Keep it Simple

I had planned out the workout the prior evening, but as more and more men (+ 2 FNGs) showed up I decided to simplify the workout.  Albert Einstein said “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. ”  After the disclaimer, we jogged to the backside of Harris Teeter by following the trail of garbage truck juices freshly dropped on the payment like an early morning rain shower.


SSH x 20

Imperial walker x 15

WIndmill x 15

Merkin x 10

Plank Stretches

Mountain Climber x 15

Peter Parker x 10


Next, we partnered up for Dora 1-2-3.

Exercises:  100 merkins, 200 Squats, and 300 LBCs

One partner ran to the end of the parking lot and back while the other partner performed the exercise above.  Switch roles when returned.

Next, we killed some time with a burpee broad jump between  the light posts.  It seem to be a crowd pleaser on Monday so I thought it would be good to see if it got the same response. We then mosyed to the retaining wall behind the service station for two rounds of dips (15), derkins (15), and step ups (20).  We finished up with a wall sit/bear crawl combination the length of the Harris Teeter building and one set of flutters.

Returned to COT.

We had two FNGs this morning.  Q who works as a engineer for a company that designs car seats.  His name “BOB” – Baby on board.  Mike who is from PA enjoys hockey. His name “Slapstick”.  TClaps to Wrangler for bring both guys out to the workout.



Injured Pax


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10 Accelerating Together

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Golden Corral Corrals 3 FNG’s

From a last minute Q request from ______, Lutefisk grabbed 3 FNG’s from his neighborhood. You should try it… I posted the Men’s Health link and left an open invite and got three suckers to join us.  The disclaimer was given thoroughly and we reminded the PAX and informed the FNG’s of the 5 core characteristics of F3.

With that, a mosey around the auto parts store brings us to COP. Warm-up with:
-Low Slow Squats
-Imperial Walkers
-Hillbilly Walkers
-ChaChing Mercuries (Freddie Murcuries, start slow, then fast, then slow, then fast)
-Mountain Climbers
-Right Arm / Leg High
-Crab position for Dips
-Left Arm / Leg High

Mosey to the front of Harris Teeter. 9 pillars in front of the building. Line up and bear crawl to first pillar, 1 burpee. Bear crawl to second pillar, 2 burpees. You get the idea.  AYG run back to starting line. Rinse and repeat with broad jumps and squats.  Enough of that…

Mosey to the walls, partner up with someone of similar speed, that is your opponent – split into two teams with YHC as the judge for the contests. One pax at a time while the rest held position:
-Bear crawl to other side and back while the rest hold wall sit
-Duck walk to other side and back while the rest held plank
-AYG to other side and back while the rest hold BTTW
-Crab walk to other side and back while the rest hold chillcut
-Wheelbarrow to other side, flapjack, wheelbarrow back while others hold Al Gore
After each round, losing team does 5 krakken burpees, winning team does 5 flying squirrels

Mosey to parking lot, get back with original partner and complete as much Dora 1-2-3 as possible. Got through almost half of the squats.  COT

After counting off and name-o-rama, we got to the fun part. Name those FNG’s.
First up, Jim. Found out he loves Star Wars. F3 name = Solo
Next, Jason. From Long Island. He must like bagels. F3 name = Lox
Last, Justin. His last name is Earley.  F3 name = Tardy

Announcements, prayers, praises, and a prayer concluded our awesome morning. It’s always a pleasure to have an opportunity to lead these men that I look up to and admire for their awesomeness.  Lutefisk OUT.

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3 Men and a Baby

Four men (three respects and one ‘no respect’) joined together on a fine SC morning to get their daily feast at the Golden Corral.  Here is what they did:

The Thang:

Mosey out of the HT shopping center to the new apartment complex behind Express Oil Change. Circle up for COT:

All in cadence:  SSH x 40, Potato picker x 15, Merkin x 10, Squat x 20, Windmill x 15, Imperial Walker x 20, Carolina Dry Dock x 10/move to a regular plank/6″ hold/regular/left arm, leg high/flip over, 10 dips/right arm, leg high/flip over to regular plank.  Rinse and repeat whole sequence without taking a knee.

Mosey to the alley between HT and O’Reilly Auto parts.

Starting at the front of Harris Teeter,  sprint to the end of the building and back, and immediately go to people’s chair along the side of  HT.  Rinse and repeat 4 more times.   After the first set, while we sat against the wall, we  took turns telling each other what our F3 name means, who named us, and how long we’ve been in F3.

