Shovelflag handoff @ The Coop

Thank you for the 24 guys that came out to The Coop this morning for the shovel flag handoff to YHC from Sugarbug. I decided to give the FBI PFT test as the workout.

We moseyed to the field and did a chicken wing approved warmup. We warmed up until he gave the clearance to proceed.

FBI PFT is as follows:

Max situps in 1 minute

300m sprint

Max pushups

1.5 mile run

Pull-ups (optional) we didn’t have enough time for these.

Out of the 25 PAX that posted only 7 passed unofficially.

Dark Helmet



Skate or Die

Harry Carry

Caddy Shack


Some guys were close, but the sprint and run is where most guys got caught . Welcome FNG Easy Button!

My first order of business as new Site Q is to move the congregation point to the good asphalt so when we do Mary, we don’t feel like we are laying on broken glass.

Thanks to sugarbug for the peaceful transition and thank you for all your leadership!


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The Coop: Mixed Meters

24 PAX gathered in the gloom. The summer numbers bump is upon us. Can we stick with it when it is 10° again??

The Thang: Lots of mixed (non-4) counts

Mosey around the main parking lot covering as much ground there as possible in a zigzag pattern. Alternating High Knees, Butt Kickers, and Karaoke.

Mosey to the band practice lot
SSH x30
1 Burpee
Windmill x10
2 Burpees
Imperial Walker x15
3 Burpees
Hillbilly Walker x15
4 Burpees
LSS x15
5 Burpees
(It took until the Hillbilly Walkers for Longshanks to realize I was copying one of his warmups. Imitation is the highest form of flattery…..why fix it if it ain’t broken?)

Mosey to traffic circle COP
Down Dog and Honeymooner
Shoulder Taps x10
Yogi Squats

Mosey to Pull Up Bars at ROTC Building
Split into groups of 3s (CSPAN made a French joke and the PAX did 9 Burpees in cadence)
Rotate partners through Derkins, Pull ups, and Wall Sits. Called up and down for each exercises. Did about 6 slow pull ups per PAC.

Mosey to Elementary School parking lot
Partner up for alternating Mike Tysons and Bear Crawls from island to island through the parking lot.

Mosey back towards COT with a lap around the basketball court.

Around the Worlds (12 count lunges) x6
Flutters x15
LBC x15
Catalina Wine Mixer x2 (hit 6 o’clock)


As PAX, we regularly challenge ourselves physically in the gloom. Leaving the comfort of the fart sack to push ourselves and get better. But how often do we challenge ourselves mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. Often with these challenges we don’t have to wake up and head to the gloom; they come our way without us seeking.

How do we respond to emotional challenges presented in the form of a four-year-old trying to situate their sock perfectly when it is time to go? Or mentally when there’s a civic challenge that needs to be addressed? Or spiritually when were faced with our own demons?

Addressing and improving physically is a wonderful thing, but we as PAX must strive to better ourselves emotionally, mentally, and spiritually as well. Otherwise we are always out of balance.

TClap |

CSPAN Returns to The Coop for flutter kick freenzy

Perfect weather and 52 degrees

disclaimer in detail because we had 2 FNGs (T-claps Paul Bunyon and Sasquatch)

and we were off

mosey around until I got tired…


Mosey around until I got tired…

Some abs and some core

Mosey around until I got tired…

partner up – 3 rounds of flutter, squats, and LBC while your partner ran the parking loop

Mosey until I got tired…

Same partner 4 rounds flutter kicks and pull-ups

Mosey until I got tired…

10 flying squirrel countdown with sets of 10 flutter kicks…

and I ran out of time…

COT/prayer or praise/BOM

welcome Llama and Puppy…weird that they were both animal names today…?

read your newsletter, and make a difference today, and my abs still don’t look Tesh…



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The Coop 2018.10

Happy PI day! (As in 3.14, 3/14, March 14… ok, nevermind)

I keep all my Q’s simple these days.  I came in on two wheels, because anything outside of 1.5 miles of Baxter is downrange for me these days and I did not compensate for a commute.

Taken care of by CSPAN.

Mosey to pullup bars and partner up.
1 man deadhang while other balls2wall.  Either man may call mercy and swap at any point.  5 rounds for my which was close to 10 minutes.

Mosey to bottom of the hill for some slow Moroccan night clubs while I encourage everyone to stretch their full range of motion.  Only one way to get better….
Next is a Dora. 100 bombjacks, 200 merkins, 300 jump squats (yeah this was all quads, the merkins are there for rest)

Mosey to the side to avoid traffic for abs.  snapcracklepops, freddy mercuries, dying cockroach, superman with Moroccan night clubs… sprint up hill to COT.

Next up, go eat some PI.

TClap |

The Coop – Sweetness all around!

5 min till launch and the cars started rolling in. The PAX of The Coop are like the John Dally of F3…..they just show up and go!

