CSPAN Send off Convergence

141 Men came to show the Respectable**CSPAN** some Respect!!

He leaves The Fort and heads north or as Dredd refers to Yankee land. Not gone forever but just up the road 600 miles to start a new chapter in life and in F3 as he will launch F3Philly.

I am not the most eloquent with my back-blasts and I am usually to the point with posting the workout, add some words and being done, however since I can’t get Italian Job to write this up and Double D challenged the PAX to think of one word to represent CSAPN, I think that is the best way to document this convergence.

Thank you CSPAN for being all of these things and more to you r brothers in the PAX. As posted on Twitter and many of these were repeated multiple times:


The Workout looked like this:

WWL at the Q:

  • Mosey around the lot
  • Line up; karaoke, side shuffle, high knees, butt kickers, toy solders, lungewalk, power skips
  • COP
    • SSH, squat, merkin, moroccan night club, 10 Flying squirrels
Double D at the Q:
  • Run to practice field
  • Plank sequence
  • Split into 2 groups on each sideline
  • Sprint to center and back to sideline
  • Monkey humpers x25
  • Rinse + repeat with Merkins x 25
  • CDDs x25
  • Burpees x25
Longshanks at the Q:
  • Burpees
  • Lunges
  • Inch worm Merkins
  • Maktar Ndiayes
  • Plank Jacks
  • Squats.

Dredd at the Q:

  • Prayer for CSPAN
  • Merkin/Ab Lab series
  • Truth Nuggets and Leadership development with Major Payne, Wegmans, & Drop Thrill
  • Mosey to hill behind Bob Jones Stadium
  • Prayer for CSPAN heading to F3Philly…..”CSPAN Coming”
  • More Merkin/Ab lab series


141 Count, Name O’rama, 2 FNGs (Bikini & Manzel), Skinny Jeans pray out over CSPAN and his IMPACT on men and for Sky Q’s kingdom.

TClap |

Stairway to Heaven – 2

14 was the count this fine August morning at Footloose.  That was 13 HIMs that did not know what was planned.

No FNG’s – quick disclaimer – mosey around the back of First Baptist


  • SSH’s in cadence
  • Low Slow Squats in cadence
  • Windmills in cadence
  • Cherry Pickers in cadence
  • Wall sit with each PAX giving a slow 10 count

Head across the street and down the stairs to the other side of Church of God.

We talked about the word of the month…Presence.  Where have you seen God’s presence this week in your own life or the lives of those around you?

Then it was time for The Thang

Partner up – size does not matter.  Each partner will do two rounds of each exercise, with one partner “running the stairs” and the other doing the exercise, then switch.  The different exercises were as follows:

  • Lunges
  • Monkey Humpers
  • LBC’s
  • Squats

When I say you run the stairs, starting on the right and working to the left we went up one section and down the next all the way across this nasty staircase (see Google image below…all sections were open, but boy did this suck especially after 2-3 times…that’s when it started getting really nasty).

So, my goal is that each time we get up today from behind our desks, each of the 13 other PAX will be muttering “Smithers!” under their breath 😉

Thanks to Beacon for the opportunity to lead at Footloose!



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Barney Fife’s Ballroom VQ

The Message:

Since this was my VQ I was not overly confident and could feel the butterflies doing side straddle hops in my stomach. I had made a homemade deck of workout cards that I was looking forward to trying out. However, the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry and my plan quickly fell apart. I am ashamed to admit that I underestimated my fellow PAX. My plan was based on a group of what I assumed would be 5 – 10 that would eventually draw 5 cards each by the end of the workout at which time we would compare hands for a modified game of poker.

As I stood in the gloom waiting to give my first disclaimer I was pleasantly surprised to watch the steady stream of vehicles arrive, one after the other. By the time 5:15 rolled around there was a total of 26 of us and I was less nervous and could feel the support in the air. I quickly realized that I would have to modify my plan but I was happy to do it because no matter what happened I knew I was among good friends that would be quick to help if necessary.

After stumbling over a barely adequate disclaimer we started with a CoP warmup:

  • Windmills
  • Side straddle hops
  • Hillbilly walkers
  • Carolina dry docks

After the warm up it was time for a short mosey to the football field.


