Bracket buster round 2

After a crazy weekend of March Madness – and Duke should have lost…13 PAX decided to post

mossy to concrete pad for bracket buster round 2.

In between each round, run a lap. Rounds go 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64.

So 2 burpees, run; 2 burpees and 4 shoulder presses, run; 2 burpees, 4 shoulder presses, 8 chest presses, run; 2 burpees, 4 shoulder presses, 8 chest presses, 16 curls, run; 2 burpees, 4 shoulder presses, 8 chest presses, 16 curls,  32 skull crushers, run; 2 burpees, 4 shoulder presses, 8 chest presses, 16 curls,  32 skull crushers, 64 LBCs run. 10 count

So 2 burpees, run; 2 burpees and 4 squats, run; 2 burpees, 4 squats, 8 chest presses, run; 2 burpees, 4 squats, 8 chest presses, 16 skull crushers, run; 2 burpees, 4 squats, 8 chest presses, 16 skull crushers,  32 hello dollies, run; 2 burpees, 4 squats, 8 chest presses, 16 skull crushers,  32 hello dollies, 64 flutters run. 10 count

So 2 burpees, run; 2 burpees and 4 step ups, run; 2 burpees, 4 step ups, 8 overhead swings, run; 2 burpees, 4 step ups, 8 overhead swings, 16 LBCs, run;


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Do you need a bell? VQ at Armory

So I was nervous about my first Kettlebell Q.  Sure, I’ve been to The Hive and The Armory a few times but never Q’d.  Honestly, YHC had to pour over backblasts to get some exercises to call.  Then Youtube to see how to do them.  But hey, the theme of the month is Growth so let’s do this!

To make my Q a bit easier, I got to the AO early to literally chalk out the Main Event.  I start seeing the cars roll in as I’m finishing up then I head over to the gathered circle of men, excited to see some familiar and newer faces.  Good crowd I’m thinking.  I set my Kettlebell down and proceed to great the PAX.  I get to Peabody as he’s rolling up and he and asks me if I need a Kettlebell.  Man, I guess it’s obvious I don’t know what I’m doing!  A quick disclaimer was given, we left the bells, and took off.

The Thang

After a mosey around the back of the church, we circled up in the front parking lot for some warm-up exercises.  All IC in no particular order:

  • SSH
  • Imperial walker
  • Windmill
  • Merkins
  • Dips
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Moroccan Night Club
  • Low slow squats

Mosey backs to the start spot and grab your bell.  In cadence for a round of squat curls.

Mosey back to the front parking lot with kettlebell.  Partner up for some Dora.  One partner ran a lap around the lot while the other lifted.  As a group, complete  100 squats, 150 curls, 200 lbc’s.   Special shout out to Fish Sticks who would not let me take it easy on the run and ran me down each lap.  Well done Sir!

Main Event

Mosey over to the far lot where 5 parking spots at the top and 5 spots at the bottom had exercises posted.  With your partner, pick a parking space.  Both would do 10 reps of the exercises listed.  When complete, rotate over one spot to the right, leaving your kettlebell behind for the next group.  When you get done with the 5th station, rotate to other end of the lot.

Everyone got through one complete rotation, some made a few more before time was up.  Here’s what we did at each station:

  • goblin squat / calf raises
  • tricep extention / curl
  • shoulder press / single arm swing with pass through
  • figure 8’s / halos
  • LBC / merkins
  • lawn mower pulls, each arm
  • squats / lunge with pass through
  • skull crushers / big boy sit-ups
  • American hammers / merkins
  • swings / curls

Mosey to COT

Announcements – Sign up for Operation Sweet Tooth 8K, Huntersville, NC on 3/20.  Virtual Option available

Prayers – David Chadwick resigned as Sr. Pastor at Forest Hill Church after 39 years.  Prayers for church body and Elder leadership in this time of transition.  Peabody is on the Council of Elders so we prayed for him, our families, children, & injured PAX.

Thanks JWOW for the chance to Q!  Thanks also for the encouraging word from the PAX.  I encourage anyone out there to attend kettlebell workouts and Q!  If you need a bell, just ask Peabody.

Flat Tire

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Being Vulnerable is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength

P.S.A attendance is highly recommended. March 27th mark your calendars. F3 St. Louis very own Miyagi and Aerobie has brought light to a sensitive subject that’s right Suicide-mental health awareness. A subject we try and avoid talking about at all or till it’s to late. YHC will be on Q at the Panethon if you can’t make it to the west side of town Stang is on Q at Tomahawk and will also discussing the subject.

