Frosty Footloose

11 PAX gathered in about 18 frosty degrees at Footloose.  The most important thing is that they showed up!!!  That is the first step – show up!  Great job.

The work:

A brief disclaimer followed by Windmills and SSHs with a mosey to a church parking lot.  YHC has no idea which church it was as there are about three or four within rock throwing distance.

The main work was centered on a triangle – enough of the four corners – we went with the triangle symbolized by the triangle of pain, the Illuminati or the Taco Bell Stacker.

Three stations, with three rounds at each station with legs, abs and upper body.  After each rotation the PAX ran up and down the church stairs.  On round followed by a brief moleskin and then rinse and repeat.

With time still permitting and the temp only dropping the PAX serpentined the stairs followed by 50 calf raises.  With still more glorious time remaining,  we Indian ran to downtown FM and back to our COT.

We prayed for Squeaky’s daughter as well as Reece and Maggie – Mr. Clean’s 2.0s.


The moleskin:

When I was in college one of my room mates uncles was a priest.  Often, on Sunday, he would call and if we answered (no cell phones in 1981) he would ask whoever answered if we had been to Mass.  When I said no, he asked why.  Why?  Because, I said, I got nothing out of it.

Well, he said, it isn’t about you.  It is about you supporting the others are that are there.  By your mere presence you may mean something to someone.  And . . . maybe, you will benefit.

It is the same with posting in  the gloom – we are there to support each other.  To lend encouragement, a hand when someone is down, to offer advice (its free so its worth what you paid) and to just be there.


That’s all – Twister out.

TClap |

Frozen: The Fort Version – Let It Go – 12/30/17

12 men met on the frozen tundra that was Walter Elisha this morning to get better. Freebird led the first half of the workout and Ginsu closed it out. Motivational words were given re: purpose & intentionality heading in to the new year.


Mosey to the field

  • 21 side straddle hops
  • 10 slow windmills
  • 21 side straddle hops
  • 11 monkey humpers
  • 21 side straddle hops
  • 10 merkins

The Thing

Mosey to the playground & partner up

  • Partner 1 – run a lap around the playground
  • Partner 2 – toe taps on the playground barrier
  • Flip flop
  • Rinse & repeat 3x

Mosey to the tree line

  • Lunge to the first tree
  • crab walk to second
  • lunge to 3rd
  • crab walk to 4th
  • lunge to 5th
  • crab walk to 6th
  • mosey back to start

Hand off to Ginsu

  • 10 burpees OYO
  • 10 Merkins OYO

Mosey to the playground and get back to parters

  • Partner 1 – take a lap around the playground
  • Partner 2 – pullups AMRAP
  • Flip flop
  • Partner 1 – take a lap
  • Partner 2 – dips AMRAP
  • Flip flop
  • Partner 1 – take a lap
  • Partner 2 diamond merkins AMRAP
  • flip flop
  • Partner 1 – take a lap around the playground
  • Partner 2 – pullups AMRAP
  • Flip flop
  • Partner 1 – take a lap
  • Partner 2 – dips AMRAP
  • Flip flop
  • Partner 1 – take a lap
  • Partner 2 diamond merkins AMRAP
  • flip flop

Mosey to the big hill for modified Jacob’s ladder

  • Run to top of hill, do 1 Merkin
  • Run to bottom, only 1 burpee
  • Run to top, 2 Merkins
  • Run to bottom, only 1 burpee
  • Continue until 10 merkins at top, 1 burpee at bottom

Mosey to the wall at Springs

  • Muscle ups – in cadence – 10x
  • Rinse & repeat x3
  • Captain Thors to 5×20
  • Boats & Canoes

Mosey to COT


  • Joe Davis Run – last day to sign up
  • Convergence on the 12th
  • GoRuck Lite

Prayers & Praises

  • Prayers for Mr. Clean & Family
  • Praises for Freebird’s new job
  • Prayers for Gobbler’s sister
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Holiday Run and Gun

Run and Gun experienced its largest numbers of recent times this past Wednesday night.


Two PAX – CC (Tiny) & Twister kicked off RNG at 5:15 with a pre-ruck and a short visit with Quack Attack and his son (searching for an Eagle project).

