Proud Daddy Day at the Deep #Shorties

I was rucking Friday morning with Olaf and the Chupacabra crew and he mentioned that he had the Q at the Deep but also signed up for the Operation Sweet tooth 8k so he was stuck with two HCs.  I mentioned I could take the Q at the Deep and about 12pm he took me up on that offer.

Here was my chance!  My 10 year old son “Blocks” has been asking me how he might get a name change.  He’s been saying “Blocks is his F3 Dads name and he’s looking to grow up” I told him that he’d have to lead some of the workout before a name change would be in order.

So Friday night I offered him the opportunity.  We worked on the warmup options, he picked 8 exercises, and we practiced some in cadence.  He even came up with a new exercise routine, “Death Grippers”.  More to come on that in a sec.

So Blocks and I got to the school early to set up and scope out the plan.  He was ready.  I told the guys what we had planned for a potential name change, gave the disclaimer and we headed out.

Mosey over to the soccer field for Blocks to take over.

He circled up the PAX and went to it.

SSHs – Arm circles 5 forward 5 back large and small – IWs – LS Squats – Windmills – Big Boy Situps (his favorite) and the new Death Grippers.  They are Burpee –> Squat –> Lunge = 1!

He had a strong voice, checked his paper several times, but kept cadence really well.  He was so excited when he was done!  I definitely had a proud Dad moment right then.

I took back over for the rest of the fun.

We headed back to the hill for 11s

10 CDDs at the top –> 1 Sumo Squat at the bottom .  Count up/down until flipped.

Good hustle, especially from our 2nd Day PAX Hermey.  The hill work is not easy.

Mosey to the back of the school for what I call “Concentrica Cornhole”

Blocks and I set up by drawing the Concentrica on the ground. From inside to out it went:

M = 10 SSHs

Shorties = 10 Flutter Kicks

Shieldlock = 10 Lunges

Whetstone = 10 Partner Hand Slap Merkins

Mammon = 10 Absolutions

I had set up a line about 20 yards away and the PAX would throw a cornhole bag at the bullseye.  It definitely paid to be a winner.  Missing the whole target was 10 burpees!  Each PAX got to go twice.  Let’s just say we did way too many burpees!

Once we finished up I shared a small message about Q-source and what the Concentrica is. How we have a limited and unknown number of arrows and that we should aim for the bullseye everyday… and how life doesn’t allow that often, but small and intentional changes can help to correct that!

Off to the front of the school. Time for some wall sits while each PAX from each end did 5 merkins. Then 30 count BTTWs, repeated this twice.

Only a few minutes left, made it back to COT for a little Ab lab.  The PAX finished strong!

So the group agreed Blocks did his part to get a new F3 name.  He shared with the PAX, we batted a couple things around…we ended on Lancelot at the recommendation of Shakespeare.  Pierce loves his new name, and I’m so happy I got to share that experience with him.


Announcements – read your newsletter

Prayers from around the PAX, sorry I should record these…

More moleskin:

A lot of times I feel like an absent father.  I spend more time usually with you guys in the gloom than my own family each day… it’s a regular struggle for us men. I definitely spend way too much time at work, it’s not easy to balance…and shouldn’t be looked at as a balancing beam anyway. But it’s these moments, where you can put good intention into action, be intentional, and build that bond with your shorties.  We went to Qsource and I lead that with Lancelot sitting right next to me… it was an awesome Saturday!


An Honor to Lead

~ Royale

TClap |

Being Vulnerable is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength

P.S.A attendance is highly recommended. March 27th mark your calendars. F3 St. Louis very own Miyagi and Aerobie has brought light to a sensitive subject that’s right Suicide-mental health awareness. A subject we try and avoid talking about at all or till it’s to late. YHC will be on Q at the Panethon if you can’t make it to the west side of town Stang is on Q at Tomahawk and will also discussing the subject.

I am encouraging you to step up and share your experience. Whether it be about yourself or family member or even a friend. YHC will testify how this subject has effected my life. Please remember what we talk about in COT stays in COT it’s okay to be vulnerable. We are stronger together rather than alone.