I am encouraging you to step up and share your experience. Whether it be about yourself or family member or even a friend. YHC will testify how this subject has effected my life. Please remember what we talk about in COT stays in COT it’s okay to be vulnerable. We are stronger together rather than alone.

Don’t be ashamed of your story it will inspire others. Author Unknown

“You don’t have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you.”

”I hide all my scars with an I’m fine.”

The bravest thing I ever did was continuing my life when I wanted to die. – Juliette Lewis

The world is a better place with you in it.

Suicide doesn’t end the chances of life getting worse, it eliminates the possibility of it ever getting any better. – unknown

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11 men showed up this morning at the Armory for my second Kettle Bell Q.  It was good to see Trucker in the crowd.  I made sure to emphasize “Modify if necessary” since he is recovering from an injury.


Leg stretch (Butt kickers, knees to chest)

Plank stretch (Honeymooner, downward dog)

SSH x 15

Merkin x 10

Windmill x 10

Next, we moseyed to the main parking lot near the light post for some partner exercises. Partner #1 would perform a stationary exercise while Partner #2 would be in motion.  Once Partner #2 completed the exercise, he would flipflop with Partner #1. Below are the exercises:

Round                    Stationary                      Motion  

1                                KB swing                          Jog around the parking lot

2                               Squat                                  KB carry between light poles

3                               Figure 8s                            Bear crawl

4                              Upright row                      Burpee broad Jump

5                               Curl                                      Lunge walk

6                               Shoulder press               Jog around the parking lot

7                               Skull crushers                  Inch worm merkins

8                               Tri-extensions                  Squat walk


Great job this morning! Lots of good chatter and encouragement.



Families in Alabama impacted by the Tornado

Comfort for families grieving a loved one

Healing and comfort for families dealing with illness

Healing and speedy recover for injured Pax



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It was a blessing to post with 7 #HIMs this morning. We finally got a break from seven straight days of rain. JWOWW shared his frigid and wet Yeti experience with us which drastically reduced our FOMO. Polaroid ran a 5K during our workout and finished up the boot camp with us, like a boss. Today’s workout was a slow burn. Intentionally reps that forced us to use our core instead of momentum.

The Thang:

SSHs (20x), IWs (20x), HBWs (20x) Slow Sumo Squats (15x), WMs (15x), MCs (15x)

Mosey w/ your kettlebell to the first corner.

Circuit 1:

  • Upright Rows (7x)
  • Floor Presses (7x/side)
  • American Hammers(7x)
  • Kettlebell Swings (15x OYO)
  • Crushing Halos (10x/side OYO)

Mosey w/ your kettlebell to the next corner.

Circuit 2:

  • Overhead Squats (7x)
  • Bent Rows (7x/side)
  • Curls (7x/side)
  • Around The World (10x/side OYO)
  • Get Ups (5x/side OYO)

Mosey w/ your kettlebell to the next corner.

Circuit 3:

  • Goblet Squats (7x)
  • Kettlebell Holds (2x, 5 counts)
  • Travolta’s (15x)
  • Skull Crushers (20 OYO)
  • Figure 8’s (8x/side OYO)

Mosey w/ your kettlebell to the next corner.

Circuit 4:

  • Tricept Extensions (7x)
  • Saxxon Press (7x)
  • Oblique Press (7x/side)
  • Kettlebell Swings (10x OYO)
  • Ribbons (10x/side OYO)

Partner Drills – Line up at the stop sign and face the end of the parking lot.

  • Partner Drill 1: 100 floor presses total and alternate runners to the end of the parking lot.
  • Partner Drill 2: 100 curls total and alternate runners to the end of the parking lot.
  • Partner Drill 3: 100 goblet squats total and alternate runners to the end of the parking lot.


What’s the difference between grace and mercy? Mercy is God not punishing us as we deserve.Grace is our undeserved favor from God. An illustration of their difference In today’s terms is as follows:

  • The mercy of God is like God forgiving your financial debt.
  • The grace of God is like filling up an empty bank account with new money.

Know that we deserve God’s wrath but we’re still here because He is merciful. # Proverbs 28:13. Share His mercy by forgiving and praying for others who have trespassed against you. The act of forgiveness is counter to today’s culture but can lead to more abundant life under His mercy.