Sugar Daddy took the lead for the warm up. The football stadium was open and so we utilizied the comfortable turf for COP. Dark Helmet was coming in hot, so we made sure we counted loud enough for him to locate the PAX.

Sugar Daddy did a great tradition warm up and then added a plank series to work our shoulders with some multiple taps. I felt like pre-school all over with Head, shoulders, knees and toes….. Was a great move and added to the coming meat of workout and not being able to use our arms the rest of the day.

YHC took over and did a little dynamic warm up back down the football field.  Mosie  to the pull up bars for a mini Murph written on the ground. Since being asked to Q, got to go to a quality no thought but painful plan.

  • Take lap down to Sugar Creek Playground and back
  • 50 Pullups
  • 100 Merkins
  • 150 Squats
  • 30 Calf Raises
  • Take lap down to Sugar Creek Playground and back
  • Airborne’s Hip Exercises
    • 7 exercise moves with each leg…..real crowd pleaser!


Prayers for all the PAX and many things going on in life

Crawdaddy mention the Reading opportunities at Paradise…..make an impact Mondays and Wednesdays

YHC talked about Worry and Anxiety and how we are working ourselves to reach retirement and accumulation of stuff. With these goals they can cause stress when they don’t meet our expectations. We need to find contentment and joy in the work we do and see we work for a higher purpose than leisure…..which will lead to joy……less stress. Phil 4:19 Sky Q provides!

Thanks Sugar Bug for lead!

Cake Boss out!


TClap |

Coop- clock from H&^%…

Valentines day 2018- To prep you for taking out your M this wonderful night we will take a trip around the clock.

Warm up with Mosey high knees, butt kickers, knee to chest, and ankle to chest.

circle up SShs, Imperial Walkers, windmills.

Mosey to pull up bars- 5-4-3-2-1

Mosey to band lot give disclaimer on the clock. start in center work  around the clock at each station always coming back to center in between. In middle 15 burpees stations consisted of squats, LBCs, Mtn. Climbers, CDDs, Apollo Onos, American Hammers, Merkins, Flutter Kicks. You do 50 of each.

great job by all who attended.

read your newsletter.

Prayers and Praises…



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Looking like roosters at The Coop

The night prior, the kids were giddy with school closure glee. The anticipation of snow, whether it would accumulate or not, had us PAX feeling like little kids the night before Christmas. Would I be able to make it? Who else will show? I do not want to let my brothers down, so I will set the alarm and brave what lies ahead. These are all thoughts that we have each and everyday. What is it that keeps us coming back? That may be different for each and everyone of us, but I do not it does involve the brotherhood and the bonds we form in the gloom. How do we form those bonds? Is it by all three F’s…yes, but I think it has to do with pushing yourself and getting the satisfaction of seeing you can still do “it”, but even more so, it is seeing your brothers go through the same challenges. You know what your brothers are going through, there is a shared understanding, which is what gives us all common ground no matter your background, upbringing, challenges that are currently in your path, we know that when we are they together, pushing one another, we all get better together.

16 of us were there mulling around, some taking the BEYOND pill, others thinking that they were making an “easy” choice maybe, were in for pushing themselves with either decision, to push themselves on this snow day.

7 of us took off for a dynamic warmup of mosey, high knees, butt kickers, lunges with a twist, and a COP. When the main dish was revealed, we knew it would be tough, we knew it may not be fun, but we did know we would need to push each other.

Main course. The Michigan.

10 x 100 yard dash – Then 10 reps each of Merkins, Squats, Dying Cockroach
9 x 90 yard dash – Then 9 reps each of Merkins, Squats, Dying Cockroach
8 x 80 yard dash – Then 8 reps each of Merkins, Squats, Dying Cockroach
***** progress to the end in the same sequence
1 x 10 yard dash – Then 1 rep each of Merkins, Squats, Dying Cockroach

That was a fun, hope you all enjoyed it!

Mosey to COT.

Close out with prayers.

TClap |

Beyond #2…Honoring our officers

Round 2 at Beyond, this time at The Coop. The original plan was to talk about “Fear” but 36hrs ago, 4 of our local law enforcement officers in York County were involved in an incident that has our community praying for their healing and their families. I found it only appropriate to bring our attention as a PAX, for a mere 45mins, to these men and what they’re fighting for at this moment. We should also be praying for the rest of the law enforcement community as well as our first responders, nurses and doctors who are doing everything they can for them and our community. I am given the opportunity to roll my eyes at a radar trap because of what community servants like these 4 men do on a daily basis and the families that send them out the door every single day. That said, I’ll try to cease my misguided eye-rolling.

This is not the place to put the officers names but we all know who they are. I read the names of the men this morning and asked everyone to keep one of those names in their mind as they’re going through our workout this morning. I will however, include their years of service to York County in their current capacity: 34yrs, 13yrs, 12yrs, 3 yrs. So there you have our topic for round 2 of Beyond; 4 officers with a combined 62yrs of service SO FAR in their current roles.

