Convergence: Love & a passing of the flag

Station 1 (Santini): Traditional Pain Platoon

Just your basic beat the hell out of your legs exercises of lunges, squats, and burpees intermixed with meditation and box breathing exercises. Sprint to the top of the hill, recover, and do more exercises including Moroccan night clubs and Carolina dry docks.

NMM: Anxiety and gratitude are not able to occupy the same space.

Station 2 (Shady / Maximus)

Warmup (Shady) – 21 SSH, 5 burpees, 18 SSH, 5 burpees, 12 SSH, someone whined about burpees so we did 10 diamonds merkins…then did 5 burpees
Group 1
  • partnered up and Dora style started out with 100 pull-ups.  Partner 1 on the pull-up bar, partner 2 did a lap around the playgroud
  • Stayed on playground, stayed with partner, Partner 1 AMRAP merkins while partner 2 ran the length of the playground and back to AMRAP merkins
  • Stayed on the AMRAP theme with flutters, then back to merkins, then back to flutters…then (I think) time was called

Group 2

  • Partnered up and Dora style, but this time 50 pull-ups with the run around the playground (Q modification given time and we aren’t cyborgs)
  • AMRAPs were just 1 round of merkins and flutters (again, I think…may need a lifeline here from Max)
  • We made our way to the hill with the statue where Maximus laid down the NUR up the hill and at the top 10 bomb jacks and ran to the bottom where we did 20 American hammers..we did this twice
  • W/ time to spare we ran to the top for 10 diamond merkins and ran to the bottom for 10 V-ups
  • In buzzer beater fashion, we ran to the top again for 10 ranger merkins and ran to the bottom for a partner 1 lay on the ground and grab partner 2s ankles where partner 2 would throw partner 1s feet down 10 times as you straight leg lifted them to his face

Group 3

  • Dora style 50 pull-ups with the run around the playground
  • We made our way to the hill with the statue where Maximus laid down the NUR up the hill and at the top 10 bomb jacks and ran to the bottom where we did 20 american hammers..we did this twice
  • Running low on time ran to the top for 10 diamond merkins and ran to the bottom for the ankle grabbing / feet throwing core exercise 10 times
NMM: After each of the groups had done their pull-ups, Maximus and Shady shared their thoughts and experiences on LOVE.
  • Shady – areas of focus were loving your brother and being your brothers keeper.  Sending a text or reaching out to someone to just say “hey, thinking of you” could change their day.  Realizing that the ones you love are watching you, emulating you, picking up on good and bad habits.  Realizing we don’t know it all, especially to the ones we love, is a sign of humility and a factor of growth and development.  For those of us with children, we have never been parents before so we honestly have no idea what we’re doing.  Love starts with servant leadership and personally for YHC, this usually progresses when the mouth is shut and ears are open.
  • Maximus – For my discussion on love, it begins with being intentional as love is a decision. We must make the decision to be intentional with our actions. Whether it be in our faith, marriage, parenting of our kids, with friends and yes, even with work relationships, we must be intentional. Think about how easy it is to get distracted, whether at dinner with your wife or even on a Zoom call for work. We often allow our minds to wander or even start doing something else while the other person is talking, looking for our engagement. Stop. Be the person who is present in the moment. Put the shoe on the other foot. Love that person as your relationship to them allows.

Station 3 (Pusher & Cakeboss): Love Edition

  • SSHs
  • Windmills
  • Squats
  • Mtn Climbers
  • Merkins
  • IWs
Cake Boss spells love “B-U-R-P-E-E”
The Thang
  • Jacobs Ladder with Derkins and Monkey Humpers
  • Plank/Dip sequence
  • Bear crawl to top with burpees
  • Cord of 3 strands cannot be broken. Having God in your marriage is the 3rd string. Adding communication to the marriage strengthens it. – CB
  • Gifts vs Gaps. Focus on the gifts that your wife or significant other bring vs what she is missing. Seeing her this way builds love. – Pusher
  • Much love was on display with all of the mumblechatter and fellowship. The relationships formed through F3 has increased our love internally and is reflected outward to our Ms, 2.0s, PAX and community… #morethanaworkout

Shovel Flag hand off for two leadership positions in the Fort:

Shady handed off the Nantan role to Double D
Esso handed off the Weasel Shaker role to YHC

Awesome work by the PAX today. Hard to put into words how much improved my disposition on life is since moving back to Fort Mill because of F3. Grateful for an opportunity to serve the PAX of The Fort.