The PAX lined up on the goal line and planked while one person at a time sprinted to the 40 yard line, drew a card and brought it back and called their exercise out in cadence. After each PAX brought one card back for a random beat down that worked the legs, arms and abs we split up into 5 groups on the field. Each group used the 5 workout cards that they had drawn from the pile and moved to the next group of cards when they were done. After each group worked through all 5 sets of cards we lined up on the 40 yard line for more sprints:

  • 10 yard sprint, imperial walkers back
  • 20 yard sprint, power skip back
  • 30 yard sprint, hillbilly walkers back

We moseyed back to the parking lot for CoT where I explained to the group what an enormous impact my F3 brothers have had on my life since I began coming in April and we all welcomed FNG Flyby to the family.

Thanks to Short Sale for giving me the opportunity to Q, I thoroughly enjoyed it and promise to make it SUCK more next time. Thanks to all the PAX who came out and showed their support.

TClap |

Light Pole Work

For what looked to be a rainy morning the night before, I was pleased to see we would have a dry morning, except for the sweat from the less than moderate work I had planned.  Ballroom is a great AO and is also moderate.  The workout allowed everyone the opportunity to push themselves.  As cars rolled in a great group of 25 PAX assembled and the mumble-chatter started immediately.  After a short disclaimer we moseyed around the parking lot and stopped at the far side for warm-up

  • SSH
  • Windmill
  • Imperial Walker
  • Low Slow Squat
  • Merkin
  • Mountain Climber
  • MNC – correct arm movement

Mosey to the entrance road for the light pole work to begin.  Begin at 1st light pole with exercise, run to the 2nd and complete exercise.  Come back to 1st and complete exercise and go to 2nd then 3rd and then back to 1st.  Continue this until complete all 5 light poles. (Mumble-chatter had dropped to a low level), catching your breath was more important.  Light poles were spaced out along front entrance and every other pole had designated exercise.  Exercises:

  1. 10 Merkins
  2. 15 CDD
  3. 20 Dips
  4. 25 Monkey Humpers
  5. 30 Squats

Once completed and six was in we moseyed to the grass/mud hill on the side of the school.  Set out for a series of 12’s.  Bottom of hill dips and the top of the hill squats. 1 at bottom & 11 at top of hill – 2/10, 3/9…..

Moseyed back to front parking lot for a little Mary.  Opportunity for some of the Pax that had not Q’d before to lead an exercise of Mary.  Good job Arrowhead, Dungaree and Wide Right.


We have almost completed 60 days of focus on impact.  I shared with the group that as I have thought about impact in my life, I have thought about the people in my life that have impacted me.  Most of the time they probably didn’t know the impact they made but more importantly their impact was made by how they lived their life.  As I shared that in our family, work, social and community, it may not be the words we speak but the daily actions we live that can impact someone.  I also shared Dabo’s response he had at the ACC media day, when asked about his faith.  “If there is hope in the future, there is power in the present”.  Take 3 minutes and watch the video of his response.  We are all blessed and have different opportunities in the present.  Let your actions speak loudly!!

Thanks Short Sale for the opportunity to Q.

TClap |

Bing- GQ in The Fort – Alcatraz AO

Reposting with Link to Bing’s BB from F3 Suncoast.

Bing- GQ in The Fort – Alcatraz AO


Weather – upper 60s- with a chill in the air for this Floridian!

As the pax began to roll into the AO, including a number of them who chose to take a pre-run, YHC was giddy with excitement.  It felt like good old times with so many familiar faces!

As the clock struck 6:30, the disclaimer was shared along with the 5 core principles  and off we went for a mozi around the park.  Mozi included butt kickers, high knees, Carioca x2 and a quick pace to finish the run.  Without hesitation, it was time to hit the dewy fresh cut grass for COP.

