Footloose for a Post 1/2 Marathon “no-running” Bootcamp

15 PAX made it out for a not so moderate beat-down after I had a brief taper week from the Kiawah 1/2 marathon.  Went through the disclaimer and the don’t sue me stuff an off we went for a very brief mosey that lasted all but 100 yards at most.

Warmup: consisted of windmills, Imperial Walkers, SSH, Cherry Pickers and yes some Broga.  The broga turned out to be quite comical as we all tried various balance poses.  Not good.

I had everyone line up for a very long Indian run down to the COG parking lot.  PAX stayed together pretty good no stragglers or rogue running going on.

On to the thang.  I broke out a winkie from a year ago that I never used for my 49th birthday.  You can guess where this is going.  We set up 4 corners with 3 exercises at each corner.  PAX stayed together for fellowship until the pain started.  First round was 49 merkins, 98 LBC’s and 147 squats. See the pattern there?  Not good.  Slow mosey to the next corner. 49 CDD’s, 98 calf raises and 147 flutters.  Mumble chatter started getting quiet.  Corner 3 49 SSH, 98 shoulder taps, 147 LBC’s. Last corner 49 Mtn. Climbers, 98 Rosalitas, and 147 Freddie Mercuries.  Not fun.  Started with an Indian Run back to COT, but ended up being a jail break due to cars.  With 10 minutes left we did a couple of rounds of 10 count exercise and running the stairs at FBC.  More pain not fun.  Finished up with COT.

Great time had by all!  Thanks for the opportunity Beacon!


Bass-o-Matic Out!

TClap |

Burpees at Slow Burn

It was a dark and cold Thursday night. I was about to retire to my study when Steve Jobs spoke to me. Well, one of his inventions did. It was Destiny reaching out. He was getting a Unicorn Tramp Stamp tattoo either removed or placed on his back early the next morning and wouldn’t be able to Q Slow Burn.  He needed a substi-Q. Would I be that guy? Could I be that guy? I impulsively said YES.  With time running short and my bedtime quickly approaching I set about writing a winkie. After several visits to the exicon, and some advice from Punch List (thanks, Buddy) things were set and I waited for 0515 to get here.

8 of us assembled in the Chick-fil-A parking lot, at 0515 the disclaimer was disclaimed and off we moseyed down the hill towards Persis. High Knees, Butt Kickers, L/R shuffle. Cirlcle up for a round of SSH, windmills, overhead claps, low slow squats and 5 burpees OYO.  Now that we were  warm, the fun began.

The Thang:

Pax wall sit while first guy in line does 3 burpees, continue until everyone has done burpees. Mosey to guard rail near Lowes, Jacobs Ladder of 10 dips, 1 burpee (mumble Chatter).

After we completed the ladder we took up a mosey to the parking lot left of Lowes.  (b)L.I.M.P.S we did plenty of burpees earlier. 10 Lunges 15 Imperial walkers(I.C.), 20 Merkins, 25 Plank Jacks (I.C.), 30 squats. Bolt 45’s followed, 15 squats 1/2 down, 15 squats 1/2 to bottom, 15 full squats. Partner up, 100 merkins, 100 LBC, 100 squats. Partner 1 does exercise while partner 2 moves from traffic island to traffic island. Pax cant walk or run.  Saw bear crawls, crab walks, lunges, broad jumps and sever other creative ways to travel the distance.

Short mosey behind Lowes for more group wall sits. First Pax runs to guard rail 15-20yrds does 6-10 Carolina dry docks then back to the wall for a sit until everyone had gone. Time flies when you are having fun. Mosey back to COT for a few minutes of Mary. Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama, prayers and praises, ball of man

Thank you for this opportunity to Lead


Dirty Harry out

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Keeping Warm at The Yard

It was a rather cold morning as the PAX gathered. I was a little worried the cold temps would keep the numbers down but 8 other PAX (plus 2 shorties that might or might not had a choice) showed up ready to work. So after a short disclaimer we moseyed around back. Since it was cold I decided we do a little extended mosey with some stops for exercises. Unfortunately they were doing HVAC work on the school and we had to dodge several work trucks. So quick change of plans to get out of the traffic had us move to the back of the middle school.