NMM: Double D was the site-Q at Block Party when I started posting. If it wasn’t for his steady presence with a commitment to the integrating 2nd F and 3rd F elements into each workout, I doubt I’d have kept posting. Double D is a genuine human, I’m a better dude for knowing him, and I’m excited for his leadership.

Band Camp dismissed

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F3 The Fort – Adopt a Highway (#2)

****March 5th 2022- 7:45am – 8:00am****


We have officially signed up for the Adopt-A-Highway Litter pick-up program.  Our adopted Highway is US21 from Peachstand south to Sutton Rd. (2 miles). We will have a sign installed to promote this section of the highway.  We are encouraged to complete 4 pick-ups a year (once a quarter).  All supplies will be provided.  All we need to do is show up.  The SC DOT will come out and pick up our bags along the route after completion.

**Our NEXT Clean-up date is tentatively scheduled for March 5th. (start time )  7:45 am – 8:00am**. There is no time expectation for participation.  Stay as long as needed or head out early.  Modify as needed. Plan for 2 hours if you complete the 1-mile loop.  We split up into two groups last time and met at the halfway point.

We will begin at the Peachstand (rear of the building) and coordinate.  I have 30 vests and all supplies.

Fogerty will be the main contact for this event over the next two years.

Here are some of the logistics:

• Make sure your group knows that in case of bad weather the cleanup will be postponed. Litter collection should never be done in the dark or in bad weather.
• Notify local news media who may have an interest in publicizing your group’s activities. • Remind your group of the appropriate clothing. Long pants and long-sleeved shirts and sturdy shoes help avoid scratches and irritation from poisonous plants. Light or brightly colored clothing will make them easily visible to passing traffic.
• Be sure you have all the materials and supplies you’ll need beforehand, including first aid kits.
• Check with members of your group to be aware of any allergies that might be important (such as bee-stings, etc).
• Work out a plan for what you will do in the event of an emergency. Find out what the quickest route to the hospital is.
• Park vehicles at both ends of the adopted section.

• Volunteers must be at least 13 years old to participate in Adopt-A-Highway cleanups. Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult on all Adopt-A-Highway cleanups.

The state does provide adopt-a-highway orange and blue bags.  Orange bags are for trash and blue bags are for recyclables if you want to recycle.  Your group is also provided with orange safety vests.   We do require four pickups every year, usually once every quarter.  All that is needed to be done after trash is picked up is to call or email me and I will send one of our crews to pick up the bags.

It is volunteers like you who are going to make a difference by speaking up and doing what they can to help their community.  Please let me know If you have any questions, I will be glad to assist you.

Thank you,

Sherry J. Johnson
Administrative Specialist/
Adopt-A-Highway Coordinator
SC Department of Transportation
803-327-6186 O I 803-327-6184 F

District Four Maintenance
338 Robertson Road West
Rock Hill, SC 29730

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1st Annual The Fort Weight Loss Challenge

The weight-loss challenge for 2022 has been established to create some focus on the Queen.  The goal is fellowship, accountability, support, discipline, and a little motivation.  Pax will depart on a 90-day journey beginning January 3rd, 2022, and ending on approximately April 2nd or 3rd.

There will be a buy-in and payouts to the top 3 places – determined by “percentage of weight loss”.   Uhaul has agreed to be the holder of the buy-in with a tracking spreadsheet created for each pax to help monitor their progress.  Good Luck Pax!

T-Claps to Uhaul for assisting with this endeavor!

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Constant Movement at Colosseum

Welcome and Disclaimer
10 start/ 10 finish
Mosey and do a lil warmup (SSH, IWs, Cherry pickers, Mtn Climbers, Plank Jacks, 6 inch hold)
Mosey to the starting lightpole
5 poles- start with 5 burpees/10 merkins/15 squats lunge to next light pole repeat exercise than bear crawl to next light pole repeat sequence until you arrive at last pole. When 6 in we mosey down the road to rip rap pile, 3 sets 10 reps of following exercises chest press, curls, overhead press. We than run to top of hill at 80%. and back.
Indian run to school, balls to wall 30 seconds come down 5 merkins, 10 squats, 15 LBCs repeat Xs 3. Mosey to COT 20 flutter kicks and 10 grave diggers each side. COT…
Announcements- Dam 2 Dam relay fundraising.

