September 11 Memorial Stair Climb

Today I was honored to lead 39 men of the Fort in my version of a 9/11 Stair Climb…. I asked these gentlemen to bring rucks or sandbags and headlamps. This was to simulate the equipment worn by the first responder’s who entered the World Trade Center to do their jobs. We also had Charetta appear courtesy of Dirty Harry…she was our victim that needed to be  carried up and down the NaFo bleachers ….everyman carried their fare share of weight.

The workout was simple!!!!  There was no warmup….we didn’t need one….

The object was to climb the bleachers 27.5 times up and down carrying a ruck or sandbag….the goal 1980 steps or 110 stories….NaFo bleachers are 36 steps up and down…the men of the Fort  conquered this simple request but there was a catch…..when they came back down they had to do 9 inclined merkins and 11 squats… I think most did more than the required amount and for that I’m in awe…. I love being part of this great nation

Before the climb I shared a little about my experience that day 18 years ago as an NYPD officer and I asked each man to reflect between the hours of 8:46 am to 10:28 am these were the hours that changed my life and change the world as we knew it….I also wanted to remember my friends who gave their lives to save as many people as they could that morning :




I worked with these gentleman and they will never be forgotten…

Thank you Punchlist for letting me.lead these great men .

We had one FNG Lassie….welcome

TClap |

7th Year Convergence for The Fort

The 7th Year Convergence for The Fort followed an exhilarating Invergence from the night before.  Hoping to continue that acceleration, the 4 Q’s had a plan to talk about the 4 Skills needed for Virtuous Leadership: Vision, Articulation, Persuasion, Exhortation.

CakeBoss to start us out with Vision: Recognizing advantage and the movement required to achieve it.

Disclaimer and welcome
“Go Hard or Go Home!”

Take off for 100 yard mosey up path, Get in 3 lines – Indian Run across WEP

Break into 4 lines, 2 groups of seal teams -20 seal team sit ups in cadence

Back into 2 lines , Everyone plank – Tunnel of Love (25 guys per line) – Plank series while guys army crawling under

Crowd pleaser for sure!

7 Burpees for 7 Years!

Vision is what I spoke about and the men that saw the advantage of F3 and planted it (moved towards it) in Charlotte, the The Fort and we continued to give it away in Rock Hill & Lake Wylie.

Hand off to Maximus

Articulation: Describing vision to others in a clear manner. Being able to tell others where we’re going and being able to describe that vision to others.

So, with that said, we’re going over to the top of the big hill to start with drill bits:

½ the group goes one direction while the other goes the opposite way

At each white post (drill bit), 10 Jumping Lunges (10 each leg)

10 Jump Squats

Mosey to the base of the other hill, the one with the statue on it:

NUR (backwards run) up the hill

3 Burpees at the top

Bear Crawl down

5 Burpees at the bottom

Hand off to Fun House for the “P”.

Persuasion – The initiation of first Movement.  Convincing people to move in the direction of advantage, abandoning their Status Quo,

YHC gave an awesome yet forgettable speech about Persuasion.  Then the Thang:

Circle Up – Duck, Duck, Goose – One guy runs around the circle the rest of us plank, the next guy goes when the running guy finishes.  Planking excercises were called out: High Plank, Low plank, Mountain Climbers….. Audible called to get the next guy running after 1/2 a lap around the circle of Pax….. Peter Parker, Parker Peters….. Audible called to get the next guy running after 1/3 lap around….. Mak-Tar-Jai, Left Hand High, Right hand high…..Done.  That took 10 minutes!  60 guys is a lot of guys to be running around in circles.

Stay in circle, 5 minutes left, Jack Webb: 1 Merkin to 4 Overhead hand claps.  We got to 8!

Hand off to Pusher for Exhortation!

Exhortation – Incentivizing The Breach Of Obstacles.