Line up along the HT wall,  assume the BTTW position and hold it.  Climb down, bear crawl over to the O’Reilly building, assume the BTTW position, and hold it.  Climb down and bear crawl back to the start.  Rinse and repeat (crowd pleaser).

Mosey to the parking area near the new Green Olive Grill restaurant.  Using the parking lines as a guide, make your way to the last parking line by sprinting forward, and side shuffling across the parking lines in a zig-zag fashion.  Rinse and repeat three more times.

Take a short mosey and circle up for 9 minutes of Mary:

Freddie Mercury x 25,  Pretzel crunch x 10L/10R, Flutter x 25, Superman hold x 3, LBC x 25, Hello Dolly x 25.  End with the BODY DESTROYER


Naked Man Moleskin

Had a good time with the 3 gents who joined me this morning.   The 3 men and a baby is a reference to the three ‘respects’ in the group today (Cornhole, Gecko, and YHC) and Lutefisk, our warbaby.  Smaller F3 workout groups usually lend themselves to more personal mumble chatter and today we took time to learn about the origin of each other’s F3 name.  Cornhole’s name is a reference to his upbringing in Iowa and his alma mater, Nebraska (Cornhuskers).  Gecko works for Merril Lynch and refers to Gordon Gekko from the movie, Wall Street.  Lutefisk hails from MN and Lutefisk is a Scandinavian dish (dried fish soaked in a lye brine).  I lived in MN for a couple years about 30 years ago and remember trying this fish once.  It’s something you don’t forget.  Anyway,   YHC was at Lutefisk’s first workout at the Colosseum and tagged him with that name.  You can read about the origin of my name, Senator Tressel, by reading the Alcatraz backblast from January 19th.

To provide a little change of scenery, we did COP near the clubhouse of the new Evolve, apartment complex behind the Express Lube.  The clubhouse has an indoor gym and YHC tried to EH a guy who was headed to the gym for a morning workout on the treadmill (BORING).    Perhaps the next Q should take the Pax to the same location in the coming weeks and see if he can get some of those apartment dwellers to join our ranks.  They really don’t know what they are missing.   Today was a great morning spent with my friends and the best way, hands down, to start each day!

Announcements, prayers,  and praises:

Read your newsletter:  lots of running events coming up (Joe Davis, Operation Sweetooth, Yeti, Rooster)

Prayers for a daughter of a friend of Cornhole’s who suffered a stroke and bad car accident.

Prayers for Gekko’s son in college.

Prayers for Lutefisk’s father who is struggling in a new relationship.

Prayers for YHC’s upcoming surgery and recovery.


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Accumulating Around Rite-Aid

Lightning Backblast

22 degrees didn’t scare off 6 pax from Golden Corral.  No FNGs, so the disclaimer was light and we quickly got to moseying around the parking lot.  Quick stop near the launch point for a warm-up:

  • 30 SSH
  • 10 Windmills
  • 20 Imperial Walkers
  • 20 Mountain Climbers
  • few others that have escaped YHC

Mosey to far corner of Rite-Aid

The Thang – 4-Corner Accumulator
At each corner of the Rite-Aid, we stopped to do the exercise for the round.  Run between each corner, and plank up for the six after each round.

Round 1- 1 burpee at each corner
Round 2 – 1 burpee, 2 Crab Jacks at each corner
Round 3 – 1 burpee, 2 Crab Jacks, 3 Run Stance Switch
Round 4 – 1 burpee, 2 Crab Jacks, 3 Run Stance Switch, 4 merkins
Round 5 – 1 burpee, 2 Crab Jacks, 3 Run Stance Switch, 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks
Round 6 – 1 Burpee, 2 Crab Jacks, 3 Run Stance Switch, 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks, 6 box cutters
Round 7 – 2 Crab Jacks, 3 Run Stance Switch, 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks, 6 box cutters
Round 8 – 3 Run Stance Switch, 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks, 6 box cutters
Round 9 – 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks, 6 box cutters
Round 10 – 5 plank jacks, 6 box cutters
Round 11 – 6 box cutters

Finished right on time. Headed back to COT.

Thanks Falcon Crest for the opportunity to lead!

-old bay


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Challenges at Golden Corral

Finishing my Golden Corral Q a week late with this backblast.

Late sub Q for NASA. Late tweet evening before. But arrived early at GC to set up cones for 2 loops, a smaller inner loop and larger outer loop. Had to change location of the inner loop as the kickboxers started arriving in that section of the parking lot.

