Merkin extravaganza

WARMUP: mosey to the asphalt football field, Moroccan night clubs, cherry pickers, low slow squats, low slow merkins
THE THANG: start with 2 squats, 2 merkins, 2 big boy sit-ups at the end line,
mosey 10 yards, increase to 4 count of each,
mosey to 20 yard line, do 6 reps of each…
30 YL-8 reps,
40YL-10 reps,
50YL-12 reps, start decreasing by 2 reps…
40 YL-10 reps,
30 YL-8 reps,
10YL-4 reps, end line -2 reps; take a lap…
rinse and repeat, with different exercises this time, side straddle hops, wide arm merkins, LBC’s… these two evolutions where meant to follow natural movements, stand up, down on your chest, roll back on your 6… it kept the flow going.
Take another lap.
One more evolution just like before but only with merkins… a few of us where done with upper body after this… 30 second body destroyer and mosey back to COT
MARY: flutters, box cutters, LBC’s, American hammers.
8 minutes of broga to stretch most of our abused muscles…

Humidity was 1000% I believe.. everyone gave their best effort

Tinsel out!!

TClap |

Show up if you want pullups. Show up if you don’t

Polish Mating Dance – in honor of Kielbasa’s return
Scapular merkins
regular Merkins
Cherry pickers

Today’s message: Whatever you’re dealing with, just hang in there. Cat posters to follow.


Mosey to pullup bars
Split into 2 groups due to size
1 minute dead hang
1 minute plank
1 minute dead hang
1 minute Al Gore
1 minute dead hang
1 minute people’s chair

Yog to the track
Tabata sprints
20 seconds all out sprint
20 seconds rest
3 out (only tell them about the 3)
3 back
Make it back to where you started
Bear crawl to cover missed distance

Yog to the pullup bars

Toes 2 bar/knees to elbows
Run down the hill
Run back up the hill

Pecker pointers
Hello Dollys
Dying cockroaches


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WARMUP: First, we warmed up.
THE THANG: Then we did a lot of kettlebell stuff and ran a little.
MOSTLY, we listened to what might have been the worst playlist ever conceived. From the marginally incestuous Osmonds, to the Killers, to what was probably the biggest surprise which was Wilford Freaking Brimley. The diabeetus commercial guy you say? Yes. Beloved actor who starred in the 1985 hit movie Cocoon? Yes. He’s a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Well, he was when he was alive, yes… but please tell me THAT isn’t the thing that you find most surprising. He has albums. Of music. Where he sings. Doesn’t that shake you a little more to your core? I mean… even just a little? And to add insult to injury (and trust me, his singing was injurious), there’s not a single freaking song on his album about DIABETES TESTING SUPPLIES. Seriously, lean into your strengths, Wilford. WTF? You know diabetes supplies like no other… and yet you choose to sing about someone’s silver-haired daddy…? I’m not sure what to think anymore… I’m not sure this world was meant for me…
MARY: Once again, girls aren’t allowed. Core Principle #2.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter.
COT: Core Principle #5

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10 Round Ladder

WARMUP: Mosey to Fort Mill Church of God, Side straddle hop, cherry pickers, Moroccan nightclub
THE THANG: #1 PAX did wall sit while 1 PAX did 2 burpee’s each.
Round 1. (10 exercises below and drop last exercise each new round)
5 Burpee’s, 10 LBC’s, 15 CDD’s, 20 Lunges, 25 American Hammer’s, Plank (30 seconds), 35 Monkey Humpers, 40 Flutters, 45 Mountain Climbers, 50 Squats.

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Hump day suckfest

Carolina Dry Docks
Low slow squats
Good mornings

Mozy around the school


11s – Shoulder suckfest
Mode of transportation: Bear crawl
Carolina Dry Docks

11s – Leg suckfest
Mode of transportation: Lunging walk
Good mornings

3 Rounds:
Jump squats



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I don’t know much but I know Uhaul

Windmills, monacan Nite clubs, squats, merkins, sumo squats toy soldiers, lunges
3 sets of ten: 3 sets of 5 exercises 10 reps each take lap. Most got two full rounds in
Did some Mary with Bushwood
10 yr anniversary coming up
LOTS PRAYERS DOE health concerns. Praise for Battle Bots anniversary 👏🏻🥓