Don’t be ashamed of your story it will inspire others. Author Unknown

“You don’t have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you.”

”I hide all my scars with an I’m fine.”

The bravest thing I ever did was continuing my life when I wanted to die. – Juliette Lewis

The world is a better place with you in it.

Suicide doesn’t end the chances of life getting worse, it eliminates the possibility of it ever getting any better. – unknown

TClap |

F3 Baton Relay Race

9 men and 5 2.0’s rolled into the Deep on a mildly chilly Saturday morning for what turned out to be a fun workout.

We started with a short mosey around the parking lot and then…

COP-SSHx30/Annie’s(in lexicon)/Abe Vigoda’s/The non-insulting Produce Pickers.  All exercises were interlocked with Arms to the Sky-Touch Toes-Down Dog-Honeymooner.  We finished the COP with 5 4×4 Merkins.

The Thang

We moseyed on across the street to the school’s track where I had 2 12 pound dumbbells waiting for us.  The mission was for each Pax to run a lap holding both dumbbells in their arms while the rest of the Pax do an exercise of the runners choosing waiting for the “Baton” handoff.  The 2.0’s only had to carry one around the track and went 2 at a time to speed thing up a little.  The exercises picked were Lunges/”Happy Dance”(which I don’t know if that is in the Lexicon)/Merkins/SSH/Moroccan Night Clubs/Bent Over Shoulder Raises/Back Bridges(Hip Thrusters?)/LBC’s/Freddy Mercuries/Burpees.  There might have been others but they are lost to memory.

Plenty of shenanigans with the 2.0’s running around the track making for some light hearted, fun moments.  The second F was definitely in play while waiting for the handoff making this workout one of the funnest I’ve been to.  We then grabbed some wall so I could give the Pax a small taste of my previous Zero G workout but I soon realized that this time around it did not work out as smoothly as in my previous Q.  

From a Balls To The Walls position we did Peter Parkers x10 and Parker Peters x10 in cadence.  Half the Pax could not do it so I quickly decided not to do anymore Zero G for the day.  So we moseyed on over back to COT where I played out 3 cones in a triangle formation where we did a 7 of Diamonds.  We split up in 3 groups and started with 7 Burpees at each cone, then I had a different Pax pick an exercise but round 2 was 14 reps at each cone till we hit 28 reps.  I forgot the exercises picked, I think there was also squats and Mountain Climbers involved.  We then finished with Royale’s favorite exercise of 10 Big Boy Sit-ups.

The 2.0’s bring a different energy to the workout and it was a blast being their Q for the day.  Prayers for sick and injured Pax/Cancer victims/ and for our Soldiers and Sailors all over the world doing their thing and representing the Stars and Stripes.  Till next time, peace.

TClap |

Cindy Circuit DRP at The Deep

Oh yeah! Nice rainy day for your DRP. Some chose to stay in bed, nice and warm and all snuggy-like. Some unfortunately could not post in the gloom for whatever reasons. But those who did made that choice to take their DRP to get better. Two participated in a 4mi pre-ruck, and one knocked out a pre-run.

A good crowd for a rainy Saturday gathered, ready to go. No FNGs, disclaimer was made, and off we went……

About 20 yards to the back of my truck where a load of cinder blocks awaited the crowd. Each PAX buddied up with your ruck or a Cindy – even the 2.0s (KUDOS!!) – and off we moseyed to the far end of the parking lot for the COP:

  • No weight/ruck (slick):
  • SSH x 20
  • WM x 20
  • IW x 15
  • Hillybillies x 15
  • MNC x 20
  • Sun Gods x 20
  • PJs x 15
  • Downward dog and honeymooner to round it off

Now that we were all warmed up we moseyed over across the street carrying our buddies to the track at the elementary school for the fun stuff…..

DRP – You vs You – Cindy Circuit:
At one corner, the PAX knocked out the following circuit . 8 exercises, 10 reps each, non-stop, followed by a 400M lap. No breaks.