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Beyond The Lighted Stage

Ten of Fort MIl’s finest met at the newly remodeled Walter Elisha Park for a combined boot camp (The Fort)  and IR/walk and ruck(Milkshake).  I heard that the milkmen did a tour of downtown Ft. Mill holiday lights.  Here is what the boot campers did:

The Thang:

Senator Tressel on Q

After the standard disclaimer, the group moseyed around the parking lot and headed into the park before doing a 180 and jogging back to the pavilion stage for COP.

All in Cadence:

SSH x 25, windmill x 15, merkin x 10, IW x 20, squat x 20, CDD x 15, Freddie Mercury x 20, jumping lunge x 20, wide arm merkin x 15

Mosey to the playground:

Round 1:  10 pullups, lunge walk from the playground to the side walk, 20 merkins, lunge walk back

Round 2:  10 pullups, run from the playground to the walking path, 10 burpees, run back, 10 bomb jacks

Round 3:  10 pullups, bear crawl from the playground to the walking path, 20 diamond merkins, karaoke back

Boat and canoe x 5.

Hand off to Grinder

Dora 1, 2, 3  (100 merkins, 200 calf raises, 300 LBC).  Partner runs around the playground.

Mosey to the small lot at the park entrance and circle up.  With the pax in a circle, one person in the center did a modified American Hammer (20 count with a brick) while everyone else performed an exercise.  Everyone took a turn selecting an exercise and sitting in the center.  Today, we did merkins, flutter kicks, burpees, and others I cannot remember

We finished off with the ACDC hit, ‘Thunderstruck’.  Every time the band sang the word ‘thunder’, the pax did a burpee.   It was a crowd-pleaser and now I don’t like that song as much as I used to.


Naked Man Moleskin

What a pleasure to be back at the Fort on a Saturday!  Alcatraz is my usual Saturday stop, but Grinder asked me to Q this past Sunday and I gladly accepted.   It’s been close to a year since I’ve been back to Walter Elisha Park and well over three years since I’ve Q’d a workout here.  Wow – how different it looks now! The town did a great job with the upgrades to the park and it was pretty cool to do COP from the stage of the pavilion.  I see many more there on future Saturdays.

It was a pleasure to be back at WEP and to lead the group on a beautiful morning.  Good to see my brother Cable Guy back in action after an extended absence, and yes, I just put another reference to my favorite band Rush into an F3 backblast (RIP Neil Peart).


  1.  Adopt a Highway starting today (way to go Fogerty and F3 for continuing to give back to the community).  #HIM
  2. Prayers for ST’s friend Joe with cancer, and for those suffering from Covid 19.
  3. Praise for DD’s friend (a single parent) who raised a son graduating from HS.
TClap |

Convergence – Shop Vac

65 PAX gathered to remember Shop Vac. Probably had closer to 70 at different points during the hour. Fishsticks took the Milkshakers

Lutefish warmup:
Sean Kelley, 56, Shop Vac

There are a couple of young men I was hoping would hear this this morning. While I’m talking to them, I’m also talking to myself and all of you.

We all know that or God, SkyQ, has written our books. He went before us, He knows us by name, and He alone knows when our earthly lives begin and end. God knew our brother Sean was to come home. And it doesn’t make sense to us.

But let me ask you this. What would it be like to know that when it is our time that we would also know that we accomplished the tasks that the Lord created us to do? God knows the great plans He has for each of you. You are here for a reason.

Wouldn’t it feel comforting to know that you full executed your purpose here on earth? Today we celebrate Sean, who I believe did just that. Sean loved his sons. It’s all he talked about when we worked out together. That, and his dream to have a home in Beaufort. He lived out and executed his purpose. We now have 2 of his sons as our brothers, and how great it is that the world is better because of him. Recover on your feet.

I read a quote recently:

“When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced; live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice.”

Sean is rejoicing and would want us to do the same. And he would want us to do 56 side straddle hops in cadence.