Deconstructed burpee ladder: Jump squats, merkins, and thrusters between 2 light posts.

  • Start with 0, run to other post for 15 of each, then back to 1st post.
  • 5 each, run to other post for 10 of each, run back.
  • 10 each, run to other post for 5 each, run back.
  • 15 each, then sprint to other post and back.

Since we just practiced the pieces, 5 burpees OYO to make sure the PAX could put them together again.

Mosey around to the front of the middle school for pick a card. I had 2 cones with the same 10 cards at each cone but mixed up order. Pretty simple each card had an exercise for the team to do together and then another exercise for the team to do while next guy ran to get new card. PAX broke into 2 teams and it wasn’t meant to be a competition but you know how things go. Cards included various things like running laps, merkins, dips, flutters, etc but the point was to complete as a team. Both teams worked hard and basically finished at the same time.

Over to the school benches: 20 step-ups, 20 dips, 10 derkins then 10 box-jumps or step-ups, 15 dips, 10 derkins. Move down past the benches to the nice long wall. Get in people’s chair and first PAX bear-crawls to the end. Keep going until all PAX have bear-crawled. Next up is walking BTTW with PAX encouraging each other to make it as far as they could. Great encouragement and work by everyone! Finish off with a quick 10 count wall-tar-jai and times up. Back to COT.

I had to keep it kind of brief in the COT b/c several of us needed to leave to support our 2.0s at the Let Me Run 5K. It’s always encouraging to see so many fellow PAX out there running or just cheering on their 2.0s.

At the end no one was cold, even had some PAX taking some layers off. Thanks to Hasselhoff for the opportunity!

TClap |

Footloose and Free thanks to All The Saints!!

Today is November 1 and in some denominations they recognize All Saints day today. See below for more on that, but 3 runners took off early and 13 other PAX came to the dance floor for a litle two step with YHC – Cake Boss! We had a great crowd and was super proud of the hard work put in and the encouragement by all the PAX to keep pushing through. Such an honor to be part of this thing we have, F3, and to be part of this community! Aye!!

The Thang:

Footloose 11/1/18

Mosey to FMCoG parking lot
Toy soldiers
5 Burpees
Side lunges
4 Burpees
Butt kickers
3 Burpees
High knees
2 Burpees
Imperial Walkers
1 Burpees

Mosey across street and partner up for Dora 1-2-3

Partner 1-Run up hill to corner Partner 2-exercise move Flapjack
100 Merkins
200 step ups
300 dips
Alternate running up hill backwards

Mosey to front of FMFBC
Partner 1-bear crawls up church steps Partner 2-exercise move -Flapjack
Leg raises


11/22 Thanksgiving Convergence at The Ranch 0600

12/01 Christmas Party – Sign up and enjoy a night out

Prayers for all the tragic deaths across the country and all dealing with health issues.  Prayers for unity in our country.


All Saints Day–This gets chalked up as a Catholic thing, but I want to share some information with everyone. Anyone that has come to JC, led someone else to JC and has lived their life for JC is considered a Saint. Its not meeting some criteria except that of what JC outlined in saying, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” Luke 9:23

So my question and challenge to all of us is are we denying ourselves and bringing others to SKY Q? Our ministry starts at home with the M and 2.0s and then shield lock and whetstone partners. We don’t have to have some sort of degree or education to know what Sky Q has done in our lives and to share that with others so they too can be transformed. Being a Saint does not mean being perfect either. Moses, David, Peter and Paul were far from perfect, but they denied themselves for HIS plan not their own. Live it and watch how you influence others for HIM.

TClap |

Nihil Gastrocnemius

TL:DR version

Have to stay off my left calf. I may miss some things or get the order wrong, since I had to modify my plan heavily.  We destroyed some quadriceps…

We took a stroll to the empty side of the AO parking lot and circled up for some

  1. Low Slow Squats
  2. overhead claps
  3. merkins
  4. “under the fence” merkins x 7 (can’t find in the exercises, but I know it’s common, accidentally fired my left calf and almost ate pavement, I had to stop and had everyone get up)
    1. Start in down dog
    2. bend arms like a Carolina dry dock
    3. keep them bent and push up into Honeymooner
    4. Reverse to down dog
  5. Stretching from sumo position, drop the six and extend each leg with the toe up