Warm up jog leading us around the lot and over to the intersection with the ROTC building.

When you see 31, know that it was in cadence for a total of 62

SSH x 31 in cadence

Carolina Dry Docks x 31

Squats x 62

Merkins x 20 which was followed by a 4-tier sprint then followed by the remaining 11 Merkins

Make our way to the pull-up bars for some partner work:

Partner 1: 62 Pull-Ups (use assistance as needed)   Partner 2: Elbow Plank

Partner 1: V-ups (toe-touches) x 31    Partner 2: Mak Tar Jah’s x 31

Bear crawl 62 paces and grab some curb for 62 calf raises

62 Jump Squats and 31 Jumping Lunges (crowd pleaser)

Bear crawl 62 paces

American Hammers x 31

Dying Cockroach x 31 (might’ve included a breather in there)

The pull-ups were definitely the highlight but it was awesome to see guys of all conditions pushing through those, not matter if they had a busted paw or not (Bolt). It is extremely humbling and honoring to have another 8 guys join me as we push ourselves and work out some of these new-AO wrinkles. Please, above all, pray for those 4 men and thank our servants when you see them.

If you’re still reading, thank you. You’ll now learn that Cha Ching will be bringing his A-game to his Beyond Q next Thursday, 1/25 at the Poopdeck in Lake Wyle. If his Q today was any indication, bring your big-boy pants.

As you were.


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Good In-vest-ment of time at the Coop

13 PAX with 2-3 pre-runners, 1 Ruck from Dark Helmet, and 1 bright green vest from YHC joined in this suddenly balmy 45F temps, after deep freeze past several days. Several PAX mentioned YHC’s vest (runner jokes), and was removed quickly for being too warm
Mosey in a big Loop around parking lot
COP in big parking lot
  • SSH
  • Windmill
  • Moroccan Night Club
  • 4-count Merkins
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Squats
  • Peter Parker
  • Parker Peter
  • 10 Count Honeymooner
Mosey to Concrete football field
Partner up
B.O.M.B (no S – that comes later)
Partner 1 – Exercise
Partner 2 – Run to 50 and Back
  • 50- Burpees
  • 100- Overhead Claps
  • 150- Merkins
  • 200- Big Boy Sit-ups
PAX griped and also encouraged each other through this. We made it through and got better
Mosey to Wall for the “S” (Wall “S”its)
  • PAX Wall-sit while 1 PAX down line in Wave:
    • Burpree
    • 2 Merkins
  • 30 Dips on Curb OYO
  • 30 Calf raises on Curb OYO
Mosey in a big Loop around parking lot
  • American Hammers
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Freddie Mercury
  • Dark Helmet’s Body Destroyer (aka just laid there for 10-count)
  • Protractor
  • LBCs
Birdcage needed .09miles on his Garmin, so we Mosey another lap back to COT
  • Nomad – be thankful. We’re always thankful at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Lets be thankful for 2017, but also be thankful for 2018, and expectant for what is to come.
  • Praise / Prayer – Dark Helmet’s sister has come out, so hopeful for progress
  • Prayer – Squeaky’s daughter has mono and has to be home for 1month

Great AO, Great Pax. Great in-vest-ment of YNC’s time!

TClap |

One Year Celebration at The Coop

On my second Q in as many days to celebrate my one year anniversary of F3 I had a much better turnout (Can’t blame Clemson for fartsacking today…)

12 men arrived in the slightly chilly morning air to make themselves better.

A short mosey led us back to where we started to begin warm-up

-25 SSH

-10 Windmill

-10 Imperial Walker

-10 Hillbilly Walker

-25 Moroccan Nightclub

-10 Peter Parker

-10 Parker Peter

-10 Mountain Climber


We then took a short mosey toward the large wall on the side of the school.  This mosey included high knees, some karaoke, and imperial walkers


Once at the wall we completed 3 sets of

-Peoples chair waterfall with each PAX giving a 10 count

-40 OYO dips on the curb

-25 OYO flutter

-Wall Plank-45 degrees-Balls to the Wall each for a 10 count


Once this fun was completed we mosey over the the base of the parking lot near the stadium and partnered up for DORA with one partner running to the top of the parking lot at the stop sign and back with the other completing the exercise.  Total of 100 merkins, 200 squats and 300 LBC


The PAX was much more efficient with the DORA than I had given them credit so we then mosey back to the smooth pavement just past COT for some Mary which included Freddie Mercury, Plank Jacks, LBC’s, X’s and O’s, Mountain Climbers, Dying Cockroach, and the ever popular Body Destroyers


COT with announcements and Prayer Requests.  Please pray for Squeaky’s daughter.

TClap |