At 6:15 the rest of the PAX joined with Cornhole and CG running with the balance (four) rucking with two coupons 40 lb and 60lb (courtesy Cornhole) and executing the 7 – seven minutes rucking followed by three exercises, rinse and repeat until time is called.

After COT – where we offered prayers for PAX Mr. Clean,  Cornhole, CG, MF and Twister adjourned to Six Pence for 2nd F where libations and hearty fare (including properly toasted bread on CG’s BLT) were shared.

Happy New Year to all the PAX across the US


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2017 Clave Boss 5k/10k & Christmas Convergence

Here we are as in olden days
Happy golden days of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more——Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas!!

The largest turn out by far for the Clave Boss 5k/10k was a success. We started on time and as far as I know nobody died. Thank you to all the PAX that ran and had a fun time and fellowship.

For the 5k, here were are winners of Bundt Cakes

  1. MacGyver
  2. Harry Carry

For the 10k, here were are winners of Bundt Cakes

  1. Sir Topham Hat
  2. mix of PAX coming from all directions—no idea

For the Ruck, here were are winners of Bundt Cakes

  1. Dark Helmet for 11min pace 5k ruck…..nice work!

Honorable Mention for Anchorman completing the 5k and Barry Manilow being his wingman!

The Convergence kicked off on time and we had Gecko open us up in prayer. We split the groups up and away we went with COT at 0750. Click on links to see the pain that was delivered…..Merry Christmas!

Black Diamond – Longshanks Q –

Bootcamp – Cha Ching Q –

Noderate – Barry Manilow Q –

COT came together and we had 83 men attend this year.

Welcome FNG – Lake Effect, who is 41 not the 50 that he just shouted out. Classic!

Many announcements:

  • Thank you Site Qs for all your work, dedication and leadership!
  • Serve Saturdays ….reach out to Deacon, Bolt, NASA for info…..HIMs!!
  • Joe Davis Run Jan 6
  • Friday Convergence with 3rdF post beat down Jan 12
  • Rooster CSAUP Jan 20
  • Yeti – February
  • P200 – March

More than a workout!!


  • Dark Helmet shared his sister is in need of prayer. Please remember DH and his family each day in prayer
  • Family visiting is fun and sometimes no so fun. BE HIMs!!
  • Prayers for all the PAX traveling and for peace this week!


I spoke to the PAX about how 2000 years ago Sky Q sent his son into the world in the form of a baby. When looking for a place to come in from the cold there WAS NO ROOM AT THE INN. I believe we all fall into this trap and put so much busy into our lives that we don’t have ROOM AT THE INN for Sky Q in our lives. We fill our hearts and minds with so much and when it come to his word and being in relationship, we DON”T HAVE ROOM AT THE INN (in our hearts).

I challenge myself and the PAX to make room for SKY Q and see how it changes your life in 2018 and beyond.

Honored to lead this PAX. I am blessed and grateful for each of you!

Cake Boss


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It’s a Burpee and Bear Crawl Tuesday!

15 PAX total with 4 Ruckers and 11 Bootcampers!

Disclaimer given……

Mosey to the back of Harris Teeter and circle up

Q called out 20 Seal jacks to start

Each PAX picks an exercise and calls out the cadence for 20 reps each



Imperial Walker

Hillbilly Walker

Freddy Mercury


Wind Mills

A few more I can’t remember

Peter Parker

Parker Peter

Stay in the area and line up for some suicides!

Bear crawl to each line in parking lot run back to start and do 1 Burpee

13 lines total (Crowd Pleaser) Especially Anchorman!!!

Round 2 Run to each line and do 2 Burpees at the start line each time

Round 3 Run to the 6th line do 5 Burpees, back to start 5 Burpees, to the end 5 Burpees, back to start 5 Burpees

There were some 10 counts in between just for a little bit to catch our breath!

Mosey to the wall for some wall sits and some more Burpees!!!

Mosey to COT and do a little Ab Lab to finish out!