Next we partnered up for some modified Dora.  Each mover would go one way and start the stationary exercise when they got to the end, while the partner did the moving exercise.  The length was from one center line to another (about 19.5m)

  1. Toy soldiers – Squats x100
  2. Leg Sweeps – LBC x200
    1. Recommended modification for the sweeps was to squat with the six just above ground, extend the left leg and shift with the six almost dragging, bring the feet together, turn 180, extend the right, and continue)
    2. Deacon has SOLID sweeps
  3. A bit of talking about encouragement, and how we as men, (especially YHC) can easily tear down someone without thinking about it
  4. Open Tee Stance  walk – high knees across the body x300
    1. Open Tee Stance – walking with toes at 45’s away from center, the back knee is just above the pavement, and the front foot lands directly in front, come up and step in front of the back knee.  This kills the quads
    2. High knees across the body not  unlike the imperial walker, but higher and combat oriented
  5. 10 count to breath
  6. 10 burpees
  7. 10 count again
  8. Squat walking, with ducking and double punch – flutter
    1. At this point we changed it up to just two lengths, no counting, just flutter

Circle up and get some more leg stretching like in the warmup.  But that was just the interlude.  Some more circle exercises were on their way

  1. Forward split circular fingertip pushups
    1. Legs out with toes up, on your fingertips, sway back going down, and forward over the hands going up
  2. Horse Stance (Al gore, if you want) and 100 2-count punches
  3. Horse Stance and 25 2-count upper cuts
  4. 15 Imperial Walkers
  5. 15 Hillbilly Walkers

Finished with some forearm stretching and back to COT where we did Name O Rama (and my phone decided not to continue recording after 2seconds), and welcomed FNG “Shazam” to F3!! Announcements and prayer and break for the day.

Background on the modification

I’ve got a massive backlog of exercises that don’t involve running, carrying people, and the normal, exhausting, certain-death at other AOs.  Most of these revolve around my shaolin background, and I had built a fun tour of the DT Fort Mill around them…  But fate or my body had other plans…

Early AM yesterday YHC was leaving my son’s school conferences and hopped off the curb onto my left foot and the same muscle pull I experienced at the Hive two weeks ago reared its ugly head. I once again got the chance to hobble around town like someone had given my calf the Tonya Harding treatment.  I thought my number was  up.  I sent messages looking for a backup Q and began praying that when I woke up in the morning I’d be healed.

That didn’t happen.  But the spasm or whatever it is calmed down enough that at 0400 this morning I could put weight on the left without too much pain.  So I geared up and drove down to Footloose in the delightful weather we’re having, and selected exercises that didn’t require anyone to fire their calves.

TClap |

A Darth Visor Backblast

I came across this backblast while trying to find something to say about Darth Visor’s passing.  After reading it, I figured what better way to learn a small something about the man he was, than to “participate” in his VQ.

Other than not having an outhouse or a baseball field (we used road by the playground and the track), I kept the Weinke as close to the original as I could.  It was surprisingly easy to tie the IR race.

After finishing, I let the PAX know who was responsible for the Q, and had some time left for ab lab.


We finished up with some good discussion and prayers for Darth Visor and his family.

Thanks Bones for the opportuNITY.

The original backblast:

Virgin Q – Darth Visor – It’s about time Back Blast – 6.23.15

  • When: 06/23/15Where:

    The Pax: Hickory Stick, Trojan, Light Bulb, Sketch, Green Bean(@F3ATL), Gear(@F3theFort), Boomer, Foghorn, Def Con 2, Nacho Libre

    QIC: Darth Visor

11 PAX joined the party at THE RUBICON for a VIRGIN Q by Wardaddy in charge. Great to have @greenbean from F3Atlanta and @Gears from The Fort join in the GLOOM.

What had happened was…

7:00 sharp we mosey to the slice of heaven between the diamonds for a little warm up

Starting Position…Move….In Cadence….Exercise


Squats “really missed GRITS” was going to have him demonstrate proper technique


Cotton Pickers

Feeling loose – we mosey

The Thang

1-2-3 ‘s lovely learn’t this’n up thar in fort mill region.