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Presidential Day Massacre at the Armory

The weather mostly held out with a few spitting showers but good  mumble chatter by the 11 pax on this cold and wet morning.  It was a morning filled with maybe a little too many facts our presidents but it was a good lesson that no man is perfect and all even through our flaws we can still achieve great success.  May we all be encourage to NOT be defined by our mistakes and to overcome them.

Warm Up:  In honor of our 45 presidents and 4 assassinated presidents (Four sitting Presidents have been assassinated while in office: Abraham Lincoln, James Abram Garfield (1881), William McKinley (1897-1901), and John F. Kennedy (1961-63)

  • 45 – SSH
    • 4 – Burpees
  • 45 – Mountain climbers
    • 4 – Burpees
  • 45 – Squats (single count)
    • 4 – Burpees
  • 45 – Merkins (single count)
    • 4 – Burpees


Mosey to the Knee Wall

John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were close friends and correspondents — but they also had a bit of a rivalry. Adams’ dying words were, “Thomas Jefferson survives,” unaware that he had died hours earlier. Both died on July 4, 1826.

4 rounds  –

  • 7 – Wall Jumps
  • 18- Skull Crushers
  • 26 – Dips with Bell

10 – Count:

  • Monrovia, the capital of the Liberia, is named after James Monroe. He supported the American Colonization Society in its work to create a home for freed slaves in Liberia.
  • During his presidency, John Quincy Adams enjoyed skinny-dipping in the Potomac River in the early mornings.
  • Zachary Taylor was a tough guy — a major general in the U.S. Army and hero of the Mexican-American War. But oddly enough, what brought him down in the end was a glass of milk and some cherries that he enjoyed on July 4, 1850. The cherries were likely contaminated with bacteria that caused his death by cholera five days later.

Mosey to Open Parking Lot – Partner Up:

Andrew Jackson was involved in as many as 100 duels, most of which were fought to defend the honor of his wife, Rachel. He was shot in the chest in a duel in 1806 and took a bullet in the arm in a bar fight with Missouri Sen. Thomas Hart Benton in 1813.

John Tyler had 15 children, more than any other president. Two of his grandsonsare still alive today. One of Tyler’s children, Lyon Gardiner Tyler, born in 1853, fathered Lyon Gardiner Tyler Jr. in 1924 and Harrison Ruffin Tyler in 1928.


  • 100 – Pass Through Lunges/ Halos/ Curls
  • 15 – Bomb Jacks after each 100 (each person)

10 – Count:

  • Millard Fillmore lived the dream of many a teenage schoolboy. Fillmore’s first wife, Abigail Powers, was his teacher while he was a 19-year-old student at the New Hope Academy in New York.
  • Pierce had a tough time guiding the nation and perhaps an even tougher time guiding his horse. During his presidency, Pierce was arrested for running over a woman with his horse. Charges were later dropped due to a lack of evidence.
  • James Buchanan regularly bought slaves in Washington, D.C. and quietly freed them in Pennsylvania.

Mosey back to COT

Get ready to rumble: Abraham Lincoln could throw down in the wrestling ring. As a young man, he was only defeated once out of approximately300 matches. He made it to the Wrestling Hall of Fame with the honor of “Outstanding American.”

  • 300 Cumulative Reps (KB Swing, Plank Row or Shoulder Press

Ulysses S. Grant smoked a ton of cigars — at least 20 a day. After a great military victory at the Battle of Shiloh, citizens sent him more than 10,000 boxes of cigars as gratitude. He died of throat cancer in 1885.

  • End with continuous rotation of exercises of 20 count until we get to 10,000 total reps.

Other Facts:

  • William McKinley almost always wore a red carnation on his lapel as a good luck charm. While greeting a line of people in 1901, he gave the flower to a little girl. Seconds later, he was shot by an assassin, and died eight days later.
  • Teddy Roosevelt was shot in an assassination attempt while delivering a speech in Milwaukee. “I don’t know whether you fully understand that I have just been shot,” he told the stunned audience. “I give you my word, I do not care a rap about being shot; not a rap.” He completed the 90-minute speech with the bullet still lodged in his chest.
  • Herbert Hoover’s son had two pet alligators, which were occasionally permitted to run loose throughout the White House.
  • Eisenhower played a big role in popularizing golf. He installed a putting green at the White House and played more than 800 rounds while in office — exceeding the record of any other president. He holds a spot in the World Golf Hall of Fame in the Lifetime Achievement Category.
  • LBJ wasn’t scared to show off his, err, Johnson — he nicknamed his penis “Jumbo.” According to biographer Robert Dallek, Johnson met with a reporter who asked him multiple times why American troops were in Vietnam. In response, Johnson unzipped his pants, pulled out “Jumbo,” and yelled, “This is why!”
  • “Dubya” garnered the media attention with his frat boy past, but he also has a more wholesome side (aside from painting, that is). During his senior year of high school at Phillips Academy in Andover, Mass., Bush was captain of the cheerleading team.
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The Armory – Viking Metal is always better in the rain