  • Merkins *
  • Squat **
  • Box Cutter, weight overhead **
  • Lunge, 2 ct **
  • CDD **
  • Thruster **
  • Flutters, 2 ct, weight OH **
  • Burpee *
  • Run a lap*
  • Rinse and repeat
    * With ruck (if you have it) >> cindy pax are slick/no weight
    ** With cindy or ruck (if you have it)

A good overall circuit that hit every major muscle group. You vs you, as fast as you could grind it out. We just ground it out. No music, no non-sense, good mumblechatter, in the rain/wet. Each PAX completed at least 3 complete circuits. That ground out at least 45 minutes of glorious fun. After a brief discussion about the DRP and Get Right, we had about 10-15 mins left. I wanted to add in a little ‘fun’ in the wet, mucky conditions before we went back to COT.


Starting on one side of the football field, everyone got in the downward dog (DD) pose, shoulder to shoulder, creating a tunnel of PAX. The PAX on the far left proceeded to army crawl thru the tunnel and out the other side then got back in the DD position, extending the tunnel to the right . Once the first person got about half way thru, the next in line on the far left proceeded thru. So on and so forth. Rinse and repeat until we got all the way to the other side of the field. About 50-60 yds across. We had to adjust a little because we started heading towards the center of the field. That would’ve been lovely….a 100yd+ ToL.

This was a real crowd pleaser in the wet, mucky field. We left a real nice swath thru the nice turf. Hopefully the grass will recover.

After that we gathered our buddies and headed back to COT.

Kudos to the PAX…..especially the 2.0s who did not modify at all. We really ground it out, encouraged each other. It was awesome!

COT – Announcements, P&P:

  • Keep taking your DRP. Hold others accountable for it. Get Right!!
  • Read your newsletter and GET INVOLVED
  • Yeti, P200, DSM custom GoRuck, Rooster – alot of events coming up. Get after it!
  • Children’s Attention Home / Guidance today at 4pm.
  • Prayers for injured, sick PAX
  • Prayers for Wild Thing and his M with their 2.0
  • Praises for Wolverine’s son’s birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! WOO HOO!!
  • Prayers for Qbert and his M regarding children and expanding their family
  • Praises for the new addition PAX that they continue to post and get better
  • Prayers for me and my M in the struggles we are having with my older 2.0 and his struggles w ADHD
  • My apologies if I missed any others……pre-respect brain I am working with here.
  • Praise Him!!
  • It was an awesome morning! GREAT job PAX!!


Every day you wake, you have an immediate choice……do I stay stagnant or do I get better? Seriously. Everything you do may have this two-sided choice. From then on your choice dictates your actions. Do you continue to do the same thing, or do you try and change something, anything, regarding an aspect of your life that could make you – or others – better. Do you take the red pill for change, or the blue pill for stagnation? It can be a real struggle. Change hurts at times, disruption can be difficult, ‘new’ can be scary in that it moves us out of our comfort zones. But if you want to get better, get right, you have to take that DRP. You have to make that choice. Only YOU can do that. Folks can EH you all they want, but in the end it is YOU that proactively decides to change, get out there to do something, continue to do it to where it is a new positive habit, and keep taking that DRP. The real kicker that helps is letting others know you want to do that……letting others hold you accountable. Whether it is a “HC” to a workout notification, or posting that you are going to lead a workout, a pre run/ruck, or whatever. If you stay quiet, nobody knows your intentions so you stay in the shadows until YOU decide to come out. Once you advertise an intention, the spotlight of accountability from others comes down on you. It takes commitment, discipline, and a dose of vulnerability to advertise and intention and thus bring accountability out in the open. Just today I was thinking “well, I am not feeling 100% (not a hangover), so if nobody shows up for the pre-ruck I advertised, I’m going to nap in my truck until the workout time”. Man that was a total clown attitude! I was SO thankful when I saw Wild Thing’s car pull around the corner. That was a motivational boost and dose of accountability he provided just by committing to be there himself. POW!! That’s how it works. Once we put our rucks on and started off at ranger pace I was so grateful he was there. We had a great conversation throughout the pre-ruck. That’s what it is all about. That is how the 3 F’s really come full circle and help us all accelerate together. You can try to do it alone, but man is it SO much better, effective, and easier when you do it in a group setting. But it takes the decision to take that DRP and get out there and get after it.