Burpees x 10 OYO
Flutters IC x 10
Mosey to a corner of WEP
Burpees x 9 OYO
Flutters IC x 10
LBCs IC x 10
Mosey to another corner
Burpees x 8 OYO
Flutters IC x 10
LBCs IC x 10
Rosalita IC x 10
Mosey to another corner
Burpees x 7 OYO
Flutters IC x 10
LBCs IC x 10
Rosalitas IC x 10
Hello Dollies IC x 10
Mosey to another corner
Burpees x 6 OYO
LBCs IC x 10
Flutters IC x 10
Naked Moleskin – The name-o-rama took forever.  That is a good thing. When 60+ PAX post to celebrate something that has obviously changed their lives, then change is happening!  Thanks to Maximus who put this awesome weekend celebration together!  His leadership is not only Effective (Using VAPE) but he is a Virtuous Leader! (Check out the Q Source for the 5 C’s Virtues of Virtuous Leadership) Can’t wait to see what year 8 brings to The Fort!  More importantly, who it brings!  Time to go EH someone.  See you in the gloom.
TClap |

Q v Q 2019


It is with great pleasure that I am able to announce: the second annual installment of Q v Q is coming this October.

It will be modified slightly to increase the number of HIM in competition. Face kicks will abound as we have eight great Q’s lined up to make YOU better.

Scoring Criteria:


Best Use of the AO

Level of Face Kick (AKA Difficulty of Beatdown)

Each PAX attending the workout will score each Q based out of maximum score of 5 points per category (15 points max). The winner will be determined based off of the higher total between the two Q’s.

On the last Wednesday of the month, the four Q’s to advance each week will face off in a ‘menage a quatre of pain’ with each taking on one 10 minute session


October 2nd – Jiffy vs Sasquatch (this match up was too good not to repeat)

October 9th – Geronimo vs Shady

October 16th – Cha Ching vs Dirty Harry

October 23rd – Harry Caray vs. Youts

October 31st – The four advancing Q’s from each week will have one 10 minute session each to prove their worth as Best Q.


YHC will lead the PAX in a standard, warmup lasting 5 minutes. The rest of the time will be split into 10 minute blocks and one of the Qs takes the first 10, the second taking the next 10, the 1st Q has to opportunity to respond, and finally the 2nd Q has their opportunity to respond.

The Q that arrives earliest that morning will get to choose if they go first or second.

After the 40 minutes are up, the PAX will quickly vote, we will carry the 1, and determine a winner.

The winner of each week will also have the pleasure of providing a backblast for Funhouse’s appeasement.


These Qs will be competing for a prize that will be on display each week during Q v Q at The Coop.

Q’s are subject to change. Any changes will be communicated by YHC.

May the odds be ever in your favor!

Punch List Out.

TClap |

Running, Hills, Sand Bags…Complete

No glitz, just guts. (Similar to the writing of this BB.) That’s all we needed today to get some mileage, some drill bits, some hills and a couple of sand bag exercises. Now for the evidence it actually happened this morning at Block Party:

Long mosey to the Massey St hill and back to the upper corner of WEP.

Warm Up exercises consisting of things like Wind Mills, Squats, Merkins and Mountain Climbers

Explanation of the Drill Bit Tour: The path around WEP has these white posts. In our world, we call them Drill Bits and at each of of these Drill Bits, you’ll perform the following exercises:

20 American Hammers (20 ea side)

10 Lunges (10 ea side)

20 Dips

We then made our way to the base of the big grass hill for an explanation of the first sand bag exercise:

With your partner, you will suitcase carry either the 80lb or 60lb sand bag up to the top of the hill and back down. While the partner teams are waiting for their turn on the bag, the PAX did:

10 Burpees, 20 Jump Squats, 30 4-ct Flutters

The next sand bag exercise was for you and your partner to bear crawl-drag the bag out to a tree about 20yds away. Meanwhile, the PAX did the following:

10 Flying Squirrels, 10 Peter Parkers, 10 Parker Peters

Then, as a group, we NUR’d up the hill and Jogged down the hill for 4mins.