Partner Up and head for the outhouse…partner sprint around outhouse while other partner commenced to exercising!

100- step ups

200- dips

300 – LBCs’

Whew 10 count needed.

Let’s mosey to the ole ball field for a slight twist on our old favorite IR. PAX you got’s to sprint….not jog when its your turn. So we turned up the heat with a little team race – IR around the ballpark. Losers get to enjoy OYO 15 Burpees.

Trojan takes early lead for left side, then Boomer hits high gear to pad the lead, Hickory Stick notches one for the right side, and someone hit the speed switch for Light Bulb and it looks like left side is going to “run away” with it BUT amazing speed from Nacho Libre, Sketchy, and Gears even things up by the time we pass home plate.

Strong Showing by both teams BUT WE TIE AND EVERYONES a LOSER.

15 burpees for all and all for the PAX

Outfield Fence for little Wall Squat to catch our breath.

Let’s Mosey to THE HILL

Merkin Ladder 10 down run up hill 9 at top back down 8 back to top 7…all the way to 1 MERKIN.


Much to be thankful for…GBABY arrives for WD,  remembering Foghorns wife – expecting, Mufasa’s back.


There was some more Beatdown but who can really remember it was soooo long ago.

Pleasure to have led you men, inspiring, fun, makes me feel good at 6:15 AM on beautiful 2sday AM

Sorry CRACK, MUFASA, Grits, Peanut, Stang, and other faithful had to miss…we’ll get you next time.

NEXT DARTH VISOR Q coming soon to the Gloom near you F3Alpha.

TClap |

Abyss got tired once again

We started our workout with a quick disclaimer and moseyed to the basketball goals area behind the school, all the props had been distributed into 4 stations.

Circled up for the warm up:


Moroccan night clubs

Low Slow Squats

Hillbilly walk

Hillbilly squat (combination of hillbilly walk and squat, we had a few issues coordinating the count with the actual movements of the body but by the sixth rep most PAX got the idea)

Mountain Climbers

Low Slow Merkin

Arm circles

After the warm up we split in 4 groups and each group went to a different station:

Station 1:

-> 15 big boy sit ups

-> 20 Rosalitas

-> 30 Sledgehammer                                                                                                                                                                               swings (15 each side)

-> 40 Heel Touches SC

-> 40 Dying Roach SC

Station 2:

-> 8  Tire flips

-> 20  Monkey Humpers

-> 20 lunges SC

-> 30 low squat (touch the ground with hand)

-> 50 calf raises

Station 3:

-> 15 biceps curls

-> 20 curb dip

-> 25 dumbbell swing

-> 30 SSH IC

-> 40 Carolina drydocks

Station 4:

-> 10 diamond merkins

-> 15 wide arm merkins

-> 20 regular merkins

-> 30 battle rope wave SC

-> 40 Shoulder taps

After each group finished a full circuit of 4 stations we went to the grass area to do a full Captain Thor routine (1 big boy sit up and 4 american hammers, 2 BBSU and 8 AH, 3 BBSU and 12 AH and so on all the way up to 10 BBSU and 40 AH) lots of mumble chatter before, during and after this routine, some requested yoga mats, but we only had the grassy area, everyone pushed their body to the extreme to complete this routine.

On the way back to COT with 8 minutes to spare we found the hill and went for a run downhill, run up to the middle of the hill and perform 3 reps on each position of the around the clock merkin routine, back to the top, rinse and repeat.

Once done with the hill, we moved against the school wall for mike tyson merkins, Wall Makhtar N’Diayes and balls to the wall, more mumble chatting happened here as every PAX counts to 5 at a different speed and everyone had to hold the BTTW position untill all PAX had done their 5 count from left t op right.

Moseyed back to COT, planked for 1 minute, right arm high, left arm high, right leg high, left leg high some chatter included; we figured that our favorite Star Wars character was cranky since he had missed his daily m&m’s dose.

We finished up with prayers, praises and announcements.

Thank you Bones for the opportunity to lead.

