Crossroads Discussion: Half In, Half Out

Good discussion this morning on being Half In, Half Out.  Working out with The Fort Nan’tan Monday allowed me an opportunity to benefit from words that while I was feeling them, was not articulating internally.  Plain speak- didn’t know how to put words to what I’ve been feeling lately until Cake Boss did it for me.  He spoke of victory but what resonated was being half in, half out.  Picture having one foot on the boat, one on the dock.

Continuing with that theme we dove into this at Crossroads this morning, a weekly coffee group where any topic that is on the Q’s mind can be batted around for fuller understanding.  If you haven’t been or are an infrequent attendee, consider making it more often.  Really good stuff happening here.

Half In/Half Out

  • What is it, to be all in?  What does it look like?
    • intentional
    • purpose
    • commitment
    • integrity

Focusing in here on the job, task, person here is vital.

  • What are some reasons for it/ why does it happen?
    • overwhelmed
    • Temporary weakness
    • paralyzed- so much to do, don’t know where to start so bail out on task or effort
    • lazy-

It could be men susceptible to this are hurting elsewhere and only committing “halfway” opens door to less accountability.  “If I fail or not as good, I only gave half effort anyway.”  Yet another way is “are these sad clown tendencies preventing me from fully engaging- enjoying life and all its ups and downs?”

  • Solutions
    • being self aware
    • acknowledge small victories and accomplishments
    • recommit- just do it
    • discuss- Spouse/partner, F3 men, Whetstone.
    • going through the process(Tesh)
    • Muscle Memory (Assassin, Twister)

Above are but a handful of opportunities that can lead to reengaging and dropping being half in/half out to be all in!

Couple of quick resources for thoughts associated

  • Lonely
    • Psalm 23
  • Weakness
    • Psalm 18:1-29
  • Direction
    • Psalm 73:21-26
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Lake Haigler 12 hr race Sat. 11/18/17…and plans for 2018 (ruck?)

I have made a last minute commitment to run the Lake Haigler 12 hour race at Anne Springs this Saturday, 8:00 pm to 8:00 am.

This PB is to provide info with YHC requesting possible run support along the way…and to discuss 2018…maybe make it a ruck event?

The race should be a lot of fun. It’s a small local race run by the Rock Hill Striders. Casual with no pressure. Accomplish what you can.

And that’s my thought process. No fast running. Figure out a plan that involves rest. Eat and drink properly. Have fun. Might get the family to camp out if they think they can handle the weather.  Socialize with a lot of locals.  LRB will have beer at the end…maybe during, too?

It would be great if you wanted to come out and run a few laps. It’s a 5k loop around Lake Haigler.  My minimum plan is to run 8-10:00 pm and 5-8:00 am. Possibly go home in between?  More likely there all 12 houyrs and incorporating rest following a planned schedule.

Ruckers consider coming out! I would have no problem walking with you (especially the last few hours Sunday a.m.). If I feel up to it, I’ll put on my ruck! But probably no coupons….

We should consider making this a rucking event next year!!! Let’s keep it in mind.

This will be a fun event. Would be great to have you out. Catch me on Twitter. Drop me a text if you want:  (eight zero three) 415-194six


No need to sign up and outside runners/support are invited. Rush Pavillion. Entrance across from Coltharp Road.



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2018 Joe Davis Run for Recovery


The 6th Annual Joe Davis Run for Recovery

When- 01/06/2018 at 8:00 AM.

Where-Walter Elisha Park in Fort Mill, SC

Please join my family again this year as we celebrate my younger brother Joe’s life and continue our efforts to #breakthestigma associated with Addiction. All proceeds of this event go to benefit Keystone, York County’s authority on substance abuse and their unwavering efforts to help those fighting Addiction in York County. This event is family-friendly and will offer a 1 mile Fun Run, a 5k Walk/Run and a 10k Walk/Run. Ruckers welcome! It focuses on HOPE!