TClap |

A whole lot of stuff

11 pax joined in on this muggy morning. Dew point was almost the same as the temperature, which meant we were in for a sweat bath. I got there a bit early to scope out the AO. Harry Carry went off for a solo pre-run (he’s nuts). Then it was 0515, disclaimer was given, pax was reminded of mission/purpose of F3, and we were off towards the back of Nation Ford.

Warmup: SSH, LSS, Windmill, IW, Neck Rolls

Thang 1: Moseyed to front of NaFo and partnered up. We met up with Sasquatch. He was 90 seconds late, but was able to spot us in the dark. P1 grabbed a lifting rock and we walked to the front parking lot. P1 did an exercise with the rock (curls, SQTS, overhead press, tricep ext, bent row) while P2 ran/bear crawled/NUR, side shuffle/ran to the end to complete an exercise (CDD, jump SQT, flutter, merkin, LBC) and then came back to flap jack. A lot of grumbling with the bear crawl from pax, which I expected. But holy cow Sasquatch was like a freaking horse trotting up the parking lot doing his bear crawl.

Enough of this nonsense, rocks were put back where we found them. We got in a single file line for a fellowship paced Native American run to the pull up bars. One catch, the six had to complete a burpee before jogging to the front. Everyone loved that, NOT!

Thang 2: At the pull-up bars, with same partners, P1 did 5 pull-ups and amwrap knee ups while P2 completed 25 SQTS. 3 rounds. Not as easy as I thought it’d be.

Mosey back home for some Mary, which included the Pickle Pounder. Note to self, don’t do PP at this NaFo. Ended with Have a Nice Day, where we star gazed or meditated for 30 seconds on how we can impact someone’s life today.

I don’t get out to F3 on Weds, since the M posts at FIA. I encourage her to go as much as possible, and I feel as though she has benefited as much as I have from F3. Today’s workout was focused on a whole lot of stuff. I have ADHD, I get bored easily, and I don’t have very good memory. So I wanted to challenge myself, to try and lead a workout with multiple exercises to keep us stimulated. Also, a lot of the exercises were not cadence led or partner reliant. It was you versus you, modifying as needed to make it more or less challenging. Everyone did a great job!

Announcements: Invergence, Convergence, Q School in September. Check the weekly newsletter

Lots of prayer requests. Praying for you all.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead!


TClap |

HIIT with Led

Six men arrived at NAFO to get the Led out on a pleasant, cool morning.

Warm Up
Mosey run
SSH (IC 10x)
Windmill (IC 10x)
Imperial Walker (IC 10x)
Low Slow Squats (IC10x)
Merkins (IC 10X)
Peter Parker (IC 10x)
Plank stretches
Downward dog
5 Pullups OYO

Grab a block and mosey to benches

Thang: HIIT Routine
This is where the Led Zeppelin playlist comes out.
Set A: Do the below 32 seconds on, 10 sec standing rest in between
Curls (with block)
Cherry Pickers
Squats (with Block)
Bobby hurleys
Set B: Do the below 40 seconds on, 20 sec rest in between (rest is a Low Plank)
Mountain Climbers
Amer Hammers (w/ block optional)
plank walks
Set C: Do the below 45 seconds on, 15 sec standing rest in between
Imp Walkers
Squat Jumps
step ups

Repeat the above sets.

Return blocks.

Fini, COT

Some PAX Feedback: Workout went by fast. Set B was rough…the low plank rest was not really a rest.

Prayers include: Twins expected for Lovehandle, Friends/family diagnosed recently with cancer.

Led Zeppelin playlist:
The ocean
Rock and Roll
South Bound Saurez
Good times/bad times
Dancing days
Misty mountain hop
Immigrant song (…I come from the land of the ice and snow….)
whole lotta love
Ramble on

As much as I like “When the Levee Breaks,” I just couldn’t find its place in a HIIT routine playlist. I don’t know, maybe next time.