Make the choice to take it!!

Thank you for the opportunity to lead.


TClap |

Getting Your Mind Right at The Deep

YHC took the Q on a brisk morning at The Deep for a pre-QSource beat down.  One hour workouts challenge even the toughest Pax; I’m pleased to report the 8 who joined me were more than up to the challenge.  Here is how it went down:


  • We began with a comfortable 1/2 mile mosey around the OMS parking lot to the back of the school
  • 10 Windmills IC
  • 20 SSH IC
  • 15 Imperial Walkers IC
  • 10 Merkins IC
  • 10 Low Slow Squats

The Thang Part 1

  • 100 yard long suicide course with 5 squats at every marker (8)  on the way down; sprint home
  • Same course, alternating lunges and bear crawls for mode of transport, with 5 merkins at every marker

The Thang Part II

Mosey 1/2 mile to the track at the elementary school.  On opposite sides of the track, about 200 meters apart there were two stations:

Station 1

  • 30 SSH – Single Count
  • 20 Flutters – Double Count
  • 15 Werkins
  • 15 CDDs

Station 2

  • 15 Jump squats
  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 Nolan Ryan’s (10/side)
  • 25 LBCs (single count)

Rinse and Repeat once

The Thang part III

Partner beat down; partner runs 100 yards and back while other works the list; adding the counts until finsihed:

  • 100 Lunges -Single Count
  • 75 Diamond Merkins
  • 75 Bobby Hurley Squats
  • 75 Carolina Dry docks
  • 75 Crab Cakes
  • 75 Werkins
  • 75 Monkey Humpers

The Thang Part IV

  • Mosey to the back of the elementary school
  • round one, alternating 5 big boy sit-ups and 3 pull-ups until completing 25/15
  • round 2: 5 squats and 3 pull-ups until completing 25/15
  • 2 minutes of Mary: Freddie Mercurys, Crunch Frog,  American Hammer


We kept it short in anticipation of getting together for our first Q-Source discussion on Language.  Reminded Pax about the Yeti and to read the newsletter.  Gave thanks to the Lord for the ability to gather; lifted prayer for healing for injured pax and sick kids.  Always and honor to lead.

Aye, Wolverine



TClap |

The Cornerstone – Challenge ( One Year Long )

To all the Pax of F3 Nation

Are you prepared to challenge your self for 2019? I am challenging all Pax’s to join me for 2019 we will take on one exercise for January (merkins single count) 100 reps every day. Then in February we will add another exercise which will be done every day on top of the 100 merkins and so on and so on. We will increase by adding one exercise each month.  These exercises will be above and beyond when you post. So by the end of the year there will be 12 exercises that need to be done everyday at the reps set.

Do you accept the challenge? Do you want to get better?

I will set the next month exercise and reps the week before to keep you on your toes

TClap |

Like clockwork at the Deep

Beautiful morning after a good night’s DEEP sleep. No rain, no snow, dry ground (mostly). But had heard rumors of a double secret Lake Wylie major party being held Friday night, so was worried about DEEP attendance.

Two cars arrived and 4 PAX emerged including Nemo’s 2 2.0’s.  Captain Jack reminded me that we had played together on St. Philip Neri’s softball team a few (many) years back. Also was told the party extended DEEP into the night. Quick disclaimer especially directed at the 2.0’s, but they appeared ready to go at the DEEP. Had arrived early and set out sand bags at the stations station.