Great workout! Warm weather (No complaints)


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Ruck W/O: Hill Work on Time

Golden Corral usually draws a good crowd of folks eager to take on a challenge. No different today. A bunch of go-get-ers ready to go get it, despite the cold and wind. Today the ruckers outnumbered the others. Awesome!

No FNGs. The disclaimer was disclaimed. Booties went off their own way, Rad the lone runner went blazing off at a great pace on his own, then we rucked up and got after it.

No 16+ min pace rucking was my goal all WO. So we started off with rucks on running/jogging to the parking lot in front of the church nearby for the COP (rucks off):

  • SSH x 20
  • WM x 20
  • IW x 15 (or so)
  • MNC x 20

Didn’t want to spend too much time on the COP. So then we rucked up and then short mosey over to the hill by the super realistic 300ft tall tree (aka cell tower). This hill is shorter than the hill by the church, but quite a bit steeper.

The Thang – Hill Work

Partner up for a couple of series of exercises / hill repeats.

First series: P1 farmer carries both rucks to top of hill as quick as possible (NO WALKING) and back, P2 AMRAP exercises, then swap. HIIT style, no rest. I did not want to waste any time. Circulate through the following exercises:

  1. Merkins
  2. LBC
  3. CDD
  4. Flutter (HAVE to say that with a thick Boston accent – Fluttah!!)
    >> Rinse and repeat one more time
    >> Plank w ruck on for the 6
    >> Couple of 10 sec breathers, then on to second series

Second series: P1 with ruck on run to top of hill, do 10 deep LSS, return; P2 AMRAP exercises, then swap. HIIT style, no rest. I did not want to waste any time. Circulate through the following exercises:

  1. Ruck curls
  2. Ruck swings
  3. Ruck upright rows
  4. Ruck overhead press
    >> Rinse and repeat one more time
    >> Plank w ruck on for the 6

BONUS: When you get to the top of the hill and look to your left (south), you get to see Tinsel’s house all lit up top to bottom!! Sweet!!

By the time we finished all of that, we were ready to get off that hill. Everyone did GREAT!! Alot of excellent mumblechatter by the group. Man we had a group of characters!! Confession – this is what I love about F3. No matter how much pain you’re in, it is so much better when you have folks pushing you on…..and distracting you from the pain with their 2nd F. It made the time go by much easier.

We had about 5 minutes or so to get back to COT. Rucked up and jogged/ran back…..until we saw a wall…..

People’s chair/wall sit, shoulder to shoulder. Rucks on laps. Sit for about 10-15 seconds, then left end person passes their ruck down the line (group is in wall sit position) while they bear crawl to the other side of the line to catch up to it, then back to wall sit position. Relay down the line until all are done. Tried to repeat, but ran out of time. Back just in time for the COP. GREAT JOB FELLAS!!!

This ruck WO I’ve done before at The Swamp. Stairs there help make it more painful. Had to bring it out to the GC. Sorry for not being original.

COT: Announcements, Prayers and Praises – see Boot Q BB

I’ve been keeping my talking during my Q’s to a minimum lately. Hey, it can happen. While we were on our brief breaks, I did want to briefly mention to the PAX something that has been on my mind. December is about Gifts. For me, the most important gift He has bestowed upon us all, beside His Son Jesus Christ, is the gift of time. Time ultimately translates to being able to wake up the next day and start each day new. Time allots you a chance to make things better than they were the day before. It promotes growth. It grants you wisdom. It allows you to show mercy, grace, and forgiveness. It allots you a chance to show someone how much they mean to you. It allots you opportunity to reconnect, correct, reconcile with others. It gives you opportunity to heal. It affords one a chance for peace.

But by no means is this gift guaranteed. It can perish at any given moment. We all are given a certain amount of it, and only He knows how much. This is why we have to cherish every moment we are given, and use it wisely.