Split out to:

  • Kettlebells
    • Uhaul
  • Bootcamp: split PAX into two groups for 20min sessions
    • Ruby Slippers
    • Band Camp

Uhaul’s KB workout:
56 Squats
56 Curls
56 Skull Crushers
56 Calf Raises
56 Uhauls
56 Flutters w/ press (4 count)
56 Dead lifts
56 Lawn Mower Pulls R
56 Lawn Mower Pulls L
56 American Hammers
56 LBCs (4 count)

Band Camp’s portion:
minute 1 – 20 burpees
minute 2 – 30 jumping lunges
minute 3 – 40 Freddie Mercuries
minute 4 – 50 Carolina Dry Docks
minute 5 – 60 SSH

7s w/ Mike Tysons and Squats
Mode of transportation: bear crawl/crawl bear

Some in cadence jump squats, core work,

I found a backblast from Shop Vac…It reads with a lot more significance to me now.
I may have said something asinine while holding a squat and quoting his backblast.
Something like:
Have understanding when I say 5 more squat jumps
Show tolerance when I say 6 more squat jumps
Practice patience when I call 7 more squat jumps
Take direction as we’re now hitting 8 more squat jumps

Did a little sprinting as well with the second group. (Shop Vac would not have approved, and neither did most of the PAX)

NMM: Shop Vac’s love for and pride in his sons was palpable. He made me want to be a better dad. I’m glad to be around men that make me want to be better. Shop Vac was one of those dudes.

Ruby Slippers’s portion:
I had the pleasure of working out a lot with Shop Vac. His attitude, smile, and laughter infected you immediately every time you met him.

YHC remembers a time during COT after a workout where frustrations from my work life came bubbling to the surface. After I vented to the PAX about the situation ( usual selfish rant where everyone else has a problem but me ) and the Q finished prayer, Shop Vac pulled me to the side and gently explained that it was my attitude that needed to be adjusted, not everyone else’s. He did it in a manner where I gladly and thankfully accepted his advice.

The Thang:
At every Shop Vac Q you could count on stations, simple exercises and/or routines, and minimal running. The six was never left behind at a Shop Vac workout so we are using the buddy system to make sure that does not happen at this workout.

Set-up 4 stations in the shape of a square in the middle parking lot at The Armory. 4 stations represented each member of the Kelly family, there were 4 exercises at each station, partner work to complete a cumulative total of 56 reps of each exercise:

Sean’s station:
– Merkins, Diamond Merkins, Wide Arm Merkins, CDD’s
Stacey’s station:
– Crunches in cadence, Flutters in cadence, Big Boy Sit-ups, Straight Lower Leg Lifts
Jack’s station:
– Squats, Jump Squats, Lunges, Jumping Lunges
Brian’s station
– Side Straddle Hops in cadence, Seal Jacks in cadence, Mountain Climbers in cadence, Plank Jacks in cadence.

PAX partner up – complete all 4 exercises at a station and then mosey to the center. YHC stood in the center of the square to represent Francis, Shop Vac’s faithful four-legged companion, where PAX would come to complete 56 monkey humpers.

Continued around the stations until time was called.

Video Evidence:

Welcome FNGs: Bow Wow Wow, Bam!, Triple H, Dictator, Wax Off, and Pool Boy

Prayers for Sean’s family.

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Operation Love

Team here is all the information for the soon and coming Operational Love event.

Attached you will find
1. The Turkey Sign Up sheet
2. The Facebook Post
3. The Volunteer sign up sheet
4. Vemo donation tag

Our goal is to deliver 40 senior families In the Paradise community a great Turkey with all the trimmings and 20 other families in need as well in our area.

If you can we ask for the Turkeys to be delivered on 22nd, but you can contact me if you need to make other arrangements. 262-676-9829

update I have got a place now that can hold 50 Turkeys.  So if you can buy sooner than later that would be awesome!

I can take them twice next week , Tuesday the 16th and Thursday the 18th after 5 pm.
We truly appreciate your support and if you have any questions please contact me .
Thank you for all your support!

Ron ( Seamstress)!/showSignUp/30e054aa8a723a3ff2-turkey!/showSignUp/10C0F4BAFAE22A1F9CE9-operation


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F3TheFort Holiday Drop-In

The Forts annual holiday party will have a different feel this year.
With COVID still lingering we have decided to have a gathering but it will be a bit different.