Easy warmup jog with buttkickers, side slides and the like. Warmup included standards like SSH, WM, merkins, dancing MNC and learning to do the Goofball correctly

The smaller loop had 3 cones. One set of partners carried the 140# sandbag Worm together around the cones while the rest of the PAX did 3 burpees at each cone. Swap postiions, repeat.

Core exercises followed, then we ran the larger loop. 4 cones with exercise at each,. #1 20 squat jumps, #2 15 bombjacks, #3  10 CantRememberOneWeekLaterExercise  , #4 5 Apollo Ono’s each leg.

Rinse, repeat smaller loop, core, larger loop 3 x. Finished with a little jog and PAX helping to carry cones and Worm back.

Spoke some of serving during the workout. There are different ways to serve. We serve ourselves, we serve our family, we even serve many of our friends. I believe the call to serve extends to the community. There are certainly many ways to serve and hope everyone will seek their ways in 2019.

I was speaking to veteran PAX at this workout and they were open to “accepting” my challenge of drawing a date from a bag that represented a Q spot at our G-Fit Paradise workout . We are looking to get our G-Fit Q’s setup, but especially with PAX who have not led the AO there.

Q Source in progress!  Read your material and attend the discussions whenever you can!

Yeti in Feb.

Sign up for Joe Davis Run.

Prayers for family and friends.

Aye. Bolt



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The Cornerstone – Challenge ( One Year Long )

To all the Pax of F3 Nation

Are you prepared to challenge your self for 2019? I am challenging all Pax’s to join me for 2019 we will take on one exercise for January (merkins single count) 100 reps every day. Then in February we will add another exercise which will be done every day on top of the 100 merkins and so on and so on. We will increase by adding one exercise each month.  These exercises will be above and beyond when you post. So by the end of the year there will be 12 exercises that need to be done everyday at the reps set.

Do you accept the challenge? Do you want to get better?

I will set the next month exercise and reps the week before to keep you on your toes

TClap |

Don’t Skip Leg Day

For whatever reason, YHC has taken to running on Tuesdays (what??) and therefore has not posted to Golden Corral in several months. It was nice to get back to the first non-running AO to which I posted. Something like coming home, but not at all.

Honestly didn’t know what to expect as far as number of PAX, but was encouraged to see four of our stronger, steadier PAX arrive to join me in the cold gloom. Disclaimer given, then off we went on a somewhat quick-ish mosey towards the Teeter.

String-of-pearls style warmup, stopping at various points to complete 20 SSH, 10 low slow squats, 10 merkins, 15 imperial walkers, and 20 Moroccan nightclubs, all in cadence, ending in the small parking lot in front of what used to be Fort Mill BBQ and what used to be Papa Murphy’s. Worked out to almost exactly one mile. #plannedit

The Thang

To honor the site Q, who unfortunately could not post today, YHC planned a ladder workout in the style Falcon Crest seems to love. Simple: do the exercise at cone 1, run down to Harris Teeter and back, do the exercise at cone 1 and then cone 2, run to HT and back, exercise at cone 1, 2, and 3…


  • 5 burpees
  • 10 pistol squats (5 per leg)
  • 15 squat jumps
  • 20 lateral lunges with leg lifts (10 per leg; FishSticks had some coordination issues here…)
  • 25 monkey humpers
  • 30 jumping lunges (15 per leg)
  • 35 static sumo squat calf raises
  • 40 hydrant circles (20 per leg)

All PAX made it through the series and got to the bonus round: removing the burpees.

Ultimately got in 2.5 miles, in addition to a whole lot of leg pain. We also learned that we don’t do nearly enough single-leg work or lateral work to tone the gluteus medius.

Read the newsletter for announcements. Cool stuff coming up.

Good prayer time for the PAX.


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Arcade of Pain

Five men showed up for a cool morning beatdown at Golden Corral. After a quick disclaimer, we circled up for a few warm-up exercises:

SSH x15

Plank Stretch

Imperial Walker x15

LBCs x 15

Windmill x15

Next, we moseyed over to the church for the arcade beatdown.  We performed the following exercises based on the video games below.  After the exercise, we ran around the parking lot and back to the front of the church.



