Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other.- Walter Elliott
  13. Grit is that ‘extra something’ that separates the most successful people from the rest. It’s the passion, perseverance, and stamina that we must channel in order to stick with our dreams until they become a reality. – Travis Bradberry
  14. ”I do not think that there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature.”- John D Rockefeller
  15. ”Perseverance is also key to success in any endeavor, but without perseverance in combat, there can be no victory.”- Jocko Willink
  16. “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” -Thomas Edison
  17. “With ordinary talent and extraordinary perseverance, all things are attainable.” -Thomas Fowell Buxton
  18. “A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” – Christopher Reeve
  19. “Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  20. “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” – Thomas Edison
  21. “Failure at some point in your life is inevitable, but giving up is unforgivable.” – Joe Biden
  22. “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” ―Nelson Mandela
  23. “You do what you can for as long as you can, and when you finally can’t, you do the next best thing. You back up but you don’t give up.” ―Chuck Yeager


  • Invergence
  • #218in18
  • Q School


  • Various health concerns for people close to PAX

Thank you to all of the PAX for posting and trying something new and different. Thank you to Jiffy & Maximus for the opportunity to lead.

– Ginsu

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12 for 12

Nice humid and thick morning for a beatdown from YHC.

12 showed up 12 finished. Perfect number for some Dirty McDeuce

Warmup lap with Butt Kicks, High Knees, and Toy Soldiers. Circle up for some COP

SSH x 20
Windmills x 12
IW x 12
Mountain Climbers x 12
Peter Parkers x 12
Moroccan Night Clubs x 12
Overhead Claps x 12

Mosey over to the ROTC building for the Dirty McDeuce
Round 1 – 12 Squats (IC), 12 LBC’s (IC), 12 Pullups -run down the hill and back
Round 2 – 12 Sumo Squats (IC), 12 Rosalitas (IC), 12 Merkins – run the hill and back
Round 3 – 12 Monkey Humpers (IC), 12 Flutters (IC), 12 Toes to Bar – run the hill and back
Round 4 – 12 Lunges (IC), 12 Freddy Mercuries (IC), 12 Wide Arm Merkins – run the hill and back.

Mosey back down the hill to the elementary school for two round of People’s Donkey Balls. People Chair then 12 Donkey kicks, then Balls to the wall.

Mosey up towards the school gym entrance and the benches 3 rounds of:
12 Dips (IC)
12 Step ups each side
12 of an Ab exercise (IC)

Long lap Mosey back to the flag for a little Mary finishing with 12 Goofballs (IC) for Kielbasa.


1. Short notice Q form Wegmans. Not sure who couldn’t make it but thankful for the opportunity to lead.
2. Yes, I can lead a workout and not make you do burpees. You can thanks Ginsu for that.

Shanks out (mic drop)

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CSPAN Send off Convergence

141 Men came to show the Respectable**CSPAN** some Respect!!

He leaves The Fort and heads north or as Dredd refers to Yankee land. Not gone forever but just up the road 600 miles to start a new chapter in life and in F3 as he will launch F3Philly.

I am not the most eloquent with my back-blasts and I am usually to the point with posting the workout, add some words and being done, however since I can’t get Italian Job to write this up and Double D challenged the PAX to think of one word to represent CSAPN, I think that is the best way to document this convergence.

Thank you CSPAN for being all of these things and more to you r brothers in the PAX. As posted on Twitter and many of these were repeated multiple times:


The Workout looked like this:

WWL at the Q:

  • Mosey around the lot
  • Line up; karaoke, side shuffle, high knees, butt kickers, toy solders, lungewalk, power skips
  • COP
    • SSH, squat, merkin, moroccan night club, 10 Flying squirrels
Double D at the Q:
  • Run to practice field
  • Plank sequence
  • Split into 2 groups on each sideline
  • Sprint to center and back to sideline
  • Monkey humpers x25
  • Rinse + repeat with Merkins x 25
  • CDDs x25
  • Burpees x25
Longshanks at the Q:
  • Burpees
  • Lunges
  • Inch worm Merkins
  • Maktar Ndiayes
  • Plank Jacks
  • Squats.

Dredd at the Q:

  • Prayer for CSPAN
  • Merkin/Ab Lab series
  • Truth Nuggets and Leadership development with Major Payne, Wegmans, & Drop Thrill
  • Mosey to hill behind Bob Jones Stadium
  • Prayer for CSPAN heading to F3Philly…..”CSPAN Coming”
  • More Merkin/Ab lab series


141 Count, Name O’rama, 2 FNGs (Bikini & Manzel), Skinny Jeans pray out over CSPAN and his IMPACT on men and for Sky Q’s kingdom.

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Burpee Plank Chase at the Ranch

Things got a little bumpy right from the start as the PAX arrived and learned that Jiffy is having some work done to improve the AO.  Cones everywhere and new pavement is going in.  Modification therefore stared early as the PAX were forced to park somewhere other than our normal place.

The PAX of 9 gathered near the entrance to the Middle School rather than the Elementary School and received their notification of the element of risk that laid before them.  With that we were off on a mosey to the front of the middle school.

Warm up:

  • Honeymooner and downward dog – the mumble chatter broke this one up pretty quickly…..
  • SSH x52
  • Windmill x10
  • Merkin x10

The Thang:

Burpee/Merkin/Plank Chase – The PAX lined up in a plank position with a 10 yard separation between each man.  The first man ran up to the next man in plank, performed a burpee and jumped over the planking man at the top of the burpee.  He then ran to the next member of the PAX and did the same until he reached the end of the line.  For the men holding plank, they performed a hand release merkin each time a member of the PAX on the burpee chase passed them.  When the last PAX passed them, they would start the chase.  This continued for the full drop off circle which is a quarter mile.  With the number of PAX in attendance, everyone had the chance to do the burpee chase 3 times for one lap around the circle.

Regroup at the front of the school and each man grabbed a bench for leg work.

  • Squat Jumps Slow – lower until your six is on the bench and then explode up.  Done slowly in cadence x10
  • One Leg Squats – Put one leg the bench and squat with the other leg x10 each leg
  • Squat Jumps Fast – Q yells out Down to lower six to the bench and then up for exploding into a jump.  Done in quick cadence (approximately 1 per second) X10
  • Calf Raises Straight x10
  • Calf Raises Out x10
  • Calf Raises In x10
  • Run a lap 1/4 mile

Line back up for another round of the Burpee/Merkin Plank Chase.

Leg work again:

  • Squat Jumps Fast x20
  • Calf Raises Straight x20
  • Calf Raises Out x15
  • Calf Raises In x15


  • Dying Cockroach x25
  • Big Boy Sit-ups x15


Announcements – Convergence this Saturday

Prayer Requests – Prayers to those traveling this weekend.

It was an honor to Q such a strong group of HIM!  Thank you to Jiffy for the opportunity!

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