We are encouraging The PAX to go to dinner with your M and either your Shieldlock, Whetstone, or small group of fellow PAX and their Ms. After dinner we will all gather for an hour or so of a social hour(s).
This will give our Ms the opportunity to meet the crazy fellas we spend the early mornings with but more importantly their M.

We are all fortunate to have this crazy group it is also just as important to try and let our Ms meet some other ladies in the community and possibly let them start great friendships as well.

Make it a day of F3. Start with the golf outing, go to dinner and then grab a couple beers, a bottle of J Lohr wine, a cocktail and let’s kick off the holiday season.

If COVID worries you or your M we will have an outdoor area to hang out at as well as indoor areas.

Where- Springfield Community Center- by the tennis courts/pool
420 Horton Grove, Fort Mill, SC 29715

Time- 7pm-9pmish

When- Dec 3rd, 2021

Contact- Backdraft with any concerns…

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Tasting 2.0 – It’s back

It’s been talked up in COT for weeks.  It’s been asked for by certain PAX for months.  It’s an event whose impact and generosity will hopefully be felt for years.

Without further delay, YHC cordially invites you to Tasting 2.0.

To be clear, this is not an event which 2.0’s are to attend.  : – )  It is great opportunity to kick off our series of events leading up to the D2D relay whose proceeds will ultimately serve and benefit the generation of 2.0’s who follow us.   Here are the particulars:

Date – 11-19-21

Time – 1800 to 2100

Location – Reserve at Gold Hill Clubhouse: 631 Quicksilver Trail

Entry – $50 donation (or more if you feel called to donate beyond that level) and one bottle of preferably good bourbon to share.

Other notes –

1 – Catering will be provided and those who do not drink bourbon are welcome to bring a beverage of their choosing

2 – We will be raffling off a few bottles that local businesses have been kind enough to donate for this event.   Which ones, you ask?  #showtoknow

Why do we do this?  As leaders in our community, one of our obligations is to #giveitaway, creating opportunities for others to seek the same advantage we have been fortunate to find through F3 and our brotherhood.  Our last event raised $1500 and it is my hope that we can go past that mark this time.  How far we surpass that figure is up to us.

Looking forward to your attendance and participation in next month’s event.


TClap |

The Goggins Challenge (with a few friends)

My recap of the weekend we did the Goggins 4 x 4 x 48 Challenge…

GOGGINS 4x4x48 (Sept 17-19, 2021)

In anticipation of this past weekend’s event, I was filled with the desire to be “prepared.” Sure, there are good aspects of preparedness but I tried to keep from being sucked into my trap of idolizing the preparation. I didn’t want my preparation and training to be the focus of my life and therefore, a distraction or problem for my family. I’d say I was able to accomplish that.

I took off work on day 1 of this challenge, Friday, September 17 so I could focus and be present throughout, minimizing distractions. I wanted to be present for my Shieldlock meeting in the morning, for the morning conversation with my wife, for the process to get ready for my first run and every run thereafter and finally, be present for the run itself. Whether the plan was to run by myself, with one other person or a group, I wanted to be present.

When the time came to lace up the trail shoes for the first run, I was excited. No nerves or anxiety, just joy. I shared with Fishsticks how surprised I still was that a few guys wanted to do this with me when I mentioned it a few months ago. It’s less the question of “why” we would do this. It’s more the question of “why not” do this. It’s something to challenge us physically, mentally and frankly, emotionally. Lastly, it’s an activity that goes in the category of “GET TO” rather than “HAVE TO.”

Run #1 was a trail run, 4mi long with Gears, World Wide Leader (I’ll abbreviate to WWL), Fishsticks and Rock Thrill. No, they weren’t born with these names, their parents surely loved them more than that. These are their given F3 names. We took off from Allison Park in Fort Mill’s Baxter neighborhood and the run was an out and back on a trail a few of us have become accustomed to. We chatted, complained, laughed and made the obligatory comments about how we were only finished with 1/12th of this effort, once completed. We remained safe, under control and present.