Did some stretching exercises then hit the parking lot loop. First warmup jog with butt kickers, high knees, side shuffle.  Then jogged about 10 yards apart then Indian lined it with each PAX digging DEEP and sprinting to the front. Once the PAX reached the front, he yelled STOP and we did 3 burpees.  All done with 3, we did it again with just 1 burpee.

Followed with an exercise circle and many of the standards in DEEP cadence. I wish I had gotten the 2.0’s involved at this time.

Moved on to some clockwork starting with merkins at 12:00, 11, down to,  but stopping at 6:00. Followed with DEEP squats…? And…maybe another…can’t quite recall.

To a 5 station setup in the field included: 30# sandbags with handles in place lunges, 15# sandball American hammers, burpees, 140# worm pull, squat thrusters with 30# held up. We alternated and did some improvising for the 2.0’s.

Moved over to the DEEP famous hill and did bear crawls up/jog down each time with 5,4,3,2,1 bombjacks at the top, followed by squat thrusters?, then monkey humpers by request for display to the main road.

Walked then jogged back to finish our clockwork. PAX helped clean up. Let the 2.0’s try the 140# worm on a slider on the macadem, much easier then the grass.

COT, prayers and praises, thank you to Nemo for taking us out. The 2.0’s did very well. Very good kids, Nemo!

Thanks for the opportunity, Shakespeare!



TClap |

The Fort launches Q Source

Are you ready to #accelerate your role as a leader within your home, workplace and community? Would the accountability and encouragement from other #HIMs from the Fort make a difference in your growth as a leader? If the answer is yes, then you are ready to take the Q Source journey in 2019!


The Thang

Launch: Saturday, January 5th

Site: Ballroom AO – Pleasant Knoll Elementary School

Time: 6:30 – 7:30 followed by Coffeeteria at the Eternal Shack

Qs: Change Order, Royale, Twister, Jedi and Pusher – Stinger, Q of the Q Source, will lead the coffeeteria

Responsibility of the Pax: Read the Q Point, Disturbance to the Status Quo, prior to posting


The mission of F3 nation is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership. Over the past 6 years of the Fort, you have led our region to impressive numbers of HIMs, increased fitness, CSAUPs, numerous 2ndF opportunities, community #Impact, increased Faith, the accountability of a fellow brother and many other great outcomes.

While the DRP offers preparedness and the Pax provide the accountability, there is still room to accelerate the growth as a leader. As many of you have read or heard on 43 Feet podcast, Dredd has written a “field manual for leadership” consisting of 54 Q Points meant to accelerate a man through his G3L (Get Right, Live Right, Lead Right, Leave Right). You can find more information at by listening to the weekly roundtable podcast featuring Stinger


While our 1/5/19 discussion will be a convergence, beginning January 12th Q Source discussions will be immediately following our regular Saturday AOs. There will also be a Wednesday coffeeteria option (site TBD). The following HIMs have stepped up to lead:

The Deep – Royale

Alcatraz – Change Order

The Yard – Twister

The Fort – Pusher

Wednesday AO (site TBD) – Jedi

This concept takes the lessons learned from the Bible Challenge (accountability), Beyond (vulnerability) and Whetstone (shieldlock) and encompasses them all in one. Your commitment would be to post, Q a discussion(s) if necessary and read the weekly Q Point.

If you are committed to continuing your growth as a HIM and leader, please respond via the Google Form


For any questions, please contact Pusher at or @Pusher_F3.

TClap |

The Deep – Literally the water was deep and coming sideways in 36 degrees!

Laying in bed and listening to the water running down the downspout on my house was discomforting. Realizing it was only going to be about 35 degrees made it even more agonizing. “If I was not Qing, would I still go?” YES and I have gone. In 6 years of F3 I have worked out in single digit temperatures and in ice and in snow and in lots of rain. Honestly the cold rain is the worse and that is what we had on this Saturday morning. It may have been the worse conditions because of the combination of cold and wet that just goes right through you, but here I am, 2 days later alive and well. Actually stronger because of the experience. In 6 years the best and hardest workouts were the ones in the worse weather and I’m better for it. I know others agree. Point is that one of our core principles is that all workouts are outside and that is not a tough guy thing but something to make you stronger. By getting to the AO, out of the car, in the workout you have told your mind and body you are in control. By pushing through the discomfort of the conditions, you can push through the discomfort of tough things in life like conversations and personalities and circumstances. By doing this over and over and over, confidence spills over in you and in your life. Stop making excuses and post. Hold someone accountable and they hold you and both of you will get better. Thank you Pusher and Mr. Clean for accountability and thank you PAX for showing up and supporting your Qs