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Slash’s Slam

WARMUP: dynamic: exercise>Mosey>rinse/repeat

THE THANG: 4 Corners. Each corner had two exercises. Do exercise 1 run to middle for 3 burpees run back out to next corner. Complete rotation. Rinse/repeat with exercise 2. 10 reps each. Continue with 8 reps then 6 reps.
MARY: various all counted by Repeat

Armory is funny. How do you keep fresh what is essentially the same thing. Maybe that can be true for all workouts. T-Claps to those creative types that continue to push and find new wrinkles to keep pax engagement high. While four corners isn’t new, nor the exercises, hopefully the style and rep count kept it interesting.

Lots of #mumblechatter today. Mainly about the music selection (and the size of Repeats bell). We had two camps- I’ll just say the cut line was 45/older and 44/younger. The DJ spun the debut album of Cinderella. Hair band hierarchy. And while they may have sound all the same(to some), you knew every dang word. Lucky for 44 crowd- the entire record is only 35 minutes.

Lastly- there is no one like @slash. #Slam

Blood donation coming up mid July.
Final Countdown CSAUP this fall.

TClap |

Warmup hanging out with the bot


low slow squat

mosey down left side of school
changing mode of transport at each light pole
bear crawl
lunge walk

stop at end of blacktop
suicide runs down the length of the driveway area using the 4 lights as the stopping points

3 rounds. 1 minute each. Split into 2 groups
Group 1 – dead hang
Group 2 – Plank
Group 1 – dead hang
Group 2 – Al Gore
Group 1 – dead hang
Group 2 – hold a lunge

activating the lats during a dead hang helps with the movement and also recruits more muscles to punish. We don’t do a lot of grip work, nor pullups due to the nature of the F3 sites, so I think this is important to incorporate OTB or more regularly in workouts.

AMRAP 12 minutes
20 merkins
20 plank jacks
20 bomb jacks
5 burpee pull-ups (PAX can use their momentum from the jump to assist)


5 pull-ups
Mosey back to COT

MARY: yes

ANNOUNCEMENTS: lots of 2nd F

COT: Named our FNG Focker. He is Funhouse’s daughter’s boyfriend so it seemed appropriate. 17 year old who is going to be a senior at Catawba Ridge, and we are glad to have him.

TClap |

1st and 10 with KB

WARMUP: 20 SSH, 20 HBW, 20 MNC, 1 lap around the parking lot.

Take bells to starting point in the parking lot.

10 yard mark
20 Tricep extensions
10 Kurpees
Run to the 100y cone and back
20y mark
18 Tricep extensions
9 Kurpees
Longes to the next cone
30y cone
16Tricep extensions
8 Kurpees
Longes to the next cone
40y mark
14 Tricep extensions
7 Kurpees

50y   12-6
60y   10-5
70y    8-4
80y    6-3
90y    4-2
100y   2-1

On the way back
10 yard mark
20 Curls
20 KB swings
Run to 100y mark and back no KB
Longes to the next cone w/KB
20 yard mark
18 Curls
18 KB swings
Run to 100y mark and back
Longes to the next cone
16 Curls
16 KB swings
Run to 100y mark and back
Longes to the next cone
14 curls
14 KB swings
Ran out of time, omaha to COT

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2nd activities, H&C
COT:prayers for patients, for Uhaul’s nephew going through cancer treatment, prayer for Vuvu’s son for quick recovery on his broken leg, prays for Uhaul’s 21st year anniversary.

TClap |

This is what I get for bringing Tinsel COVID tests

WARMUP: Forgot this part. It was a ruck though… Warm ups are for the weak…

So Tinsel needed some approved COVID tests for his return from Mexico and I had a few left over so I told him Thursday night I would bring them to Chupacabra in the morning… His response was basically “Great! Can you Q too?” So this is what you get when that happens

Total miles: 2.11 on my watch

Basically went to TCES and back with some “discomfort stops” (not really bad enough to be actual pain…)

Halfway: 20 High-Pulls, 20 Overhead Press
Turn: 20 Squat, 20 Bent Over Rows
Halfway: 20 Squat, 20 High-Pulls
COT: 20 Overhead Press, 20 Curl

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