COP was delivered in a speed round, where the Q calls out an exercise and is immediately followed by the first Pax member calling out SSH x10 IC.  The COP went as follows:

  • Merkins x10IC
  • SSH x10IC
  • Windmills x10IC
  • SSH x10IC
  • Imperial Walkers x10IC
  • SSH x10IC
  • Mountain Climbers x10IC
  • SSH x10IC
  • Peter Parkers x10IC
  • SSH x10IC

It was time to get to business.  The intent of the beatdown was to share some of the Pax favorites from my new  region, F3 Suncoast. First up was, FUN WITH ANIMALS.  Cones were set up roughly 15 feet from the starting point and the pax had to do the following mode of transportation x2:

  • Bear Crawl
  • Duck Walk
  • Crab Walk
  • Crawl Bear
  • Frog Hop
  • It was obvious that the pax was having such a great time, we rinsed and repeated, with only 1 time each the second round.

After we had enough fun with animals, a quick mozi was done and the pax ended up at the bottom of the hill on Tara Tea Drive for a round of Jacobs Ladder.  Run up to the top of the hill for 1 Burpee, run back down and immediately return to the top for 2 burpess.  Rinse and repeat until you have done 7 burpees.  Plank at the top until the entire pax is complete.  This was no easy feat for this Floridian flatlander, but clearly was a crowd favorite.

After the six was in, it was time for some Mike Tysons along the curb.  Due to the size of the Pax, half of the group ran laps until the first group was done doing Mike Tysons x10.  We did two rounds and it was back to the fields of Alcatraz for the grande finale…and grand it was.

Ripken Suicides

As done at any Ripken Q at F3 Suncoast, it was time for Ripken Suicides (or as Longshanks called them initially – Cupcakes because Suicides isn’t sensitive enough).  The pax had 1 minute to complete a full round of suicides, with the next round starting after the first minute.  The faster you get done, the most rest.  This is done for 10 rounds, as long as you are able to get the suicides done in 60 seconds.  There wasn’t a lot of love shown for Ripken after this finale!  Thanks Ripken!!

With 3 minutes remaining, it was time for a quick round of mary including LBCs, Protractor and one other.

Round of Mary


The MoleSkin:

YHC encouraged the pax to not hestitate to disrupt their status quo.  To make sure they are not remaining in their comfort zone.  Roughly 2 years ago today, the Kelly family entirely disrupted their status quo, having no idea why the chose to leave such a great community, pax and soccer family to head to a place where we knew NO ONE.  Not long after arriving in Florida, the status quo was disrupted AGAIN with YHC taking an entirely new job and quitting the one he moved to Florida for initially.  This opportunity has been a true blessing as YHC no longer travels for work and is home with the family and available to apply more time to launching a new region for F3.  The Pax of F3 The Fort and surrounding areas have been instrumental in disrupting the lives of over 225 men in the Sarasota area, as it was because of them YHC had the confidence to move and then start a new region.  I am honored and humbled to be a part of F3 The Fort and to give away all that I have gained to my new region in F3 Suncoast.


  • For Cable Guy and his family
  • James, friend of YHC battling cancer for the 3rd time at 9 years old
  • Many other prayer requests spoken


  • Coffeeteria at Panera Bread – Thanks for hanging out, I had a great time
  • CAH – Join us
  • Welcome to Skyline – You did a great job in a not so friendly FNG beatdown!
  • Wow, I am really bad at all of the announcements as I am not with this pax daily!

Thank you for this great opportunity and I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday at Honey Badger.

Aye – Bing

TClap |

Core Impact

It was a really nice morning at The Ballroom!  The weather was perfect, the PAX were feisty, and the workout was tough (at least I think so).

We started out with a quick disclaimer (no FNG’s) and then we moseyed around the front of the school to the parking lot on the other side.

Warmup consisted of the following, all in cadence:

  • Side Straddle Hop – 25
  • Low Slow Squats – 10
  • Windmill – 10
  • Moroccan Nightclubs – 25
  • Cherry Pickers – 10

The Thang…I started out explaining that most everything will be in cadence, and to encourage participation by the PAX I asked that we take turns counting off cadence.  Let the core workout begin:

  • LBC’s in cadence – 15
  • Flutter Kicks in cadence – 25 (that is a LOT)
  • Hello Dolly in cadence – 15
  • LBC’s in cadence – 15
  • Flutter Kicks in cadence – 15
  • Hello Dolly in cadence – 15

A quick talk about IMPACT was had.  We can make positive, or negative impacts daily.  How will we choose to use the opportunities for impact?