We all parted ways to either get back to work for some or enjoy the day off for me. I drove the road route in our neighborhood to finalize run #2 then took lunch to my wife at her office, without showering. We chatted for a few minutes then I made my way back home for some food, a shower, reading, stretching, utilizing a foam roller and a little rest. Bring on run #2.

2pm was upon us and Fishsticks and WWL were standing in my driveway ready to roll, anticipating popsicles at the conclusion, as promised. After a brief overview of the route, minimizing the neighborhood hills, we were off. We dipped in and out of most of the cul-de-sacs, received a ringing of the cowbell from Grinder and a few walk-by’s from Bonsai. We discussed personal memories from 9/11, documentaries of the time, Disney vacations and first jobs. All watches clocked 4mi and we finished at the driveway to have popsicles with a few of my kids after school. Not a bad Friday afternoon.

Eat, shower, laundry, watch a show with the kids, now time to hang with them for a bit. So far, no pain.

Run #3. 5:30pm rolls around and the process begins again, back on the trails but this time at the Springs Greenway. A few families saw us off as Rock Thrill, Reborn, Walker, WWL (and friend Justin) and I for what we expected to be a 4.25mi run along these beautiful trails. After a few correct turns, a missed turn and a couple of stops to get reoriented, we eventually got back on track. Back on track meant we rolled into the end point after tracking 5.25mi which unfortunately, doesn’t mean we get to take mileage off the next run.

Fortunately for me, my family had some leftover food and I essentially licked the containers clean. It didn’t matter what was in there, I was taking all of it. We all parted ways and we made our way back home. Only about 2 short hours later and we’re taking off again for what will be no more than 4mi back on the road from my house. We filled this 2hrs with a daddy/daughters movie and just some good hangout time on the couch. It was what was needed, mentally and especially, physically.

Run #4. The time is around 9:40 pm, I’m getting the girls to bed and I get a text from Reborn. It reads, “Bill Nye and I are here.” Here? As in waiting outside my house? Seems like I need to get my butt in gear. Dressed, shoes on and out the door to meet them outside and begin the last minute attempt to stretch. But it wasn’t just the three of us. We had us plus, WWL, Justin and Fish Sticks to go on a 4mi jaunt through the neighborhood I’ve run so much over the years. We ran a different route than we did on Run #2 and tried really hard to keep the pace in check. We finished, fist bumped, briefly discussed the 2am plan from WWL’s house and parted ways.

For me, 2 slices of cold pizza, salt water, quick shower and bed. 2 hours later, at 1:27am, the alarm goes off to get ready for run #5 and jump on the struggle bus. Some more salt water, a light snack, I jumped in the truck to go pick up Olaf as he joined WWL, Rock Thrill, Justin and myself. It was a unanimous feeling that this is the segment where the soreness and tightness started to become apparent. It didn’t help we were running in Fort Mill’s Baxter neighborhood again, which isn’t known for flat terrain. Such a great idea for a 2am run. But as the saying goes, no one cares what you can do when you’re fresh. That’s good because we were anything but.

We did our thing but for the first 2mi, Olaf serenaded us with dad jokes he was reading from his phone. As if running in the dark at 2am isn’t enough of a challenge, do it while looking down at your phone. I’d love to tell you about the rest of the conversation we had but honestly, I can’t begin to remember. I was securely sitting in my pain cave. The calves and quads were talking to me but I just kept telling myself, “I GET TO” do this. We finished at 2:39am, said a few words to each other, said goodbye via the fist bump and quietly looked forward to the 6am run when we knew we’d be joined by a few more guys.

I dropped Olaf off, had a snack, salt water, shower and got to sleep in the guest bedroom. Oh wait, head fake…no sheets on the bed so let’s try that sequence again. I drop Olaf off, had a snack, salt water, shower, made the bed, salt water, lay down on a tightly made bed. I caught a few Z’s and the alarm started talking at 5:30am, giving my body 2 additional hours of sleep! Fortunately, this prep time felt more like getting ready for a normal post so I chose not to take the struggle bus and settled for the drive filled with anticipation of seeing a few more friendly faces.