YHC arrived and wanted to do some sidewalk chalk writing but the rain threw a wrench in that plan so had to use the phone as my weinke while also playing the traditional Viking Metal for kettle-bell workout.

After 1 1/2 rounds the cold weather shut my Apple 6plus down. My son would be throwing a fit and saying we need a new phone as this is junk……however just plug it in and it works nicely. Plus saves you $500+ dollars.

So the PAX arrived and we had a kotter, Gridlock come home to the Armory. It was some years ago that I was Q for Gridlock’s FNG appearance. Was great having him and the others there this morning. Nice work men!!

The Thang:

  • SSHs
  • 5burpees
  • squats
  • 4burpees
  • merkins
  • 3 burpees
  • Imperial Walkers
  • 2 burpees
  • Moracan Night clubs (half while holding squat)
  • 1 burpee

Mosey across front of FHC looking for cover, but the rain had stopped so it wasn’t needed.

3 sets of exercises, run lap between them, until time runs out or phone dies….whichever

  • Kettlebell swing
    5 Single hands each & 10 double
    10 Two arm bent row
    10 Figure eight
    10 Goblet squats
    10 Upright row
    10 Dips

    • RUN LAP
  • 10 Lunge press
    10 Sumo upright row
    10 Curls L/R
    10 American Hammer
    10 Bench press L/R
    10 Plank Rows L/R
    10 Tri Extension

    • RUN LAP
  • 10 Flutters
    10 Hello dolly’s
    10 Freddy’s
    10 Deadlift
    10 Sidestep upright row
    10 Kettlebell Merkins

    • RUN LAP

We made it through about 2 rounds of these.

Fun times by all!!

YHC talked about life expectancy  and that wherever we are on the timeline, we should start living intentional. I only have 40% of my life expectancy  left and so there is no wasting the days or hours on silly stuff. GET SOME!!! 2 guys decided to GET RIGHT while in COT and make choice to get better alignment. Well done gents!! We are here to support and encourage you!

Thanks JWOW for the opportunity to lead.


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The Armory: Envelope Notes

A lucky 13 PAX gathered in the not too cold late-January gloom for this rendition of The Armory.

Set the disclaimer into motion and the PAX soon followed moseying over to the far side of the church parking lot.

Warm Up:
Windmill x10
SSH x35 (sparked up Trucker’s legendary mumble chatter)
Mountain Climbers x10 (fast count)
Down Dog –> Honeymooner
Mountain Climbers x10 (fast count)
Down Dog –> Honeymooner –> Down Dog –> Standing forward bend (SFB)

Mosey towards bells but then right turn to the back side of the church

Imperial Walkers x10
Hillbilly Walkers x15
Merkin x 10 (slow count)
Down Dog –> HM –>  DD –> SFB

Mosey to bells

The Thang:

Circuit of:
Goblet Squat x20
Upright Row x12
Merkin x10 (modified to manmakers in the 2nd set)
Romanian Deadlift x12 (this was a lot)
Split Squat x8 each side (lunge isolating the reps to one leg before moving to the other side)
One arm press x8 each arm
Kettlebell Swings x20

Mosey a little — 8 snatches (each arm) — rinse and repeat.

At Trucker’s suggestion, we utilized the bell during the Merkins by modifying to 10 Manmakers. I’m not 100% sure that’s what he meant, but his input was helpful.

We made it through 3 sets. Somewhere in the workout we held a plank and everyone shared their word for 2019. I believe Deacon’s word is Maat or Ma’at which is Egyptian mꜣꜥt /ˈmuʀʕat and required a little explanation: the additional plank challenge was welcome. We also discussed at one point how feeling the weight of the kettlebell and gravity pulling you down also allows you to feel the earth holding you up.

After 3 sets, we sprinted to the end of the parking lot and back, did some pigeon lunges, and followed that with flutters until the hour arrived (we made it to 40).