Because my brother Joe died on October 4th, 2009, of an accidental drug overdose, at the age of 28 with most of his life still ahead of him.  That is tragic. Joe struggled with Addiction from the age of 12, but had gotten sober in conjunction with turning his life over to Jesus Christ in October of 2007.  In the end, though, this battle was one that proved too strong for him to fight alone, unfortunately. Our family was unaware of Keystone as a resource for Joe to get help until after it was too late.  So, in the wake of his death, we felt a call to serve  and we decided to take action to get the word out. With my sister and I both being involved in running, we felt a race was a great way to not only get the word out about Keystone as a path to Health, Hope and Healing, but also to bring awareness to what our family already knew was becoming a serious problem in our society now.

This is an issue we need to face head-on. it affects and is affecting more people in our community than you realize. Think about these realities-

  • More than 21 Million Americans struggle with Addiction. That is more than the number of people battling all cancers combined.
  • According to the Surgeon General, Addiction will affect 1 in 7 Americans.
  • Drug overdoses are the leading cause of death among Americans under 50 years old.
  • Drug overdose deaths eclipsed 64,000 in America in 2016. Up 19% from 2015. Every 19 minutes an American dies from opioid or heroin overdose.


Last year, F3, FiA and their family members accounted for at least  275 of our almost 1000 participants! If you are unable to run or walk, we can always use volunteers and there is also a Sleep In option to support the cause from afar. To date, we have successfully raised more than $125,000 for Keystone to fight the awful disease called Addiction. These funds are primarily used to support the Men Under Construction program.

In appreciation for the continued support of F3 and our sisters of FiA, we have arranged for a $5 discount code, F3FIA, that will apply to whatever the current price is for the 5k or 10k races at time of registration, for as long as online registration is open.  It will not stack on top of any other discounts, however. Please help spread the word at COTs!

Register HERE.

Final Thoughts-

Joe spent a lot of his adult life as a lonely man. I firmly believe F3 could have helped change his course. While this event does benefit Keystone from a financial aspect, it is also allows for an incredible opportunity to let our communtity know what F3 and FiA are all about, so let’s take advantage of that. Wear your gear, let’s get the F3 flags and tents up, bring the business cards and let’s EH some folks while we fight Addiction. Aye?

I am especially excited for this year’s race as we will be hosting Speed for Need to kick off 2018. If you know of someone who would like to ride or you would like to push in the 5k, please reach out to myself or Dark Helmet. Check it out this amazing effort that goes hand-in hand with ours at Speed for Need!

With gratitude,

Rock Thrill


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WhatDid brought Sally to the Ranch

The Ranch, a staple go to AO here in the Fort had 10 HIM show up to get better.  That’s as simple as we kept it.

YHC gave a disclaimer as we had an FNG present. All moves are suggestions, you’re here on your own will, modify as needed and off we went.

My chicken scratch weinke is attached to this post. The highlight – 3 minutes of Sally Up, Sally down merkin fest. Great idea until about minute 2 for most of us. Those merkin beast out there today – great job men.

Welcome to FNG Octane. Who of which, is of Respectable status. He was in my driveway ready to go at 4:45.  It’s never to late for us to get out there and crush it- as proven by Octane. Pax -go out there and EH even our older brothers.  They’ll teach us a few things along the way.


  • Fast5 – Get on a team and ask Anchorman and Zika for details
  • Christmas party on 12/1.
  • Get involved with G-Fit. Which moved to Saturdays at Steele Street park at 3 PM.


  • Praises for all the great Fort AO’s
  • Family, Wives/Children

Until Next time…WhatDid out

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Camino del Rio – We are better together!

11 Men came to Camino del Rio aka Riverwalk in Rock Hill for a gorgeous Saturday morning pain pill. The gloom with your brothers makes you better and this Saturday morning was no different.