TClap |


18 Pax posted at the Coop in full representation of 3 solid regions today (Richmond, Fort Mill and Ballantyne). The temperature dropped and it felt like spring again. Wegmans, Skate or Die, Sasquatch and Cici did a pre-run for extra credit. Double Mint put up a strong post as his downpainment before spending the day at Carowinds.  T-Claps to all 18 high impact men that challenged themselves both mentally and physically today. 

The Thang:

Mosey to Sugar Creek Elementary’s Bus Loop

COP: SSH (30x), IW (20x), HillBilly Walkers (15x), WM (15x), Moroccan Night Clubs (15x), Sumo Squats (15x), MC (15x), Peter Parkers (15x)

Mosey to the pull up bars: Jacobs Ladder with burpees at the bottom, pull ups at the top 8x

Mosey to Sugar Creek Elementary’s Parking Lot: Windsprints (2x)

Mosey to the wall: Wall Merkins 3x, People’s Chair 3x


We are constantly feeling good and bad vibes during our journey of life. Life is filled with valleys and peaks. Like a train on parallel tracks, we continually find ourselves between the good track and the bad track. When things go well in life, we are soon challenged with a tragedy or a loss. Remain steadfast. Be aware of when you become unbalanced between pride and humility, right and wrong, etc. Remain steadfast and in balance.

TClap |

Epic Bomb Jack Chatter

if you weren’t aware of a CSAUP called the Sweati that was occurring this morning, then you choose to post at the Fort knowing that you will also sweat. YHC knew there was somethign brewing brewing prior to the WO as Liverpool tweeted out that he was visiting and Wegmans was joining; didn’t know that half the PAX were going to be Rock Hill PAX – great to see Italian Job, Pony Tail and Reborn standing there as YHC drove in. As the PAX were preparing for the WO, the mumble chatter began and never stopped.

PAX began running the loop and stopped for IW and Windmills, then continued running and stopped for mountain climbers, hillybilly walkers, then onto the playground. It isnt a Trucker WO without pullups, so 3 rounds of 5 pullups, 10 merkins, 15 squats. Within the first round a call for bomb jacks occured, though YHC decided to bank them for later.

Ran to Pikes parking lot for 4 rounds of 2 counts of 10 wall sits, then line up at end of parking lot, run and hop over the wall, up the hill for 5 squats, ran back down for 5 diamond merkins. Repat 3 times.

Run to hill. Run up hill with 25LBCs at top 3xs. Sprint up the hill then mosey down. NUR up hill and wait on six.

Rugby sprints in Pike upper hill parking lot – placed this on weinke thinking Crab Cakes would have posted 🙁 7 or 8 rounds, can’t remember since the mumble chatter was epic and had to stop halfway for bomb jacks.

Run to Springs old complex for wall sit, dead hang off wall, 10 merkins, bear crawl to curb and lunge walk back.

Run to short wall around corner for 2 rounds of muscle ups. Run to playground for final set of 5 pullups, 10 merkins, and 15 squats.

Run to COT

The humidity was ridiculous, it turned into a sweati v2 but the mumble chatter with Liverpool and the Rock Hill PAX was nothing we have seen at The Fort in a LONG time!! It was impossible to remember all the great one-liners from movies and songs stated…..Thanks for crossing the river and stateline to post. As always, it was a blast!

TClap |

Mountain trip to Dupont State Forest on August 3rd with Trail Running, Rucking and Biking options – there will be a 2nd F afterwords

3rd F

Alright we are 2 years ago we did a mountain trip to Roan Mtn. it was one of the best trips I have made with my fellow F3 brothers. After 10-16 miles we went to Daniel Boone Inn to refuel.

With this in mind I wanted to continue to do this hopefully every year. So on August 3rd we are going to do another mountain trip. This time it will be Trail Running, Biking and Rucking options.