Run #6 and I was right. Pusher, Flat Tire, Italian Job, Tinker Toy, Spiderman, Shady, Vuvuzela and Gekko joined WWL, Reborn, Fish Sticks and I on the friendly grounds of Walter Elisha Park in Fort Mill. This was such a welcome change. We took off toward the Fort Mill Golf Club, made our way back with a brief tour of Whiteville Park, avoiding the “zipper” so many of us have become accustomed to (nice try Spidey) and rolled back in right as the watches clocked 4.02mi. Why 4.02? If you’re a runner, you’re likely familiar with the .01mi that can get cut off in the transfer of information from your watch to your tracking app. We weren’t about to have that occur now.

We got some good stretching in as the sun started to rise and the Boot Camp boys were getting after it for The Fort’s 9th Anniversary Convergence. We discussed soreness and solar panels. What, is that pairing not normal? Hmm, it was today. Back home for some Tailwind, a shower, a real breakfast and some coffee. The house is now alive and I’m choosing to treat this segment like a normal day…until 9:30am rolls around.

Run #7. And then it happens. It’s 9:30am, we now have kids in different directions and it’s time to get ready for the 7th of our 12 runs. This time, another trip to Allison Park but now, on the roads for our 10am mosey. We learned our lesson on the first trail run at this park and we weren’t going to repeat that. With heavy legs, Justin, WWL and I were off. It was a clean, uneventful 4mi. We did notice however, the heat was starting to climb and our 2pm run was going to be “special.”

Back to the house for the same recovery routine. Hydration and food, followed by a shower and rest. The temperatures are steadily climbing and it gets to 89 degrees quickly, which is less than ideal. The 8th run takes us to Cherry Park in Rock Hill where Reborn was leading an F3 Dads workout. You know, since running this much isn’t enough, he should definitely Q a workout. He never misses an opportunity to give back so it wasn’t a complete surprise. As for the rest of us, Justin, WWL, Fishsticks, Walker, Gekko and I took 3 laps around the mostly-shaded path at Cherry Park and that was that. 4 up, 4 down. This time however, I tried something for the first time during this run. After commenting about the tightness of my lower calves, WWL suggested I go buy myself some calf sleeves. If you’re not familiar with these, think of long, tight socks without the foot portion. The idea is that they help blood flow throughout your lower leg in order to minimize soreness and cramping. I bought a pair prior to this run and whether it was the placebo effect or not, my legs didn’t hurt as much as earlier runs.

As we were parting ways, this is where the conversation about the Springs Market pumpkin pie soft serve ice cream began. You see, WWL shared with us that his afternoon plan included just that, a trip to Springs Market for their new seasonal flavor. We all began to drool but let’s be honest, something far less tasty could have induced a similar response. My afternoon included a 1hr nap so call it a draw. Fast forward a few hours and we reconvened at the Greenway again for run #9 and what was to be no more than 4mi. After talking with Topham for a few, Justin, WWL and I embarked on what was assuredly going to be a quicker experience than before. The chatter was minimal, the scenery was nice and after 4mi, we were finished with our 9th run. Back to the house for PORK CARNITAS, a much-needed recovery meal followed by a movie (or most of it) with the family.

Overall, I was feeling ok. My lower calves were still sore but manageable. My ankles and smaller muscles in my feet were tight and my hips, man, my hips; they were making themselves known. That last part was what surprised me the most. I wonder if as my legs started feeling heavier, I was engaging my hips more, or, it’s just a lot of miles so of course it’s going to be sore. Regardless, I had to make sure I was taking care of them. I used the foam roller for a bit, got dressed, loaded up and made my way to pick up WWL. This time, we were heading down into Rock Hill to run with Reborn and Ponytail for the 10th run of 12. It was a 10pm run in Reborn’s neighborhood which consisted of blue driveway lights used to land planes, pitbulls that sounded like chihuahuas, pitbulls that actually sound like pitbulls, construction, coconut ice cream and world peace. All in all, it was typical conversation at 10pm on a Saturday night while trying to complete more physical shenanigans.

The run ended in his driveway and we celebrated by eating freezer pops, some even injected with Pedialyte…who knew? We stretched, shared discomforts and parted ways. WWL and I were on the way back home and he pulled out a sunbutter and homemade strawberry jam sandwich on Dave’s Killer Bread® and it was perfect. As he said, if we eat before getting home, it allows sleep to come faster. Brilliant!