The Thang:

  • Mosey out towards the BMX track with some dynamic warm up involved
    • High knees
    • Butt kickers
    • high knees
    • butt kickers
    • toy soldiers
  • COP
    • Low slow squat
    • merkins
    • moracan night club
    • sumo squats
  • Mosey to side walk
    • Bear Crawl in the grass
    • run the pavement
    • 4 times each
  • Mosey to BMX facility
    • 20 dips
    • 15 derkins
    • 10 step ups
    • run around building
    • 3 rounds each
  • Mosey to wall
    • People’s Chair with shoulder press in cadence
    • BTW for 10 count
    • 3 rounds each
  • Mosey to BMX parking lot
    • Accumulating bomb jacks
    • mosey to each little light house
    • Last one we did all together and found it was easier than when we do them alone….better together
    • Mosey to 9 light houses
    • accumulating LBCs
  • Mosey to lower parking lot
    • Bear Crawl in the grass with derkin at each
    • run the pavement
    • 4 times each
  • mosey back to Hill by parking lot
    • jacobs ladder
    • 1 merkin at top, 6 LBCs at bottom
  • COT
    • Great work by all!
    • Thank you Vuvuzela for the lead
    • Awesome AO
    • Message to men that when we work together we can accomplish great things. Solo, we will struggle. We discussed when something is missing we don’t feel the same or something is not right, but sometimes fill that void with the wrong things. Take Control ad the steps necessary to make the right choices an decisions and fill that void with Good choices.

Cake Boss

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SAM & TEAM = Need your help = Friday 11/3/17 – Saturday 11/11/17

We are in need of loaner cars and housing for up to 16 leaders from South America Mission (SAM) and The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM) from Friday, 11/3 – Saturday, 11/11. They will need to travel back-and-forth to Charlotte area for the Latin America Field Leadership meetings during the week.


The week will look like this:

Friday 11/3– Leaders arrive (depending on travel)

Saturday 11/4 – Leaders arrive, leave A.M. for Asheville, NC retreat

Sunday 11/5– Leaders return P.M. from the retreat

Monday 11/6– Meetings at Mission Place, Charlotte all day, special evening event with dinner at the Ogden home

Tuesday 11/7– Meetings at Mission Place, Charlotte all day, may need host to provide dinner

Wednesday 11/8– Meeting at Mission Place, Charlotte all day, may need host to provide dinner

Thursday 11/9– Meeting at Mission Place, Charlotte all day, dinner meeting with board chairs and leaders

Friday 11/10-Leaders depart (depending on travel)

Saturday 11/11-Leaders depart


To be clear, the host will need to provide housing every night accept 11/4 and breakfast every morning except 11/5. The evenings of 11/7-8, we will ask the leaders to please confirm with the host if they will need dinner.  Transportation is only needed locally and not for the Asheville retreat.

If you are interested in helping out, contact CSPAN or:

April Levosky

South America Mission

1021 Maxwell Mill Rd. Suite B

Fort Mill, SC  29708

Phone 803.802.8580 x 234|Fax 803.548.7955

Redeemed Lives|Beautiful Churches|Transformed Communities


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Family Ruck 001 – 11/18/17

With the great success we had with Brew Ruck 001 back in March, we’re launching the family version, Family Ruck 001 on Nov 18th. As the name implies, this is a FAMILY event and we encourage and want Ms and 2.0s! No rucking experience needed, this is ment to be a family event not a CSAUP, so just grab a backpack, any weight or no weight is fine and let’s have enjoy some fellowship and rucking!

This is a 3.3 mile route within Baxter, with two stops along the way at Parks for a break for kids to play and activities.

The Start Point (SP) will be the Mushroom Pool (3387 Richard’s Crossing, Fort Mill), the route is detailed below and the EndEx will be the Baxter Town Center on Colonel Springs Way.

Start Time will be 15:00 (3pm), estimated arrival at EndEx ~17:00 (5pm).

For those looking for more than 3.3 miles, there will be a pre-ruck launching from the EndEx at 14:00 (2pm).

Nothing special required, your ruck, some weight and smiles, be smart about weight for 2.0s.

Please pack your own water!

Feel free to bring adult beverages for some 2ndF at the EndEx!