Our destination will be DuPont State Forest. We will leave from the Newport Walmart at 6 am it is a 2 1/2 hr trip. we will either go to the Hooker Falls Access or the Lake Imaging Access. For runners we will try and get 12-18 miles in for Mountain bikers Vuvuzela has about 20-30 mile rout lined up.


2nd F

Afterwords will will go to Daddy D’s and refuel.


Make sure you bring water and something for energy do not come unprepared you will regret it. I did exactly that last time. This will be an unforgettable trip that we will try and do every year. we need to clown car to get there since there are no rental vans available.

Reach out to me if you have any questions.  I have attached links below.

Dupont State Forest Trail Map-1

TClap |

Sweati or Not, #CSAUP is Saturday

0515 on a crisp…wait! This is not the Yeti preview!

0515 on a gloom-filled morning, moisture in the air, 22 Pax rolled in to get a little preview of #TheSweati. A lot of familiar faces. Nantan, Lakeridge Clowncars, Dirty, WWL, Senator, Double D…even the Weginator was there. There were more. I’ll tag them in the BB. Several came to get a little peek of the Sweati. I gave some “details”. Some true. Some false. All will be revealed this Saturday. Get your head right. Hydrate! Be Safe! Don’t Die! We did some exercises that may or may not happen this Saturday. They probably will…over a 3 hour period, not 45 minutes. So here we go:

Mosey around the parking lot and circle up for an abbreviated COP
-10 Burpees OYO
-Imperial Walkers
-10 Bombjacks
-Mountain Climbers

Head to the curb for a short circuit (Part 1)
-25 Dips / Run across parking lot and back
-50 Merkins / Run across parking lot and back
-75 Squats / Run across parking lot and back

Mosey to the freshly repaved and striped Hive Parking Lot (Part 2)
-Burpee Broad Jump the entire length of the parking lot*
-Run Back
-Lunge Walk the entire length of the parking lot
-Run Back
*This is starting to become a thing. It should be stopped!

Mosey Back to Laces In parking lot for Reverse Pyramid (Part 3)
(Run across the parking lot and back between sets)
-40 LBCs
-30 Mtn Climbers
-20 Peter Parkers
-10 Burpees
-20 Parker Peters
-30 4-Ct Flutter Kicks
-40 Side Straddle Hops**
**Tclaps to Maximus for leading the pax in some Mary while waiting for the 6

In the interest of time, we stayed put and completed the next series of exercises in the LI parking lot versus the Hive (about 1/2 the distance planned) #yourwelcome
Bear Time (Part 4)
-Bear Crawl Across the parking lot
-NUR back
-Crawl Bear across the parking lot
-RUN back

I blew off Part 5, which would have been a repeat of Part 1, for some Mary. Thanks to the PAX that lead the last few sets of core.

0600 Arrived and YHC was #smoked

Appreciate all the PAX that came out to one of my quarterly Qs. I hope you gained some insight on what is to come this Saturday morning at the #Sweati

No NMM means no more details for the PAX. See you Sat.

-Sweati this Saturday at the Armory (Forest Hill Church): 0530 Ruckers/0600 Runners, Q-Source to follow at Forest Hill (Charis Room)
-Stuff the Bus at Tega Cay Walmart (Look for details from Wegmans)
-A couple of 2ndF options at Carolina Beer Temple and Amor Artis
-Read your Newsletter

Prayers & Praises
-Prayers for Rock Thrill’s Father-in-Law who is having several medical issues
-Prayers for a friend of the Pax who’s marriage is struggling
-Prayers for Nasa’s wife who is struggling with some severe headaches
-Prayers for Repeat’s mom who is fighting cancer
-Prayers for discipline in the 3 F’s and to continually make sure our Concentrica is in order (something I struggle with)

Gentlemen, it’s been a lot of fun and an honor to serve you. Hope to see you at the Sweati!


TClap |