  1. Pong, released in 1972, first commercialized video game.  Exercise:  28 Moroccan Night Club
  2. Space Invaders, released in 1978, first game to save high scores and rumor (untrue) was the game was so popular that it caused a yen shortage in Japan.  Exercise:  25 Squat SSH
  3. Pacman, released in 1980, 240 dots on each screen.  Exercise:  27 Hello Dolly
  4. Donkey Kong, released in 1981, Nintendo trademarked the phrase “It’s on like Donkey Kong!”  Exercise:  29 Hammer Leg Lunges
  5. QBert, released in 1982, world record for the high score was 33 million.  Game was played for 84 hours and 48 minutes.  Exercise:  20 Sidewalk Hops
  6. Tetris, released in 1984, first game played in space.  Exercise:  20 Box Cutters
  7. Super Mario Brothers, released in 1985, The clouds and bushes are the same shape just different colors.  Exercise:  23 Squat Jumps
  8. Tyson’s Knockout, released in 1987, Mike Tyson was paid $50,000 to endorse the game.  Exercise:  25 Plank Punches
  9. Angry Bird, released in 2009, Over 200 Million hours are spent a year playing this game.  Exercise:  29 Carolina Dry Docks
  10. Minecraft, released in 2011, Initial game was created in six days and the game grossed over $100 Million in 2012.  Exercise:  21 Diamond Merkins

Returned to COT.



Job challenges and stress

Holiday season stresses



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Big 50 Birthday bash

Today was my 50th Birthday and Maximus allowed me to lead a Beyond so that I could take some extra time to discuss somethings that I have been pondering as I approached this milestone birthday.  To go along with our monthly theme of Vulnerable I took the opportunity to share some struggles as well.  With that we moseyed.

Warm up of SSH, Imperial walkers, Squats, Mountain Climbers, Merkins, and Plank Jacks

Moseyed to Rite Aid parking lot(some chatter about too much running, but I ignored it).

Sharing time #1 – Shared with the Pax that I feel like 30 year old me would have thought that 50 year old me would be “further along”.  Further along Professionally and Financially, Further along Spiritually and in Family.  In 2001 I was recruited to Charlotte for a position with a new company, for a salary that I thought would be my ticket ahead.  I had great plans that I could do this for a bunch of years, make a bunch of money and then I could check out and go do something that I wanted to do , maybe full time ministry or teaching.  Within 1 year it all blew up, I was demoted for not doing a good job, salary was slashed plans were gone.  17 years later we’re still feeling the affects.

First circuit – Partner up – Partner 1 does People’s Chair Partner 2 does a lap, then flip it.  Next Partner 1 does Plank, Partner 2 does a lap, flip it.  Next Partners do 100 Merkins as a team, 1 runs I does Merkins, flip it.

Sharing time 2 – Felt like I would be further along spiritually.  30 year old me would have thought I would have gotten past my need for man’s approval.  I would have thought that the sins that tripped me up back then would be conquered and pride & lust would no longer be an issue foe me, but they are still there.  Felt like I would be further along in family & parenting. My plan was to be an empty nester at this point, but here I am with a 7th and 9th grader still at home, and t top it off I’m not particularly better at parenting then I was when I 30.

Circuit #2 Partner again – Lap #1 Partner 1 does Al Gore Partner #2 does a lap.  Lap #2  Partner 1 does Flutters Partner 2 does a lap.  Lap #2 Team does 100 Big Boy Sit ups total while 1 partner runs.

Sharing time 3 – The truth is that when I look at my life with clear eyes I can see that my life has been Blessed beyond measure!  I have a job that I mostly enjoy, and work with great people(shout out to Royale) and I am well compensated.  I have a beautiful wife of 26 years and we have a great marriage that keeps getting better.  I have 5 awesome kids who are healthy and bring me great joy, and sometimes frustration.  To add to it I have found this thing called F3 and a group of friends and Brothers that I never even knew I needed!  To see my 50 year old life s anything but blessed is ridiculous.

Off to COT for 2 minutes of Mary

Final share – What I have found is that the only times that I get down about where I am at 50 is when I look around me at others and I compare myself to what  my perception of them is.  This can lead to pride but for me it mostly leads to despair.  What I am trying to learn is contentment as Paul describes it in Phil. 4, whether he had much or little Paul was content.  The source of this contentment is found in Phil. 3 where Paul shares that all of his achievements, any possession he may have or any legacy he may be able to boast about , all of is it is worthless, or as he calls is a big pile of manure, compared to knowing Christ.  Paul says he has 1 aim, and that is to Know Christ!!  The secret Paul learned is that all he need was Jesus and if he had Jesus he had all he needed, and if he had Jesus, he could never lose him so therefore he could always be content.  In whatever amount of years I have left let this be my aim; that I may know Christ!!

Thank you for the opportunity to lead.

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