Route Map:

Route Details:

SP- Mushroom Pool



First Leg

SP down Richard’s Crossing, loop around end, back to Front St


Right on Front St



Right on Birkshire Heights



Right on Revival Row



Right on Olmstead St & back (dead end)



Right on Revival Row



Right on Birkshire Heights



End at Park at Birkshire Heights and Downing Dr

Second Leg

Head down Downing Dr



Left on Morris Hunt Dr



Left on Gardenia St



Jump on trail system



End at Allison Park

Third Leg

Right on Founders St



Right on Ellis Way



Left on Sonny Way



Left on Colonel Springs Way



End at Town Center field

Questions, comments, concerns, holler at WWL, Cobra Kai or CSPAN.

No patch has been designed or ordered, there are costs to do so, we are happy to if there is enough interest, let us know if you have ideas.


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The Jock (week#2)

Combo @F3TheFort & @F3RockHill bootcamp style workout at the BMX track



Board of pain style #AMRAP with lots of parking lot running and 10 of the following at every corner

Seal Jacks




Flying Squirrels





Mountain Climbers

partnerup with someone you don’t know for 10 minutes, and followed up by 25 minutes of #UvsU

COT/Prayer or Praise/ BOM

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17 at Poopdeck Did Supersets of Pain and Laid Waste to the Demons Inside Pandoras Box!

17 at Poopdeck worked through the pain inside Pandoras Box!

Warmup – jog around parking lot with high knees, butt kickers, lunges, l/r shuffle, and duck walk.  Then circled up for 5 reps in cadence of wide, normal, and diamond merkins finishing with box cutters.

The Thang:  partnered up and explored the stations of Pandoras Box.  One partner would use the equipment and another would do an exercise with equipment.

Round 1 – Donkey kicks for one partner and then the other partner completed 20 reps or other rep count stated of each:

1 – TRX curls, rows and tricep extensions,

2 – 20 slam ball slams,

3 – BearGrylls Bear Crawl sled w/40lbs,

4 – 115lb Deadlifts,

5 – Pullups or dips on equipment,

6 – Superman pumps w/8lb bar,

7 – 100 lb water jug carry,

8 – 60 lb water jug standing row,

9 – 2 foot box jumps,

10 – Battle Ropes – Wax On/Wax Off, Squat jump arm circles, A Frame Power blast.

Quick cool down run, then circled up for 5 reps of each in cadence – Morraccan Nightclubs and Hello Dolly’s.

Round 2 – Jump Knee Tucks for one partner and then we were able to get through 5 stations based on time.

Announcements – Bear Grylls Seeking BRR team or offered to drive,

Prayers – Some M’s going through cancer treatment, School Teachers and Officials for wisdom, BearGrylls friend Rob for forgiveness.

Praises – successful adoption.

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Outland Invasion

Union County was really where the glue of F3 took hold for me. Pax like Double E, Hairband, Glass Joe and Counter Top were with me through the early days and the rough days of watching my mom decline and eventually pass in December 2014. So needless to say the UC has a special place in my heart and I was happy to help out and q even though the site q was nowhere to be found.

So the thang went something like this…


Imperial Walkers
Morocan Nightclub (a fan favorite)

Afer we were warmed up we made our way to the bus parking lot, which was empty. Perfect!

I don’t have a name for the first round but it goes like this:
In the center ten merkins, at one end ten squats at the other end ten LBC’s. Repeat until you’ve completed ten of each exercise. Always stop in the middle for ten more merkins. And go!

I could tell the pax were really enjoying this already for all the grumblechatter I was getting so since things were too easy we next moved over to the benches for a little Cindy.

Cindy in this case involves ten merkins, ten step ups and ten dips. Go until the q calls time. After about twenty minutes of this nonsense we make our way over to the wall for people’s chair with arm raises. We completed rounds of 40, 50, 60 and 100 (thanks Shephered for the 100).

Oh we’ve got more time! So another round of Cindy and some stretching then we headed back towards our start point.

At this point a lot of folks were rolling into the school, so they got to see our weird movements and they probably were thinking of calling the police.

After some Mary and stretching and yoga we wrapped things up.

Great work everyone!

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