I bring this up because in December 2002 I lost my dad to leukemia. I did not talk about this to the PAX. Since then, each year around the holidays I get in a funk. My normally positive, energetic self is a bit less so. It has not gotten any easier with time either. He was my best friend, the best dad one could have. He has had an amazing impact on my life. I was blessed to have the amazing family I am part of, and he and my Mom were the reason that was so. To this day I miss seeing him when I visit and calling home and hearing his voice. I thought he was invincible, a hero in my eyes from the time I was a toddler up to this very day. When cancer got him, it put a hole in my heart and soul that to this day I still feel. Our precious time together on this earth was cut short way too early. My mom has been a total trooper. She is an amazing woman. She’s gone through the loss of a son, a husband, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, her mother and father, in-laws, and friends. But to this day she is still loving, laughing, nurturing as she was when I was a little child. An incredible mother, another blessing.  When my mom’s time is up, it will rip another hole in my heart and soul as well. I do not have any regrets of my time with my dad…..other than he not being able to ever meet his grandkids, my two sons, one of which I named after him. But what I have learned….through the gift of time… that they, with His word as well, have both showed me how to be a proper parent, son, husband, brother, uncle, nephew, friend, and citizen – a better person as a whole – our most important task here on earth, for it impacts the lives of others. Now it is up to me to figure out how I can follow that path. I know that one day my time on earth will end, and then I will be with them, with Him. That path will lead me to there.

2018 is coming. A new year. Another gift of time. I challenged each of the PAX to reflect on 2017 (and previous years). Be honest with yourself and identify what things or aspects in your lives you would like a second chance at. What have you REALLY taken for granted? What would you do better? What would you improve? Who would you want to reconnect and reconcile with? Who would you want to better know how you feel about them? Who would you like to forgive, and let them know? What needs to heal? Where do you need to find peace? When you identify the ‘whats’, the ‘hows’ will be self-evident within you if you open your heart and soul to finding the answers. The path may be rough and challenging, but anything worth achieving usually is. Persevere! Use this gift of time wisely.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead.

God Bless

TClap |


Its Christmas time and the word of the month is giving so I am asking if you would take moments pray about giving to help a fellow pax. Last year Stang got the Fort and the Rock pax to donate gift cards, cash and presents for me and my family.  This was huge for me and my family, with that  being said I feel the need to help a fellow pax and give back. I have been in touch with our pax of the Fort looking for someone to help out. This morning in COT it was mentioned by Destiny that a fellow pax’s son has just been diagnosed with leukemia and his wife is pregnant with twins. Then again Ginsu and Rock thrill had a tweet about it and come to find out it is an Area51  pax named Bout time his sons name is Jennings. This hits close to home and just knew this is who we need to help this year. a few

If I have never had the pleasure of posting with you in the Gloom I would like to take a second and share my story, Dec 2015 on Christmas eve my 2.5 year old daughter was diagnosed with Leukemia ALL Type B, on Christmas day she had surgery to have a port installed and her first 3 rounds of chemo. We spent Christmas in the hospital and I broke down never cried so hard in my life. I reached out to God prayed that everything will be okay and about 10 min later after the took my daughter back for surgery he answered my pray because a peace just came over me and heard the words its going to be okay.  The last 2 years have been a hard 2 years with ups and downs but also have enlightened me, allowed me to get closer to God.  It also allowed me to become apart of F3 with out the men of this group not sure where I would be mentally and physically today. I like to thank you for the push the words of encouragement.


I am asking pax to give what your heart tells you. Prayers gift cards, cash etc. I have seen what awesome pax you can be when challenged to give you all always go above and beyond.

See your site Q’s for collections and or Dark helmet , Stang, Witch hunt, Royale and Cornerstone, we want to wrap it up by 12/22/17


2 Corinthians 9:7

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Proverbs 18:16

A gift opens the way
and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.

Luke 6:38

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.


Thanks Again HIMS


TClap |

The Fort pledge to help another Pax out

Its Christmas time and the word of the month is giving so I am asking if you would take moments pray about giving to help a fellow pax. Last year Stang got the Fort and the Rock pax to donate gift cards, cash and presents for me and my family.  This was huge for me and my family, with that  being said I feel the need to help a fellow pax and give back. I have been in touch with our pax of the Fort looking for someone to help out. This morning in COT it was mentioned by Destiny that a fellow pax’s son has just been diagnosed with leukemia and his wife is pregnant with twins. Then again Ginsu and Rock thrill had a tweet about it and come to find out it is an Area51  pax named Bout time his sons name is Jennings. This hits close to home and just knew this is who we need to help this year. a few