I locked my keys in my truck and thank God I had my jacket and gloves!! Whew!!!

The Thang:

  • Warm Up!!!
  • Mosey up and down each of the overhang sidewalks for COP
  • Wall Sit with bearcrawls length of wall


  • Mosey across the street for 11’s
  • Derkins – bridging the river of water along the curbs
  • Bombjacks at top running through the puddles

To the Track

ladder work with 100 yard run between each
1 merkin = 10
2 squats = 18
3 lbcs = 24
4 bombjacks = 32
5 Burpees = 30
6 Freddys = 30
7 Diamonds = 32
8 lunges = 24
9 Moracan night clubs = 18
10 donkey kicks = 10

Mosey back to front of school middle school

YHC shared with the PAX a conversation I had with a friend who mentioned that the older he gets the more he adores his M and appreciates her. Even more than when they first met and dated he “adores” her. I told the PAX it was like a light bulb lit up in my head. We (the church) are the bride of Christ and he adores us from day one…..even through our mess and our tough stubborn times he loves us. As we come to Christ and grow in him and realize the love of the father…..we adore him more and more each day. This is why the relationship of marriage is so important because as we learn what it means to be husbands we also learn how our Lord adores us and we him to be better men each day.

Finish strong with Partners 2 rounds

  • Dying Cockroaches
  • 20 dips
  • 15 merkins
  • Big Boy sit ups
  • 25 Irkins
  • 20 Steps ups


Thank you for the Opportunity Shakespeare!

Cake Boss

TClap |

All Legs at The Deep

YHC arrived a little early for the workout since I haven’t been out to the Deep in a while. Been doing a little running this year so did a little pre-run myself while Q-Bert and Olaf did some rucking with some heavy tire pieces. Looked nasty and heavy.

It was a cool morning and gave us a break from the week of rain so it was a perfect day for a workout. The Pax rolled in a little before 0700. No FNG’s were present but a brief disclaimer was given and off we went.


Mosey around to the back of the school with butt kickers, knees to chest, side shuffle, etc…

In Cadence

15 – SSH
15 – IW
15 – WM
15 – Low Slow Squat
25 – Moroccan Night Clubs

Mosey to circle

Brief Discussion on Vulnerability. YHC used the analogy of a baseball game where the outfielder calls “I got it” when a fly ball is hit. Being vulnerable is admitting to God and to your brothers that you “Don’t Got It”. When we admit that we need help with whatever we “Don’t Got”, growth can happen. The challenge was to think of the thing or things that we need where we need to ask for help.

The Thang

150 Lunges (Single Count)
250 Squats
350 LBC’s

Run a lap around in the inside circle after every 50 count of exercises.

Finish early – Find someone to help finish

Lt. Dan’s to the speed bump, run back
Bear Crawl to the speed bump, run back

Run to the speed bump and do burpees on the odd numbers back to the arrow for donkey kicks on the evens to 10.

Walls Sits- Each person count to 10 while holding the wall with one leg out
Shake it out
Switch legs for another 10 count

Total running mileage – 3.26

Mosey back for COT


Lutefisk – Loss of his mother
Soprano – Loss of his brother
Olaf’s grandfather
Peg-Internal Interview

Coffeeteria at DD

Great job by the Pax and always great to see the 2.0’s out there. Mine were lazy Saturday.

Always an honor to lead. Thanks Shakespeare for the opportunity. Cobains to Wolverine for trying to age you a couple of years!

Until next time,


TClap |