I referenced Mary Oliver‘s passing two weeks ago and none of the PAX were familiar with her work. So YHC took the opportunity to read some of her poem “The Summer Day:”

I don’t know exactly what a prayer is.
I do know how to pay attention . . .
Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild precious life?

Gotta up the culture and Third F challenges during the First F work. F3 is certainly more than a workout.

Joe Davis Run
Paradise Reading Center

Prayers and Praises:
Shady’s M back pain
38 Special: 2.0 is having an EKG
Deacon’s dad is recovering well from surgery
Chicken Hawk’s extended family interpersonal
Trucker’s 2.0 is dealing with some illness

Official welcome to FNG’s from last week: Chunk and Pigeon. Must have missed getting into the system directly and should now be up and running as PAX of The Fort.

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The Cornerstone – Challenge ( One Year Long )

To all the Pax of F3 Nation

Are you prepared to challenge your self for 2019? I am challenging all Pax’s to join me for 2019 we will take on one exercise for January (merkins single count) 100 reps every day. Then in February we will add another exercise which will be done every day on top of the 100 merkins and so on and so on. We will increase by adding one exercise each month.  These exercises will be above and beyond when you post. So by the end of the year there will be 12 exercises that need to be done everyday at the reps set.

Do you accept the challenge? Do you want to get better?

I will set the next month exercise and reps the week before to keep you on your toes

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No stinkin’ rain at The Armory!

Having been in a Thanksgiving hangover after spending most of it on the road, the commitment I had made to Q the Armory on Monday was not even a thought. That is until, I got the DM from JWOW at 2pm on Sunday. Hmmmm…what excuse could I make I instantly thought, and then after further self-evaluation, and no easy way out, I committed to fulfilling my original obligation.

Weather forecast called for a 60% chance of rain. Fortunately, they are almost always wrong, and we got a nice 50 plus degree morning perfect for a KB workout.

All Vets were at the AO, so after a quick disclaimer, off we went.


Mosey (no KB) towards the front of the Church and then back towards the left side. Started with some side shuffles, changing directions, then butt-kickers and finished off with a little carioca ending back at the original launch spot.

SSH- x30

Moroccan- x30

Arm rolls- forward for 10 and then back for ten

Windmill- x15

LSS- x15

Merkins- x10/ hold




Mosey to the far-right parking lot when facing the Church.


The Thang

How convenient that there are 4 perfectly placed light posts on the side. And with that came the opportunity to complete 3 rounds of exercises, running between light posts. Just in case we were facing rain, I had placed each round of workouts in a special Ziploc. The PAX were impressed…not really.

Round 1

First light post- One arm curls- 20 each

Run to next

Second- Goblet Squats- 20

Run to next

Third- Overhead press- 15 each arm


Fourth- American Hammers- 30


Round 2


First- Chest press- 20 each arm


Second- Upright rows- 20


Third- Cleans- 10 each


Fourth- Big Boy- 20

Round 3

First- Single arm triceps extensions- 20 each


Second- Straight arm raises- 15


Snatch- 10 each


LBC’s- 25

Run to final post

Partner Up

Time for some Dora

100- KB swings

200- Two-handed Tricep extensions

300- American Hammers


Partner one does the exercise while Partner two runs around the outside of the light posts we were just working through.


Called an audible partial way through the triceps due to time.  Asked the PAX to get to 150 Tricep extensions and 200 AH. Once completed, work on 100 squats until time.


Everyone hit the 100 squats just in time to get back to COT. With A couple minutes left, all PAX on their six for a quick round of Flutters.


Recover. With one-minute left I thought it was good timing to touch briefly on our word of the month, which happens also to be my word of the year. Shared with the PAX my struggles and the growth I think I have had over the last year and asked for their thoughts on the meaning to them. Many thanks to the PAX that did. I think vulnerability is a tough word to wrap your head around and even more difficult to exercise as a man. Challenge to all PAX to be especially more vulnerable to your M’s and 2.0’s. It will definitely bring you all closer and hopefully strengthen your relationships as our 2.0’s face their future challenges.



Announcements- Xmas Party, Joe Davis, and Xmas Eve Convergence


PAX who are looking for work

Safe returns from the Holidays and for what’s ahead

California victims

Children fighting illnesses

Very appreciative for the PAX who showed up this morning and for the push. Thanks for the opportunity JWOW!


Frat Boy Out




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