Mosey around to the back of the school

Got some insight into CSPAN, how he got his name and what F3 has meant to him!

  • Hello Dolly in cadence – 15
  • Freddy Mercury in cadence – 25
  • Big Boy Sit-Ups, single count – 10
  • American Hammer in cadence – 15

Break for People’s Chair for a 10 count from each of the 18 PAX in attendance

  • Merkins in cadence – 10
  • Diamond Merkins in cadence – 10
  • Hello Dolly in cadence – 15
  • Freddy Mercury in cadence – 25
  • Big Boy Sit-Ups, single count – 10
  • American Hammer in cadence – 15

Mosey back towards COT

  • LBC’s in cadence – 15
  • Flutter Kicks in cadence – 20
  • Hello Dolly in cadence – 15
  • Freddy Mercury in cadence – 25
  • Big Boy Sit-Ups, single count – 10
  • American Hammer in cadence – 15

We then spent a few minutes doing some much needed (and appreciated, especially by our very own respectable CSPAN) Broga

And closed out with announcements, prayer requests, and encouraging the PAX to attend the 3rd F at Crossroads after!

As usual, it was an honor to lead.  Thanks Short Sale for the opportunity!

Smithers – Out

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A Moderate Ballroom Dance

Honored to Q The Ballroom, thanks to Short Sale and 13 PAX

5:15 and one coming in hot, wait or go? and we’re off

Mosey to the lot on the other side of the school, circle up
10 x Hillbilly Walker, 10 x Windmill, 20 x MN Club, 15 x LBC, 10 x Imperial Walker, 10 x Weed Puller, 20 x OH Claps, 10 x Dying Cockroach

Mosey around to the back of the school near the bridge, circle up
10 x Stationary Toy Soldiers, 10 x Richard Simmons, 10 x L S Squat, 10 x Hello Dolly, 10 x Travolta, 10 x Scorpion DD

Mosey across the bridge and around the outside of the football field to the cinder block lot
Back and forth across the lot
Karaoke L, Karaoke R, High Knees, Power Skip, Butt Kickers, 1/2 Squat Walker:1/2 Jog it out, 1/2 Bear Crawl:1/2 jog it out, 50%, 75%, 100%

To the edge of the lot for suicides
20 x OH Claps
20 x OH Claps, 10 x Donkey Kicks
20 x OH Claps, 10 x Donkey Kicks, 10 x Squat Jumps
20 x OH Claps, 10 x Donkey Kicks, 10 x Squat Jumps, 10 x HR Merkins

Walking 10 count to the other side of the lot for a different perspective
20 x MN Club
20 x MN Club, 10 Plank Jacks
20 x MN Club, 10 Plank Jacks, 10 x Monkey Humpers
20 x MN Club, 10 Plank Jacks, 10 x Monkey Humpers, 10 x Makhtar N’ Diayes

One more time ish
20 x Arm Circles
20 x Arm Circles, 5 x  Flying Squirrels
20 x Arm Circles, 5 x Flying Squirrels, 10 ea Stationary Lunge

Mosey back the long way, around the outside of the field, across the bridge, back near COT for some Mary, 10 x LBCs, 10 x Freddie Mercury, !0 x Travolta

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Burpees

A sticky, pre-July 4th convergence group showed at THE Ballroom. The Pax answered the Siren Song published on the Twitter machine put out by YHC. Pleasantries exchanged, disclaimer was disclaimed. Let get to it.

Mosey to other side of the school for :


  • Seal Jacks * 25
  • Merkins * 10
  • Squats * 15
  • Wide Arm Merkins * 10
  • Windmills * 15
  • SSH * 20
  • Mountain Climbers*15


MOSEY to HILL on side of school; Jacobs’ Ladder 10s- 1st set-LBCs at bottom, SSHs at top. No  2nd Set was added as the Q had forgotten how large this hill can be.

THOUGHTS ON LIBERTY- Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.– John Kennedy


MOSEY TO the back wall of the School  FOR TABATA- 1 MINUTE AMRAP EACH EXERCISE, 30 SEC REST. , SQUATS, MERKINS, LBCs, CALF RAISES, FLYING SQUIRRELS, MNCs, Freddie, CRAB CAKES, MONKEY HUMPERS, SSH. The Crab Cakes were the real crowd pleaser.