With 1hr 45mins more sleep on the body, the alarm goes off while sleeping in the guestroom, which has become my dorm for the night runs. Fast forward through the typical pre-run routine, go pick up Olaf as he is our 2am running wingman and arrive at WWL’s house for the 11th run of 12, another Baxter tour with he and Justin. We made our way through an uneventful run discussing things like first concerts, being dropped while crowd surfing, first cars, jobs, high school sports and I don’t remember what else. Again we finished, bent over with hands on knees, and started to feel a little joyous at the idea of only having 1 run remaining. The tightness had set in but we knew the drill, stay focused with one foot in front of the other, walk some hills and keep moving. When our momentum stops, it’s twice as hard to get it started again. We parted ways again and began to look forward to putting a bow on this endeavor.

I arrived home to a still-quiet house, ate a little, rinsed off and raced to bed. 2 hours later, the iPhone reintroduced me to the 5 o’clock hour. Our 12th and final run was to begin at 6am at the Riverwalk in Rock Hill and I was quickly motivated, knowing we’d have more guys running (jogging really) with us for the final 4mi. I tried to stretch again, roll again and drink more salt water, again. I made my way out the door, into the truck and on the road to head to our final launch point and be greeted by some of the best guys you’d meet. In our circles, 4mi isn’t much but as we all know, they weren’t really there to log 4mi. These men were there to be a motivation by purely being physically present. They wanted us to know they cared and supported us in our effort to complete this challenge.

Rock Thrill, Winchester, Car Boy, Vuvuzela, Walker, Cobra Kai, Gekko and Topham joined Fishsticks, Reborn, Justin, WWL and I for the final trek. It was a 2mi out and back along the paved path running parallel to the Catawba River. It was dark at 6am for run #12 but it was so cool to hear the river flow over the rocks and all the sneakers hitting the pavement. This was a great reminder for me that no matter how alone I feel, whether running or otherwise, I’ve got men of high character, and many more outside those with me this morning, who have got my six. Men who care if I show up or if I don’t. Men who care about the choices I make and the words I speak. They didn’t have to say anything, I knew they cared simply by being there. I hope you too, have people in your life like that.

We got two miles out, the turnaround for this final run, then turned back. This is when I looked to my left, saw WWL and commented, “last 2mi here, brother.” He looked at me and said, “let’s get it done.” At the time, I didn’t understand the magnitude of that exchange and frankly, I’m fairly certain it didn’t sit with him as much as it did me. I was about to run the final 2mi of our 48mi challenge with the same man I ran the previous 46mi alongside. No matter the darkness of the night, or the heat of the day, if I followed WWL’s lead, I just knew things were going to be alright. He was a calming presence during a time I could easily spin myself into a ball of nerves. Thanks to him, I never had to run alone and deal with those nerves.

We made our way back, came across the “line” and I did as I typically do after long events. I dropped to the ground. In the distance, I heard, “Max are you ok.” In this group of men, I’m known as Maximus thanks to my high school mascot being a gladiator, so my name often gets shortened to “Max.” I responded, “Yeah, I’m good, just taking it in.” I was laying flat on my back looking up at the combination of a starry sky with a hint of sunshine and the men that encircled me talking and sharing memories. At that moment, I was present. I was present in the discomfort and in the accomplishment.

Several months ago, I had this feeling. This feeling that now was the time to complete this David Goggins challenge I’d thought about for a few years. Fortunately, I had a few other guys who were willing to do this with me. We started at 10am Friday morning and proceeded to run 4mi every 4hrs for 48 hours. This meant we ran 48mi over 48hrs. And as I lay on the ground having just completed what we set out to complete, I felt joy. It was now about 7am on Sunday morning and the event was in the rearview mirror but not without the memories and the soreness.

I hope there is a challenge out there that you’ve been thinking about. I hope you think about why you’ve put it off and what it would take to give it a try. Whether there is a medal and a finish line or “just” the knowledge of completing something you had to train for, there is a discovery in the training process. Don’t become so focused on the finished product that you neglect the steps along the way. Steps are where true growth happens and those same steps could include sharing dreams of pumpkin pie soft serve ice cream. Don’t miss the teaching that pain can provide and please, don’t miss opportunities to be present with those around you.

TClap |