If I have never had the pleasure of posting with you in the Gloom I would like to take a second and share my story, Dec 2015 on Christmas eve my 2.5 year old daughter was diagnosed with Leukemia ALL Type B, on Christmas day she had surgery to have a port installed and her first 3 rounds of chemo. We spent Christmas in the hospital and I broke down never cried so hard in my life. I reached out to God prayed that everything will be okay and about 10 min later after the took my daughter back for surgery he answered my pray because a peace just came over me and heard the words its going to be okay.  The last 2 years have been a hard 2 years with ups and downs but also have enlightened me, allowed me to get closer to God.  It also allowed me to become apart of F3 with out the men of this group not sure where I would be mentally and physically today. I like to thank you for the push the words of encouragement.


I am asking pax to give what your heart tells you. Prayers gift cards, cash etc. I have seen what awesome pax you can be when challenged to give you all always go above and beyond.

See your site Q’s for collections and or Dark helmet , Stang, Witch hunt, Royale and Cornerstone


2 Corinthians 9:7

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Proverbs 18:16

A gift opens the way
and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.

Luke 6:38

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.


Thanks Again HIMS




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Remembering Pearl Harbor

As a son/grandson of military servicemen and a cousin in active duty as a graduate of the USNA, it is a privilege and honor to show respect to our  men who are and have served our country for the right to be living here. My grandfather served in WWII as an air force bomber mechanic and hearing stories of his time serving during the war made a early impression on my. If it wasn’t for my birth defect, I too would have been serving this country with my dream of attending the USNA. That didn’t happen, of course. So I always jump on an opportunity to Q on a historical day in military history. Seeing that it is the day Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, I dusted off my off my college history books and incorporate some statistics into the WO.

COP consisted of good mornings, windmills, mumble chatter as Twister drove off to lead a RGH/Cary PAX to the WO site – welcome Pet Sounds – squats, jumping jacks, and merkins.

Mossy to bottom of hill. Run the hill 3 times. top of hill do 20 merkins each round and 20 LBCs at bottom for first two rounds, then only 10 LBCs at bottom on third round. Reason is that this totals 110 – Japan attacked Pearl Harbor or 110 minutes on Dec 7.

45 V sit-ups, Japan attacked in 2 waves, 45 minutes apart from each other. Mossy to entrance of FMHS football stadium.

PAX did 2 burpees, 3 merkins, 3 burpees, 5 squats. This is 2,335, which represents the number of US soldiers killed on Pearl Harbor (I knew we couldn’t do 2,335 burpees, so modified).

Mossy into FMHS football stadium and line up on the sideline. Army crawl to first hash and tighten up for some Navy Seal sit ups!! Army crawl back to sideline. Mossy to bleachers and run the stairs (since the midshipmen had to run up stairs -ladder per twister – in the battleships to man the guns) three rounds with 10 squats at the top each round. Mossy to fence. Lay on the 6, hands outstretched grabbing the fence. Feet 6 inches off ground and raise feet to fence for 20 OYO.

Mossy to parking lot, partner up. Partner 1 runs to end of parking lot, Partner 2 does exercise.

Round one was 353 LBCs – Japan used 353 airplanes to attack Pearl Harbor.

Round two was 230 squats – Japanese Navy was 230 miles west of Hawaii staging the attack

Round three, which we didn’t finish was  188 arm claps. 188 US airplanes were destroyed that day

Finished with 8 burpees – 8 battleships were destroyed, 2 sunk after the fact, Arizona being the most notably.


One more thing about Pearl Harbor day, Japan attacked on a Sunday morning assuming that we wouldn’t be on alert, we would be relaxed and at church. We shouldn’t have to honor or remember our fallin’ and active brothers on historic days, we should always honor and thank them everyday. If you ever get a chance to visit Honolulu, you MUST visit the Pearl Harbor memorial. Of all the places i have traveled, it will not only take your breath away, it will take your breath away for eternity.

Read your newletter

Prayers to marriages, injured, travels for holidays and those hurting during the holidays


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