Mosey to COT: Announcements, Prayers for everyone’s safety on the 4th, Bullwinkle and family, Kids staying safe in summertime. 

Need to get on more Q schedules as it’s always an honor to serve the Fort Pax.

Let’s get out there and make an Impact.

Short Sale Signing Off.  

TClap |


What a great way to start a birthday! 16 #HIMs that I’m blessed to call my brothers in Christ showed up for a moderate birthday beat down. It was great to be in fellowship with all the Pax. Having my nephew, Shin Guard, there was icing on the cake.

The Thang:

Mosey to the parking lot at Saint John’s United Methodist for a warm-up.

Warm-Up: Stretches, SSH (30x), IW (20x), WM (15x), Sumo Squats (15x), MC (15x), CDDs (15x), Rosalettas (20x).

Mosey to the parking lot at First Baptist Church for a Buffet of Pain: Light Running, SSHs, Squats, LBCs, Merkins, Diamond Merkins, Dips, Wide Arm Merkins, Calf Raises, Monkey Humpers, Penguins, Plank Jacks, Hello Dollies, Guerrilla Squats, Bomb Jacks 

Mosey to the parking lot at Fort Mill Church of God

Partner up. Partner Big Boy Sit Ups (15x for 2 rounds), Partner Ski Jumps (15x), Partners Push Ups (15x for 2 rounds), Partner Leg Lifts (15x for 2 rounds).


I’ve been reflecting on the life in which God has blessed me with for 39 years strong. I realized that I finally answered His calling for me a few years ago. My calling is to Glorify Him and to serve the underprivileged. It seems obvious to others now, but I made myself “too busy” to hear or answer His calling in the past.

This week, I thought the life of King David. God called David to be a Sheppard, then a fighter and then a king. David learned how take care of sheep and protect them from predators when he was a Sheppard. God called on David to protect the Israelites from Goliath. David answered God’s calling in that moment. He cleaned Goliath’s clock while others thought he was ill- prepared. What others did not know is that God fully prepared David for His calling.

What’s your calling that God has prepared for you? Can you hear His voice? If not, slow down, stop being “too busy” and just listen. You were designed for great works that extend beyond your family and day job. Answer your calling.



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Delusions Day

You know you must be doing something right when PAX figure out your the Q and they moan. Was pleasantly surprised by the number of PAX that showed up considering competing against the Nantan tour.

Festival of Popular Delusions Day

On June 6, 1944, over 150,000 Allied troops landed on the beaches of Normandy, in France, beginning the push to retake Western Europe from the Nazis. A day before the invasion was the last day that Nazis could have had the delusion that their Reich would last 1,000 years, hence the day is celebrated on June 5th.

characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder.

Dynamic Warm-up
Toy Soldiers
Butt Kickers
High Knees
Everybody 2 bricks
20 – Moroccan Knight Clubs
20 – Plank punches front
20 – Overhead Presses
20 – LBC’s
10 – Lunges
20 – Curls
20 – Plank punches sides
20 – Squats w/ overhead press
10 – Lunges
20 – Hello Dollies
20 – Rosalitas
20 – lunges w/ overhead press
20 – Standing Tricep extensions
Jack Webs (1-2) 1,2,3,4,5, (15 Box Cutters, 10 Loungers) 4,3,2,1
20 – Roman chair – punches
Return Bricks to pile
Mosey back to COT stopping at Light Poles
20 – LBC’s
20 – Squats
5 – Merkins
20 – SSH
Total Mileage under 1 mile – does that equate to moderate.

3rd F – Lunch Los Aztecas, Sweati, Hog Coyote, Care Center Lawn Care use Signup Genius 1hr, F3 Dads Saturday’s in June, Crossroads

Winchester-Health issues
Dumpster Fire’s Brother Died 34
F3 brother in Lenior,NC Son with tumor waiting Diagnosis. Cornerstone working on clown car.

Always an honor to lead leaders. Thanks for the opportunity Short Sale.


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