Tinsel out…

TClap |

Footloose, Dog Petters and Gilmore

A nice cool morning at Footloose … and we launch … then a wave of cars … thanks for joining us

Mosey around the lot to let the late arrivals join the group, out the entrance and up to the lot across from the FD. Circle up. Windmill x 10, LSS x 10, Carolina DD x 10, 2 burpees OYO, Mor NC x 15, Shoulder tap x 10, Imperial walker x 10, 2 burpees OYO, OH Claps x 26, Plank jack x 10, Hillbilly walker x 10, 2 burpees OYO.

Line up for Karaoke L, Karaoke R, Power skip and burpee broad jump x 10, back and forth across the lot.

Mosey to the furniture lot on the corner downtown, plank for the 6, Makhtar N’Diayes x 10, Dog petters x 10, LBCs x 10. Line up on the wall, wall sit, 2 x burpee wave from both ends.

Mosey to the PD lot around the corner, plank for the 6, OH Clap x 21, LBCs x 10, LSS x 10.

Mosey past the start, down the hill and to the corner lot, line up, 2 lines bear crawl, 2 lines lunge walk, walk it off 2 lines, R & R all the way to the end.

Mosey across the street, divide into 4 groups, group 1, run the spiral stairs, group 2, partner plank claps, group 3 run tall stairs and back, group 4, Scorpion DD. All groups rotate through until all 4 are done.

Mosey back to the grass by First Baptist sign, Calf raises 3×10 OYO, Mahktar N’Diayes x 10, Kneetar N’Diayes x 10, Jack Webb up to 5×20, ants, ants, ants


Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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Moderate? Is that french for ‘burpee’?

With no inspiration hitting me at home, YHC decided to show up and see what the AO would speak to me today.  It was angry and made us do stupid things.

Mosey, warm up with burpee countdown between exercises.

Mosey down the hill to the playground at the elementary school where we counted off into groups and did round robins of swing crunches, LBC’s and mountain climbers twice.

Then over to the wall for some relaxing wall sits and a couple bttw.

Who doesn’t love running in circles?  Partnered up and while partner ran lap, 2nd Pax did LBC’s, WAM’s and CDD’s – flap jack at each lap.

Back over to the middle school hill for 10 bomb jacks, run up the long windy hill and 10 more at the top.

Fairly gassed at this point I heard the words ‘Jack Webb’ in the wind so we did that too.

Mosey for a close of Mary and COT.

As always, an honor to lead the men of F3.  Thanks for being there.

TClap |

CSPAN Send off Convergence

141 Men came to show the Respectable**CSPAN** some Respect!!

He leaves The Fort and heads north or as Dredd refers to Yankee land. Not gone forever but just up the road 600 miles to start a new chapter in life and in F3 as he will launch F3Philly.

I am not the most eloquent with my back-blasts and I am usually to the point with posting the workout, add some words and being done, however since I can’t get Italian Job to write this up and Double D challenged the PAX to think of one word to represent CSAPN, I think that is the best way to document this convergence.

Thank you CSPAN for being all of these things and more to you r brothers in the PAX. As posted on Twitter and many of these were repeated multiple times:


The Workout looked like this:

WWL at the Q:

  • Mosey around the lot
  • Line up; karaoke, side shuffle, high knees, butt kickers, toy solders, lungewalk, power skips
  • COP
    • SSH, squat, merkin, moroccan night club, 10 Flying squirrels
Double D at the Q:
  • Run to practice field
  • Plank sequence
  • Split into 2 groups on each sideline
  • Sprint to center and back to sideline
  • Monkey humpers x25
  • Rinse + repeat with Merkins x 25
  • CDDs x25
  • Burpees x25
Longshanks at the Q:
  • Burpees
  • Lunges
  • Inch worm Merkins
  • Maktar Ndiayes
  • Plank Jacks
  • Squats.

Dredd at the Q:

  • Prayer for CSPAN
  • Merkin/Ab Lab series
  • Truth Nuggets and Leadership development with Major Payne, Wegmans, & Drop Thrill
  • Mosey to hill behind Bob Jones Stadium
  • Prayer for CSPAN heading to F3Philly…..”CSPAN Coming”
  • More Merkin/Ab lab series


141 Count, Name O’rama, 2 FNGs (Bikini & Manzel), Skinny Jeans pray out over CSPAN and his IMPACT on men and for Sky Q’s kingdom.

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